My furries are big guys

Chapter 66 Chapter 111-112

"Yes, I love you, I love you, I love you so much that I can't extricate myself. The only person I love the most in this world is you, and no one can separate you from me."

"For you, I tried my best to show my best self in front of your father, but things always backfired."

As he said that, Li Yongyuan sighed silently again, with a bit of pain and perseverance hidden between his brows.

Seeing this, Cao Xuerong immediately raised her head to look at him, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, what's the matter, did your family embarrass you again?"

Cao Xuerong knew very well that his family didn't like Li Yongyong.

It was because of her father's disapproval that Cao Xuerong forced her to die, and successfully made Li Yongyuan her fiancé.

But even if Li became her fiancé forever, the Cao family still despised him.

Because in the eyes of Cao's family, Li Yongyong is a soft eater, not to mention that he had been with Ji's Ji Ci for so long before.

Ji Ci is a man.

Although in the interstellar world, same-sex marriage contracts are protected by law, and same-sex couples can also use high technology to breed the next generation.

However, heterosexuality is still the mainstream.

The fact that the other party fell in love with Ji Ci meant that he was gay, but after meeting Cao Xuerong, he abandoned Ji Ci in a blink of an eye and started a sticky relationship with Cao Xuerong, which was acceptable to anyone in the Cao family.

Li Yongyong's actions are obviously disgusting, he is Cao Xuerong who clings to power.

Everyone is even guessing whether Li Yongyong likes men or women.

If he likes men, how can he be obedient and loving to Cao Xuerong.

If he likes women, how can he flirt with a man, and even have been in love for so long?

But in the end, no matter whether he likes men or women, everyone thinks that Li Yongyong is a ruthless person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Otherwise, how could he switch between liking men and women so freely.

Because of this, everyone disliked him more and more, and even objected to Cao Xuerong getting close to him.

But Cao Xuerong is a love brain, Li Yongyong looks handsome, in line with her aesthetics, the most important thing is that she is obedient to her, Li Yongyong will say yes to everything she says, and Li Yongyong will agree to her any request.

No matter how unreasonably she makes trouble, Li will always look at her with doting eyes, as if what she said are only small things.

This greatly satisfied her girlish heart and princess disease.

It also healed her heart broken by her predecessors.

Therefore, no matter how the Cao family objected, she was determined to be with Li forever.

Cao Xuerong couldn't make sense here, so the Patriarch of the Cao family naturally went to find Li Yongyong in person.

But how could Li Yongyong, who had already experienced it once, miss such a great opportunity.

He can take care of the Ji family, so naturally the Cao family is no problem.

When the Patriarch of the Cao family approached him, he made a special trick and passed the content of their meeting verbatim to Cao Xuerong's ears.

The way the Patriarch of the Cao family told Li Yongyong to leave was very simple. He took out a few million interstellar coins to keep him away from his daughter.

Li Yongyuan looked at the millions of interstellar coins and sneered in his heart. It was just a dream to send him away with such a small amount of money. Doesn't he know how much money the Cao family has?

Although he sneered in his heart, he pretended to be unyielding, regarded money as dung, and only loved Cao Xuerong. He frantically expressed his love, saying that he only loved Cao Xuerong, and the power of the Cao family. irrelevant.

Not to mention millions of interstellar coins, even tens of millions or hundreds of millions of interstellar coins, his love for Cao Xuerong will not be loosened in the slightest.

He loves Cao Xuerong only because of love, not because of anything else.

They don't need to believe in his love, but they can't use money to defile their pure love.

Hearing these words, the head of the Cao family immediately got goosebumps, and he was about to go there on the spot.

He slapped the table angrily and got up, roaring wildly, saying that Li will always toast and not eat fine wine, if he dares to be so presumptuous, believe it or not, the Cao family will make him unable to get along.

Li Yong held his head high, with an infatuated look that was not afraid of life and death.

"Even if I die, I will tell you that my love for Rong'er is as pure as crystal and will never change."

The Patriarch of the Cao family was so disgusted that he wanted to spit out the nutrient solution overnight.

However, Cao Xuerong is a love brain, such an affectionate confession hits her little heart.

Hearing that Li loved her forever and would rather die for her, she was so happy that she didn't know what to do, and her vanity was greatly satisfied.

Therefore, before Cao's family took the initiative, Cao Xuerong arrived in time to defend Li Yongyong desperately, and said that if something happened to Li Yongyong, she would not live.

The patriarch of the Cao family could not have imagined that his daughter's sudden appearance was caused by Li Yongyong. This made him even more angry, and he said that he wanted to sever ties with his daughter.

Cao Xuerong is naturally not afraid, because she knows that her father is a madman who loves girls, as long as she insists on something, his father will never disagree.

Sure enough, after Cao Xuerong pestered the head of the Cao family for more than half a month, and threatened the head of the Cao family with suicide several times, the head of the Cao family had no choice but to agree to their marriage.

But even though he agreed, the Patriarch of the Cao family was only willing to let them get engaged instead of getting married directly.

But this is already a big leap for Li Yong.

If you are engaged, you will be able to get married, anyway, he has Cao Xuerong firmly in his hands.

However, although he was engaged and became a member of the Cao family on the surface, the Cao family still regarded him as an outsider, did not show him any good looks, and often bullied and mocked him.

And Li Yong always just faced them with a tolerant smile.

And every time the Cao family ridiculed Li Yongyong, Cao Xuerong would pass by inadvertently. Seeing them bullying her fiancé like this, she was naturally on fire, protecting her fiancé and having disputes with other people.

After going back and forth, the Cao family did not dare to blatantly mock Li Yongyong, but expressed disappointment with Cao Xuerong's indiscriminate behavior and her hopeless love mind.

Later, when Cao Xuerong learned that her father never regarded Li Yongyong as his son-in-law and refused to hand over some of the Cao family's property to Li Yongyong, Cao Xuerong went to make trouble again.

After the quarrel, the Patriarch of the Cao family was forced to have no choice but to give Li Yongyong a few shops for him to manage.

Those are some stores that are on the verge of bankruptcy and the income is not very good, and everyone is happy to watch the jokes.

But I didn't expect that Li Yongyong still had two brushes, which not only brought those shops back to life, but also greatly increased the net profit.

This made the head of the Cao family look at him with admiration, but couldn't help thinking that the other party really loved his daughter, not a fake.

After all, Li Yongyuan has been doing well since he became his daughter's fiancé. No matter how the Cao family bullied and abused him, he was tolerant and never took it to heart. Instead, he did his best to treat his daughter well and strive to create income for the Cao family. .

The Patriarch of the Cao family handed over some other slightly important matters to Li Yongyong after going back and forth, and he did not expect to get some surprises.

This also made the Patriarch of the Cao family more satisfied with Li Yongyong, and also took a fancy to his ability.

And Li Yongyong also successfully squeezed into the power center of the Cao family. Although he was still wandering on the edge, Li Yongyong believed that he would succeed one day sooner or later.

It's just that the rest of the Cao family still don't like Li Yongyong, and they are very angry at the defection of the head of the Cao family.

It's fine for Cao Xuerong to fall in love, but why did the head of the family start to protect this phoenix man?

What kind of drug did this guy secretly give them both?

Therefore, the Cao family, who can't understand Li Yongyong, often trips Li Yongyong.

This matter will also be quietly disclosed to Cao Xuerong by Li Yongyong. Cao Xuerong loves him more and more, and asks his father to protect Li Yongyong.

So when Cao Xuerong heard Li Yongyong's self-deprecating words, it can be said that she felt extremely distressed.

"No, my dear, it's not your fault. You are so powerful and capable. Even my father said that your ability is very good. Those people are just jealous of you."

Cao Xuerong can be said to be very proud of finding such a fiancé who is caring, caring, and capable.

Li Yongyong was born in poverty, which means that he can only live with the Cao family forever, so that Cao Xuerong can always control Li Yongyong.

But at the same time, she didn't want the rest of the Cao family to look down on Li Yongyong. After all, Li Yongyong was her husband, and looking down on him meant that they looked down on her too.

Therefore, when Li Yongyong was praised by his father, Cao Xuerong was still very happy.

"Don't worry about other people's words. Your hard work, your seriousness, and your ability are all in my father's eyes. My father will arrange everything for you. When we get married, you will be the next head of the Cao family. Cao Everything at home will be yours."

Li forever hid his ambition in his eyes, and smiled gently at the woman in front of him who was rushing to hold everything in front of him.

He reached out and stroked her long hair, "I know, so for you, I will do my best. I know how good you are to me, and I will love you twice and love you."

Cao Xuerong snuggled into Li Yongyong's arms with a sweet face, and the anger just disappeared in an instant.

"Well, I know, dear, you have to work hard, our future is waiting for us ahead."

Li Yongyong kissed her on the forehead, and his dark pupils shone with ambition.

It would have been nice if Cao Xuerong had always been so obedient, but it's a pity that her obedience was only a flash in the pan.

More is arrogant and domineering, unruly and self-willed.

Such a shame on this pretty face.

Not to mention that Li Yongyuan became more and more impatient with Cao Xuerong because of this series of things, and wanted to climb up to that old woman from a first-class family, while Ji Ci was still busy.

He always feels that he has a lot of things to do, as if there is no free day.

But in fact, with many subordinates, he doesn't really need to do anything himself. The busiest thing he does every day is to cultivate seeds.

But the matter of cultivating seeds is actually very simple for him, it just takes time.

Just put the seeds in different categories, add a certain amount of soaking, and wait.

Once the seeds germinate, other employees can start planting.

Usually he cultivates the seeds in the morning and devotes his afternoons to building the planet.

There are specialized personnel in charge of selling products, planting, etc., and he doesn't need to worry too much.

Only occasionally when there are some problems in the planting, he will go to solve the problem himself, other times, he doesn't need to worry too much.

This is the benefit of having hands.

The fields here are lush and thriving, and the residential area over there is under construction in an orderly manner.

Interstellar building materials are much more advanced than those in Huaxia, and the construction speed is also fast. Once built, you can move in. There is no need for ventilation because of formaldehyde and other issues in Huaxia.

He stood at the highest point of the villa, overlooking the back garden. The rolling golden ears of rice undulate like golden waves when the wind blows, and there are bright yellow sunflowers beside him.

The golden yellow of rice ears is somewhat different from the tender yellow of sunflowers.

The golden color of rice ears symbolizes a good harvest, and the bright yellow color of sunflowers symbolizes vitality.

It grows toward the sun, blooms its petals wantonly, and the melon seeds produced in the center of the flower are delighting the harvesting staff.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Ji Ci's mouth, and his eyes fell on the blooming flowers in the corner of the wall.

The variety of flowers has increased a lot, clusters, clusters, glamorous and seductive.

The wind always brings the fragrance of flowers, taking a deep breath, it always feels like all the turbid air in the body will be exhausted.

Looking outside, there are rows of staff dormitories.

If everyone hadn't known that this was a staff dormitory, no one would have believed that this beautiful building with red walls and green tiles was only for staff.

In addition to the quadruple room, the staff dormitory also has a two-person room, which is specially designed for young couples who are together.

With more and more employees staying in the villa area, after solving the problem of food and clothing, the young people often contact each other, and there will always be sparks of love when they come and go.

At this time, the four-person dormitory became a bit inappropriate.

Fortunately, Ji Ci had the foresight to build the dormitories into two-person dormitories, three-person dormitories, and four-person dormitories.

If it is a young couple, the young couple can apply to live in a two-person dormitory, and if it is a three-person family, they can enter a three-person dormitory.

If you are a family of four, you can enter the four-person dormitory. If you are just a single dog, you can only choose the four-person dormitory.

Of course, if you don't want to live in a dormitory and want to buy another house, that's fine too.

Every employee working here can find their team leader and register the type of house in which area they want to buy.

True, part of the residential complex that was built was also reserved for these employees.

As long as they save enough money, they can book a house.

Ji Ci wanted the entire Huaxia planet to prosper, so as the core of the Huaxia planet, the Huaxia capital must become the most eye-catching existence.

The more prosperous the Chinese capital is, the faster it expands outwards, and the faster it can drive the development of the entire planet.

In the near future, there will be business districts, schools, hospitals, and more and more entertainment facilities, and even more citizens will live here.

Therefore, according to the sketches designed together with Fen Paopao, Ji Ci started to build slowly from the residential area, covering all the surrounding facilities.

In this way, when they start their travel plan here, they won't feel that there is a lack here and a lack there.

And a school not far away is also under construction.

No matter how poor you are, you cannot have poor education.

After the residential area is put into construction, there is still surplus funds to build a good school first.

After the construction of the school, the third is the hospital.

However, since Ji Ci didn't have any medical resources on hand, he could only ask Fen Bubble to buy some commonly used medicines and healing liquids on Xingwang.

Usually, some minor ailments can be solved with the treatment solution, unless some major problems require a doctor.

It's just that there are so many employees stationed in the villa area, but few of them get sick. All of them are very strong, and their energy is particularly eye-catching.

As for the reason, Ji Ci himself knew very well.

The food and flowers he planted seem to have a magical effect.

After the food was sold, the Internet exploded, saying that his food can cure baldness, insomnia, beautify the skin, and strengthen the body. Ji Ci was very surprised when he said it.

And when his employees also ate food and drank scented tea, and their physical fitness visibly improved, Ji Ci believed 100% that this was true, and those netizens really didn't exaggerate at all.

In other words, as long as he kept eating the food he grew and drinking the scented tea he sold, the hospital would be useless.

However, being useless does not mean that the hospital does not need to exist.

It's like being pregnant in October and having a baby. There is no hospital, and food alone is enough.

But there are hospitals without doctors, which makes Ji Ci very painful.

Ji Ci pondered whether to post the recruitment information on the star website, but he also knew that the possibility of the recruitment success would be very small. After all, in the eyes of outsiders, their Huaxia planet was poor, humble and weak, and had no future at all. Which one? Doctors will not think about working here.

Maybe after their tourist areas are opened, more people will come here to find jobs, and their choices will be higher.

It's just that the entire Huaxia Capital must have been very busy at that time, and some key personnel were not properly matched, and it would be very troublesome if something happened temporarily.

Just when Ji Ci was having a headache, God kindly sent him a doctor.

The thing is like this, this day Ji Ci took the little hamster outside to see the progress of the school, hospital, and residential areas.

Little Phoenix didn't follow, its head was still bald, it was simply ashamed to see people, although everyone knew that Little Phoenix was bald, but the arrogant little Phoenix was unwilling to let his face appear in front of others, even though Some people have already seen it.

Little Fenghuang was not happy, and Ji Ci didn't force him, so he took the little hamster and slipped out to wander around by himself.

When I left the villa area where I lived, the first thing I saw was a long avenue full of trees and flowers.

The trees are lush and verdant, already as tall as a Jici, with lush branches and leaves, the sun falls on them, and the mottled light spots scatter down, shaking their own light with the fluttering of the leaves.

The shadows on the ground were mottled, and it was rare for Ji Ci to switch between the light and shadow with his hand childishly.

The slightly elliptical light and shadow fell on his white hands, jumping and jumping, extremely dazzling.

Next to the trees are some wild flowers that bloom naturally.

That's right, wildflowers.

As Ji Ci continued to increase the intensity of planting flowers, coupled with the help of butterflies and bees, many pollen seeds were naturally scattered around these big trees.

And these seeds grow up slowly and inadvertently as time goes by.

When they saw these wild flowers for the first time, everyone was very surprised. They thought it was Ji Ci who had bred some new species of flowers, but when they called Ji Ci, they found out that it was the pollen seeds of the flowers they planted, which were picked up by bees. The butterflies are carried by the wind to the soil to grow freely.

This surprised everyone. They heard from Ji Ci that butterflies and bees had this effect, but they didn't expect that these flowers were completely different from the ones they planted.

Ji Ci was also a little surprised by this.

Could it be that the flowers have mutated?

Just look at those wild flowers again, just like the ordinary wild flowers that can be seen everywhere on the roadside in Huaxia Spring, there is nothing special about them.

Of course, for Ji Ci, no matter how ordinary a flower is, it is a surprise for these local interstellar people.

Especially this wild flower does not need to be cultivated by Ji Ci, it just grows naturally, it is a miracle! !

After His Royal Highness heard the news, he felt more and more that Ji Ci was the god sent by heaven to add green to the entire interstellar world.

Otherwise, how can flowers grow in the soil without cultivation?

Can a new variety grow in the field without racking your brains to think about new varieties?

The most important thing is that these flowers don't need Ji Ci to work hard at all, they are there, growing freely.

How could such a miraculous thing happen in this world?

This must be the magic cast by Ji Ci.

Think about those imperial experts who have tried their best to cultivate flowers, but they are always unsatisfactory, and look at Ji Ci's cultivation of flowers, it's like a joke.

Plant flowers in large quantities outside the villa area, and you don’t need to take good care of them, just rely on the temperature regulator, ask people to water them when it doesn’t rain, and don’t even need to water them when it rains, but they can still grow like this Looking at the little wild flower in Ji Ci's mouth, and looking at Ji Ci's understatement, his eyes only showed a little curiosity, His Royal Highness couldn't help feeling in his heart how many secrets Ji Ci had in him?

How could it be so unpredictable.

Speaking of which, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can understand Ji Ci's personality thoroughly.

He is transparent, and has a kind heart no matter for people or animals.

He is strong and resilient, not afraid of hardships or tiredness, nor greedy for pleasure.

If you set a goal, you will move forward bravely and never give up.

More importantly, he was never arrogant because of his planting ability, even generous to an admirable level.

At least His Royal Highness knows that very few people can give it to other ordinary people so magnanimously and selflessly after having such a planting ability that is sought after by thousands of people.

This is really rare.

The author has something to say: be happy every day~

感谢在2020-10-2615:45:28 ̄2020-10-2721:37:07期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦 ̄感谢投出地雷的小天使:追光的鱼鱼1个;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of flowing cups;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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