My furries are big guys

Chapter 63 Chapter 105-106

When Ji Ci appeared in front of everyone holding a pot of plum blossoms in full bloom, everyone covered their mouths in amazement.

It was a kind of flower they had never seen before. There were no green branches and leaves to set it off, only the seemingly light gray or slightly green branches, which were rugged like iron wires. The more so, the more beautiful the plum blossoms in full bloom. .

The plum blossoms are gorgeous but not seductive. They are in various poses and with different expressions, full of bloom, some are rosy in white, some are white and elegant, and some have a touch of pink.

Its fragrance is quiet and elegant, not as rich and unrestrained as lily jasmine, it is more restrained and light.

It's just that when the fragrance lingers on the tip of the nose, people can't ignore it.

Ji Ci felt that if plum blossoms were planted in the snow, watching them bloom in full bloom against the severe cold and wind and snow would be the most amazing thing to add the brightest colors to winter.

On the branches that are as dry as old trees, there are clusters of red flowers, reflecting the white snow, becoming the most dazzling and enthusiastic existence in the world.

Ji Ci delivered the pot of plum blossoms to Niya, looking at her slightly trembling lips and her eyes that were beginning to turn red, Ji Ci showed a warm smile.

"Niya, this is a plum blossom for you. I think you are very similar to this plum blossom. No matter how heavy the wind and snow is, you still bloom proudly. There is no difficulty and danger in front of you. Move forward firmly towards your goal, persistence is your motto, hard work is your pronoun, and the word giving up will never appear in your dictionary."

"The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold, and your life is like plum blossoms. One day, you will bloom amid suffering and become the most dazzling existence in this world."

"And I hope that other people can be like you, self-improvement and perseverance."

With trembling hands, Niya took the plum blossoms in full bloom.

Before that, she never thought that the planet master would cultivate a new flower for her alone.

Since having an optical brain and studying with the teacher, Niya's knowledge has also improved a lot.

Because their planet lives by planting, the teacher also taught them a lot of new knowledge about flower plants.

And plum blossom is one of them that she has learned.

It is a flower that blooms in winter.

It stands proudly in the cold wind, endures the blowing of the storm, but never yields and does not compromise. On the contrary, the bigger the snowstorm, the more proud it blooms.

She looked at the plum blossom in a puffing mood, the petals were smooth and transparent, like amber, like jasper, icy and clean, very elegant.

The tears in the corners of Niya's eyes could not be stopped.

She didn't cry when she was living a difficult life with her child in the garbage dump. She came to the planet owner and started a new life. She didn't cry when she worked hard to plant. I still didn't cry during the difficult and terrible trials.

But when the planet master looked at her with those warm eyes, praised her, and gave her the plum blossom, Niya's tears seemed to flow like a faucet that couldn't be turned off.

She worked hard to plant to reflect her own value, and she gave up planting and became a guard because she wanted to protect her homeland.

It is very hard, very tiring, and does not need the approval and approval of others.

But when all this was approved by the planet owner, Niya felt warm inside.

From that day on, everyone's envious eyes never left Niya.

At the same time, they also secretly admire Niya's hard work, seriousness and self-improvement.

Also because of this benchmark, some employees who were a bit lazy at first, and have not worked hard because of the comfortable life, burst out with new energy in an instant, as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

What an honor it is to be remembered by the planet lord and to let the planet lord cultivate a new flower.

Who wouldn't want to have such an honor?

After that, Ni became more and more serious, like a desperate Saburo, and in the near future, he succeeded in becoming the new captain of the guards.

With the increase in manpower, the supply of food and flowers has also continued to increase.

It has slightly eased the tragedy of people being unable to get the product for a long time.

However, after Ji Ci released the news that the Eighteenth Bachelor's Camellia was going to be auctioned, he suddenly disappeared secretly, causing a group of people to wait there and stamp their feet anxiously.

#华夏花人给时在哪些平台商元八十八考者 Camellia Flower#'s post has been in a state of heated discussion since Ji Ci released the news.

He was bullied several times a day, but there was still no news from Ji Ci.

Many people went to the store to ask when there would be news.

Everyone is bound to win the eighteen bachelor camellias, but there are also many people who just take the opportunity to join in the fun.

The customer service in the store doesn't know when and where the auction will be held.

Even Li Pinzhi himself didn't know.

Except for the sudden increase in products during a certain period of time, and asking the person in charge to learn that they have added a lot of employees, Li Pinzhi knows nothing about what Huaxia flower growers are doing now.

It is only occasionally known through the mouth of the person in charge that the Huaxia flower growers are working hard to build the planet, so they are very busy.

It was also when he heard this that Li Pinzhi remembered what the Huaxia flower growers had said before.

How could he have forgotten that the Huaxia Flower Planter is still the planet owner of a planet, and the previous price increase was also caused by his lack of funds to build the planet.

In order to prevent the customer service from vomiting blood from being harassed by customers who asked about the Eighteenth Bachelor's Camellia, Li Pinzhi took a moment to ask the person in charge of the delivery, when will the Huaxia Flower Planter auction the Eighteenth Bachelor's Camellia, do you need his help?

The person in charge also knew that the owner of the Planetary Clan auctioned off the camellias of eighteen bachelors to build the planet, which was a big deal, so he immediately asked Ji Ci about it.

Ji Ci was also busy and forgot. Hearing this, he immediately told the outside world through Li Pinzhi's mouth that the auction of the eighteen bachelor's camellias will start tomorrow.

As for where to auction it, it is the largest auction house in the empire.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Internet was shocked, and the Eighteenth Bachelor's Camellia Auction also took advantage of the trend to become a hot search on the stars.

When Li Yongyong saw the information about the Eighteenth Bachelor's camellia auction, he was very upset.

Before, he promised Cao Xuerong that he would buy the fruit sold by the flower growers in Huaxia, and use it to slap Qin Lixue in the face, becoming the focus of the whole banquet.

As a result, Li Yongyong not only failed, but was slapped in the face by others, so that Cao Xuerong had nothing to attend the banquet, so he accepted the invitation, but did not attend.

For Cao Xuerong, this was more uncomfortable than killing her.

She had already announced to the outside world that she would present a fruit that was even more precious than Qin Lixue. As a result, in the expectation of everyone, Cao Xuerong not only failed to bring any precious fruit, but even no one showed up. Isn't that true? Make people laugh out loud?

Therefore, after the banquet, the gossip about Cao Xuerong's swollen face was spread throughout the upper class in an instant.

Even the Patriarch of the Cao family heard the news and couldn't help scolding his daughter for being stupid.

Cao Xuerong almost cried after hearing these gossips.

She blamed all this on Li Yongyong.

If it weren't for Li Yongyong being so useless, he clearly promised to bring her precious fruits, but in the end he missed the promise and couldn't do anything, which made her utter big words and had to be forced to become a shrinking turtle.

Because of this incident, Cao Xuerong lost his temper with Li Yongyong, and even slapped Li Yongyong.

For a phoenix man like Li Yongyong, being beaten by a woman and his self-esteem being hit hard are the most difficult things for him to accept.

If he didn't still need the help of the Patriarch of the Cao family and wanted to snatch the core rights of the Cao family, he would have quit long ago.

In order to coax Cao Xuerong well, he apologized and bought gifts again, but this time, Cao Xuerong did not forgive him easily, but instead made a request that made Li Yongyuan feel even worse.

That is, she wants to regain the face she lost this time, and let Li Yongyong take pictures of the eighteen bachelor camellias produced by Huaxia flower growers.

That's right, Cao Xuerong felt that this was the only way to restore all the face she had lost.

Not only because the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia is highly sought after by everyone, it is a unique flower in this interstellar world, but also because His Majesty the King is also the owner of the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia.

If she also owns the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia, she will definitely show her face in front of His Majesty the King, and she will also become the object of everyone's pursuit. This is a great opportunity that is rare once in a century.

Li Yongyuan laughed angrily when he heard this request.

If he could, wouldn't he want to have the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia?

But why don't Cao Xuerong think about it with her brain as big as a kernel, their Cao family is only a second-rate family, most of them are first-rate families, the powerful and royal families are waiting to snatch the eighteen bachelor camellias.

The family can't compete with each other, and the financial resources can't afford it. What do they use to shoot the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia?

Moreover, what is required is not to use the family's ability, but to ask him to pay for it personally.

What kind of interstellar joke is this!

Does he have the money?

Even if there was, Li would never spend the money on Cao Xuerong.

Even if he could photograph the Eighteenth Bachelor's camellia, he would never give it to Cao Xuerong.

Possessing these [-] bachelor camellias is like possessing a weapon to break away the upper-class family. He is crazy to give it to this woman Cao Xuerong.

Of course, all of this is just fantasy, because he simply doesn't have the financial resources to compete.

In this regard, Lee is always very self-aware.

He reasoned with Cao Xuerong, saying that neither he nor the Cao family could compete for the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia.

But Cao Xuerong didn't care, she raised her chin arrogantly, and said domineeringly, "If you can't grab it, then our engagement will be terminated, and you get out of Cao's house."

In this case, Cao Xuerong said it many times, and it became the best way to deal with Li Yongyong.

Li Yongyuan clenched his fists in resentment, but his face was still gentle, and he was still coaxing Cao Xuerong with sweet words, but his eyes were full of hatred and dissatisfaction.

sooner or later, sooner or later

As soon as the news of the Eighteenth Bachelor's camellia auction was released, it immediately detonated the entire Internet.

Whether it is the imperial capital or the Federation, whether it is the dignitaries of aristocratic families or ordinary netizens, they have all focused on the auction.

The auction will be held on the star network. As long as everyone registers their own id and binds their optical brain account, they can start bidding.

The rules of the auction are also very simple, real-name registration, the highest bidder wins.

After the auction is over, the auction side will express the products obtained by the other party to the place they designated.

It will never disclose any information about customers.

After the auction is over, the platform will take part of the fee as a management fee.

Since Ji Ci chose their largest auction platform, the original management fee of [-] point was reduced to [-] points after discussion by the upper management.

Big customers like Huaxia Flower Planters are top-notch when they sell, and the management fee is low, so that the other party can continuously put things on their side for auction in the future.

On the day of the auction, Ji Ci only needs to take out his optical computer and sit on the recliner, watching everyone competing for the auction.

After the real-name authentication, the id appearing on Starnet can be changed according to the customer's needs.

After all, there are some things that people don't want to be exposed out of everyone's sight.

And the real-name authentication is limited to the inside of the auction.

Generally, it is impossible for an auction house like this to leak customer information. Isn't this self-defeating?

The barrage on the optical brain appeared quickly, and most of them were ordinary netizens who were watching the excitement, anxiously wanting to see the appearance of the eighteen bachelor camellia, and how expensive the camellia was in the end.

"I bet a hundred million."

"I'm going, what a joke, [-] million, this is too exaggerated."

"I don't think it's an exaggeration. Think about it, a poppies cultivated by experts a few years ago has sold for millions of dollars. As for the Eighteenth Bachelor's Camellia, it is the best of the best. Even Huaxia Planet If the winter jasmines and lilies in the store hadn’t been circulated in small batches in the market, and if they were really put up for auction, a million would be an easy task.”

"Not to mention the Eighteenth Bachelor's Camellia, which is an unprecedented boutique. Taking a picture of one flower is like buying eighteen kinds of flowers, and the value has doubled eighteen times."

"What you said seems to make sense, but how many zeros are there for a hundred million? I think it should be possible to go to the tens of millions level, but it's a bit difficult to start with a hundred million."

"Let's talk about the flowering period of the Eighteenth Bachelor's camellia. Even if it is calculated according to the flowering period of the red camellia of the Chinese flower growers, it is only about [-] days. It is not worth the loss to spend [-] million to buy the flowering period of [-] days. gone?"

"Joke, do you think that spending [-] million yuan can only appreciate it for about [-] days? Rich people like them naturally have a way to make this [-]th bachelor camellia bloom forever. Even if it is gone, it can be cultivated again. .As such a big customer, I don't believe that Huaxia flower growers will not explain how they cultivate and plant."

"That's right, what are we poor people worrying about, there are things that rich people can't think of, but nothing they can't do."

"That's right, didn't the Huaxia flower growers say before the auction that they would definitely teach them how to plant?"

"Oh my god, I feel like I can't make a hundred million in my life. If you give me tens of millions, I'll be happy. Do you think I still have a chance to become a flower planted by Huaxia flower growers?"

"If you wipe your neck and kill yourself right now, you may have a chance in the next life. In this life, you should wash up and sleep, and stop daydreaming."

"Hurry up, come out, come out, my god! Even if I watched it once in the video of the Huaxia Flower Planter before, watching it now still makes my heart tremble."

"It's so beautiful! Didn't you say that the flowering period of the camellia is only about 20 days? It's been about [-] or [-] days since the last time it appeared, how can it still bloom so brightly?"

"Idiot, have you forgotten what kind of existence the Chinese flower growers are? Even if the eighteen bachelor camellias wither, as long as there are seeds, the Chinese flower growers can still cultivate them."

"Hey, does that mean that with this pot of auctions, the Huaxia flower growers can continue to auction the eighteen bachelor camellias next time?"

"I think it should be, but I guess the number should not be many, because rare things are more expensive."

"This is the truth. However, with so many people in the interstellar world, even if there are tens of thousands of eighteen bachelor camellias put up for auction, it's still not enough for everyone to buy."

"It's the truth. Don't you see that Huaxia Florist's shop sells hundreds of thousands of flowers, but there are still people howling every day without success."

"That's impossible. Some people have been trained by customer service and can barely grow flowers by themselves, but some people just don't have this ability. The flowers die when they reach the flowering stage, and they have to buy them again."

"Holy shit, the reserve price is 1000 million? Poverty really limits my imagination. I thought the maximum reserve price was one million."

"Suddenly, I am grateful for the Huaxia flower growers' auction. Otherwise, how can I experience the happiness of rich people if I am poor like me?"


With the amount constantly jumping up, the originally cheerful barrage couldn't help but slow down.

"Damn, as for? Are these rich people crazy? Adding millions and millions, it doesn't take long, it's already 5000 million."

"So the big brother's guess of [-] million may still be a conservative estimate."

"It turns out that there are so many rich people in the imperial capital, so why can't you share some of the money with me?"

"It's a beautiful idea. Although these eighteen bachelor's camellias are very valuable, but think about it, as long as you buy them, they will be a stepping stone to the upper class."

"That makes sense. After all, it is such an honor to have the same flower as His Majesty the King."

"I guess that in addition to people from our empire bidding in the entire venue, there are also many people from the Federation participating in the auction."

"That's for sure. I've seen posts about the Eighteenth Bachelor's camellias on the Federation side, no less than those in our empire."

"Tsk tsk tsk I hope it wasn't photographed by the Federation in the end, otherwise it would be very embarrassing."

"It's not enough to be ashamed, who said Huaxia's flower growers are from the empire, do you want any flowers in the future!"


Netizens guessed right, apart from the elites of the empire, the federation is also not to be outdone.

Some time ago, they lost a few spies because of the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia, and they were bleeding profusely. If they didn’t bid for the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia, how would they express their anger?

The most important thing is that they also need eighteen bachelor camellias to study how the Chinese flower growers grow flowers.

And if the king of the empire knew that they had photographed the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia, he would definitely be so angry that he vomited blood.

But imagination is always beautiful.

Whenever the high-level federation is ahead of everyone present, there will always be a cute and cute little hamster man who insists on having 100 million more than him.

And the 1000th Bachelor Camellia with a reserve price of [-] million also skyrocketed quickly, reaching the [-] million level in minutes.

At the level of [-] million, many small families can no longer hold on.

The rest is the confrontation between the first-class families and dignitaries.

Ordinary netizens clutched their chests as they watched the appalling number gradually increase second by second, reaching [-] million in less than half an hour.

Not to mention ordinary netizens, even Ji Ci couldn't help but gasp.

Before that, he had read about the final successful auction prices of other flowers, ranging from a few million to 1000 million, and the highest price in history was 1500 million.

It was the first time a new product was researched by the experts of the empire, because there were no flowers in the interstellar at that time, and it became an extremely rare and precious existence, and because it contained the beautiful word "first time", it was sold at a sky-high price.

After that, it is difficult for flowers to reach the tens of millions level. First, because more and more flowers are cultivated, and second, because these flowers will have a short cycle. I really wouldn't spend such a big price to take a picture of a flower that will wither sooner or later.

Ji Ci thought in his heart that according to the rarity of his [-]th bachelor camellia, it should be an easy thing to take a picture of, but he never expected that the reality gave him such a huge surprise.

The amount of [-] million is still rising.

The reason why everyone continues to compete so desperately regardless of the cost of money is simple.

One is that this flower is really cherished and beautiful, as long as people who really like flowers will not miss such a superb product.

Secondly, only His Majesty the King owns the camellia among the [-] bachelors in the whole interstellar world, and he has the same style as His Majesty the King. I also know how exciting it is.

Three times, no matter who owns the Eighteen Bachelors Camellia, it will become an excellent weapon. Relying on the Eighteen Bachelors Camellia, it will be effortless to accomplish certain things.

And the most important point is that before the auction, Ji Ci has told everyone through the mouth of the auction house that the follow-up cultivation and maintenance of the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia will be specially guided by people, and everyone does not need to worry that the Eighteenth Bachelor Camellia is only one time. Sexy flowers are gone once you finish admiring them.

What does this mean, it means your money is not wasted.

Listed out the advantages of 1234, who would not go all out to bid.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the bidding soon reached a fever pitch, and the bidding amount for the Eighteenth Bachelor's Camellia also reached a terrifying figure of 5 million.

Netizens are numb at this moment.

The amount was still fluctuating, as if it was just a written number, not a real value of [-] million.

"I, him. Damn it, there are so many rich people in this world."

"I feel that if you give me [-] million yuan, I can't spend it all in my life, but they actually spent [-] million yuan for a pot of flowers."

"Although the camellias of eighteen bachelors are really beautiful, wouldn't [-] million be too exaggerated?"

"Listening to what you said, you can tell at a glance that they are ordinary people who don't understand anything. Do you think it's just a flower? Wrong, what you bought is the value that extends from the back of the flower.

tsk tsk! "


作者有话要说:感谢在2020-10-2408:26:43 ̄2020-10-2416:10:04期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦 ̄感谢投出地雷的小天使:追光的鱼鱼1个;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of rice;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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