My furries are big guys

Chapter 61 Chapter 101-102

Although the ex employees left, Ji Ci's surging mood never calmed down.

He immediately took out his optical brain to revise it, and made his own infrastructure plan.

The progress of finding more people to plant and sell them to make money is actually not slow.

Although flowers and food have cycles, their cycles are different. When this flower is cultivated, that food can be sold, and when that food is growing, those flowers can be sold again. constant income.

It's just that these incomes seem to be huge, but they are insignificant compared to the construction of the entire Huaxia Golden Globe.

He deleted, deleted, modified some plans, and planned to add another item of tourism.

But to start the tourism industry, at least the villa area he lived in should be expanded for a hundred miles, the environment should be improved, the transportation should be more developed, and recreational facilities should be added. Only in this way can more people be retained.

And the money spent on such construction is huge.

In this way, Ji Ci still has to earn enough money by selling flowers and food to transform the environment in this area before he can realize tourism.

After all, you have to sell the goods.

Fortunately, Taka brought a lot of people back this time, otherwise it would be really not enough manpower.

After their tourist signs are published, the secrets of flowers and food may not be hidden.

He was able to fool the exo employees because they only had a short time here to experience these things. When the tourism industry opened up, more and more people appeared, and it was clear at a glance whether those flowers and trees were real or fake.

Therefore, it is imperative to improve the combat effectiveness of their planet.

Ji Ci is not worried about Taka as the leader of the guards. Ji Ci sees his combat effectiveness, and equips him with advanced weapons, which is enough to guard their homeland.

In addition, Huaxia Planet does not necessarily have a protective layer, which is an extra guarantee.

The only thing that makes Ji Ci feel bad is that there will be wars between planets in the interstellar world.

And the outbreak of this war, neither the empire nor the federation, will just let them go. After all, every planet has its own planetary owner, unless the planetary owner can't control it, or won't intervene until the dust settles.

Otherwise, dozens of planets are involved, causing great turmoil. Otherwise, the empire and the federation are left to develop on their own.

Because there are countless planets in the interstellar world, there are tens of thousands of planets within the empire alone.

Large and small, the number is astonishing.

Therefore, how could the empire have so much energy to spare to manage the friction between small planets?

In most cases, the small planet will cling to the larger one for protection.

Because if it is just a small planet, it will be extremely easy to be bullied by other planets that are stronger than it.

In addition to the taxes to be paid to the empire, other planetary protection fees must also be paid.

After coming and going, the small planets are too burdened, and their planets should not run away, or they should find a backer and attach themselves to them.

If you don't want to be used as a slave, the small planet can also develop on its own.

However, beware of those staring planets taking the opportunity to bully them.

The law of survival of the fittest, the survival of the fittest is particularly obvious in Interstellar.

Human beings living on a prosperous planet can never imagine how difficult and trembling the life of those aborigines on a barren planet is.

Their planet masters can be changed every year, or even every six months.

Their taxes are sometimes so harsh that they can't fill their stomachs.

Ji Ci, who had looked up relevant information, couldn't help frowning, as if he saw the peasants who wanted to rebel under the strict taxation politics in ancient times.

I really didn't expect such a situation to exist in such a technologically advanced place as Interstellar.

He couldn't help asking Pink Bubble: "Small planets are constantly attached to big planets. Don't these big planets have inflated desires, thinking that they have enough power and want to provoke the king to replace them?"

Isn't that how Chinese history plays out?

Pink Bubble blinked her metal eyes, shook her head and said, "Master, such a thing will not happen. The king has the right to rule the entire planet. When the number of small planets attached to each planet exceeds a certain number, the planet's monitoring signal will be activated." Send out, tell the situation of the imperial capital, and when the aborigines of a planet live in a bad situation, the detection signal will also tell the imperial capital that the planet has a situation and asks the imperial capital for help."

"That is to say, when the human beings on this planet can no longer survive, the king will take action to separate the planet, distribute resources, and allow them to cultivate themselves, while other big planets can no longer intervene, otherwise they will accept to His Majesty's punishment."

Jici:? ? ?

What is this ghost?

"That is to say, only when a planet is about to die, will the empire help?"

Pink Bubbles nodded, "Yes, this is the law of survival in Interstellar. Neither the Empire nor the Federation will act like a philanthropist, helping each other all the time."

"Only when the planet is about to be destroyed, will it be rescued."

"In other cases, how a planet develops depends entirely on the efforts of the planet owner."

Ji Ci couldn't help but click his tongue a few times, "Then if there is friction between the two big planets and there is a war, the empire will not care?"

Pink Bubble said: "That depends on the extent of the war. If the war between the two parties will endanger the survival of the two big planets, then the empire will naturally intervene. If there is a war between them, the two big planets will not suffer too much. influence, then the empire will not care."

Jici:? ? ?

"Wait, you said two planets? Didn't you mean people on two planets?"

Pink Bubble blinked and nodded again: "Yes. It's two planets, not the people on the planets. If there is a battle between the two planets, even if the people on the planets are fine, if there is a problem with the planets, the empire will intervene. If the people on the two planets are all dead, but there is no problem with the planet, then the empire will not intervene, and will only send relevant personnel to take over the planet after the war is over."

Ji Ci: ...

"Emotions are in the interstellar, and the planet is more important than human life?"

Pink Bubbles smiled slightly, and her metal eyes flashed blingblingly, "No, compared to big planets, planets are more important than human lives, but compared to those poor planets, human lives are naturally more important than planets."

"After all, the facilities on a big planet are complete. If there are no people, send other people to settle in, and it will naturally be a thriving scene."

Ji Ci: ...

Therefore, the saying that you will be beaten if you fall behind is really not outdated anywhere.

Simply the truth of the truth.

"So has there been such a thing in the interstellar world? It is that the big planets are better at certain resources developed by the small planets, and they can't understand how they are so prosperous, so they intercept them halfway, scare them, and take the resources into their pockets. , and then let the small planet become their subsidiary."

Pink Bubble nodded again, indicating that such things are not uncommon.

"Every small planet can develop into a big planet because every big planet has the economic development channels of every big planet. If a small planet wants to develop a scale like a big planet, then they have to have a foothold in the entire interstellar planet. point."

"It's like our Chinese planet wants to be different, stand out, and become the top-ranked planet in the interstellar world, so flowers and food are our most dazzling existence."

"But there is also a problem, that is, whether we can hold on."

This is also what Ji Ci is worried about.

But Pink Bubble is not as worried as Ji Ci, after all, their planet is linked to the king.

With the protection of His Majesty the King, none of the above will affect the development of their planets.

However, Huaxia has a saying that is good, the backing will fall, and everyone will run. Only when you are strong can you be truly strong.

They attached themselves to the king in the early stage, slowly developed insignificantly, and in the later stage, relying on themselves to rise is the most correct way.

"Master, don't worry, His Majesty the King likes our food and flowers, and will definitely not let people from other planets bully us."

Ji Ci nodded, "Of course I know that."

This is also one of the reasons why he is keen on dealing with Wang Shi.

With such a golden thigh, a fool would not embrace it.

But even with golden thighs, he felt that the planet's own defense and attack capabilities still needed to be strengthened.

Even if there are golden thighs, what if the golden thighs are made by someone else?Isn't it cold?

Or if Jin Thigh didn't notice something wrong for a while, and his side was breached first, it would be cool.

Therefore, improving one's own ability is the most important thing to do right now.

Thinking about it this way, Ji Ci wrote and drew on the optical brain again, and finally came up with two points, one is to speed up manpower planting and get more funds, and the other is to build his own army.

Without an army of your own, it's like a three-year-old baby walking around the street holding gold, waiting to be robbed.

As for the original plan to arrange for the second batch of aborigines to green the Huaxia planet, it seems that this plan has to be shelved first.

Because of this, Ji Ci immediately recruited Taka and handed over this important task to him. Taka's more than 400 younger brothers are naturally all members of the guards. Recruit more people, only 400 guards on a planet are obviously not enough.

He asked Taka among the people brought back to see if anyone was suitable to be a guard. If not, he could search for more aborigines by himself or send someone.

There are not too many aborigines on the planet, and they are not too few. If each of them can be used, then the whole people will be soldiers, which is awesome.

Taka can feel the urgency of Ji Ci, although he doesn't know why, but Taka is obliged to accept the task assigned to him by Ji Ci.

Previously, he thought that these people were only recruited for planting, so he didn't pay much attention to their bloodiness, but if he was looking for guards, Taka felt that it was better to find them than planters.

"Planet Lord, don't worry, Taka will never let you down, and will definitely bring back a group of guards that satisfy you."

Ji Ci's eyes brightened slightly, and he couldn't help but patted Taka on the shoulder, "Taka, I knew you wouldn't let me down."

There was a big smile on Taka's face, and his white teeth were shining brightly.

Yes, he will never let the planet owner down, whatever the planet owner wants, he can do for the planet owner.

He is the most powerful weapon in the hands of the planet master.

In this way, not long after returning to the villa area, Taka, who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Ji Ci, set off with his younger brothers in a hurry.

This time, Ji Ci equipped them with the latest and most high-end weapons, and brought enough food to ensure that they would not run out of rations all the way back and forth.

And this weapon was upgraded by Pink Bubble's secondary processing.

When he got the most cutting-edge weapon, Taka used it a bit, and his eyes were full of surprises.

As an interstellar thief, he has a sense of fanaticism about weapons in his bones. Now that he sees this new type of weapon, Taka is naturally very happy.

Standing in the aircraft, he looked at the green homeland that was gradually going away, and all kinds of pride ignited in his heart.

"Boss, when these aborigines are brought back, will we become leaders?"

Some younger brothers rubbed their hands excitedly. Taka had already told his brothers about the mission this time, and the brothers were also very excited when they learned that they were going to choose subordinates for them.

Taka didn't nod, but said: "It depends on how the planet lord arranges, but if you are honest and listen to the planet lord carefully, I think judging from the time we have been with the planet lord for so long, the planet lord I will definitely give you a small team leader."

The younger brother immediately smiled, and patted his chest to reassure, "Of course, it is our duty to protect the planet and its owner. We will definitely make good adjustments for the planet owner. Teach newcomers."

Taka and the others went to a more vicious area this time, which was accompanied by more dangers, but they could also find more bloody people who could protect the planet for the planet owner.

This time, Taka also brought enough younger brothers, and even gave each of them a spaceship, just to show off and hope to bring them back at once.

After Taka left, Ji Ci looked at the spaceship going away, and once again felt that the decision to capture these interstellar thieves back as coolies was really right.

While gnawing on the steamed corn, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked at Ji Ci's smiling side face, and couldn't help but smash his mouth. Could Ji Ci be so happy just by buying a few houses on Huaxia Planet?

His Royal Highness thought for a while, and after eating the corn, he crawled down Ji Ci's shoulders, and then slipped back into the bedroom.

Back in the bedroom and transformed into a human form, he took out his optical brain, switched to his trumpet, and was about to contact Ji Ci when he suddenly discovered a problem.

That is, Ji Ci's promotion of Huaxia Planet has not been carried out. Except for the ex employees who have left, Interstellar basically doesn't know what is going on with Huaxia Planet. Would it be too sudden and strange for him to rashly propose to buy a house?

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince thought about it for a while, his deep eyes flickered slightly, and he felt that it might not be the time, at least he had to come to Ji Ci after the publicity of Ji Ci started, otherwise it would easily arouse Ji Ci's suspicion.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince clicked his tongue a few times, feeling that he wanted to send money and there was no place to send it, so he put down his brain, and after putting it away, he turned back into a little hamster and ran to find Ji Ci.

Because he didn't continue to eat and drink at Ji Ci's house without restraint, his body shape seemed to have been fixed, white and fat, like an oversized snow dumpling.

The soft feathers fluttered with the wind as he ran, and just looking at them made me want to lick them.

The second group of aborigines, led by the old staff, saw the little hamster running wildly when they went out.

They had seen this little hamster before, it was squatting on the shoulder of the planet master, holding a winter jasmine in its hand.

The yellow and bright winter jasmine is pinched in its pink claws, and the bright yellow and its pure white velvet echo each other, full of natural atmosphere.

At that time, they wondered in their hearts, why is this hamster so simple and cute, and it seems to be favored by the planet owner, otherwise, how could such a precious flower be held in the hands of a hamster?

Seeing this hamster running unscrupulously in the back garden at this moment, they are also curious in their hearts. Seeing it running, they run to the field to sniff the more ripe corn tomatoes, or grab the mature corn tomatoes with their paws. The ears of rice, the employees working around saw it, as if they hadn’t seen it, and did their own thing, as if they were not worried at all that it would ruin the good things here.

Some of the second group of aborigines couldn't help asking curiously, "Is this hamster the planet owner's pet? It's so cute, it's white and fat."

The old employee nodded and said, "Yes, this is the first pet raised by the planet owner. The planet owner likes it very much and treats it like a son. You didn't see the hamster when you first came, but after eating up all of us The rice grown in the garden, but the planet master did not punish it."

Everyone couldn't help but gasped when they heard the words, oh my god, they actually ate up all the rice grown by the planet master.

They have optical brains, and under the introduction of old employees, they know the efficacy and value of rice. At this moment, hearing this, they feel that the whole person has received a huge impact.

If it was them, they might have beaten the fat hamster to death.

That's rice with miraculous effects, that's priceless rice, how could it be so bullied by a little hamster?

Seeing the stunned look of the second group of aborigines, the old employee smiled very understandingly. After all, when he heard this, he was also shocked out of his eyes.

"Our planetary master is very indulgent to these little guys, but now it's okay, the planetary master seems to have found that if this continues, they will become more and more lawless, so he set a rule, if they are caught eating them casually If you don’t, you will be punished. The little guys seem to know that the planet master is not easy to mess with now, so they are obedient, and there is no more stealing behavior, even if they are greedy, they will only ask the planet master to feed them.”

"In this way, we don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Oh, by the way, besides this little white hamster, Planet Master also raised a fiery red bird called little phoenix. This little phoenix is ​​in the same line as the little hamster, and it is also a foodie. In comparison, they also ate up the food of the planet's main family."

When everyone heard this, they gasped again.

"There is also a small pond in the back garden, which is the residence of the planet owner's third pet big turtle. The lotus, lotus leaves, and lotus roots in that pond are all the rations of the big turtle. Don't be afraid when you pass by. The giant tortoises on the interstellar world are different, not only will it not harm you, but on the contrary, if you are willing to exchange some rations with it, it can even take you to the sky."

Listening to the introduction of the old staff, the second group of aborigines looked bewildered, and at the same time felt emotional, the planet master is really kind, otherwise, the livestock like this that ate up their food would not be killed by them , They all burned high incense in their previous lives.

However, it is precisely because of the kindness and generosity of the planet master that he is willing to let Taka bring them back, provide them with accommodation and food, and give them the opportunity to work.

Otherwise, they might still be picking up food in that garbage dump.

As for the big turtle that the old employee said, the second batch of aborigines didn't see it at the first time, but they were surprised in their hearts by what the old employee said about taking them to the sky.

Although they have no optical brains and cannot communicate with the outside world, the garbage planet also has oceans, and the terrifying giant tortoises in the ocean have sharp fangs and sharp claws. When they were extremely hungry, they used to go to the ocean to find food. Looking at themselves After their companions were bitten off half of their bodies by the giant tortoise, they were insensitive to the ocean, even if their legs were weak from hunger, they did not dare to go to the ocean to find food.

So they clearly knew that the interstellar giant tortoise was ferocious and terrifying, and while expressing their disbelief that the planetary owner actually kept a giant tortoise as a pet, they wondered what kind of operation the old employee said to take them to the sky.

Because giant tortoises have no wings, how can they take them to the sky without wings?

They have always been very fortunate that giant tortoises can only survive in the ocean, and even if they climb onto land, they cannot leave the ocean for too long. Because of this, human beings living near the ocean have infinite possibilities to survive. , Flying out of the ocean, with a big mouth, one human being in each mouthful, how could they survive?

At this moment, a fiery red young bird with long tail wings flashed past their heads.

That bird is really beautiful, under the sunlight, the bright red feathers seem to have a layer of gorgeous light, dazzling like fire, scorching like fire.

But when the bird turned its head to look at them, everyone suddenly gasped in surprise, "What's going on? Why is that bird bald?"

"That's right, that's right, she's obviously very pretty, but she's more than half bald and looks so ugly."

"Hey, is this the second pet little phoenix raised by the planet owner? Did the planet owner adopt it because he thought the little phoenix was pitiful and bald at a young age?"

"I think it's possible, after all, the planet master is so kind and soft-hearted."


Little Phoenix came out to join in the fun because he knew the arrival of the second batch of new employees. By the way, he heard the second batch of employees commenting on him, so he turned his head and flew back, unceremoniously using his hard The bird's beak pecked those people several times.

Bald, you are bald.

Poor, you are pitiful.

It was adopted by Ji Ci because it looks cute! !

Day you are a fairy board board yo.

The big guy was taken aback by this sudden change. The old staff watched the little phoenix angrily pecking at the new aborigines with its beak, knowing that the other party must have heard them say that it was bald, so they got angry.

He secretly thought it was funny, knowing that Xiao Fenghuang had a sense of proportion, so he didn't intervene much, and only stopped when he felt that it was almost done.

Humming and chirping, the little phoenix flapped its little wings, flew to the old employee, pecked his head a few times, and left angrily.

Humph, don't think it doesn't know, this guy is also laughing at it in his heart.

作者有话要说:感谢在2020-10-2120:58:42 ̄2020-10-2220:08:29期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦 ̄感谢投出地雷的小天使:追光的鱼鱼1个;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Yunyeli;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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