My furries are big guys

Chapter 37 Chapter 53-54

Taka and his younger brothers took the aircraft, passed one place after another, collected as much soil as possible in each area, and every time they went to a place, they took out some melon seeds and dried sweet potatoes like a boy who spread money, just to lure the aborigines .

Of course, there are also some vicious aborigines who want to grab their food. Regarding this, Taka said that these people really don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth. brutality.

After a few lessons, no one dares to make a move after killing chickens and respecting monkeys.

Instead, he patiently listened to what Taka and his group of strangers wanted to do.

And the tempting job that Taka said made people dubious, but couldn't help but yearn for it.

There is a good saying, they are already so poor and humble, why does the other party use such expensive food to cheat their trust.

In fact, even if there are no such good benefits, as long as they can feed them, they are willing to do anything.

So when this planet came down, Taka can be regarded as harvesting countless aborigines who wanted to go back to work with him.

But it is impossible to bring so many people back.

After collecting the soil, Taka had to start picking people again.

Taka himself has some experience of how vicious the natives of Huaxia Planet are, so naturally he can't select these people, and he has to screen them carefully.

The work on Taka's side went quite smoothly. The only thing that troubled him was that no matter how economical he was, there was still a day when he could finish eating the dried sweet potatoes and melon seeds.

Without the support of these delicacies, they drank nutrient solution every day, and their life would be worse than death.

Obviously they have survived like this for so many years, but now they seem to be suffering from princess disease, and they have begun to dislike these nutrient solutions that the aborigines in China covet.

As for Ji Ci, he was overjoyed to see the growing shallots, garlic, ginger, and peppers.

Shallots and garlic are lush and green, and their growth rate is particularly fast.

After cutting this crop, the next crop will grow the next day, just like leeks.

Ji Ci, who discovered this phenomenon, did not plant these things in large quantities. After all, it grows fast, so it is not afraid that there will be no food, but there will be excess surplus.

Ever since, Ji Ci asked the staff to cut and package everything except the amount he used for cooking and cooking every day, and express it to Li Quality.

With these ingredients, Ji Ci asked Fen Paopao to shoot him a video.

In a small area of ​​the back garden, the green shoots slowly stretched their waists, pushed away the soil that was pressing on their heads, and stretched their waists in the direction of the sun wantonly.

In just two days, the little seedlings became mature, and the emerald green swayed in the wind.

And beside it, there are small peppers planted by Ji Ci.

The peppers are fiery red, hanging on the branches, against the emerald green branches and leaves, beautiful and incredible, just like decorations.

The peppers that have just bear fruit make the staff of the villa often wander over and look around curiously.

Everyone gathered around Ji Ci and asked, "What is this, can it be eaten?"

Ji Ci said, "This is called chili pepper, it is a kind of cooking seasoning, very spicy."

"What does it feel like to be spicy?"

The employees are puzzled. They know the ups and downs, but they have never tried spicy food.

Ji Ci explained, "It's a feeling of pain, not a sense of taste. Eating spicy food will make you feel good, but people who can't eat spicy food will feel very painful. I will fry pots of hot and sour potato shreds for you, the most authentic That kind, let you experience what it means to be spicy."

As soon as he said it, Ji Ci chopped some onions, ginger and garlic, picked a few small red peppers, picked up the knife and started cutting.

Stir-fry the peppers in the oil pan, and the spicy smell fills the whole kitchen at once.

It was the first time His Royal Highness smelled such a pungent smell, and couldn't help sneezing. Standing on the dining table, the fluff on his whole body was about to fly.

He rubbed his nose and murmured to himself, what the hell is this?Can I eat it?Why is it so pungent?

However, when thinking about the food grown by Ji Ci, and thinking about his cooking skills, His Royal Highness felt that perhaps this weapon, like tear gas, was really delicious.

As for Little Phoenix, he was influenced by various spicy flavors when he was in Xchuan in his early years, so instead of feeling uncomfortable, irritated, or sneezing when he smelled that familiar smell, the whole bird took a deep breath and fluttered. Desperate.

The most is the smoke and fire in the world, which can soothe its little heart.

It is also fried shredded potatoes. After adding chopped green onions and red peppers, the color of the whole plate becomes beautiful.

This big pot was fired for the employees. Due to the large number of employees, Ji Ci couldn't handle the fire even if his hands were soft.

So, some time ago, he asked Fen Paopao to buy him a lot of kitchen utensils, and built a small house next to the villa as a public kitchen.

Everyone can make whatever they want to eat. Except for the food rewarded to them, these ingredients need to be bought by them. The internal price of employees is also one of the benefits.

As for today's hot and sour potato shreds, Ji Ci let a few employees who are talented in cooking watch from the sidelines, and then teach other employees after learning it, which relieved his pressure a lot.

After frying, he handed the pot of hot and sour potato shreds to the employees and told them to taste it.

Li Dao took the chopsticks carefully, the hot and sour smell came to his nostrils, he couldn't help but tilt his head and sneezed a few times.

Exciting, so exciting.

Ji Ci couldn't help laughing. In fact, he didn't put much chili, but it might be because they were not used to the smell, so they always felt pungent and wanted to sneeze.

After rubbing his nose embarrassingly, Li Dao picked up a chopstick of potato shreds and was about to put them in his mouth.

The golden potato shreds paired with bright red peppers are visually a treat.

But before he ate it, Ji Ci hurriedly called him, "Wait a minute, this chili is quite spicy. It's the first time you eat it. If you bite into the chili seeds, you will definitely go to heaven. Why don't you put the chili aside first, and feel that you are Eat when you can get used to it."

Ji Ci himself is not very good at eating spicy food. The chili peppers are just for seasoning. He usually doesn't really eat these chili peppers. It's too much for his tongue.

After hearing Ji Ci's words, the remaining two employees also put the red peppers aside one after another, picked up a few shredded potatoes and tasted them.

What was it like?

Sour and salty, and there is an inexplicable painful feeling.

But that kind of pain is not physically unbearable pain, but the kind of pain that makes them want to stop.

Is this what chili tastes like?

These feelings were mixed together, making them unable to control their hand holding the food.

"Have you ever tasted a spicy, mouth-like sensation?"

Li Dao nodded wildly, but at the same time couldn't hold back his hands, quickly picked up shredded potatoes on the plate and ate them madly.

After accidentally biting the easily overlooked chili seeds into his mouth, he felt his entire mouth was about to burn.

"My God, my God, is my mouth on fire?"

Li Dao burst into tears of pain, but he was still reluctant to put down the chopsticks in his hand.

Ji Ci hurriedly brought him a glass of water, and he gulped it down, but it was still spicy.

He scratched his nose and tears when it was so hot, but after calming down a bit, he began to salivate at the smell just now, it was too exciting, too high, and so refreshing.

He smashed his mouth, picked up his chopsticks and continued to struggle before wiping away his tears.

Li Dao was not the first one to eat chili seeds, tears and snot in his eyes, and the other two were also desperately fighting for the chili seeds, and accidentally got caught.

But he was not willing to put down the chopsticks in his hand after being tricked.

Tears flowed down his face and his mouth was full of greasy food, it was an eye-opener for Ji Ci.

His Royal Highness screamed violently. After the initial choking spicy smell dissipated, only the strong and alluring food aroma remained, constantly seducing his nose and making all the cells in his body ready to move.

The little phoenix fluttered its wings, and couldn't bear it anymore.

Seeing this, Ji Ci hastily started to cook again.

How can you forget his little cutie?

In the second set, Ji Ci asked them to observe carefully again. The fried potato shreds had already been taught to them before, so this time they only added the steps of adding peppers, green onions, ginger, and garlic. Generally speaking, it is not difficult, so I learned it twice. They will too.

After learning it, they resisted the urge to lick the whole plate and went out happily.

As soon as he went out, he was caught by the brothers waiting outside, but the expressions of the three of them seemed a little strange.

The mouth is full of oil, but it seems to be red and swollen again, the nose and eyes are red, as if they have been crying, as if they have been abused by the planet master, but the feeling on the face that is still unfinished makes everyone think they seem to have eaten something Delicious meal.

So, what the hell is going on here?

The three of them looked at each other, showing tacit smiles, "Come, come, we have learned the real hot and sour potato shreds, and now I will make them for you to eat."

"Okay, okay, hurry up, I can't bear it anymore!"

The brothers pushed the three of them into the kitchen. When the peppers were cut into slices and put into the oil pan to stir-fry, at least half of the people ran out because of the spicy smell.

"What the hell am I, is this some new weapon?"

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, my god, I can't seem to stop sneezing!"

"It's so uncomfortable, do you feel that tears seem to be falling all the time?"

"Wait, why didn't I feel it? I think it smells good instead?"

"Hey, it seems to be true, the fragrance seems to come out, don't worry, don't worry, let me see."

"You're in tears, what a fart, get the hell out of here."


Everyone in the kitchen was vying for a good spot. When the three big pots of shredded potatoes appeared at the same time, everyone looked at the color scheme very beautifully, as delicious as a work of art, and they were a little afraid to do it.

But after all, appetite defeated visual enjoyment, and they stretched out their claws.

When taking the first sip, everyone was wondering what it tasted like, and it felt like the mouth was burning hot, as if it was on fire.

But after the second sip, and after the third sip, it was as if they were addicted, and they couldn't stop at all.

While weeping hotly, rubbing his nose and eyes, he was reluctant to put down his chopsticks with his right hand.

However, there were too many monks and too little porridge, and each person could only eat two or three chopsticks at most. They smashed their mouths incessantly, and finally understood why the three of Li Tao had such expressions when they came out.

Because now they look at each other, everyone is the same, as if they were abused and cried.

"This hot and sour potato shreds is even more delicious than the fried potato shreds made by the planet master before!"

"No wonder the planet owner said that he was not satisfied with the lack of some ingredients. I thought to myself, it is so perfect, how can I still be dissatisfied? Now that I eat it, the planet owner is indeed correct."

"The planet master is really awesome. I dare say that the planet masters in the entire interstellar world are not as powerful as our planet masters."

"Isn't that nonsense? Don't even think about it. Which planet can be as powerful as our planetary master, and can farm and cook?"

"Really, in the past, I really can't imagine that the low-level people like us who used to be interstellar thieves can live a more comfortable life than those rich people in the upper class."

"Isn't it? I really want to exchange money for such a day, and I won't exchange it."


It is their daily habit to eat and drink enough to fart. They burp happily, and then return to the back garden to make a cup of scented tea.

Either sitting on the grass, or lying on the grass looking up at the magnificent scenery of the setting sun, feeling the beauty of the breeze blowing, this day passed in such a fulfilling and satisfying way.

What a fairy day!

On the other side, Ji Ci re-fried a plate of hot and sour potato shreds, divided them into two portions, and placed them in front of the two little guys.

Then he wiped the paws of His Highness the Crown Prince with a damp cloth before letting him eat.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince whimpered, seemingly impatient, but actually enjoyed the considerate treatment Ji Ci gave him.

He still didn't forget that time when Ji Ci was fooled by Fen Paopao and Xiao Fenghuang and left him.

And later, because Ji Ci wanted to start the first step of building the planet, he found Taka and made dried sweet potatoes, and then threw him out of the sky.

The angry little hamster ignored Ji Ci for several days.

As a result, Ji Ci, who was busy teaching the staff to dry the dried sweet potatoes, just forgot about it and was still angry.

Brutely blowing His Royal Highness into a puffer fish.

If it hadn't been for seeing Xiao Fenghuang deliberately pestering Ji Ci and trying to drive a wedge between them when he was angry with Ji Ci, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would not have easily reconciled with Ji Ci.

Until now, His Highness the Crown Prince felt that Ji Ci didn't know that he had been angry with him for so long, it was simply irritating.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince whimpered and thought, then went down with his paw, picked up the shredded potatoes and stuffed them into his mouth.

He wants to taste what kind of delicacy this is.

The moment it entered his mouth, he was shocked by the spicy and stimulating feeling.

It's delicious!

With the addition of the so-called pepper, it feels like the whole shredded potato has a soul.

Why didn't Ji Ci grow this chili earlier?

At first, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince thought that it was just a decoration, but it was just an ornament, but he never expected that its power would be so shocking.

He sniffed, unable to control his paws to inhale wildly.

He accidentally bit the chili seeds and rolled around on the table like a fluffy ball, but he was not willing to spit it out.

Ji Ci sat on the side, seeing it laughing like that almost broke his breath.

"It's not, it's not, the chili is too spicy and you can spit it out. In fact, it's just for you. It really doesn't matter if you don't eat the chili."

But His Royal Highness the Crown Prince turned a deaf ear to it, and the ingredients such as chili, ginger, and garlic were eaten clean.

Ji Ci also felt very proud that the food he made was eaten clean by the cuties.

After seeing the little hamster finished eating, Ji Ci went to get the veil without complaint, and used detergent to clean the fur around its mouth and paws.

As for Little Phoenix, she is much more elegant than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

After all, it only has one beak to peck around, so naturally it won't get itself so dirty like His Highness the Crown Prince.

Pink Bubbles has been recording videos conscientiously, watching them gobble up one by one, and unconsciously curious in their hearts, is it really so delicious?

But it is a robot, even if it evolves to be very smart, it does not have a beating heart, it does not have a wriggling stomach, it only has metal software.

In addition to wanting to have a furry body, Pink Bubble subconsciously has another idea in its heart, it also wants to eat the food made by its master.

After the video was edited, Ji Ci asked Fan Pao Pao to upload it at dinner time with some evil intentions.

At the same time, Li Pinzhi had already received the courier from Ji Ci, and it was quickly put on the shelves.

Everyone who received the new notice placed an order before they had time to think about it.

After all, in the past, there were videos first, and then there were new products. Every time this happens, the new products will be quickly sold out.

But this time, the new product is actually launched first, so it doesn't matter what it is, let's talk about it after grabbing it.

After grabbing it, they turned up the details page, saw the introduction, and suddenly realized that it was the ingredient mentioned in the video by Huaxia flower growers before.

After the calf, they snatched it and there was no potato shreds to stir fry, wouldn't it be cold?

But then again, there is a new product, Huaxia flower growers will definitely have a new video!

Sure enough, when I turned on the optical brain, the video of Huaxia Flower Planter was immediately Hot.

At the beginning of the video, everything is normal, everyone is immersed in the growth of onions, ginger and garlic, discussing how they can grow so beautifully, just like green treasures.

The peppers on the side grew later than these, but when they matured, that red pepper hung on the branch like a work of art, making people reluctant to take it off.

And there are quite a few barrages expressing that they are willing to buy a pot of chili, even if it is not for eating, it is just for pure appreciation, it is very beautiful.

After seeing a pair of slender hands picking off the peppers one by one in the video, everyone's hearts began to ache again.

And when the chili was chopped and put into the oil pan to stir fry, the pungent smell made everyone who had five senses start sneezing in front of the light brain.

"Fuck, what kind of biological weapon is this? I've never sneezed so hard before."

"That's right, that's right, my fucking tears are about to fall out."

"Huaxia flower growers say this is called chili pepper. It smells very spicy and pungent. If you eat too much, you will get angry easily, but it belongs to the kind that the more you eat, the more energetic you will be."

"The more I eat, the more energetic I don't know, I just know that the more I smell it, the more I want to cry."

"Hahahahaha, I laughed so hard, am I the only one who thinks this smell is particularly exciting?"

"Hey, it seems that after adding potato shreds and stir frying, the aroma is better than just frying potato shreds with oil before!"

"That's right, that's right, I noticed it too. It feels like there's an inexplicable scent."

"Fuck, I'm already drooling!"

"Oh my god, did Huaxia Zhonghua people just give such delicious potato shreds to these three ugly people with mosaics?"

"One person's blood letter, may I ask the Huaxia Flower Planter if they still want to hire employees?"

"Oh my god, watching them eat and tearing up, I can't bear to put down my chopsticks to know how delicious it is."

"I can't control my saliva anymore. I thank God for allowing me to take pictures directly when the product is launched without any hesitation."

"Hahahahaha, I got it, but I couldn't get the shredded potato, so did I get lonely?"

"Hey, I took pictures of shredded potatoes, but not these, should we complement each other?"

"Am I serious? Yes, where do you live? I'll have a meal."

"66666, is this also possible?"


At the end of the video, Pink Bubbles is placed in a small easter egg, which is dried sweet potatoes.

Because the production of sweet potatoes into dried sweet potatoes is too small, Jici did not offer new dried sweet potatoes.

I want to wait until the amount of sweet potato planting increases.

Fen Pao Pao understands the meaning of Ji Ci, so let's warm up before that.

After sniffing the spicy, sour and salty potato shreds, and then a piece of sweet and soft dried sweet potato, the person who drank the nutrient solution at night silently shed tears.

"Huaxia flower growers are really too much, how can they release such a video at this moment?"

"No, no, no, no, you have to thank the Huaxia Chinese, because I have already grabbed the potato shreds, and I have already started cutting these ingredients, come to my live post to see!"

"Fuck, the Id upstairs looks familiar. Could it be the one who grabbed the food before and found out that it has the effect of curing insomnia?!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's me."

"Oh, I also remember that host. That host's cooking skills are good. I'm going to drool over there!"


This is the second time Chen Guofei has photographed shredded potatoes and other food. After he photographed the food that time, he has failed several times. He never expected that when the new product was launched, his character would explode.

According to the cooking order of Ji Ci, the size of the cuts, and the time for stir-frying, Chen Guofei successfully fried a pot of hot and sour potato shreds.

When he took the first bite, the spicy and sour feeling made his whole body tremble, and many beads of sweat appeared on the tip of his nose instantly.

The Huaxia flower grower was right, the mouth felt like it was on fire, but the coolness was really good, and people couldn't stop eating it. They just wanted to keep eating one bite after another.

And after he ate the whole pot of potato shreds, he had a desire to put more chili, and put more chili, to make it more spicy.

But his wife couldn't eat spicy food without him, she ate with tears and snot, and there was a large glass of ice water beside her.

Netizens who watched the two of them having dinner burst into tears of envy.

Look at other people, not only can they grab food, treat insomnia, and treat baldness, but now they can also make a pot of hot and sour potato shreds by themselves, which is really lemony.

The same is human, why is there such a big gap between people?

Couldn't God give them a little hope for these humble and poor people who can't move fast enough and can't grab any delicious food?

And in the palace, after seeing the newly launched video, and then looking at the little hamster who ate and buried his fat face in the bowl, the queen stood up uncontrollably and walked back and forth in the bedroom unbearably. .

When the hell was the king going to finish the damn business and take her out?

She was about to lose control of herself, so she might as well sneak out.

Thinking of this, the queen's eyes flickered, thinking it was a good idea.

作者有话要说:感谢在2020-09-2710:43:43 ̄2020-09-2813:16:01期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦 ̄感谢投出地雷的小天使:追光的鱼鱼1个;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of light-chasing fish; 5 bottles of _Summer Night Light Drinking; ... 3 bottles; 1 bottle of rice; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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