My furries are big guys

Chapter 166 Chapter 311-312

Liu Zeyuan got up in a panic, and said incoherently: "The ten&—zwnj; is here, the ten&—zwnj; is here."

He had thought that Ji Ci would get as nervous as he—zwnj;, but he didn't expect Ji Ci's eyes to be bright—zwnj;

Good guy, it's finally here, he's a little impatient for waiting.

Liu Zeyuan:?

Oh, why did he forget, Ji Ci still has two generals by his side, so naturally he is not afraid of the tenth coming.

On the contrary, No. [-] might still be afraid of Ji Ci to protect her cute pet.

This was Liu Zeyuan's thoughts after seeing Ji Ci's left and right guardians.

But when he saw the delicate little snake on Ji Ci's wrist, he was stunned. When did Ji Ci take over again—zwnj;

Don't blame Liu Zeyuan for calling him that, the three-headed dog really impressed him so deeply.

He didn't believe that the little green snake Ji Ci had received didn't have any special skills.

When No. [-] caught up with him, he happened to see Liu Zeyuan standing in front of Ji Ci, talking anxiously, while Ji Ci was looking at him calmly. At that time, his eyes "sighed"—zwnj;then lit up, "—zwnj; as if he had been waiting for him for a long time.

Number Ten's brows were wrinkled, and he immediately became vigilant.

Netizens in the live broadcast room shouted, "No. [-], don't be fooled by Ji Ci's appearance, don't talk to Ji Ci, and don't eat anything Ji Ci handed over."

On the [-]th, I saw the scrolling barrage in the live broadcast room for a second, and although I didn't say anything, I wrote it down in my heart long ago.

This is all lessons learned.

So he took a few steps forward, and was about to shoot without saying a word, so frightened that Liu Zeyuan hurried to the side and rolled on the spot.

Looking at his smooth movements, Ji Ci couldn't help but chuckle—zwnj; laughed out loud, his brows and eyes were curved, his lips were slightly raised, and he looked delicate and good-looking.

Liu Zeyuan was lying on the ground, his head was still a little dizzy, "-zwnj; looked up, and what he saw was Ji Ci. Seeing him smiling happily, he was a little at a loss, how could Ji Ci smile so happily, and also Feel nothing?

No. [-]&—zwnj; was already staring at him covetously in front of him, and even made a move, so his heart was too big.

But there are "—zwnj; said"—zwnj; that Ji Ci's appearance is really not as good-looking as "—zwnj;."

However, just as Liu Zeyuan was muttering in his heart, suddenly, "zwnj; a green light flashed in front of him, and immediately after that, the originally fierce number ten" let out a burst of screams Voice.

Liu Zeyuan - zwnj; trembling, looked intently, only to find that it was the little green snake on Ji Ci's wrist that had come out.

The other party was so fast that only left an afterimage, no wonder he just thought it was a "zwnj; green light flashing past, and when he looked at number ten" again, he found that he was shot by the little green light The snake bit the arm.

The little green snake was slender and long, so cute, but when it bit No. [-]'s arm, its snake head suddenly became bigger.

No, no, it should not be said that the snake's head has become bigger, but that its lower jaw has been opened very exaggeratedly, so exaggerated that the other party's apparently small tongue can bite into No. [-]'s thick arm.

Then in &—zwnj; seconds, number ten&—zwnj;'s arm was broken in two by &—zwnj; knife.

Blood spurted out, the broken arm fell to the ground, and the fingers were still twitching slightly.

As for the severed arm, the flesh and blood were indistinct, and it turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Liu Zeyuan was completely taken aback, it was him.What's up mom?

Ji Ci was also a little surprised, but quickly hid his surprise. After all, with the performance of the three-headed dog before, Ji Ci would not be too surprised no matter how abrupt the little green snake was.

After all, everything exists on this planet.

And that's good too, he doesn't have to waste his dried shrimp anymore.

Number Ten rolled on the spot in pain, howling.

But he, who has been injured all the year round, quickly endured the pain and took out the healing liquid to stop the bleeding.

After the little green snake bit off No. [-]'s arm, it quickly returned to Ji Ci's wrist.

Ji Ci touched its small and exquisite snake head, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch its lower jaw. The little green snake opened its mouth obediently, and let Ji Ci pinch it back and forth in its mouth. It was cold under the sun, but in Ji Ci's hands, it was just "zwnj; a simple ornament"—zwnj;.

Netizens who watched this "zwnj; scene" took a deep breath.

"I him. Mom already knows that this little green snake is not easy to mess with."

"Ji Ci is awesome, what is it about him that can make all the snakes listen to him like this?"

"Kneel, kneel, submit, submit, if Ji Ci wanders around this planet again, will the creatures of the entire planet surrender at his feet."

"That's right, why didn't I think of it? Maybe Ji Ci can be the planetary master of this planet as proposed by the empire."

"And pretend to be another &#—zwnj; tourist planet?"

"Hahahahaha, this is possible, it is suitable for those tourists who like exciting adventures."


Compared with the excitement of the netizens in the Ji Ci live broadcast room, the netizens in the No. [-] live broadcast room were all beating their chests and feet, and were very angry.

"Fuck, what is this on the [-]&—zwnj;? It's been taken care of by someone else's pet before meeting Ji Ci?"

"Ji Ci is simply cheating, cheating, he is accompanied by so many creatures on the planet, and he can eliminate all the guests without doing it himself. This is not fair at all."

"That's right, that's right, I think the program group should eliminate Ji Ci."

"Number [-]&—zwnj; is too useless, how can it be so useless? Anyway, No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] have even competed with Ji Ci"—zwnj;Fan, No. [-]" ? Listen to us&—zwnj; didn’t say a word to Ji Ci, and the one who got the best was the fastest one&—zwnj;.”

"I'm really convinced, watching a variety show will kill me."


No. [-] successfully drank the convalescent liquid, but he knew that the broken arm could not heal, so he could only go to the hospital to get a mechanical arm after the show was over.

This made him extremely angry. He has been a killer for so many years, and no one has ever been able to threaten him so far.

However, just when No. [-] got up angrily and was about to wait for an opportunity to sneak attack, he suddenly felt a burst of dizziness, and his whole body was confused and dizzy.

&—zwnj;Backs of headaches hit him, he felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

The whole person was on the verge of falling, and fell to the ground with a bang—zwnj;

Looking at his face again, I saw a burst of black air enveloped it, as if his life was not long.

No. [-] looked at his severed arm with difficulty, only to see that the originally bright red flesh and blood in that place had turned into gray pieces, as if it had been decayed for a long time and was rotten.

No. [-] was terrified, wondering if the green snake was poisonous.

Ji Ci looked down at No. [-]'s tragic situation, but he didn't expect that this little green snake didn't look like a poisonous snake, why is it so poisonous?

Thinking about how he had just been probing its mouth recklessly with his fingers, Ji Ci suddenly felt that he was destined.

But because of this, Ji Ci cleared his throat, and said directly: "You can feel it too, I have been poisoned by snakes, if you tell the conspiracy between you and No. Can save your—zwnj;life."

"Otherwise, you will have to be decapitated like them..."

"Oh, by the way, don't think that you can get the staff to rescue you by pressing the protection button. Xiaoqing is not a snake that has been discovered in the interstellar world. I see."

"Even if you are taken out by the staff, those hospitals may not be able to cure you."

"Think about it, whether you want to live or die."

No. [-] is not a fool after all, in the face of survival and death, he naturally chooses survival.

Although he is used by the federation, his relationship with the federation is only an employment relationship. It is a matter of life and death, so why care so much?

So he breathed weakly and told the news that the Federation hired the four of them and wanted to take him away in this variety show.

"...The Federation said that there are people in this program group. As long as we find you, take you to the designated destination, and let the staff take you to the spaceship to leave the empire and go to the Federation, our mission will be completed."

"But I didn't expect that there are so many helpers around you. On the 8th, 9th, and 10th, it was taken care of before you even started."

At the end of No. [-]'s speech, her entire face was so dark that she couldn't see her original appearance.

He could feel his heart "pumping"—zwnj; throbbing pain, and every time he said "zwnj; words, his chest was tight as if he couldn't breathe"—zwnj;

The blood in his body was boiling, it was terribly hot.

He made a whoo-ho sound, and stretched out his hand in pain for Ji Ci to save him.

"I—I've already said everything, please save me!"

Ji Ci naturally cannot let him die, he is an important key figure in smashing the federal conspiracy.

So he poked the little green snake and asked, "Is there a way to keep him from dying first?"

The little green snake shook its tail, glanced at Ji Ci'——zwnj;, and whizzed'—zwnj; and flew down to the other party's body. Then, under Ji Ci's curious eyes, it raised its forked tail, and followed the left The forked tail suddenly seemed to drip something, and the milky white liquid entered No. [-]'s mouth, and within a few seconds, the black air on No. [-]'s face suddenly dissipated.

Looking at his breath again, it was not as rushing as before, and it was much calmer.

Ten&—zwnj; No. [-] could feel that after swallowing the milky white liquid, the scorching heat of his body was quickly subsided.

The burning pain seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

He was sprawled on the ground like the rest of his life after a catastrophe, his eyes staring blankly at the sky, he never thought that he, who was ranked among the top ten killers, would explain everything like this.

What kind of terrifying existence is Ji Ci?

And in the live broadcast room, no matter whether it was the netizens from Ji Ci or the netizens from the tenth's live broadcast, they were blown up because of the conspiracy revealed by the tenth's.

Although Ji Ci is not an interstellar currency, it will not make everyone like him.

But as a member of the empire, how could he allow Ji Ci to be taken away by the Federation?

Not to mention that the flowers and plants cultivated by Ji Ci have contributed so much to the empire.

Ji Ci is a treasure belonging to the empire, how can the Federation be so shameless?

Actually sent four killers.

More importantly, this program group actually colluded with the Federation.

Check, &—zwnj; must check.

Such a big shock happened, and the news was also arranged in the hot search.

The news here'—zwnj; came out, and the live broadcast on that'—zwnj; side was interrupted instantly.

The personnel arranged by His Royal Highness immediately took control of the entire program group.

Within a few minutes, No. 11 was taken away.

Liu Zheyuan looked at this scene, he was stunned, and he didn't even have time to react.

What... what's the situation?

How is it so good, his participation in a program is connected to some conspiracy of the Federation...zwnj;?

Also, did Ji Ci already know about it?Otherwise, why didn't there be any surprised expression?

And is this the end of the show?

Liu Zeyuan was in a trance while he was booming, and was taken away from this planet by the staff who didn't know where he came from.

But before he left, he finally came back to his senses, ran to Ji Ci in a hurry, looked into his dark eyes, and said in embarrassment, "Ji Ci, I want to solemnly apologize to you. It was my fault to hack you, I am very sorry."

Ji Ci made a bewildered "ah-zwnj;" sound, he didn't even know whether Liu Zeyuan had hacked him on the Internet.

But seeing the sincere and apologetic expression on the other person's face, he waved his hand generously, "It's not a big deal, it's still a good boy to correct his mistakes."

Seeing Ji Ci's generous appearance, Liu Zeyuan felt even more embarrassed about Ji Ci at the beginning.

He can't compare to others' bearing alone.

After returning to the residence, Liu Zeyuan lay on the sofa exhausted physically and mentally. After thinking for a while, he took out his optical brain and used his account to post a message on Xingwang, "Apologize to Ji Ci, Ji Ci is very tolerant Just forgive me, thinking of myself who was once arrogant and rude, it really makes people feel ashamed."

"I have to say that everyone's favorite Jici is worthy of everyone's praise."

Liu Zeyuan's content&—zwnj; was posted, and it became a trending search in an instant.

Because Liu Zeyuan has never apologized since he was picked out to use a trumpet black season speech.

This is also the reason why Ji Ci's fans "cling on to Liu Zeyuan" all the time.

But I didn't expect that today they accidentally read the words of apology from the other party.

What was even more unexpected was that a few hours later, Ji Ci's account actually reposted Liu Zeyuan's content, accompanied by a smiley face.

This shows that what Liu Zeyuan said was true, he really apologized to Ji Ci, and Ji Ci also forgave him.

Even the Lord forgave him, so Ji Ci's fans naturally had no reason to hold on to him.

They lined up one after another to say that they are still good boys if they know their mistakes and correct them.

Looking at the content forwarded by Ji Ci, Liu Zeyuan felt very uncomfortable.

And his manager contacted him in minutes after seeing this on the Internet, "My good boy, although this variety show was cancelled, and there was such a big... accident, but you are still considered It was a blessing in disguise, and I really hugged Ji Ci's thigh."

"I thought you would definitely be abolished this time, but I didn't expect that at the last critical moment, you would actually have a relationship with Ji Ci. Since Ji Ci has already publicly forgiven you, then your next star journey will not be What a big hindrance."

"And because of the friendly relationship between you and Ji Ci, there will be more business movies and TV dramas coming to you."

Hearing the manager's excited words, Liu Zeyuan felt a little disgusted.

"Okay, okay, got it."

After finishing speaking, he cut off the communicator and collapsed on the sofa. Obviously, the top-class life he had dreamed of would come back again, but Liu Zeyuan didn't have any excited thoughts.

When Mingming was on the show, he wished that he had never participated in that show, but when the show suddenly stopped, he felt a little nostalgic.

Although only two days have passed, he feels that two centuries have passed.

The information kept flashing in his brain, and his manager arranged a lot of announcements for him every minute, but Liu Zeyuan felt a little irritable looking at the tight itinerary.

He opened Ji Ci's account, watched the wonderful "zwnj; curtains" in the video, and suddenly wanted to travel to Huaxia Planet"—zwnj;

Just do what he said, he went to the Huaxia Planet official website and applied for a pass without saying a word.

At this time, Huaxia Planet Travel has no quota limit.

There are tens of thousands every day, oh no!It should be said that tens of thousands of people traveled to China.

And Huaxia's work efficiency is also very high. Liu Zeyuan applied for it now, and got the pass three hours later.

He didn't even say hello, just picked up his bag and left.

It took a long time for his agent to contact him, but there was no response. When he chased him to his accommodation, he realized that the other party had actually left "zwnj; cut" and went to travel on Huaxia Planet.

The manager is really envious and jealous. Isn't Liu Zeyuan the most reluctant to part with this kind of life in the spotlight?

Why did Duan Duan travel to Huaxia Planet without even participating in the announcement?

Could it be that he was really influenced by Ji Ci?

Liu Zeyuan didn't care about this, he only knew that he needed to be released.

On the other hand, Ji Ci was successfully escorted back to Planet Huaxia by the personnel arranged by His Royal Highness.

As for No. 11, he had already been escorted to the imperial capital for interrogation by His Majesty the King himself.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince did not return to the Huaxia planet with Ji Ci&—zwnj;, on the contrary, he stayed in the imperial capital.

The Federation has to settle this matter with them-zwnj;

The top executives of the federation also watched the live broadcast in real time. Seeing that No. 8, No. 9, and No. 10 were like candied haws—zwnj;, they were easily resolved by Ji Ci.

They really didn't expect that the pets brought by Ji Ci were so powerful, and even the pets they picked up randomly on this planet were so terrifying.

They pinned their hopes on No. 11, but they didn't expect that No. 11 was actually knocked down by a snake.

What's more, Ji Ci discovered something wrong early on, and made No. 11 reveal their federation's conspiracy in front of everyone on the live broadcast.

When the live broadcast was cut off, the top executives of the federation only felt dizzy for a while, and they were in big trouble now.

The conspiracy was discovered by the empire, and it was spread to everyone. Isn't their federation shameless?

And the federal citizens were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

How could their leader do such a stinky and shameless thing.

Although they also like Ji Ci very much and want Ji Ci to live in the Federation, it doesn't mean that they want to kidnap Ji Ci with such villainous methods.

Not to mention how outraged the citizens of the Federation were, the citizens of the Empire were even more quarrelsome.

They asked the empire to send troops to crusade against the federation.

If the conspiracy is really achieved by the Federation, their empire will lose the most dazzling existence in history.

Maybe it was a broken jar, but the high-ranking officials of the Federation refused to admit that these four people had any relationship with them, and even made it clear that they were involved in the variety show Back to Nature.

This "zwnj; came out, which made everyone in the empire feel extremely disgusted.

Even though the evidence is in front of them, they still dare to quibble. Are the Federation people so extraordinarily thick-skinned?

At the same time, many citizens of the empire suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the program Back to Nature made them feel so disgusted, and the feeling was at the hands of the Federation.

Does the Federation have any huge conspiracy against the Empire?

Thinking about it this way, the citizens of the empire are in a bad mood, and their desire to fight against the Federation is getting more and more excited.

And the citizens of the Federation have long coveted the flowers and plants planted by Ji Ci, and they have been considering whether to immigrate to the empire.

Now that there is such a big scandal in the federation, it is very likely that the food and flowers grown by Jici in the future will not end up in the federation.

Originally, the chances of the Federation being able to snatch these treasures were low. After such a incident, the people of the empire had strong resistance to the Federation, so it was very likely that they would never be able to buy these things again.

How is this possible?

Therefore, the sentiment within the federation is divided into agitation, demanding that the top executives of the federation take the initiative to resign.

Naturally, the high-level officials refused, and even used force to suppress it.

"—zwnj; With the use of force, the emotions of the people in the federation became more and more agitated, so the citizens of the empire were surprised to find that before their empire went to war, the federation made a fuss by itself.

But at this time, it was the long-disappeared His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who led troops to the Federation.

The federation was already in chaos, coupled with the bravery of His Royal Highness, the federation was taken down in less than a month.

Turned the federation into &—zwnj; part of the empire.

Except for a small number of federal citizens who hated it and wanted to resist repeatedly, other federal citizens actually thought it was a good thing.

After all, no matter whether they are in the empire or the federation, as long as they live well, no matter where they live.

But now, if they become citizens of the empire, they have a great chance of being able to snatch the food and flowers grown by Ji Ci. Who wouldn't do such a good thing?

The most important thing is that they also planned to immigrate, but now they have directly become citizens of the empire, and there is no need to apply.

This is a good thing.

Maybe even Ji Ci didn't expect that he just went to participate in a variety show and wandered around the "zwnj; circle casually. Not only did he get two cuties with overwhelming force value, but he even made the Federation next door become a &—zwnj; part of the empire.

When he knew that His Royal Highness was going to fight, he was stunned. He thought that the Federation and the Empire would engage in a tug-of-war, but he didn't expect that His Royal Highness would be so straightforward and directly lead troops to fight.

Especially seeing the content of the video from the front line, Ji Ci was really fascinated by His Royal Highness's heroic demeanor.

To be honest, His Royal Highness, apart from being a bit naive when he turned into a little hamster, when he turned into a human, he is really handsome and makes people drool.

It's a sin, a man is seductive.

And in the past half a month, the construction of Huaxia Planet has advanced another big step.

Huaxia Capital is the most prosperous place in the entire Huaxia Planet, but the next few urban areas are no longer deserted.

On the contrary, they gradually became lively like the capital city of China.

The population of immigrants is increasing, and the influx of talents is also increasing.

Huaxia Planet is on the right track step by step.

Planetary citizens have changed from tens of thousands to millions, and this number is still rising.

The construction of the planet is also "improved step by step, schools, hospitals, shopping malls, amusement facilities, and public constructions" are all the same.

Looking back "—zwnj; more than a year ago, and looking at the present, it seems like a dream"—zwnj;

作者有话要说:感谢在2021-02-0311:27:53 ̄2021-02-0410:31:43期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦 ̄感谢投出地雷的小天使:追光的鱼鱼2个;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of rice;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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