Here Ji Ci was holding the little hamster contentedly and looking at the beauty of the sunset, while Li Pinzhi, who had been waiting for a long time without reply, gave up completely.

He thought that in the social interaction between adults, the failure of the other party to reply should already represent everything.

The guest didn't want to talk to him, maybe because he guessed his identity.

You must know that there is a steady stream of posts on Xingwang that speculate on the identity of the Huaxia flower planter. Even if the expert team of the Empire came down to ask in person, the other party would not reveal a word, so how could they reveal it to him, a small interstellar seller?

Although he felt a little disappointed, Li Pinzhi found it acceptable.

After all, this is a big boss, he is just one of the crowd, how can he expect the big boss to look at him differently?

It is already the greatest gift for the boss to buy seeds in his shop.

In order to prevent his own problems from causing the big boss to shy away from him, Li Pinzhi quickly posted a few words of sincere apology, and then began to post on Xingwang asking how to save the fallen camellias.

At that time, because of the popularity of camellias, the camellias in Li Pinzhi's post immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Before everyone clicked in, netizens thought it was another post owner who was using camellias to join in the heat, but they never expected that after entering, they actually saw the photos of camellias.

Starnet’s posts are different from the ancient earth. When the ancient earth took a photo, everyone can only see what it looks like in the photo, but after the starnet’s photo is uploaded, the content will be presented in front of everyone in 360°, and everyone can reach out. touch.

Of course, it is also intangible.

Because this is just a 3d projection effect.

Therefore, when everyone saw the bright and tender camellia petals, they were shocked and couldn't help themselves.

"Fuck me, such a beautiful flower, you actually tore it off!!! If you dislike its beauty, give it to me, and I'll pay you back."

"My god, my heart hurts so much, but three petals have fallen off! Wouldn't it be nice to let it grow on the camellia?"

"Don't ask anything else, I just want to know if the host planted the camellia himself, or where did he buy it? I feel that the color saturation is similar to that in the Huaxia flower grower's video. Has the other party already started selling flowers?"

"I also think it's a bit like it. After all, I have read the camellias posted by other hosts. The petals are not so big, and the color is not so bright. Moreover, the petals wilt quickly after falling from the branches and leaves. It is impossible to maintain the current water. bright state."

"Maybe it's just that the poster took a picture when the petals fell for the first time? But I also think this camellia is much more beautiful than the camellias sent by the general poster, especially the color, the red is very dazzling and pure, I still This is the first time I have seen such a pure red. Oh no, it is not the first time, it is the first time it has been contributed to Huaxia flower growers."

"Landlord, please tell me how you planted it, or where you bought it."

"I'm envious, this pot of camellias is worth tens of thousands of interstellar coins."

"It's really eye-catching. I want it too, but I like jasmine more. The fragrance of that flower is really good."


Looking at the envious and jealous netizens, who seemed to have eaten lemons, Li Pinzhi felt a little nervous.

Who would have thought that the ordinary seed shop he opened would be patronized by a boss, and the boss would give him camellias worth tens of thousands of interstellar coins for free.

Thinking about it this way, he seems to have made a profit.

So he said shyly that it was not planted by him, but a gift from a big boss.

He originally thought that the boss was just joking, but he didn't expect to actually grow a camellia and give it to him, and he also expressed that he was flattered.

The only sad thing was that when he was unpacking the express delivery, he didn't take it to heart and was a little rude, causing the camellia to lose a few petals, which made him feel very distressed.

Therefore, I hope that the majority of netizens will brainstorm and think about how to preserve the petals and how to maintain the camellia.

Although he has also planted some, but each time he died before flowering, so he was very anxious.

The most important thing is that although he has read all the books on planting published by experts, they seem to be useless, so he hopes that experienced netizens can help him.

After reading what Li Pinzhi said, netizens only saw Desi from the inside.

Everyone was swearing and swearing, and they felt that the other party was really good-looking after taking advantage of it.

"Oh my god, what kind of shit luck is this? I also want to meet such a boss who can give me a pot of camellia casually."

"It's true that people are more angry than people. Why isn't the boss by my side? Why can't I meet him?"

"I'm so angry, you're still careless, you don't care about it, it's too much."

"Come on, let me answer. The petals look like this. You can put them in the coagulation solution to coagulate them to make a specimen. Of course, if you don't care about these three petals, you can wait for them to wither naturally and use them as bookmarks."

"Fuck, if you don't mind, you can give it to me. I don't think it's just three petals at all."

"Hey, I'd like to see what the camellia planted by the big guy in the host's mouth looks like. Is it comparable to the Huaxia flower growers?"

"Why do I feel that the landlord is talking about Huaxia flower growers?"

"Me too."

"plus one."

"Add Star ID number."

"The landlord came out and said, is it true that the boss you are talking about is a Huaxia flower grower?"

"That's right, that's right."


A group of netizens below were clamoring for Li Pinzhi to come out, and they were very curious whether the big guy the other party was talking about was the Huaxia flower planter.

Even though Li Pinzhi knew it was true in his heart, he still said no.

"Of course not. How could we little people know a god-level boss like the Huaxia Flower Planter. Apart from gossip, can't you talk about some real planting skills?"

"Hehe, with real planting skills, even if we tell you, you may not be able to succeed."

"That is, how many real planting techniques have been produced by the experts of the empire, and I have died of one of them, and my heart has been blown away."

"Oh, it's really difficult. When can I have my own flowers and plants, even one!"

"Wait, brother, when the Huaxia flower growers really open up the shopping channels, we will have hope!"

"If you can't wait, it's better to go to those unexplored planets. If you take a trip, you may have a pleasant surprise."

"Forget it, those survivable planets have long been occupied by rich people, and the remaining ones are either filled with vicious creatures, or they are not suitable for humans to enter. I want to live for a few more years."


Everyone was noisy, but they still couldn't give Li Pinzhi any good advice.

Li Pinzhi gave up asking, thinking that these guys were just looking at flowers, and they didn't know any planting techniques. It was a waste of his time and affection.

But if he really wanted to let him grow this pot of camellias so casually and unprepared, he felt panicked, he was too afraid that the camellias would die in his hands.

He opened a seed shop, in fact, he has planted countless plants.

The chance of success is very slim, and the only flower that was successfully planted produced very small flowers, pink in color, very cute.

It's just that the flowering period is less than three days before withering and withering.

After withering, Li Pinzhi's heart ached so badly, he didn't close his eyes all day and night, and he didn't feel like eating.

In order to re-breed, he spent several days breeding, but the little pink flower could never bloom in front of his eyes again.

Li Pinzhi's heart was ashamed.

Even an experienced planter like him looks like this, let alone other laymen.

Li Pinzhi sighed, and thought of asking the Huaxia flower planter, who also said that he himself didn't know, made his heart even colder.

The emotional boss is really not pretending, but really new to these things, so he is still confused and ignorant.

It's really comparing people to people, making people mad, and calling people citric acid.

Ever since, the helpless Li Pinzhi started his life of growing flowers with trepidation and trepidation.

On the first night, he couldn't bear to close his eyes.

The camellia was photographed in all directions, as a consolation in the future.

The next day, he saw that the camellias were blooming normally, and he was relieved.

On the third day, the camellias were still lush and beautiful, but Li Pinzhi's heart slowly rose to his throat.

Because the flowers he cultivated last time quickly withered within three days.

On the third night, he didn't dare to close his eyes until early in the morning when he couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep in a daze.

When he suddenly woke up in the morning on the fourth day, the first thing he went to look at was the camellia in the house, but it turned out that the flower was still blooming enchantingly, showing no signs of decay.

Li Pinzhi was shocked.

On the fifth day, the sixth day, the seventh day, and the eighth day, except for watering every few days, Li Pinzhi didn't do anything else, but the flowers were all normal.

Li Pinzhi was so excited, he hesitated, and finally sent another message to the flower grower in Huaxia, asking him how long the camellia blooms.

"Why is it still blooming after ten days?"

Seeing the message, Ji Ci couldn't help but have question marks all over his head, isn't it normal for flowers to bloom for ten days?

Camellia has a very long flowering period, usually from November to May of the next year, that is, it blooms again after falling, and falls again after blooming. In the greenhouse, it can bloom for about 11 days.

After decay, it will grow and bloom again.

Some are well cultivated and can bloom all year round.

Of course, this is only limited to Huaxia, and the flowers in Interstellar, Ji Ci is not very clear.

It's just that he roughly talked about the flowering time.

Hearing that the flowering period lasted about 20 days, Li Pinzhi was so happy that he almost went to heaven.

Hastily, unexpectedly so awesome!

The most important thing is to take good care of it after blooming, so that it can bloom again.

Li Pinzhi burst into tears with excitement, and sent countless rainbow farts, blowing Ji Ci with a dazed expression, and then placed an order to buy some more seeds.

This time, Li Pinzhi confiscated a penny, but instead gave him many other seeds, hoping that he could cultivate them all.

And he begged cheekily, as long as Ji Cizhong gave him a pot then it would be fine.

For this condition, Ji Ci naturally readily agrees, it is simply not easy to achieve.

And Ji Ci also needs an interstellar ordinary person to help him see the status quo of these mature flowers that are not taken care of by him.

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