After a night of fierce fighting, ashes, freezing, cracks, rotting vegetation, broken dead trees, scorched land, black blood, cracked brains, and pieces of burned corpses all over the place.

The morning breeze blows, and what is blown away is not flowers mixed with the fragrance of green grass.Instead, the disgusting stench of corpses mixed with blood filled the air.Even after a night of smelling, it still makes people feel uncomfortable.

The people who had fought all night didn't care about the harsh environment at all, and lay down casually next to the broken corpses. They were too tired.

Below him was the ground soaked in the stinky blood of the zombies, and that decayed breath seemed to have penetrated into the bone marrow of the ground.

And their bodies were also covered in black blood.

The sun shone through the clouds, and Tan Mingyou raised his hand to cover the harsh sunlight.

I don't know if it's because of the thick and lingering devilish energy that hangs over the sky.The sun was shining brightly, but it was not at all hopeful.

Tan Mingyou took a deep breath, sat up, and clapped his hands to call everyone's attention.

"Have you rested well? After resting, go and solve the trouble quickly, and leave here early."

This place really sucks.

Tan Mingyou reckoned that after passing here, he should be able to leave the sphere of influence of the demonic energy by walking a day's journey forward.

Even if the outside is not safe, there are still dangers.But at least it doesn't feel oppressive and gloomy outside.

Yu Jin waved his hand, "Let me rest for a while."

"The physical strength is too weak, the little girl is stronger than you."

Tan Mingyou was referring to Hu Qingxue and Fu Qiuyun. After such a fierce battle, when everyone was so tired that they fell to the ground like dead dogs, they still had the strength to clean themselves up.

Yu Jin didn't say anything, and didn't care too much about being compared with the girl, so he turned over silently.

When he turned around, he was facing the zombie's head that had been cut off in half, and the eyes that were out of the socket hadn't completely fallen off, Yu Jin waved it aside irritably.


"Watch!" Someone shouted angrily.

Obviously, the opened zombie's head did not land on the open space.

Everyone was exhausted that night.

Just as Tan Mingyou requested, no one kept any secrets.

A steady stream of zombies seemed endless throughout the night, from torturing people's physical strength to torturing people's nerves.

Everyone was almost numb. From now on, no matter how disgusting the scene is, it is estimated that they will no longer be able to stir up ripples in their hearts.

Because he didn't know the situation, Tan Mingyou only took a small group of people to find the source.

Those least affected by hallucinations like Wei Xuansan, Yun Qincheng, and Yan Lin are naturally on the list.In addition to them, there are Tong Fan, Chen Yunxi, Kang Nan, and Yu Jin who are in the top ranks in terms of combat effectiveness. In addition, there are also Fu Qiuyun who has the healing ability to go with him in case of accidents, and Fan Jialiang who wants to study and investigate with him.

The rest of the people were all left behind by Tan Mingyou.

The ten people packed their bags, took their weapons, and were about to set off.

Tan Mingyou suddenly called out to those who stayed behind, "Look out."

The person who was shot by Tan Mingyou's words looked over suspiciously.


The man turned his head, and it turned out that the companion lying dead under his feet woke up.He stared at a pair of red eyes and grinned.

With a wave of the stick in his hand, there was a bang, and the person who had just woken up was knocked unconscious again.

After finishing his work, the man raised his head and smiled embarrassedly at Tan Mingyou.

Tan Mingyou emphasized again, "The people who stay must cheer up and take good care of people."

Only then did he take a few people on the road with confidence.

"No matter what the result of this trip is, we will be back before sunset."


A group of people moved forward silently, and the decayed atmosphere still lingered after getting used to it all night.

The place they were going to was not on the main road, and now the vegetation was growing wildly, and it was hidden in the depths of the new jungle.

The further you go, the darker it becomes.The vegetation here is too luxuriant, and the sunlight cannot be projected directly in. Only the mottled shadows of the trees are cast, vaguely bringing some light to the place.

The atmosphere gradually became more and more strange. For a while, if there were no shallow or heavy breathing, the silence here would be like a barren dead zone.

None of these ten or so people were careless and inexperienced.The eerie tranquility here, without even the chirping of birds and insects, had already aroused their alarm.

"Ayou?" Wei Xuansan suddenly grabbed Tan Mingyou.


Tan Mingyou nodded, stopping people's progress.

What they are in now is a small fruit forest.Among the dense branches and leaves, there are full of crystal clear fruits.

Yu Jin also stepped forward to take a look, and asked, "Is it an apple?"

Tan Mingyou nodded, agreeing with Yu Jin's guess.

Why is it a guess, because this apple is not the same as the one they ate along the way.

The apple trees they encountered along the way had round, crystal-clear and lovely fruits, with a faint cyan color, and there was a faint brilliance flowing inside.

These fruit trees in front of them, although their appearance is very similar to the mutated apple tree, but the fruit is a clear purple.And the luxuriant branches and leaves are green with purple, and there are faint lines of vermilion.

The difference is so great that it is difficult to regard them as one kind for a while.

The cyan has not completely faded, Tan Mingyou inspected it carefully, and said: "It should have just been corrupted."

Corruption is a post-apocalyptic term. Animals and plants that have been invaded by demonic energy all carry an unconcealable rotten aura.

"The other plants here have already decayed."

In a forest that has long been bred by the devil's energy, there are some plants that have just been corrupted by the devil's energy. What does this mean?

"Be careful, it shouldn't be far away."

"But now there is still no sense of danger."

Tan Mingyou glanced at Yu Jin, "Did you feel the danger before you woke up?"

Yun Qin felt angry, brushing his presence, "I can feel it."

"Then you should be a good siren, and beep twice if you feel danger."

The rest of the people burst out laughing, and the atmosphere finally relaxed.

Yun Qincheng didn't care about acting as an atmosphere regulator at all, he just grabbed Yan Lin by the back of the neck and brought it to his eyes.

"It's fine if they laugh, why are you laughing? Do you know what a beep is?"

Yan Lin struggled dissatisfiedly, angrily stomping on Yun Qincheng's approaching handsome face.Finally, with an effort, he stepped on Yun Qincheng's nose, broke free from Yun Qincheng's big hand, and jumped back onto Tan Mingyou's shoulder.

Yan Lin's foot was not lightly stepped on, and Yun Qincheng felt a little pain even though there was a cushion on the foot.

Yun Qincheng rubbed his nose and complained: "So dependent on you, is it your son?"

When Yan Lin met Tan Mingyou, he was still a cub less than two months old, and Tan Mingyou tricked him into bringing him here. After that, he kept him with him, saying that he wanted to make Tan Mingyou his father, and there was nothing wrong with it. possible.

Tan Mingyou smiled, pulled Yan Lin down and smoothed two handfuls of hair, and then stuffed Yan Lin into Wei Xuansan's arms.

"Fucking child, take care of the child."

Wei Xuansan took over Yan Lin, smiled even more happily, turned to Yun Qincheng, and said righteously: "So, don't bully my son."


Everyone laughed again.

Yan Lin didn't know what they were laughing at, so she hugged Wei Xuansan's arms, as if she was laughing at herself?

"Okay, let's forget about laughing." Seeing that it was almost done, Tan Mingyou stopped everyone, "Be careful, the source of the thing can make us all fall into hallucinations, the closer we are to it, the more dangerous it should be. From now on, Keep your heart and don't believe anything you see. The "Pure Heart Jue" has been taught to you, and if you feel something is wrong, adjust it yourself."

At this time, everyone stopped laughing and looked serious.

Ever since seeing those fruit trees, Tan Mingyou felt that they must have found the right place.

Sure enough, as I walked deeper, some strange emotions gradually rose in my heart for no reason.

Fortunately, everyone had been prepared for a long time, and they were not pulled into the hallucination all at once, unable to distinguish reality.

Tan Mingyou sighed in his heart: Here we go again.

Suddenly appearing out of nowhere, the indifferent and heartless Tan Mingyu, and the weak, charming and pitiful Zhuang Huan'er.

Turning her head, Chen Yunxi, who was charming and maddened when she smiled.

Also, Wei Xuansan, who was showing that smug smile again, Tan Mingyou raised his hand and stroked Wei Xuansan's dog's head.

Wei Xuansan was touched inexplicably, and Tan Mingyou couldn't see the puzzled expression.

But stroking the dog's head, which is called a "ghost animal", feels so strange.

After Tan Mingyou touched it, he just wanted to recite the "Qingxin Jue" silently to dispel illusions.The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

How many years have not seen such a scene?Tan Mingyou counted the time, ten years, is there any?

The majestic father who often smiled and caressed the top of his head was always a gentle and kind mother.Also, he has always been the grandfather who loves him the most.

"Xiaoyou, what are you doing in a daze, come here quickly. Today is your birthday, and mom specially cooked noodles for you."

Tan's mother is also from a family, and everyone is a lady, and she has never touched the spring water with her fingers.But every time their brothers birthday, they will cook a bowl of noodles by themselves, and that is the only thing she knows how to cook.

It turned out that today is his birthday, Tan Mingyou sighed, time flies so fast.

How long has it been since you ate?

"Xiao You, you've grown up, but you haven't disappointed Dad." Dad Tan sighed with a smile.

"Humph," Grandpa Tan snorted coldly, "My grandson is naturally the best."

Tan's father has always been most afraid of his own father, don't look at how the Tan family's grandpa can spoil Tan Mingyou to heaven.But this old man has always adhered to the tradition of embracing grandchildren but not sons. He dotes on his grandson, but he is extremely strict with his own son.

So seeing Grandpa Tan getting cold, he immediately responded with a smile, "Yes, Dad, you are right."

Grandpa Tan didn't look at him either, he just looked at Tan Mingyou with a smile, "Come on, Xiaoyou, come here and show grandpa, you're one year older, you've grown up."

Turns out, hallucinations aren't all abominations.No wonder so many people are immersed in the illusion and don't want to wake up.

But Tan Mingyou knew clearly that he couldn't be immersed in this warmth and beauty.

With a last nostalgic glance at the three smiling people, Tan Mingyou recited the heart formula silently.

But after counting it over and over again, nothing changed at all.

It's not the wild forest overgrown with humus, but the old house of the Tan family that is the most warm and nostalgic in his memory.

how come?

Tan Mingyou clenched Suyuan in his hand, so tight that Suyuan shook slightly.

Seeing Tan Mingyou standing still, Tan's mother came over.

"You child, what's going on today?"

When Tan's mother walked up to her, Tan Mingyou realized that, in his memory, the mother who always held him on her lap was already half a head shorter than him.

All this is so real, even if Tan Mingyou's mind is clear, he didn't see anything unusual.

Tan Mingyou opened his mouth and called softly: "Mom"

"Huh?" Tan's mother looked up suspiciously, trying to hold Tan Mingyou's hand.


But screamed.

Tan Mingyou looked at Su Yuan who came out of his body, the bright red on the blade made his eyes hurt.

"Xiaoyou!" Papa Tan and Grandpa Tan both exclaimed, "Are you crazy?"

Tan Mingyou pursed his lips and walked over step by step.

Suyuan rotated, and blood spread on the ground.

This place, the warmest in his memory, finally has an image that he never wants to see again.

Tan Mingyou took a deep breath, dodged, and walked backwards.

Just to avoid the rotten branches that were drawn.

The old house of the Tan family has disappeared, but it is still the dark forest.


When Wei Xuansan saw Tan Mingyou standing still, he saw the vines attacking Tan Mingyou, but he was also entangled by the branches that grew wildly from nowhere.

Fortunately, at the critical juncture, Tan Mingyou finally regained consciousness.

Wei Xuansan rushed to Tan Mingyou's side after getting rid of the troubles around him.

"I'm fine." Tan Mingyou suppressed the expression on his face, "Take care of what's in front of you first."

Tan Mingyou looked around for a week, and found that the people who had fallen into the illusion had spontaneously woke up one after another, and felt relieved.

At some point, they no longer saw the road ahead, but a high wall made of entangled branches and vines.

Without the shackles of illusion, these branches are not difficult to deal with, and the branches retreat frequently after being hit.

No matter what kind of plant it is, most of them are afraid of fire.

The fire burned, and the branches retreated one after another.

Several people gasped for breath, but their expressions were not very good.

Yun Qincheng lost his smile for the first time, looking gloomy and ugly.

Tan Mingyou sighed, and waved his hands to Wei Xuansan's worried gaze.

"Xuan San, if you can go back tonight, cook some noodles for me."

Wei Xuansan: o(>_

The author has something to say: I am writing and writing... I found out that I still can't finish writing a chapter, but I still shrink it, squeezed it into a chapter...

I've been running naked for the past few days, so the update is not on time, sorry...

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