The author has something to say: Lightning protection reminder: This article is about my brother's year, because the copy is not allowed to say, so I put it here to remind everyone to pay attention

Because my copywriting is always unreliable, so I will be brief, and I will revise it later...

Han Chenxin took a case of intentional homicide in the afternoon.

He had just returned from the detention center at that time, parked the police car and went upstairs. Xu Fang, an office worker in the department, was a cheerful girl. When she saw him from the window, she poked her head out and shouted, "Handsome guy Han, you've taken the case!"

Han Chenxin raised his head to look at her, but didn't speak.

Seeing this, Wu Chao, an assistant in Xu Fang's office, said, "The handsome guy ignores you."

Xu Fang smiled indifferently and said, "What's the matter? Handsome guys have privileges."

Han Chenxin is a well-known handsome guy in the City Prosecutor's Office. To be precise, not only the City Prosecutor's Office, but the entire Chongfeng City plus a dozen or so courts at the grass-roots level know that there is a handsome guy in the City Prosecutor's Office. He is good-looking and has a good figure. , nearly 1.8 meters tall, with long and straight legs.It's just that his personality is a bit cold, and he doesn't like to talk at ordinary times, and he can't be funny even if he is funny.

It is said that the procuratorate once held a general meeting, and the chief prosecutor sat on the rostrum, pointed at Han Chenxin and said, "Little girls, don't sit behind Han Chenxin, sit in front of me and have a serious meeting."

Han Chenxin was originally looking down at the documents on the table, but he looked up at the rostrum for a moment, and sat up straight involuntarily.

As a result, the chief prosecutor said: "Xiao Han's hair is too long, it's time to cut it when I go back."

The entire conference room roared with laughter.

Han Chen didn't smile, nor was he embarrassed, but he cut his hair even shorter when he got off work that day.But in the words of the girl in the procuratorate, a handsome guy is handsome even if he shaves his head, so don't delay.

Han Chenxin took the elevator up to the fifth floor, went to Xu Fang to get the file, and then returned to his office with the file.

The top one is the case of intentional homicide.

Han Chenxin opened the case file and carefully read the pages one by one. When he turned to the last few pages, it was an autopsy report with complete photos attached.To be honest, many female prosecutors were still a little afraid of this thing, but Han Chenxin opened the photo expressionlessly.

There are photos of the crime scene and the autopsy process.

The victim was a female, with several abrasions and contusions on her body, which were not too serious. The fatal injury should have been on the head, where she was hit with a stick, resulting in intracranial injury and subarachnoid hemorrhage.The cause of death is quite clear, the tools for the crime have been found, and the DNA comparison is in progress, and it will take two days to get the results.

The scene of the crime was a residential area, an old five-story house with no elevator, and two households on the first floor.The scene was in the house on the right side of the third floor. The witnesses were the neighbors next door, a young couple. Their interrogation transcripts mentioned that they heard arguing next door, and after a while, someone opened the door and left, and then closed the door heavily. After going downstairs, the room fell silent.

Ask them if they heard someone open the door and go in afterwards. One of the two said they didn't hear it, and the other said they didn't pay attention.

There is another witness who lives upstairs. He said he was going upstairs after work when he saw the door on the right side of the third floor open. A man came out and closed the door hard, then passed him and left in a hurry. .In the identification transcript, the witness pointed out that the man who left was the suspect in this case, a man named Sun Zheyang.

Han Chenxin flipped through the photos of the suspect, and suddenly felt familiar. After thinking about it, he couldn't remember where he had seen him, so he probably didn't know him.

However, the biggest problem with this case is that the suspect, Sun Zheyang, did not plead guilty. He denied that he had killed anyone, saying that when he left, the victim was still fine, and he did not know who did it or who it was When did it happen.

Sun Zheyang left the scene at [-] o'clock in the evening, and the victim's body was found at noon the next day. Did anyone else appear at the scene?Because there is no monitoring in the old community, this has become a fact that is difficult to verify.

troublesome case.

Han Chenxin came to a conclusion, closed the case file and put it aside, stretched out his hand and rubbed the space between his eyebrows, it was almost time to get off work.

The next morning, Han Chenxin reported the case to the director. The director frowned and said, "How did they handle this case? It sounds a bit unsolved."

Han Chenxin said: "The existing evidence is a bit weak, let's wait until I go to the detention center and ask someone."

The director nodded, "Let the police quickly send over the DNA test and see the results."

The fingerprints of the suspect were extracted from the tool used to commit the crime, but there were also fingerprints left by an unknown third party, and several bloodstains were extracted at the scene, but it is hard to say whether there are any suspects. Anyway, everything is evidence. Calculate.

I spent all day looking at the case in the office today, and tomorrow I will go to the detention center to question people.

Han Chenxin handed over the case file to Wu Chao to help him record it. When he took it in the morning, Wu Chao said, "Okay, brother Han, you can put it there." But in the afternoon, Han Chenxin went over and saw that it was still there, and Wu Chao was outside in the corridor Call your girlfriend on the phone.

Han Chenxin didn't say anything, just took the paper back and recorded it by himself.

After a while, Wu Chao came to his office and knocked on the door, "Why is the murder document missing? Brother Han, did you take it away?"

Han Chenxin raised his head and said, "Well, I took it back, I'll record it myself."

"Ouch," Wu Chao scratched his head, "let me do it, I just came back to record after I finished the phone call."

"It's okay," Han Chenxin said, then lowered her head and went to record the paper, without saying a word.

Wu Chao pouted, turned and left.

In the afternoon, Han Chenxin worked overtime for a while before finishing the two files. He locked the files in the cabinet, then went out and locked the door to leave.Jiang Liping, who shared the office with him, was on maternity leave recently, so Han Chenxin had the opportunity to enjoy the entire office by himself.

He went to the underground parking lot to pick up the car, and halfway received a call from his mother, asking if he wanted to go home for dinner tonight.

Han Chenxin said, "I have something to do tonight, so I won't be going home."

His mother tentatively asked, "Have you got a girlfriend?"

Han Chenxin said, "It's nothing. I'm driving, so I'll hang up first." Then he hung up.

He knew that talking to his mother like this was not a very good attitude, but he just couldn't bear his temper. Many things at home bothered him. He didn't want to go back, and he didn't want to see his dad.

Perhaps the rebellious period was too long, sometimes Han Chen would think so, and then find it funny.

Back at his home where he lives alone, Han Chenxin put down the car keys, and the first thing he did was to run water in the bathroom and take a shower.

The house was rented. At that time, his father said he would give him the money to pay the down payment and let him buy a house. He refused. He saved some money by himself, but bought a car first.

For this reason, his mother also talked about him, but she didn't dare to speak harshly, for fear that he would be unhappy.

Han Chenxin looks a little cold, even his attitude towards his family is sometimes a little cold, maybe young girls think it's cool and individual, but to his mother, this attitude towards him is a bit cold. Uneasy, so I usually speak cautiously.

In the end, the money for buying a house for him was still at home, but Han Chenxin never went to see the house, nor did he propose to buy a house, so the money just stayed there without touching it.

After taking a shower, Han Chenxin came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of casual trousers and her upper body was naked. While wiping her hair with a towel, she turned on the TV and watched the news for a while.

Dinner is eaten at a small restaurant outside. A set meal costs more than ten yuan, which is really not very delicious.

But Han Chen didn't care. He obviously had the conditions to live a better life. He could go back to his parents' house for dinner, or find a girlfriend or wife to help him cook and eat with him, but he was willing to live like this now.

Many people didn't understand Han Chenxin and thought he was cold or handsome, but those who knew him didn't think so.

Han Chenxin had a girlfriend before, and the two were college classmates. The girl took the initiative to pursue him. After graduating from college, she broke up with him in the second year of work, and the girl dumped him.

The girl said to him: "Actually, you are very selfish. You don't care about me at all. If I tell you to eat, you will eat, and if I tell you to watch movies, you will watch. What are your own thoughts? Have you thought about ours? The future? Are you planning to buy a house and marry me? I bet you never think about it. You live in your own world, you don't need me, and I can't live with you looking at your face Forever, let's break up."

After the breakup, Han Chenxin felt that every word she said was correct. He was not active or too passive, but there was nothing he could do about it.Han Chenxin feels that there is nothing in this world that can attract him too much. He handles cases only for work, and eats and sleeps just for survival. There is no need for a girlfriend or interpersonal communication. Go home after work and watch movies. The webpage is the most comfortable life for him.

Indifferent by nature, this is how Han Chenxin evaluated himself.

Going to work the next morning, after having breakfast in the cafeteria, Han Chenxin packed her things and prepared to go to the detention center.

Today he went to the detention center with Lu Jing, the newly recruited clerk, Yuan Wenshan, a girl who just graduated from graduate school, and Wu Chao, the assistant who accompanied them to open the room.

Four people just have one car and open two rooms.

Han Chenxin went to the section chief to get the keys of the police car, said hello to Lu Jing, and went to the underground parking lot to get the car first, while everyone else went outside the gate to wait for him.

Lu Jing is over 30 this year, and her child is two years old, a few years older than Han Chenxin. Yuan Wenshan is a pink and tender girl who doesn't even have friends.When she first entered the courtyard, the girls who were admitted with her all asked her, saying that there was a handsome guy in the surveillance office?

Yuan Wenshan also thinks that Han Chenxin is really good-looking, she should be a model or act in a movie.Although the little girl didn't have too many ideas, it would be nice to take a peek at the handsome guy or say a few words.But later Yuan Wenshan found that Han Chenxin was too cold, nothing else, just cold, he didn't seem to care about talking to him, until now every time he saw Yuan Wenshan, he called Xiao Yuan, but Yuan Wenshan suspected that Han Chenxin I don't remember my full name, I just know my surname is Yuan.

Han Chenxin drove out, and after getting in the car, Lu Jing naturally sat in the co-pilot, while Yuan Wenshan and Wu Chao sat in the back seat.

They are all young people, and they have a lot of topics every day when they are familiar with each other. Even if Han Chenxin is silent by himself, other people can chat in full swing.

Lu Jing first chatted with Yuan Wenshan about the Korean drama I watched last night. Wu Chao yawned and said to Yuan Wenshan, "Shanshan, come sing with us this weekend?"

Yuan Wenshan said: "I can't go, I'm going to my grandma's house on weekends."

"Go to grandma's house—" Wu Chao deliberately squeezed his throat and said in a childish voice, and then laughed, "How old are you!"

"You don't care about me!" Yuan Wenshan pretended to be angry, with a bit of coquettishness in her voice.

The two were chatting and joking behind, Wu Chao deliberately teased her, made a ball of paper, and made a gesture to hit her, but Han Chenxin stepped on the brakes suddenly, and the paper ball swayed and hit Han Chenxin's head.

Yuan Wenshan said "Oh".

Wu Chao hurriedly said, "Brother Han, I'm sorry."

Han Chenxin shook his head and said nothing.

Lu Jing picked up the ball of paper, threw it backwards, and said, "Don't interfere with the driver's driving."

Then the car fell silent.

Wu Chao made a face at Yuan Wenshan.

Yuan Wenshan couldn't help but glanced at Han Chenxin from the rearview mirror, and Han Chenxin also glanced at the rearview mirror, Yuan Wenshan immediately turned her gaze away, and looked out the car window with her face propped on one hand.

When they arrived at the detention center, Han Chenxin opened an interrogation room with Yuan Wenshan.

While waiting for the prison guard to deliver the suspect, Han Chenxin sat in front of the table and routinely filled in the suspect's identity information on the interrogation transcript.

After a while, the heavy iron door behind the iron railing was opened, and the prison guards brought the suspect in handcuffs, asked him to sit down at the interrogation table inside, and handcuffed his hands.

Han Chenxin didn't raise his head during this process. Yuan Wenshan handed over the bill to the prison guards, who withdrew and closed the iron gate inside.

With his head buried in his heart, Han Chen wrote down two questions that he planned to interrogate the suspect, and said, "We are the staff of the People's Procuratorate of Chongfeng City. We are interrogating you now. You can refuse to answer questions that are not related to the case. ,Did you hear that?"

The man sitting inside did not speak.

Han Chenxin finally raised his head and looked at the suspect.

It was a very tall man. The interrogation chair was too small for him, and it was a little uncomfortable to sit in it. His facial features were handsome and slightly sharp, with a high nose bridge, but thin lips, and his eyes were slightly darkened. With a vicious expression, because the hair is shaved very short, the scalp can be seen, which makes the whole person look more vicious and sinister.

Han Chenxin and Yuan Wenshan had seen many suspects, but they had rarely seen such arrogance.

The suspect named Sun Zheyang looked at Han Chenxin without blinking.

Han Chenxin looked at him, at first he was a little dazed, then his eyes became serious, and he kept staring at him.

The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds, until Yuan Wenshan called out "Brother Han" nervously, and Han Chenxin came back to his senses, and said to the people inside: "Han Chencheng?"

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