Changing back to his human identity, after stuffing the devil's cloak back into his pocket, Qiao Meng, who returned to the battlefield with the artifact in his hand, did not dare to be careless at all, but unexpectedly, the little devils wandering around seemed to have no attention at all. As far as he was concerned, there was no attack on him at all.

Qiao Meng checked it and thought it was probably because he was still wearing the badge given by Aya.However, even if the enemy doesn't take the initiative to attack, it doesn't mean that Qiao Meng can put down the butcher knife.Frenzied, he held a gun in his hand, and used all kinds of docile and harmless little devils as targets along the way to improve his ability to use new weapons and brush up his actual combat experience.

Although the little devil will not take the initiative to attack Qiao Meng, but he will fight back after being attacked. Qiao Meng, who is a sports waste, was very embarrassed at first, and then he gradually grasped the point. Good at flying kites.

Of course, after this "hard battle", the originally tidy and clean appearance has become embarrassed, but this is more in line with Qiao Meng's current character setting of "being separated from friends and living hard alone until now", otherwise Anyone with a brain would suspect that there was something wrong with him as soon as he saw him before.

While practicing marksmanship, Qiao Meng, who was exceptionally good at reading maps, did not encounter any difficulties and found Bingge A and the others with ease. They were being attacked by a group of little demons, and they fought and retreated.

At such a critical moment, Qiao Meng, who had been thinking about how to strike up a conversation, naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity, and rushed forward without hesitation.Became a hero who saved... it shouldn't be considered "beautiful".

"Follow me! Quick!" Qiao Meng yelled at Bingge A's group after killing several of the most dangerous little demons with a gun, guiding them in their direction.At such a critical moment, there was no time to think too much. The group of people who were almost cornered immediately grabbed the only life-saving straw, and rushed out of the encirclement with Qiao Meng without saying a word.

Qiao Meng's speed is not fast, but his advantage is that he is flexible and familiar with the terrain. The road he chose will not cause any danger of being surrounded, and it is narrow and has many obstacles. No matter how many little devils are chasing him, he can still After being broken into pieces, they were broken one by one.Coupled with the "artifact" in Qiao Meng's hands, some of the remaining people were not bad at skills, and finally managed to escape before their physical strength was exhausted.

Once the crisis was resolved, everyone immediately knelt down, without even the strength to move. Qiao Meng also wiped the sweat from his head, panting and sat down against the wall.

"You are...Qiao Meng?" The only person A who had seen Qiao Meng looked him up, looking very surprised.For this useless otaku, A is quite impressed. He never thinks that he will see Qiao Meng again one day, because no matter how you look at him, he probably looks like cannon fodder.

"It's me." Qiao Meng felt a little burning in his throat, and coughed lightly, "How did you provoke so many little devils?"

"... was framed." A big man next to him cursed, with an ugly expression, "It was done by those hunters, it is simply inhumane!"

Hearing what he said, everyone showed indescribable expressions. They were regarded as the prey of the devil. They had prepared for a long time, but they didn't expect that before the devil attacked them, they were stabbed severely from behind by their own kind , even if it is not unexpected, but it is emotionally unacceptable.

"What about you? How did you...survive?" Not wanting to talk about the previous topic, A looked at Qiao Meng with latent vigilance.

Since being treated as prey by his original companion C, A has learned not to trust others. Although Qiao Meng appeared at a critical moment and saved them, it is a great favor, but who can guarantee that this is not the beginning of another scam? ?

Qiao Meng was a little surprised by A's distrust.A who is not the holy father is very gratifying, but this is a bit difficult to fool, so Qiao Meng plans to tell the truth—of course, eight parts of the truth and two parts of the lie.

Today's human beings, especially these "high-minded people" are very guarded against demons, and they understand how attractive the temptation of demons is, so it is impossible for Qiao Meng to reveal the deal between himself and the demon Aya , but other than that, the truth can be stated directly.

So, Qiao Meng took out the devil's cloak, explained the origin of the cloak, and showed its effect to others to gain trust, and then half-honestly and half-fabricated how he pretended to be a devil, mixed in with the devil, and looked for a way to leave Said everything.

Qiao Meng has dabbled a lot in various ACGs, so he is naturally very good at making up stories. In addition, most of the content is true, so it sounds particularly vivid and real.

Gradually, everyone's attention was attracted by his words, and they surrounded him. When Qiao Meng took out the map of the four pivot points, everyone's eyes lit up, as if they had finally caught the only living thing. A faint hope of going down.

"You mean, after destroying these four pivot points, the enchantment surrounding Castlevania can be opened, establishing a passage to the world?" A carefully held the parchment hand-painted by Aya, with a serious face.

"Yes, that's why I'm looking for companions to destroy them with me. I can't do it alone." Qiao Meng nodded solemnly, "As a demon, I inquired about it from other demons. I know from a lot of news that you are the most suitable candidates who have never made deals with demons. I..." Qiao Meng smiled wryly, "Probably I can only trust you."

Seeing the approval and pity on other people's faces, Qiao Meng almost wanted to give her 32 likes for her amazing acting skills!Hu made up a set of experiences of being betrayed, and in this case, it can especially arouse everyone's sense of resonance and acceptance.

"How do you know this map is right, not a trap?" A was a little shaken.

Leaving Castlevania is something that everyone thinks about day and night. Qiao Meng drew a big cake in front of them who were on the verge of starvation. Even if everyone knew that this cake would choke to death , I really can't bear the desire to take a bite.

"I'm not sure." Qiao Meng's expression looks more sincere and sincere, and taking retreat as an advance is more trustworthy at this time, "But I only got it after a narrow escape, and I don't want to believe it's fake , not to mention..." Qiao Meng paused, "What's more, besides believing, do we have any other choice?"

"No, we have no other choice." A man who looked like a social elite frowned slightly, but his tone was very calm and rational, "There are fewer and fewer people who survived, and the hunters exchanged the souls of the same kind." The ability of the demons is getting stronger and stronger. We have been targeted, and it will be a matter of time before we are wiped out—if it hadn’t been for Qiao Meng’s appearance, we might be dead by now. In addition, there are demons attacking us The soul is watching, so we can no longer hesitate, one side is sure to die, the other side has a high probability of death, but there is still a small chance of survival, how to choose should we still need to consider?"

Those who have survived until now and have not been seduced by the devil are the fine products left after the big waves washed away the sand. They have fighting power, brains, and perseverance. Naturally, they can quickly figure out the key points, and the elite men just said All voices.

A whispered a few words with the person next to him who was probably also in the leadership position, and then raised his voice: "Anyone who is willing to take risks will come to me, and those who are not willing to stay where they are."

The elite man was the first to go to A. He took the lead to express his opinion, and the rest joined in one after another. Soon, they decided to destroy the hub marked on the map.

Next... Basically, there is nothing about Qiao Meng... Some of these "high-minded people" are charismatic, some know how to deploy troops, and some are quick-witted. In addition to Qiao Meng's understanding of demons, Except for more people, they once again became the well-deserved tail of the crane.

Qiao Meng: ... Sad face.

After watching the discussion of the crowd, Qiao Meng analyzed the feasibility from the perspective of the devil. In the end, the discussion was divided into four groups, with two or three people in each group. Just in case it scares the snake, let the devil take precautions.

Qiao Meng also drew a road map for everyone, marking the escape route after the enchantment was broken, giving everyone a layer of hope and motivation for safe escape.

Seeing that the plan had been arranged, Qiao Meng silently put away the scroll with D's name on it, thinking that it would be useless for the time being.Fortunately, this group of "high-minded people" is the real target of Qiao Meng's wooing, and D is just a backup tire that he will choose in case he fails.

The positions of the four pivot points are different, and the dangers are also different. Qiao Meng, who has a cloak that hides the devil's breath, is naturally assigned to the most dangerous group. The same group is the old acquaintance A, and the self-introduction as E Elite male.

— I hope he is not a lucky E.

After resting, the four groups set off one after another to the hub.Qiao Meng’s team has a clear division of labor, A is in charge of killing monsters, Qiao Meng is in charge of guiding and exploring, and E is in charge of action planning. It stands to reason that this arrangement is quite reasonable, but as a group of protagonists, it is so smooth to reach the destination What, how is it possible!

So, they got stuck in front of a puzzle.

Although solving puzzles is basically the basic element in all horror games, don’t you think it’s a bit inconsistent to press a human puzzle in a Castlevania? !Qiao Meng complained while watching E pondering over the puzzles. Due to the setting of E's elites, his academic qualifications are so good that he is actually a Ph.D., so the matter of solving the puzzles naturally fell on him.

This is a number puzzle, which looks quite simple. Qiao Meng did some calculations and found the answer, but he didn't expect that E's speed was so much slower than his - there seems to be something wrong?

Finally, E, who was muttering to himself and almost broke his head, came up with his answer, which was completely different from Qiao Meng's answer!When the other party was about to enter the answer, Qiao Meng quickly stopped him: "Wait a minute, can you tell me how you calculated it?"

E took a look at Qiao Meng, pushed his glasses, but he didn't refuse. Then, he spit out a lot of calculation steps that sounded absolutely lofty. Qiao Meng tried hard to listen, but...he didn't listen at all. Understand!

Kneel down to top students!

"Is there any problem?" Seeing Qiao Meng's dumbfounded expression, E was slightly proud of his inconspicuousness.

"...No, no..." Qiao Meng took a weak step back and shook his head, the other party's aura completely shocked him!This is simply a stark contrast between a top student and a bad student!

Seeing Qiao Meng's retreat, E smiled with satisfaction and entered his answer.

The door... didn't open, but a wall not far away.

"The answer is wrong!" Qiao Meng's reaction to this situation was the quickest. When he rushed to the door first, he found that it was locked.

"How could it be wrong!" E was a little crazy, watching a strange cow squeezed out of the crack in annoyance, hehe, it can be regarded as an old friend...

"What should I do?!" A asked loudly, raising the gun in his hand.

"The door was locked when we came in. We only have two ways. One is to kill this strange cow completely, and the other is to escape through the gap where it came in. Both are dangerous, but I prefer The former!" Qiao Meng replied decisively.

"Then go ahead! If you can't do it, try to escape!" A glanced at the dark crack, and felt that the unknown inside was not much worse than a strange cow, let alone crawled in without doing anything, and there was a monster behind. The cow is chasing it!If the way forward is blocked, it is the rhythm of waiting for death!

E apparently also agrees with this decision.

A and E have obviously been fighting together for a long time and have cultivated an excellent tacit understanding. Qiao Meng is wearing a cloak and a badge on his chest. He is almost invisible to the monster bull, which is very suitable for throwing cold arrows behind it.Once the strange cow was really enraged, Qiao Meng started to fly the kite until A and E attracted the hatred back.

Generally speaking, with A and E acting as MTs, Qiao Meng's task is quite easy. Even if he is tired from running, he can still find time to catch his breath and recover his strength.

With more and more wounds on the strange cow, the three of them gradually saw the dawn of victory. Even though they were exhausted, they fought more and more courageously, and finally pressed the invisible blood line of the strange cow to the critical value.

"Not good! It's going to make a bigger move! Get out of the way!" Qiao Meng, who had been observing its every move, immediately reminded when he saw the strange cow stopped still, spouting flames from its nostrils, kicking its hind hooves.

A and E didn't need to say much, they naturally scattered and fled in all directions, and after a short period of preparation, the strange cow howled and rushed towards Qiao Meng!

——This is different from the script!What about "turning a blind eye"? !Are the cloaks and badges TM invalid? !

Qiao Meng was about to go crazy. He turned around and wanted to escape the bull monster's charge, but found that his legs were fixed at the moment he was locked by the bull monster, and he couldn't move no matter what.

Even though he desperately told himself not to be afraid, it was impossible for Aya to let him die here, but the fear of approaching death still completely captured Qiao Meng's mind.

Qiao Meng's mind went blank, and he closed his eyes subconsciously, trying to escape the next scene, but when his body felt the scorching heat of the flames from the bull monster's nostrils, he was thrown heavily to the ground.

Qiao Meng's eyes widened suddenly, his sweat-soaked back pressed against the cold ground, his chest heaved violently, and his eyes became a little hollow.

The purple-haired young man who threw him to the ground looked at him contemptuously, maintained the posture of pressing his shoulder with one hand, but pulled out a long knife with the other hand, and snapped at the moment the monster cow rushed over. , gave it a fatal blow.

The bull monster that was almost cut in half fell to the ground, and Qiao Meng was covered in a rain of blood.The moment the purple-haired youth was about to get up, Qiao Meng, who had just recovered from his shock, threw himself into his arms.

Aya: "..."

Surprised, delighted, and even flattered, a series of emotions flashed in the eyes of the purple-haired young man. When he was hesitating whether to put his hand behind Qiao Meng's back and pat him to comfort him, he suddenly felt that his abdomen had been hurt. A merciless blow.

Subconsciously let go of Qiao Meng, took a few steps back and covered his stomach, his originally tender (?) expression was quickly distorted by disbelief, the purple-haired youth stared blankly at Qiao Meng, blinked his eyes, unexpectedly a little Like a puppy who was kicked by its owner, but was wronged and didn't know what he did wrong.

"You bastard!" Qiao Meng wiped the blood on his face fiercely, making his whole face look more ferocious, and his black pupils were shining with anger.

Aya: "..."

——What about throwing yourself in your arms?This is not the same as imagined!Sure enough, everything about ACG is a lie!

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