HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 99 Ms. Beetle's misfortune and so on...

At about eight o'clock at night, Heimdall returned to the South Tower, and he returned with pods and toffee.Heimdall didn't leave Toffee alone. He suffered from loneliness in the past. As his present and forever friend, Heimdall strives to fulfill his previous promise: No matter where he is, Toffee will always be with him. .

In the first few days of school, Heimdall was very worried that other first-year students would be frightened by this, so he always went to and from alone cautiously, avoiding the peak flow of people, leaving early and returning late.He didn't tell anyone except Leon in the dormitory.It wasn't until Carlo Jones, who came uninvited and ate and drank, broke the secret that the secret was spread out.Of course, the first graders did not continue to speak out, and they knew very well that if the school did not agree, this "like" Chimera would not be able to enter at all.

Most children like animals.The legendary ferocious Chimera beast would look like this, and the children inevitably visited the house frequently to find out when they were curious. Toffee's unique preferences and bright and lively personality instantly won the favor of the first graders.After all this, the Chimera-like toffee has become a treasure that the first graders scramble for. Almost every child wants to have the toffee to play in their dormitory. Because of this, the traffic in room 017 doubled.

Moreover, these first graders are very talkative, and the things in the school cafeteria can't dispel them at all.So much so that later, the house elf flannel worriedly expressed that the consumption of tea, snacks and other food was too large, and the speed of bottoming out was far faster than the speed of purchase.

Leon immediately announced that if he wants to come to 017, it's fine, but there is one thing, bring your own tea.Master Blueleg's deterrent power is well-known far and wide. He successfully curbed the shameless behavior of the first graders, and each of them learned how to be a guest again.Except for one, who would do anything to eat—Carol Jones.He drank the "deadly poison" that Leon used to threaten everyone without hesitation, because Master Blueleg once said that if he wanted to continue eating and drinking in 017, he had to swallow a whole bottle of Blueleg's "green poison" for exchange.

Carlo Jones did it, a whole bottle. The two young masters of 017 have lost their way, and it can be said that they are willing to bow down.In front of Carlo's appetite, any obstacle is no longer an obstacle.Of course, the 'green poison' he drank was just the most common diarrhea potion, and he would be fine if he went to the toilet twice more.

That night, Heimdall returned to the room with the cage and saw Carlo Jones as soon as he entered the door. It was amazing that he was not eating today.Rian Thomas was also there, lying on the sofa in his pajamas, holding the hardcover version of "Robe and Pocket Watch" in both hands, looking absorbed and intoxicated.

"Sometimes I doubt it." Heimdall put down the cage and let out the toffee. "Whether this is 017 or 015, why are you two more alike than me and Leon enjoying yourself?"

Leon curled his lips mockingly, agreeing with his roommate's words.He raised his eyes from the letter, a strange light flashed in his dark eyes. "Maybe I should take out the real 'Green Poison'." He said to Heimdall seriously, ignoring the horrified expressions of the two guests.

Thomas's reaction was more intense, he sat upright suddenly, and then hurried forward to greet Heimdall, helping him take off his coat, and serving tea and water, as if he was flattering doglegs.

"What the hell are you here for?" Heimdall looked at Carlo, who threw a magazine onto his desk.

The black cat jumped off Heimdall's shoulders and ran to read the magazine.Seeing this, Carlo frequently bluffed that this cat is a ghost.

Out of curiosity, Heimdall walked over and glanced at the cover of the magazine. ""Witch Weekly"?" He turned to Carlo in surprise. "Since when did you have this hobby?" This magazine is regarded as a low-class publication in the UK, and only people with no sense of morality and wandering wizards will buy it.The former love it for its grandstanding bawdy content.The latter is simply because the magazine's unethical reporting can help them learn about many things, such as smuggling across borders, black market transactions or illegal gambling.

"Don't be prejudiced." Carlo Jones pouted unnaturally. "Occasionally, the magazine publishes something interesting."

Heimdall raised the corner of his mouth: "I thought every issue of this publication was very interesting."

Carlo pretended not to hear it, and repeatedly suggested that he go and have a look, and he would definitely gain something.

Heimdall opened the strangely colored cover, and at the top of the catalog page was a big headline: Rita Skeeter, the ace reporter of "Daily Prophet", is in the biggest crisis since her career!

Heimdall was taken aback, and he quickly turned to that page according to the page number provided in the catalogue.

The content is very simple, there are no long-winded discussions, only a few words published the news.This is the habit of "Witch Weekly", which only discloses sensational news headlines and does not make indiscriminate comments.

Three days ago, Lady Rita Skeeter was formally charged with slander and slander, not by one person but by a group of old, infirm, and highly accomplished wizards.These wizards have all been on the lady's "exclusive report" before, and many "mistakes" they made when they were young and ignorant were exposed. Life was miserable.

Mr. Jan Eric Filatov has been commissioned to sue Ms. Skeeter on behalf of the elderly wizards.

Carlo Jones has been observing Heimdall's expression. The whole school knows how nasty this Rita Skeeter is, so when he accidentally saw this report, he thought of telling Rigg immediately. "Know this Filatov?" he asked.

Heimdall shook his head.The black cat pod remained unabated, and lay all over the magazine, constantly asking Heimdall to turn the pages for it.

"He is a well-known Swedish wizard, and many high-society dignitaries are his clients." After talking freely, Carlo Jones began to ask for sugar supplements.The tea was quickly brought up, and he gnawed on a small bread in each hand, and said while eating: "My aunt and uncle asked him to take care of it for them when they divorced, it was terrible, and my uncle couldn't get along for a whole month Keep your eyes open, and hit your head against the wall whenever you have free time."

Heimdall was speechless.

Thomas sat back on the sofa again, teasing the toffee and interjected: "Flatov is a model of noble morality, he doesn't care about the law and is completely on the side of men, and he created a system that can help women win divorce proceedings." He said that women should enjoy rights, and he has publicly reprimanded and scolded countless times the legal clause that 'the biological child cannot be called one's own child by the mother' that is still in effect in some countries."

"There is no lawsuit that he can't win. As long as a woman comes to him for a divorce lawsuit, it will be [-]% successful." Carlo said vaguely. "If the man refuses to comply with the woman's demands, whether reasonable or not, Mr. Filatov will deal with the poor husband with a steady stream of door visits, legal letters, and tedious legal proceedings until the man is exhausted physically and mentally. Overwhelmed, weighed down financially by litigation costs, racked up in debt, or sent screaming into psychiatric care."

Heimdall's eyes were straightened, and it took a long while before he recovered his voice. "Since he has been serving women, why is he suddenly taking over other lawsuits?"

"You don't understand?" Carlo Jones told him meaningfully. "This is beneficial to his incorruptible, upright, and indomitable knight image. Look at it, because he helps the elderly without asking for anything in return, the number of women who come to him to sue him this year will definitely increase."

Thomas turned his head and raised his eyebrows, "Just because he knows how to help women take advantage of legal loopholes, on the other hand, he also knows how to make her deflate in lawsuits." After finishing speaking, he pretended to shake his head. "Anyway, this Miss Skeeter is in for a lot of trouble."

Heimdall lowered his head, still looking at the report in "Witch Weekly" in a daze.

Carlo Jones suddenly remembered something, and chatted with Thomas: "Did Filatov get engaged at the end of last year?"

"I've heard that too," Thomas said nonchalantly as he kept playing with the toffee. "It seems to be the sister of the Minister of Magic of Finland. I don't know exactly what happened."

What did Heimdall understand from this conversation, it should be said that he found something. "Looks like I should write a letter to Papa and ask him if he knows about it," he said to himself.


Before going to bed, Heimdall finished writing the letter to be sent to his father and the application report for expanding the laboratory.The letter to my father is completely written in one go, no need to pay attention to the choice of words and sentences, sincerity and straightforwardness are the key.The application report took a lot of work.He'd never written an application, except for the Sugar Rat Grand Prix, but that application was presented in a form that didn't require much thought.The application report that needs to be written today is very different and must start with a blank.

Leon Blueleg has no opinion, and he hasn't written about it.He joined the Potion Research Office at the beginning because of the direct appointment of the director, and he only signed the application report and passed it.

Rian Thomas, like Carlo Jones, can't give good advice.Carlo Jones is still undecided, so he did not join any research room.Thomas, the king of the flying class for thousands of years, actually joined the broomstick laboratory. After being selected by the director of the laboratory, not only other students, but even himself could not believe it.But when he was asked what he wrote in the application report, he completely forgot it and didn't know what to ask.

Without the help of others, Heimdall completed his application report alone, and his report had one key word: honesty.He wrote out exactly why he wanted to apply for the expansion, without any flowery rhetoric, without high-spirited speech, and without humility.He can do whatever he wants.

At dawn the next day, while sending out the letter, he submitted his application letter in front of the school mailbox at the entrance of the cafeteria.

On the lunch table at noon that day, Heimdall received a reply from the student union.

The content of the reply was very simple, telling him that the student union already knew about this situation, and because his request was unprecedented, the student union decided to send an officer to work with him to deal with future matters.

Duncan picked up the reply letter and saw the name on it at a glance. "They sent Jean Tanestam to assist you?" he exclaimed, staring.

"Is there something wrong?" Heimdall asked puzzled.

"How should I say it..." Duncan rubbed his neck and put down the letter. "He is in the same grade as us. He has been the prefect since the second grade, joined the student union in the fourth grade, and has been promoted all the way, unimpeded, and now he is the vice chairman of the student union."

"And it is the youngest vice chairman ever." Bernik emphasized.

"So he is very capable?!" Heimdall felt that their expressions didn't seem to mean that.

"He's never had a good reputation among students," Victor said. "He is considered a ruthless, overly strict and calculating person, but the student union trusts him a lot. They sent him to deal with your affairs this time. It's not sure whether it's good or bad."

"It doesn't matter." Heimdall shrugged very much, expressing his indifference. "If I fail this time, there will be another time. I will continue to write applications. I studied the school regulations carefully yesterday, and it didn't say that you can't continue to 'bomb' the student union with letters." He raised his chin confidently. "Perseverance will win!"

Even so, after all the afternoon classes were over, he still felt a little nervous about the upcoming meeting.

Before entering the gate of the experimental research room, Heimdall took out his pocket watch, and the time displayed on it was 16 minutes past 2 o'clock.The letter stated that we met at the experimental laboratory at 16:[-] sharp. He was late, so I don't know if the other party has come.

Heimdall opened the door, and when he looked up, he saw a person standing there.This person had an indifferent expression, staring straight ahead, and the unavoidable eye contact allowed Heimdall to see the other person's appearance clearly.Slowly, the man lowered his eyes to look at him, his blue eyes were as cold as the metal handle on the door, that unsmiling face seemed to be carved out of stone, and there was no trace of emotion on it.

He looked tall, according to Heimdall's visual inspection, he was about as tall as the captain of the school team, August.The facial features are not handsome, and the cold and hard lines are daunting.

"You are late, Mr. Heimdall Sturluson." Jean Tanestam, the vice-chairman of the student union, said sharply. "Our appointment time is exactly 16 o'clock." He took out his pocket watch and looked down. "Hopefully there won't be a next time."

Heimdall swallowed. "I'm sorry, sir." He immediately admitted his mistake. "There won't be a next time." It was his own fault for being late. Now that he has something to ask for, it's better to keep a low profile and be obedient.For the sake of toffee, be sure to get the application as soon as possible.

Jean Tanestam made no comment in response to his words, as Victor revealed he was a stern man.As for haggling over every detail, Heimdall thought to himself, there will be a long time to come.

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