HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 94 Arriving at School

After getting off the carriage, Heimdall took a deep breath of the cold air. For no reason, he seemed to have a soft spot for the ice and snow than the warmth like spring.

The black cat Pod ran up his right shoulder, and nestled down on the special seat familiarly.Heimdall carefully lifted a milky-white straw pet cage with a delicate and lovely appearance from the carriage.Others will definitely think that he is unnecessary. Since his cat is obediently squatting on his shoulders, why does he need to bring an extra pet cage? !

Or did he have two cats?

The correct answer is known only to those in the same carriage, and the pet cage is neither empty nor filled with another cat.Heimdall's new friend, the chimera-like toffee, is currently staying in this small pet cage.Toffee kept turning around in the cage along the way.Heimdall had to feed it a few toffees from time to time to soothe its over-excited nerves, lest it break the pet cage when it gets excited.Because of the change in body shape, toffee prepared in advance can last longer than the original.

This easy-to-use body scaling magic was taught to him by Chimera experts in Greece. The spell is long and difficult to pronounce, and it is very difficult to learn, but the effect is surprisingly good, better than any variation Heimdall has seen before. The casting effect of spells of the same nature is several times better.

[This should be ancient magic. 】During the break of study, Pod told him. [Wizards nowadays don't use this kind of magic anymore. The spells are long and difficult to pronounce. For wizards with poor memory, this is equivalent to torture, because when they want to use it, they find that they can't even read the pronunciation. ] "Modern humans pay attention to high efficiency." Heimdall naturally heard what it meant. "Since the results pointed to are the same, why take a detour?"

[What if the world at the end of the detour is better? 】

Heimdall did not answer this question at the time, he felt that he was not qualified to answer. "Hope," he said. "Hopefully in my lifetime I can clearly compare which shortcuts and corners are preferable."


During Heimdall's limited trips to the village, Emerald Village has always been quiet, even lifeless, but today it looks particularly chaotic.Dazzling robes, carriages flying overhead from time to time, luggage scurrying around, various languages ​​are heard one after another, people rubbing shoulders and complaining to each other...

This is the grand occasion before Durmstrang starts school, and he has never experienced it personally.Because he had never participated in the process, he had no right to speak. He obediently followed his father and waited for Rommel to discuss the next step with his senior brothers.

Several people finally decided to abandon the carriage and take the flying boat.

"Actually, I prefer carriages." Rommel took his son's hand and headed to the other end of the village. "The speed of the flying boat is slow, and it has to wait until the number of people is full, which is too inefficient. But," they passed the long queue of flying carriage rental points, and the two people in the line were arguing loudly about who should be in the front .Rommel raised one eyebrow: "Instead of standing there and waiting, I'd rather sit in the flying boat and wait."

The moment he heard the flying boat, Heimdall became excited, looking eager to try.Everyone else smiled at his beaming expression.At this moment, Rommel stopped suddenly, and Heimdall looked up at his face in confusion. The smile had long since disappeared from his face, and his eyes fell on the front.

Heimdall followed his gaze, seeing nothing at first because there was always someone dangling in front of him.When Rommel pulled him to continue walking, he finally saw clearly.

Among the two walking in tandem, Heimdall only knew the "good-hearted man" Mr. Lacarlini Jr., as for the handsome man with a smile on the corner of his mouth...

The man cast his gaze towards them, then walked over at a leisurely pace, and all the people standing in front of him stepped aside in an instant.

The man glanced at Heimdall, and for no reason, his eyes made Heimdall feel uncomfortable.Then, the man looked at Rommel. "Rommel." He nodded with a smile, as happy as seeing an acquaintance he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Mr. Lacarlini." Rommel nodded shortly, his lips pursed into a straight line.

Heimdall noticed that they did not shake hands, this customary courtesy was forgotten by both of them at the same time.

"I didn't expect to meet you, a busy person, in this place. I thought I was wrong just now." The man said to Rommel. "What brought you here? The outstanding alumni have left their alma mater behind since graduation, and never attended class reunions."

"Come on, Lombardy, save yourself." Rommel frowned in disgust. Heimdall had never seen him express his inner feelings so explicitly. "Don't tell me you really don't know what I'm here for, you and I know it well, don't make us seem like best friends." He bowed his head and smiled at his son. "At least don't make this false appearance in front of my son. You should show the young people something realistic. It's too early for them to face the hypocrisy now!"

After a tense and brief silence, Lombardy Lacarlini turned his eyes to Heimdall again with his usual expression. "So this is Herr Heimdall Strulusson?" he said in a calm, soft tone.

"Hello." Heimdall stretched out his right hand reflexively.

Raccarini glanced at him, took the hand, and touched the fingers more than he did it.

Rommel's patience came to an end, he quickly said: "Sorry, sorry, we are still in a hurry." Regardless of the other party's answer, he dragged Heimdall to move on.

Lacarlini didn't take this to heart at all, and quickly threw Strulusson and his son away from his eyes as if throwing something away, and stopped him instead: "Mr. Krum."

Victor and Bernick stopped at the same time, and Rommel turned around and said, "Waiting for you at the airship."

Heimdall looked suspiciously while being dragged away: "Where's Duncan?"

[Leave early. 】The black cat on the shoulder changed its prone position. [It is estimated that they are already waiting at the flying boat at this moment. 】***

Bernick regretted a little. He felt that he shouldn't have stayed. Although he was called "Mr. Krum", it was obviously not him. The Italian Minister of Magic had been chatting with his cousin, and he was completely a show.The cousin gave apologetic looks frequently, and Bernick repeatedly expressed that he didn't mind.As he grew older, he gradually understood a lot of truths.The little bit of jealousy towards his cousin in the past has also turned into sympathy. To be honest, he is much happier than Victor.

Bernick looked around casually, his eyes caught Minister Raccarini taking out a high-end men's handkerchief from his pocket, and then wiped his right hand with the handkerchief while talking to Victor, he also noticed that Minister Mr. wiped his fingers several times, as if stained with invisible dirt.This realization made Bernick feel his throat choked up, and he was even more surprised that he was still behind. Mr. Minister discarded the handkerchief after wiping it, and the handkerchief was picked up by the conscientious house elf the moment it hit the ground. Together with piles of garbage, it was sent to a special garbage disposal agency...

Bernick looked at the sky for a while and looked at the ground for a while, restless as if he had lice growing on his body.

A sneer rose from the corner of the mouth of the little Lacarini, who had a panoramic view of everything and said nothing.

"Sorry, sir, I'm afraid I can't make the decision."

Bernick heard his cousin say so decisively.

"You should talk to my grandmother directly about this matter, I don't know much about the medicine business at home."

Lombardy Lacarlini was silent for a moment, and then said with a magnanimous smile, "I made things difficult for others."

Victor said goodbye to him without hesitation, and ran towards the airship with Bernick.

"Just in time!"

As soon as the two of them ran onto the airship, Heimdall gave them a thumbs up.Victor raised his smile and was about to say something when his cousin grabbed him and whispered in Bulgarian, "Just pretend you didn't see anything just now."

Victor immediately asked in his native language, "What did I just see?"


To put it bluntly, the flying boat is a relatively large manned hot air balloon, but the balloon above is cone-shaped, and the ship below is more like a black-covered boat.Because of the powerful force of magic, it does not need to take into account many factors such as wind direction, fuel, etc., just like a ship sailing on the vast ocean, sailing smoothly and unimpeded among the mountains.

Emerald Village has a total of six flying boats, each of which can carry 27 people including the helmsman and security personnel.Starting from the ten-meter platform at the entrance of the village, it takes 4 hours to reach Durmstrang in the mountains, which is indeed a bit slow for people who are used to high-speed flying horse-drawn carts.However, it is more economical.

Passing through the mountain peaks, passing through the mist, the clouds seemed to be within easy reach, the sharp wind screamed in the ears, and large snowflakes suddenly melted and disappeared when they approached the ship, and the airship was as warm as spring.

There was no one Heimdall was familiar with on board, and they were all familiar faces, even the second graders were rare.The three brothers met many old friends, some were classmates, some were Quidditch teammates or alternates.

Heimdall almost spent these four hours catching up with the homework of the Transfiguration class, and the black cat laughed at him loudly for this.

The flying boat finally docked above the Quidditch pitch in Durmstrang. A temporary dock was built in the stadium. Children and parents stepped off the flying boat one after another and went down to the ground along the escalator on the docking rack.

The west tower where the three seniors live is closer to the Quidditch field, while the south tower is a little farther away, which means that the four of them will temporarily part ways here.The luggage arrived at the school along with the flying boat, and the house elf was responsible for transporting it back to the dormitory.After saying goodbye to the three senior brothers, Heimdall carried the pet cage and pods on his shoulders, and accompanied by his father, walked towards the south tower.

Along the way, Rommel was describing to Heimdall what it was like when he was in school, such as where there was a shortcut leading to where, which classroom had his calligraphy on the wall and table, which professor he listened to the most carefully in class, Which teacher can make him sleepy for a whole class just by saying a word...

They came early, the South Tower was deserted, and the large troops hadn't arrived yet.

"Oh, did this place look like this?" After entering the South Tower, Rommel frowned and looked at the interior decoration of the common room on the ground floor, with neutral-toned wallpapers, black and white checkered sofas, and colorful coffee tables and seats. chair……

"This place has never changed." A voice came from the sofa near the fireplace, and an old man with white hair slowly stood up. "That's why I always say that you should visit your alma mater more often, Rommel."

Heimdall's eyes widened. This is not the one who likes to appreciate the snow, the one who appreciates the snow... By the way, he doesn't even know what it's called.

"It costs money to see more." Rommel pointed out bluntly. "I refuse to be taken advantage of, those generous classmates are enough." After saying that, he stepped forward and held the old man's hand affectionately. "Long time no see, Professor Katenin."

"Yes, yes, it has been a long time." The old man said. "If I don't come out and walk around, people will start guessing where my cemetery is."

Unlike before when he was sloppy and always wrapped in a plush blanket, this time Heimdall really saw him, a well-dressed and well-dressed handsome old man with silver hair meticulously groomed, different from the previous Under the hat all over the place.

As if seeing what Heimdall was thinking, Katenen said with a smile: "No matter how particular a man is, there will be times when he wants to be lazy."

Heimdall lowered his head and rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

"Have you seen it?" Rommel noticed the interaction between the two.

"I have." Professor Katenen replied readily. "Your son's Russian pronunciation is very standard, I like him very much."

Rommel said disapprovingly: "You like every foreign child who can speak Russian."

Katenin quickly counterattacked: "Did you think of yourself? An unmotivated kid who has memorized 33 Russian letters for a school year!"

Rommel pursed his lips and said nothing.

It is rare to see his father being taught a lesson but not refuting it. Heimdall widened his eyes not wanting to miss the show, and his father pinched his face in retaliation.

Rommel took Heimdall and sat on the sofa together. "The last time you appeared in public was in 86. I remember very clearly. That year Karkaroff wanted to tear down the clock tower and rebuild a new one. You had to come forward to stop him from going his own way. What is it for this time? Is it our respected principal? Do you have a new brilliant idea, sir?"

"Tolerance, Rommel, I told you a long time ago, don't always act like a cynical southern European."

Rommel rolled his eyes: "I would prefer that La Carlini would be as cynical as a real southern European."

The old man smiled calmly.Heimdall saw many things in him, tolerance, understanding, calmness, peace, etc... like a treasure mountain bearing the accumulation of history, weathered and unmoved.

"I came out this time not for the individual, but for the students." Professor Katenen said. "Professor York can't come to the school to teach this semester. There must be a teacher to take his place temporarily. It just so happens that the winter in the mountains is about to pass. Although it snows here all year round, my hibernation period should also be over."

"You mean you are our new Transfiguration teacher?" Heimdall asked hopefully, thinking of the unfinished Transfiguration homework.

"I will be your substitute teacher of Transfiguration this semester." Professor Katenen said, looking at Heimdall. "So, your homework still has to be handed in, and it will be handed over to Professor York's desk before dinner tomorrow, which is also my desk now."

Heimdall grunted, and began to think about whether he was going to stay up late tonight...

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