HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 838 You Are My Beauty


"We are going back, how about you?" Heimdall, who sensed the strange atmosphere, preempted.

"I'll stay a while," Bill said.

Victor seemed to have no intention of greeting Bill, so Heimdall had no choice but to continue chatting.

He pointed to the absent-minded Peter, "This is my friend Peter." Then he said to Peter, "This is my friend Bill."

After the two got to know each other briefly, Peter suddenly remembered something, took out a few regular potion bottles from his pocket, and stuffed a bottle into each of their hands.

The master flipped through the medicine bottle in his hand thoughtfully, Bill took a rough look and didn't study it too much.

"What?" Heimdall asked.

"The latest masterpiece of necrophilia is still in the experimental stage. I can't guarantee the effect. It's at least better to keep a bottle by your side than to sit and wait for death." Peter said indifferently.

The necrophilia in Peter's mouth is a medical institution under the International Police Force. This institution was originally dedicated to serving wizards and policemen who were fighting on the front line, similar to Muggle field doctors.With the deepening and stability of the peaceful era, doctors in the field gradually had no room to play. After integrating all opinions, they began to try "transformation" 20 years ago.

The medical institution has gradually divided into different offices. There are forensic doctors who specialize in autopsies—unfortunately, this job is not as popular in the wizarding world as it is in the Muggle world; therapists who specialize in treating intractable diseases caused by weird magic during fights— — Inheriting the glorious tradition of their predecessors; there is also a group of pharmacists who are proficient in potions and like to innovate — they sum up the experience of their predecessors, combine the strange things around them, and even learn the advanced technology of Muggles, They were ingenious at every turn in three days. Although most of their masterpieces were blacklisted as failures, they were not discouraged, and the more frustrated they became, the more courageous they became.

Most of the funds were squandered by these crazy pharmacists who don't know how to restrain themselves.

The potion that Peter sent out is the latest whim of the madmen-anti-wolf spray.

"...Do they even know what Muggle spray is used for?" Heimdall hesitated.

"Used to spray the big bad wolf?" Peter looked innocent.

The big bad wolf... that's true.

Heimdall decided not to worry about it, and shook the inconspicuous small bottle in his hand. The spray needs a nozzle, so do you have to install one yourself?

Bill said, "Literally, against werewolves?"

"Half right." Peter no longer kept his secrets. "It is used to delay the treatment time of being bitten by a werewolf. You should know that the best treatment time after being bitten by a werewolf is extremely short. Once it is delayed, it will be impossible to recover. The anti-wolf spray can relieve the spread of toxins in the body. Prolong the optimal treatment time as much as possible."

"How high is the chance of recovery?" Bill asked.

"The ideal state is 50.00%."

Peter himself is a werewolf, so he speaks with authority.

But Bill didn't know this, and he was still dubious after hearing what Peter said.

We all know how terrible werewolves are. If you are bitten by a werewolf, you will be finished. From the moment you are bitten, your life will undergo earth-shaking changes, and the subsequent physical and psychological torture will be unimaginable.

"I don't blame you if you don't believe me. In fact, I don't believe it very much." Even Peter, who is as open-minded as Peter, couldn't help muttering a few words in his heart when he got the anti-wolf spray. , leaving home.

"You just said that the potion is still in the experimental stage?" Heimdall reminded.

"Yes, in order to recruit more free test subjects, the necrophilia asked me to send the potion to my friends. I'm easy to talk to, and I have many friends. It's rare for them to clear their minds for Werewolf Spray to ask me to endorse it. You're welcome, Take it back and use it, if the effect is good, remember to give feedback. When sending letters to the International Police Force, please specify that the pharmacist’s office will receive it.” Peter’s self-esteem should not be too good.

This is a curse for their ill-fated fate!

Heimdall didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he gave the potion to the master and asked the master to put it away properly.

Bill seemed very interested in the potion, and asked a few more questions before giving up.

"Peter!" The other members of the international police force saw that Peter was loafing here, and called the labor force away with a stern face.

"Mr. Krum, I want to say a few words to you." Pickup stepped forward and glanced at the others. "Say a few words alone."

"Exactly, I also have something to say to Rigg." Bill pulled Heimdall aside in a particularly eloquent manner.

Victor took a gloomy look, Bill seemed to be unaware, threw the back of his head to the master, and walked to a quiet place with Heimdall in his arms.

"Krum is such an interesting person." Bill smiled meaningfully.

"It's true that he's a little narrow-minded. Who would dare to pat his chest and guarantee that no matter what happens, he can put himself in the shoes of others, with absolute peace of mind and no grievances?" Heimdall disagreed.

Bill shook his head, "I haven't said anything yet!"

"It will be too late until you really say something," Heimdall said with a sideways look. "Or are you really going to say something?"

Bill patted his head, thinking that it really wasn't the little carrot head back then, how cute it was back then, and he nodded at everything he said.

Bill took out a gift box the size of a fist, and Heimdall took it inexplicably.

"What do you mean? My birthday passed early... I should have given you a gift." Heimdall shook his hands, unable to figure out what was inside.

"You remember I'm getting married?"

"Forget that no one can forget your wedding."

Bill smiled, "I wish you and Krum a happy marriage."

Heimdall said in surprise, "You have given a gift." Does Brother Weasley have a good memory?

Bill was amused by his little eyes, "Of course I remember I gave it away, and it was for someone else."


Bill laughed but didn't answer.

Heimdall struggled, "If you don't tell me, I won't accept it!"

Bill pushed back his outstretched hand, "It's definitely not a prank, it's definitely a gift."

Heimdall looked hesitant.

Bill said again, "It doesn't matter if you don't know, there were quite a few people who gave you gifts back then, do you know everyone?"

"It's not the same thing."

"Just think about it," Bill said. "Don't dawdle, take it."

Heimdall had no choice but to put the gift box away, "Thank you to your friend for me, although I don't know the name of the other party."

"You know." Bill was succinct and succinct, and he refused to say more, so mysterious to death.

Heimdall thought to forget it, and think about it later when he got back.

"I'm relieved to see that you're doing well." Bill's natal mother looked relieved after seeing her newlywed daughter shy.

"Stop doing this!" Heimdall scolded with a smile.

"I can tell Krum likes you a lot."

"Brother, stop talking nonsense, okay?" Heimdall said that he couldn't hold it anymore.

Bill couldn't help laughing, and then put on an unfathomable face, "I knew you were treating me..." The dragging words are so meaningful.

"What did you know earlier? I am a married person with a husband and children, and you are also a person who is about to get married." Heimdall quickly put on an ambiguous and fatal defensive posture.

Bill was dying of joy, "Don't you have a crush on me? Otherwise, why would Krum look at me like that?" The two eyes kept emitting death light like a thief, and Bill often felt his skin ache.

"Bah bah bah! That's called ignorance," Heimdall laughed. "If you continue to babble, the little goodwill left in my heart will disappear."

Bill patted him on the shoulder affectionately, and Heimdall patted back. The two were no longer as disparate in height as before.

Bill is a considerate person, even at the expense of his gentle image all the time to accompany him in such a show, nothing more than hoping to eliminate the grudge between himself and Victor.It's good to talk about it, not only Bill is relieved, but Heimdall is also relieved.That was an ignorant favor, without any substantive connotation, and making a fuss out of a molehill would put the cart before the horse.

"I know what you mean, Bill, don't mind, we are still good brothers." Heimdall said sincerely.

Bill nodded, pinched his cheek, and sighed silently that it was not as tender as before.

Heimdall slapped his hand away, and said fiercely on purpose: "Also, stop provoking Wickor for no reason, and don't think I didn't notice your little tricks."

Bill innocently said, "What did I do?"

Heimdall delivered the ultimatum arrogantly, "If I find out that you provoke my husband with ill intentions again, I have plenty of ways to make your beautiful wife feel uncomfortable for the rest of her life."

For a brief moment, Bill had the vague feeling that he was not joking.


The chaos, the farce of flying sand and rocks gradually subsided, and the giant monsters wandering in Latvia were expelled one after another by the multinational coalition forces. The coalition forces worked together to drive them to the remote mountains and old forests.The giant monsters were originally the people of Dashan, and they were once again used by people with ulterior motives to go astray.

Because of this, there have always been voices in the world not to kill the trolls. It is not the trolls’ original intention to hurt wizards, and the trolls in Latvia have not been "specially" in the end.The Latvian wizard, who was slowly returning to normal life, was very upset. He always felt that he would be sorry for the dire situation during this period of time if he didn't eliminate a few giant monsters.However, trolls are still protected creatures, and the Latvian wizards have no choice but to go into the mountains to single out the trolls' lair. In desperation, they had to find a balance by making up a few pleasing pictures in their brains, and then reluctantly let go of this concern.

Before Bill left Latvia that day, he went to the collapsed greenhouse, where he saw the black horseman who had fought side by side, and the black cloak who deliberately revealed his appearance in Gringotts, Riga.

"They asked about you when they left, and I said you probably had already left." Bill said to the black horse man.

The black horseman nodded grimly and said nothing.

"The international police force will not detain Gao Gaoma. They don't have that power. In the end, they can only let the tiger go back to the mountain." Black Cloak said. "I will arrange his whereabouts." The "he" refers to the black horseman.

The division of labor within the Order of the Phoenix is ​​clear, and everyone performs their tasks in an orderly manner, and will not interfere with other people's work when it is unnecessary. Bill is not a troublemaker.He was silent after hearing what the black cloak said.

"Did the gift go out for me?" asked the black cloak.

"Send it away. To be honest, I was surprised to meet you here." Bill smiled wryly. He was already mentally prepared to die together in Riga Gringotts before.

"I didn't expect that either." The black cloak said calmly.

The situation in the UK is on the verge of breaking out, and life is difficult for everyone.

Bill cheered up and said, "Rig's expression was very funny when he received your gift. I didn't reveal the slightest clue. I guess he will be distressed for a while."

The corners of the mouth under the black cloak mask were slightly raised.

"Why do you need to be sneaky? I don't believe that no one will give you a gift. If you do this on purpose, be careful of self-defeating." Bill reminded.

Yes, there are many people who can pass the news to him, Snow or Rommel; and Malfoy-they had a good relationship when they worked together in the Ministry of Magic; at worst, Snape or Sirius; What about Bill Weasley delivering it for him?

"It's nothing, it's fun." The black cloak, no, it should be Osam Dalton said happily.

Bill: "..."


After going back that day, Chairman Sturluson was almost punished to kneel on the washboard because he had a very indiscriminate conversation with Bill Weasley, who was suspected to be his first love, for nearly 15 minutes in broad daylight.

Master Krum's vinegar jar was not overturned, but turned upside down.

The chairman was aggrieved, and greeted his animal friends one by one. He didn't even touch his son's little hands, and was "pinned" by the master's eyes to sit on the chair.

Under the chairman's envious and jealous eyes, Master Krum gently hugged his son and kissed his little cheek, and then said a few words to make the simple son forget to continue staring at the little papa, and turned his head and ran to the small desk to study hard.

Little heartless, are books more attractive than little papa?Now Xiaobaba doesn't even have the confidence to accuse her son of being unfilial. In the modern dynasty, do parents dare to disturb their children to review their homework?Still not hitting five thunders every day? !Chairman Strulusson is so sad.

The head of the family sat down on the sofa across the way.

Damn capitalist!

Heimdall expressed his sincere indignation at the treatment of the master sitting on the sofa and himself sitting on the hard bench.

"What's your opinion?" Just by looking at him, the master knew that there must be no good words in his heart.

Playing a secret game with the person next to your pillow is just asking for death.

"I want to sit on the sofa too." Heimdall stood up and sat down, then looked at the master with a smile.

Victor's paralyzed face almost failed, no, no, the master told himself not to be subdued by the enemy's sugar-coated shells.

Chairman Sturluson's problems today are too serious to be easily fooled by him.The master admits that he is narrow-minded, although he is not proud of it, at least he is not ashamed of it.

"What did you say?" Victor asked.

Hold back until now to ask, it is definitely a new record.

"I don't even remember my parents' stories, so I can't repeat them sentence by sentence," Heimdall took out a small gift box. "It's a gift from Bill on behalf of a friend. It's a wedding present."

Victor took it in bewilderment, and realized in the next second that this is not the point!

"You didn't say anything else?" Victor asked meaningfully.

"What else can we say?"

The master frowned, "Us? Very affectionate."

If you want to add guilt, there is nothing to worry about.

"What else can I talk to him about?" Heimdall said kindly.

"Didn't you warm up to the green days of the past?"

The green days of the past?Lao Tzu is still very green now!

"It's warm."

"How dare you!" The master stared.

"Don't use your impurity to discredit Bill and I's pure past." Seeing the master's face darken, Heimdall couldn't help laughing, hugged Victor and kissed him a few times. "I was only young at that time, and at most I had a little liking for him. Didn't I tell you that he was somewhat similar to the attending doctor who once treated me. I was completely empathetic."

A new suspense point appeared in Victor's heart that hadn't let go. By the way, there was an attending doctor who never forgot.

"You can't blame me. You didn't exist at that time, and you couldn't be there. Even Bill met before you. Everyone has a bit of the past, right? I didn't pursue your past." Heimdall said lightly.

"I didn't go there!" Victor said firmly.

Heimdall looked disbelieving.

"I have no past!" Victor reaffirmed.

"The mannequin from the "Brocade Fan" magazine?" Heimdall thought about it. (PS: Bulgarian wizard magazine, the content is similar to "PLAYBOY")

Victor was taken aback, thinking of something vaguely, "How do you know?"

"Bernick said it."

"He told you this?!" The master immediately changed his face.

"He didn't say anything at that time, and he said those things about Duncan."

The master muttered something in Bulgarian, which probably wasn't a good thing.

Heimdall thought that it would be better to die as a fellow Taoist than to die in poverty, Bernick please take care.

"I didn't realize it at that time, and there was no abnormal relationship between us." Heimdall still added.

Victor stared at him for a while, then suddenly hugged him and muttered, "Am I making too much of a fuss? Are you annoyed?"

"It's a little fussy, but it's not annoying." Heimdall smiled and hugged him back. "Ask 50 years later, maybe there will be a new answer."

Victor's arms tightened, "Bill Weasley..."

Different from other suitors, this one Heimdall himself admits he cared about in the past. The narrow-minded Mr. Krum has a grudge, and probably he will never let it go in his life.Not showing it doesn't mean he doesn't mind, the master just doesn't want to pretend to be tolerant in front of his sweetheart.

"Young and ignorant." Heimdall said decisively, but suddenly changed the topic, "By the way, Fleur seems to have a crush on you, right? Let Miss Delacour take the initiative to show her presence in front of a male, which is an incredible honor Record, I almost forgot about this..."

Victor was also very decisive, "creating something out of nothing."

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."

Heimdall said strangely, "That's a big beauty, a big beauty, Mr. Krum."

"Whether she is beautiful or not has nothing to do with me. That's what Bill Weasley should worry about. You are my beauty."

Heimdall was elated, and then he put his hands on the master's waist so hard that the master almost jumped up from the sofa.The whole process was very thrilling, and even Heimdall, who brought along the instigator, almost rolled down. It is a typical case of stealing chickens and losing money.

Master Krum is not afraid of anything but tickle.

Victor understood and corrected immediately, "You are my handsome guy."

It's almost there!

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