HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 830 Becoming a Bodyguard


The elevator door opened, the trainee judge Clemenceau raised his arm and waved it twice, and Heimdall walked out of the elevator quickly.The International Wizengamo is, as always, dominated by silence.After Heimdall entered the building of the International Federation of Wizards, he found that there were people coming and going in the front hall, as if all the wizards were rushing to work at the same time. For the first time, he found that the number of wizards working in the International Federation of Wizards was far more than expected And more.

what happened?Heimdall felt something tingling.

The two finished the simple greetings and immediately entered the topic.

"Everyone there?" Heimdall asked.

Clemenceau nodded. "Judge Hollingworth asked me to give this to you."

Heimdall got a parchment about 50 centimeters long from the black folder that Clemenceau never left his hand. It was densely filled with words, and the key content was carefully circled in red ink.

"This is..." Heimdall said in surprise.

"The task you need to complete next." Clemenceau briefly explained, then turned to stop another judge who passed by them, and walked quickly towards that person. "One more thing," added Clemenceau, who was on the move, looking back. "You don't have to go to Judge Hollingworth. Judge Leeds is waiting for you in his office."

Smigli Liz of the Judgment Oversight Office?

Realizing that the third-level convening order may be more urgent than expected, Heimdall straightened his face, came to the trial supervision office, and knocked on the door of Justice Leeds.

He walked into the room, where besides Judge Leeds himself, Adeleia Flynn was also in the room.After a little hesitation, she nodded to Heimdall. It was not her usual style to greet Heimdall proactively, so her movements were rather stiff, and her smile was not sincere and calm enough.

But for Adeleia Firing, it can definitely go down in the history books.

Heimdall also nodded.

Both of them have no intention of deepening their friendship, and it's just right to "stop it".

Flynn put a stack of documents in his hands on a side shelf, and left Judge Liz's office with a blank expression.

When there were only two people left in the room, Liz raised his hand, "Sit down."

Heimdall did as he was told, sitting on a chair in front of his desk.

"The International Wizengamo is short of manpower, I hope you can understand, even if you can't, please try to understand." Liz opened the article and went straight to the central idea.

Heimdall immediately said with trepidation that it was his duty to solve the organization's problems.

"From now on, I need you to cooperate with my work, act as my assistant, and act together with me. Don't you mind?" Liz's last sentence is really meaningful.

Chairman Sturlusson smiled wryly in his heart. Does he have any other options?

"Troll riots have occurred in many places in the wizarding world. We have sent people to negotiate with the Wizengamot of the other party's Ministry of Magic to find out whether the wizarding prison at the location of the incident has been affected... Judging by your expression, it seems that It’s the first time I’ve heard of it.” Leeds’s quick change of subject caught people off guard.

Heimdall suddenly came back to his senses, and tried his best to speak, "It's inevitable that you will be ignorant in school..."

Recently, Mr. President of the Student Union has kept his ears to the outside world, devoted himself to striving for excellence, and is almost out of touch with the ever-changing world situation.

Lord Justice Leeds was noncommittal.

Heimdall suddenly said, "Latvia was going to hold a Quidditch World Cup qualifier between Greece and Wales. Under the premise that the tickets were sold out, the Quidditch League suddenly decided to change the venue of the match."

Lord Chancellor Leeds glanced at him.

Heimdall asked again, "Is Latvia the source of this troll riot?"

Liz with a relaxed facial expression: "Latvia is one of several locations where troll riots took place."

If it weren't for Victor, he wouldn't have paid attention to the Quidditch World Cup, and naturally he wouldn't be able to learn about this amazing "insider"—Mr. Chairman once again chanted in his heart that only the Lord is good in the world.

Lord Justice Leeds took out his pocket watch, "Judge Sturluson, we're leaving in ten minutes."

"Where is the destination?" Heimdall asked quickly.

"Latvia, that's the second scene of the troll riot."

In Latvia, there is a wizarding prison with a sentence of more than 150 years. Most wizarding countries in southeastern Europe have abolished the death penalty. It was possible to wear this one.

Heimdall pondered that there should be the purpose of Leeds' trip. At the same time, Heimdall also understood a fact that made him burst into tears. From Hollingworth to this one.

From facial paralysis to facial paralysis, Chairman Strulusson expressed the pressure.


After 10 minutes, the two failed to make the trip. Liz was temporarily summoned to the International Wizarding Traffic Command Center to coordinate the internal disputes of the International Federation of Wizards caused by the troll disturbance. Heimdall did not follow. He was on the floor where the International Wizarding Traffic Command Center was located. Met Albus Dumbledore who came in a hurry.

The old headmaster suddenly slowed down when he was about ten meters away from him. The wizard cloak with intricate geometric patterns was colorful and bright, making Professor Dumbledore look energetic, but his eyes covered by glasses showed a little tiredness.

The truth is always fleeting, and Heimdall is just about to confirm it further, and the glass lens perfectly conceals everything.

"Mr. Sturluson." Dumbledore came to him.

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore." Heimdall greeted him respectfully.

Dumbledore turned his gaze around him, "International Wizengamot?"

Heimdall froze for a moment, "Yes."

Dumbledore smiled slightly, "I'm going to be busy again."


"How is your schoolwork?"

Heimdall shrugged, "It's okay, try to do well in the exam, the diploma will look much better."

"Tom told me about you." Dumbledore didn't look happy about it.

"I was surprised," Heimdall said.

"Honestly, I'm surprised too." Dumbledore didn't win favor with "his Tom"—his Tom, Heimdall remembered the vivid expression on Old Nappy's face when he said that.

"Let me tell you straight," Heimdall said straight to the point. "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Tom. We can try to maintain a friendly relationship and further develop on this basis... I'm sorry, I don't plan to establish a friendship with him at the moment. Regardless of the purpose of Tom's unbelievable behavior, just Just his inseparable relationship with You-Know-Who is enough to make me shy away, and I can't risk myself and my friends and family until the truth comes to light. It may sound like I'm being narrow-minded, but I don't mind being a selfish one in this matter. Selfish people."

Dumbledore's expression remained unchanged, his eyes still gentle.

Heimdall slowly relaxed, "Of course, if the International Wizengamot needs me to carry out an order, I will not refuse, because this is my job and responsibility."

"Thank you, you've made that very clear," said Dumbledore kindly. "I also understand that you didn't say these words to me out of will. I will not force you to do anything, and please rest assured that I will not encourage Tom to do anything. Tom is always Tom..."

Dumbledore's last words are intriguing, and Heimdall finds that Dumbledore's judgment on Tom may not be as happy as Grindelwald thought.He has reservations about Tom, but at the same time he is really willing to give Tom another chance, but such an opportunity has little to do with trust.

Heimdall associates this embarrassing pair of teachers and students with another pair of regretful teachers and students—Karel Di Rupo and Ludwig Brown... Suddenly, Lao Caipi's face appeared in front of his eyes. Flashing past, Heimdall was stunned, as if he caught something and missed something.

He lowered his head, trying to grasp the fleeting light again.

Dumbledore didn't interrupt his sudden sneaking, and raised an eyebrow amusedly. If there were no other things waiting for him, Professor Dumbledore would be willing to stay and see when he came back to his senses.

Dumbledore turned and left, Heimdall's voice came from behind, "Take care, Professor."

Dumbledore turned back and winked at him, "Thank you my boy, I will. Oh, that's right... I'm getting older and my memory is failing..." Dumbledore stood up again, turned to him and said, " Perhaps wizards always think that creatures other than themselves are unfriendly to themselves, and it seems that it is true on the surface, but if we don’t try to change ourselves, why should we demand higher standards from others?”

Heimdall was in a fog, and he didn't understand, "Can you be more specific?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, "Take care, dear." He left without looking back.

Mr. Chairman Liu stood there with a dazed expression on his face.


Heimdall waited in the lounge for nearly an hour, and Liz appeared at the door with a tired face.

Liz sat down and said casually, "What are you looking at?"

Heimdall has been very focused.

"Astronomy Notes." Heimdall turned out the cover of the notebook and showed it to the new boss.

If it was Hollingworth, maybe he would take this opportunity to ask a few symbolic questions about the coursework. Liz didn't seem to care about these at all, and fell into his own thinking in a blink of an eye.Heimdall didn't dare to turn the page too much, and Liz's thoughtful stare happened to land on the notebook in his hand.

"Did the mediation just go well?" Heimdall asked.

The International Wizengamot is like the director of the neighborhood committee in the International Federation of Wizards. From small quarrels and curses to big fights and throwing magic at each other, after the initial big fight, the first target to be won is without exception. The International Wizengamot, IW has more appearances than the International Police Force.

The two parties in the quarrel are eager to use the weapon of law to make the other party surrender.

"Simple problems made complicated," Liz said with a headache.

In the past, Heimdall would have been happy to see Leeds Lord Justice in trouble, because at that time he thought he was on the opposite side of Leeds. Only when Leeds fell, his boss Hollingworth could hope to stand out.Now that he is on the same front as the "opposite side", the chairman is always worried, and every time he gloats at a critical moment, he finds that he is actually sitting on the same boat with potential water leakage. This kind of psychological gap is not backed by a strong psychological quality. I can't bear it.

"What happened? Which department did the International Wizard Traffic Command Center conflict with?" Heimdall asked puzzled.

"They didn't have a conflict with a department, they just had internal conflicts over the assignment of portkeys and fireplace watch."

"Isn't there generally a record? If you follow the past practice, at least you won't make a big mistake."

"The problem is that there are too many records of their past practices, and each has its supporters, so the situation has been stalemate." Liz sighed. "If this continues, the traffic of wizards entering and leaving Southeast Europe will be completely paralyzed, which is not conducive to local wizards suppressing the riots of magical creatures."

Who would have imagined that today, 50 years after the Great War, wizards would start to look forward and backward after connecting a Portkey, afraid of taking responsibility.

Heimdall noticed that Liz was talking about a "magical creature riot" instead of a troll riot. Could it be that the riot level has increased in a short period of time?

"What caused this riot?" Heimdall asked.

"It is not known yet. The first thing to do is to ensure the safety of local wizards and Muggles. The cause of the accident will be investigated by the local Ministry of Magic and then fed back to the International Federation of Wizards. Under the premise, you can’t make decisions for them without authorization.”

The reason for the entry of the International Wizengamot is to check whether the local wizarding prison is affected. If it is affected, the International Wizengamot will take necessary actions within the scope of its authority and submit to the international police force, asking them to dispatch armed forces to ensure that the prisoners in the prison safety, as well as to prevent some prisoners who want to take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters to regain their freedom.

Liz added, "Later, the International Wizarding Standards Committee also came to join in the fun."

"What happened to them?"

"The International Wizarding Standards Committee brought in a person who is said to be the head of the Wizarding Consumption Research Center."

The Wizard Consumption Research Center is actually a non-governmental organization that studies the laws of wizard economic development. The currency of the wizard world is in the hands of goblins. Only people with the right time and place and all the resources can open a wizard bank under the eyes of goblins without being hacked. , There are very few such talents in the world, so the wizards who can't really control the money and credit business can only work hard on consumption.

"The International Wizarding Standards Committee is here again to say that there is no money?" Heimdall asked in surprise.

This organization cries for poverty every day, and whenever a new standard is finalized, it can't wait to walk up and down, hanging out long bills every day to win sympathy everywhere, as if they are the only one in the entire International Federation of Wizards building to serve the people.

"Gringotts in Latvia is closed." Liz sneered.

"The goblins got away?" Heimdall asked.

"Not only that, but they are also watching with a cold eye. There are situations showing that the goblins may be preparing to take advantage of the fire. The situation in Latvia is becoming more and more incomprehensible. There are signs that the troll riots were not accidental, and later the giants were also provoked to participate. "

Giants are much harder to deal with than trolls, and giants have slightly bigger brains than trolls.

Heimdall said: "Someone is behind the scenes?"

"It's very possible, otherwise these creatures with brains smaller than melon seeds would think of fighting against the wizard? And they still took advantage of people's unpreparedness to attack suddenly. Someone is directing them from the rear." Liz smiled half a smile.

"The goblins in Latvia decided to cooperate with the evil forces and take revenge on the wizards, so they abandoned Gringotts in Latvia to join their new masters?" Heimdall asked uncertainly.

"You think so?" Liz threw the question back.

"I don't think so," Heimdall shook his head. "Unless it is absolutely necessary, goblins will not leave Gringotts, and will not leave 'their Galleons'. The closure of Gringotts may be forced by the situation. Gringotts in the UK has been half-open and half-closed for the past two years. state."

It is said that it is opened every three days, and after the external danger level increases, it will be opened once a week.The goblin's vision of judging the situation is amazing-their methods of maximizing their interests also make wizards hate their teeth, maybe they didn't evacuate Latvia, but were on the sidelines.

[Perhaps wizards always think that creatures other than themselves are unfriendly to them. On the surface, this is indeed the case, but if we don’t try to change ourselves, why should we demand higher standards from each other? 】Heimdall moved in his heart, "We should take the initiative to attack this matter, get in touch with the goblins, understand their thoughts, and we can promise to give them some benefits afterwards - as long as we don't go too far, everything is easy to negotiate. Goblins don't It may be possible to take the initiative to help wizards, and an equivalent exchange can strengthen our relationship with them."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you." Liz turned around suddenly, "Mr. Repscher, you don't mind if we send a young man to accompany you?"

Heimdall turned around in surprise. A thin, blond uncle kept wiping his face with a handkerchief. His forehead was covered with beads of sweat, his lips were white, and his eyes were bloodshot. He might not have had a solid rest for several days.

"I don't mind, I don't mind..." Repshe shook her head quickly.

Heimdall asked blankly, "Where are you sending me and this Mr. Repscher?"

What about the "inspection"?

"Professor Dumbledore recommended you to accompany Mr. Repsher just now. The professor seems to think that you can make some unique contributions to the stalemate between wizards and goblins. To be honest, I can't believe it, but after hearing what you just said, You must have a good opinion of the current situation, so Judge Strulusson, please go with Mr. Repshe from the International Wizarding Standards Committee." Liz said.

These days, Mr. Chairman always meets men and women who come prepared.

"What is our destination? What are we going to do?" Heimdall decided to let nature take its course.

Repshe was clutching the handkerchief, and his voice was dry, "We have already made an appointment with the goblin in Gringotts, Latvia, and we will go to Istanbul to meet Abu."

"Abu is the president of Gringotts Bank in Latvia?"

"It's not the governor, it's the representative."


"Can we stop in Ankara for a while before going to Istanbul," Heimdall said.

"Time is running out..." Repsche was reluctant, but he didn't want to offend Heimdall, the bodyguard.

That's right, bodyguard.In the meeting just now, the reason why Heimdall was confirmed to accompany him was not only that he was very thoughtful, but also his ability was also affirmed by many parties.Uncle Repshe is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of pain.

"Believe me, Mr. Repscher, staying in Ankara will be very helpful for our subsequent negotiations." Heimdall said meaningfully.

Repsche was very confused, he thought about it again, and agreed.

Who made Heimdall's "fist" bigger.

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