HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 827 Visit


"Didn't you already foresee what he said? Do you need me to repeat it?" Heimdall suddenly said with a smile. "You're not too young, so it's not advisable to be constantly stimulated, and occasionally self-torturing to improve your 'immunity', I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it if there are too many."

Grindelwald pursed his lips and glanced at him, then went straight to the table and sat down.

"Come here, sit there." Grindelwald's eyes fell on the opposite chair.

Heimdall didn't feel displeased by his arrogance, and walked over and sat down graciously.

"Did the brat speak ill of me?" Grindelwald repeated.

"He didn't explicitly say that you are a big villain. I don't think he has the position to stand on the commanding heights of justice and accuse others confidently, but it does have the meaning of alienation." Heimdall thought for a while and said. "Did you come here on purpose because you are afraid that he will talk nonsense?" This is not Lao Caipi's style. If he is a glass heart who is afraid of gossip, can he still be alive and kicking until the end of the century?It has long been drowned by the saliva after 1945.

"I didn't expect this brat to be so tricky!" Grindelwald seemed to have a lack of affection for Tom, although he was as calm as ever, and the gloom in his eyes was ready to come out.

Heimdall raised his eyebrows and said gloatingly, "Don't you say that birds of a feather flock together and people form groups? Don't you think he has the temperament of a 'future master'? It stands to reason that you should get along very well."

Grindelwald gave him a hard look, and Heimdall realized that he really didn't like Tom from the bottom of his heart, and even hated him.

Why?Did classmate Tom offend him?

But this is not the theme of today's gathering.

Heimdall changed his mind and gave up the teasing and gossip, calmed down his emotions, and said, "What the hell is he trying to do?"

"Uneasy and kind!" Grindelwald resolutely.

"He suddenly communicated with me. The whole text was full of suggestions and complaints about the graduation exam. He probably wanted to get closer to me. I didn't understand what he meant. I didn't expect him to come to my door." Haim Dahl said. "The reason why he can appear here is related to you?"

Lao Caipi sighed, "It is indeed related to me, I have been staring at him... To be honest, I don't know what he wants to do..."

"What's Professor Dumbledore going to do?" Heimdall asked.

"What plans can he have? This is little Tom who has always been right, the last remaining conscience of the poor and hateful Voldemort. He held him in his hand and wept with joy. How could he be willing to let people easily hurt his Tom."

Heimdall was speechless, the old guy was quite jealous.

"You have the nerve to compete with a 'young man' who is nearly a third of your age?!" Heimdall complained.

He dared to say Tom wasn't thinking of that at all.

A cruel brilliance flashed in Grindelwald's eyes, "Those who are one third older than me have been killed and injured countless times in my hands, what is Tom Riddle!"

Heimdall said coldly with a blank face, "Don't proclaim your great achievements in front of me. Your proud history is enough to send you to the gallows [-] times."

Grindelwald waved his hand slowly, restraining his anger.

"You've been monitoring his movements?" Heimdall asked.

"Not often, occasionally, but I know about the correspondence with you. I speculated about your character at the beginning, and I decided that you would not write back to him. I underestimated the impact of potions on you." Grindelwald smiled suddenly.

Heimdall scratched his face embarrassingly, and said after a moment of hesitation, "Tom hinted to me that he knows something about my husband's family."

Grindelwald's heart moved, "What curse are you talking about?"

Lao Caipi has always sneered at pretending to be gods and tricks.

Heimdall didn't answer him, but said, "What are your plans for Tom going forward?"

"What other plans do you have to let Albus continue to circle around with his lover." Lao Caipi said angrily like a child. "He is not afraid that the enemy will take advantage of it, so why should I worry about that for Britain."

It seems that the jealousy is stronger than Heimdall imagined.

"Don't worry about Tom's affairs." Heimdall said this, and Lao Caipi's face still couldn't see any clues, but Heimdall intuitively felt the dark clouds rolling under the plane.

"I don't think you are meddling in your own business, let alone implying that you are unnecessary. I am very grateful for your concern for me." Heimdall said with sincerity.

The grudge in Grindelwald's heart was gradually erased.

Heimdall said again, "I will treat Tom with caution. I am at school every day, and he can't run into Durmstrang as he pleases. Tom is not a problem for me for the time being. We will meet today and just ask you in person. A few things, I hope you don't refuse first, please wait until I finish talking before drawing conclusions."

"You've already talked about this, brother can't show you any more face, tell me, what's the matter?" Grindelwald didn't make excuses, and vaguely guessed his thoughts.

"Could you please take a look at Professor Snape and the Malfoy family? You live in England now, and you must have a better understanding of the situation there than I do. I am always concerned about their safety. If you are willing to go out, Their safety will be more assured."

"There's nothing wrong with this, but the Malfoys have people from Katenen with them, so safety shouldn't be a problem, and I don't need to add more things to the snake. As for Snape... I can only guarantee that he will be protected as much as possible under the premise that he is willing to be protected by me." to help."

"I understand," Heimdall said hastily. "The professor has a special status. He is an important right-hand man under Professor Dumbledore. Please be sure to abide by your guarantee. I will be very grateful."

Grindelwald grinned, "Listen, all the honorifics are used."

Heimdall pretended not to hear the other party's ridicule cheekily, "As a promise of reciprocity, I will think about your arrest warrant, maybe I can't do anything now, one day sooner or later..." His tone changed here , "From today onwards, you have to be a man with your tail between your legs. Whether it is eating fast, chanting Buddha or praying on your knees, as long as it is helpful to the soul's repentance, you should try it and bury your murderous intention and murderous intent firmly. If you let me Knowing that you are doing evil again and disregarding human life, our agreement will be voided immediately, even if it is just a turbulence, I will risk my life to arrest you and bring you to justice!"

Someone pushed the door open, and the two people in the room turned their heads in unison.

When Victor entered the door, he saw Heimdall standing with his hands on the table, staring fiercely at the person across from him, while the person who passed by seemed calm, but actually looked back at Heimdall’s sharp warning full of connivance. look.

Chairman Strulusson, who saw the master, turned back into a sunny young man in an instant, with a bright and sweet smile on his face.

Victor paused when he saw Grindelwald, and the ferocious expression on his face instantly returned to its original state.

He walked straight to Heimdall.

"The professor has left?" Of course Victor knew that the professor was gone, but he didn't expect the uninvited guest to follow.

"Mr. Black and the professor are here." Heimdall took the love drink delivered by Victor himself.

"Mr. Black is here too?"

"Well, you seem to be in good spirits. I hope everyone is doing well in the UK."

Grindelwald coughed for attention.

Victor turned a deaf ear.

Heimdall put the drink in his hand behind his back, staring at Lao Caipi like a thief.

Lao Caipi is wronged and broken, who will take your broken drink!

Victor didn't linger, stroked the hair on Heimdall's forehead, turned and left.

No one in the room opened their mouths to keep him.

Heimdall bit his straw and said, "Tom hinted to me that the reason why he was able to communicate with me and appear in front of me has something to do with you."

Grindelwald quickly grasped the implication, "Obviously you trust me more between me and him."

"He probably couldn't figure out where our friendship came from," Heimdall said.

"I'm glad you chose to trust me."

"Do I have any other choice?" Heimdall spat out the straw and gently stirred the iced orange juice in the glass. "Honestly speaking, what he is focusing on is what can be called his weakness. Unfortunately, my situation here is a bit special. He was clever but was misunderstood by his cleverness. He didn't expect you to follow him."

"The kid's mind is full of ghost ideas, and only Albus firmly believes that he can still be saved." Grindelwald turned to the flying vinegar again.

"Maybe Professor Dumbledore is not trusting, but hopes that he can trust."

Lao Caipi didn't make a sound, his eyes swept across the tabletop, he raised his eyes slightly, and landed on the clusters of distinctive wood grains, he was a little dazed for a while.

Heimdall looked at Lao Caipi, then at his own cup, and then he hugged the cup and hid behind him.

Grindelwald: "..."


Karkaroff waited anxiously for several days, and the European Education Evaluation Conference finally mercifully gave him an accurate reply before the deadline—Durmstrang will be included in the last batch of teams to be evaluated by this conference ranks.The headmaster was overjoyed, and the first time he got the news, he sent someone to call Heimdall. At that time, Chairman Strulusson was giving a class on astronomy theory that was almost as boring as the theory of Potions.

He was still happy to be out of business, but before he left, Professor Mansur's casual glance made Mr. Chairman's little heart pound.Seeing that the study life in Durmstrang has entered the countdown, don't always think about opportunism.

Heimdall walked into the principal's office dejectedly.

Karkaroff couldn't wait to announce the good news. Heimdall, who used his sober brain to figure out the ins and outs, was refreshed despite the headmaster's blustery way of speaking without grasping the point.

"I asked Carlo to announce the good news immediately." Heimdall proposed enthusiastically.

Karkaroff nodded, acquiescing to his own assertion.

After being dragged by the cheerful principal to talk for a while, it is not difficult to hear the bitterness of suffering and the anticipation of the throng of future admissions in the words-the principal is always so far-sighted, Heimdall was let go.The principal didn't realize at all that calling the students out of class was an unacceptable act, and Karkaroff was satisfied to find someone who knew what to say.

"It's all thanks to you, Strulusson!" Karkaroff patted Mr. Chairman's little hand meaningfully.

"I'm not completely selfless." Heimdall said he deserved it.

Karkaroff showed a rare strategizing smile. From the beginning to the end, he did not believe that Heimdall was purely for the school.Such a person does not exist.In Karkaroff's understanding, no matter how perfect and glamorous it is, it is only a gesture when necessary, so he is very relieved of Heimdall.

The students who walked into the cafeteria during the lunch break found an ingenious scene. In the cafeteria, various cards fell from the sky uninterruptedly. The cards disappeared when they touched the heads of the students. They were all magically applied in advance.The students originally thought that the card was just a kind of magic. It wasn't until the curious juniors grabbed one and held it in their hands that they suddenly realized.

Then everyone got the good news that made Principal Karkaroff so happy that he was about to faint.

"It's very beneficial to our seventh grade." Carlo smiled happily.

Leon nodded, "We are very likely to become the first batch of graduates after Durmstrang has formal education evaluation qualifications... When will the last batch of education evaluations be released?" Leon turned to Heimdall.

"One month at the latest, our class will probably catch up." Heimdall said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about what will happen if the evaluation level is not high or very low?"

"If it's very low, it's better not to evaluate it." Ryan said. "Our school has never had an evaluation grade, isn't it working well?"

"That's because Durmstrang insists on pure-blood admissions. Don't look at this place. The admission of pure-bloods alone is enough to prompt quite a few wizards to send their children here." Heimdall looked at it. Three buddies. "Do you dare to say that your family doesn't care about bloodline?"

The three were silent.

Leon, who was "nearly thousands of miles away", was even more speechless.

Heimdall smiled. Although the Strulusson family is not like some wizarding families who talk about pure blood every day, as if all other panting creatures are shocking and inferior creatures except for pure blood, but on the issue of pure blood. No concessions were made.We can get a glimpse from the marital status of the Stulusson family, especially the descendants who have a direct blood relationship with the patriarchs of the past, most of them have not escaped the shackles of "the right family".

The Strulusons are relatively tolerant when it comes to dealing with non-pure blood, but they are relatively tolerant—perhaps from the original blood of magical creatures, not as calm as some progressive families who are easy to accept the facts.

Take the Stuluson family who settled in the UK as an example. Counting three generations from Rommel and the Snow brothers, they are all pure blood, at least it is recorded in the genealogy.The birth of each family member is recorded in detail. After the girl married into the Stulusson family, her birth information was provided by her family for the husband's family to transcribe and check.

So Heimdall was sincerely grateful to Merlin for giving him a good pregnancy.

"Leon is right. If the educational evaluation is realized before we graduate, we will be the first batch of beneficiaries." Heimdall changed the topic with a smile.

Carlo thought for a while and asked, "What grade do you think our school will get?"

Although from the perspective of the children of the German school themselves, the school conditions are no less than Hogwarts in the UK and Beauxbatons in France. Trump has always been hailed as one of the three major players in Europe, how can it be equal? !

It is worth mentioning that Hogwarts did not participate in the regular activities of the European Education Evaluation Conference this year. This year, it may not be able to refresh the level, but it also has high-level qualifications for international education evaluation. It does not exist without Europe. too much impact.

After thinking about it, most of the children cautiously reserved their attitudes, and it was unlikely that they would get high marks in the first evaluation, not to mention that their title of black magic factory had not been rehabilitated.

"It depends on how the European education evaluation agency plans to position Durmstrang. If you think about it, you may get a B grade, but if you think about it, it will be a C grade or below." Leon analyzed.

The other two of the three major magic schools in Europe got A- at the worst time, and did not fall to B level, but their Durmstrang situation is special, the starting point is not as high as others, this time the evaluation opportunity is still "begging for nothing" "If you ask for it, you shouldn't expect too much, lest the psychological gap is too large and you will become a snake spirit.

"I hope Mr. Principal can look at the problem calmly." Carlo said suddenly.

Everyone fell silent at the same time.

"The principal should understand, right? We can all think of this kind of thing, and it's impossible for him not to think of it." Even so, Rian still felt uneasy.

Everyone was silent for the second time.

With Principal Karkaroff's self-righteous and lofty personality, more than [-]% of them will not take the initiative to face the cruel reality.

"B is actually pretty good," Heimdall comforted himself vaguely. "At least there is still room for appreciation. The first round will reach the top, and the fighting spirit in the future will be greatly reduced."

"Don't tell us this, we all understand." Carlo said bluntly. "I hope you can do the ideological work of the principal, and let him put the overall situation first. If he doesn't get a good evaluation, don't be too hotheaded to do something that you can't regret. It's okay to implicate our group of seventh graders. He The glorious image of the German school, which has been painstakingly managed for many years, has been wiped out."

Feeling the pressure, Heimdall knocked on the door of Professor Kattenen's office after leaving the cafeteria.


Before the weekend arrived, Heimdall had his eye on Langer, the Potions professor of Heideggerak—he urgently needed a third way to recharge himself. On Saturday morning, he took his husband and son, and the whole family went to Langer's house for tutoring. Cengfan.

Heimdall thought that Lange would find a remote, tranquil and picturesque place to settle down, but Professor Lange chose an apartment just across the street from the downtown area.The old-fashioned building with gray tiles and brown walls has a total of 6 floors from the outside, but actually has 7 floors, and Lange lives on the 7th floor.

A family of three stood in front of the black gate, and Mionier looked around curiously. There was a space of about 4 or 5 square meters in front of the gate. A vase with a bouquet of dried purple flowers in an enamel bottle painted with pink roses, like a forget-me-not.

"Andrew didn't even miss the stairs." Heimdall expressed his appreciation for Professor Langer's behavior.

Master chuckled.

Mionier grabbed the medicinal herbs hanging on the wall to dry, and the juice that was not completely dried out of the medicinal herbs flowed out, and the stench immediately overflowed.

Mionir had a mournful face, the black juice and the stinky smell made the little doll drop the golden beans aggrievedly.

"I don't remember what I told you before going out?" Heimdall didn't clean Mionir immediately. "Didn't Big Daddy tell you not to fumble and scratch around? Now it's over, you've become a stinky kid."

"Millet doesn't stink..." Mionier pouted.

"You know how to talk back?!"

Mionir threw himself into Heimdall's arms, raised his right hand, and seemed to be a little disgusted by himself, "Millet doesn't stink!" But he was very insistent.

The two fathers were amused and almost tense.

Victor rang the doorbell, and after the melodious music, the other side of the door responded quickly, and the door opened in response.

Professor Langer first noticed the frustrated little baby in Heimdall's arms, and wondered, "What's wrong with Mionir?"

"Can't call someone anymore?" Heimdall asked his son.

"Professor Lange." Mionier waved his hands to take the opportunity to cry, and the two fathers had no sympathy at all.

As a result, he rushed too fast, and Lange hurriedly reached out to hug him. Mionier's stinky hands clapped on Lange's shoulders, and a black, stinky handprint appeared impressively on the elegant robe.

Heimdall apologized hastily, and wanted to take the child back, but Lange refused, and looked gently at Mionier who did something wrong and dared not look up.

"Which pole was Xiaomi grabbing just now?" Lange asked kindly, seemingly unaware of the handprint on his shoulder.

"That." Mionier quickly pointed in the direction.

"If you don't mind, Mionir will untie it, and we will take it into the house." Lange took the child to the rope where the medicinal materials were dried.

Encouraged by Lange, Mionier excitedly untied the black pole.

"Let's go in," Lange walked into the door with the child in his arms, and turned around, "you are welcome."

Heimdall and Victor smiled at each other, followed them into Lange's house.

Lange's fiancée, Jeanna, stood at the entrance of the living room, watching them with a smile on her face.Jeanna is beautiful, and has always liked bright and bright clothes, and accessories are also colorful and eye-catching. Since she and Lange met her eyes, her preferences have not changed drastically, but under Lange's subconscious, Condensed the former publicity, with a bit of temperament of a gentle little woman.

Heimdall walked up to her and joked, "That's right, our Miss Orville looks like a hostess."

Jeanne pushed him with her elbow pretending to be dissatisfied, and then hooked his arm intimately.

"Hey, don't be like this, your husband is still here!" Heimdall deliberately made a fuss.

Jeanne rolled her eyes at him.

"How have you been recently?" Heimdall asked.

"Very good." Jeanna smiled brightly, and Heimdall was happy for her.

Several people sat down in the small living room with a simple but warm layout. A set of tea sets appeared on the small coffee table in front of Jeanne and Heimdall. Girls always like to drink black tea with a lot of milk and sugar.

Taste changed?

Heimdall was thinking about it, but Jeanne leaned towards him with a mysterious expression, and whispered, "I'll tell you a secret."

"What?" Heimdall didn't pay much attention to it, this girl used to play tricks a lot.

He handed the cup to Jeanna, and took a sip of his own cup of tea.

"I am pregnant."


Heimdall sprayed Jeanna all over the face.

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