HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 818 Free time


The masked man in the portrait waved listlessly and slowly made way for the rear passage.Victor quickly got in, the air was filled with the sweet smell of honey, a few large cattails were instinctively cleaning up the shelves, and there was a silver compass squatting on the chest of drawers by the door, The pointer rotates rapidly and releases odorous white smoke from time to time-the honey fragrance comes from this.He saw Mionier sitting behind a low, small colored table, holding a crayon and concentrating on painting colors on the picture book.

Perhaps Mionier has really inherited the artistic cells of his big daddy. Among all the stationery prepared for him, the tools for drawing are most frequently used.Seeing the child's concentration, Victor raised the corners of his mouth.

Katenin, who was in front of the glass case, turned around with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Krum."

Victor said, "Hello, Professor. You can call me Victor."

Katenin accepted his offer.

"Father!" Mionier quickly put down the crayons, pushed the small table away and ran towards Victor.

Victor picked up his son, and the father and son were tired for a moment.

"Thank you for taking care of Mionir. He didn't cause you any trouble, did he?" Big Dad's infinitely tolerant warmth did not match the words.

"Xiaomi is a good boy." Katenen hinted that he was too worried. "I eat a lot of lunch, and the most incredible thing is that I don't pick my mouth. Even I can't do this."

Katenin left the glass cabinet with a smile and walked to his desk.

"Would you like something to drink, Victor?" Katenin asked. "Would you like something exciting?"

Victor wanted to refuse. He strictly controlled his drinking during important games—except butterbeer and other "sodas" that were not effective for wizards. Although he was not on the roster for the next game, as a professional Quidditch player, he occasionally Learn to restrain yourself.

When Katenin conjured a glass bottle into his hands, Viktor changed his mind and set Mionir to the ground.

"Have some vodka," Victor said.

"Good vision! This is quite authentic wizard wine, a gift from an old friend!" Katenin praised happily.

Katenin and Victor raised their glasses and took a sip, both of them showed intoxication on their faces, Mionier raised the bottle and took a sip vigorously, humming and shaking his head like a model.

"There is something I want to talk to you about." This was the result of Victor's consideration.

Katenen took another sip calmly, and then said, "Looking at you, it doesn't seem like a happy thing."

Victor said nothing.

"Okay, come on." Katenin motioned to shift positions.

"Baby, didn't you say you want to draw a dragon? Is it finished?" Victor patted his son's head.

"Mionir is going to draw an apple pie!" Xiaomi corrected.

"Got it, you're going to draw an apple pie, so are you done?"


"Do you want to continue?"

Mionier nodded, "Continue."

Victor Wen said, "Dad and the professor have something to say, Mionnier will go to paint first, and after finishing the painting, Dad will take you to the back mountain to see the apple pie." Victor turned his head here, "Can we go to the back mountain? professor?"

Katenin, who was already sitting in front of the fireplace, beckoned.

Mionnier rushed to the small table with the bottle in his arms.

After Victor sat down on the sofa in front of the fireplace, Katenin couldn't help asking, "What do you want to tell me?"

"It's a long story, but it is simply related to a student of Durmstrang."


After all the 47 schools completed the questioning session, the current European wizard education evaluation conference came to an end.

"It ended earlier than expected." Carlo put away his pocket watch.

After the questioning session is over, it means that you can return. Those magic schools that think they have the foresight will not go home so smoothly. The free time at the end of the European Wizarding Education Evaluation Conference is sometimes more eye-catching than the conference itself.The experts on the rostrum became the celebrities invited by various teams to chat. In order to establish a comprehensive and detailed relationship between schools, they racked their brains to communicate with each other, and competed while cooperating.

Everyone in the German school was looking around boredly on their chairs. Not far away was a bustling crowd, talking and laughing. The Durmstrang team was like an ornament that stayed out of the way and became a bystander in the venue.

"Are we just going to sit around like this?" Kane asked.

"Student, don't look so sad," said Heimdall. "Young people should be full of vigor and vitality. A look of stagnation will leave a bad impression on people, and may even affect future employment."

Kane rolled his eyes angrily, and Heimdall didn't take it seriously. It would be scary if he suddenly knew how to be gentle and self-effacing.

Heimdall took out his pocket watch and calculated, "After half an hour, no one will care about us, and the whole team will head back to school."

"Shall we sit forward?" Zug asked cautiously.

"Why?" Heimdall said.

"The other magic schools are all below."

Zug was right. Other magic school teams scrambled to the open space in the center of the venue, and actively approached the rostrum. Only Durmstrang sat in their seats in a particularly noble and glamorous manner, as if they were sitting on a lonely mountain. Bai Xue, who overlooks the world of mortals, looks at people with her nostrils, and compared with the men and women who huddled together in a group with pale faces below, she looks extraordinarily lonely and self-admiring, and to put it bluntly, she is arrogant.

Surely there are schools of magic that already describe them that way!

"We call it eclectic." Chairman Sturluson tried to correct everyone's attitude. "It's not a stinger waiting to be fed. There are only a few experts and professors, and it's useless to rush forward."

It's no good to be the first, he has already flattered him, too much is too late.

"Then what do you say? Sit for another half hour?" Leon asked.

"Let's sit in the first row." Heimdall said blankly.

The students shook their heads amusedly.

Beja, who was about to advance and retreat with the main force, took two steps and then turned back, pushing and waking up Roy Laurent who might have "arrived" in Australia.Professor Laurent didn't express his opinion at all. After listening to Beja's explanation, he sat up sleepily and wiped his face.

The Durmstrang team had just succumbed to the situation and moved to the front row, when someone came to the door in a blink of an eye—the leader of the Beauxbatons team and the current student union chairman of the Beauxbatons School of Magic, Clemence Arel.

Heimdall glanced at Carlo indiscriminately, and the latter looked as usual—Mr. Jones used to have a crush on the chairwoman. As far as Heimdall knew, the other party didn't seem to know that Carlo was in love with her at all.Carlo's love affair came out of the blue, and reason was greater than emotion during the obsession process, so there was no possibility of heating up, so when another girl intervened forcefully, the hazy relationship came to an abrupt end.

Chairman Sturlusson made a rare emotional analysis. That crush started with visual attraction, and at best it resulted in a slight liking. Carlo and his current girlfriend have been in love for a long time-Susan's action is impressive.

It didn't surprise Heimdall that Beauxbaton's chairwoman appeared in this venue, they met on similar occasions.

"Hello." Heimdall maintained a friendly facial expression.

"What's next for Durmstrang?" The chairwoman glanced casually at Carlo, who was puzzled by the sudden meaning in her eyes.

Carlo knew very well that his physical appearance couldn't catch the eyes of the chairwoman. What the chairwoman admired was a handsome guy from the Beauxbatons Quidditch school team, otherwise he wouldn't have hesitated back then.

Heimdall and Carlo quickly exchanged glances, and Heimdall hinted: I'll leave it to you, buddy.

He wanted to see how the fat man would deal with the late "flirting", and at the same time he wanted to find out what kind of medicine the chairwoman had taken wrongly.

Caro put on the air of the vice-chairman of the Durmstrang Student Union, and said in a straight voice: "We are planning to return to school."

"Why?" The chairwoman looked surprised.

"The convention is over, isn't it?"

"For the magic school, the conference has just begun." The chairwoman's eyes sparkled.

"Sorry, what does that mean?" Carlo was confused.

The chairwoman strode forward, and Carlo couldn't help taking a step back; the chairwoman continued her efforts, and Carlo cautiously slipped behind Heimdall.The chairwoman frowned, probably unable to figure out why Carlo acted like a mouse seeing a cat.Perhaps Carlo's words and deeds when he couldn't help it during the last time he went to Beauxbatons to watch the Quidditch match on behalf of Durmstrang gave the Chairwoman some signals.So she decided to make good use of it today, but she never expected that the signal has been eliminated, and Carlo is now a "family" person.

Heimdall was a little amused, "Durmstrang participated in the European Wizarding Education Evaluation Conference for the first time. Could it be that the free time after the conference is not as simple as its literal meaning?"

The chairwoman gave up on Caro and put away the plan to display her femininity. No matter how hard she tried, it would not work for Durmstrang's student council president.

"On behalf of Beauxbaton School of Magic, I sincerely invite the Durmstrang team to be our companions." Beauxbaton's chairwoman held her head high, as if fighting alongside Beauxbaton would be a supreme honor.

"Can you put this kind of concluding remarks that force you to obey the dialect to the end? Please tell us what you are talking about first." Heimdall looked around the expressions of the students in a serious manner, "even if you put the words in the most ruthless way , we are still at a loss.”

Beja's snicker sounded, and Chairwoman Beauxbaton's arrogance suddenly changed. She glanced at Beja sympathetically.

"Do you remember the space test?" Chairwoman Beauxbaton said.

"The memory is still fresh." Heimdall nodded, and then he understood, "The European Wizard Education Evaluation Conference is also planning to hold a similar event?"

"That's right, don't tell me you're not interested." The chairwoman said confidently.

"To be honest, I'm really not interested." Heimdall looked disappointed.

Durmstrang has once again shattered her self-righteousness.

The chairwoman said anxiously, "You don't want Durmstrang to become famous? You are the president of Durmstrang's student union, and you have a duty—"

"As far as I know, the reputation of Durmstrang has already rushed out of Europe and went to the world. There is no need to add superfluous things by fighting at this conference. The job of the president of the student union is to help and manage students, and to create for the majority of teachers and students. A good learning environment is not about showing off and advertising the school.” Chairman Strulusson was very detached at the moment.

The rest of the German school team squinted at him again. How could this guy not know how to blush? !

"Rig!" Todor got rid of the pushing crowd and squeezed in front of them. He didn't notice the beauty Beauxbaton's face changed drastically, and said straight to the point. "Our school plans to participate in the magic practice competition. Do you have teammates? If not, we will form a team!"

Beauxbaton's chairwoman jumped up and shouted, "Don't you understand first come first served? You're jumping in line!"

Todor turned to look at her, his eyes scanned up and down without emotion, and the chairwoman felt uncomfortable when he looked at her.

"What are you doing?" The chairwoman forced herself to remain calm.

"Then let's form a team together." Todor didn't take it seriously at all, and asked Heimdall again, "Do you mind forming another team?" He turned around, "By the way, which school do you belong to?"

The hostess gritted her teeth, she couldn't believe that the short man with a fleshy face didn't recognize her school uniform.

"... Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Okay, let's sign up." Todor resolutely pulled Heimdall to the rostrum. "Cesalia, Durmstrang and Beauxbaton, it sounds like a good lineup."

"Wait for me!" The chairwoman hurriedly followed. "There are five people in a team, how do we divide the three magic schools among the five people?"

Todor was a little impatient, and whispered to Heimdall, "Women do things with care."

They signed up, and the chairwoman asked the question of personnel allocation again.

"Draw lots! Those who are willing to participate in the practice match will bring the wand." Todor made a decision.

Todor gathered the wands together, flattened them and then straightened them up. A handkerchief was covered on it, and the chooser chose the object through the tip of the wand covered with the handkerchief.

"Then I'll abstain," Heimdall asked the rest of the school. "Which one of you wants to go?"

"Why did you abstain?" Zug hesitated.

Kane said: "His wand can't be held by others, and it will be revealed as soon as he draws it."

Chu Ge suddenly realized, "Yes, yes...but it's a pity."

Heimdall glanced at Kane, then nodded, "So I abstain."

Todor pointed at Heimdall, "No, Rigg must participate, so he doesn't have to smoke."

"It's not fair!" the chairwoman yelled, and everyone in Beauxbatons nodded quickly.

"Having Rigg involved has a chance to win, unless you guarantee someone on your team can do that."

The chairwoman's little face was cloudy and uncertain, and she finally compromised.

The four participants were drawn by the leading teachers of Beauxbaton and Cesalia. Beja also drew one instead of Professor Laurent, and she drew Kane.

The team list for the practice match of the three schools was released, in which Durmstrang took up two places, Beauxbaton took up two places, and Cesarea was played by Todor.


As the name suggests, the magic practice game is a kind of practice to improve the use of magic. The definition of the game is just a gimmick, and there is no specific reward for the winning team.It's not like the Triwizard Tournament where you get a bonus if you win the Triwizard Tournament. The practice games here are purely voluntary.

A total of 31 schools participated in the practice match, forming a total of 11 teams. On average, 2 to 3 magic schools form a team. There are no self-confident lone rangers, and everyone generally agrees with the way of going out together.

Heimdall and the others were the seventh team to enter the space. Seeing Durmstrang's participation, most schools were indifferent. Some schools obviously thought more than ordinary people, such as the row in front of them.

"Oh oh oh, it's scary, it's Durmstrang's," several little furry children winked and muttered non-stop. "They will use black magic, everyone be careful they kill people without blinking an eye..."

Heimdall and Kane played deaf and dumb.

The little fur kids didn't know how to restrain themselves, and the strange screams in their mouths became more and more piercing.

When Heimdall couldn't help but want to give them a shot, the wizard in charge of the gate patted one of the little furry kids on the shoulder, and swept across their faces with a stern expression. The little furry kids were silent on the spot, typical bullying.

"Why don't you teach them a lesson?" Kane smiled half-smile. "Could it be that you only know how to mess around?!"

"Murder is against the law." Heimdall said calmly.

Kane was taken aback, then smiled.

Weird...Heimdall took a stride, away from Kane, and came to Todor.

After a group of people entered the space, they stayed for a while in the garden-like scenery, and later encountered the first stumbling block—the question-making checkpoint set up by the conference.

"I lost something that is very important to me. I hope you can find it for me." The examiner was a chubby uncle, wearing a ochre-colored robe, with a tall general belly and a round face that was flushed.

"Is it alive or dead? What are its characteristics? You must give us some clues. How can we find any clues?" Beauxbaton's chairwoman thought that the examiners were deliberately making things difficult for them.

"But everyone is like this, I can't do something special for you." The fat examiner said aggrievedly.

The five people looked at each other in blank dismay, and the chairwoman felt helpless—how to write for an exam without a proposition?

"How about the passing rate of other teams? For example, the team in front of us." Heimdall asked.

"At present, only one team has passed. The team in front of you has not been found yet. If you move quickly, you may be able to surpass them." The fat examiner said enthusiastically.

Everyone found that the examiner was not as innocent as he appeared.

Chairman Sturluson said energetically: "I am suddenly very motivated!"

"What clue did you think of?" Todor had been with Heimdall for a whole year and knew him somewhat.

"First of all, this is a garden; secondly, the examiner is a fat man; thirdly," Heimdall turned to the examiner. "What's your favorite hobby?"


"These are the clues, dear." Heimdall set off in any direction, and Kane followed without hesitation.

"Keep it together, Sturlusson!" shouted Beauxbaton's chairwoman behind them.

"Let's search separately. We don't want to engage in internal competition. Searching separately is beneficial to improve efficiency. If you find it, remember to send a signal flare to notify your teammates." Heimdall walked into the flowers without looking back.

The two stopped by a fence wall surrounded by colorful flowers.

"Be careful around you," Heimdall reminded.

"You think someone is going to attack us?" Kane asked.

"Don't forget that only one team passed ahead, if the examiner didn't lie. I can't find a reason for his nonsense." Heimdall looked around. "I'm in charge of looking for it, you come to watch."

"You trust me that much?"

"Only today, now, in this team."

Kane was silent for a moment, "Hurry up...what's the matter?"

"There's something unusual about our rear."

Kane turned around, not noticing anything unusual.

"I'll leave it to you, classmate." Heimdall began to search, regardless of whether he believed it or not.

Kane stood where he was for a moment, then walked slowly back along the fence, hearing a rustling as he approached the fork.Kane listened for a moment, then raised his wand with a weird smile on his face.

Ten minutes later, he walked lightly behind Heimdall, stared at the back of the opponent's head, and slowly raised his right hand... He suddenly slapped Heimdall on the shoulder hard, but the opponent's body did not give him the slightest stiffness and discomfort. unnatural.

Heimdall looked back calmly, "Are those people still alive?"

Kane grinned and let go.

Twenty minutes later, Heimdall returned to the examiner with a golden spoon, and by the way, put a flare of Durmstrang's school emblem in the sky.

Kane looked at the school badge in the sky and said: "The job of the president of the student union is not to show off and advertise the school."

Heimdall replied calmly, "Young people, don't always be haggling."

Kane was speechless.

The two students of Todor and Beauxbaton came over after hearing the news, with pleasant surprises on their faces.

"I knew you would do it!" Todor thumped Heimdall's shoulder.

Although Chairman Strulusson was not weak, he was still a little different from the muscular Todor, a hulking-backed man, and he couldn't help crying at that moment.Beauxbaton's chairwoman was taken aback.Todor didn't know Heimdall who was used to pretending, so he slapped him a few more times with a smirk.

"It's a fluke." Heimdall yelled.

It's hard to say other functions of his small strong team, but finding things is top-notch.


Victor put the sleeping Mionir on the bed, and Sheena covered him with a blanket.

"Master Victor, Xina just received a letter." Xina took out a letter whose writing could not be found, and instinctively told her that it might be important, so she hid it close to her body.

"You don't feel it's weird?" Victor asked.

Some wizarding families allow house-elves to sense the malice of letters, and house-elves are said to be able to spot simple spells such as disguised Howler letters.

"No." Hina nervously delivered the letter.

"Thank you." After taking it, Victor walked to the fireplace, illuminated the fire, and then thought of something, took out his wand and used the spell of revealing on the letter, and a line of messy writing appeared on the envelope.

It was the private detective who had corresponded with Victor's hearth, and he was currently employed by Victor to work only for the rich and powerful Lord Krum.

The content of the letter is not long, there is no format at all, and there is only one central idea——

The investigation on Henry Derry is much more complicated than expected, and the whole investigation process is full of dangers.

Maybe I'm in danger, maybe I'm out of ammunition, maybe my life is coming to an end.

But no matter what, I ask you to pay a commission of three times the original price for this.

I deserve it!

Don't care how I spend it, even if I become a ghost, I will crawl back from hell and watch you count the Galleons to me one by one!

a poor detective

yours truly.

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