
He raised his eyes and glanced at the majestic castle standing on the top of the mountain, quickly avoided under the eaves, took out his pocket watch and quickly glanced at it.Mionir was probably taking a nap in bed at this time, under the care of Professor Katenin and the king, so he had nothing to worry about.He put his pocket watch back in his pocket, turned around the corner onto Midsummer Avenue, went in to buy some stationery as he passed the post office, went out and continued in a certain direction, and finally stopped in front of a wooden door with large glass panels—glass Hanging eye-catching discount signs.

He pushed the door open and entered, the bell nailed to the door frame rang, and a warm breath rushed towards him.

The boss leaned behind the bar and chatted with the customers, and didn't care much about the wizards who came and went. In this leisurely afternoon with heavy snow, the inside and outside of the store were cold.The shamans in Kapok Town have already learned how to pass the time in the never-warming climate.

Victor shook off the snow from his cloak, and flew over with a mop leaning against the door to clean up the water stains that had accumulated on the floor tiles.Victor walked away from the door to make way for an old woman walking slowly on crutches.

The old woman raised her head to express her gratitude for his kindness, the wooden door opened automatically, and the old woman headed forward tremblingly with her head buried in the wind.The strong wind swept in with snowflakes, and Victor sneezed in the stimulation of the sudden cold air.

He strode towards the bar, where the boss was still talking about the international situation.High-ranking officials and dignitaries always criticize ordinary people for their insensitivity in the face of unresolved domestic conflicts. In fact, ordinary people care more about the international situation than arrogant leaders. The slightest ripple of life has nothing to do with it.

Victor buckled the table, "Give me a quiet room, please."

Wizard bars on the second floor and above usually have guest rooms, providing multiple services such as catering and accommodation.

The boss was a little reluctant at first, but at the critical moment, he stared at Victor, stunned for two seconds to react, and his attitude changed drastically.The guests chatting with the boss probably haven't seen him change his face so vividly, rolling his eyes curiously, but unfortunately the guests in the cloak don't talk much.

"How big a room do you want? None of the rooms are rented out today." The boss smiled flatteringly.

"Smaller, the key is to be quiet." Victor took out a gold Galleon as a tip.

The boss took it with a smile on his face, and graciously led Victor to the stairs. He said as he walked, "I heard that you have a rented house in Kapok Town."

"No more rent."

The boss said again, "I know you are a frequent customer of Qingmian. The boss of Qingmian almost shows off the compliments you wrote in their guestbook to every customer who goes to the store, but I can tell you responsibly, The afternoon tea set in our store is a must, try it if you don’t believe me, it’s no worse than Aoki Mian! I have confidence in it!”

Victor's eyes scanned one after another of the charcoal drawings on the wall, and the self-promotion of "absolutely not to belittle others" continued to echo in his ears, and his tone of humiliation was sour.Under the cover of his cloak and hat, Victor couldn't help laughing.

The room is located on the left side at the end of the aisle, with a maroon carpet underfoot, flowers and wood textured wallpaper on the wall, a large window at the end, and a few strings of mysterious stone wind chimes hanging in front of the window.There is a double chair in front of the window, covered with light yellow woven upholstery.Generally speaking, the environment is not satisfactory.

Victor walked into the room opened by the boss. The space was not very big. At first glance, the interior layout was lacklustre. There was a wall table by the door, a single bed on the opposite side, a cabinet by the bed, and a bed in front of the window. French-style three-drawer desk, and a chair that matches the desk.

Perhaps the boss also felt that the things in the room were too crude, so he hesitated and said to change to something else, but Victor refused.

"No need, just here." Victor lifted the cloak hat. "You don't mind paying the bill when I'm gone?"

He had no reason to mind at all, and he didn't want to.

The boss didn't really feel relieved until he saw the face under the hat.Most of his cautiousness along the way is based on his own guesses. He has seen Krum and heard his voice. The cloak and hat did not completely cover the other party's face. He has gained his current achievements through a keen sense of smell and bold practice. .

The boss restrained the surging joy in his heart, exited the room without changing his expression and closed the door.

What about the guest book in our shop?

He ran down the stairs and rushed into the kitchen in a hurry.

His wife, who was sitting on a pile of wood smoking a pipe, gave him an annoyed look when she saw his funny way of hopping around.

The boss didn't have time to settle accounts with her, so he ordered, "Quickly prepare a set of afternoon tea!"

"You drink too much! Where do we get afternoon tea in our store?! The wine barrels are all in the wine cellar."

"If you are told to go, go!" The boss was furious. "Do you know who came just now?"

The proprietress sucked a cigarette lazily.

In the room at the end of the second floor, Victor had taken off his cloak and was sitting at the desk.The single bed behind him was naturally useless, he just needed a quiet environment where he could read and write.The reason why he chose this bar was firstly because it was close; secondly, this store advertised discounts in "Kapok Express"-while he was subtly influencing someone, someone was also influencing him.

He could have gone straight back to school and done all this in his room, considering the stack of things he brought back today... Viktor put the letter addressed to himself on the left and the letter addressed to Heimdall on the right.

He first dealt with the stall on the left, and when he was writing a letter 10 minutes later, someone knocked on the door, and after the door opened, there was a deliberately sweet voice.

"Room service." A scantily clad woman walked in with her hips twisted.

Victor subconsciously wanted to turn around and ask her why she entered the door without consent, and then thought of where he was now... He didn't look back, looked at the letter and said, "Please put it on the table by the wall, and take the door with you when you go out." ,Thanks."

The woman stood there unwillingly, but the other party's obvious indifference made her quite afraid, and the woman finally left the room with a stiff face.As soon as she turned around, she collided with her sneaky husband hiding outside the door. The woman was about to open her mouth to yell and curse, but the boss sneered at her with the words "sexy lady", and the woman screamed and rushed towards her...

The master in the room had no idea that there was a couple fighting outside because of him.

After he finished his letter, he started to deal with the puddle on the right.

A total of five letters were sent to Heimdall, and all owl letters delivered into the International Federation of Wizards building had to be stamped. Judging from the date, four of the five letters were sent in these two days, with one exception.He held the five letters in his hand for a moment to consider, and opened them with a spell.After the letter was opened, there was no terrible magical effect. He worriedly took out a bottle of antidote and poured it on the letter.

The first one-fifth suddenly ignited immediately before the antidote came into contact with it; the letter paper of the second one-fifth turned into the color of pickles, indicating that it was poisonous, and it was preliminarily determined to be a plant poison that caused lumps or blisters—— Victor decided to keep it and trace the source; the third, fourth, and fifth are all normal.

Victor didn't dare to take it lightly. After the first and second rounds were ruled out, his eyes were fixed on the last three.

The third letter was sharply worded and involved personal attacks. After investigation, it was determined that there was no spell damage. Victor shook his hand in anger, turning it into ashes.The creator of the fourth letter had obviously used their brains, the spell effect was timed, a terrifying black face jumped out of the paper, and cursed with piercing laughter.Thinking that Heimdall was attacked by these strangers who claimed to be followers of Victor Krum without his knowledge, but actually had a sick mind with vicious remarks, the master's face was very ugly.

He cleared the spell easily, relegating it to the second letter to be dealt with, ready to fight fire with fire together in the future.

Then came the fifth letter that was sent the first time. The reason why Victor was a little hesitant about it was because the wording at the very beginning indicated that Heimdall seemed to know the sender. He looked at the signature——George Racali Ni.

La Carlini?

First of all, it can be confirmed that his alumnus, colleague and friend Lacarlini Jr.’s full name is Renato Napoli Lacarlini. This George is by no means the Professor Lacarlini of Heideggerack they are familiar with.It can be judged from the handwriting alone that they are completely different people.

He skimmed through the letter, stripped out awkward greetings, nonsense, and insincere compliments, and what was left left Victor baffling and rebellious.But one thing was finally clarified through this letter. Giorgio Lacarlini once studied in Durmstrang, three grades younger than Heimdall, and transferred to another magic school after finishing the third grade. As for The specific reason for the transfer is unknown, and it was not mentioned in the letter.

Victor vaguely remembered a person, who seemed to be a student of the Wizard Chess Lab who had caused trouble for Heimdall, and that person seemed to be George Lacarlini.If his memory is correct, the reason for the transfer seems to be one or two guesses.

And the part that made Victor inexplicable is at the end of the letter. Giorgio Lacarlini wanted to set a meeting date with Heimdall. He said in the letter that he had an extremely important matter to reveal to Heimdall, which was still mysterious Xixi revealed that he had caught Victor Krum's handle, and if he couldn't say it categorically, he would definitely regret it.

The whole letter was full of extortion. Such a person is actually his junior--a former student, and he brazenly used him as an excuse to threaten Rieg? !

The master was angry.


【…The continuous burning of the fire crab in the flame of its own birth can prolong its life.This sentence is right or wrong, please answer quickly! ] The ringtone is loud.

[Armenian Magic School, you have ten seconds to think, and the timer starts. 】The students of some Armenian magic school in an unknown corner cheered, and one of the students stood up to answer.

"Didn't get it again!" Carlo was very annoyed, this question is free points.

"We have missed the opportunity to answer the question three times in a row." Leon was also a little impatient.

"Hurry up, it's time for another question." Heimdall stared at Professor Laurent.

Laurent's scalp was numb when he saw it. It wasn't because he was lazy that he couldn't grab it. It was because the enemies moved too fast.

[Please listen to the question. 】

The audience held their breath again.

[Historically, there was a large-scale mutual killing war, which made what was almost on the verge of extinction. May I ask who are the two sides of the war, and when did the war break out.Please answer! ] The ringtone is loud.

[Debrecen School of Magic, you have ten seconds to think, and the timer starts. ] Unwilling screams broke out from Durmstrang's seat, but it was not abrupt, because they were not the only representative team screaming.

Laurent, who didn't catch it again, sighed surrounded by a few pairs of resentful eyes, handed over the rattle with a wry smile, and Heimdall took it with both hands. He had been waiting for a long time.

Chairman Sturlusson rolled up his high sleeves and tugged at the hem of his shirt. He looked as if he was going to do his best, and he was really not reserved at all.

"Don't get too excited." Carlo said worriedly. "Be sure to listen to the whole question before shaking, otherwise it will be a waste of effort."

Heimdall raised his chin arrogantly, "You want to tell me? When I honked the horn in Diagon Alley to grab the end-of-season promotional products, you didn't know where the corruption was!"

Carlo was about to refute, Leon patted him on the back to make him calm down.

Heimdalt blew and rubbed his hands superstitiously and said: "Listen to Leon, leave it to me, don't make trouble for me." After speaking, he raised the rattle and concentrated on it.

Carlo had to keep his mouth shut.

The audience once again fell into a state of complete silence.

[Who is the author of "Guide to Interpreting Dreams", one of the unified textbooks of European magic schools?Which country is he a wizard from?Please answer quickly. 】Heimdall shook vigorously, but the big light bulb above their heads was not on, and the light bulbs not far away a few rows were on.

[Beauxbaton School of Magic, you have ten seconds to think, and the timer starts. ] Heimdall shook his hand, and in a blink of an eye, he saw his classmates, represented by Fat Brother Carlo, looking at him with contempt.He did five-finger exercises calmly, "I haven't entered the state yet, I haven't competed with the tough ladies for too long, please give me a little time to adapt, as long as I adjust, I dare Said there was no one there who was a match for me, Heimdall Strulusson."

Don't be ashamed!

Even Beja couldn't help complaining in her heart.

"Can I stand up and move my legs and legs? It's better for me to enter the state and perform supernormally." Heimdall asked Laurent innocently.

The latter looked at him calmly, and Heimdall backed away.

"Stop the activity, it's about to start." Beja said hastily.

Heimdall waved his hand vigorously, "Beauxbaton is much closer to our school than Armenia. This is progress."

Everyone believed that the people present were not as thick-skinned as Chairman Sturluson.

[A textbook compiled by Wilbert Sculling. This book is also one of the designated textbooks of the European School of Magic. May I ask the name of the textbook.Please answer the question. 】Carol and the others were dumbfounded. They don’t know how to do this question. It seems to be related to Defense Against the Dark Arts, but Durmstrang doesn’t have this class, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts taught in the Black Arts class doesn’t use European unified textbooks. .

Chairman Sturluson didn't care, and still rang the bell with all his strength.

In the end, Liechtenstein School of Magic got the chance to answer the question.

"Liechtenstein? Why is it so far away?" Heimdall thought that the activities were not enough?But there is no exercise here...

The chairman of the student union used to do a series of feudal superstition activities such as burning incense and worshiping Buddha before grabbing promotional products, and also seriously did a set of radio gymnastics, so he confidently shifted the responsibility to not doing radio gymnastics and then affecting the development of this stubble.

"Do you know this question? None of us will." Carlo asked.

Professor Laurent closed his eyes and dozed off, happy to take a break.

"What question?" Heimdall asked without answering.

The students couldn't believe it, "Didn't you hear the question?"

"Listen, otherwise how to ring the bell."

"Then what's your question?!"

"Focused on listening to the sound and didn't pay attention to the content." Heimdall urged, "What's the topic?"

Liechtenstein just reported the correct answer: "Magic Defense Theory".

Heimdall suddenly realized, "Oh, that hater of black magic, Wilbert Sculling?"

Brothers shouted it's a pity, if you don't know, it's fine, if someone knows, it's another miss.

Heimdall saw Professor Laurent lift the lid of one eye and look at himself. Don't mention Dora's hatred in that small look.Heimdall rolled up his sleeves again, secretly swearing that he will be benevolent if he succeeds.

"Come here." Beja reminded everyone to keep quiet.

[The formula of the compound decoction.Please answer the question. 】

Heimdall went all out before the last note fell.

The light bulb above their heads finally flickered, so yellow and so bright, the German school and the group were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

[Durmstrang College, you have ten seconds—]

"Lacewings, leeches, sapweeds, amphora, crushed bicorn horns, snake skin fragments of an African tree snake, and things from the person who wants to change, you don't need a lot, just a little That's enough." Before the wizard who reported the question could finish speaking, Leon answered the question in a straight-forward manner.

The audience was silent, and the German school team became the focus again after the opening ceremony.

The wizard probably hadn't experienced any big storms, and he was choked and stared for several seconds, and Leon was still holding his eyelids after he finished his answer.

The witch who came out to preside over the overall situation before took the right to judge, [The answer is correct, 10 points for Durmstrang. 】They finally broke through Zero Egg and broke away from the bottom legion.

Representatives from Durmstrang slapped each other's palms in harmony.

"Okay, Mr. Chairman, there are two tricks." Carlo laughed.

Kane, who has been acting like a gourd, suddenly said, "I hope it's not just luck."

Carlo and Leon frowned, but considering teamwork, they still held back their temper.Beja didn't know about the past grievances and grievances, and she hadn't spoken to Kane until now, because she felt that this senior brother was yin and yang.Zug was sitting upright, squinting at Kane. Before he entered the laboratory, he blindly chased Kane and pretended to be a tiger. It was not until Kane's attempt was exposed that he really saw the inner nature of Kane, so he always had some feelings for Kane in his heart. scruples.

Professor Laurent still closed his eyes and meditated, as if he didn't hear anything.

【next question. 】The witch did not retreat like last time, but took over the reporting task.

[As wizards, we have an obligation to prevent Muggles from encountering magical animals and having undue associations, distorting the truth, fearing wizards, or finding ways to enter the wizarding world.When you find a hippogriff in a place where it shouldn't be, what can you do to prevent Muggles from bumping into it.Please answer the question. 】The ringing bells sounded one after another, and the golden rays of light complemented each other.

[Durmstrang Junior College. 】The witch closed her mouth after reporting the name of the school. The whole group of the German school were stunned for a moment, and quickly realized.

Mr. Chairman did his part, "Use the Disillusionment Charm on the Hippogriff to make it blend with the surrounding environment, which can effectively prevent Muggles from discovering it. In addition, the wizard who raises the Hippogriff is obliged to protect the animals he raises." The Ministry of Magic of each country has relevant operating regulations for using this magic.”

The witch smiled, [Durmstrang plus 10 points. 】

Chairman Strulusson immediately responded with an incomparably coquettish smile.

In the next rush to answer more than 40 questions, Mr. Chairman, who is full of confidence in his own technology, grabbed more than half of the 32 questions. The Durmstrang team answered 26 questions correctly, and Mr. Chairman took care of the rest .

Chairman Sturluson stood up very sincerely and said loudly: "No!"

In other words, a total of 6 times.

The hatred value of the Durmstrang Junior College team, which had won more than half of the points, reached its peak at that moment.

Teams from other schools beat their chests and gnashed their teeth: I don't think you can grab anything!

On the rostrum, experts and professors from France, Russia, Italy, Spain, and Hungary who witnessed the whole process of rushing to answer clearly felt the "maliciousness" that the black magic factory responded to them.

At the end of the first round of answering, the Durmstrang team scored 50 out of 34 questions, answered 28 questions correctly, and gave up 6 questions, with a total of 280 points, ranking first in the standings.

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