HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 807 I Was Bullied


When the pointer on the old-fashioned wall clock moved a short distance to the right, Jacob Moreau in an office of the International Special Magical Products Monitoring Committee finally turned to the next page; sitting at the other end of the office But the navy blue couldn't sit still anymore, she pushed away the things on the table, and found a random reason to leave the office.

After she walked out of the office area of ​​the International Special Magic Products Monitoring Committee, she was stopped by Jacob Moreau who was chasing up from behind.

"Don't be impulsive!" The expression on Navy Blue's face revealed her mood. Jacob Moreau would see such Navy Blue without any surprise, so he couldn't turn a blind eye. She was relieved, or he didn't believe her IQ.

"I'm going to inquire. There hasn't been any news for such a long time..." The excitement and anticipation of the navy blue has long been wiped out by the safety and well-being of every minute and every second.

"How are you going to inquire?" Jacob Moreau suppressed the annoyance in his heart.

"Ask other institutions, maybe they have heard something." Navy Blue shrugged and whispered.

Jacob Morrow thanked himself for his outstanding endurance and didn't scold the "stupid" that came to his mouth immediately, but his volume still betrayed his emotions.

"You..." Seeing Navy Blue's frightened expression, he quickly restrained himself and said in a normal tone, "Why don't you go downstairs and look around, maybe you can find out something."

Navy Blue was quickly bewildered by Jacob Moreau's gentle appearance, and asked in a daze, "I can't get in... The floors below the first floor are not allowed to enter the floors, including all wizards working in the International Federation of Wizards. "

"I can do it honey," Moreau took her hand. "I will go with you."

Since he can't get rid of this woman's self-righteous stupid idea, it's better to act together with her to prevent her from selling herself at some point.

Navy blue eyes nodded obsessively, "Whatever you say is what you say."

Jacob Moreau looked away inconspicuously, avoiding her gaze perfectly.

They successfully arrived at the annual meeting venue of the headquarters on the basement floor. As Jacob Morrow said, the wizard patrol guarding the entrance did not make things difficult for them. Jacob Morrow turned to the stern-looking black The wizard in robe said something, and took out another card-shaped object. The wizard in black suddenly turned his eyes to Navy Blue, and it took a lot of effort for Navy Blue not to turn his gaze away.

Jacob Moreau came back quickly and pulled her forward. Navy Blue's heart almost jumped out of his throat when they passed the black-robed wizard.

"We can't get close to the gate of the venue, we can only stop there." Jacob Morrow said softly.

"He let us in, why didn't he just let us in?!" Naval Blue said dissatisfied.

Jacob Moreau secretly rolled his eyes, "He is only in charge of guarding the perimeter, and there is a patrol checkpoint set up by the Police Corps near the gate, if you want to try the command of the Corps' 'shoot to kill', I can send you there. "

In fact, it was not easy for them to pass the first checkpoint. If it wasn't for the convenience of being an internal employee of the Wizarding Union, the wizard patrol would not let them go.

Navy thought he was joking and sniggered heartlessly.

Jacob Morrow had to keep telling himself to be patient.

There was no sound in the corridor, even if the lights were brightly lit, it was difficult to get rid of the discomfort caused by too much silence. Neither Muggles nor wizards could bear the silence for a long time.Navy Blue couldn't help swallowing, knowing that there would be no problem, but still looked around nervously.Because there was no one else here, Jacob Moreau simply didn't remind her how embarrassing her behavior was.

A person walked in front, the carpet under their feet sucked up most of the sound of their footsteps, and the approaching figure clearly told them that this was not a hallucination.

Navy Blue was relieved, and she was about to collapse if she walked any further. She never knew that this corridor was so hopelessly long.

The person who came was wearing a shirt and woolen vest, the wizard's robe was casually draped over his shoulders, and he was straightening his skirt with his head down. He obviously didn't expect to bump into other wizards suddenly. Like a shoulder shake.The man's afro is impressive.

Jacob Moreau and Navy Blue smiled at the same time. They had never seen this person before, and even if they did, it was the kind of unfamiliar face that passed by. This is commonplace in international organizations such as the Wizarding Union.

Afro blinked and looked them up and down.

Moro and Navy Blue didn't see the splendor flashing in the eyes of the explosive head, but kept smiling friendly.

"Hello," Navy Blue was about to say, but was snatched away by Jacob Moreau.

"We are employees of the International Special Magic Products Monitoring Committee. Are you coming out of the venue of the headquarters' annual meeting?"

Afro nodded, "What's the matter? How did you get in?"

"Because it's urgent, so...can you call out the person in charge of our committee?" Jacob Moreau said sincerely, avoiding the important ones.

Navy Blue secretly applauds her sweetheart for her boldness.

"I don't know your person in charge." The explosive head shook his head.

"Thank you, we are making things difficult for others." Jacob Moreau looked good-tempered, and then asked with interest, "How is the annual meeting going? Is it going well? When will it end?" In those beautiful eyes The burst of light makes it easy to believe that this is the longing and curiosity of a small person for the annual meeting.

"It's just delaying time, nothing is going well!" the explosive head said impatiently.

Jacob Moreau and Navy Blue were still depressed by all the signs of smooth progress along the way, and the words of the Afro cheered them up.

"What do you mean? What is delaying time?" The navy blue's worry is so vivid.

"There are so many problems, I don't know which one to start with, this is the worst annual meeting I've ever seen." The afro looked regretful. "I wouldn't have come if I knew it earlier. The annual meeting at the headquarters is too disappointing."

Jacob Morrow made a look of disbelief, "How is it possible, we have the best team, the best design and arrangement, and the best master of ceremonies."

"Team, arrangement, master of ceremonies..." Afro found a hint of urgency on the navy blue expression when talking about the master of ceremonies, and that kind of emotional leakage was very strange. "The first few items you mentioned may be the best, master of ceremonies, ha, of course this is just my opinion," and then he waved his hands as if he was going to wave something away. "Don't talk, don't talk, I'm in a bad mood thinking of going in later, can you tell me where the smoking room is?"

Jacob Morrow gave him directions, and the two watched the seemingly listless Afro walk to the smoking room.

The two looked at each other, carefully concealing the joy that they were about to break out of the ground, and left there quickly.

The afro head returned to its original position, he thought for a moment, then turned around and walked back to the venue quickly.

Before he entered the venue, he put on his wizard robe again, and there was a row of English letters on his left chest: International Wizarding Injury Treatment Center II,

The person who spoke on behalf of the International Wizengamot was Smigli Leeds. Heimdall and Firing had received the list of attendees when they checked the materials of various departments. Naturally, they knew that this year's annual meeting would be hosted by Liz The judge participated on behalf of IW, and the two had completely different feelings about it.

Feilin was more grateful for not sycophating Leeds before, at least he was the first to get acquainted in front of the future big leader.

Big leader, presumably this is a speculation generally accepted by the International Federation of Wizards after today's annual meeting.

Heimdall comforted himself that Leeds' attendance at the annual meeting did not mean that Chief Girondt would be a thing of the past from today onwards. Girondre had not announced his retirement yet, and the old man was still living a vigorous life like every young man in the same department. In the life of late five, Leeds just came to attend an annual meeting, and maybe Chairman Gironde happened to be busy.The head of the office still has a grudge against Liz who is not optimistic about his boss.

Of course, before today, all they had to do was pretend they didn't know anything in front of the wizards of IW.

Smigli Leeds fundamentally lacks wit and humor—Heimdall has always firmly believed that people who do not know how to be funny usually embarrass others or themselves—some may say that his boss Holling Voss is also a cold-faced judge. Heimdall disagrees with this view, because Hollingsworth has a dry sense of humor that makes people hard to guard against.

The above point of view does not rule out that the head of the office deliberately hypnotizes himself in order to flatter his boss. Instead of flattering Smeagley Leeds, who is still "unidentified", it is better to work hard to build a good relationship with the immediate boss who really controls the lifeline.People can't aim too high, can they?

The content of Liz's speech mainly focused on the judicial construction of the wizarding world in the past year. According to the process of the previous annual meeting, the speeches of the heads of various institutions were more inclined to the good side, which is the saying that report the good but not the bad.That is to say what good things we have done this year, how many regions and how many wizards have benefited from our hard work, we will continue to maintain vigorous work enthusiasm, and push ourselves to a higher level without reducing this number etc.

Heimdall has not attended the annual meeting of the headquarters, so he does not know how Chief Gironde will speak, but it can be seen from the speeches of those responsible persons who have spoken that everyone is still willing to maintain this rhythm.Presumably Gironde is no exception.

Smeagley Leeds unexpectedly took an unconventional path and made a difference.The subject of Judge Leeds' speech shifted from a one-sided work report to the contradiction between wizards and Muggles. His actions undoubtedly provoked the discordant factors in the air. The conflicts that have not yet settled in the wizarding TV shows in the past are here Heat up again.

Heimdall sighed in his heart, look, he just said that Liz is a person who doesn't know how to humor. He challenged sensitive topics at the annual meeting of the headquarters, an international conference that sings the song of world peace, and said a few things that the wizards in the audience liked to hear. Is your case bad?When the new year is approaching, let the dignitaries present feel the blood that justice will surely defeat evil, and purify their hearts. Isn't it a joy for everyone?

The conflict between wizards and Muggles cannot be released and resolved through a speech at the annual meeting. Most wizards agree with the approach of maintaining balance, that is, everyone does not violate the river. Therefore, the Ministry of Magic of various countries adopts a method of dealing with Muggles. On the surface, the policy is protection, but in fact it is expulsion.In order to achieve this goal, the consistent approach to cases of wizards killing or injuring Muggles is to severely punish them - to sit in prison without the death penalty.This is also done to prevent wizards from harming Muggles. No matter how weak a wizard is, they can easily kill Muggles. There is no need to repeatedly prove this point.

Liz's speech can be said to offend both sides. On the one hand, he cited the case of Muggles harming wizards. This kind of case is very rare, but it is not impossible. Wizards in such cases have become a vulnerable group and have almost no chance to defend themselves. He was sent to prison for self-protection; on the other hand, there are common cases of wizards harming Muggles, not to mention using magic wands to cast magic on Muggles, simple magic products can kill Muggles, such as being illegally Wizard vendors deliberately peddle enchanted sugar clips that can snap off a new owner's nose and poke blind eyes.

The worst case Heimdall knew of was getting his throat pierced one sunny morning with a butter knife the hapless lady bought only because the initials on the handle matched her name.

The atmosphere in the audience is not very good, that's for sure.

Heimdall, who was hiding in the dim light, saw that among the guests, Mr. Bezer—the head of the International Center for the Tracing of Witches' Lineage Research—was about to suffocate, and Liz's speech was so shocking.Heimdall felt a little bit worried. Mr. Bezer won't have a sudden brain congestion, right? !

It was a relief that the wizard sitting next to Baize seemed to be the head of the International Center for the Treatment of Wizarding Injuries.

Liz closed the notepad, made the expression and gesture of ending the speech, and the sincerity of the smiles that at least two-thirds of the people in the audience showed.

Someone raised his hand, Liz paused as he walked off the stage, and he returned to the back of the stage.

The lady who made the three people on the stage unable to call out her name stood up, "I would like to ask Judge Leeds, how do you comment on your speech today? What intention do you want to express? It shows that you have decided to stand on the side of the Muggles." ? Is this your personal opinion, or does it represent the international Wizengamo?"

The tone of the question, the speed of speaking that people can't get in the mouth, and the one after another question, the wizards present all wondered where did this reporter from the newspaper sneak in?

"I didn't have any inclination in my speech, didn't you hear it? I cite cases from various countries, and I represent the International Wizengamot. I want to express IW's attitude to the International Federation of Wizards. We hope that the next The federation meeting in 1 can supplement the law on Muggles in more detail. We hope that in the future when trying such cases, we will no longer have to deliberate, supplement and innovate on our own according to an ambiguous medieval regulation. In order to defend the dignity of the law, IW With all my heart, the International Federation of Wizards should provide us with a more precise and accurate space to play, otherwise we will be unable to continue. As for my evaluation of my own speech," Liz paused. "There is too little time for the speakers at the annual meeting. Maybe you can't see it. The reminder board was waving on it [-] minute ago, otherwise my speech could be more exciting, instead of being faced by most of the people present like now." Expressionless."

Regardless of the mood of the guests on stage, Heimdall smiled, and he took the lead in applauding. The applause startled the wizards in the audience, and everyone applauded.

Emma, ​​Heimdall scratched his heart and lungs, what should I do if he is too handsome, he seems to be turning black into a fan.


The three-hour annual meeting came to an end quickly, and the man and woman upstairs were doomed to be disappointed. Although Mr. Sturlusson made a few mistakes that made the front and backstage terrified, he and his partner were still happy. Pulled back perfectly.Thanks Merlin.

The lights on the stage were brightly lit, and Heimdall and Ferring walked to the front of the stage.

"The 1997 annual meeting of the headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards has come to an end. Thank you very much for coming." The two said goodbye to the guests in the audience with smiles on their faces.

The wizards in the audience stood up in the constantly changing light and shadow, gossiped with each other, and walked out slowly.Colorful flags fluttered on the wall, and the magical clouds above the head glowed with colorful brilliance in the alternation of lights.

The two masters of ceremonies returned to the backstage amidst perplexing anxious urging, and were surrounded by several staff members in a blink of an eye.

"Where's your cue card? Take it out!" Afro shouted impatiently.

Heimdall took out the cue card from his pocket, and Ferring unnaturally tucked a strand of hair behind his ear.

Everyone quickly surrounded it, and sighed after turning a few pages.

"Passive hands and feet!" Someone said firmly.

"Do you have any clues? For example, who did you meet before going on stage? Did you encounter something puzzling? Or who did you give the cue card to?" Ali vowed to make things clear and dared to speak at the annual meeting he organized. If he makes small moves on the Internet, he will make that person regret giving birth!

Heimdall caught a glimpse of Flynn shrugging his shoulders, pondered in his heart, and said blankly, "I don't know, how did the cue card turn out like that..."

"Should we call the house elves over and ask?" a staff member suggested.

"The elves probably didn't do it. They don't have the guts to make their own decisions." Ali shook his head.

"As far as I can see," the afro twisted the fake cue card into twists. "The top priority is to check the two people I met before. I think they are acting suspiciously. What is the big thing that has to call the head of the organization out of the annual meeting? There is no one else in their organization? The leader is not there, isn't it?" Is there a second-in-command? Could it be that without the first-in-command, the International Special Magic Products Monitoring Committee will not work? Their expressions when they inquire about the situation of the annual meeting are not right, as if they wish that the annual meeting will not go on!"

Ferrin was visibly shaken when he heard the "International Special Magic Products Monitoring Committee", and Heimdall's expression became thoughtful.

"From your description, that male wizard seems to be Jacob Moreau." Ali said suddenly.

"You know?" Afro said in surprise.

"He is somewhat of a celebrity in the International Federation of Wizards, and he is no stranger to anyone who often organizes events."

"I haven't seen him." Afro dismissed.

Others have seen it.

"Your expression is a bit strange." Heimdall said to Ali.

"I thought of a rumor that Jacob Morrow was originally the most promising male host candidate. If it hadn't been suggested at the end of a regular meeting that two new hosts should be selected, so as not to keep seeing familiar faces , Jacob Morrow is probably the host of this annual meeting."

"Let a newcomer lose face at the international convention... If this is the case, this guy's heart is really vicious!" Afro expressed his sincere contempt.Thinking of Jacob Moreau's handsome and understanding appearance before, his scalp tingles.

Ferlin's accident didn't look like a fake, Heimdall wondered if she was kept in the dark to a greater extent than expected?

Ali sighed emotionally, "He is actually very optimistic about him. He is so handsome and charming. If he cooperates with him, he will be very happy..."

"Don't be obsessed with that kind of scum." Afro advised him to turn around. "You were still filled with righteous indignation just now, does the oath that you will find out the mastermind behind the scenes still work?"

Ali said: "This kind of matter is not up to me. I plan to talk to the person in charge. Fortunately, there is no problem today, so we must not tolerate it and pretend that nothing happened."

Just waiting for your words!Everyone gave him a thumbs up.


An hour later, Heimdall and Flynn appeared in the employee cafeteria where the flow of people was significantly reduced.

"I won't ask you what happened, so don't be surprised." Heimdall asked for a No. 3 meal.

Felin was very preoccupied, so he only wanted a plate of fruit salad.

"Hi, Strulusson!" someone called his name.

Heimdall quickly found the source of the sound, Instructor John and his pure-blood vampire friends.He took time to think about it, and by the way, it's called Hu Nuoer.

"I heard that someone made things difficult for you?" Instructor John said with a smile, as if it was a happy thing.

"Well, my cue card was swapped before going on the field, but the enemy's tricks didn't succeed. I have saved myself from danger many times with my strong memory." Heimdall said in an exaggerated tone.

"I'll just say it won't have any impact on the kid's mood." Instructor John raised his eyebrows proudly at Jiyou.

"Who said no, I was very nervous at the time, and Miss Ferring helped me a lot."

Fei Lin, who tried hard to pretend that she didn't exist, was suddenly called out, but fortunately, the two vampire police officers were not interested in her.

"You heard the news so quickly? You are indeed the police." Heimdall flattered him at the right time.

"This matter will be investigated by our criminal investigation team," Hu Noor said.

"It's so labor-intensive?" Heimdall was flattered.

"It's just easy. The clues are simple and clear. The perpetrator is obviously not a veteran. He probably did it on impulse. He didn't even know how to take away the physical evidence." Hu Nuoer shook his head repeatedly as he said, not challenging.

"Who is it?" Heimdall asked.

"Don't you already have the answer?"

Really that Moreau?

Heimdall was speechless for a long time, no grudges in the past, no grudges in the present, he was shot while lying down.

The two finished their meal and prepared to leave the staff canteen.

Finally, Feilin couldn't help but ask, "Is this the way it is?"

"What happened?" Heimdall was puzzled.

"Jacob Moreau."

"Mr. Ali will handle it, and other wizards."

"What about you? You don't take action?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if Jacob Moreau has a connection? Judging from his past performance, he seems to have some background."

"Are you trying to use me to kill them all, so that you can get rid of yourself completely? You knew that someone would be against me, but you pretended not to know beforehand, without any warning." Heimdall smiled suddenly.

Film's hairs stood on end, and he gave himself a middle finger in his heart, asking you to do it!

"But you're right, I should do something." Heimdall ignored Ferrin's surprise, turned and returned to the restaurant.

Anyway, we are the second-generation officials, so if we don't do something, we will be too sorry for this title.Since there are always people who insist on it and make a fuss about it, why should he let everyone down.

Ferrin noticed him walking towards a certain table, and Rommel Sturluson was one of the wizards sitting at that table.

After a while, he came back.

Ferlin asked curiously, "Did you say that?"


"How did your father react?"

"He told me he would go back early for dinner tonight."

Film: ...

After leaving the building of the International Federation of Wizards, Heimdall went straight to the training base of the Bulgarian national team. After undergoing a routine inspection by the security guards, he came to the side of the training ground familiarly. Victor doing relaxation exercises with his team members.

He ran over in three steps at a time, and jumped in front of Victor when the other team members were not paying attention, and muttered aggrievedly under Victor's surprised gaze: "Husband, I was bullied today!"

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