"Diary 1980 March [-], [-]"

When another wave of labor pains hit, I almost cried out, but I couldn't, I tried my best to swallow the painful moan back, and I couldn't let the werewolf find out my abnormality.

Remus Lupine once took me to a Muggle hospital for a prenatal check-up. The experienced doctor estimated that the due date was only a few days away. The lack of movement in my stomach must have puzzled the werewolf.He has always wanted to bring me back to the wizarding world and let a more trustworthy doctor re-examine me, but I still refuse to agree. If there is any trouble in him, I will fight fiercely. He is afraid of hurting me. It should be said that he is afraid Because of this, I hurt the child in my stomach, and this matter was left behind.

It wasn't until Lupine left that I yelled loudly, and the old woman next door rushed into the house. I think she might have been hiding around the house, otherwise it would be impossible to have such swift action.That damn old woman even invited a priest. I know Muggles like to have Jesus Christ involved in every aspect of their lives, but isn't that what funerals do? Why do you have to read the Bible when you have a baby? !I just gave birth to my child, not buried!Damn Muggles!

What's more, that old woman is actually trying to get my child's idea, and bargain with me when I'm out of my mind. She wants my child.

A bunch of damn thieves who steal other people's children!


After a not-so-long long-distance trip, Pegasus finally broke through the clouds in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, and swooped down quickly from the blue and clear sky.Heimdall threw away the big cushion that was in the way, leaned against the window and stared out, his curiosity made several people in the same car laugh.Especially the black cat pet, also imitating its owner, sitting on the side of the car window overlooking the earth, one person and one cat are very similar in earnestness, not to mention how interesting it is.

Sofia is known as the garden city of Europe. There are many parks in the city. Among these parks of different sizes, there is a park that can only be seen and entered by wizards. It is hidden in the noisy city full of traffic. Wan's Muggles walk past the park every day without knowing it.

This park is different from other similar ones. Although the park is also full of trees, flowers and willows, groups of animals and quiet lakes, its main function is not just for outings. It is the largest sky-drawn carriage in the entire Balkans. distribution center.Pegasus horses from various countries and regions all over the world take off and land from here, and wizards from the Balkan Peninsula and even Eastern European countries transfer to long-distance carriages from here, because here has the most complete schedule and the most types of carriages, and it can meet the needs of all classes for transportation. demand.Of course, fair price is also the primary factor.

There is a vast lawn, a team of well-trained and experienced animal trainers, and a group of well-mannered and friendly staff. Bernayan spared no effort to solve problems for every wizard who needs to transfer. For this reason, Bernayan Flying Animal Station has been awarded the Elite Medal of Honor by the International Federation of Magicians for six consecutive years in recognition of their tireless, rigorous and dedicated work attitude.

Kind of like an international airport for Muggles.Heimdall commented after witnessing the non-stop and bustling scene in the "airport".By the way, he took off the heavy coat that was wrapped around his body. Bulgaria has a temperate continental climate, and the average temperature in January is basically between -2°~2°. Compared with the freezing cold in the Durmstrang Mountains, The temperature of -2°~2° is really too warm.

Leaving the endless parking lot, enter the two-story stone-wood building with Bulgarian national characteristics. It looks very simple from the outside. The brick wall on the first floor is painted a light reddish brown, while the outer wall on the second floor is Pure sky blue and cut into rectangular color blocks by snow-white broadsides, inlaid with dark brown window frames...

As soon as you enter the open wooden door frame, you can see the grand scene of blazing heat and continuous flow again, and the inside of the house is not much cleaner than the outside.The inside is very large, several times...even ten times larger than the inherent space of the building.The wizards with their luggage were running around in a hurry in the hall. On the wall facing the door, there was a huge landing notice board, and every once in a while, there would be the take-off and landing times of the carriages on it. Display and change, if there is a grounding or delay, the house elf on standby will go to modify it as soon as possible.

The first thing for a wizard who needs to take a car to enter the waiting hall is to make a choice according to the content announced on the notice board, and then go to the ticket window to buy a ticket.A series of processes are almost exactly the same as the Muggle station.The only difference is that the goblins are responsible for selling tickets here, not humans. This is why there has never been a lawsuit related to money since the establishment of Bernayan Station. Goblins will never miscount money.

Bernick reached out to intercept a free teapot flying towards them and ordered four cups.After drinking hot tea, a brother who was in the same car said goodbye to them. He will then transfer to the carriage headed east, while Bernick and the three will head south.

It was noon, and they bought simple food from the catering shop in the lobby. After eliminating them, the two Mr. Krum calmly bought a bottle of yogurt for Heimdall. After eating the fragrant and delicious yogurt, they decided to set off.During the period, the black cat followed suit and ate a lot of snacks and yogurt. The cat's good appetite made the three of them worry about its stomach.

Heimdall looked back at the ticket window that was getting further and further away from them behind him, feeling very puzzled.In fact, he had been observing the train schedule on the notice board, and they had missed several trains just because of eating and eating yogurt, and the next southbound carriage would leave in an hour. "Aren't we going to buy tickets?" He asked curiously.

"We've already bought it," Bernick said with a smile.

"When?" Heimdall felt amazing. "Have you ever walked away?" He could bet Victor hadn't either.

"Our bags are with our tickets."

By the way, he forgot his luggage, and he hasn't seen him since he got off the car. "What do you mean?" Heimdall asked puzzled.

Bernick played the trick. "Follow and you'll know."

The Krum family in the south is a well-known supplier of potion raw materials and a large rose planter in the Balkans. This family has made an indelible contribution to the GDP growth of the Bulgarian wizarding world. The corresponding privileges of the family, as long as they are not out of bounds, all requests made by the Krum family are granted one by one, for example, a direct carriage to the Rhodope Manor.

The members of Krum's family don't need to queue up, buy tickets, or squeeze trains like ordinary wizards in Bernayan. The station will provide services for the family at any time.This is different from the general "first-class" guests. This special line is only opened for Krum, and it goes directly after takeoff. There are no stops, and the final landing point is at the gate of the manor.

After the luxuriously decorated huge carriage flew into the air, through the window, Heimdall saw the mane of the silver-maned Pegasus shining with pearl brilliance curly and fluttering like waves as it galloped.The privileged class is luxury, a certain boy thought to himself, but three people plus three pieces of luggage actually used a "plane" with the largest passenger capacity.


The name of the Rhodope Manor is taken from the Rhodope Mountains in southern Bulgaria. It is said that the ancestors of the Krum family traveled all over Bulgaria when they first chose the site, and finally set their sights on the towering southwest border. Among the dense ancient pine forests, it lives next to a royal Muggle hunting ground.

The manor is located deep in the dense forest, in a remote and quiet location, not only Muggles, but even wizards seldom set foot here.Uninvited guests were never welcome in the Krum family, and this was well known in the Bulgarian wizarding world.

The heavy snow has visited this dense forest, and there are beautiful scenes covered with silver and snow everywhere.After getting off the carriage, Heimdall let out a long breath. It may be due to the fact that it is located in a mountainous area, and the temperature here is much lower than that of Sofia.

"Are we there yet?" Heimdall asked, he didn't see the house, all he could see were towering trees covered in snow.

"No, it's the private land of Krum's family from here on, and the carriages outside cannot enter casually." Victor explained, and slipped his luggage out of the carriage.

Heimdall saw two ruts on the snow, leading from here to the depths of the dense forest, and immediately understood that it meant that he had to change trains again.

"Bernik! Victor!" shouted from behind.

The three of them followed their reputation, and a man and a woman stood not far away and waved to them. Seeing the intimacy between the two, Heimdall guessed that they were probably husband and wife, and that lady had the iconic Struluson family Ginger-haired, and, as for the man, typical of the Krum family.

"Mom? Dad?" Bernick exclaimed in surprise, and immediately ran to his parents. Victor pulled Heimdall and followed.

"How did you come here? (Bulgarian)"

"What are you talking about?! We can't come? (Bao)" His mother, Daisy, glared angrily. "Oh!" She saw Victor and Heimdall walking towards them. "Victor dear, welcome home. (Paul)" She opened her arms and hugged Victor warmly. "So, this is Heimdall?" She said this in English.

"Hello, ma'am." Heimdall said very strictly.This Mrs. Daisy is the younger sister of his grandmother, she is higher than Rommel's seniority, respect is due, a certain boy thought so.

Daisy narrowed her eyes, her pretty face showed no emotion, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

Bernick on the side was baffled by this weird situation, and was about to speak when he was stopped by his father.

While being scrutinized by this beautiful and young lady who is obviously a grandmother, Heimdall also took the opportunity to look at her carefully.Daisy Sturluson was the youngest sister of the deceased old Struluson, and according to Snow, she was the most active member of their family.She likes to be clear about everything, she doesn't like to go around in circles, she has a cheerful personality but is not stupid, she knows how to read people and occasions to speak, and she is not the kind of reckless and ignorant person who sticks to her guts. Her shrewdness is often hidden in the hard to detect under the bright smile.

The lady with all manner of postures finally restrained her gaze, a smile appeared on her face, and her attitude became gentler, which made Heimdall let out a sigh of relief. As expected of a grandma, it is very stressful to look at her.

"Margaret and I have been on bad terms since we were young. I hate her, and she hates me. Neither of us will buy from the other." Her words were completely opposite to her actions, and she stepped forward and gave Heimdall a A big hug, this intimate move made the boy respond involuntarily - he also raised his hands to hug him back. "I always thought that a person like her who is selfish to the extreme will definitely live longer than anyone else, and maybe she will become an immortal of the Strulusson family and be recorded in the family history. I didn't expect..." Daisy let go of Heimdall, there was no change on her face, but her tone was choking. "Look, this is retribution." She turned her face away and snorted coldly.

"During the funeral, my mother cried the most miserablely, even refusing to let the coffin be buried." Bernick suddenly turned up the old account. "The scene was very chaotic at one point, terrified the Muggles who attended the funeral..."

"Stinky boy!" Daisy's face changed, she turned her face and scolded. "It's getting more and more verbose, are you still a man?!" As he spoke, he grabbed his son's collar with all his teeth and claws.

Bernick yelled while hiding: "Look, Dad, look, this is the wife you chose for yourself. It's terrible. I really feel sad for your married life all your life."

Heimdall thought that Bernick's father was a quiet man, because he didn't talk much, except for the initial greeting, he didn't talk much afterwards.

"Master Victor." A respectful greeting came from beside Victor, and the quarrelsome mother and son fell silent.

What suddenly appeared in front of their eyes was a house elf with a pair of hazel eyes, a piece of the tip of the right ear was abruptly missing, and he was wearing a big old cloth shirt. His expression and movements were full of the usual performance of house elves, cowardice Yes, humble.

The elf said respectfully: "Madam has been waiting for you for a long time, please hurry up..." (Madam here refers to VK's grandmother)

"What a disappointment!" Daisy sighed.

The house-elf flinched, momentarily at a loss.

At this time, Bernick's father took his wife's hand and said, "Then let's go together."

"Ma'am..." Unexpectedly, the elf suddenly raised her voice. "Ma'am only said to let Lord Wick and this" Its voice dropped rapidly again. "Master Sturluson hurry up, hurry back..."

Daisy was about to have a seizure when she was caught by her husband. "I said we'll go together," he said to the elf.

To Heimdall's surprise, the little elf swayed violently as if he had been greatly frightened, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to speak any more.

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