HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 792 I have reached the Hornet's Nest



Heimdall, who was about to leave, looked back and found that Grindelwald seemed hesitant to speak. Such a popular expression on Lao Caipi's face was really intriguing.

Seeing that he was silent for a long time, Heimdall said cautiously: "I can pay the bill for you. When paying back the money, there will be additional interest and an IOU."

Grindelwald smiled, "Am I hopeless in your eyes?"

Heimdall thought for a while and said, "To be honest, I didn't think about saving you. You should receive a fair trial and face the world for your past crimes."

"They won't kill me," Grindelwald pointed out.

Heimdall knew who "they" were.

"Is it true that villains like you who have committed heinous crimes think that a fair trial is equal to the death penalty?" Heimdall asked.

"Isn't that so?"

"Of course not. Your crime determines the outcome of the trial, so it is entirely your fault."

Grindelwald asked slowly, "Are you not against the death penalty?"

Most wizarding countries in Europe have abolished the death penalty. It is said that the death penalty has accelerated the negative growth of the wizarding population. Heimdall thinks this explanation is ridiculous.What is the difference between a lifetime in prison and the death penalty?Does the prison still control whether the prisoners have children?In short, whether he believed it or not, the campaigners for the abolition of the death penalty believed that life imprisonment would increase the birth rate of wizards.

Heimdall said mercilessly: "Like that kind of heinous wizard, being imprisoned for a lifetime is not only a waste of resources, a prisoner's daily food and drink can feed two wizard children in a poor area. Those who deserve their lives get away with it, but innocent lives are severely punished." Suffering. Yes, I am not against the death penalty."

Grindelwald looked at him incredulously.

"Is there anything else? I'm going back." Heimdall said without changing his expression.

"maybe I--"

Heimdall turned around.

Grindelwald hesitated, "Maybe I used to think that my ideals were above everything else. I don't deny my past. Denying the past means denying myself. I won't pretend to be dying of pain just to please the world...Rig, I know I'm not qualified to say that, but I still want to tell you that no matter when and where, it is very important to me to stand firm in your beliefs."

"Important to you?" Heimdall was confused by his nonsensical words.

"It's important to me and to you." These were Grindelwald's last words before he left.

When eating dinner, Heimdall inadvertently thought of the conversation with Grindelwald during the day. He always felt that the conversation was confusing. The seemingly heart-to-heart remarks actually had something to say, which can be associated with Grindelwald’s social status that everyone is shouting at today. I also feel that I am making a fuss out of a molehill.Could it be that he was brainwashed by the instructors of the police corps and became as volatile as them? !

"Hi," Carlo sat down across from him. "Why are you alone? Where's Mionir?"

"At Professor Laurent's place." Heimdall saw him scribbling and correcting in his notebook while eating, and wondered, "The latest issue of the school newspaper has been published. Why are you busier than before the publication?"

"I want...that's right!" Carlo's eyes lit up suddenly, and he proposed enthusiastically, "I will go to the Bulgarian national team to interview tomorrow afternoon with the editor-in-chief of the sports section of the Mercury News. Are you going?"

"What time tomorrow afternoon?" Heimdall asked.

"Leave after the last herb class in the morning."


"What about your secret activities?"

The secret activity that Carlo mentioned is that Heimdall has been busy repairing the steles during this period. This work has not been announced to the public. Carlo, who is good at discovering secrets, can see the clues through Heimdall’s daily action trajectory. But cautiously did not ask too much.

"If you miss one day, this secret will not be revealed early." Heimdall disagrees.

"Let's talk about it." Carlo was very excited.

"The members of the Bulgarian team are very different from the previous one. I don't know more than [-]% of the players, so don't count on me." Heimdall reminded.

Mr. Jones, whose little thoughts were seen through, sighed helplessly.


"Dad!" Mionnier, who was sitting on Heimdall's lap, pointed to the sky above the practice field.

"Did Mionier see Dad? Where is it?" Carlo, who had a magic camera hanging around his neck, quickly pointed the lens upward.

"Daddy!" Mionier called again.

Carlo scanned for a long time, but couldn't find the target.

"where is it?"

"My son just yelled twice in response to the occasion, simply expressing his excitement." Heimdall explained.

Carlo put down the camera angrily, and began to look around.

The practice field rented by the Bulgarian national team belongs to the first-level Quidditch field. The funnel-shaped auditorium can accommodate 3 people to watch the game at the same time. Considering the population of wizards, the scale of 3 people is not small in the wizarding world.

"As expected of the last champion, the training ground is so impressive." Carlo definitely took it for granted.

Heimdall said: "The Bulgarian national team used to be a frequent visitor to the Loniki Stadium, and it was not promoted after becoming a champion."

Carlo immediately bowed his head and wrote: "This must be written down..."

"Carlo!" The editor-in-chief of the Mercury newspaper standing on the sidelines waved to them.

"I'm leaving, how about you?" Carlo hurriedly stood up.

"Come with you, let's see the front and back of the championship team."

They left the auditorium and walked to the sidelines.

The number of players practicing on the field gradually increased, and a middle-aged man who should look like a coach walked over. The middle-aged man was walking with the middle-aged man. It was the foreign aid Willy Danle, who was invited by the Bulgarian team at a high price this time.Not only the editor-in-chief of the sports section of the Mercury newspaper was puzzled, but Carlo was also puzzled.

He asked Heimdall in a low voice, "In terms of skills, Danle is not as good as Krum at all. It is an indisputable fact that they have competed in the same field. Why did the Bulgarian team spend a lot of time and money to hire a foreign player who is not as good as their own Seeker? Carroll paused, and then said, "This coach seems to be a foreign aid. The Bulgarian Ministry of Magic doesn't believe in Milan Maric's coaching style? Could it be that they are just using Maric's international reputation to promote the national team's publicity?" "

As expected of someone who is sworn to engage in the media, he can easily dig into the depths of a problem.

“You can write down the questions and ask the interviewee later,” Heimdall says.

"Well, you're right." Carlo wrote seriously in the notebook.

The editor-in-chief of the Mercury News did not expect that it would be the director of the Sports Department himself who was interviewed by them. The moment he received the news, his heart was pounding with excitement.

Director Cesar Gezov welcomed them into his office with a smile on his face, and politely served drinks and snacks, which flattered the two French wizards.

Gezov said enthusiastically, "You have come here in person. It would be too unreasonable for me to pretend to be ignorant."

The editor-in-chief was praised by him even more enthusiastically. Because of the nature of his work, it was not the first time he had met Gezov. As a French wizard, he had devoted his whole life to the French wizard media, so he had few opportunities to contact him. Not deep enough, after all, the French wizard newspaper does not need to pay too much attention to the wizarding sports in Bulgaria.This is the first time that the editor-in-chief and Director Gezov have a face-to-face conversation.

The two exchanged a few words, and Gezov's gaze shifted to Carlo.

The editor-in-chief introduced, "This is my deputy, Carlo Jones."

Carlo hastily held Gezov's extended hand, "It's an honor."

"I know you." Unexpectedly, Gezov wasn't just saying polite words. "I've read your Quidditch commentary for the Mercury News. Your focus is different from others, and your perspective is novel and bold, which is very interesting. After reading too many clichéd things, you can see things that you couldn't see clearly in a different way of thinking. .You are very good."

Carlo was so excited that he couldn't help himself, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

Heimdall was secretly happy for him, and suddenly found that Gezov's eyes fell on himself.

"This is..." The editor-in-chief didn't know how to introduce.

"I'm Mr. Jones' valet," said Heimdall.

Gezov's eyes moved calmly to Mionier who was blinking and watching the adults talking.

Heimdall said, "He's my valet."

The little follower looked innocent.

The expression on Gezov's face fluctuated, fleeting.

At the same time, someone knocked hard on the door outside, "Mr. Gezov, something happened!"

The house-elf opened the door at Grzoff's behest, and a young man rushed in.

"Mr. Gezov, Danle has fainted—" He didn't realize that there were other people in the room until he finished yelling, and quickly shut his mouth, but it was too late.

The editor-in-chief of the Mercury newspaper looked back at Gezov in surprise.

Unsurprisingly, Gezov looked a bit embarrassed, and it seemed that he was very unwilling to expose this in front of the media.Of course, the editor-in-chief of the Mercury News would not consciously throw himself a memory write-off magic, he was silent but eagerly looking forward to it, his feet eagerly tapped the time.

"Sorry, excuse me." Gezov stood up.

The editor-in-chief of the Mercury News hurriedly said, "If you don't mind, let's take a look."

Gezov paused, looked at the editor-in-chief hesitantly, and the latter assured, "We will never let ourselves get in the way, please rest assured."

Gezov pursed his lips unhappily, and finally acquiesced in their follow-up.

When a group of people arrived at the scene, Willie Danle, who was said to have fainted, was sitting on the ground with a pale face, and his eyes were a little numb, as if he hadn't recovered from the dizziness.

"What's going on?" Gezov ran over in shock, yes, he used to run, and strode forward very rudely.

The editor-in-chief of the Mercury newspaper exchanged a quick glance with Carlo.

Assistant coach Uta Stubb whispered something in Danler's ear, as if trying to cheer him up. When Gezov squeezed past and knelt down anxiously asking about the situation, Uta shook his head blankly. , "I don't know what happened...maybe some other player hit him, or the Bludger, the Quaffle hit him."

"Neither." A player on the second-tier roster said: "I have been watching the direction of the equipment below. I didn't see the equipment or the players touched a single hair of him."

"Whether his words can be believed is still a question mark." Someone in the first-line team muttered.

The second-tier team member sneered and didn't speak again.

"I'm not feeling well..." came Dan Le's weak voice.

"We have notified the therapist, how are you feeling?" Gezov asked with concern.

"It's very bad, my head hurts, and I'm feeling tired." Dan Le said out of breath, his face even more ugly.

"Are you sick?" Some of the onlookers speculated.

Dan Le didn't even have the strength to speak.

The therapist finally rushed over, put down the medicine box and checked it carefully, and confirmed, "It seems to be poisoned."

"Poisoned?" The team members present shouted.

"Krum! It must have been done by Krum!" Someone in the first-line team yelled without thinking, and the determined tone was sharp and harsh.

A player from the second-tier team sneered, "Krum needs to poison Danle? Isn't it the other way around? With Danle's skill, he can automatically step down after two games, and Krum needs to do more to harm him? You're talking nonsense in the morning Have a drink?"

The face of the person who yelled that Victor had poisoned him was flushed, and the dazed Danle's face became even uglier after hearing the conversation vaguely, and his eyes turned black in bursts, almost rolling his eyes.

Just when the scene was about to explode, the therapist suddenly said casually: "Whoever said poisoning must be poisoned? You can be poisoned even if you eat the wrong thing."

"Eating something wrong?" Gezov, who had been silent all this time, opened his mouth.

Finally, the therapist found the substance in the players' lunch menu that was giving Danler dizziness and leg cramps.

"Allergy to beets?" Gazov said in surprise.

"Beets were not originally on the tables of wizards, but were later brought in from the Muggle world by Muggle-born wizards. They have become quite popular in recent decades, especially Eastern European wizards, who especially respect beets," the therapist explained.

It happened to be a delicious Russian beet soup at noon today, which is now one of the first home dishes that Eastern European housewives learned.

It is worth mentioning that Norse wizards do not eat beets.

"Why?" Carlo asked puzzled. "French wizards are now eating beets, too."

"It may be related to various conditions such as climate. Beetroot is not very popular in the Nordic wizarding world, because Nordic wizards find that eating it will make them feel sick. The specific reason is not clear. Wizards in other places can accept it, but Nordic wizards eat it. There will be various unexpected consequences after eating beets. Mr. Danle’s dizziness is still mild, as long as he is sent to the doctor in time, and the treatment is not delayed, the problem will not be serious.” (PS: Nordic wizards are severely allergic to beets. The cliff of God is me nonsense~)

In other words, is this allergy symptom likely to die if it is not taken seriously?

The editor-in-chief of the Mercury newspaper and Carlo looked at each other.

Heimdall held the child and stood quietly aside as a backdrop.

Now that the reason has been clarified, the next step is to properly appease people's hearts.

Gezov assured Danle, "We will wait for you to recover and be discharged from the hospital, so you can recuperate with peace of mind."

"Coach Stubbs..." Danler said with difficulty.

"Don't worry, he will come to accompany you from time to time. No one can replace his coaching position."

Dan Le showed a reassuring smile, his eyes swept over the two pharmacists sent by Gezov, and his brows frowned again.

Gezov patted the back of his hand, "You are our main seeker, I don't worry about others taking care of you, only my own can be at ease."

Dan Le, who had ulterior motives, found that he had no words to refute, so he had to obey Gezov's arrangement.

After sending everyone's blessings, Gezov reluctantly left the beautifully decorated ward.

At the same time in the Roniki Stadium.

Under the arrangement of caring people, Danle was always excluded before and after the poisoning. At this moment Victor was cleaning the protective gear leisurely on the sidelines, and Heimdall sat beside him with the child in his arms.

The editor-in-chief of the Mercury News and Carlo have already returned home. Today's harvest is more fruitful than expected, and they can't wait.

"You're not playing today?" Heimdall asked.

"Gezov said it's best to wait a few days," Victor said.

Heimdall lowered his eyes and gently stroked the child's forehead hair, "Food poisoning?"

"It just looks."

Heimdall smiled knowingly, then leaned over and kissed the master's lips, the master was about to deepen the kiss, but the head of the room abruptly backed away, picked up the child and said, "Mionir also kissed the big daddy. "

Milkman pouted happily and chirped.


"Since you have been too unmotivated and relaxed yourself these past few days, I am very dissatisfied. If you don't make any major progress today, don't even think about going out!"

"Using magic to fight is prohibited in the school. Without special conditions, sages cannot use offensive magic on students." Heimdall is on the alert. He is facing the six sages, who have never taken an unusual path.

"Then show me some sincerity!" the six sages roared.

Heimdall took out his notebook and carefully checked the ancient runes on the stele to make sure that there were no mistakes in the records. Then he read it slowly under the hazy eyes of the six sages who had been waiting impatiently for a long time.

"There's no response..." Heimdall said with disgust after stumbling through the words.

The six sages trembled with anger, "Are you ashamed to blame the stele for not responding?"

Heimdall touched his nose, afraid that he would really offend the six sages. According to the daily records of the sages, he completely disowned his six relatives when he was hotheaded.

He moved to another stone tablet and flipped through the book to read it again. He felt his left hand tremble slightly. He looked down his arm and found that it was not his arm that was trembling, but the stone tablet beside him.

Is it...

Heimdall took a step back carefully, and the Six Sages who hadn't been waiting for him to read aloud for a long time sat down on a stone in the shade, crossed their arms and asked loudly, "Where's the sound? I didn't hear the sound!"

"Wait." Heimdall said without looking back.

The space in the center of the stele twisted irregularly, just like the distorting mirror that I had seen when I was a child. The scenery reflected in the mirror was suddenly big, small, long, and short, and it was funny and weird.

A black spot rushed towards Heimdall's face with a buzzing sound, scaring him away in a hurry.Then one after another black dots flew out from the other side of the "distorting mirror" in groups. Heimdall looked at all this in amazement, and was at a loss for a while.

"What's wrong?" The Six Sages in the darkness noticed something strange and asked hastily.

"There are bugs..."


"Come out from the stele array—" Heimdall's words stopped abruptly, his hand was tightly held by the other hand, and that hand pierced out from the middle of the stele array, abruptly displayed in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, as Heimdall stepped back unexpectedly, the black sleeves covering the arms were gradually revealed, from the arm to the shoulder, from the shoulder to the torso, from the torso to the legs and feet, and then the arm, until the fingertips of the other hand completely exposed to air.

Heimdall stared at the face that should not have appeared in this era at all, feeling chest tightness and shortness of breath, he heard himself swallowing hard.

The owner of the hand smiled at him, but in Heimdall's eyes, that seemingly gentle smile made the other party more like a god of death urging him to death.

"Hi, Mr. Liar, we meet again."

Heimdall was surprised that he could still force a smile, it must have been ugly.

"Hello, brother."

"This is not the nineteenth century, is it?"

"No, of course not," Heimdall tried to say calmly. "We are all living in a new century."

The Six Sages in the darkness finally picked up the eyeballs that fell to the ground. He waited cautiously for a moment, and seeing that the other party did not notice his existence, he rushed back into the portrait and disappeared without a trace.

Emma, ​​you've hit a hornet's nest!

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