HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 790 My


Today's Jean Na is extremely beautiful, the head of the office who does not have enough ink and sensory cells in his stomach can't use appropriate and beautiful words to describe the extraordinary beauty of the bride-to-be.He looked carefully, there was no heavy makeup, no bright jewels, no gorgeous clothes... but a kind of spirit, vigorous and upward, hand in hand with his sweetheart, looking forward to the satisfaction of the future, all of which made Jeanna radiant.

"Congratulations." Victor sent blessings on behalf of the family of three.

"Thank you." Lange held Victor's hand.

Today Lange is very handsome. As far as appearance is concerned, Andrew is somewhat different from handsome. The accumulation of life experience has made him calm and introverted, and he is different. This is the charm of age. No matter how handsome and beautiful young men are when they face him pales in comparison.No wonder Jeanne was so fascinated by him that she abandoned her self-esteem as a French beauty and chased after her regardless of her image, making all the young wizards beat their chests.

Jeanna kissed Heimdall's cheek affectionately, "Wait a while, can I take Mionier to scoop the soup together?"

I heard that this is one of the customs of the Orville family. The bride from the Orville family will serve each guest a soup cooked by herself at the wedding banquet. The help of school-age children comes from the superstition of wizards. The wizards in the south of France believe that the presence or absence of children at the wedding banquet can bring good luck to the bride, and this good luck is naturally to have a baby early.The low birth rate in the wizarding world, especially the low birth rate of wizarding families who pay attention to blood, has always been a hidden pain for wizards. The beautiful meaning of having many children and grandchildren is very popular in the wizarding world.

But the Orville family is not like a wizarding family that favors sons over daughters in order to pass on the family line, and Andrew Lange doesn't care anymore-let Na know that Lange must prefer daughters.

"No problem, but are you sure you want to choose Mionir?" Heimdall hesitated. Jeanna valued engagement as much as a formal wedding banquet, and everything was in line with the marriage standard.

Jeanne did not understand him.

"Victor and I are both men," Heimdall hinted.

If many children and grandchildren are expected, a child from a "normal" family such as four generations under one roof will generally be selected.

Jeanna understood and said firmly: "Andrew and I don't mind, we both like Mionier, and I hope to have a child like Mionier in the future." At this point, she showed a gentle smile to Mionier, "Mionir I will be the first to taste Aunt Jeanne's handicraft."

Jeanne has always called herself "sister" in front of Mionnier, and she changed her title today logically. She is really handy in grasping the role change, and it is likely that she has made up her mind a lot in normal times, and finally got her wish.

Later, under the recommendation of Jeanne, the couple met Jeanne's parents, handsome father and mediocre but gentle mother-the Orville family not only abounds in beauties, but also has many beautiful men.Jeanna's father's expression was a little unnatural, as if intentionally or unintentionally alienating his prospective son-in-law.

Andrew did not make things difficult for others. He tried his best to stay away from his father-in-law-to-be, and occasionally helped to smooth things over in cold situations.The prospective father-in-law, who was holding back his energy, was very anxious.Andrew's goal is clear and simple, and the future will be long.

The husband and wife silently sympathized with the handsome prospective father-in-law.

The turbulent undercurrent between her fiancé and her father made it impossible for Na not to know, and she pretended to be ignorant.

"Dad hasn't talked to us since yesterday. Mom said that Dad must have a chance to show his naivety, otherwise he will take his anger out on Andrew." Jeanne whispered in Heimdall's ear.

"You turned your elbow out?" Heimdall joked.

A sly smile appeared on Jeanna's face, "Actually, I'm already Mrs. Lange."

Heimdall was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise, "You mean..." He smiled when he saw Jeanna's affirming gaze, "I thought engagement was just a formality."

Rang Na quickly glanced at her father, who was not a few years older than her fiancé, "My father doesn't know yet."

"You're keeping it from him? It's only going to make him angrier," Heimdall said.

"I will talk, but not now, I have to give him time to finish the last anger." Jeanna said helplessly.

Heimdall couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, the gift you gave is not enough?" Jeanna deliberately put on a countenance.

"I'll say if it's not enough, but if you ask me, I'll definitely say it's enough." Heimdall said. "There will be a wedding later, and that will be the main event... Maybe you can see if this is okay. If you think this gift is enough, I won't give it next time."

"You think beautifully!" Jeanna rolled his eyes at him, then puffed out her plump breasts, and said happily, "How is it?"

"Your actions are very ambiguous." Heimdall pulled his eyes back from her chest with a deep expression.

"Don't worry, I won't mess with you." Jeanna promised.

Heimdall couldn't laugh or cry.

Jeanne was very annoyed at his "not understanding", "I'll show you my dress!"

Jeanna's dress is simple in style, generous in tailoring, with folds and decorations interpreting the finishing touch. It will neither overwhelm the guests nor be too monotonous. Perfect for an engagement.

"It's very good, it makes your waist a lot smaller." Heimdall just expressed his feelings, but women are so easy to serve.

"My waist is already very thin!" Jeanna frowned.

"... more detailed."

Jeanne stared at him, who looked innocent.

"You don't remember the dress?" Jeanne exclaimed incredulously.

Her sudden increase in volume made everyone around look over. Jeanne hurriedly made an apologetic gesture to Andrew and Victor to dispel their worries, and then pulled Heimdall around as if nothing had happened, avoiding a part of the situation. Curious glances.

"You don't remember it?" repeated Jeanne.

"Why does a man have to remember a set of ladies' dresses?" The director said that being a man is really hard.

"You wear it!"

"When will I—" He suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Remember?" Jeanne asked amusedly.

"...Father hung a portrait in the study." Yes, it was this skirt, he remembered, and the head of the room bowed in frustration for a moment.

Rangna put on a charming pose with a charming smile, "Is it different?"

"Can I be like you!" The head of the room complained helplessly.

Jeanna winked confidently, "I'm the real thing, there's no comparison at all."

Then you deliberately took it out to wake up my memory? !This woman is sometimes outrageous!

Heimdall turned around decisively and went to find her husband and children.


Rangna's soup won unanimous praise from the guests present. Of course, it may be because of face, after all, the people present to celebrate are relatives and friends who can't see up and down.At the wedding, the bride is the biggest, so the bride-to-be is the same at the engagement banquet.

Mionier, who followed Jeanne to distribute soup all over the venue, also received a lot of praise. Quiet and well-behaved is the second, and his biggest characteristic is that he never refuses. He accepted all the flowers with a smile.

After a turn, he became a veritable little flower boy, and he proudly showed off his fruitful achievements to the two fathers, and the husband and wife were amused.

"Is there any more soup?"

The voice sounded familiar, and Heimdall turned around and saw Carlo—at this moment, Mr. Jones still didn't forget to pick the food into his mouth with a plate.

"You're here too?!" Heimdall said in surprise. "You didn't mention it at breakfast!"

"If my father didn't come to pick me up, I almost forgot." Carlo said calmly.

Carlo and the Orville family can be regarded as relatives.

"Is there any soup left?" Seeing that Heimdall missed the point, Carlo asked again.

"Each guest only has one copy, don't take more." Victor reminded.

"Aren't you French? Don't know the custom?" Heimdall said.

"The customs are different in different places. I didn't know there was soup to drink before I came to the wedding." Carlo was confident, but at the same time a little annoyed. If he knew it, he would have made a big bowl.

"When you get married, ask your wife to do more." Victor suggested.

"Probably no chance, she's not even French..."

"What did you just say?!" Heimdall hurriedly almost missed something.

Carlo asked blankly, "What did I say?"

"You said 'she's not even French'!"

"Did I say that?" Carlo asked in a daze.

Heimdall nodded.

Carlo touched his head, feeling a little hesitant for a while.

Heimdall looked at Victor calmly. The chairwoman of Beauxbatons seemed to have faded from Carlo's mind. The female captain of the Heideggerach school team was not French. Tuzhi's combat policy is quite effective.

A warm and beautiful wedding banquet is full of appeal and tension. Lonely men and widows are often more emotional and impulsive than couples, and even the ability to associate will become richer.

The engagement banquet was a success, and when Mionier left, hearts were broken. The two little lolitas of Orville's family even fought for him. In the end, Mionir calmed down the war with a flower for each of them.Mionier, who received two loli kisses, behaved calmly, waved his little hand, and drifted away with the papas without hesitation.

The little French lolitas watched his back reluctantly until they could no longer see him.

After getting into the carriage, Heimdall, who stuffed Mionir's jack-o-lantern into the cloth bag by magic, said, "Our son is amazing, there are little girls jealous of him."

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled, and looked at the little milk baby who was leaning on the soft back of the chair and sucking the bottle intently.


This morning, Heimdall pulled up the cloak and hat for Mionir, and adjusted the scarf around his neck. Mionir kissed him on the cheek, and was carried into the carriage by the big papa, and then he waved to the little papa through the glass window, until the carriage flew At high altitude, Mionir, who was paying attention to the ground, could still see the smaller and smaller black dot staying in place.

Mionier could read the second card, and Victor decided to fulfill his original promise and take the children to the Quidditch training base to watch him practice.

After the carriage landed, Mionir in light attire followed Victor into the training ground. Milkman was instantly attracted by the wide and towering training ground, and his eyes were too busy to look at it.

"Dad, go and change first." Victor led the child into the preparation room.

The team members were surprised when they saw Mionier, and they debugged at the fastest speed. The uncles holding the body magazines and crossing their legs quickly sat up straight, smiling seriously, kindly, in a word, they were special gentlemen.

When everyone was turning around the children, the goalkeeper Dechev, who was promoted by the head coach to be the captain a few days ago, walked in.

"Victor, the head coach asked you to go to her office," Dechev said.

Victor quickly changed his clothes, then closed the closet door, "What do you want from me?"

"I don't know, but there are guests in the room, but I didn't see them clearly." Dechev said, squeezed into the crowd of onlookers who were amusing the children, glowing.

Victor rescued Mionier, who was a little overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the animals. He entrusted the child to Lange, who was studying the potion in the pharmacist's office, and then went to the head coach's office.

To his surprise, he was no stranger to the guests in the head coach's room. There were two guests in total. One was Sessa Gezov, head of the Wizarding Sports Division of the Bulgarian Ministry of Magic; the other was Snow, saying To be precise, it should be Snow Sturluson, the head of the Wizarding Sports Department of the Icelandic Ministry of Magic.

"Please sit down." Coach Maric pointed to the seat beside her.

Victor sat down as promised, and glanced at the two uninvited guests opposite him.

"Director Sturluson, please repeat your purpose to our main Seeker." Gezov spoke first, his tone was a bit unhappy, but his expression seemed calm.

Gezov's emphasis on the "main force" could be clearly heard by others, and the atmosphere immediately became tense. Coach Maric lowered his eyes, but Snow did not change his face.

"Mr. Krum, before I explain my purpose of coming, I hope you know that I am here to represent the sincerity of the entire Icelandic Ministry of Magic. Please don't think that I am joking, or for some private purposes, no, Icelandic Magic The sincerity of the Department of Wizarding Sports is urgent and sincere." Snow put down his airs as soon as he spoke, and Gezov's unchanging expression finally changed.

Victor nodded cautiously, "Okay, I see, please continue."

The master was still confused, and he couldn't see any clues from the facial expressions of the three of them.

"I, Snow Strulusson, sincerely invite you to join us on behalf of the Icelandic Ministry of Magic." Snow spoke slowly.

Victor froze for a moment.

Snow continued, "We did some research before coming here. You are not a member of the main team list, so our invitation is not a forceful one, nor does it violate the alliance's charter. We think that your strength has not been fully utilized. We in Iceland will provide you with a wider space of freedom, we will not interfere with your stay or stay, we will not interfere during the World Cup, and the same will be true after the World Cup, please consider carefully.”

Snow's proposal was very tempting. It was almost a completely laissez-faire attitude. No interference during the World Cup, which meant that no one would jump out and accuse the player of being irresponsible after half of the players went home.

This is not the tentative invitation that Snow Sturlusson mentioned before, it is simply outrageous poaching, all kinds of temptations, and Gezov almost scratched the armrest of the sofa.

"...Iceland has many excellent players." Victor recalled.

"The polite words are spared, please tell me the result." Snow said bluntly.

Gezov stared at Victor nervously, afraid that he would say "yes".

"Didn't you tell me to think carefully?" Victor said.

Snow nodded, pestering is not his style, "I will wait for your reply, please don't make us wait too long, can you see within three days? For the Quidditch world before the World Cup, every point Every second counts."

"I see." Victor nodded.

Snow did not hesitate, and stood up in the next second.

Others also stood up quickly.

"In that case, I will take my leave." Snow shook hands with Gezov, who seemed to have not fully recovered, and then nodded to the head coach Maric. When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said, "Will Kedo, take me to the entrance."

Victor walked over.

Gerzov jumped his feet as if a switch had been pressed, "Didn't you ask Krum to think about it? Why did he send you out?"

Coach Maric wanted to remind him that Snow was faster.

"Can't I have a few words with my nephew in private?" Then he complained to Victor, "The high-pressure policy implemented here is too unreasonable, it is not conducive to your development at all, you should go out and try to be more healthy You can also use your abilities under a more free management mechanism."

Gzov vomited blood, and his IQ also caught up. By the way, they are a family. Losing a partner was no secret in the Quidditch world.

Thinking of this, Director Gezov panicked even more.

Of course, Snow would not stay to speculate on Mr. Director's ideological struggle. Accompanied by Victor, they walked out.

"Did you hear something?" Victor asked.

In order of seniority, Victor, Rommel and Snow are of the same generation. Before they met Heimdall, they had met more than once. After all, the two brothers were in-laws. There is no deliberate cultivation of the use of respectful titles for the two who have become elders from their peers, and the tone of speech remains the same as before.

"Partly, but it does not hinder my sincere invitation." Snow said frankly.

"The Icelandic Ministry of Magic wants to poach me?" Viktor still felt incredible, and there was no sign of it before.

Snow said calmly: "You are a player, and you don't understand the operation inside. Generally, we will never beat the gongs and drums before we plan to poach a certain player, because this will make us change from active to passive. The poaching operation involves many factors. Don’t make any noise until you’re sure. It’s the same with the World Cup, and it’s the same with the Quidditch clubs of all countries.”

"I haven't been poached before, so I don't know very well." Victor was also very calm.

"It's not that you haven't been poached, but that the Vulcan team's public relations are so good, do you really think that other clubs don't want to poach you? Even now, when you gradually fade out of the Quidditch field, there are still people trying to get your ideas , like our Icelandic Ministry of Magic."

Victor thought for a while, then hesitated, "I'm afraid I..."

Snow interrupted him, and said without concealing his frustration, "Actually, I should start with Rigg."

"No, you won't embarrass him, because you are Snow Sturluson, the person who loves him the most besides me." Victor said these words calmly.

Snow was speechless for a while, then patted Victor on the shoulder, "Think carefully about my proposal, they don't value you, but Iceland needs you."

"I think Xuan, if you do something like this today, I will probably be taken seriously again."

Snow smiled.

They came to the exit of the driving range.

"This is your purpose, isn't it? For some reason, I have not been taken seriously..." Victor couldn't help but say.

"I'm here on behalf of Iceland to find strong foreign aid." Snow's tone remained unchanged, and then he said firmly: "With you or without you, I'm the one who loves Rigg the most."

Victor smiled in the golden autumn sun and said softly, "It doesn't matter, Rigg will only be my Rigg."

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