HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 777 Memory


This is the first time that Palme has personally experienced this kind of activities where the people participated in an upsurge. His depressed mood was infected by the agitated wizards around him, and he got some relief. Although he was delayed a lot due to various frictions after coming to France It was time to enter Paris, but the good mood did not die away, but became more exciting.

The colleague who brought him to meet the world saw his change, winked and said, "Come with me, right?"

Palme had no choice but to admit his colleague's good intentions, and quickly nodded gratefully and said, "Being squeezed by these people makes me feel much happier."

Colleagues pointed to the yelling and scolding all around due to the poor traffic, "So don't be sad all day long, and if you have any troubles, go to a place with many people. When you feel your own insignificance under the vast sea and sky, the troubles in your heart It became insignificant.”

"Under the vast sea and sky of shouting and fighting?" Palme smiled.

The colleague said again, "Do you want to go to the preparation room of Mr. Magic's candidates? I have friends in it."

The two pushed left and right in the crowd, and after a lot of twists and turns, they finally found the friend their colleagues mentioned and entered the preparation area smoothly.The person who brought them in was quickly called away by others, and before leaving, he told them not to hinder others from doing things.It seems that the entry and exit are quite casual, and the management of Mr. Magic's organizing committee is not in place.

The two were dazed by the hot scene in the preparation area, and felt a sense of embarrassment that they didn't know where to go.Palme, who had been a professional Quidditch player after all, quickly adapted to the high-intensity, fast-paced pace in front of him, dragging his stunned colleagues around.

The two wizards, who had never experienced anything like this before, looked here and there curiously, and probed to the vicinity of the room where Duncan was, and then fell into the eyes of the master with lightning eyes.

"Do you know the two people over there? Keep looking at us." The colleague was the first to notice the deliberate gaze of Victor and Heimdall.

"I know." Palme left this sentence and walked over with his colleagues.

"I didn't expect to meet you here." Heimdall said pleasantly.

Palme quickly introduced his colleague to the couple. Palme's colleague Vittorio Lacarini took off the hat on his head, revealing a bald head. With a general belly, his appearance is not good but his expression is kind.

"It's a great honor, Mr. Krum. Although I'm not your fan, I watched your game and it was eye-opening." The colleague took Victor's hand and then Heimdall's right hand, The expression became a little strange, "I have long admired your name, Mr. Strulusson."

Heimdall thought he was just out of courtesy, and it seemed more appropriate to put "I have known you for a long time" on Victor.

Palme's colleague was a tactful person, and he greeted Mionnier in a serious manner, "Hello, Mr. Sturluson Jr."

"I'm fine, thank you." Mionier always pretended to be old-fashioned when facing greetings, and always amused others.

After saying hello, Vittorio said to Heimdall: "Both my sons go to school in Durmstrang."

Heimdall hesitated, "Could it be that you are the father of Enrique Lacarini and Robert Maroni?"

"Yes," laughed Vittorio, "you are often mentioned in their letters, especially Robert."

"To tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous. I hope they have good things to say." Heimdall seemed worried.

Vittorio laughed, "Relax dear, even a Muggle god can't guarantee that everyone will speak well of him."

Just as Heimdall breathed a sigh of relief, Vittorio said again, "Robert certainly scolded you a lot, but the words he used were much gentler."

Facing the uncle's indifferent smile, a series of ellipses flashed in the head of the room.

Victor asked Palme, "Are you a colleague of Mr. Lacarini?"

Palme said with some embarrassment: "I am currently working as a volunteer in a wizard relief organization in Italy, and Mr. Lacarini is my boss."

Volunteer? !Is this the rhythm of getting ready to chase someone's footsteps?

Vittorio said: "He has been out of his mind for the past two days. I decided to take him here to take a look during the vacation. He actually said that he didn't know about Mr. Magic's election."

Victor and Heimdall could more or less guess the reason for Palme's depression, and they exchanged glances calmly.

Heimdall holds his son and talks to Vittorio about Durmstrang and his two sons.

Victor and Palme walked slowly behind them a few steps away.

Palme was the first to break the silence, "Carter has returned home."

Victor was noncommittal.

Palme added, "Your suggestion is very effective. I saw something that I hadn't seen before."

"Your friend has returned to the country, which means you have made a choice?" Victor asked.

"If I had an affair with Carter, would I still have to wait until today?" Palme couldn't help smiling bitterly. "If you don't like it, you don't like it. Even if we get along day and night, I can't change it. I finally understand how Solger felt back then. It is conceivable that I Must be pretty annoying."

Victor figured out what he had to say from his words. Maybe after Palme saw through Carter, Carter simply let go and confessed his thoughts, but was rejected by Palme, or maybe Carter tried various methods. Let him change his mind, all ended in failure, so he left Europe disheartened.

Just because the window paper is pierced does not mean that the window is opened. It is very likely that what is coming is a wall that is stronger than glass.

"Excuse me for asking, what are you going to do with August?" Victor asked.

Palme thought for a while, "I plan to ask him to meet. Carter is indeed suspected of slandering him, but he shouldn't hurt Carter. I..."

Victor interrupted him, "You don't need to explain to me, save it when you meet the captain."

Palme shuts his mouth shut.

Heimdall has also made different progress.

"I want to thank you." Vittorio said sincerely.

"Why? We didn't know each other before today." Heimdall was puzzled.

"My youngest son Robert finally understands that being petty is not the only means to an end."

"You mean he's finally not looking like a little girl anymore? I'm sorry to describe it that way, but that's how he felt to me before."

"I don't blame you, you're right, I occasionally had the illusion of giving birth to a daughter." Vittorio said self-deprecatingly.

"I am very optimistic about your eldest son. Enrique is very good, and the professors are full of praise for him."

It can be seen that the eldest son is Vittorio's pride, and Heimdall's compliment made him smile - Heimdall thought of Bill from the Weasley family.

"I don't deserve the credit for your youngest son's change. Coach Palme deserves the credit." Heimdall smiled.

Vittorio grinned, "I understand. Palme is a good young man. He is quick and diligent when he does volunteer work. We all like him, but sometimes his words are not pleasant."

"That's his old problem, please bear with me, you should be able to hear that he is not forgiving."

They decided to act separately.

Victor asked, "Do you have any support?"

In the last canvassing event, regardless of nationality, all participants can vote on the spot.

Vittorio and Palme shook their heads.

The master took out two pieces of colored parchment with the words "Support Duncan Orville" printed on them, and handed them to the two.

After they parted, Heimdall said jokingly, "You are so dedicated, you even carry your canvassing tools with you."

Victor's expression is intriguing: "Since you have decided to join, you must do your best. When Duncan recruited me to join the team, he repeatedly assured that he has a great advantage. If he loses the election this time, I will write what he said at the beginning. On the Quaffle, stuff it in his mouth."

Quaffle is 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter.

Office Chief:"……"


When the couple was about to walk out of the preparation area, they encountered a group of people surrounded by entertainment reporters. With the help of the security guards, they got rid of the reporters, walked over, and quickly noticed the couple.

Surrounded by reporters was Maurice Bellou, the current French Mr. Magic who is about to leave office, accompanied by his grandfather, Luc Juncker, one of Professor Katenen's friends.Junker has always been more enthusiastic about Heimdall than his grandson, and this time was no exception, and he immediately walked over with a smile on his face.

"Long time no see, Rigg," Junker touched Heimdall's cheeks affectionately. "Can I call you Rigg?"

"You are too polite, time makes people estranged." Heimdall said again, "This is my husband, Victor Krum, and our baby Mionir."

"Morris, come and say hello to grandpa's friends." Junker shouted hastily.

The personable Mister Magic paused, and became calm in an instant.

"Hello, Sturluson," Morris nodded, and then to Victor, "Hello, Krum, and little Mr. Struluson."

Junker seems to like Mionir very much, and he keeps teasing Mionier. Mionier usually speaks concisely to strangers, but for some reason, he always hits Junker's laugh.

Victor and Morris became neglected backgrounds.

"Are you on a routine today?" Victor tried to greet Morris.

"No, I'm here to canvass votes." Morris did not shy away.


"Yes, for example, if you help Orville, I'm also here to help the campaigners."

Heimdall noticed their conversation, "Mr. Magic can also help canvass votes? Shouldn't we avoid suspicion?"

"Why avoid suspicion?" Morris said confidently. "Anyway, I'm a passer-by. If I can succeed in the election with my help, it means I'm still worth a bit of use."

The husband and wife were not familiar with him, so they couldn't figure out if he was joking.

"Is Mr. Juncker interested in participating?" Heimdall asked.

"Just call me Luc," Juncker said. "I'm just here to join in the fun."

Victor immediately understood Heimdall's intentions, and took out the colored parchment supporting Duncan.

"When voting, please vote for Duncan Orville, thank you for your support." Heimdall said clearly.

Mr. Magic couldn't help but laugh, "Shouldn't my grandfather have one heart with me?"

"You're old anyway, aren't you?" Heimdall said. "Whoever Luc votes for won't help your second career."

Morris was speechless.

Junker laughed and accepted Duncan's vote of support.

"Morris, you are finally here."

Heimdall froze for a moment when he heard the relieved call, and it took him a while to remember who this person was——Pascal Kretsch, Heimdall and Mionnier had arrived in France on the same train with him , is very attentive to Heimdall, and is also an election opponent that Duncan is quite afraid of. (PS: Craig's first official appearance is in Chapter 705.)

Pascal Kretch is still handsome, but at the same time, Heimdall is still troubled by the unpredictable sense of incongruity in him.It is true that the head of the office likes to see beautiful men. Crage’s handsomeness is rare in the world. There used to be clichéd French media comparing Crage’s face with the angels and gods described by Muggles. This is one of the main reasons why Duncan fears— — No matter how narcissistic Mr. Orville is, it is impossible to meet someone who is evenly matched, or even more handsome than him — but the room chief still instinctively refuses to get close to Craig.

The head's rejection made the master very comfortable. One of the things that the master worried about most in his life was that the head of the senior member of the Appearance Association was hooked up by a beautiful man one day...

Kretch, who was radiant with his well-fitting wizard robes, didn't seem to notice the others, and went straight to Morris.

"I thought you repented."

"The owl you sent ate all my owl biscuits, and my owl was still throwing a tantrum before I went out." Morris exaggerated.

Craig smiled, "So my owl is working? I was still hesitating before, should I use another kind of messenger, such as a macaw or a little pigeon, maybe that will attract your attention better."

Morris laughed.

Victor noticed that Heimdall's body was stiff, and Mionnier, who was held in Heimdall's arms, also noticed the abnormality of Little Papa, and hugged Xiao Papa's neck with some anxiety.

Seeing that they didn't pay attention to their plan, Victor took his lover and children away from there.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Victor stroked Heimdall's forehead worriedly.

"No, it's fine, don't worry." Heimdall shook his head.

Heimdall's words did not dispel the master's worries, and they sat down in the rest area full of messy goods.

"Tell me, I want to know, don't hide it." Victor said firmly.

Heimdall held his hand, hesitatingly said, "Maybe I'm superstitious, or I'm worrying too much..."

"Don't think of me as that kind of person." Victor said affirmatively.

"I know," Heimdall gripped his hand even tighter. "Maurice Bellew just said that the messenger..."

"He said that, what did Beru's words remind you of?"

"Not Beru, but Duncan's rival, Pascal Crane."

"What's up with him?"

"He said pigeons."

"What happened to the pigeon?"

"It's nothing to do with the pigeons. Although their voices are different, the tone and way of speaking when talking about the little pigeons... makes me feel very bad."

"Who do you think of?" The master's way of focusing on the key points is as sharp as ever.

"The dark wizard who burned my wand, the saint I once mistakenly identified." In fact, when Heimdall realized something just now, the wand hidden on his body vibrated violently.

Victor said with deep eyes, "Craig is from Brown?"

"We can't be sure yet, we lack enough evidence." However, Heimdall vaguely felt that this guess was close to ten, and perhaps this explained where the lingering sense of disobedience came from.

"Don't worry, Brown is currently in school, and it seems that he is temporarily standing still as he said. I don't care what horrible plans he has. At this stage, he is still under my nose, under the watchful eye of Professor Katenen." If Krech really belongs to Brown as he guessed, then there is no need to worry, his boss pretends to be docile, and he will never choose such a time to show his fangs." Heimdall said.

"You always put me on the brightest side," Victor said.

"I'm always an optimistic person!" Heimdall emphasized.

Victor put his arms around his shoulders, "I think I have to worry about you for the rest of my life."

"Professor Krum, that's the way you speak to your son..." Heimdall jumped up suddenly, his face turned pale, "Where's Mionnell?"

The master was startled, panic flashed in his eyes, the baby bump that was supposed to be next to them disappeared.


Mionir was distracted by the hair ball, which had been quietly hidden in the pocket of his wizard robe before. When they sat down in the rest area, the suffocated hair ball came out of the pocket, and was just full of vigor. Shaking his fur, he jumped out of his pocket in a blink of an eye and ran towards a certain direction.

Little by little Mionnier moved away from his parents, trying to chase the furball back further and further until he left the rest area and found himself lost.The wizards around came and went in a hurry, and few people noticed a dazed milk baby standing against the wall.

The running furball finally blocked the shivering pudding in the corner, and was about to swallow the fuzz in one gulp, when the flustered Mionier slapped it up and stuffed it back into his pocket forcefully. The internal organs were almost squeezed out.

Mionier looked around and walked against the wall for a while, losing the protection of his fathers. The unfamiliar environment made him terrified, and tears gradually formed in his eyes.

"Why is there a child here?!" The speaker came to Mionier in a blink of an eye. It was a young woman with heavy makeup. Mionier didn't like the pungent perfume smell on her body, and she was a stranger, so she cringed. step back.

Of course the woman noticed his movements, she seemed to be quite proud of his fear, and said in a strange tone: "You are afraid of me..." After speaking, she stretched out her fingers painted with bright red nail polish, and touched Mionier. s face.

The hair ball jumped out of the pocket in a flash and bit the woman's finger. The woman's scream made the people nearby extremely frightened.She flicked her fingers vigorously, and the flawlessly drawn face was terribly distorted. At the same time as the woman pulled out the wand, the hair ball cleverly dodged away, and the woman could not catch it in the crowded environment.

"What's your name?" A man came over.

The people nearby didn't linger any longer, and turned around to go about their own business.

The woman stretched out her fingers with a full face of grievance, "This little brat's pet bit me, you see I'm bleeding..."

The man stepped forward and casually glanced at the woman's wound. The row of teeth marks was shocking, but the man's expression remained unchanged. He quickly turned his attention to Mionier, who was blocked by the woman in the corner.

He squatted down with a smile, "Who did you come with?"

"Are you going to show your love and send him back?" the woman said in a low voice. "Little brat's pet dares to bite me, I must make that dead thing pay the price, hey, let your pet come back, I will kill him with my own hands!"

The ferocious face of the woman made Mionier terrified. He huddled in the corner, lowered his head and called out to his father...

"Looking at what he's wearing, maybe we can get something out of him." The man pushed the woman away and said to Mionir with a smile, "Come on, tell me your name."

Mionir froze, the man thought he was afraid, and continued to seduce, "I won't hurt you, what's your name? Who did you come with? I told you to give you good food." But he never promised to send the child back .

Mionier covered his head with his hands. His head hurt so much. There were many voices pouring into his head. He tried to cover his ears, but those voices refused to let him go. The pictures flashed before his eyes one by one, and the sound and pictures forced in, making him unable to dodge, but to bear it passively.




【May I have your name? 】The voice was like a steel fork piercing Mionir's heart. He saw himself lying on the cold metal table dying. The wizard who was always smiling asked him the same question. He didn't answer. Rolling on the table in pain.

The man squatting in front of him noticed his strangeness, and stretched out his hand to him. The child who huddled up like a small mouse suddenly raised his head, his eyes were sharp and sharp, and he felt a sense of fear that he was about to be hunted. At the moment when the man was stunned by the sudden fear, Mionir's teeth ruthlessly penetrated his palm, and blood overflowed immediately...

The woman screamed again, this time more of fear.

When the woman's screams came to an abrupt end due to the man's painful groans and the people gradually gathering, Mionir, who was hiding in the corner, disappeared, and the hairball, who had been closely watching the movement, quickly followed.


When Heimdall found Mionir, he saw him hiding behind a decorative statue that could see into the rest area.The commotion between the man and woman just now was too great. The couple followed this clue and ran back and forth several times. Palme, Duncan and others also spontaneously joined the ranks of the search. In the end, Heimdall was the first to discover it. child.

He hides very well, and it is almost impossible to find it unless someone is particularly close.Heimdall sensed something from the exaggerated and malicious remarks he made to the unfriendly men and women before. When he discovered that Mionir was skillful in using the concealment method of restraining the breath that ordinary three-year-old boys could not understand, the premonition became stronger. .

What should this child remember...

Heimdall stopped half a meter away from him, knelt down and called, "Baby."

Mionier shuddered, as if restraining himself.

"Baby." Heimdall called a second time.

Mionir's immature body began to tremble.

"Baby." Heimdall called for the third time with a smile.

Mionir turned around, rolled and crawled into his arms, crying loudly, "Rig... Mionir was so scared...he made Mionir so painful..."

It takes time for a child to digest those sealed memories, and his memory is now in chaos.

Heimdall was heartbroken, and hugged him tightly, "Don't be afraid, Rieger is here, and there is Big Daddy, he dare not hurt Mionir."

Victor, who was looking separately, ran over panting at this moment, and embraced the two of them in his arms.

Heimdall comforted him tirelessly, kissed Mionier again and again, coupled with Victor's gentle touch, the emotionally out-of-control child gradually calmed down, and finally realized that he was safe, and his fathers would protect him.

The furball guarding the side showed a relieved expression - if it had an expression.


The couple originally planned that Heimdall would take the child back first. Since Victor promised to help canvass, he would naturally not leave Duncan alone, but once the couple separated, Mionnell, who was sleeping, would be awakened.

In the end, the current Mr. Magic came forward and got a quiet and dedicated lounge for them.The couple felt that as long as they were together, whether they were at home or outside did not have much influence on the children, so they accepted Morris' kindness.

Junker volunteered to deal with the unyielding man and woman. Heimdall expressed his willingness to pay for the medical expenses. After all, Mionier bit the man, and the hairball bit the lady again, but Junker was noncommittal, with a mysterious smile , the husband and wife had no choice but to mourn for the man and woman, hoping that they would know when to stop before the retired black wizard.

Until the lounge returned to calm, the couple looked at each other, then carefully hugged the child and snuggled up on the sofa.

"Mionir seems to have remembered something." Heimdall couldn't bear it.

"It's a matter of time. The magic can't be controlled, and it's on the verge of breaking out, which shows that this matter has affected him too deeply. Judging from today's situation, he can overcome it, but it will take time." Victor comforted Heimdall at the same time I am also comforting myself.

"He's still so young..."

"And us, dear, and us."

Heimdall was silent for a moment, "I'm glad that he still remembers how to bite. Although I'm sorry for that gentleman who seems to know the art of speaking, I still want to say that he bites well."

Victor followed Heimdall's words and said: "That bite was not light, as you saw, the entire palm was pierced, our child's teeth are very strong."

"When I first found Mionir, there were still signs of Lusalka's change in him."

Victor didn't speak, and hugged him and the child even tighter.

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