HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 775 Master's Outstanding Alumni Commendation


"Don't be so sad, I'll take this glass." Carter pushed the flame whiskey in front of Palme.

Palme absently dragged the glass towards him.

Carter hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said, "Don't blame me for talking too much, I don't think that August is a good choice."

"You don't know him," said Palme sullenly.

"You know well?"

Palme stared at the liquid in the glass and fell silent.

Carter decided to continue his efforts, "First of all, he has a strong personality, and life with such a person is inevitable. You are willing to live like a war every day... Don't rush to refute, listen to me; secondly, he is not respectful enough. You, you see, he is very unfriendly to your best friend, and he doesn't listen to your advice at all. This flaw as a man is enough to show how bad he is; again, you can't grasp whether he wants to be with you. In a relationship, maybe just want to sleep with you, Durmstrang is a cold and boring place, and he desperately needs someone to entertain and pass the time."

"I've also heard," said Carter, leaning forward with a vivid expression on his face. "Several wizards who graduated from Durmstrang have the habit of finding little boys to relieve their loneliness. It is said that this is a tradition in this school. August seems to be one of the active participants—"

Palme gaped.

"Sorry to interrupt, it's rude to cut into your conversation, but forgive me for not being able to pretend I didn't hear."

Carter's body froze, and he turned around with an ugly expression, "Now that you know, why don't you hurry up and apologize, and then leave!"

"Don't be impulsive Carter, he is my friend Victor Krum, you should be familiar with this name." Palme smiled at Victor and invited him to sit down.

Carter said "Oh", "Are you that Victor Krum?"

"If you're not talking about someone else, then it should be me." Victor was not annoyed by his contemptuous attitude, and sat down with a smile on his face.

"Could it be that eavesdropping on other people's conversations is a hobby of your European wizards?" Carter said bluntly.

"Carter!" Palme called out warningly.

Carter turned a deaf ear.

Victor said calmly: "Maybe it's because this damn place is cold and boring, and I urgently need to have some fun; or maybe it's because I seldom hear such wonderful and meticulous slanderous remarks, is it the hobby of American wizards to gossip behind their backs? "

Carter said awkwardly, "What I said is what I heard."

"What a coincidence," said Victor. "I heard what I said."

Palme tried several times to smooth things over, but couldn't do anything, and watched anxiously as they confronted each other.

Carter was about to regain his strength, Victor reached out to take the menu that flew to his side, and lowered his head to study.Carter had to hold back his words, almost hurt internally by the other party's understatement.

Carter stood up abruptly, "Sorry, it's a bit boring here, I'll go out for a while." Regardless of Palme's call, he walked out of the bar with a sullen face.

Palme sat back in embarrassment. "I apologize for my friend. He doesn't usually act like this."

"I believe." Victor raised his head.

Palme is still a little at a loss, his relationship with Victor is really average, far less contact with Heimdall, and more intimate.

Victor ordered a special light wine, then let go of the menu and let him continue to circle the shop.

It wasn't until the drinks were served that Palme got rid of the silence, "Did Rigg ask you to come?"

Victor took a sip of his light wine, "Why do you say that?"

"Is not it?"

Victor put down his glass and explained briefly, "I received a letter from Professor Karkaroff."

Palme nodded, and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, there is nothing to hide. A few days ago, Captain August and I had an argument on campus. Maybe Rigg thought he was hiding it well, but I still I found him—my personal skills can't be compared with yours, but I used to be a professional Quidditch player. Carter's offensive words just now must have made you very uncomfortable. Some things about Captain Gust, Carter just defended me, I'm sure he didn't mean it, he is a quick-tempered person, sometimes he speaks more directly."

"Really didn't mean it?" Victor asked.


"You said that your friend didn't mean to say that. He really didn't mean it?"

Palme was surprised that he would ask such a rhetorical question. While puzzled, he was also a little annoyed, "You don't know Carter, and I don't blame you for being prejudiced against him. After all, his words are indeed a little too much."

"I'm sorry, if my words hurt you, I apologize." Victor said.

Palme calmed down and smiled wryly, "It seems easy to hurt each other."

Victor said seriously: "I want to say something. If you don't mind, I mean that we are not familiar with each other after all, and there were some misunderstandings before."

"I seem to have a premonition of what you're going to say, well, please."

"I have known August for many years. I have known him since we were in school. We have kept in touch over the years, and occasionally meet for a glass of wine. I can be sure that he is a self-disciplined person with no bad habits. Life is also more orderly.

"August has had several boyfriends and girlfriends, sometimes out of love, sometimes out of need, and I can't in good conscience make up a good story for him. But he is by no means a whimsical person, he has a past , but that has already passed. At present, there are no men or women around him, and there are no entangled scandals and lawsuits, and there are no illegitimate children reported every day, and pregnant ex-girlfriends who have been ruthlessly abandoned one after another..."

Palme laughed, and the last sentence was entirely the master's witty self-deprecation.

"As for your friend's rumors about finding young people to relieve loneliness, I must emphasize that there is nothing. Auguste used to work as a free therapist in the wizarding children's rescue organization in France. He once sponsored the lower grades of the same school, and now I still use my spare time to go to those organizations that need help and contribute my modest efforts. He may not be able to speak sweet words, and when he becomes tough, people will mistakenly think that he is arbitrary. I can’t help you judge these things. I hope you try to understand him, by You draw your own conclusions, just don't rush to 'convict' him."

"You said you didn't come because of Rigg," Palme said amusedly.

Victor was unhurried, "Compared to Rigg, I have a closer relationship with August."

Palme said: "I can understand your feelings. For my friend, I am too. Captain August treated my friend roughly. Carter almost broke his nose. I once tried to communicate with Captain August. , but he doesn’t know how to repent, which is really unacceptable to me.”

"Would you like my advice?" Victor said.

"please say."

"Maybe you can look at your friend differently."

"What do you mean?"

"Try to keep yourself out of the matter and observe your friend's words and deeds from a third-party perspective. There may be unexpected gains."

Palme hesitated. "...I'm afraid this is not good."

"It's nothing bad. I didn't ask you to speak ill of him, nor did I insult or belittle your friend. I just looked at the problem from a different angle and tried to separate myself from being subjective and being more objective."

Still, Palme said affirmatively: "I don't think there will be a change."

Victor shrugged, drank the light wine in the glass, and said, "Anyway, there is no loss. Since you are so confident, why don't you give it a try?"


Victor leaves the bar and walks on Midsummer Avenue.

The shops along the street are gradually covered with red, green and white color blocks. The colored lights and glittering ornaments are hung and coiled on the eaves and pillars under the operation of the wizards. Cute Christmas trees of different sizes are placed at the entrance of the shop or In the window, the attention of passers-by is attracted by colorful ornaments.

The atmosphere of Christmas is gradually spreading in this remote and cold wizard village, and it is only mid-November now.

The children in Kapok Town came out in full force, lying in front of the window to look at the movement in the shop. The friendly shopkeeper would often prepare some candies for them, while the stingy boss would wave a feather duster. From the distance, he stuck out his tongue and winked at the iron rooster who was still standing in front of the store and yelling.

Victor passed these vivid scenes one by one, and stood in front of a shop selling wizard robes.

His magic mirror was switched on, and Heimdall's call came from the mirror.

[Victor, do you hear that? 】

"I heard it and I saw it, dear."

【How about it? 】

"I've met Palme, and I've said all that needs to be said."

Heimdall sighed at the other end of the mirror, 【I hope Captain August won't blame me for being nosy. ] "I think he should thank you, because your intervention saved his image of integrity."

[Did something happen? 】

"It's nothing more than those things, people talk too much, it's not worth mentioning."

Heimdall seemed to have realized something, [Oh, I can understand Carter, it's common to slander rivals in love.It's funny how, when things like this happen, it becomes easier to forgive people for speaking ill of people. 】"People usually think that the party whose feelings are not reciprocated is the weak. Isn't it allowed to vent their anger verbally? Anyway, August is the winner, and the winner should be broad-minded, compassionate, and sympathetic to the weak." Victor mocked.

Heimdall laughed loudly, and then asked, 【Palme doesn't have any resistance? 】"Maybe a little bit, to be honest, I can't guarantee that he will do what I suggest. After all, his friends are with him day and night now, and August is an unpleasant colleague who makes him angry."

[It sounds like August is in a pretty bad situation. 】

"How does the captain look?"

Heimdall, who was in Italy, subconsciously glanced in a certain direction, 【Very good, you know him better than I do, and he doesn't recognize his relatives during working hours. 】 "It seems a bit troublesome."

[Are you implying me, find an excuse to get him drunk, and repeat? 】

"No, stay away from those drunk men!" The old man said firmly. "However, I sincerely welcome you to come and get me drunk, and I will leave everything you want to know without reservation."

[Are you flirting with me, Professor Krum? 】

"Call me Victor out of school, honey."

【...Rig, forget about that broken mirror, look at the field!If you miss it, you will regret it forever! 】Carol Jones’ screams came from the mirror, and the conversation between the couple was quickly interrupted.

Victor silently cursed Mr. Jones for not being able to eat enough for three meals, put away the mirror, turned to the short-distance Pegasus rental station, and prepared to head to school.


Durmstrang's substitute school team drew with a Spanish substitute school team, a result that surprised people who knew the difficulty of Durmstrang's substitute school team.

"It would be great if our school's Quidditch team would leave the opponent's Seeker early because of physical discomfort. The most wonderful thing is that they only have one Seeker." Carlo quickly walked out of Quidditch Odd arena.

"Once or twice is okay, but if you use too many times, the bad words will spread like wildfire." Heimdall said.

"Why do people in the world love to gossip?"

"Mr. Jones, without these gossips, how will your paper be written and to whom will it be sold?"

"That's better," Carlo said grandly. "My newspaper will sell better because there are no gossips going around and people have to buy their own papers to get information from everywhere."

Heimdall couldn't laugh or cry, and then asked strangely, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

They were all about to run.

"I'm hungry. The lunch meal didn't suit my appetite. I managed to wait until the end of the game. Before I entered the stadium, I saw a nice-looking wizard's small restaurant nearby. I heard that it was cheap and good." At this point, Carlo walked away The faster you go, the faster you walk.

"The president of Beauxbaton's student union said so."

Carlo rubbed his nose, the meal at noon was actually not as unpalatable as he said, at least Heimdall ate well, Carlo forgot the delicious food because the president of Beauxbaton's student union took the initiative to chat with him, Selflessly immersed in the rare attention of the beauty, when they finished their conversation, the substitute school team was about to start—this was the real reason why Carlo was not full.

At this time, the pocket watches of the two showed the time as 14:28.

"Mr. Jones!"

Heimdall turned around, and Carlo, who was thinking about food in front of him, was still running.

"Mr. Jones!"

Carlo stopped, and Susan Ford, the female captain of the Heideggerack school team, ran forward. She was wearing a Heideggerack school uniform. Her hair and face were obviously carefully groomed, but she didn't wear heavy makeup, and she was very refreshingly dressed.Captain Susan has sweet features and a round face. She looks younger than her real age.Lolita's small face is naturally not as dignified and intellectual as Chairwoman Beauxbaton's, and she lacks the latter's femininity.

"... Captain Verde?" Carlo hesitated.

Susan was overjoyed, but Carol actually remembered her name.

"Good afternoon." Susan smiled shyly.

"Hello, is the Heideggerach team here?" Carlo asked very businesslike.

"I came to watch the game on behalf of the school team," Susan said.


Then it got cold.

"...The reason why you are looking for me?" Carlo broke the silence in a gentlemanly way.

Susan was a bit stuck at first, but was taken aback by Carlo's question, and asked eagerly, "What time is it?"

Carlo froze for a moment, took out his pocket watch, "14:30."

"Thank you." Susan said and turned away sullenly, annoyed at her uselessness.

Carlo stopped her, "Come and have a cup of afternoon tea with us, if you are not in a hurry."

Susan quickly turned around and said calmly, "I have plenty of time!"

"Rig." Carlo waved to Heimdall.

Only then did Susan notice that there was another person, and she couldn't help but blush.

Heimdall thought amusedly, the eyes of people in love are like searchlights, only chasing a single target.

They finally came to the cheap and beautiful restaurant that Carlo mentioned, but unfortunately, it was closed, and the sign suspended at the door was flashing in Spanish and Italian, with only one meaning: open until 14:30 in the morning and 6 in the evening. Doors open after 30:[-].

Carlo beat his chest and stamped his feet.

"Come back after 06:30 in the evening, Captain Susan is not in a hurry to go back?" Heimdall suggested seemingly inadvertently.

Susan shook her head and glanced at Carlo cautiously.

Carlo didn't notice the slightest difference, "Alright, I don't believe I can't eat this one, I won't eat it, I'm hungry until 06:30!"

Everyone knows Mr. Jones' obsession with food.


On the day they returned to school, Rian, who hadn't seen him for a day, stared at Carlo for a long time, and asked uncertainly, "Why did you lose weight?"

Mr. Jones, with a haggard face, sat down with difficulty, and refused the food that Leon brought in front of him, waving his hands tremblingly, looking weak.

"What's wrong with him?" Leon and Ryan asked puzzled.

"Probably the food in Italy doesn't suit his stomach. He spent the whole night last night and went to see a therapist in the middle of the night to make some medicine." Heimdall was also speechless. The captain described how their meal last night had turned into a disaster.

Carlo rejected Susan's proposal and refused to alarm Heimdall. Heimdall didn't know about it until the next morning. before leaving.

"I didn't even know you didn't like taking medicine." Heimdall thought that Carlo was a good boy who cooperated with the therapist since he was a child.

"I have confidence in my stomach. A similar thing happened before. It will heal itself after a while." Carlo slumped on the chair, his bulging cheeks were slightly sunken, and his face was morbidly pale.

"Stay away from Italian food in the future." Heimdall joked.

Unexpectedly, Carlo nodded solemnly, "I will never eat anything from Italy again. Fortunately, I only ate it once. If I do it again, I will definitely not be able to bear it."

Ryan didn't have the nerve to remind him that several of the snacks he brought with him at the beginning of school were from Italian candy shops, and Carlo ate more than he did.

"The female captain took care of you all night, and you didn't say anything?" Heimdall asked meaningfully.

Rian and Leon, who heard something, opened their eyes in surprise, but Carlo, who was dying, still didn't hear another hint.

"I have already thanked her, and I will write her another thank you letter." Carlo said in a businesslike manner.

Ryan is also not optimistic about the chairwoman of Beauxbatons. Although he doesn't know much about the female captain of Heideggerak, and he hasn't even met a few times, compared to the chairwoman who has a heart and is unwavering, he still Willing to encourage Carlo to change pits.

"You're wrong to think that," Ryan said. "Captain Verde is not related to you, so I will take care of you for one night. What if someone spreads gossip? Captain Verde's boyfriend might not mind."

"She doesn't have a boyfriend," Carlo corrected.

The three friends looked at each other.

Leon asked, "How do you know she doesn't have a boyfriend?"

"She said it herself. And Rian, would people gossip about men and women sharing the same room? She just kindly stayed and took care of me. Are you a woman from the eighteenth century?"

Carlo thinks that Susan is kind, which is a good sign. Carlo actually values ​​personal cultivation and virtue, and of course he cannot avoid the nature of the Appearance Association.Judging from the facial features alone, Captain Verde is no worse than the chairwoman, but his temperament is very different. Carlo admires the intellectual beauty of the chairwoman, although Heimdall can't see where the chairwoman's intellectual beauty is. Beauty is in the eyes of beholder.

"You should ask Captain Verde out alone, and play with her for a day before having dinner. Didn't you say that she doesn't have a boyfriend? Then don't worry about misunderstandings." Rian advised Carlo with ulterior motives.

Carlo thought for a moment, "You're right, if this thing ends like this, she will think I'm hard-hearted. I'll write to her today and ask if she's free this weekend."

"You don't need to report to us, you can figure it out yourself." Rian winked at the other two friends behind Carlo, and Heimdall and Leon couldn't help laughing.


In the afternoon of the next day, before Heimdall could reach the school gate, he saw his husband walking towards him, and immediately went up to him with a smile on his face.

"Welcome, Professor Krum."

Victor kissed him on the lips and shook the hand he offered, "I'm ecstatic about your school's welcoming lineup."

Heimdall laughed and poked his face, "I forgot to ask, how did it go yesterday?"

"I don't know. I waited in the principal's office for three hours. Later, Professor Katenen said that I could go back and told me to come back today, so I left."

"No conclusion?"


"It's not fair. You have made a big contribution to Durmstrang's fame. Headmasters can't pretend to have amnesia."

"Distinguished alumni is a multi-faceted recognition, and Quidditch is not everything."

"Duncan has won, why are you so undecided when it's your turn?"

In fact, it should be a certainty that Victor won the Outstanding Alumni Medal. At the beginning, Principal Karkaroff promised so much. As a result, this award has not been implemented for a long time, and the decoration of the magic institution has been completed. A mere magic school Distinguished alumni recognition is still pending.

"If they think you are unqualified, they can clearly express their stance, what's the matter with hanging around like this?" Heimdall was filled with righteous indignation.

"Don't worry, maybe we can take it together." Victor stroked his neck to comfort him.

"What do you mean?"

"When you graduate, we'll come back and collect it together."

Emma, ​​the head of the office is so shy, how can she really be so beautiful? !

Under the curious gaze of the students coming and going, the husband and wife walked into the bell tower hand in hand.

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