HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 751 I admit the wrong person


Carter read "I have never seen Bill Humber since then" and closed "O. Henry's Short Stories Collection". He took out a box from his pocket, opened the lid with a magic wand, and the box became 60 cm long. Wide bookcase.Put the novel back into the bookcase, shrink again, and put it back in the pocket.

Carter sat on the chair and pondered for a moment, took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and said to himself: "Maybe I won't be back."

He stood up and walked to the door.

The silence outside the door was terrifying. He went to the bathroom to make sure that Mpati hadn't fallen into the toilet or fainted in the bathroom due to unknown reasons, and then returned along the same road. After turning a corner, he suddenly stood still .

Several spectators around the crystal ball in the boa constrictor's booth speculated whether he had noticed something. Carter in the crystal ball didn't pause for a long time. He looked back and saw that the bathroom not far from the straight road had evaporated.A hint of vigilance appeared on Carter's face, and he didn't lose his footing, nor did he impulsively choose a direction to act.

He is very familiar with this building, and it contains almost all his childhood memories, good ones, sad ones, and so on.What is certain is that he will never get lost here, and he can find the elevator even with his eyes closed.

In other words, his loss was caused by an external cause, and this external cause could not be other than the student union president in Durmstrang.Before he knew it, the other party had already invaded this floor, and it was very likely that Mpati had fallen into a trap due to negligence and never returned.Thinking of this, Carter took out his wand and cast a stun spell into the void. The red flare went straight in the long corridor until it lost control of the wand and disappeared at the end.

The magic didn't disappear midway, nor did there appear to be any twisted and weird changes, that is to say, the thing that made him lost didn't change the environment, so it was him who was changed.

After figuring this out, Carter heaved a sigh of relief, explaining that he was using a spell of confusion, and if the change was the environment, it would be very difficult...

The live broadcast channel in the public display area was temporarily switched to Carter’s side at the suggestion of the audience. According to young audiences, horror stories usually use the horrified object as the story presentation platform. There was no atmosphere at all - without his knowledge, Director Sturlusson was positioned as the corner of the undead boss in horror movies.

Although Karkaroff was dissatisfied, he couldn't stand alone against the voice of the crowd. He looked critically at Carter's prudent and commendable actions, and muttered a few words from time to time. Carter was easily blamed by Karkaroff.

"What is he going to do?" Cecilia asked puzzled - Carter in the crystal ball stopped moving in front of a wall.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, but Carter took a few steps back, took out a mask, a pair of Quidditch goggles, and a pair of dragon leather gloves, and put them on one by one.After finishing all this, Carter took out another white box, which suddenly rose up after being enlarged.Carter swiftly opened the box about half a person's height, and the audience saw through the crystal ball that it was filled with densely packed bottles and jars, and some unknown items were piled up on the shelves.

Snape, the professor of Potions, squinted his eyes. Unlike ordinary wizards, he had a different view on those bottles and jars. Those bottles looked like potions at first glance, and there were crucibles and other utensils on the shelves. , but it is clear that it is by no means a potion in the ordinary sense.

With ten fingers, Carter deftly picked up bottle after bottle of bottles that no one else could see what they were for, pushed open the cork neatly, and skillfully mixed them together. A spark... 2 minutes later, he held the smoking bottle in his left hand and smashed it against the wall, and released an ignition spell with his right hand.

The picture in the crystal ball vibrated violently, and the audience was in an uproar. After the billowing white smoke thinned, a big hole suddenly appeared in the wall in the picture, and the surroundings were in a mess.

Knut and the others were speechless, and Cecilia asked, "How did he do it? What kind of potion can blow a hole in the wall?"

"That's not a potion." Knut affirmed.

"It's not a potion in the usual sense, but it needs the theoretical knowledge of potion science as the framework." Professor Snape said.

"What's that?" Cecilia pressed.

"If I'm right, it should be a kind of alchemy," Snape replied.


At the same time, Heimdall, who received the report from Captain Xiaoqiang, was stunned. As expected of the American Emperor Jinhao, alchemy, which costs so much money, was actually used to push the wall.

Not long after, Picky came back in disgrace, and expressed that he would not go up again with tears in his eyes. The wizard completely ignored the rules of the game, didn't bother to figure out how to break the obfuscation, and turned a blind eye to Picky's various temptations. Seeing one wall blowing up another wall, Picky tried to avoid it several times and was almost blown out.

After reassuring Pixie, Heimdall let him go to another floor for a while, and promised again and again that there was no danger of his life, and he would not let him die.Picky dived with a frightened little mind.

Heimdall heard the crackling from far to near, and soon came to his head. He is now on the floor below the 23rd floor where Carter was staying.There was another roaring and cracking sound, and the shelf by the wall vibrated slightly. Listening to the movement, it seemed that there was no intention to stop.

This beating element is frying Jin Gallon!Prodigal, too prodigal! ! !Chief Strulusson is envious and jealous.

When the earth-shattering explosions gradually moved away, Heimdall suddenly found that Captain Xiaoqiang’s communication had been interrupted. He fiddled with Captain Xiaoqiang in his hand, but he couldn’t get in touch with the other Xiaoqiangs.Heimdall thought in amazement, how awesome is the explosion?Blow up all his Xiaoqiang?

Then, he gets one last vague message: there are spiders...


Just wondering, the unprecedented crackling sound caused the surrounding environment to vibrate violently, as if the earth was shaking, and even the hairball that had provoked the fire-breathing dragon shrank into a ball reflexively.Lighting fixtures on the walls and ceiling flickered and flickered.

Heimdall took out a very small metal object from his pocket. He spread his palm, and swiped his wand quickly on the metal object a few times. The metal object spread its wings and jumped up with a buzzing sound. It was a lively bee.

Under Heimdall's command, the bee flapped its wings and flew towards the source of the sound.

Lavrenti Beria said that alchemy is broad and profound. It has experienced several shocks from ancient times to the present. Once it was almost destroyed. Because of that, alchemy began to split into different research directions. As time went by, , forming several alchemy factions with different emphases.Because of Heimdall's own interests, tempering in the experimental research laboratory, notes from Grindelwald, and Beria's guidance, he stumbled into the threshold of "Creation Alchemy" by mistake.

Carter's attack on the wall was clearly a display of "energy alchemy".This type of alchemy is somewhat similar to Muggle chemists. The theoretical basis is just like what Professor Snape said, based on potions.The view that Muggles believe that alchemy is to make gold comes from energy alchemy.Legend has it that energy alchemy has developed to the extreme and can use a crucible to boil something that looks like gold sand. As for what it will be used for, it is unknown.

Closer to home.

After the bee flew out, Heimdall received feedback continuously, and the signal was relatively clear.The bee turned a few directions, walked through a row of shelves, and suddenly saw a bright light.Just imagine, a very open scene suddenly appears in a skyscraper, what would it be?

Carter blasted through the floors, and the 22nd and 23rd floors are now opened.

Heimdall was silent, he was tossing so much, if it was outside, wouldn't this building collapse?

Jin Hao has Jin Hao's way of doing things. When he gets lost, he directly blows up the wall, and lures the enemy to simply blow up the layer.Mr. Stuluson, who couldn't get rid of his inner cockiness, felt a little bit in his heart. The message sent back by the last Xiaoqiang before his sacrifice made him feel bad. He hurriedly ordered the bees to return, and the communication was interrupted.

The last message from the bee: the spider.

After Heimdall reached the 22nd floor, he touched the entire floor. He was sure that there were no magical creatures here. The "spider" that Xiaoqiang and the bee mentioned should not be a spider in the ordinary sense.Considering Carter's blowing up the wall, Heimdall bowed his head in thought.


In front of the crystal ball in the public exhibition hall, the girls frowned unanimously, and some of the boys made hard expressions. The fist-sized spiders in the picture were so densely packed that it gave people goosebumps.

"What kind of spider is that?" Knut looked at it for a long time.

Beauxbaton's chairwoman said: "It's kind of like a ghost-faced spider, but it's not that big."

"I think they are a bit weird, how can I put it..." Knut thinks that the spiders in the picture have some indescribable sense of disobedience.

"Probably a product of alchemy," Snape said. "They are not real living creatures that exist in nature, they are puppets created by wizards."

"Fake?!" Cecilia was dumbfounded. Today's onlookers opened her eyes, and her previous firm concepts have withstood unprecedented challenges.

"I don't know how Uncle Rieger plans to deal with it." Knut looked around, trying to find the staff of the boa constrictor to turn the channel back.


At the same time that the communication was cut off, Heimdall quickly shifted his position.Mao Tuan volunteered to find the way. Heimdall originally planned to let the red hat go, but the red hat would not turn back when he saw blood. If he bumped into Carter, a bloody battle would be inevitable.When the enemy's situation is unknown, spying is still the basis, so as not to startle the enemy, and don't know what "spider" means.

The speed of the hairball was not slow, and it quickly left the field of vision. Heimdall found a corner where he could see in different directions, and released the dementor, asking him to watch the door for him.The dementor was still a little dazed when he first appeared, but after receiving Heimdall's order, he dangled in front of his eyes as if he was facing a big enemy.

Heimdall didn't complain about its fuss this time. It's important to be vigilant at all times during the battle. The prudence of this dementor made him feel a little more secure for no reason.

"Come on, I'll find you a good job after you leave here." The room manager patted his chest and promised, then lowered his head and began to toss.

The ball of hair on the other side spun along the base of the wall, stopping every short distance, and carefully touched the place where the bees disappeared.It saw the remains of the puppet bee on the ground, and there was no sound around.The rustling sound suddenly sounded behind him, Mao Tuanzi turned around abruptly, only to see the white wall, the rustling sounded again, as if covering the sky, the light suddenly dimmed, Mao Tuan raised his head , Spiders flocked towards it overwhelmingly.


"There is movement." Heimdall, who was resting cross-legged on the ground, stood up.

"Friend, will you stay and help later, or go to other floors to play?" Heimdall asked the somewhat cramped Dementor.

"Stay..." the dementor spat out the simple answer.

To be honest, the voice of the dementor is far from pleasant. Not to mention the ghostly, it also has a hoarse vibrato, and can't tell the difference between male and female. It's really scary to hear in the middle of the night.

"Thank you," Heimdall said.

Immediately afterwards, the sounds at the end of the aisle became more and more dense and approaching, and the figure of the hair ball first appeared in front of the eyes. It accelerated to the maximum horsepower and ran towards Heimdall. Heimdall looked intently, and a group of spiders were It followed closely behind.

The dementor rushed out, the temperature in the room plummeted, the walls began to glow with white frost, and the carpet under the feet dragged pieces of ice behind the dementor.The fake flowers on the shelf by the wall were instantly frozen, and the originally flexible and changeable spiders began to appear unnaturally stiff. From time to time, some spiders fell from the wall or ceiling, and fell into the ranks of spiders on the ground like hailstones.The formation of the spiders gradually crumbled, and the momentum in one go was no longer the initial unstoppable force.

Heimdall prevented the dementor from approaching because it was weak, and it would be easy to be passive if it went deeper. Sure enough, the moment he called the dementor back, the spiders spewed out their silk , if it weren't for the dementor's flashing fast, it would turn into a mummy in a blink of an eye.

The attack power of dementors only has a great effect on humans, and it is difficult to obtain the desired effect on animals, not to mention that the opponent is a puppet without a soul and no happy memory.If Heimdall had an army of dementors in his hands today... no, it doesn't need that many, if there were 7 dementors, the result would be hard to say, the dementors' talent freezing aura is very powerful.

The hair ball came back to Heimdall, opened its mouth and spat out, three spiders were spit out at Heimdall's feet, Heimdall was extremely surprised, a small ball could hold three spiders the size of an adult's fist, Its physiology is breathtaking.

Heimdall grabbed the spiders with his feet, seemingly harmless, as soon as Heimdall stretched out his hand, the hairball jumped up and rolled back to his shoulder with the help of his arm.Once again condescending, Mao Tuan bared his fangs and claws vigorously, baring his fangs at the approaching spider army, probably thinking he was roaring again.

Heimdall suddenly felt that its stupidity was in harmony with the family group. Before he raised his wand and issued an order, he said to the hair group: "I have a son, you may be able to get along."

The wand waved from top to bottom, swish swish, several black shadows flew into the air from behind Heimdall, and the overwhelming spiders stopped in place as if they had been petrified.Although the puppets created by alchemy are inanimate, every detail of them is imitated from nature. The finer the puppets are, the closer their actions, sitting and lying will be to the real prototype—including the fear of natural enemies.

Ten puppet queen falcons, more than 10 meter high, flapped their wings, looking at them from above.

The wand waved again, and the silver flame exploded at the tip, drawing a bright arc in the air, and pointing the sword forward.

The puppet queen falcon rushed out without a sound, and the spiders froze in place until the queen falcons began to mop up their vanguard, and the puppet spiders behind them made sharp whistles one after another, crawling wildly and making a mess.

The well-ordered spider army was torn apart, and Heimdall saw a suspicious person wearing goggles and a mask poking around the corner behind the spider army.Once this person found out that the spider army was in disarray before confronting the enemy head-on, he couldn't help but panic. He tried several times to wave his wand to command the spiders to meet the enemy, but he couldn't resist the spider's instinctive fear.

Heimdall gave a thumbs up in his heart, this spider is so realistic, but this copying from nature is like lifting a rock and shooting himself in the foot.Blind pursuit of realism is not the founding purpose of "Alchemy of Creation". The concept of "Alchemy of Creation" is somewhat similar to purism, that is, to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses to achieve perfection.This is an impossible task, so after experiencing great waves, among the many schools of alchemy, "Creation Alchemy" is one of the schools that has survived to this day.

It's a pity that alchemy has long bid farewell to its heyday, and has become very old. Today's magic schools do not offer this course, and it has almost no way to popularize it. The future of alchemy is still in turmoil. groping for a way forward.

Unexpectedly, alchemy could be seen here today. Heimdall thought that maybe the prospect of alchemy is not as difficult as imagined, maybe it has found a new soil on the other side of the ocean and took root.

Across the turbulent spiders, Heimdall could see all of Carter's movements.When the other party was tossing new potions again, Heimdall commanded the puppet queen falcons to hold the formation, and the dementors smoothly passed through the overwhelmed spider army and came to Carter's rear.Carter didn't concentrate on anything else, and didn't realize the existence of the dementor until he shivered and sneezed.

He froze for a moment, then yelled loudly, and the bottle in his hand was thrown out.The dementor let out a horrified scream, and was unable to move for a moment when it was wrapped in the thick smoke from the bottle. The smoke bound it up like a shackle, making it unspeakably painful. The dementor struggled and crashed into the air Come and bump.

Carter, who thought he had escaped, scrambled and hid aside.

Heimdall immediately gave the last order, and the Queen's Falcons attacked more fiercely, and the spiders began to flee in all directions, no longer just circling in place, completely freed from the shackles of Carter's magic.When Heimdall approached the dementor, he caught a glimpse of Carter quickly preparing other potions, as if preparing to give the dementor the final blow.

Heimdall quickly collapsed and threw it, and collapsed along the ground around the box. Carter hurriedly hugged the box, but was blocked by Heimdall's tripping spell, and watched the box sink.He screamed again and again, the box was his food.

Heimdall cast another petrifying spell, and the scream died away.He turned around and tried to cast a dispelling spell, but unfortunately it had no effect on the thick smoke, and the dementor was still rolling over and over in pain.His grades in Potions were mediocre, and "Energy Alchemy", known as a high-end upgraded version of Potions, naturally didn't dabble in it, even if he wanted to.

He resolutely lifted Carter's petrification spell, and Carter gasped and said, "I admit defeat... You, you quickly fish out my box..."

"Get the smoke off my friend!" Heimdall demanded.

Carter gave him a strange look, probably shocked by the name "friend", and then there was a bitter smile on his face that Heimdall couldn't understand.

"You fish out my box, and I'll find a way right away." Carter promised.


The victorious cheers in front of the crystal ball in the public display area were not as enthusiastic as the previous two times, and more people looked at each other in blank dismay. Is this the end?

Knut and the others also had the same idea, "That Carter has never used magic." This situation is different from Crimea, which just didn't have time to call magic on Heimdall.

"Why didn't he use magic?" Chairman Garcia said. "Alchemy is magic, and the spell that activates alchemy and directs puppets to fight is also magic."

"That's not right..." Knut still had a hard time accepting it. "Shouldn't wizards use wands to protect themselves? Spells are our best choice for safety."

"Your statement is extreme," Bangor shook his head. "There are countless magics in the world. Alchemy is a typical form of magic. It achieves the purpose of using spells through the manufacturing process and the use of objects after they are formed. This is magic. Spells do not represent all of magic."

"The kid's home is in the United States," Garcia said.

Everyone was a little surprised.

"You know him?" Bangor asked.

"The Carter family is a relatively well-known alchemy family in North America in recent years. In order to understand the education level of American wizards, our education committee traveled to North America at the beginning of the year. At that time, we met the wizards of the Carter family." Garcia frowned. "But I didn't know that this Carter was the Carter of North America. I only remembered the things he used and energy alchemy."

Knuth said: "Why did he, an American wizard, go all the way to Europe to study in a pseudo-magic school?"

Someone coughed vigorously. It was the principal of the Hagar School of Magic, which had lost two games in a row.


In the skyscraper, Carter finished preparing the potion and threw it at the dementor. The smoke turned into white smoke, and the dementor seemed to be in more pain.

The head of the room put his wand on the back of Carter's head expressionlessly, and Carter quickly raised his hand, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I'll start over right away."

Heimdall said, "You don't hide your accent?"

Carter didn't make a sound, he lowered his head and pretended to be busy.

"Listen to your accent, you're not European, are you?"

Carter muffled, "America."

Heimdall said "Oh", "How did I offend you?"

Carter froze for a moment, not looking up.

"I don't remember seeing you," Heimdall said. "I have never been to America."

Carter gritted his teeth and turned back, "Do you remember Palme?" (PS: The fake reincarnated ex-boyfriend, Rigg went to the United States to develop in the sixth grade.)

Heimdall waved his wand, "Don't stop, dear, I'm afraid my hands will shake."

Carter turned back resentfully, and continued to toss the weird potion with a pungent smell.

"Of course I remember Palme. We occasionally exchanged letters. Could it be that Palme is the crux of your dislike for me? Then I am even more baffled." Heimdall said.

"Are you happy?" Carter suddenly made a stroke.

"I am very happy, thank you."

"You don't think about Palme? You don't care about his happiness?"

"...As a friend, I certainly hope he is happy."

"You are so hard-hearted, I am sad for him, he has been hiding your photo, and cried at the photo when he was drunk..."

"Wait, wait." Heimdall finally understood where the problem was. "I'm not that person."

Carter withstood the pressure of being headshot, and bravely turned his head and gave him a blank look, as if he believed that he was separating the relationship.

"Your husband is a world-class Quidditch star. Of course you won't admit that you once had a not-so-glamorous relationship. I look down on you!"

peat!Our husband is our official first love, okay? ! ! (And PS: my unofficial first love is Bill.)

Heimdall waited patiently for him to finish dispensing the potion, eliminate the white smoke, and relieve the pain on the dementor. Then he said to Carter, who was dejected and seemed to ignore him, and seemed to despise him: "Palme is drunk. You must have been there when you cried over the pictures."

"I'm here...don't try to prevaricate with any reason, I won't believe it!" Carter said firmly.

"I have nothing to prevaricate, please find out the person before you roll your eyes!" Heimdall asked angrily, "Did Palme say anything when he cried? For example, the name of the person, he called the person in the photo name?"

"Called...Little Gul..."

Heimdall said: "My name is Heimdall Strulusson, and my nickname is Rigg. All my friends can testify. As for the little Gul, he is my brother Sorjeel. We look very similar. It does look alike, but when you look closely at the photos it's easy to see that he and I are not alone."

Carter stood there in a daze. From Heimdall's expression, it could be seen that he was not lying, and now he didn't need to make up a temporary person to fool himself. In other words, he resisted for a long time, but he didn't even recognize anyone?Carter's face was red, and he opened his mouth for a long time but couldn't make a sound.

Seeing him like this, Heimdall lost his anger, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Solger is no longer a problem, he will never come out to make trouble again in his life, and I guess you will never have a chance to see him. So," put on a serious tone. "Palme is in an emotionally empty window period. As long as you hurry up and use your advantage of being close to the water to make great strides, you should save yourself these messy jealousy."

Carter was even more ashamed.

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