
The crystal ball used for live broadcasting has a single signal channel and cannot be tracked on a split screen. It can only display the situation of one party in the venue. If you want to see the other party, you must switch the "channel" by the researcher.Of course Karkaroff wanted to see the chairman of the student union of the school show his talents, but the crystal ball was always fixed on the side of the Hagar School of Magic, making the headmaster very lonely as snow.

"Track Durmstrang next." The researcher reassured Karkaroff.

Isn't Durmstrang at a disadvantage? !Karkaroff's mind turned quickly on this, and he immediately concluded that Hagar had one more chance to live broadcast than Deutschland.

Hagar pretended to concentrate on getting close to Garcia, and the sensor cells all over his body were wide open, capturing the researcher's perfunctory treatment of Karkaroff--Hagar thought so, not to mention how comfortable he was, and Da Xia It's as refreshing as drinking ice water.Karkaroff doesn't accept being fooled. The reason why he put up with so many unequal treaties is because he is superior to others in the magic school. He doesn't have the same knowledge as Hagar's shameless thing. It doesn't mean that Karkaroff is just thinking A bastard who values ​​peace.

Karkaroff slapped the table, and the whole small room fell silent, and everyone looked up at him with different expressions.Cardiff Bangor supported Karkaroff in his heart to take the opportunity to make a fuss, and Chairman Bangor wanted to observe the situation on Heimdall's side.Although Garcia has been acting very calm and detached, Bangor believes that this old guy is putting on a show.

A researcher of the boa constrictor whispered a few words in Karkaroff's ear, Karkaroff showed a look of surprise, and the others played with his undisguised surprise. Before they could figure out why, Karkaroff He seemed to sit down calmly.

what happened?What did the researcher say?Hagar scratched his heart and lungs, and Karkaroff's clean-eyed look made Hagar particularly irritated. He turned to look for the "traitor researcher" who might have revealed the "important secret", but found that he was missing, Hagar I felt as uneasy as if I had a stinger in my heart.

Mrs. Maxim exclaimed that in the crystal ball Hagar's first representative of Crimea encountered a basilisk in a verdant and verdant place - a small citizen's park. Crimea and the basilisk After several rounds of fighting, petrification spells, binding spells, and stun spells were released one after another. The on-the-spot reaction speed during the battle was impressive, and Mrs. Maxim did not hesitate to praise her.

Hagar let go of Karkarov's unsolved mysteries for the time being, and smiled modestly and cautiously. He knew in his heart that the reason why Crimea was able to conquer wars was because the basilisk was in their preliminary preparation list.Crimea released those magics just for show, and it was specially shown to people who were kept in the dark in front of the crystal ball. The ultimate weapon to destroy the basilisk was buried nearby. Crimea was looking for "while showing off" Weapons" placement.

He quickly found an egg in a flower bed planted with podocarpus and kale. This egg was about 20 centimeters long and had the same appearance as the egg of the smallest Welsh variety, the piebald ceratopsian.Crimea's hands were shaking with excitement. God knows how scared he was. For the audience in front of the camera, Crimea showed his actor-level acting skills, and portrayed himself as a noble tree facing the wind, fearless in the face of danger.

Under the camera, the basilisk's fierce pursuit really made it difficult for him to fight, Crimea really wanted to pounce on that egg and smack it hard--kiss you finally got a thick line, kiss you made me find it hard !

The first shattering spell failed to break the dragon egg, and the basilisk would not be as graceful as the idiot villain on TV who waited for the other party to transform before attacking, opened its mouth and bit it.The poor podocarpus was uprooted, mud and leaves were flying all over the sky, and the kale was planed to pieces and mixed in the soil to pretend to be sweet potatoes.

The basilisk pouted its mouth, feeling a little empty, and probably didn't bite it. It decided to make persistent efforts. As soon as it raised its head, it greeted itself with a roar of fire.This fire is also very evil, as soon as it touches the body, it burns, and in a blink of an eye, it unscientifically rages on the scales of the basilisk, which lacks inflammable materials.The basilisk, which likes dampness and coldness, writhed and rolled on the ground, but the flames seemed to grow stronger.

The basilisk, which was suffering unspeakably in the flames, finally saw the appearance of the attacker, a Welsh piebald horned dragon flapping its wings and howling at him...

The majestic frontal close-up of Crimea appeared in the crystal ball, with such high definition that even the freckles on the face were clearly visible. Hagar smiled amidst the constant praise, and kept saying: "It's a fluke, a fluke! The kid is just acting normally."

Karkaroff turned his head and rolled his eyes, and was bumped into by Bangor. Karkaroff cleared his throat in embarrassment, and Bangor whispered, "Do you want to go out for something to eat?"

Karkaroff enthusiastically grabbed the opponent's arm, "Go, I will lead the way!"


Bangor ignored Garcia's winks, and followed Karkaroff as if nothing had happened, leaving the booth of the Python Research Institute.The two walked halfway, Bangor turned right along the original road, but Karkaroff insisted on turning left.Bangor was puzzled and didn't insist anymore. Then, they came to the public display area that hadn't been officially opened yet, and saw a crystal ball as tall as a person set on a towering metal shelf from a long distance.

Bangor couldn't help exclaiming that the main character of the screen played in the big crystal ball was Heimdall Strulusson, the representative of Durmstrang.

"I figured it out a long time ago." Karkaroff was very grateful for Bangor's invitation.

At this time, a well-informed audience has gathered in the public display area. They watch the changes in the crystal ball with great interest, and comment on the development of the plot from time to time.These wandering spectators were confused at first about what the picture that jumped out of the crystal ball represented. They were startled when they saw someone moving around in it. After the boa constrictor researcher in charge of the display in this public area explained the ins and outs, Only then did I watch it patiently for a while, and then I became interested. Some people even called friends and called people to come here to watch free movies.

Bangor took a plate of dim sum from the tray flying in front of him, and said meaningfully: "People always complain that I eat too slowly."

Karkaroff sipped a glass of sparkling wine and echoed contentedly, "Actually, I am a quarter of Italian Milanese. Milanese, you know, a meal lasts from 7pm to 3am."

Bangor tasted his favorite soft and sweet angel cake, watched the ever-changing development of the plot in the crystal ball, and then hesitated, "Follow the thing about Sturluson...why do I look like a dementor?"

"It's a dementor."

It was Knut and the others. The three children left the booth after Heimdall entered the venue. By chance, they groped into the public display area and found that the live broadcast protagonist here was Heimdall, so they stayed.

"What's with that dementor?" Bangor asked.

Knut explained for them both.


At this time, Heimdall was standing outside a tailor's shop. He didn't notice anything special about this shop until the dementors lingered outside the shop. He noticed something strange, turned around, and stood Looking outside the shop door.The rootless dementor has not shown any signs of attacking and ambush him since he taught him a lesson, and Heimdall has no intention of killing it. His purpose of entering the arena is to deal with wizards, not black magic creatures .

The longer you stay in this artificial space, the deeper the feeling.The situation here is similar to the maze link of the Triwizard Tournament. In other words, the creatures that appear in the venue are all real.They are not natives of the man-made space, they should have been deliberately brought in by the researchers to embarrass others, including this silly dementor.

Heimdall casually glanced at the dementor, and the dementor scrambled to hide behind the tree, as if he was quite afraid of the room chief's patron saint.

"What's in this shop?" Heimdall asked.

Hearing his question, the dementor poked out half of its head, more courageous than the tip of a needle.

Heimdall scratched his brow, raised his wand and walked cautiously through the open glass door.The black lump at the model's feet in the glass window trembled, then swung left and right a few times, rolled out like a wheel, followed Heimdall silently, and was concentrating on guarding against the surrounding sea. Mudar seems to be ignorant of the subtle changes on the ground.

The dementor hesitated, prepared to float away several times, and landed back in mid-air. Just as it was fighting around the tree trunk, Heimdall had already passed through the outside and entered the tailor's shop.

The light in the shop was limited, so he tried to turn on the fluorescent lamp above his head, but failed.The fluorescent light was lit up, and the reflective spots on the ground attracted his attention. He lowered his head while stepping forward, and there was a scene in front of him that made him shudder: a black shadow suddenly opened its mouth full of long and sharp fangs. Teeth pounced on himself.He waved his wand and chanted a spell aloud. The foot that he stepped out of the way stepped down according to inertia, but he missed the ground. The buttons scattered all over the floor made his foot slip and fall heavily on the ground. No, he fell on the black shadow. The spell ends without cause, and the attack ends without cause.He almost squeezed out the tongue of the black shadow with his bloody mouth open, and the black shadow who had sneaked up just now was dying in an instant.

Sure enough, if you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself.

Heimdall's combat awareness was not low, he rolled on the spot, and when he sat up next to the cabinet, the wand in his hand remained in an attacking posture.He sat there and observed carefully, the black shadow writhed in pain, and that blow seemed to weigh it heavily.Heimdall remained vigilant all the time, and the black shadow made a grunting sound, as if he was panting heavily.

Heimdall decided to take the initiative to attack, and slowly approached the shadow, which trembled more and more as he approached.Heimdall found that those terrifying fangs had been received somewhere, and there was only a black and dirty ball of hair in his eyes.

Heimdall threw a fluorescent source into the air, and then looked around from a distance. Could it be that the hairball is... velvet? !Except that it is 4 or 5 times bigger, ignoring the big mouth and terrifying fangs, it looks the same as the domestic cattail.The color and hair brightness are worse than ordinary cattail, and it is a bit malnourished.

Heimdall tried to poke the hairball with his wand, the hairball twisted a few times, and continued to puff and puff... Heimdall pondered for a moment, then took out a small bag of jerky from his pocket, the hairball twitched violently, two rows The fangs bared out from the hair strangely, and a bloody and hideous gap was revealed, which should be its mouth.

Heimdall threw the jerky on the ground, and the breath of the hair ball became more and more unstable. He seemed to want to eat it very much, but he had the backbone to refuse to eat the food that came, especially the alms from the "prey".

Do not eat and pull down!Heimdall was about to slap his ass and leave when he heard a thud in his ear. He turned around abruptly, and the cabinet door he was leaning against just now was opened at some point. Big and small, eyes closed, face as dead ashes.

Heimdall's breathing almost stopped at that moment, he touched his chest mechanically, only feeling that it was piercing like a knife.It's the Boggart, the goddamn Boggart, lurking there at some point to give people the mental coup de grace.Heimdall has long since gotten rid of the shadow of his own death. Boggart has a clear understanding of his inner changes, grasps the seemingly invisible fragility, and clearly shows the death of his husband and son that he cares about the most, laughing at his childishness. His equanimity.Like a steel knife, it cut open his heart, dug out the bloody "truth", and forced him to face up to himself.

There are no more than two ways to deal with Boggarts, either explode in silence, or become abnormal in silence.

Heimdall originally thought that he would be perverted, and his mind was empty. The severe pain in his hand instantly awakened his sanity. He looked down and saw that the hair ball, which had eaten all the jerky and had strength to toss, was biting his palm and hanging. There, the blood overflowing from the edge of the sharp teeth instantly stained the entire palm of his hand.

Heimdall erupted, and with a wave of his wand, he forced the ball of hair out of his palm, and then slammed it hard against the evil wardrobe, screaming one after another, and the scene that made him fear was wiped out like dewdrops at noon, and the wardrobe door was hastily closed On, close the front hair ball was thrown out.The hair ball fell to the ground and rolled around a few times before standing still, shaking the hair on its body energetically, as if it had won a big victory, showing off its might.

Heimdall felt very tired, and lazily glanced at the hair ball that was baring his teeth, unable to raise any bullying energy.

Mao Tuan suddenly turned around, posing an attack towards the door, but the small Tuan Zi was always aggressive.How can Heimdall fail to understand that this guy is probably a black magic creature that has been tempered by black magic, not a domestic cattail in the general sense, the person who created it just happened to make it into a cattail The appearance is very deceptive, a bit suspected of ill intentions.

The dementor finally floated in, and stood timidly at the door for a long time before mustering up his courage.As a result, as soon as he entered the door, before anyone saw it, a ball of hair rushed over viciously.The dementor was shocked, and fled around the small room with its head in its arms. Mao Tuan became more enthusiastic when he saw it like this, and chased after it, one big and one small circled in the room.

Despite its small size, Maotuan's jumping ability is as amazing as its explosive power. The ping-pong-pong, swaying in the room is even more earth-shattering than the forced demolition.Everywhere the dementors went was covered with a layer of frost, and the temperature plummeted. After a while, the small environment in this room became extremely harsh, and even the Boggart hiding in the closet couldn't stay still...

The cabinets in the room were knocked down, the drawers on the fallen cabinets were removed, and the boxes fell to the ground and scattered on the ground...a mess.The one big and one small who were chasing after them sensed something was wrong and stopped at the same time.The dementor saw that Heimdall had moved to the door with full vigilance, for fear of disturbing anything.

The atmosphere in the room changed drastically. Boggart curled up in the crooked wardrobe and shivered. The Dementor hid behind Heimdall. Tuan Ying was shaking his hair vigorously, with a posture of sacrificing his life and going forward bravely.

The corners of Heimdall's eyes twitched, he tiptoed, kicked the hairball aside, squinting and said coldly, "Get out of the way!"


At the same time, there was an uproar in the public exhibition hall.

"What's going on? Why is that room..." Karkaroff was afraid that Heimdall would suffer, so he yelled.

"It's a hornet's nest." Bangor began to chew on the devil's cake.

"It's not fair!" Karkaroff made up his mind to argue with the boa constrictor, and the boa constrictor's researcher soon came to him.

"This is indeed our negligence, please stay calm," the researcher of the boa constrictor said calmly. "We didn't expect that he would walk into a certain store. Before the players entered, we informed them how to call for help, and they agreed. If they couldn't handle it, we would immediately suspend the experience and help them."

Karkaroff felt a little relieved, "Which room..."

"There is a warehouse where we store black magic creatures. For the public experience in the afternoon, black magic creatures that have not yet been used are piled up there..." The researchers never dreamed that the warehouse would be found so easily. It was set up there after some cover-up, which shows that the degree of cover-up is not enough.

Thinking of this, the researcher looked at the crystal ball with complicated emotions.


Although the information given by Sang Luo was very detailed, it did not explain how to subdue the creatures in the space to become his right-hand man.After finally getting rid of the embarrassment of being chased and bitten by the basilisk, Crimea, which thought that the spring was blooming, tasted the taste of burning the butt again.

Anyone who has played the game knows that to turn a monster into his younger brother, one is to conquer by force; the other is to use force to beat the opponent into an embryo, that is, an egg... It seems that there is no difference between these two methods...

In the wizarding world, normal-thinking wizards hardly dare to imagine subduing a charizard as a younger brother. Someone in a magic school in the UK tried to do so, but unfortunately they didn't succeed in the end.And that's just pure breeding.Crimea Mao was selected as one of the members of the space duel because he was very obsessed with the idea of ​​the fire-breathing dragon as a younger brother. It is said that as long as the conditions are met in the artificial space, it can be realized, so he racked his brains and selected the top-notch of.

The Welsh horned dragon is not big in size, and its power is not even comparable to the Welsh green dragon. In Crimea's mind, the horse he rides the wind and waves is the Hungarian Horntail. Since there is no such condition in reality, he decided to reluctantly Choose this horned dragon, which is beautiful in appearance but not ferocious. Who knows that the Welsh horned dragon who just drove away the basilisk doesn't even bother him. .

Crimea, who was at odds with the ceratopsian, did not dare to really provoke the ceratopsian, and did not dare to use any offensive magic. It seemed to be juggling around begging for attention, and the ceratopsian turned its head to face him irritably, Crimea froze in fright.

His series of ugliness were faithfully recorded in the crystal ball and presented in front of Hagar and other wizards, which was quite different from the radiant and outstanding one before.Hagar gritted his teeth, Crimea was obviously seduced by the fire-breathing dragon, and completely forgot the original intention of entering the game.It's a pity that Karkaroff is not here now, and he missed the perfect opportunity to laugh.

Krimiye, who thought he was about to be attacked by the ceratopsian, found that the ceratopsian had changed in a different way. It seemed to be attracted by something. The wings on the back flapped, and the surrounding air was chaotic and dusty.

The horned dragon jumped up, and Crimea gritted her teeth and shifted onto the dragon's back.The horned dragon was very annoyed at his self-assertion, he shook his body a few times but did not shake him off, so he simply flapped his wings and flew into the sky.Crimea, who finally rode the dragon, couldn't see any high-spirited style. He covered his mouth with a blue face. It turned out that he was dizzy with the dragon...


After Heimdall walked out of the tailor shop, he let out a deep breath, raised his wrist and wiped his forehead, his arm sank suddenly, and the hair ball bit his elbow and kicked and kicked, hanging in the air.Heimdall was silent.This guy really persevered, the wand tapped the hairball, and the hairball uncontrollably let go of its mouth, struggling with teeth and claws.Heimdall flicked his wand, and the ball of hair fell into the shop behind in a parabola.

The dementor following Heimdall turned its head very dramatically in a parabola. When it turned around and met Heimdall's eyes—if it had eyes—it was terrified. There is no tree for him to hide from.A camphor box flew out and landed beside them. Heimdall pretended not to see it, but the box opened a crack by itself—Mionir hid in the box and looked at him obsequiously.

Heimdall waved his wand numbly, the lid of the box was closed forcefully, and several locking spells were neatly applied.The box was banging and rattling.This Boggart was really annoying, and Heimdall refused to carry the oil bottle. Unexpectedly, it was also very persistent.

When they were entangled outside the tailor's shop, the horned dragon came to the sky above the street and landed precisely not far away.

When Chief Strulusson saw the big man, he was in a bad mood.

This is not a cat or a dog, shrimp soldiers and crab generals, how can they enter the artificial space, fight against the reactionaries, and fight dragons? !

"Sturlusson, just admit defeat obediently!"

Heimdall looked around for the source of the sound, and the dementor stretched out a large empty sleeve from behind him.Heimdall was startled, it turned out that this guy was hiding behind him, no wonder his back was always cold.Under the instructions of the dementors, Heimdall clearly saw a person standing on the back of the dragon—the opponent of this round, Crimea.

Before Heimdall could respond, a black shadow rushed out of the tailor shop, slammed into the Welsh horned dragon, paused on the dragon's scales, and then bounced back.After bouncing back, he was restless, with his mouth wide open and his fangs grinning—thinking he was roaring, flying domineeringly, as if he was not afraid of anything.

Have you ever seen Puffy Fleece challenge a Charizard?The head of the room is full of bullshit, this guy is a second-rater!

He wanted to make a detour to fight a guerrilla, to see how the fire-breathing dragon on the other side was enraged, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"You..." Heimdall turned back to let the dementor hide, without his reminding, this guy had already disappeared.

Heimdall blinked, sighed, and raised the wand in his hand.


A strange chill spread from Heimdall's body, and he moved his mouth towards his own shadow, "Go, be careful not to be discovered."

A part of the shadow on the ground split strangely and slid towards the fire-breathing dragon soundlessly.

Heimdall raised his voice, "You are invincible."

"It shows that I have the ability, only incompetent people will make excuses in advance for the doomed failure!" Crimea was so excited, the horned dragon didn't shake him off, he was so beautiful.

It can't be seen that he is quite eloquent, Heimdall was a little surprised.

"You think I can't do anything about you by hiding on the dragon's back?" Heimdall said.

"What are you going to do? Slay the dragon?" Crimea laughed loudly.

Before the words fell, a circle of flames rose from the ground, and the horned dragon remained motionless.

Crimea laughed loudly, "You actually used fire to burn the dragon? Are you out of your mind? This is Durmstrang's strength?"

The laughter stopped abruptly, and the ceratopsian, who also sneered at Heimdall's flames, groaned in pain. The surrounding flames seemed to be alive and vigorous, and flaming Chimeras gathered in the sky-high flames. Cheng, raged and howled on the dragon, burned and crushed.The pain of the ceratopsian became more obvious. It stood up and shook its body, then flapped its wings, trying to throw the Flaming Chimera into the air, but all efforts were in vain.This fire makes it very uncomfortable, because it is not a natural fire, but a black magic devil flame.The dignity of the fire-breathing dragon made it seek a breakthrough instead of fleeing. The scorching flames spewed out from the wide-open dragon's mouth, instantly igniting the surroundings, but the devil's flames were still full of vitality and merged with the dragon's flames.

Crimea on the dragon's back was also scorched by the devil's flames, his clothes were instantly wiped out, he screamed and cast magic indiscriminately, the little drops of water were of no avail, the flames burned his shoes, he cried out Apparate...

Heimdall dispelled the devil's flame in an instant, and the horned dragon looked at Heimdall with gloomy eyes as soon as the strange fire that had burned its belly disappeared, and the head of the room broke into a cold sweat.In fact, the devil's flame couldn't cause substantial damage to the dragon, at most it was a little painful, otherwise the fire-breathing dragon wouldn't make people talk about it.I am afraid that only the fire spirit Heliopa in this world can force the fire-breathing dragon to bow its head.

Horrified screams came one after another. Crimea, who thought he had escaped, had no time to regain his strength. A pair of bone hands came out of his shadow, grabbed his feet, and made him fall like a dog. Eat mud.As the hands slid down his shadow to his face, Crimea broke down and yelled "Help"... Poor boy, that was not part of his prior "practice".

Researchers at the Python Institute suspended the experience.

Before he had time to taste the victory, Chairman Sturluson's feet sank, and the hair ball bit his calf.Mr. Chairman finally went crazy, pointed at the hairball and roared, "Aren't you afraid of nothing?! Why don't you bite the dragon? If you have the guts to bite the dragon!!! Knock out your teeth!!!"

The horned dragon on the opposite side snorted unhappyly, bringing out a string of smoke.

At the same time, Hagar in the boa constrictor booth stood up with a livid face, cursed secretly, "Trash!" and rushed out of the room.Crimea never tried to throw a spell on the opponent.

Huge cheers erupted in the public display area as the first round ended with Durmstrang winning.

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