HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 73 The speed race is over, we feel inexplicably melancholy

When the first light of the morning sun broke through the gray sky and descended on the earth, Heimdall involuntarily narrowed his eyes. The sleepless night made it difficult for his eyes to bear more light, but the flowing golden light evaporated at that moment After clearing the fog in his mind, he took a deep breath of the cold air, and suddenly felt a lot more awake.

The wind blew through the treetops, making a sharp friction sound. The cold wind howled and hit his body repeatedly. He slowly lowered his body and calmly stabilized his center of gravity.Below is a dense black and green forest, which looks very old, whether it is gray branches or black leaves, it makes people feel that they are not friendly.The forest was very weird, Heimdall didn't dare to approach it casually, and kept flying at a high distance.

He hadn't slept, not last night, not even since leaving the starting point.Facing the dawn, Heimdall took out a small round bread from the pocket of his robe, mechanically stuffed it into his mouth and began to chew.This thing is small and easy to carry. When I was hungry, I asked the house elf for several.He didn't have time to stop and eat. It was convenient and easy to use dry food to satisfy his hunger. The most important thing was that he could gnaw while flying.Neither is delayed.

Heimdall doesn't know where he ranks now, and he doesn't know if the players in front of the ranks are like him. He has never met a player since he passed the 14th place. nor.Even the observers hadn't shown up for a long time, and he estimated that his position was very accurate, so there was no need for others to waste their time talking.


The loud cry came suddenly and exploded in the ears.Heimdall's movement of eating bread froze, a black shadow flickered in the corner of his eyes, he pulled up the handle of the broom reflexively, the broom suddenly jumped up, and the tail of the broom drew an arched arc.And the previous flight path was occupied by a player who appeared out of nowhere, and this uninvited player even waved at him fiercely.

"Wow! The reaction is quite fast!" The contestant shouted excitedly. "Why fly so high, why hide so fast, come down, let's play, flying so boring."

Encountered hyperactivity.This was Heimdall's first thought.

"Hehe!" The same name followed a figure flying towards him, and Heimdall accelerated in a hurry, narrowly avoiding another round of inexplicable impacts.

Heimdall was speechless as the two contestants in identical school uniforms flew side by side and waved their arms at him at the same time.

Ganqing is still two hyperactive children.This is the second thought.

There won't be a third or fourth, right? !I quickly looked around, but found nothing.While he was relieved, he leaned over and accelerated and rushed straight out, ignoring these two hyperactive children who had nowhere to spend their energy.Moreover, their actions just now constituted a foul. Heimdall still has great confidence in the observers of the competition. If they encounter danger, they should come out in time to stop it.

Although this is indeed the case, it is a pity that he forgot a very important one. Fouls and fouls can only be regulated according to the standard if they are violated.

So, he didn't panic when he was flanked left and right; he just frowned when the hyperactive on the left happily pulled his broom tail with his hand; when the hyperactive on the right found that he was flying faster than expected When Wendang bumped into him forcefully, he swallowed his anger, avoided vigilantly, and still chose to believe the observer who had been reluctant to show his face; He cursed loudly when he was sloppy; finally... when he was squeezed by their partners, knocked out of the course, and fell from the air, Heimdall decided to complain to the organizing committee after the game and report their staff for negligence.

A burst of sharp pain exploded from his chest, Heimdall clenched his teeth, took a trembling breath, and tried to force back the painful moan.The trees on the ground came alive in an instant when they touched the falling body.They shake their luxuriant "arms" vigorously, swinging and dancing non-stop, like whips as hard as iron, flexibly whipping all objects that come close to them-the feeling of being whipped by the branches is very difficult.

He didn't forget his broom when he fell, it was an unconscious protective behavior, and just when Heimdall thought he was going to be killed by the crazy tree trunk, the fall stopped suddenly.He looked up, and the observer finally appeared. At this moment, he was being held by the collar by the observer.The blue-gray pegasus neighed uncomfortably, because Heimdall's broom handle poked its abdomen, and the pegasus suddenly flapped its wings into the air, cleverly avoiding the attacks of the branches until it was completely out of their attack range.

When they reached the previous height, Heimdall found that the two hyperactive children had been "double-guided".They were riding on the brooms dejectedly, looking devastated by a devastating blow, while two Pegasus were parked in front of them, and the staff of the Pegasus were lowering their heads to record something.

"Blue Cup Nine, are you alright?" The observer carrying Heimdall began to make second guesses.

If you could show up earlier, nothing would really happen.Heimdall took a deep breath, and said in a flat tone that he was fine. "Would you please let me go?" He suggested not very happily.

The observer raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

Heimdall let out a breath. "You are killing my chances to achieve good results one by one, so please let go!" He said with a strong attitude.

The observer didn't blame him for his poor attitude, and let go after taking a good look at him.Heimdall took advantage of the situation and flew out with a whoosh on the broom.The observer watched the receding figure in silence, and after a while, he patted Pegasus on the neck, and Pegasus kicked in the air and flew out with wings flapping.

In fact, every contestant is followed by an observer. The information disclosed by the chief referee is correct, but she deliberately did not say the whole thing.The observation process is a one-to-one process. It is useless to take advantage of the loopholes. Unless your observer suddenly has a stomachache and walks away to find a toilet, otherwise it is simply delusional.

"That child is really desperate." The observer riding on the back of the blue-gray Pegasus murmured.He could see clearly all the way, nearly [-] hours of non-stop flight, during which he never closed his eyes, even eating was so easy and convenient, how could there be such a desperate child? !The observer shook his head.But... He looked at the record book in his hand, and the kid's flying performance was quite amazing.

Heimdall, who was flying far ahead, naturally didn't know that he was being followed by others. After flying for a while, he suddenly remembered something. He forgot to ask about the current ranking situation...

Heimdall thumped the broom handle angrily, the muscles on his body suddenly burst into pain due to the pulling, no pain, no pain, no pain, forget it, forget it, forget it... He slowly put his hand back to the original place bit, while hypnotizing himself.


There is not a single cloud in the sky, and since the sunset, the sky has been full of stars scrambling to embellish the night.

Snow took out his pocket watch to check it every five minutes. His anxiety affected the people around him, and everyone was restless because of waiting.

People left their tents, sleepless.Everyone gathered around the 3-meter stand, standing mechanically, or sitting on the ground. No one was willing to wait in the tent for news. They always felt that something should be done about it, but all they could do was continue to wait.

The gigantic clock erected in the stands made a rattling sound. This tiny movement seemed harsher than usual. Many children in Durmstrang covered their ears in unison, trying to prevent the "noise" from being harmed. .

When the hour hand on the huge white dial moved to 3, a dragon's chant suddenly echoed in the distant sky, and people looked up in response. Against the dark background, a fuzzy black dot was quickly approaching here.When the black spots turned into black shadows and then from black shadows to clear images, the Norwegian Ridgeback flapped its huge wings and appeared above the stands.

Just when people were guessing wildly about this, the silent stands suddenly burst into light, and all the lights on the stands were lit up with torches in an instant, and the orange fire light illuminated half of the sky.The wooden stand is like a guiding lighthouse on the coast, guiding every returning ship into a safe harbor.

The people on the ground were stunned by this change, but it didn't take long before they became commotions.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Durmstrang's children looked at each other and asked the same question over and over again.

Edmund looked up at the shiny stands, and murmured, "Are they preparing to welcome the first player to arrive?"

"So early?" Bernick looked at the clock again to make sure he didn't miss it. "It's only past 3 o'clock, and some players are already flying back?!"

"Otherwise, why did they prepare so early." Duncan put forward his opinion. "After dawn, there is no need to light a torch to lead the way."

The members of the organizing committee did not respond to people's conjectures. They all did their duty in silence. The more they kept secret, the more emotional the audience was.

After that, people fell into the endless waiting again, but unlike before, they had hope.People no longer blindly look around or stare blankly at a certain point to pass the time, they raise their heads to the sky——


Heimdall tried his best to sit on the broom. He tried his best to maintain his balance, speed, and momentum at the beginning of the game. Although it was difficult, just sitting on the broom used up all his energy. strength.He felt that he must be showing an S-shaped "straight line" now.The scenery in front of him suddenly shook, and his broom was crumbling in the sky.

"It's almost here, hold on."

At first he thought he was hallucinating due to fatigue, but he found that the observer who had appeared several times before was flying a hundred meters away from him.

Is it unfair for him to show favoritism like this?

"As long as you don't take the initiative to expose it, no one will know about it." The observer said jokingly.

Hearing his answer, Heimdall realized that he had spoken. "Sir, what's my ranking now?" He remembered to ask this time.

The observer, however, played tricks: "You will know when you reach the finish line."

Heimdall wanted to give him the middle finger, but considering that it would take extra effort to reach out, he had to give up.

It was a long, long time without hearing the boy's response. The observer thought he was falling asleep from exhaustion, so he approached quietly, but heard a series of "reporting the name of the dish": "...seafood soup with large pieces of fish meat …Ham and Cheese Skewers…Coconut Milk Pudding…Sgallov Steak, Six Rare, Drizzled in Spicy Pepper Sauce, No Cauliflower, No Sweet Peas, No Mashed Potatoes…Raspberry Cake, Sprinkled with Snowflakes, By the way, it’s better to have fresh strawberries as a decoration...Drinks...anything is fine, as long as it is drinkable...well, vegetable juice is better..."

The observer tried his best to hold back his laughter, and quietly flew back to his original position.

When a shadowy flame appeared in the distance, Heimdall's spirit was shocked, and his limp and heavy body seemed to be much lighter. "Is it coming soon?" he asked aloud.No one answered him, and the observer disappeared without a trace at some point.

Heimdall urged the broom to speed up, but his body didn't listen. No matter how hard he tried, the damn broom just stuck to the current speed without changing.All right.He thought: I have done everything that should be done, I have fought hard for what I have to fight, and I have tried my best to grasp the opportunities that should be seized. No matter what, I have tried my best.

Maybe God doesn't think so, or maybe God thinks he hasn't done enough.As the distance between the lovely fire light gradually narrowed, a figure riding a broom suddenly appeared in front of him. As the power of the fire light increased, that figure became clearer.

It was a runner, like him, who was about to cross the finish line.

In fact, Heimdall was powerless at this time, that person was not flying fast, and at the start of the race he was [-]% sure that he could overtake. The problem is that overtaking now would be fatal.

Just when Heimdall was thinking about whether he should take the risk or let nature take its course, he found himself moving, and before his brain could fully figure it out, his body had already chosen the answer for him—fate his life.For this reason, he spat on himself severely. After the spat was over, he clenched the handle of the broom tightly and lowered his body, preparing for the final sprint.

At the same moment when his broom rushed out, the contestant suddenly swung back and forth like a fish being caught. After a while, his body suddenly tilted and fell off the broom, and the uncontrolled broom flew in the air. After a second of stagnation, it also fell down with the person.

Because Heimdall was accelerating, he quickly overtook him. He wanted to look back, but gave up again.This is an opportunity given by God, we must seize it, he gritted his teeth and controlled the broom to maintain the current speed and fly straight to the finish line...


It was the observer who stopped him in time, so that he didn't hit the clock face because he couldn't brake the car.

"Please show your identification." The referee in the stands said routinely.

It took Heimdall a while to realize what the referee said. Just as he was about to look for the card, his observer suddenly stepped forward and said to the referee, "He is Blue Cup Nine."

The referee glanced at the observer, then waved his hands blankly, showing accommodation.

Heimdall thanked the two of them and walked towards the stairs.

"Seafood soup, ham and cheese skewers, coconut milk pudding, sgallov steak with pepper sauce, raspberry cake..."

Heimdall froze, and stared at the observer with wide eyes.

"I suggest you don't eat those things." The observer opened his eyes wide and pretended to be innocent. He didn't eavesdrop on purpose. "You should rest well and eat some liquid food that is easy to digest. Vegetable juice is a very good choice."

Heimdall opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, his body suddenly left the ground, and he belatedly realized that he was being hugged.

"Snow, I can walk by myself."

Snow did not accept his protest: "A good boy should keep his mouth shut and accept it when adults show him love."

All right.Heimdall obediently let him carry him away from the stands.

"I forgot to ask!" Heimdall suddenly said loudly.


"What number am I?"

"The fifth one, you were the fifth one to reach the finish line in the last round!" Thomas' voice came.Not only him, Durmstrang's classmates were extremely excited. "You surpassed 11 players in total, it's amazing!"

He is not No.1, why are they still so happy?Heimdall was puzzled.Don't these classmates want him to win the championship?

"You have tried your best." As if seeing what he was thinking, Snow patted his head and said. "They can also see that you have tried your best. You should face the result of this competition with your head held high. This is a very proud achievement."

Heimdall sighed in frustration: What have I been doing in previous games!

The brothers showed great enthusiasm for his return. Everyone was laughing and praising him. To his surprise, Adam and Xiabi were also there. Even Adam, who has always been stingy with compliments, praised him face to face. he.It seems like he won the championship, but in fact he didn't.Every time he thought of this, Heimdall couldn't help feeling regretful and frustrated.All the opportunities he had had were wasted by himself.

It was warm in the tent.Heimdall tried to concentrate on their conversation but his eyelids were twitching with exhaustion. He heard Victor's voice, which seemed to ask him whether to eat first or take a bath first or go straight to sleep.

He picked an option at random.After drinking the warm water that Victor handed him, Heimdall walked to the nearest chair and sat down. His back was so sore that he couldn't stand it up. He leaned his back on the soft cushion, and he closed his eyes comfortably and let out a long sigh. , It didn't take a minute for him to fall asleep.

When Victor put down his glass and turned around, he found that the boy had fallen asleep sitting up. He watched him for a while, until Heimdall was about to fall off the chair in his sleep. Before he lost his balance completely, Victor helped him up in time. hold him.

"It seems that there is no need to bother preparing meals for him for the time being." Duncan said looking at the boy's sleeping face.

"Get ready." Snow told the house elf to be on standby at any time. "He will definitely wake up from hunger in the middle, but it depends on how long he will sleep."

"I suspect he hasn't slept at all in the past two days." Bernick pouted. "Otherwise, there is no time to catch up with 11 people."

"Eating also takes time." Edmund tactfully followed suit.

Snow rubbed the center of his brows, and suddenly grinned. "Keep it all, and I'll settle the score with him later." He even considered whether he should disclose this matter to Rommel, so that the "useless" father could make good use of it.

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