
The Quidditch World Cup finals attracted tens of thousands of wizards from all over the world to gather in the UK. For the British Ministry of Magic, the composition of this team is not simple. Not all wizards go to the World Cup finals. The security forces of the Ministry of Magic are undergoing a great test.The British Ministry of Magic considered this in advance, and issued emergency calls for help to Ireland, Scotland, Wales and other places before the game, hoping that the friends would help out for the sake of harmony in the neighborhood, and the above-mentioned regions did not refuse.

Not only that, the British Ministry of Magic received a report that the Portkey Recycling Point had received more than 7 people in the early morning of the final day, and immediately rushed to send support requests to the member states of the Commonwealth of Nations, but there were very few responses.

The person in charge of the British and Irish Quidditch Union headquarters commented afterwards: "Mr. Minister is eager for quick success, and everyone was offended during the bidding process for the right to host the final. Ireland is one of the final teams, let alone; Scotland and Wales are willing to send a few people It is the utmost benevolence and righteousness to hand over, and it is understandable for other countries not to respond."

It's a pity that Cornelius Fudge, Minister of the British Ministry of Magic, is not a person who knows how to introspect himself. It is reported that when he learned that the Commonwealth countries were standing by, Minister Fudge smashed the ink bottle on the desk, and his curses rang throughout the floor.

After Heimdall set up wizard tents at the campsite, he also built his own defense system. The most terrifying initiator of wizard terrorism in this century is secretly gathering forces and planning a counterattack. The British wizarding world at the end of the [-]th century cannot be taken lightly.He released the freshly baked Xiaoqiang spy team the day before——Mr. Ears. Once any abnormalities are found around the tent, the Mr. Ears will immediately feed back the eavesdropping content to Mr. Ears’ leading brother. Ear total".

After being reminded by the master, Heimdall suddenly realized that monitoring the surrounding area of ​​the wizard's tent would not be of any real effect. Especially after he determined the battle plan that would alert some wizards, he quickly adjusted Mr. Ear's lurking range so that they could move as quickly as possible The velocity expands the diffusion distribution.

Dou Pod, who also forgot about the "Night Attack Incident in the World Cup Final", thought that his proud memory had been challenged and wanted to stand up to avenge his shame.When Heimdall slowed down on his way to the Potter boy and passed him by, the pod cat seized the time and told him that he wanted to take on the patrol task within a radius of 100 meters.

After getting Heimdall's affirmation, Pod didn't leave in a hurry, because the Potter boy was still here, and Pod's current task was to protect Heimdall and Potter boy from being overheard.Bean pods can distinguish between primary and secondary, with seasoned experience.

The external image of the pod is unique, and there is no need to deliberately disguise it, making it hard to guard against. No one in this world knows that this pet, which looks the same as an ordinary house cat, is actually a different kind of magical creature.

The pod circled around the fire, seemingly aimlessly, but was actually identifying a certain smell. Just when Heimdall sat facing the Potter boy, the pod was holding a rotten wooden flagpole to sharpen its claws Suddenly, I smelled a familiar smell.At first, she thought it was an illusion, because when she tried to trace the smell, the smell disappeared, and then the smell floated back not long after.


Bean Pod remembered, long time no see brother dung - Mundungus Fletcher.

Yes, Fletcher is here too, and of course he won't miss the quadrennial Quidditch event.Opportunities in places with a lot of people are also showing a blowout trend. As long as you succeed a few times at the campsite or on the sidelines of the finals, the living expenses for the second half of the year will be settled.Brother Big Dung is on the blacklist of the police force under the British Ministry of Magic. In addition to being an "old friend" of the Department for Prohibiting the Misuse of Muggle Items, Departments such as the Department for Prohibiting the Misuse of Magical Items, the Amnestic Cancellation Command, and the Pest Advisory Office also treat him stay tuned.

Mundungus Fletcher is not a villain, but he poses the same problems to the above-mentioned departments as the Death Eaters who do all kinds of evil.

Brother Dung used to steal chickens and lose money, but he was given a job by Derek Kenny, who was "unknown in his life".The reason why he escaped so quickly and didn't enjoy a few more dementor kisses was that he had a good boss, Professor Albus Dumbledore, who had to go back to the mountain because of the overall situation.

It is not surprising to find the traces of Big Dung in the campsite. Heimdall has analyzed that Big Dung will only hurt his fur this time, and it is impossible for him to completely peel off his skin.The battle between the Order of the Phoenix and the mysterious man has not yet kicked off. Everyone is still waiting and watching each other, and no one dares to act rashly.The Order of the Phoenix is ​​currently inseparable from Brother Dung, and they are at a critical moment of accumulating resources and recruiting troops.

Then the problem is coming.

Fletcher doesn't go to the crowded core area of ​​the campsite to "run business", what is he doing in this remote corner?

Protect Harry Potter?

Pod laughed three times in his heart, and after nimbly sprinting into the bushes to verify that the other party's identity was indeed Big Dung, Pod told Heimdall about his discovery. The eyes of the savior who had never been abroad in England were straightened.Just as he was about to leave Great Britain and head towards Europe, he received an important information sharing from Pod.He pondered for a moment in his heart, told the pods to withdraw so as not to scare the snakes, and then threw out the red-winged ears, and the elder brother who took the lead went out in person.

Fletcher's character is easy to see through. He is a villain who must revenge. Pea Pod's concerns are not suspicious, nor did he wrong him. He hid in the bushes and suffocated bad water. The topographical advantage of the corner, revenge with one arrow.

Brother Big Dung has been secretly observing Kenny's tent for almost a day. Yesterday at noon, he confirmed Kenny's specific camping location through a secret report from his brother.Yesterday evening was a once-in-a-lifetime sneak attack opportunity. The light was dim, and at dusk, there were very few pedestrians. Kenny didn't notice at all and focused on the ingredients.Unfortunately, Rodo Bagman suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation and called Kenny away. He didn't come back all night and did not return until the next morning.

What made Brother Dung even more crazy, who was going to sneak attack without doing anything, was that Kenny came back, and he was accompanied by the savior and a little girl.Brother Big Dung bent forward in frustration.After making the plan, he didn't dare to go to sleep, for fear of missing the opportunity, he got two panda eyes. He still kept monitoring the tent in a dizzy state. Being slapped, his hands trembled in fright, and all the potions he was reluctant to drink were dedicated to the land of England.

The person who came was a colleague of Brother Dung, and they all said that the colleague was an enemy, but today, here, Brother Dung is not with him. The purpose of Brother Dung’s trip is obviously not to compete with them for resources, but to resolve personal grievances, so colleagues For the first time, it provided him with effective clues, not as true and false as before.

"Why are you still spinning around here?" The colleague has a mustache, which is not thick enough, and it brings a sense of joy when it rests on the square face.

Fletcher's bold words of swearing revenge by pointing at the sky are still in his ears, seeing that he was still squatting in this corner the next night, and the owner of the wizard's tent was sitting in the distance unscathed, in other words, there has been no progress for such a long time .What is rare in their business is judging the situation. If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of running out of firewood. Fletcher just went around Azkaban and didn't break an arm or a leg. At most, he was frightened—I don't know Colleagues in the inside story generally think that the other party has moved his heart to let him go, so why can't he think about biting him?

What a hatred!

Fletcher's expression is bitter, and his heart is tangled. He gritted his teeth and didn't reveal the truth of being pecked by geese all day long, worried that he would become the laughing stock of his colleagues.I don’t want to remember the life experience of those few days in Azkaban. After Professor Dumbledore fished him out, he gave him the highest level of warning. Fletcher also struggled and complained to Dumbledore. , pouring dirty water on the other party, and describing the other party as a heinous person who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the mysterious person.

Fletcher has always been too difficult to win people's trust, and maybe the timing of his complaint was too delicate. Instead of responding to his complaint, Professor Dumbledore dazzled him with a few words and forgot to complain.In fact, as soon as Heimdall got in touch with Rommel of this world, Rommel started to strike first. I don’t know what kind of secret talks Chairman Sturluson had with Professor Dumbledore. The two sides reached an agreement, and Fry Qi complained more than one step too late.

Heimdall can live peacefully in the present UK thanks to Chairman Strulusson's support. If Professor Dumbledore has any doubts about him, as long as he has a little doubt, he will not be able to keep in touch with Arthur. Se's ignorance represented Professor Dumbledore turning a blind eye to him as a person.

Fletcher, who had nowhere to complain, finally decided to go out in person. He had seen Kenny's sharpness, and he didn't dare to face it head-on. He had no choice but to sneak attack.It is impossible for the members of the Order of the Phoenix to help him, they are not on the same side as the cowardly and fearful him who regard death as home; he will be thankful to Meilin if his colleagues don't make trouble, and he becomes more hesitant and restrained when he thinks about it.

If you continue to delay, the next World Cup will be here! ! !

"Why don't you pretend? Just jump out like this and the other party won't recognize you? Do you want him..." The mustache made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Fletcher seemed to have been opened up all the veins, the sudden realization on his face made his teeth itch, and his mustache looked at the dark shadows hanging under his eyes, and his conscience found the IQ to forgive him for forgetting to go online.

"How do you want to sneak attack?" Mustache asked curiously.

For Merlin, Fletcher is more courageous than the tip of a needle. It is already an improvement to motivate himself to ambush. Let him attack a powerful wizard in a sneak attack. To be honest, it is no different from the Arabian Nights. His colleagues are not optimistic about him. Revenge, it's a miracle in itself that I haven't given up after a night.

"Kill him while it's dark!" Fletcher, with a pair of panda eyes, clenched his fists boldly.

"Tonight is the final, you want to sneak attack in the audience? Are you sure?" Mustache is like watching a snake.

Doing something in the auditorium is simply not worth living. The target is too big. They have figured out the structure of the venue long ago. The 360-degree lights are brightly lit. As long as you dare to stand up and point your wand at someone, you are guaranteed to be caught by the security guards on the spot. Hit the target.

Fletcher was speechless.

Mustache patted him on the shoulder, "I'll give you an idea."

Fletcher's IQ after leaving the horns is relatively reliable, and his dull eyes quickly become deep.

"Don't be so busy wondering if I'm uneasy and kind, listen to my thoughts first?" The character mustache is neither arrogant nor impetuous, very calm.

Fletcher squinted at him and nodded silently.


Heimdall muttered "Thanks for your hard work", and calmly put away the ear boss who had completed the eavesdropping task and returned to the team safely.There was a slight crackling sound from the bonfire, and the pot on top of the fire began to lift its lid, and scalding water overflowed the gap, pouring on the firewood and bringing up thick smoke.

Twenty meters away, Harry, who insisted on refusing to go back to sleep, and Hermione, who had just woken up, studied a household broomstick with reference to the notes under Heimdall's guidance.This broom was provided by Heimdall as one of the supporting facilities of the wizard's tent.Heimdall's wizard tent is more elegant than the one used by the Weasley family. What is valuable is not the size of the space, but the complete internal organs in the tent.The tent was written by Chairman Strulusson, and all considerations were taken into account.

Harry and Hermione slept in a separate space, and they didn't interfere with each other when they were resting. In addition, the sound insulation and light insulation were perfect. The two of them didn't sleep for a long time, but the quality was very good.At this moment, the two young people are already full of energy, and they are very devoted to the learning tasks assigned by Heimdall.

His Excellency the judge, with his back to the two children, was cooking soup. After the master taught by example over the years, at least the taste of stewed hodgepodge would not make people lose their ability to eat, and he finally had a unique skill.What's more, the conditions are limited now, and a pot of stew is the most trouble-free, so don't pay attention to it outside.

Doudou was not happy, the chocolate fondue that had been agreed to was lost, and Heimdall couldn't bear the black cat that was squirming and rolling, so he broke the chocolate into pieces and put it on a small plate.There are also fallen pods to enjoy themselves, and I will come back after a while to grab a piece, and then go out to patrol.

"Look out for me, don't let those two kids find out," Heimdall called Pod, who was about to go out on patrol again, and whispered, "I want to talk to Chairman Sturluson."

The bean pod with the chocolate in its mouth slowly jumped up to the "watchtower" randomly built with a few long logs, eating chocolate while watching the six directions.

The "video call" went through quickly.

"Did you expect that I would call you before the final?" Heimdall said his guess.

The young Chairman Sturluson on the other side of the mirror bent his lips, 【I also know why you contacted me. 】

Heimdall made a "please continue" gesture.

[Let's make a long story short.I know Mundungus Fletcher has been released, and I know he's spying on you now, planning to catch you off guard. 】


Rommel said again, 【I also know that the lackeys of the Mysterious Man may stage a terrorist attack on the night of the finals. You want to alert the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix in advance to avoid casualties as much as possible. 】

"You actually have Cassandra's bloodline, right? I wanted to ask that, but I know it's impossible." Heimdall was convinced. "How do you know?"

【Your father still remembers this terrorist attack, and he is not sure whether this will happen to us. He is worried about your safety, so he told me. We have been in touch. He wants to know about your situation here. 】

"Father just loves to worry." He complained so much, but his expression was much more honest.

The young Chairman Sturluson tried his best to calm down the sudden envy and jealousy, and said expressionlessly, 【I sent someone to infiltrate Fletcher's circle, I think you should already know how Fletcher plans to retaliate against you? 】

"Yes, Mr. Er told me that Fletcher was going to pretend to be a Death Eater to scare me. After that, he would be able to leave the blame to the Death Eaters without any worries. To be honest, this plan is very good, and the layout is more careful. It makes sense... I suddenly had an idea, this plan didn't come from Fletcher's brain, someone else came up with the idea, and that person couldn't be you..."

Chairman Sturluson didn't deny it, 【Fletcher didn't know that the Death Eaters might really take action at night.We pushed the boat along the way and killed two birds with one stone. We not only attracted the attention of the British Ministry of Magic, but prevented the Death Eaters from controlling the situation as soon as they came up. The idiots in the British Ministry of Magic are not limited to Cornelius Fudge; we can also bring Fletcher in.I promise he won't leave Azkaban this time. 】

"Now is not the time to deal with Fletcher, the Order of the Phoenix still needs him." Heimdall said. "Leave Fletcher to me, and I will try to make him settle down."

[Does this have anything to do with you?The Order of the Phoenix, the Death Eaters, or even the Mysterious Man, which side wins in the end has nothing to do with you, you are not from this world. 】

Heimdall sighed, "Yes, you are right. I have nothing to do with the plants and trees here. I was born without compassion, and I have been cruel and ruthless more than once. Thank you Si Ancestor Tuluzon, I am currently on vacation. These are my private affairs. I am happy and happy. I think my decision is worthy of my conscience. When I return to work after my vacation, I will be the one who is often scolded by opponents Bloody and ruthless people. That's my job, I was mentally prepared as early as the beginning of joining, I will never forgive easily in court, that is God's business."

Chairman Sturluson raised an eyebrow, 【You misinterpreted my words again. 】

"Sorry, professional habits."

[Okay, let my people create the panic in advance, I will not move Fletcher. 】

"Thank you very much."

[It's very simple to thank me, just call me Dad. 】

"...Are you kidding me?"

[I never joke. 】

"Are you old enough to give birth to a son of Ben 4?"

[Hurry up and you should be able to catch up. 】

This is called "never kidding"? !

The "video call" ended with a low laugh as the chairman successfully teased the judge.

Pod jumped down from the "watchtower" and came to him, [The two children are not distracted, Fletcher seems to leave. ]

Heimdall put the mirror back on and said firmly, "He will come back."


Everything happened too fast, and the world was spinning in the blink of an eye. When he woke up, he was subdued to the ground.The pointed hat on his head fell on the nearby grass, and he was lying on his back under the bushes, with one cheek stuck to the mud. When he fell, the wet soil was turned up and eaten into his mouth. Now his mouth is full of mud Afterwards, the hideous mask on his face was removed, revealing a face full of pain and a little bewildered.

The place they are currently in belongs to the outer edge of the campsite, where small animals often appear, and it is almost deserted.In the first minute, Harry and Hermione followed Mr. Kenny to identify various trees, and occasionally recognized magical plants that had not been discovered by Muggles. In the next minute, sneaky Death Eaters suddenly came out, and the frightened Ha Before Leigh and Hermione could make a move, the Death Eater was brought down by Mr. Kenny.

Fletcher struggled desperately on the ground, Harry and Hermione backed up again and again, Fletcher raised his neck with all his strength, just saw Harry's face, stared at each other and screamed, "Potter! Help me! I'm not Death Eater A gangster! Mr. Potter, this is all a misunderstanding! It’s revenge, yes, yes, yes, it’s revenge, Kenny wants to take revenge on me, he framed me! Potter—”

Harry stopped backing, staring strangely at Brother Dung who fell down again, "You said Mr. Kenny framed you?"

"Yes, yes, he framed me, he is not a good person, I am Fengwuwuwu—" Tongue was paralyzed by Heimdall's magic.

Hermione also forgot to be afraid, her eyes seemed to be looking at a lunatic, "You jumped out wearing Death Eater clothes and wanted to do something wrong, and if you were subdued by Mr. Kenny, then say Mr. Kenny framed you," she turned to Harry and said : "It's obvious who framed who. Could it be that Mr. Kenny asked him to wear this Death Eater's clothes?" Hermione turned her head back again, "If I ask that, do you have a reason again? Say you are insane Unclear, controlled by Mr. Kenny?"

Unexpectedly, Fletcher really nodded.

The hearts of the two children have long been sidelined. If Mr. Kenny wants to take action against them, why wait until now?Where and when can't you do it during this time?Why wait until now, to be ruined by a pig teammate, and to be exposed on the spot?

Heimdall, who had been silent all this time, walked up to Fletcher and said to the two children, "He's not a Death Eater."

Harry and Hermione nodded slowly, seemingly not surprised at all.

Harry had a rare moment of humor, "I'd be really happy if Death Eaters were like this."

Heimdall squatted down and met Fletch who raised his head. The hatred in Brother Dung's eyes made the two children tremble with fear.

"We have a bit of a personal vendetta," Heimdall said.

Fletcher didn't know why, and he bowed his head and pretended to be dead.

"Presumably the lessons of Azkaban are not deep enough, and some people just don't know how to remember." Heimdall said and waved his wand, and Fletcher suddenly burst out in painful wailing.

"My leg! My leg is going to break!!" Fletcher rolled on the ground. "...It's black magic, black magic that tortures people...Kenny is a Death Eater! He's the Death Eater! You've all been lied to!"

Hermione's eyes widened, and she was at a loss for a moment; Harry quickly glanced at the calm Kenny - who was squatting on the spot, looking at Fletcher rolling on the ground indifferently, as if looking at a dead thing - —Harry shuddered and quickly looked away.

Heimdall didn't seem to notice it, and waved his wand again. Fletcher stopped rolling, collapsed on the ground and gasped for breath, his face and body were soaked in sweat, and his body was covered in mud. He was very embarrassed.

"Dark magic? A bit of insight," Heimdall poked Fletcher's knee with his wand, "I'm from Durmstrang."

"...Black, black magic factory..." Fletcher's Qi Ruoyousi is very superb, and he still doesn't forget his acting skills at this time.

"Oh, you still know this nickname. Not bad, Mr. Fletcher, who is well-informed." Heimdall smiled, and suddenly said, "Harry."

Harry froze for a moment, and walked towards Heimdall; Hermione glanced at him, wondering whether to stop Harry from approaching Mr. Kenny.

Heimdall didn't even raise his head, "You and Hermione go and call Mr. Weasley, and I'll let Pod accompany you back."

The two children looked at each other, hesitant.

Heimdall sternly said, "Go!"

When the two children were frightened, they ran away reflexively, and Doudou chased after them lightly.

When they were gone, Heimdall patted Fletcher's muddy cheek and said softly, "It's just the two of us, Mr. Fletcher. Professor Dumbledore is not omnipotent. It’s not without price to be picked up from Azkaban. You said that if you don’t want to repent so quickly, the professor will take care of you? I believe you also understand why the professor let you join the Order of the Phoenix. The British are full of talents. You It’s not irreplaceable. Look, your situation is not as safe as it seems. Why can’t you bear the lesson? Still black magic? Pretending to be true, is it true that black magic can give you the power to break?! "

If it wasn't for Heimdall's mistakes, he might have been caught by Fletcher and turned around.

Fletcher's mind was spinning quickly, and he suddenly made a bold guess, "Are you also a member of the Order of the Phoenix?"

"I'm not British."

Heimdall's understated explanation strengthened Fletcher's guess. The Order of the Phoenix has overseas branches. At the critical moment of Voldemort's comeback, the members of the Order of the Phoenix united as one to resist the invasion of powerful enemies.Fletcher quickly imagined the scene of his first meeting with Kenny, and then thought of the subsequent series of imprisonment and release, as well as the current situation, and pieced together the truth that he thought was reasonable.

"It's all a family, do you dare to hurt me like this?!" Fletcher's face became so fast.

"Who wants to harm whom?" Heimdall didn't explain, and let him misunderstand.

Fletcher tried to get up, but his limbs went limp and he fell back. After the crisis was over, his skin became thicker, and he lay on the ground, moaning and behaving badly, his fat torso was like a ball, with a bit of wretchedness in his dexterity.

Fletcher hesitated for a while, and found that Kenny didn't like this, so he had to bear the humiliation and be careful, "If I had known that I was also a brother of the Order of the Phoenix, how could I have targeted you? You are so bad, why didn't you tell me earlier? And Professor Dumbledore, he didn't say a word, you all kept me in the dark!" As expected of the backbone of the second-hand traffickers, things changed completely when the upper and lower lips touched.

Heimdall took advantage of the situation and said, "Trick Mundungus to dispel the suspicion over there."

Fletcher has been fighting on the front line for a long time, and Heimdall's statement is more pertinent, so he nodded.

"Okay, you know this and I know it. No one else knows about it except the professor. When Weasley comes, you know what to do, right?"

Fletcher wiped his face and sat up, hurriedly took off his camouflage black robe, threw the mask and hat into the deeper bushes, and said "Don't worry" to Heimdall after "destroying corpses and destroying traces". Gestures, willing to keep the "common secret" secret.

"The grievances between you and me can't be brought up until after peace." Heimdall said. "At that time, I will accompany you at any time."

Fletcher smiled wryly, finally digesting the climaxes, facing the fierce "comrades from the Order of the Phoenix abroad", he could no longer think of resisting.

Arthur came very quickly. When he saw Brother Dung, his expression was subtle. He didn't have the slightest joy of reuniting with like-minded people, and some were just helpless and headache. This shows that Fletcher and other members of the Order of the Phoenix are indeed not in the same way. You know Arthur is already quite a friendly person.

"Leave him to me." Arthur was well aware of Heimdall's kindness, otherwise Harry and Hermione would not have informed him to come.

Despite repeated confessions, the children of the Weasley family secretly followed their father and came here.

The scene suddenly became lively, adults refused to provide them with more details about Big Dung, and children whispered to each other.

Arthur made a helpless look at Heimdall.

Harry and Hermione were quieter than usual, and the Weasley children didn't notice anything unusual, and naively thought that they hadn't had a good rest, so they were listless.The twins took out the "refreshing wizard water", which was said to be a great invention, and bragged to Harry and Hermione fiercely. It was poured into Harry's mouth, and a pungent chili smell filled the surroundings as soon as the cork was opened.

Harry paused, then fought back.

Hermione was stunned, and wanted to save the suffering brothers and sisters, but was afraid of the twins' despotic power. Later, she teamed up with Ron and Ginny to pull Harry out of the twins' clutches.

Harry's face was full of shock. The bottle was already hanging by his mouth just now, and a drop or two was splashed in his mouth. From the instant change of expression on Harry's face, it can be seen that this bottle of "great invention" is definitely not in vain.

On the other side, under Arthur's surveillance, Fletcher, who winked at Heimdall, obediently surrendered.Arthur discussed with Heimdall, and Heimdall helped take care of the children temporarily.

"My eldest son and second son are back, and they are both sensible and good children." Arthur said.

"Don't describe your other children as lawless Snitches to show me how happy you are, Arthur Weasley?"

Arthur laughed loudly, grabbed the dishonest Fletcher, "Let's go, see you later."

Heimdall waved at him, suddenly remembered something, and said, "I'm telling you something."

Arthur stopped.

"I'm from Durmstrang. Dark magic is like eating to me. It's a very common part of life. I just used black magic... well, I know the UK is very strict with black magic, Arthur. Old man, for the sake of our acquaintance, I hope you can keep a secret for me. I promise not to do it again."

Arthur suppressed his astonishment, "Try your best?"

"I'm sorry," Heimdall repeated sincerely, "try my best."

Arthur stroked his chin, patted him hard on the shoulder, and dragged Fletcher, who was convinced by Heimdall, away.

Harry and Hermione, who were watching them all the time, overheard the conversation - Heimdall was relieved that Heimdall hadn't shunned them.The sky is blue, the clouds are light, and the air is fresher.

The two children who shared a secret whispered to each other.

Harry asked humbly, "What is Durmstrang?"

Hermione, who was never tired of learning, replied, "Durmstrang Academy is one of the three major magic schools in Europe along with Hogwarts, and the other is Beauxbatons in France."

"Durmstrang allows students to learn black magic?" The "black magic factory" scolded by Brother Dung made Harry a little concerned.

"They openly teach the Dark Arts," said Hermione, referring to the strange look on the school's face, and Harry soon understood why.Hermione continued, "Durmstrang follows a pure-blood admission model, excluding Muggle-borns and half-blood wizards. They, um, have a bad reputation."

Mr. Kenny took good care of her earlier and taught her new knowledge without reservation, which made Hermione obviously lack of confidence when relaying this evaluation.Merlin, in the past, she was fighting against the enemy. She had studied at Hogwarts for three years and had been exposed to the wizarding world for three years. Hermione knew very well what the inconveniences and obstacles that Muggle-born brought her in the wizarding world meant. In the face of representatives of extreme bloodism like Durmstrang, it is difficult for her to maintain a normal mind.

If it wasn't for Mr. Kenny treating everyone equally, Hermione discovered that everything has multiple aspects and cannot be generalized, Hermione's sense of resistance would have been stronger.


A group of people ate a hot stew around the bonfire, and the twins were the most supportive. Not only did they kill two large bowls of stew, but they also cleaned up the leftovers in the cauldron.Arthur was a little speechless, but he didn't discourage the children from being gentle.It's a good thing to join in, it has nothing to do with face, because the person who cooks will be very happy.

Heimdall was really happy, "Is it so delicious?"

"It's okay." Fred put down the licked spoon with authority.

George burped.

Boys in their teens are at the time of growing their bodies. They have a lot of activities and eat a lot. How can they gain strength and grow their bodies if they don't eat enough.The Weasley family has been on the poverty line for a long time, and there is no gourmet in the family.

A group of people helped Heimdall pack up the pots and pans. Arthur looked at the time and discussed with Heimdall to start now, so as to save himself from being blocked outside later.

A group of people brought their own cheering props and went on the road happily.

Their team is not the only one that has the idea of ​​starting early. The closer they are to the stadium, the more people will be on the road. Seeing that the stadium is close in front of them, they are still blocked at the side of the stadium, waiting for the ticket check-in. .

With various languages ​​intertwined in their ears, Quidditch fans from all over the world are looking forward to the quadrennial Quidditch feast.Several children were dazzled by the dancing of various cheering props. In addition to the flags of Ireland and Bulgaria, many fans wore their own flag badges, which made it easy to see where they came from.

Ron, wearing the mascot hat of the Irish team, listened deeply to the conversation of a group of fans on the left, nodding or thinking from time to time, and looked unsatisfied after the end.

Harry couldn't understand what those people were saying at all, and there was a qualitative leap in his eyes when he looked at Ron.

Hermione asked Ron unhurriedly, "What are they talking about?"

Ron said without changing his face: "They are very optimistic about the Irish team winning the championship. The pre-match analysis basically agrees with my opinion."

Hermione let out an exaggerated "oh".

Harry asked, "That's all?"

"That's all." Ron nodded affirmatively.

"But I feel like their conversation wasn't that short." Harry wondered.

Ron's siblings all laughed. Don't they know how much Ronald weighs?

Ron cleared his throat unnaturally, pretending not to hear.

Hermione glanced sideways at Ron, "Ron, tell me, what country are they from?"

Ron hesitated for a moment, "...France," he nodded resolutely, "French." He also said a nondescript French "hello".

"You really don't think the smell is wrong?" Hermione shook her head and turned to Heimdall. "Mr. Kenny, what are those German fans talking about?"

Yes, Germany, those fans have deformed German flag badges pinned to their clothes, and they will shine at night, so eye-catching, it's hard not to see them.

Ron's eyes started to wander, and his siblings laughed even more recklessly.

"They didn't discuss the finals. They were talking about the shopping trip to Diagon Alley tomorrow." After Heimdall answered, he looked regretfully at Ron, who kept trying to hypnotize himself that he didn't know anything.

At this time, the team in front started to move, and the children once again focused on the World Cup final.

Hermione whispered to Harry, "The official languages ​​of Durmstrang are German and Russian."

Harry nodded, then asked again, "Where's that school?"

"I don't know," Hermione shook her head. "The specific location of the magic school is a secret to non-school teachers and students. The book says that it seems to be in a very cold place. The snow does not melt all year round, and fires are lit all year round to keep warm."

Harry gasped.

"Hey, Scarhead!"

full of malice

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