When the big bright bird flew into the auditorium, the students were busy with all kinds of things, eating, copying homework, exchanging gossip, talking bad things about the professors and so on.When Big Bird shouted Heimdall's name in that spy voice, the auditorium was vacuumed for a second, and all the sounds stopped abruptly, and Big Bird's weird cry lingered in his ears.

Hearing Heimdall's conditioned response of his own name, the big bird hovering in the east seat gave up the lazy idea of ​​finding a gap and throwing it down, flapped its wings lazily, and threw the letter in the sea on the south seat. Mdar's eyes.

After completing the task, the big bird fluttered its wings and went back to report without incident. Before leaving, he gave a personal speech: "It's too cold——It's too cold——"

All the teachers and students came to their senses from the "too cold" and couldn't help wondering whether it meant that they were not enthusiastic enough, or the temperature was too low?Then he looked at Heimdall curiously, and after not noticing anything unusual, the whole auditorium returned to its original bustle.

Messengers in the wizarding world are full of strange things, and it is not uncommon to have a talking parrot or a rough hornbill as long as the master or the master's house-elf is willing to serve.

Heimdall's friends were no longer surprised, they glanced at Heimdall who calmly opened the envelope, and then returned to their own affairs.

Jeanne picked up the newspaper, flipped through it a few times, then leaned over to Heimdall, and whispered, "Look at this!" Her treacherous voice couldn't conceal her interest.

It was a French newspaper, and Heimdall skipped over the full French, and the accompanying pictures became particularly conspicuous.He took the newspaper in surprise, and the people in the picture were indeed those two people, and he couldn't help being amazed.

That Miss Dahlia whose nickname is "Tao Li" is indeed extraordinary in fighting power. Director Sturluson automatically made up the picture of her snuggling up next to little Lacarini with a sweet face, and then looked at the scene in front of her. In this picture, except that her son was replaced by Lao Tzu, Miss Dahlia's demeanor has hardly changed. She does her own way and is calm, smiling brightly at the camera, without any psychological barriers to speak of.

Although the former Minister Lacarini is a public figure, he rarely appears behind the camera. Even the wizard newspaper in Italy rarely sees his photos.If the picture had not been taken with his acquiescence, Miss Dahlia was desperate.

"Does this mean that Professor Lacarini is about to have a stepmother?" Jeanna covered her mouth and said.

Heimdall thought for a while and said: "Actually, I'm not sure whether he really doesn't care or pretends nothing happened. It's true that he doesn't want to have anything to do with this lady. As for whether he will accept his ex-girlfriend as a stepmother, that's another matter." Forget it."

Heimdall remembered the news that Rommel had revealed to him at the beginning. The former minister of Lacarini had vowed not to marry again. His father-in-law was always noncommittal about this, but he could see that he was happy to see it.Without the consent of his father-in-law, Miss Dahlia would soon face an indefinite war of resistance just like that underground lover.It is not likely that this profligate young girl will bear the burden of humiliation for a man old enough to be her grandfather, as can be seen from the fact that she forced La Carini Jr. to marry.

The sound of red high-heeled shoes knocking on the floor echoed in my ears, and I wondered what kind of mood Miss Feilin's sister would feel when she read this newspaper.

After the gossip about Professor Lacarini, Jeanna said casually, "The bird that sent you the letter just now is so beautiful." She didn't get a reply from Heimdall after a while, and Jeanna turned her head to look at him suspiciously.

Heimdall looked away from the letter and smiled, "That kind of parrot is not easy to raise, but owls are more affordable."

"Those who use such a beautiful queen falcon as an owl are not qualified to say that." Jeanne made no secret of her envy and hatred. nice.

Heimdall grinned, and in a blink of an eye, he met Jayer's eyes unexpectedly. I don't know if the other party has been paying attention to him, or the other party recognized the bird just now and deduced its details?There were thousands of turns in my heart, but my face remained calm.Heimdall, who was no different from usual, gave Yael a friendly smile, turned his eyes away, and slowly put the letter back into the envelope.

Ludwig Brown walked behind the Spanish wizard patrol with a nervous expression on his face. He had shown a frightened look since the patrol brought him into this strange building.Every time he passed other wizards, it would cause him to panic, or he would stop suddenly, or his eyes would widen suddenly.After confirming that he was safe and sound, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Without exception, his series of performances were seen by the patrolmen who quietly observed him.

The patrolman led him into a small room. The four corners of the room were empty, except for a chair with a pile of chains lying on its feet, and another chair of the same style but without chains facing the chair.

The patrolman asked Brown to sit down, and the iron chain jumped up like a living thing, winding along Brown's legs like a snake out of a hole, and tied Brown tightly in a blink of an eye.The strange thing is that ordinary people will inevitably panic when they encounter such a situation. Brown's behavior at this moment is the exact opposite of the panic he had when he came in. He just froze for a moment, without showing the slightest fear.

Through the enchanted white wall on the left side of the small room, which was exactly the same as the real wall, the wizards who could clearly see the changes in the room couldn't help but look at each other.All wizards who assisted in handling the case, including Ludwig Brown, who was summoned by the Spanish Ministry of Magic and brought in for questioning, gathered in and out of the interrogation room of the Spanish Auror Command.

Brown was alone in the room, and the patrolman who had led him had long since left.This is not because the successor has not arrived. The Spanish Ministry of Magic did it on purpose, in order to observe his performance when there is no one there.Therefore, his inconsistency made the onlookers very confused.

The person who was invited by the Spanish Minister of Magic to talk to Brown was Guindos, the head of the Spanish Auror Command. He seldom went out in person, and only a few criminals who had committed the most serious crimes were lucky enough to meet him.He would have been off today if the Minister for Magic hadn't been suspicious.That's right, the Auror leader has always thought so. According to the information collected by the Spanish Wizarding Police Force, he doesn't think he can get other answers from Ludwig Brown. This person has never Say something about Karel Di Rupo.

At the end of the 10-minute observation period, the dark-skinned Guindos walked into the small room expressionlessly. There was a shocking light-colored scar on his bald head, which made his serious facial features even more hideous.

Brown was probably frightened by the scar. After a quick glance, he showed a horrified look, and then quickly lowered his head.Brown, who walked to the chair, paused, his face slipped a little thoughtful, and then sat down calmly, facing Brown.

He unfolded the parchment in his hand, "Mr. Ludwig Brown?"

"It's me." The person on the other side whispered.

"Perhaps you also know why you are here?"

"If my guess is right, it should be the same as the previous few times, but..." Brown didn't continue.

If it should be the same as the previous few times, what is going on with these chains?

"Please don't mind, this is to prevent the person being questioned from being overly emotional and hurting himself." As the leader of the Spanish Aurors, it is easy to open your eyes and tell lies.

Brown remained silent.

Just as Guindos was pondering his words, Brown suddenly broke the silence.

"The efficiency of the Spanish Ministry of Magic is shocking. At least I thought I covered it up very well, but you didn't believe me, and still investigated the case meticulously. Every time I accept your summons, I can't help but think, are you this time? All the answers have been found."

Guindos rolled back the parchment without interjecting.

Brown lowered his head, looking depressed and lonely. He seemed to be immersed in some kind of emotion, and it took a long time before he spoke again.

"In fact, you are approaching the truth at an astonishing speed. Those newspapers and magazines have disclosed things in staggering detail. Every day, I can hear the things I tried my best to cover up being thrown into the sky at an unpredictable speed. world."

Guindos said: "The farce in the media is not led by us. The Ministry of Magic did not intervene. Those things are 'researched' by themselves."

Brown laughed nervously, at first like a moan of pain, then suddenly amplified.Guindos lit his pipe amid wild laughter and exhaled a light blue smoke ring.

"When you found Gucht, I knew I couldn't hide it, but I still don't want to..." Brown became emotionally depressed. "I don't want to say that, you know what, I don't want to, he was my teacher anyway, a great therapist!"

"Well, although Di Rupo's matter is not under our control, you can tell us what you know, that is, the ones we haven't found. I have plenty of time today." Guindos said, biting the mouthpiece of the pipe lightly .

Who knows that Brown wilted back again.

Guindos did not press him, "Then I ask you to answer. Is it true that Karel Di Rupo copied your research results?"

Brown didn't speak.

"As the person involved, you don't know, do you?"

"...Don't you guys already have the answer, don't ask me!"

"The process is like this. You must say it yourself to keep it as evidence."

"The mentor didn't do it on purpose, he just borrowed it, borrowed it..." Brown became impatient, as if he was once again caught in his own thoughts and couldn't extricate himself. The more he struggled, the tighter the chains on his body became, and the chains creaked on him The rattling sound made your teeth sore. "Why didn't the mentor tell me...why doesn't he believe me...If he wants, I can give it to him, he shouldn't hide me, let alone deceive me..."

Guindos felt that he was mentally abnormal, and his bones would be broken by the chain if he continued to struggle. At the same moment as Guindos took out his wand and loosened the chain, Brown fell to the ground, hugging his head in pain.

"Teacher, why did you kill me...I am very obedient, I have always been obedient...why..."

Not only Jindos, but other wizards outside the wall were stunned, until Jindos yelled at the guards, and the two wizards rushed into the room and got Brown out of the room and sent him to the medical room.

Everyone watched blankly as Brown disappeared through another door and Guindos came out with a pipe.

"Unbelievable!" Everyone exchanged glances with each other, and their mouths kept showing exclamation.

"Carel Di Rupo is such a man!" "He is completely finished!" "What happened to Brown is so sympathetic and pathetic!"

Some people were indignant, some were shocked, and some sighed.

Mr. Guindos, the head of the Spanish Aurors, took a sharp puff on his cigarette, and the smoke clouded his pensive face.

"Does that mean it's finally coming to an end?" the chairman of the Icelandic chapter said with relief.

Rommel next to him rolled his mouth, "So you also contributed to the detection of the case, when did it happen?"

The branch chairman laughed twice.

The two walked to the door of the large conference room together, but were stopped by the guards, who politely asked them to hand over their wands.

"So there is no such thing." Rommel raised his eyebrows.

"This rule will be enforced from this meeting this month."

"Look, we are being used as experimental subjects again." Rommel snorted.

The chairman of the Iceland branch happily handed over his wand, and Rommel took it out reluctantly.

Today is the closing hearing of the Karel Di Rupo incident. There was no such so-called hearing with a bad name, but Italy, the rotating presidency of the European Wizarding Countries Cooperation Organization this year, has always had a good relationship with Spain, which belongs to southern Europe. Well, under the strong advocacy of the Minister of Magic of Spain, they made such a thing.

Chairman Sturluson was always unhappy, and he despised all activities that took up his day off.Today's hearing was held on a Sunday outside the working day, so Chairman Strulusson put on a poker face early in the morning to scare away the wizards who tried to get close to him.

The Icelandic one is an exception, not to mention his poor eyesight, and he is notoriously thick-skinned, always brazenly flaunting himself as Rommel's friend everywhere.

"Why are our seats so far away?" the chairman of the Iceland branch said dissatisfied.

Rommel looked at the seating arrangement, and then at the rostrum not far away.

"I think it's pretty good, not far at all."

"I mean we're so far apart! Finland and Iceland are so close!"

The chairman of the Norwegian branch sat down next to Rommel generously, and looked up to the Icelandic one in a serious manner: "Sorry, if we talk about distance, Rommel and I are neighbors." Without waiting for the chairman of the Icelandic branch to say What, the chairman of the Norwegian branch laughed, "That beauty from Sweden has been looking here, why don't you go?"

The chairman of the Iceland branch quickly weighed the difference between the cold-faced Rommel and the lovely beauty in his heart, and finally moved towards the beauty.

Chairman Sturluson, who got rid of the noisy follower, couldn't maintain his good mood for a minute. When he saw the former Minister Lacarini walking up to the rostrum with a decent smile, he reached out and touched the pipe in his pocket. come out.

"Need I remind you that smoking is not allowed here?" the chairman of the Norwegian branch said with a smile.

"I'm just holding it in my mouth, I'm not smoking." Turning his eyes, he saw the skirt under the wizard's robe of the woman beside him, and raised his eyebrows. "I'm not too young, isn't the knee part cold?"

The chairman of the Norwegian branch gave him a sideways glance. Does age have anything to do with the temperature of the knees?

"My son said the dress fit me perfectly."

Rommel shrugged, "Young man."

"The young men you're dating seem to have shorter skirts than mine."

Rommel fell silent.

Ten minutes later, the former Minister Raccarini of Italy, which holds the rotating presidency this year, announced the official start of the hearing.

An interrogation team composed of the Spanish Ministry of Magic, the French Ministry of Magic, the Belgian Ministry of Magic, the Dutch Ministry of Magic, and the International Police Force stood on both sides of the interrogation booth. The Spanish or French Ministry of Magic found one after another to prove what they said. The veritable witness is in the interrogation box, you sing and I come on stage.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that with the passage of time and the aggressiveness of the Spanish Ministry of Magic, the French Ministry of Magic has long since lost its arrogance when it first appeared, and has begun to show signs of decline.

When Ludwig Brown, who represented the climax of the whole case, sat in the helpless interrogation seat, the representatives of the French Ministry of Magic looked ashamed in front of the mountain of iron evidence, and the words defending Di Rupo's dignity seemed unbearably thin With one blow, the representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic smiled triumphantly.

The Belgian Ministry of Magic and the Dutch Ministry of Magic, who had been sitting on the sidelines, only asked a few innocuous questions from the beginning to the end, and then began to pretend to be deaf and dumb, as if they were determined not to help either party.

"Mr. Chairman, I have a few questions for Mr. Brown." The representative of the International Police Force raised his hand.

Rommel in the hearing seat sat up straight involuntarily.

Former Minister Racarini glanced at Heimdall, "I remember that you are a trainee judge of the International Wizengamot."

Heimdall smiled shyly, "Thank you for the cultivation of IW and the trust of the International Police Force."

The corners of Rommel's mouth raised up very comfortably.

The former Minister Raccarini was gagged, saying, "...a representative of the International Police Force."

Heimdall bowed, "Thank you, Mr. Chairman."

"Mr. Brown, is Mr. Di Rupo in a bad temper?"

"The instructor's temper is a bit grumpy."

"So he doesn't communicate with patients very much. I heard that he doesn't even go for rounds."


Heimdall smiled, "It sounds a bit irresponsible."

Brown didn't answer, and the indignation flashed across his face, as if there was a little bit of agreement.

"So what about those patients? Can't even see the therapist? Don't you worry about your condition? The progress of the treatment?"

"I will be in touch with those patients on behalf of the mentor."

"In other words they know you but not Mr Di Rupo."

"They know that their main therapist is a mentor, so it can't be regarded as ignorance."

"But if you recognize the face, maybe you don't know which one it is?"

Brown fell silent again.

"The information presented by the representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic just now is too shocking. In Cyprian's patient satisfaction survey, Mr. Di Rupo only got a poor 11 votes, which is too sharp compared to the total number of patients he cured. Yes. I believe all the wizards present think so, don’t you, gentlemen and ladies?” Heimdall looked around as he spoke, and many wizards in the hearing bench couldn’t help nodding.

The representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic probably thought that Heimdall implied that his actions just now were a big deal, or further implied that the materials they presented were falsified, so he said loudly, "Is Karel Di Rupo a healer with real materials? In other words, his achievements are based on the shameful plundering of other people's achievements. I can swear to my ancestors here that the information brought by the Spanish Ministry of Magic is not a trace of falsification, they are all based on source, can be traced back to every witness."

"Where did your information come from?" Heimdall asked curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"It's those witnesses, who are they?"

The representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic said impatiently: "I made it very clear just now that they come from the patients of the Cyprian Wizarding Hospital. These people are all treated by Di Rupo. You can take them to see, and there is almost no good word. Would a respected therapist have such a phenomenon?" He said and cast a contemptuous glance at the representative of the French Ministry of Magic, who looked away with an ugly face.

Heimdall declined the offer to view the material. "Coincidentally," he said. "I also have a collection of survey materials at hand, which are also from the mouth of the patient, and part of it is the confession of the therapist. They are all therapists who fought side by side with Karel Di Rupo. These therapists It can also be traced back to the patient's name. Contrary to your statement, I have good words here."

The representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic was taken aback, and the representative of the French Ministry of Magic's pale face lit up, staring at the investigation submitted to the rostrum.

The former Minister Lacarini took over the investigation, opened it, and the sudden voice resounded throughout the venue.

【Ms. Leta's words】

Karel Di Rupo?Of course I know!He is the great benefactor of our family, ah, please come in, please don't mind if the house is a bit messy.Would you like some tea?don't want?All right.

No, no, it's not me, it's my grandpa.He saved my grandfather, who kept telling us that he was dug out of the dead by Mr. Di Rupo when he was alive.At that time all the therapists gave up the treatment, only Mr. Di Rupo persisted.grandfather?He is no longer here.No, no apology, it's ok.

say?Of course they talk.But my grandfather was in a coma at that time, and he started to communicate after the injury stabilized. Mr. Di Rupo always told my grandfather that he had a bad temper, but my grandfather said that he had never seen Mr. Di Rupo lose his temper.Oh no, only once, yes, Grandpa said it several times, only that one time, Mr. Di Rupo saved a saint, but the asylum refused to take any saints.Mr. Di Rupo had a big fight with the person in charge of the shelter, and scolded all the therapists present who only cared about staying safe.It is conceivable that many people must have been offended.Perhaps it was then that people began to spread rumors that Di Rupo had a bad temper and cursed people at every turn. In fact, he had a bad temper, but he spoke straighter and had a loud voice.

Why do I know such details?Because grandpa recorded all these, the time when he was on the front line was recorded in his notebook.

Of course, I would like to copy it for you.

【Mr. Bol's words】

Di Rupo?Oh, you guys finally came to your door... (followed by a prayer-like speech of unknown meaning) Sorry, I haven't been able to quit this ritual since the end of the war.What do you want to ask?I know absolutely everything.Forefathers and ancestors, I pay attention to the media reports every day, but the content every day makes me extremely sad.How could they say that about Mr. Di Rupo?They all misunderstood that Mr. Di Rupo was a good man and a great wizard.

Let me show you this, this, see?The six members of our family were all brought back from death by Mr. Di Rupo. It is too late for us to be grateful to him. How could we scold him with those who don't know the truth?I can't imagine the psychology of those wizards who scolded people without conscience, it's really disgusting.Is it interesting to devalue the dignity of a good man who has passed away?Why didn't they think about themselves, how would they feel if someone did the same thing after they died?Oh, by the way, dead people probably don't think much of it.That was better, and Mr. Di Rupo would not be sad.

You ask why I didn't go to the media to clarify?Is it useful to go?Will they believe it?

【Words from Novo therapists】

slander!All slander!There is no need to deliberate whether those so-called real reports are true, but just portraying Karel Di Rupo as a freelancer who plagiarized students' achievements is enough to show the sinister intentions of those who made up these words.I don't know why he said that, and I don't know what his purpose is. I just want to talk about Di Rupo's therapist in my mind.

He is great, no doubt about that.He selflessly taught us young therapists, and what we learned from him was the essence of his years of painstaking research.Such a person needs to steal the research results of the students?I'm afraid his students' research is not worth mentioning in his eyes.Karel Di Rupo has gone so far in the study of wizarding medicine that few can surpass it.No wizard would dare claim to be beyond.At least not in our time.

What are wizards thinking now?Conversing black and white, disregarding right from wrong, and doing stupid things like killing relatives and hating enemies, it is too disappointing.I will continue to fight to rehabilitate Mr. Di Rupo's reputation. I have already gathered many wizards who can distinguish right from wrong.I want to say a few words to those wizards who have been treated by Mr. Di Rupo but turned back and poured dirty water on him: If I could have foreseen what is going on today, I would definitely do everything I can to prevent Mr. Di Rupo from treating you, ungrateful I'm talking about you.Even though I'm a healer, I can't just ignore death due to professional ethics constraints, but treating scum like you is a complete waste of potion magic...

The former Minister Lacarini closed the notebook, and there were many, many more... But the three paragraphs of words from the mouths of the three people just now were still lingering on the heads of the crowd, and the venue fell into a dead silence.

Former Minister Raccarini gazed thoughtfully at Heimdall, who smiled at him.

Former Minister Lacarini did not choose to embarrass him at this critical moment, but instead looked at the representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic who was wiping his sweat with a handkerchief.

"Do you have anything to add?"

The representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic hesitated, "...this can't explain anything. The testimony is only auxiliary evidence and cannot represent everything."

"So you know." Heimdall said in a fuss.

The representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic was speechless. He just relied on the so-called "auxiliary evidence" to be arrogant.

Former Minister Raccarini glanced at him quickly, but Heimdall pretended not to know.

"I want to know now," Heimdall came to the inquiry booth. "Why are you lying?"

"Objection!" The representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic jumped out. "This is slander, this is a confession!"

The representative of the French Ministry of Magic reinvigorated and fought back not to be outdone.

"How can it be a confession if the evidence is solid?"

"There is no proof, where is the evidence?"

"What is that pile of 'conclusive evidence' in your hand?"

The representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic retreated angrily.

The elated representative of the French Ministry of Magic straightened his collar.

"Did you arrange all of this?" Heimdall turned a deaf ear to those objections and comments, and raised his voice out of nowhere. "Why do you want to stigmatize your teacher's reputation? What kind of quarrel did Mr. Di Rupo have with you that made you go to such great lengths to discredit him? The media has been instigated by you? You are the mysterious and unknown Mr. Di Rupo's research results have nothing to do with you, right? You spent several years in order to arrange this farce out of nothing? Those diaries with rich voice and emotion are specially left by you? In order to better mislead me ? Did you bribe those patients at Cyprian Hospital? After all, those patients only know you."

"No yes no no—" the representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic kept yelling.

"One last question!" Heimdall's growl overwhelmed the less confident Spanish Ministry of Magic representative.

The entire venue fell into a dramatic silence again.

Heimdall's gaze shifted from the dejected face of the representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic to Ludwig Brown, who had been bowed and silent after hearing Heimdall's investigation.

"How did Karel Di Rupo die?"

There were gasps one after another in the hearing booth.

"Suicide." Brown, who thought he would not make another sound, chuckled suddenly, and the artificial laughter made people shudder. "Don't you all know that the investigation by the French Ministry of Magic is also suicide." Brown glanced at the representative of the French Ministry of Magic.

The latter was horrified.

"He committed suicide!" Ludwig Brown stood up under the watchful eyes of the wizards, and said in an extremely dangerous tone, "So you all die with him!" At the moment when the wand was aimed, they were knocked down by Brown, who had already been prepared. After a few dazzling lights of magic flickered, he quickly ran to his other guards and fell to the ground one by one.

Horrified screams echoed through the arena.

Brown's wand was like a machine gun loaded with bullets. It fired indiscriminately and indiscriminately. Many representatives in the hearing booth fell to the ground after being hit.

The wands of the participants were handed over before entering the door, and now they could only run towards the door in panic.

Heimdall, who was knocked to the ground by the panicked wizards on the rostrum, hid behind the overturned table in embarrassment. He looked up, and Brown cast a glance that seemed to communicate with him, and the table in front of Heimdall became powder.The wand slipped from its sleeve and fell into the palm of the hand, casting armor, a powerful spell barrier that blocked one of Brown's offensive spells.Then he fired a stun spell backhand without giving the opponent room to breathe. Who knew that Brown had good reflexes and escaped the stun spell.

Heimdall heard a sneer behind him, but he didn't take it seriously, or he didn't have time to worry about it.

Brown didn't seem to care about his own safety. He raised his hand and landed a spell on the running representative of the Spanish Ministry of Magic, who fell to the ground with a plop.Heimdall, who didn't have time to do anything, cursed secretly, "Damn!" Brown moved his wand again, aiming at the representative of the French Ministry of Magic, who had already run up the stairs of the venue.At the same moment that Brown shot the spell, another spell hit the French representative first, and he saw his legs together, incapacitated, rolling down the stairs like a roller, and Brown's spell hit the chair.

Heimdall used his quick wits and used the leg-locking spell to make the French representative stumble and force Brown's spell to fail.

Brown seemed to have come to his senses, and stooped like a mouse to get behind a large pile of tables and chairs, but he couldn't see anyone.He dodged Heimdall's attack, but kept throwing magic at the unarmed man.

When Heimdall saw a beam of light hit the chair next to his father and caused his father to fall, the former Minister Raccarini, who had been watching Heimdall's actions, did not see his movements clearly. Brown was launched, and the tables and chairs burst open, followed by a "rapid collapse". The nearby tables and chairs where Brown was hiding, including the sculptures and gravel on the ceiling and walls, all fell towards Brown's location, with a rattling noise. There was a puff of smoke, and the heart-piercing wailing sounded as the stone fell to the ground, and soon died away.

After this curse, the venue collapsed by a third.

The delegates stopped running, each one still in shock.

It was only then that Heimdall came back to his senses, "...It's over, people were killed." For the sake of a smooth future as a judge, Heimdall has always refrained from using spells.

"You don't kill people, we are the ones who kill people. If this is the case, I will not pursue why you can enter the venue with a magic wand." The former minister of Lacarini joked with him for the first time. Of course, Haim Dahl didn't forget his sneer just now, just because he used a mild stun spell...

"Thank you for your generosity, but instead of pursuing me, it is better to find out why Ludwig Brown, the subject of the interrogation, can also enter the venue with a wand?"

Former Minister Raccarini choked again.

The dangerous process seemed to the participants to be very long and excruciatingly long, but in fact it was fleeting. The patrolmen rushed to dig out Brown from the ruins. He was covered in blood and lost consciousness.The patrolmen didn't dare to be careless, and mobilized the crowd to remove the person.Medical workers also rushed to the devastated venue one after another.

When Heimdall hurried to find his father, he found that the latter was stepping on the half statue of the Lady Justice, smoking a pipe with ease, and beside him was a witch who seemed to be in her 40s or [-]s.

"I just said that my son will save me, and he will definitely be able to settle it." After approaching, I heard Rommel boasting triumphantly.

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