HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 679 Cyprian

"It's done?" Hollingworth guessed from the expressions on the faces of the two as soon as they entered the door.

Snape was never one to talk nonsense, so he said bluntly, "I need your help next time."

"No problem, just follow the original plan." Hollingworth admired Snape's resoluteness very much. "Have you ever thought about leaving the UK? After the mysterious man is over, transfer to our International Federation of Wizards to work. If you want, those messy procedures and reviews are not a problem."

Hollingworth started poaching the mind.

Heimdall thought to himself, you are robbing Professor Dumbledore, hold on?

Snape only thought he was joking, and twitched the corners of his mouth, not paying attention.

Of course Hollingworth also understood that this proposal was no different from what Bai said, but it still felt a little unbeautiful to be ignored so straightforwardly.

"Professor, you should consider my boss's proposal." Heimdall didn't pretend to be deaf and dumb this time. "It's not to let you leave the UK. You can spend more time abroad, just like my uncle, who has enjoyed a good life in France recently, and Mr. Black, who had to 'travel' abroad and gained a lot. You too You can go abroad to relax, make more friends, and talk to foreign wizards about your concept of potion science. The International Society of Pharmacists has specialized medicinal planting bases in many countries, so you can play as a tourist destination."

It's impossible to say that Snape wasn't moved. Being fooled by Heimdall, he had some yearning and longing, but there was no wave on his face.

Snape nodded briefly, "Thank you, I will seriously consider your proposal."

Heimdall smiled slightly, "That's what you said. When the time comes, we invite you to travel together, so don't refuse."

"No, I'm afraid that you will think I'm in the way."

Heimdall looked at the other party in surprise, but he didn't expect to be ridiculed by Snape, so he felt a little embarrassed.

"No, you are worrying too much..."

Snape smiled slightly.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and the eyes of the three people in the room coincided with the door, and there was a hasty knock on the door, and with Hollingworth's voice of "please come in", the door was pushed open, and Peter's face Appear behind the door.

"Rig, that disgusting instructor is here, hurry up—"

"In your eyes, there is no one else but Sturlusson?" Hollingworth pretended to be annoyed.

Peter shrank his neck, "Gentlemen, I'm sorry to bother you, Instructor Lamor is here to visit Mr. Strulusson."

Heimdall froze for a moment when he heard "Instructor Lamotte". After Peter's vivid interpretation of his expression, he remembered that it was the half-vampire instructor John.

He came to "make up" Heimdall.

Six hours later, Heimdall followed Snape up again as a small Irish follower. This time they would meet with Cimmery Behemy, accompanied by Greyback and Bellatrix.In fact the meeting was for the man and the woman, and Bessie had received hints from the International Wizengamot in advance.

Although Snape sent another letter to the mysterious man in England, there was still no news of it.Snape wasn't worried, as long as Bella Berwicks was willing to make false claims with him, it meant that the mysterious man would believe him.Snape dared to affirm that the woman added fuel to it, but the more she mentioned it, the less wary the mysterious man became of him.After so many years of research, the professor's analysis of the inner nature of the mysterious man is almost perfect, and he finally came to this conclusion: the more fun he dances in front of the mysterious man, the more he wants to fight for opportunities to express himself. The more useful it is in mind.

What Snape needs most now is to prove that he has sufficient sustainable value.

The five people met in an unfinished building designated by Bessimmee. The entire building was wrapped in half-destroyed scaffolding and steel bars, and it had a hideous silhouette in the night.It is a particularly atmospheric negotiating place.

Bessime is not a proactive person, and wizards who engage in intelligence like to play tricks. The four of them wandered in the spooky and unfinished building for 10 to [-] minutes before Bessime arrived in a leisurely manner.When it arrived, it was as if demons and ghosts appeared on the stage, accompanied by sound effects and other appearance effects. Except for Heimdall, everyone else's faces were turned pale by his hand.

Ordinary little monsters can't scare Bella. Her brain structure is different from that of ordinary women. She quickly shakes off those negative emotions and puts her airs back on.

"Are you Cimili Behemi?" Bella's question echoed in the wide building.

Bessie, who covered herself tightly, circled around the four of them, ignoring Bella's condescending tone.

"I only agree to see Severus Snape." Behemy said lazily.

A trace of unnaturalness crossed the faces of Bella and Greyback. Out of selfish purposes, they followed.Snape reminded them at the beginning, but they didn't take it to heart, who knew that this Behemy was so shameless.Bella felt very aggrieved when she thought that when she was in the UK, she responded to everyone and was domineering. After leaving the UK, she couldn't use her hands and feet and bumped into walls everywhere. Today, she was ignored by a stranger again.

"We are all followers of Lord Voldemort, you don't have to worry about the news leaking out." Snape said at the right time.

To be honest, Snape was also quite surprised. It was different from what he expected. He thought that the meeting would be a conversation, and there were basically no twists and turns. He didn't expect that even though this Behemy was recruited by IW and agreed to cooperate, he would still give them a problem as soon as he showed up. , seems to be a difficult person.

"I don't know Lord Voldemort, I know Grindelwald, the holy king whom the saints worship to this day; I know the little prince and the pea; I know the Queen of the Ritual River; I know King Momoa; I also know King Iberian Ham of Spain, except Don't know what Lord Voldemort is."

The Death Eaters expressed their indignation, and Behemy's words were undoubtedly a great humiliation to their beliefs.

Bella and Greyback's faces were black and blue behind the mask.

Not knowing how Professor Snape felt, Heimdall was overjoyed.These wizards from the UK may not know that the ones Bessie said were all famous dark wizards who dominated European history. Some names may sound funny, but they are ridiculed by later generations. They certainly weren't so self-styled back then.

For example, the little prince of peas, he is not a pea, nor is he a little prince. Humans, wizards and Muggles alike, are not immune to this.

"Show me your faces, I won't talk to shameless people." Bessie said seemingly unwillingly.

Bella and Greyback looked at Snape at the same time, and the latter decisively lifted his cloak and removed his mask.The little Irish follower hesitated for a while and followed suit. When the face with severely out-of-balance facial features appeared in front of everyone, Greyback, who had no pursuit of looks, couldn't help but muttered, "It's ugly."

Bessimy stared at Heimdall for a long time, Bella and Greyback misunderstood his actions, thinking that he thought he was extremely ugly and couldn't recover.Although the two of them don't know much about the dark wizarding circle in Europe, they have done their homework on Similly Behemy before coming here, so it's easy to inquire. With a melon-shaped face, Bessie, who claims to be a perfectionist, is probably going to have a heart attack.

Bessie finally came to her senses, Bella and Greyback hadn't been surprised, and she looked terrified.

"Wouldn't you be hungry looking at this face every day?" Behemy expressed her sincere admiration for Snape, not caring about the personal feelings of the little follower at all.

"We're not you." Snape said without emotion.

Bella and Greyback saw that the little servants had taken off their masks, and showed their true colors to others. Having withstood the "heavy blow" just now, Bessie turned a blind eye to their faces.

"We've done what you asked, now you can tell us the news we need." Snape urged impatiently.

Without saying a word, Bella and Greyback began to obey Snape's actions without realizing it.

"My news isn't cheap," Bessimy said.

"That's not a problem." Snape glanced at Bella, who nodded, "Master said, the price is easy to negotiate, the key is whether what you give is what he needs."

"There is no news that I, Behemi, can't find out." Behemi said arrogantly.

The five remained silent.

Bessimy continued, "Actually, when he asked me to inquire about the news before, I basically found out, but the situation suddenly became complicated. There were reports of arresting the remnants of the saints everywhere, and the saints from all over the place sent Fleeing around like crazy, I was framed by others for what I revealed, so I could only choose to temporarily hide from the limelight and cut off the connection with the UK. The wind calmed down a little before I dared to come out, but unfortunately, your Voldemort The person Wang asked me to find is gone."

"What do you mean not here?" Bella couldn't help but shouted.

"It's just dead!" Bessie gave Bella a blank look, didn't she understand?

Bella and Greyback looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know anything yet, so the mission was over?

"Wait," Snape said suddenly. "It suddenly occurred to me that what happened in Europe a while ago, Lord Voldemort asked you to find Kadir Di Rupo, right?"

"Of course not! Di Rupo is famous, do you still need me to look for it? You can pick up a bunch of them just by asking around in Belgium or France."

Although despised, Snape did not show the slightest anger at being offended.

Hearing that it wasn't Di Rupo's answer, Heimdall felt a little confused. He didn't know whether the news was good or bad. The good thing was that it was not linked to Di Rupo, which meant that the case would not fall into the Di Rupo incident. In the midst of confusion; the bad thing is that it has to start from scratch again.

At the same time, an idea came to Heimdall's mind. Maybe the boss's sixth sense is accurate. Maybe this incident will become an important clue to solve Di Rupo's suicide. All clues point to——

"Cyprian." Bessie said firmly. "The healer who has already become pissed off was one of the attending doctors of the Cyprian Wizard Hospital. You can discuss it with your master. I don't know why he asked me to investigate. I suggest that he change to another treatment. Try it as a therapist, there were not a hundred or fifty therapists who came out of Cyprian back then."

So far, their goals have been basically achieved. First, to expose the "true face" of the Irish follower to Bellatrix and Greyback through Bessie, and to offset the doubts in the hearts of the two to the greatest extent; Mi leads to Cyprian Wizarding Hospital to test Voldemort's true intentions and whether he has anything to do with Di Rupo's death.

Victor pushed open the door at night, and a figure suddenly appeared, followed by a distorted face that seemed to have been punched in front of him, and Victor took a step back calmly.

Hearing the other party lower his voice, with a wretched smile on his face, "Hey hey hey, beauty~~ I won't kill you if you hand over your panties."

Heimdall was proud of his "excellent" performance. The master held his arm and smiled helplessly, "Be careful of falling."

Elder Situ Lusong said melancholy, "Can you recognize it?"

"I don't recognize it," said the master. "But I have the ability to reason." In and out of their own room in the evening, they turned a blind eye to toffee, who else could it be except a certain room chief.

Heimdall scratched his face, turned his head into the bathroom, and prepared to "remove makeup".Based on various considerations, Instructor John did not use any potion to change his real face. The potion has a time limit, and there is also the theory that the antidote can be removed, which is not conducive to Heimdall's actions. It seems that it is not reliable for external use. Masks have become the first choice instead.

The mask that John prepared for him is fairly easy to take care of, it won’t fall off even if it gets wet, and it can be pulled off after cleaning with a special potion, but it hurts a bit when it’s pulled off, and he feels pulled every time he tears off the mask A layer of skin fell off.

After washing his face, Heimdall looked up and saw the master in the mirror, so he turned around and smiled at him.

"In case this mask can't be torn off one day, will you despise me?"

The master thought about it for a while, "Just get used to it." He didn't blurt out that you are you, and I don't care no matter what happens to you.The master reached out and touched Heimdall's face, which had been dried with a towel, and studied it for a long time.

"Why do you think the skin is smoother than before?" The master rubbed Heimdall's face back and forth with both hands.

"Nonsense, pluck the hair every day, it's not slippery, it's slippery." Heimdall pulled down the two restless hands.

Victor couldn't help laughing, "Is this the reason? Let me take a closer look." He gnawed on it again.

"Hey, hey, didn't you say to see it?"

"I'm watching." The two hands that had just been pulled off began to spontaneously unbutton Chief Stulusson's pajamas as if they had installed a probe.

"Go wash first." Heimdall stopped him from pulling his clothes.

But the master suddenly stopped and pinched his waist, "Why did you lose weight? It's hard for you to gain some flesh."

"It's called muscle!" Heimdall unrestrainedly took off his clothes, showing off his biceps vigorously. "Did you see it, did you see it, it's strong, not thin."

Victor pinched his belly unhappily. What was firm, the soft flesh had shrunk, but the firmness did not disappear.

"You should eat more, these days consume a lot." The master ordered.

"I ate a lot last night." Heimdall turned to look in the drawer.

"Looking for what?"

"The vegetable leaves are stuck, where is the box of toothpicks?"

"Is it the wooden needle you got back last time?"

"That's not a needle, that's a toothpick for picking teeth."

"You rinse your mouth."

"I can't wash it off."

"Let me see."

Heimdall opened his mouth, afraid that people would not see it, and pointed again and again, "...Well, did you see it?"

"Don't talk." The master leaned forward. "Nothing." After finishing speaking, he put his hand on the man's jaw and closed his wide-open mouth, and then kissed him.

"Don't waste time, I can only see you at night now." Victor decided to seize the time to cultivate feelings.

The two tongues were entangled, and the spittle was interacting, and the obscene and wet sounds that made people couldn't help but cover their ears kept ringing in the room.One of the tongues swept the opponent's mouth, and the way he kissed made Heimdall think of a toothbrush, and he couldn't help laughing.

The master bit him dissatisfied, and he cried out in pain.

Victor easily tore off his pajama pants and underwear, exposing the bulging hard object that was rubbed.Victor's eyes fell on it, with a hint of appreciation.Heimdall's genitals are actually quite good. The size is not as short as the master usually teases. On the contrary, it is very energetic and moderate in length. It is just the right size for him. The color is good, fresh and attractive, and the shape of the scrotum under the crotch Also, the arc shape looks very beautiful.

All in all, in the eyes of Master Krum, Mr. Sturlusson has nothing bad from the beginning to the end. Even if there is, it is a mistake...

Heimdall hooked his neck, "Let's take a shower first, I can't stand for too long today, I'm so tired." The bed saves trouble and effort, and the master prefers to be in heat in the bathroom, making Stu Director Lu Song, who is not working hard, has a backache.

"Listen to you." The master nibbled on his chest a few more times, let him go, took off his clothes, and turned on the shower.

Snape raised his head, and the rain dripped on the mask, soaking their wizard robes in a short while.

Heimdall held the map and compared it for a long time, nodded and said, "This is it."

Although the places marked on the surroundings are not the same as those marked on the original map, and every facade has changed its appearance and even changed its owner, the outline of the big building has not changed, and everything has changed.

The Cyprian Wizard Hospital occupies the first and second floors of the basement. Facing the three-holed and dirty sliding door at the entrance, it is unimaginable how busy it was back then.It might seem like a misnomer for a hospital to use the word "hot," but it couldn't be more appropriate.In addition to treating patients, Cyprian receives the most patients for skin and bone restoration operations. This is the strength of Cyprian Hospital and the main source of income.I heard that in order to have an operation here that year, appointments could be scheduled until the middle of the second year.

Heimdall searched through all the newspapers, magazines, documents, etc. that he could borrow that contained information about Cyprian these days, but he couldn't find any more systematic information. His boss Hollingworth gave him the information that it was Belgian magic. The Ministry of Defense destroyed all the information about that hospital, and the Minister of Magic who is now in power has changed, with one emperor and one courtier, and the people under him are no longer the same as before.

They tracked down the medical workers of the Cyprian Wizard Hospital and found more doubts. The records that could be found contained 47 medical workers, only a very small number of them were still alive, or they could still get news. Three thirds of the wizards disappeared after the hospital was abandoned.

In terms of time, even if he is alive, he is already old.

Originally, there were still two clear targets, one was Di Rupo, and now he also met Merlin; the other had just found out something, and what Bessie revealed indicated that the clue was also broken.

So Heimdall and Snape decided to go deep into the tiger's den and visit Cyprian themselves.

The Belgian wizarding government does not welcome foreign wizards to settle old scores. They have been very passive in this matter from the beginning to the end, which further fuels the suspicion of others. At least Judge Hollingworth and Heimdall feel that something is wrong.

Before departure, Hollingworth brought another message.The relatives of the imprisoned Di Rupo reacted to Cyprian, although it was not clear where the reaction was, the French Ministry of Magic obtained the consent of the protection Muggle organization, and launched the first The whole-time monitoring of the mind-taking.

It's a pity that Muggles have a limited ability to bear soul-hunting, and a little carelessness will hurt their lives.The reading process lasted less than half a minute. The mind of the Muggle relative was very confused. Coupled with the fact that wizards were always at a loss for the Muggle world, there was almost no progress at all. The only happy thing was that this relative and Di Regarding Lubo's relationship, they saw Di Rupo when they were young in their memories. Unfortunately, the time was short, but it is not difficult to see that the two had a close relationship.

But they didn't find any footage of Cyprian.

"Don't be discouraged just yet," Snape said. "Cyprien is a wizarding hospital. It's not surprising that Muggles haven't seen it. Maybe he heard Di Rupo mention it, maybe more than once."

With the same doubts, Heimdall and Snape pushed open the door of Cyprian Wizard Hospital.

"Who are you? This place has been sealed off, and outsiders are not allowed to enter." A loud cry sounded, carrying a strong warning.

The two stopped, and there was a crisp creaking sound under their feet. The two lowered their heads, and the ground was dark, covered with rubbish mixed with broken glass.Looking around, the room was flickering and dark, and it was as dirty as a garbage dump.

"We have a search warrant," Snape said loudly.

This was said in French, so Heimdall naturally couldn't count on it.

"Wait." A wizard came out of a half-open iron mesh door. His hair was a little bald, his hair color was like moldy mayonnaise, his nose was straight, his chin was thin, his face was blue, and he had a beard. The corners of the mouth twitch nervously when looking at people.

The wizard at the gate held a yellow lantern in his hand. He approached and raised the lantern, and the light flickered in the faces of the two.

"I haven't seen you before." His tone was cold.

Heimdall's heart skipped a beat, is there anyone else coming?Didn't it say it was closed?

Snape took out the fabled permission order, and, like Heimdall, he watched nervously as the other party took the permission order.

Merlin, this permission order is fake, not the paper, except for the bottom seal, everything else is exactly the same as the Belgian Ministry of Magic, except for the seal.Anyway, the boss patted his chest and promised that if there is any problem in the future, he will solve it.

The wizard at the gate flicked back and forth between the two of them, and Heimdall felt that a century had passed. The wizard stuffed the permit in his pocket, turned around and said, "Come with me."

Heimdall and the professor exchanged glances and quickly followed.

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