HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 677 Espionage and Counterintelligence

The brown crow was not in a good mood, and even worse after being sprayed with water from the fountain.It flapped its wings and flew away before a group of muggles approached. The moment it slid into the sky, it felt like a disaster.Different from the calmness of Padfoot on land, the brown jay's tracking along the way can be summed up as "disgraced".

It couldn't remember the last time it had walked a crowded Muggle street, though it wasn't walking.

Along the way, I was smoked by steam; intimidated by the roar of the air conditioner; driven away by car horns; entangled in wires like devil vines; dodged billboards; crashed into glass walls; went through the subway—my life almost gave me my life. There; across the bridge...

All in all, hard work is bad.

Whenever it is at a loss because of the "terrible weapons" of the Muggles, the paws that are swaying leisurely on the ground look particularly hateful. The brown crow really wants to fly down and peck a few times, but it wants to let go of these stupid Muggles that get in the way. A few Avadas to vent their hatred.

Not urgent.it says to itself.The world of Lord Voldemort will eventually come, and then he will be able to enjoy the plight of Muggles to his heart's content.

The brown crow screamed suddenly, and the cry was not very pleasant.The location where it docked is not very good. I wanted to use the sun to dry the feathers, but the watering nozzle in the flower bed threw a few beads of water, and the feathers that had just dried for a long time became wet again.The brown crow stared at the 360-degree rotating nozzle like a class enemy, wishing to blow it into powder.

It was too much fun to make up the brain, it seemed to have forgotten something, and when it realized it, Padfoot had disappeared.The brown crow was startled, flapped its wings and flew up, a stone flew towards it and hit its wings, the brown crow was so frightened that it almost fell back into the flower bed.Turning his head, he saw a trembling old man, leaning on a cane in his hand, glaring at it fiercely.

"Get out!" The old man waved his fist, "Bird of Misfortune, we don't welcome you, get out of here and go to where you should go!"

Met a superstitious Muggle.But the brown crow didn't understand, thought he had been discovered, and fled there in a hurry. After this "beautiful" misunderstanding, the brown crow couldn't help but have a new judgment on Muggles.

It hovered in the air for a while, and finally regained the whereabouts of Padfoot before getting discouraged. The brown crow regained his spirits, bent down and rushed down, narrowly dodged the speeding car, and staggered out of the way of the wire Rod, it saw three people in the alley.

It quietly stopped at this end, it couldn't see the face of the man in the Death Eater's robe, but it could see the face of Sirius Black's idiot.The brown crow sneered in his heart, a bit of venomous light flashed in his eyes.Lord Voldemort would have looked at him differently if he had killed Sirius Black himself.

It is already tired of being overwhelmed by Severus Snape. It wants to become Lord Voldemort's real right-hand man. It wants to make its master unable to do without it. Barty Crouch Jr. is no longer a threat. Thinking of this, Brown The crow happily turned his head, this neurotic movement was very strange made by a bird.

The brown crow gradually lost the patience to watch the "pantomime". It slid past little by little, and when it got close to an absolute distance, it still couldn't hear the other party's words. It cursed in its heart, but there was nothing it could do.The relationship between Sirius and those two people didn't seem to be harmonious, and the anger never dissipated from his face. He didn't know what the other party said, and he glared with extremely angry eyes.

There seemed to be a quarrel, and then, Sirius Black yelled, "Snape, go to hell!" After the roar, he turned around and left, and disappeared out of the narrow alley in a blink of an eye.

The silence magic is dispelled.

The brown crow was not in a hurry to catch up. It quietly watched the man in the wizard robe. It didn't expect that Sirius, that idiot Sirius, would still be worth following, and the suffering it had suffered along the way was worth it.The brown crow lost its resentment and became eager to try.

What is the purpose of their meeting today?Which side was Snape on?Did he betray his master?These are what the brown jay needs to understand urgently, and it is also one of the main purposes for it to travel across the ocean and leave its master.

It sneered inwardly: Don't let me get caught, dear Severus, I'd be happy to tell the master about them all or with added details, the key depends on your performance.

"What shall we do next?" said the person behind Snape respectfully. He was wearing the same Death Eater robes as Snape, and his voice sounded very young, with a funny Irish accent.

"That stupid dog turned out to be more difficult than expected." Snape sneered. "I don't believe he has this ability to think. It must be something Dumbledore told him before leaving England."

The people behind continued to speak cautiously, "Should we get in touch with the headquarters of the overseas Death Eaters? Tell them that the next attack plan must be stopped, and the result may not be as perfect as expected."

"Maybe I should try to contact Lord Voldemort again. There was no response from the last letter. I guess Lord Voldemort heard something in England, or maybe my lovely friends chewed their tongues and sapped the master's trust in me." And confidence. To be honest, this is to tell you that there is no one among the foreign Death Eaters who can be trusted except you. Lord Voldemort's plan is so important that I can't take any risks. And..." Snape paused After a while, the drawl was very dramatic, and the brown crow couldn't help but hang up. "I don't have a clue about the secret mission entrusted to me by Lord Voldemort. I must not go back without success..."

Secret mission? !The brown crow stared at the two wizards who were defenseless against it in disbelief, and his mind was spinning.It frantically wanted to know what mission Lord Voldemort had sent Snape, why didn't the master reveal it to it?The brown crow received an extremely heavy blow at that moment, and looked at Snape with complicated eyes.

"But before, I want to extract the action plan of the overseas branch of the Order of the Phoenix from Sirius Black, I have to think of a perfect excuse, that stupid dog has never done anything that makes people look at him with admiration, I I believe this time is no exception, no matter how far-sighted Dumbledore is, it is impossible to cover everything." At this point, Snape paused, a longer pause than before. "I was negligent in the last encounter. I finally escaped from the international police force. In order to convince Lord Voldemort that what I said is true, I must show results." The tone was just right with a hint of desolation.

The little Irish follower seemed immersed in his loneliness and did not say a word for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, Heimdall let out a breath, his bones seemed to have softened, and he leaned against a wall loosely.

"It's gone, Professor."

Snape cursed indistinctly, if this continues, he will be on the verge of schizophrenia.

"How was my performance just now?" Director Sturlusson humbly asked for advice and was very dedicated.

The professor said that the Irish accent was the finishing touch, and the director's anxiety was smoothed out.

"Let it see you and me together this time, and deliberately arrange this drama. We will be followed frequently in the future, and it's still too late to get away. Are you sure it's the right thing to do? Do you want to discuss it with your father?" Snape couldn't bear Heimdall's risk after all.

"Father never interferes with my decisions." Director Sturlusson said that he was fully prepared to penetrate into the enemy's interior.

Snape knew it was useless to talk too much, and Heimdall was an adult, so he knew what he was doing, so he reminded, "The Death Eaters outside have seen you."

"Actually, quite a few Death Eaters in the UK have seen me, but fortunately, the envoy of the mysterious person has never seen me—if she is really the one you guessed, thank the Death Eaters for their airtight uniforms, as long as you don't show your face, you should It's not a big problem. I'm a peripheral at best, and I believe she won't bother to pay attention to me. Does she usually read newspapers and magazines about Quidditch?"

In fact, they are still not sure about the identity of the brown crow. The only way is to ride a donkey and read the libretto. Even if the opponent is not Bellatrix, it is not a problem to make mistakes.

"Shouldn't read it, the mysterious person is trying to control the "Daily Prophet". The reports are undeniable."

Once the mysterious man masters the distribution direction of mainstream media such as the "Daily Prophet", British wizards will begin to face the brainwashing destruction of the mysterious man.

"Fortunately, there is still radio." Heimdall comforted Snape.

Snape took off his mask and was about to say something when his eyes widened in an instant, "Why are you back again?"

I saw Padfoot swaggering into the alley and came to the two of them, followed by the king who was quietly patrolling outside.The big black dog dispelled the transformation, and Sirius ignored Snape's stinking face and said directly to Heimdall, "Are you free?"

Heimdall understood: "You find a place." He didn't take the man to the hotel where Snape lived.

"It just so happens that I'm hungry too, let's eat together." Snape pretended not to understand what Sirius meant to be alone with Heimdall, and put on a condescending look.

Sirius' expression turned from prosperity to decline like a roller coaster. In a blink of an eye, he saw the king lying quietly beside him. Thinking of his reminder just now, he asked enthusiastically, "Is this beast your pet?"

The king looked away in disgust, and Sirius, who was leaning forward, was doused with cold water.

Heimdall said there was nothing he could do: "The king is not my pet. If it is divided by the title of the police force, it must have a higher police rank than me." That is to say, it cannot be forced.

Snape crossed his arms and admired Sirius' embarrassment, thinking that the only remaining traits belonging to the Black family in this person always appeared at the most inopportune time, which is also the contradiction in Sirius' character.Of course Snape would not offer thoughtful comfort, which the professor liked to hear.

After receiving the summoning order, the high-level Death Eaters outside hurriedly put on their Death Eater robes and rushed to the gathering place.There is a polished and smooth floor under your feet; the white outlines of the removed portraits still remain on the walls on both sides; the chandeliers hanging above the head and the emotional wall lamps appearing at the corner; and layer after layer of interlaced The marble steps all suggest the grandeur of the past here.The thick dust not only conceals its style, but also exposes the ruthlessness of the years.

Sunlight comes in from the Roman windows on both sides, illuminating the furnishings and dust in the house. The interior is shrouded in a wonderful halo, which makes people's eyes blurred.

The main person in charge of the overseas Death Eaters made a gesture, and the Death Eaters standing in a fan shape centered on the steps fell silent until the entire empty high hall was filled with gasps.The person in charge withdrew his hand, turned around and bowed deeply, Bellatrix, who was watching coldly, took two steps forward, walked out of the projection of the pillar, and appeared in front of everyone.

The Death Eaters abroad began to whisper and guess her identity.

"This is Mrs. Lestrange, the most capable officer around Lord Voldemort." The person in charge raised his voice to answer.

These words were very intimidating, and the Death Eaters pretended to be grandson with low eyebrows.

Bellatrix was in a very unhappy mood. Snape's words finally melted into a thorn in the bottom of her heart that made people restless. She couldn't swallow it or spit it out. Instead, the Avatar observed the group of foreign Death Eaters for three full days.

These three days were terrible for her. On the one hand, in order not to attract attention, she had to get along with disgusting Muggles day and night; on the other hand, it was enough for her to see clearly that the Death Eaters abroad were just a mob.

Look at the activities these fools are usually keen on, either petty theft with no promise, or a big fight in the street when they disagree with each other. When there is a real mess, they run faster than mice, for fear of conflicting with the local wizard detectives who maintain law and order.They don't even dare to think about young Muggles, their brains have degenerated to the level of babies' intelligence, and they only dare to bully old men and women who are weak and unable to resist, or domineering in front of Squibs.Bella especially admired Voldemort's foresight at this time. No wonder the master never expected the foreign Death Eaters to help him solve his problems. It would be nice not to hold back.

The more Bellatrix thought about it, the more she felt that Snape's worries were telling, and she didn't realize that she had chosen to believe Snape's "bleak heartfelt words".This is due to the fact that the overseas Death Eaters are not as strict as the British Death Eaters, and the recruitment threshold is extremely high-either rich or expensive, or have made great achievements in murder and arson. As a small-scale group that only plays soy sauce on the periphery, everyone With a bit of twists and turns, its benefits will be ignored and its disadvantages will be magnified.

The overseas Death Eaters felt that Mrs. Lestrange was not very happy. Bella didn't deliberately hide her emotions. The Death Eaters didn't understand the ins and outs, and because they didn't know what was wrong, they didn't dare to argue for themselves. They could only endure the humiliation. penalty stand.

Bella was very annoyed when she saw that they were all useless.

"Where's Snape? Why didn't you see him?!" Bella stared at the person in charge knowingly.

The person in charge nodded and bowed, "Mr. Snape has been taken away, and we have reported the situation to Lord Voldemort."

Bella snorted noncommittally, "Why didn't you organize a rescue? You have to understand that the master values ​​Snape very much, otherwise he wouldn't have sent him to assist you."

"We, we..." the person in charge stammered. "We don't have the ability..." The last few words sounded like a kitten's moaning, which made Bella lose her temper.

"What do you mean being incompetent?"

"Our strength can't compete with wizard detectives. Of course!" The person in charge tried to remedy the situation. "When you come, we have decision makers. We can do whatever you say, and we have no complaints."

Deep contempt appeared on the face covered by the mask, and Bella said coldly, "I have my own measure, and we will hold back for the time being."

Rather than waiting for these young men to help him, it is better to fight alone.Bella once again expressed her understanding of Snape's approach.

Although the person in charge was surprised, he didn't dare to object, so he had to bury his doubts deep in his heart.In front of the high-level British Death Eaters, they had no choice but to pretend to be grandchildren.

The Death Eaters gradually dispersed. Bella walked down the stairs in deep thought. A tall figure blocked the way. Bella raised her eyes, and the man took off the mask while she was watching.

"Fenrir?!" Bella said in surprise.

"Hello, Bella."

This person was Voldemort's number one werewolf general, Fenrir Greyback, who was driven away by Peter after the encounter with the Order of the Phoenix branch.

Voldemort, who has a strict concept of blood, didn't wait to see him, and he didn't even give him the Death Eater mark, which made Greyback grieve.Voldemort would only think of him when he needed to engage in mass destruction. Greyback has always been eager to create a werewolf army for Voldemort to obey the orders of the Dark Lord, so as to improve his status in the heart of the Dark Lord.He wanted the Death Eater mark, just as desperately as the lower-level British Death Eaters sharpened their heads and wanted to break into the higher-ups.

"Why are you here?" Bella continued to be surprised.

Fenrir felt a little wronged. In the circle of Death Eaters, apart from Barty Crouch Jr., Bella had a pretty good relationship with him.Fenrir hated those self-proclaimed Death Eaters the most, they had already chosen to join forces, and they even put on a decent face, the hypocrisy was disgusting.Lucius Malfoy is a typical representative of them. Fenrir took a bite of Draco Malfoy's white tender neck more than once, and he sincerely expected the expression Lucius Malfoy would show.Fenrir likes young and beautiful boys and girls, not to mention the enjoyment of biting, seeing these pure and innocent children struggling on the road to transforming into werewolves, he feels a sense of accomplishment—such as Remus Lupine back then, Fenrir considers Lupine one of his most satisfying masterpieces so far.

It's a pity that Lucius has more eyes than fishing nets, and Fenrir still can't find a chance to make a move.

"I applied to the higher authorities before I left, don't you know?" Fenrir didn't suppress his emotions, and Bella was embarrassed for a while.

The reason why Bella has a good impression of Fenrir is because he is loyal. As long as he is loyal to the Dark Lord, Bella is willing to make friends with goodwill.To be honest, Fenrir's achievements are enough to have a place in the top ranks of the Death Eaters. The bad thing is that he is a werewolf.

"Did you participate in the interception operation last time?" Bella cleverly changed the subject.

"I participated, but unfortunately the information was wrong, and the success fell short. All the members of the Order of the Phoenix ran away." I deliberately concealed my embarrassment and ended up in a mess.

Bella's heart moved, and Fenrir said again, "Actually, Snape has a connection with me."

"You have a connection with Snape?" Bella couldn't believe it. "When did your relationship with him become so good?"

"Why should I give up all my secrets? I know exactly what you think of me." Fenrir's eyes are always bloody and aggressive, not to mention his bad temper, he explodes like a firecracker, Even if there is no blood discrimination, it is difficult for him to find a place in the team, so most of the time he fights alone.

Bella ignored his complaint again, "What did Snape say?"

"As soon as he escaped from the surveillance of the police force, he got in touch with me. I asked him to come back, and he told me it was inconvenient," said Fenrir, lowering his voice seriously. "He said there were spies among the Death Eaters abroad, and he couldn't easily expose them."

Consistent with Snape's self-talk, Bella nodded in her heart, it seems that the statement of spies is probably true.

"What is he going to do?" Bella asked.

It is rare to shine outside of physical work. Fenrir has always carefully kept the "secret" between himself and Snape. Now that there is another Bella who has a good relationship with him, Fenrir just trusts him completely. out.

Bella pondered for a moment after listening, "That means he will send you a message before the next operation, and then you should cooperate internally and externally to surprise the Order of the Phoenix branch?"

Fenrir said: "Snape has been inquiring about their new stronghold, and may have a clue in two days."

"I see," Bella said. "In this case, I will let the overseas Death Eaters settle down for a while, so as not to startle the enemy and create obstacles to Snape's plan. If this operation is successful," Bella smiled, revealing her undisguised jealousy. "He will be richly rewarded by Lord Voldemort."

The two Death Eaters preliminarily realized the police force's plan to let the overseas Death Eaters live in peace for a few days through brain supplementation. Just when the man and the woman succeeded in committing the crime in cooperation with their accomplices and were complacent about it, Master Krum received a call from Mr. A love letter written to him by Chief Tuluzon, if the content of this letter can be regarded as a love letter.

The theme of this love letter is: Wing Beef.

First of all, the head of the room wrote about the benefits of all kinds of meat; secondly, this love letter focuses on the nutritional value of beef; thirdly, it vividly describes the taste of beef stewing, frying, frying, frying, etc. - without exception, it is the master I used to cook it in the kitchen; finally, the director said: You are the chewy beef jerky, my favorite beef tendon.

The master couldn't laugh or cry, and at the same time he was very happy. Does comparing him to beef mean that he can't live without himself?

In a good mood, the old man made a sumptuous beef dinner, and even Peter and the king ate their stomachs round.In the kitchen, a piece of beef almost caused a murder. The reason was that Peter and the king liked the same piece of meat and refused to give it up.After this incident, Peter and the king began not to see each other, and pretended not to see each other when they saw each other.

After dinner, Hollingworth brought the latest progress about the European Wizards Cooperation Organization's elimination of the remnants of the European saints. According to Heimdall's visual inspection, his face was not very good.

"IW's progress is behind? Did someone get there first?" Heimdall asked cautiously.

"One of our informants among the Saints has been caught," Hollingworth said irritably.

Heimdall didn't dare to say anything.

Hollingworth added, "Fortunately, that informant was a few years ago and has not cooperated with us recently."

"No trouble?" Heimdall asked.

"I'm going to take this opportunity to remove Ardelia Firing from our office."

It turned out to be the achievement of Ms. Filming who wanted to show off. After the flood in Heimdall washed away the Dragon King Temple, Ms. Filming also unfortunately stepped into this path.

"Aren't you afraid of her rebellion?" Obviously credited.

"Who said that being transferred from our office is exile? According to her ability, she can shine brilliantly no matter where she is."

That is to say, rising and falling.Heimdall didn't say a word again, expressing his opinion now is just adding insult to injury, so he had to pretend to be deep, Li Xiaoge Hei said he didn't know anything about Li Xiaoge Hei holding a fork and twisting Yangko in his heart.

"Then our informant..." Heimdall said.

"Cimily Behemy," Hollingworth reminded.

Heimdall felt that this old pervert was really unreliable.

Hollingworth sighed, "You don't know, that informant was revealed to Ferlin by Behemy."

As Hollingworth introduced last time, Miss Ferring was racking her brains to get information from Bessie.

Heimdall understood, shook his head and sighed, "Ginger is still hot."

Bessimy's move kills two birds with one stone. It not only carried forward the glorious tradition of the informant, but also demonstrated his own ability; it also eliminated his competitors who were also informants, forcing IW to rely more on his clues and postpone the killing. Donkey time.

Ms. Feilin didn't realize that she was being used as a gun, and her cleverness was mistaken by her cleverness. Maybe she was still complacent, waiting to be rewarded for her merits.

"There is one more piece of good news." Hollingworth curled his lips, and was very upset by Bessie's slap in the face.

"What is it?"

"After this incident, Bessie is finally willing to tell us why those three Death Eaters sought him out."

Heimdall almost jumped up, "He knows why those people are looking for him?!" He didn't say that at the beginning, and he still looked confident.

Hollingworth was not at all surprised that Heimdall was being fooled. "When dealing with Bessie, nine and a half out of ten sentences can be ignored, and the remaining half of the sentence must be considered in reverse."

Heimdall gritted his teeth in frustration, "...Why did the Death Eaters find him?"

"I think that should be the task that the mysterious man entrusted to Snape. In other words, the mysterious man made arrangements before Snape arrived on the continent of Europa. It's a pity that Behemy didn't bother to cooperate with him. .”

Heimdall suddenly thought of the conclusion of the "plastic surgery", "The mysterious person wants to find someone through Behemy?"

"He's looking for a healer who used to work at Cyprien's Wizarding Hospital in Belgium."

therapist?Heimdall was stunned: "Does he really want plastic surgery?" Cyprien is a fairyland that is said to help wizards reborn and become human again. Many wizards who were completely disfigured or whose limbs were crippled in the war regained the confidence to live in that hospital. , it is also the spiritual sanctuary of today's shaman medical institutions such as bone-setting and muscle-shaping.

Then he hesitated under the thoughtful eyes of the boss, "The hospital has long been a thing of the past. According to records, the last therapist left the hospital in 76, and Cyprian became history from that year. "

"You don't have any other associations? Think about what our IW was struggling with in the first place." The boss hinted.

Heimdall suddenly realized, "Karel Di Rupo used to work in that hospital! But he has passed away, doesn't the mysterious person know?"

"Let's not discuss this for now, don't you think the two things are weirdly intersecting?"

Heimdall thinks caution should be exercised, "Maybe it's just a coincidence."

Hollingworth thought for a while, and said: "Discuss with Mr. Snape, see if we can speed up the action, get rid of the British envoy as soon as possible, and then try to get in touch with the mysterious person, saying that Bessimmy suddenly contacted him , ask the mysterious man what he should do. The mysterious man must be so secretive, it must be weird."

Heimdall nodded.

Hollingworth smiled wryly, "If I can catch them all, I will wake up from my dreams with laughter."

Heimdall didn't have the nerve to complain about his boss's whims.

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