HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 675 Plastic surgery? !

After a day of class and a hasty dinner in the auditorium, Heimdall winked at his cousin, Draco understood, chatted with the friends across the way, and walked out the door one after the other.

Professor Andrew Lange was waiting outside the door, and when he saw them coming out, he waved quickly.

Draco swallowed, "Why am I getting nervous?"

"Are you afraid of your dean?" Heimdall asked.

Draco thought for a while, "Maybe..." He wasn't quite sure.

"Your grades in Potions are so good, there is nothing to be afraid of." Heimdall said that his worries were unfounded.

Lange asked Heimdall, "Are you afraid of me?"

"Not afraid."

"But your Potions grades are terrible."

Chief Sturluson was haggard.

Draco heard about Professor Snape from Lucius, and then Heimdall communicated with the above, and the above agreed that he could take his cousin to see Snape. In order to avoid unnecessary twists and turns, the prudent Professor Lange accompanied the whole process.

Heimdall couldn't help hesitating and said, "Professor Lange, you must be a secret member of IW." "Don't worry, I won't tell ordinary people."

Lange didn't bother to talk to him.

Snape had just finished eating when they arrived at the hotel, and Draco quickened his pace excitedly.


"Malfoy." Snape rolled his mouth, without a trace of scorn or sarcasm, it was obvious that he was happy to see his student.

"Sit down." Snape said to the two brothers and looked at Lange. "Mr. Hollingworth asked me to convey that if you come, go upstairs and meet him."

"The boss is here?!" Heimdall jumped up as his butt just touched the chair.

"You just sit down." Lange shook his head amusedly when he saw that he looked like an enemy, and turned to go upstairs.

On this side, Draco couldn't wait to ask about the situation in England.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Who does your 'everyone' include?"

"Slytherin House, and the others..." Draco mumbled.

Snape stared at him icily.

Draco blushed embarrassingly.

"That's how I left, no good or bad," Snape said. "The other ones still don't like to use their brains, they're still annoyingly active."

Draco knew that the professor didn't like those "unlearned and incompetent" professors, no, even the "self-taught" professors were stingy, so this was the most pleasant evaluation.

"That's good..." Draco nodded.

"Pansy Parkinson almost got a new boyfriend."

"What?!" Draco yelled, unaware that his face changed drastically.

Snape frowned and squinted contemptuously: "Don't you have ears? I said 'almost'!"

Draco bowed his head politely, "I'm sorry, Professor."

Seeing that Draco wanted to ask the reason but couldn't hold back, Heimdall added in a tacit understanding, "Miss Parkinson fell in love with someone else?" Although it didn't work, the "almost" was a bit annoying.

Comparing your heart to your heart, if one day the master almost fell in love with so-and-so, Heimdall will definitely... What will happen?It seems that I haven't thought about this problem.It is said that people who have a sense of security in the relationship between the two parties will not think about "what if one day", that is, they will not plan for a rainy day.He pretends to be something out of nothing to raise his vigilance. A normal person can't afford to hurt him.

"I hear a fifth year from Ravenclaw is courting her," Snape said.

Ouch, it's still sibling love.Heimdall blinked.

The deans seem to have no friends. Except for Professor Snape, the deans of the four colleges have a close relationship with each other. It turns out that the three deans often get together to chat and laugh.Draco didn't dare to ask who he was listening to.What is certain is that Snape never set off smoke bombs, not knowing how to do so, but disdain to do so, so more than [-]% of this news is true.Thinking of this, Draco's little face twisted again.

Heimdall saw that his face was red and white, and he looked hideous as if he saw his wife climbing a wall, so he raised his foot and kicked him.Draco suddenly came to his senses, not wanting Snape to misunderstand that he was not doing his job properly, so he tried to change the subject.

"What about Potions while you're not at school?"

"Hogwarts' current Potions professor is Umbridge."

Draco was shocked, "Dolores Umbridge?!"

Snape twitched his lips, "You were the Defense Against the Dark Lord professor in fifth year."

"My Merlin. After working hard on Defense Against the Dark Arts, now come to Potions? It's a good thing I'm not at Hogwarts this school year." Draco had never been so grateful that he had the opportunity to leave his hometown.

"As a professor at Hogwarts, your former dean, I can take your words as a deaf ear."

After three seconds, Draco suddenly realized, "The former dean?!"

"I'm not the head of Slytherin now."

When the thunderbolt fell, Draco was dying, "You changed to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts?" In other words, you finally got your wish?

"I'm not teaching anymore, they have arranged for me to be the deputy headmaster." Snape said lightly.

"Isn't the vice-principal Professor McGonagall?" Draco was surprised, and he was OUT in less than a year.

"Professor McGonagall has other things to do."

Heimdall asked curiously, "Who is teaching Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts now?"

Snape pursed his lips, and it was obvious that he still held a grudge against the Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship.

He said, "Professor Tofty."

Different from Heimdall's blankness, Draco pondered, "Where did you hear that..." Then he was surprised, "Isn't he one of the chief examiners of OWLs? The Ministry of Magic has regulations that examiners cannot teach in wizarding educational institutions."

"This is Professor Dumbledore's compromise with the Ministry of Magic—agreeing that Umbridge return to the teaching staff at Hogwarts, in exchange for compensation from the Ministry of Magic, let's count it as compensation." Snape sighed. "The current situation at Hogwarts is becoming more and more complicated, with multiple forces gathering to compete in melee. On the one hand, the Dark Lord used means to keep me in Hogwarts in order to 'reward' me—he needed me to continue to break into Deng Bumbledore's core worked for him, but he couldn't save the final result that the Ministry of Magic actually let me exist in name only; The Ministry's interference in the school. Umbridge is his compromise to the Ministry of Magic, and Professor Tofty is the Ministry's compromise to him.

Even though Professor McGonagall stepped down from the position of vice-principal, she still continued to manage Hogwarts in terms of operations. Snape had the title, and Professor McGonagall had real power, and they cooperated happily in private.The two did not forget to pretend to lose peace in front of others because of the power struggle.

"For long-term considerations, Professor Dumbledore forced the Ministry of Magic to approve the addition of the position of Associate Professor of Potions, and invited another Potions professor to compete with Umbridge who followed the script. The Ministry of Magic finally agreed, Umbridge I don't know what the professor is thinking."

Draco has personally experienced Umbridge's teaching method, which is rote memorization. Defense Against the Dark Arts is a subject that needs to be learned directly. !But Umbridge, the Deputy Minister of Magic, is a die-hard advocate of reading. She believes that children will have no time to make trouble if they read more books.

After Snape's explanation, Draco's head was dizzy.Thankfully, there was a professor in Potions who didn't have to face Umbridge's disgusting face all day long.

"Who's the other Potions professor?" Draco asked.

"Horace Slughorn, born in Slytherin, is the current Head of Slytherin House." Snape paused. "He once taught the Dark Lord."

Draco began to look forward to the professor.

"I have a question," Heimdall raised his hand. "Why did the Ministry of Magic send Professor Umbridge to Hogwarts?" How did Hogwarts become popular?Everyone loves Hogwarts.

Snape explained, "Umbridge was one of Cornelius Fudge's advocates, and Minister Fudge had been stalking the Auror Command that if Hogwarts were attacked by Death Eaters, he would have The right to issue orders directly to the Auror Command. The British Ministry of Magic has an unwritten rule that in peaceful times, the Auror Command can ignore all orders from the Minister of Magic. Fudge is trying to gain command initiative through Umbridge's frontline feedback It is also very important that the director of the Auror Command is a strong contender for the next Minister of Magic elected by Barty Crouch, and Fudge has long disliked Mr.

Heimdall said in surprise: "Mr. Barty Crouch is still not the Minister of Magic?" They all "sacrificed" their only son.

Snape heard what he meant, and the corners of his mouth curled up in disgust, "That's the biggest 'stain' in his career, even if 'begging for glory' becomes a minister, it won't last long, people who play politics usually They are all 'innocent'. Although Fudge has no brains, there are many people who support him."

At this time, Hollingworth and Lange walked down the stairs. Hollingworth came to the table and said to Snape, "We need to talk to you."

Snape put on an air of resignation.

Hollingworth smiled slightly, glanced at Heimdall who was eagerly watching the excitement, and said with a straight face, "Don't sit stupidly, come with me."

Several people walked into a relatively empty room, where a table and a few chairs were placed, not facing each other, but a small square table similar to a mahjong table.

Hollingworth, Snape, Heimdall and Peter sat down respectively.

Snape first expressed his gratitude to IW, and after Hollingworth greeted him politely, he got to the point.

"Have you been given some kind of order to leave England?"

Snape didn't hide it, "The Dark Lord asked me to be the person in charge of the overseas Death Eaters. He is not used to trusting others. In his eyes, the overseas Death Eaters are completely insignificant, but now he is constrained by many parties and needs to These wizards, whom he regards as worse than ants, work for him. He has been trying to rule by coercion, so as to spread his "ideas" to the whole world, forcing all human beings to kneel at his feet. Except Muggles. Because at that time There would be no more Muggles in the world."

Hollingworth was speechless, "Why are they all the same?" It can be seen that it is similar to the CPU upgrade method Grindelwald chose back then.

"Maybe it's more pleasant." Heimdall muttered.

"No one asked you to answer, but thank you." Hollingworth pointed ruthlessly.

Heimdall laughed dryly, and Snape looked at Hollingworth with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes, but the professor was good at hiding his emotions, even the sensitive and suspicious neurotic devil could hide it perfectly, Hollingworth was no problem.

"Does the Dark Lord have any special orders?" Hollingworth closed the open notebook again.

"No..." Snape frowned. "There is one, if it counts as an order."

"What is it?"

"He put me in touch with a wizard."


"I don't know. But he gave me something." Snape had a strange expression on his face.

All of them looked puzzled.

Snape fished out a photo of the event from his wizard's robes, and put it on the table.The other three couldn't help leaning over to look.

Heimdall's eyes lit up, "Handsome guy!"

Although Hollingworth and Peter said nothing, they did not deny Heimdall's definition.

"Who is this? The Dark Lord asked you to find?" Heimdall asked.

"Can't you see?" Snape was not in a hurry to announce the answer.

Heimdall squinted for a long time, then shook his head.

"The person in the event photo is called Tom Riddle."

Heimdall was stunned.

"He likes to be called..." Snape drew a row of letters on the table with his finger.

Heimdall blinked a few times, and suddenly realized, "Voldemort?!"

Snape nodded.

Heimdall looked at the photo in his hand with his mouth open, "...I've seen him before, in the cemetery, he didn't look like this."

Snape said angrily, "Do normal people look like that?"

"I thought he was an abnormal person, he was born that way." Heimdall felt a little aggrieved.

Snape was silent.

"Why did he give each other photos? A blind date?" Heimdall wondered.

Snape didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Peter took out Riddle's photo and looked at it for a moment, "Do you want to find your long-lost relatives?"

Snape sneered. "Voldemort doesn't need family."

"Didn't the Dark Lord tell you the reason?" Hollingworth also felt incredible.

Snape shook his head, "He avoided all his close subordinates when he handed me the photo." Even a certain mad woman who was determined to do so was avoided.

The three of them had a targeted discussion and guessed a few ambiguous answers, but they all felt unreliable.

Only Heimdall was silent towards the handsome guy.

Peter jokingly said, "I'm going to tell Krum that you won't let him go while you're holding the handsome guy."

It's as if he's watching porn in private.

"I suddenly thought of a possibility." Heimdall patted his thigh.

The three stared at him, waiting for the next step.

"Is Voldemort going to have plastic surgery?"

The word plastic surgery is probably too Muggle, and the three wizards didn't understand it.

Heimdall explained, "It's to change your face, or adjust the proportion of facial features, to make ugly parts look good, so that the original unattractive appearance becomes 100% returnable." He pointed to the young handsome man in the photo. "If I was like this when I was young, I would definitely want to change my face and find myself again."

The three wizards remained silent for a long time.

"You don't think so? I think this possibility is quite high." Seeing that no one was sure, Heimdall had to find a way out for himself.

Hollingworth coughed, "Professor Snape will find out after contacting him."

Snape's heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean?"

"I'm sure that the news that you eat, sleep and live here with us hasn't been leaked. Maybe the Dark Lord and the Death Eaters think you're facing torture from the international police force to extract a confession. As for whether you would rather die than surrender, or speak out, there Guess what. I thought, maybe you could try to get in touch with the Dark Lord."

Snape didn't speak.

Hollingworth added, "You can write him a letter and find a 'proper' way to pass it on, so as to strengthen your position in his heart. Under the current situation, we should try to change the passive into active , turn the disadvantage into an advantage. Since he dared to entrust you with a task with unknown reasons, it means that his trust in you is higher than imagined."

"I don't think so, because he is surrounded by idiots who don't have a brain and only focus on fighting for power and profit. They can't see clearly that the Dark Lord's relatives don't recognize him, and they always think that they are the most special. I haven't reported anyone to the Dark Lord. , maybe he thought my mouth was strict, so he entrusted me with this inexplicable task."

"On the other hand, it's a kind of trust that so many people have entrusted to you."

Snape smiled wryly, "I would rather not have this trust." Trust means that it will be more difficult to escape in the future.

Hollingworth tapped on the table, "You have to understand that we IW can't actually do anything to deal with the Dark Lord. The British Ministry of Magic has made it very clear that this is an internal affair. If we interfere, the British Ministry of Magic can We were accused at the International Wizarding United Nations Conference of abusing our power, and once established, this is a very serious crime for the judiciary. So we can only help you within our capabilities."

"I understand, thank you very much." Snape nodded solemnly.

"Maybe you can send a message to the companions of the Order of the Phoenix at the same time." Hollingworth said seemingly casually.

Snape looked at him in surprise for a moment, then nodded expressionlessly.

The signal is transmitted at that moment, and the transaction takes effect at that moment.Hollingworth believes that Dumbledore must understand his "good intentions".

Except for the ignorant Peter, Heimdall and Snape's minds were in a thousand turns.

The boss is old and bad, Heimdall thought to himself, making such a request to the professor at this time is no different from taking advantage of the fire.Heimdall complained silently in his heart, and at the same time expressed his admiration for Hollingworth's inadvertently maximizing his interests like a torrential river.

Everyone quickly reached a consensus, and it was time for Professor Snape to worry.

He didn't write a letter to the Dark Lord, and he usually summoned him directly, and he arrived at the place one by one.The Dark Lord didn't seem to have the leisure to read the letter, and maybe instead of trying to figure out whether the other party is sincere through the letter, it's better to ask him face to face, so that the expression is clear, and he can enjoy the worship of the emperor.

Hollingworth left in a hurry, he was a busy man.

During their conversation, Draco asked Professor Lange about Potions. Lange had always treated students like him with extra care, so seeing Heimdall appearing on his face was unavoidably ugly, and it was a kind of irritability that hated iron and steel.Professor Snape also has a personal experience of this feeling, and it has to be multiplied by two. There is another one in Hogwarts for the one in front of him.

The three young men surrounded Professor Snape, curious about what he was going to write.Peter was acquainted, and soon followed the two children and called him the professor.

Snape was too annoyed to tell them to stop chattering.

Seeing that the professor was racking his brains, Heimdall said, "Just write down the information you want to express, true or false, half true or half false, whatever you want to write, and the boss will find someone to give it to you before sending it out." polish your letter."

"Whom?" Snape asked.

"Find a few wizards who share the same beliefs as the Dark Lord. If they think it's feasible, the Dark Lord probably won't doubt it. Since these people all have the idea of ​​dominating the world and engage in racial discrimination, they must have a common language."

Although it sounded unbelievable, Snape calmed down strangely, frowned and thought for a moment, picked up the quill brush and wrote vigorously, and an eloquent and touching "nomination certificate" appeared before his eyes.

The letter was delivered to Hollingworth that afternoon, and after obtaining permission from his superiors, Hollingworth took the letter to the lake bottom prison under the control of IW at noon the next day.After making some empty promises like allowing occasional outings when the situation permits, the three detainees who had caused the international police force a headache for a while read Snape's letter one after another and gave their own opinions.

In the evening, Hollingworth came to the hotel with the letter, which had been edited by the heinous prisoners, when several people were gathering for dinner.

"Okay?" Snape expressed his sincere admiration for Hollingworth's swift action.

"There," Hollingworth put the letter on the table. "Who are you going to send it to?"

"I thought about a few candidates last night, and finally decided to send him to Walton McNeill, who is the executioner of the British Ministry of Magic's 'Committee on Handling Dangerous Creatures' and a Death Eater." (PS: The ax-resistant wizard who executed Buckbeak in the books.)

"Can he be trusted?"

"On the contrary, he is a fool who likes to think he is smart, but always backfires."

"Oh?" Hollingworth raised an eyebrow in interest.

"Like many Death Eaters, he wanted to catch me. If he got a clue, he would try his best to stab it to the Dark Lord. He wanted to be a high-ranking officer for many years."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to wrap the letter to the Dark Lord with a letter to the Order of the Phoenix, and then use complicated spells to prevent McNeil from opening the inner layer. He is a fool, unable to understand the inner world, suspicious, and eager to get ahead , so he will not give this letter to other Death Eaters, he will take the evidence of 'Snape is a traitor' to face the Dark Lord. As long as you give the letter to the Dark Lord, the task will be completed."

As much as he hated to admit it, the Dark Lord was a master at spellcasting.

"Very good." Hollingworth praised.

Snape gave what should have been a smile.

Voldemort was in a bad mood, and if he couldn't use his wand, but used his tongue more like others, I'm sure he would use all the cursed words to sneer, no matter how vexatious they were.

But the reality is that Voldemort prefers to speak with spells, and his carefully planned internal and external cooperation is due to Snape's sudden disappearance—or he may have turned into a dead body. In fact, the Dark Lord doesn't care much, the only thing he cares about is Snape One of the more intelligent Death Eaters - died without a problem.Coupled with the secret order that Snape had received before leaving, Voldemort was even more upset - he thought for a few times, but couldn't find a suitable candidate other than Snape.

Today, his dissatisfaction had accumulated to a critical mass due to various small details, and then exploded due to the vicious slander of some unknowing Death Eater.As usual, Voldemort used Cruciatus as a barometer of his mood.After a torture like purgatory, every Death Eater endured the pain and held his breath. Even Bellatrix, who had always dared to speak and act in front of Voldemort, could not escape, for fear of triggering Voldemort's attack. Pay attention to the chest and head down, let the cold sweat soak the underwear.

The scene was terribly dead silent.

It wasn't until this time that Voldemort realized how much pressure Dumbledore was putting on him, and that the Order of the Phoenix, where the rebellion gathered, was also more cunning than expected.Voldemort's eyes glided across the bodies of the Death Eaters, each shaking violently, their stomachs hollowed and twisted together as if they had been hammered by something heavy.

The mad Voldemort fell into a high-backed chair, and Nagini hissed softly on the armrest, his big head resting on Voldemort's lap.Voldemort stroked it lightly, whispering something to it.

"I have a letter," said Voldemort suddenly.

The Death Eaters quickly puffed up their chests and drew in their stomachs, forming a semicircle behind his chair, like a priest offering to a god, focused and pious.The atmosphere became tense again, and the Death Eaters gulped at the same time.

"You can't imagine who sent it." Voldemort said again.

The rambling voice echoed in the space, and only a few words reached Voldemort's ears. He waved his palm impatiently, and all voices stopped, falling into absolute silence.

"That letter was addressed to Walton McNeil."

The Death Eaters were talking again.

Voldemort chose to ignore, "The sender is Severus Snape."

The voices of opposition immediately started.

"Come in." Voldemort's voice was neither high nor low, once again successfully erasing all voices.

Walton McNeill, who was wearing a Death Eater robe, walked in tremblingly, knelt down at Voldemort's feet, and kissed the corner of the robe.

"Master, McNeill obeys your call."

Voldemort looked at him for a moment, his pale face looked like a skeleton, and his two bloody eyes were ominous.The pet Nagini sticks out his tongue, and his eyes are very similar to its owner, full of provocations that try to overthrow everything in the world.McNeil didn't dare to look up, cold sweat winding like a river.

Voldemort smiled, and dropped Snape's letter at his feet.

"You guys also come and see."

The Death Eaters didn't dare to move at first, McNeil stretched out his hand, and the Death Eaters scrambled over.

Voldemort closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

After a while, the commotion gradually subsided, Voldemort opened his eyes, and the hall with burning torches immediately fell into dead silence.

"What do you see?" Voldemort asked, seemingly in a good mood.

The Death Eaters fell silent.

McNeill was sweating profusely, his face was white, and his hands were trembling.Only then did he realize that he had been used by Snape, that he had been played by the vice-headmaster of Hogwarts.

"Master..." McNeil tried to defend himself, trying to prove that he didn't want to fight against Snape, trying to make Voldemort forget the "slander" against Snape that day, but unfortunately the Dark Lord didn't give him this chance, and waved his hand to stop him from speaking .

The light in Voldemort's eyes hardened, "Do you think I should trust him?"

No one said a word.

"Bella, tell me."

Bellacritus was one of the few Death Eaters who didn't betray Snape, and now that he was called out suddenly, his muscles tensed up.She walked quickly to Voldemort and bowed deeply.


"Are you saying I should trust him?"

Bella fell to her knees and humbled herself by grabbing Voldemort's robe, "Master, Bella is willing to go through fire and water for you."

A strange brilliance shone in Voldemort's eyes.

"Look up at me."

Bella took off the cloak, hat and mask, and there was nothing but reverence and determination on her face.

"Very well, then, please come and see what Snape is up to," said Voldemort.

Bella breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when she was about to express her determination, Voldemort said again, "A little bit."

Bella immediately made a submissive look.

"If...you can't interfere with Snape's actions, help him when the time is right."

Bella buried her surprise deeply in her heart, and retreated respectfully.

The Dark Lord actually believed Snape's letter seven or eight percent, but he was just paranoid. Even if he believed it [-]%, it would still be discounted by him.

At the same time, in another part of Europe, under the cold eyes of Snape and Lange, Heimdall was holding the Potions textbook and memorizing the Potions formula with a bitter face.

During the interval between the endorsements, Hollingworth came over, glanced at the vicissitudes-faced Chief Sturluson, and asked Snape in a low voice.

"How sure are you of that letter?"

"I definitely don't believe it all, more than 60.00%. I hinted in the letter that foreign Death Eaters are not trustworthy, which coincides with the Dark Lord's concerns, so I emphasized that I want to complete the operation alone. For people like him, implying that others It's more useful to betray than to make him trust others." Snape estimated, "He will definitely send someone to check whether the news I passed is true."

Hollingworth thought about it again, "Let Professor Dumbledore arrange a fake show where the Order of the Phoenix is ​​successfully attacked by Death Eaters abroad. What do you think? If the Dark Lord really sends someone, he can also blindfold him." The messenger."

Snape didn't answer directly, "Let me think about it."

The author has something to say: I was watching the latest news about a certain Latin King on the computer last night. My mother passed by and suddenly stopped and said, "Isn't this Ricky Martin? I haven't seen it for a long time. Is it too late?" Angry?"

I said: "He's a real big name, and he can't rely on gossip to increase his popularity, so he's 'disappeared'."

Our mother said again: "Who are those two boys?"

I said, "His son, twins."

Our mother asked again, "Is his wife from the show business?"

I said, "He found a surrogate."

Our mother was very curious: "Then it's better to find a wife."

I thought about it, and said cautiously, "He's gay."

Our mother was shocked. She stared at the photo of King Martin with six-pack abs for a long time, "It doesn't look like it."

In fact, I want to say, how do you know what homosexuality looks like?

In the end, our mother digested it by herself, and said firmly, "Oh, he is Gong!"

Our expression at that time was like this: =口=

I want to say that parents should never be underestimated. In fact, they hide their secrets.

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