HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 665 Alchemy

When they came to the door, Pod stopped scratching the door. After the door opened, he didn't rush in, but looked at them.

"Welcome to Dalia's cabin." Victor took Heimdall's hand and pushed the door open.

Everything in the room is like a static oil painting. The light climbs up the window frame, penetrates in, falls on the window sill, and slides into the clay flower pot, lingering on the withered plants.The round carpet on the ground is just like when the owner left 400 years ago, and the exquisite embroidery carries the characteristics of that era.The walls are white, slightly yellowed, revealing a bit of sadness and nostalgia.The cabinets and chairs have smooth and graceful lines, and only those who know the goods can see the delicacy in the details.There are several landscape paintings hanging on the wall, all signed by Ivan.

Heimdall picked up a cushion, white to the touch, like numbness, embroidered with irises in thick multicolored thread, and another, with an elf curled up and dozing on the pillow.

There is a magical power to make people quiet here, and the noise and noise seem to be completely blocked out.

Heimdall came to the cabinet. There were wooden bowls, clay pots, spoons and forks, etc. in them. The colors and styles were very primitive, and they were neatly arranged in a set. Through these utensils, it can be seen that the owner had carefully planned for life. choice.A few branches of rattan hang down from the cupboard, although withered, it is not difficult to see the finishing touch it played to the idyllic atmosphere of the room.

Next to the cabinet was the wooden door leading to the kitchen, but Victor pulled him up the stairs leading to the second floor.

There is a four-poster bed in the bedroom. The blue curtains are rolled up and tied on the bedposts, and the tassels are hung down meticulously, lying quietly on the bed.The quilt on the bed was still lifted, and the pillows were piled together, and the depression formed seemed to still have residual warmth.

Victor said: "After Ivan brought Jolf back from Strulusson's house, Jolf has been sleeping on this bed until he left this world." He never opened his eyes again.

Victor's voice fell away, seemingly lost in thought, perhaps his own, perhaps Vasilyevich's.None of them said a word, facing the retreating rose vines, and 400 years later, the bedroom was once again filled with daylight.Heimdall glanced around, the reflection of the candle holder at the head of the bed was a bit dull, and the bright colors of the bed curtains and curtains leaked a haggard breath, which was a sign of the passing of life.Although everything here is well preserved, it is difficult to get rid of the vicissitudes of things and people. Without users, they have died.

Half of the windows were still covered by curtains, and Heimdall pulled them all back to find a small door leading to a balcony, which he opened and walked out.

There is a recliner on the balcony, which is covered with a camel-colored blanket, and the handle of the chair turns white from rubbing. It must be that the recliner was quite popular with the owner back then.Heimdall sat on the deck chair and looked into the distance through the balcony railing. At this time, the fog had cleared, and the lake gradually came to life under his gaze, showing him the most beautiful scene of the day.

An indescribable emotion disturbed him, making him in a trance.He seemed to be back on that bed again, why "Hui" - this is no longer important now.Someone hugged him tightly and talked to him, but he couldn't respond, he was blocked by something so that he couldn't go any further, he could only listen, and the emotions he was eager to convey surged in his heart, he wanted to say something, to comfort him, No matter how comforting he was, he could do nothing.Outside the house, the cold wind blows the dead leaves from the trees and floats in the air, enveloping the whole house, as if to bury the hut. The hut is motionless, and the dead leaves can only pile up around them without doing anything. They are firmly enclosed in the warm The harmonious room is like an indestructible circle, a whole, what people yearn for in their hearts - home.

For countless days and nights past, Ivan Vasilievich sat here, watching the lake wake in the dawn, waiting for the lake to sleep in the silence of the night, and he became the place again and again The only one sober, facing the sunrise and sunset.Even if I fell asleep on the recliner due to sleepiness, it was like a dream, not a dream, or waking up.

Ivan built a home for Yolf, which belonged to them, and fulfilled the original promise. Yolf couldn't open his eyes until the moment he left, even if he took a look, but he didn't.

What is Ivan waiting for, what is he afraid of missing out, what is he obsessed with, even if the sun is hot in the sky, even if the cold wind is biting, he will not change his original intention. Today, 400 years later, Heimdall sits here, in this empty and wistful but alarming place, guarding against the past and memory.Like Ivan Vasilievich, guard against the pain and false expectations that consume you.

Heimdall came back to his senses, tears streaming down his face.

The next moment, he was embraced by someone, it was Victor.Heimdall hugged him back.

Victor felt wet around his neck, so he kissed Heimdall's hair, but the latter struggled and freed a hand, and then Victor heard the sound of blowing his nose vigorously.

Victor pushed the man forward, and saw Chief Sturluson wiping his red nose with tears in his eyes, and seemed to be about to wipe his eyes after blowing, but was stopped by the black-haired master, and took out his own handkerchief to wipe away his tears.

"Can we stay longer?" Heimdall sniffed.

Victor smiled, "Of course, honey."

Heimdall didn't explain why he was crying, and Victor seemed to know it well.They leaned on the recliner and snuggled together.There is no rustling autumn wind, no fallen leaves flying all over the sky, and the temperature lingering around him makes Heimdall hug Victor tightly. Perhaps this is the warmth of home.

"Why don't you just spend the night here?" Seeing him in a daze, Vick couldn't help suggesting.

Heimdall shook his head, "This is the home of the principal and Jolf."

Not surprised by his refusal, Victor planted a kiss on his cheek.

"We should build our own home," Heimdall said.

Victor smiled silently. Dalia's cabin seemed to have stimulated Heimdall, making a certain emotion imminent. Victor naturally raised his hands and feet in welcome.

"Do you prefer to live in the city or in the suburbs?" Victor asked taking advantage of the situation.

"There are few people and quiet in the suburbs. I want to have a big yard where I can grow vegetables. The Burrow of the Weasley family is very good. When I lived in the Burrow, I even took care of their pigs." Heimdall thought After these, I became eager to try, my nose was no longer red, and my eyes were no longer full of tears. (PS: In the modified version, there is a plot of Lige feeding pigs, but there is no one on the Internet for the time being.)

The Burrow of the Weasleys? !Victor laughed, this standard is really not high.

"Bill later praised me for feeding me well, and I also think I have a talent for raising pigs and ducks." Heimdall announced triumphantly with a ruddy face.

Master's teeth ached when he heard Bill's name.

"Bill Weasley?"

He didn't want to appear to be lacking in style, but Bill Weasley held a very high place in Heimdall's heart, so high that the master had a stick in his throat.The mountain of Vasilyevich has brought mixed emotions to Victor more than once, and with the addition of Bill Weasley, who is like his first love, Master Krum is full of sadness, and his eyebrows are almost tangled into hemp balls. up.

Heimdall rubbed upwards, looked at the master's face, "Are you jealous?"

Victor raised an eyebrow, "I'm jealous."

Heimdall smiled brightly, and pointed at the master's small mouth several times, "You should taste this once in a while."

Victor held the back of his neck and pushed him forward, kissing deeply, and after a while, the two separated.Victor said: "Mr. Stulusson, please don't underestimate yourself, how could it be 'occasionally'."

Heimdall laughed, and their lips pressed together again.

"Bill reminds me of the doctor who treated me in the past." When Heimdall spoke again, Victor's lips lingered on the side of his neck.

"They look alike?" Victor lightly bit Heimdall's chin.

"It doesn't look alike at all, it just gives me the feeling and temperament." Orientals and Westerners rarely look alike.

"Are you in love with that doctor?" The master simply uncorked the vinegar bottle.

"No...maybe it means something, I don't know...but at that time, there was no such thing as a leisurely mind, and the only thing I thought about was to live."

When the master heard that the jealousy had faded away, he hugged his sweetheart and gnawed and gnawed, "You have suffered."

Heimdall hooked the master's chin and teased, "How did you meet you?"

Victor grabbed his hand, "Want to see them?"

Heimdall was stunned for a moment, "...are they buried here?"

"There are empty tombs in the Sturluson family cemetery, you should know."

"I know." Heimdall hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head. "Another day, I didn't prepare anything today, change my clothes another day, and go see them again."

"I don't think they mind," Victor said.

"I mind." Director Strulusson insisted.

The two faced each other in silence, and Heimdall wondered why he was silent all of a sudden. Victor suddenly said with a serious face, "It's bad."

"what happened?"

"I want to have sex with you." Then he turned over and pressed Heimdall on the couch.

"Here?!" Without waiting for Heimdall to protest, the master began to be more excited than act.

"...It depends on the time and place when you are in heat!" Heimdall couldn't laugh or cry.

"I have a feeling for this place. Don't believe it. If Jolf could run and jump like you, Ivan would have done it long ago."

"Don't blame others for your unhealthy thinking!"

"Don't worry, no one will come..."

Just when the two were in a stalemate over whether to take off or not to take off, it seemed that Director Sturlusson was about to give in half-heartedly... Doudou, who had been thinking about it for a while in the room, suddenly let out a shrill scream, and ran out of the bedroom and onto the balcony.

"What's wrong?" Heimdall hurriedly pushed Victor away, hugging the pods that were rushing towards him.

The master wailed, and the wonderful world of the two of them disappeared.

A little thing flew in from the balcony and hit Heimdall's nose. Heimdall covered his nose, why couldn't he get along with his handsome nose? !

The little bastard fluttered its wings cheerfully, nothing happened, and then began to peck Heimdall's head.

"Damn sparrow...is this a sparrow?" The head of Sturlusson, who was pecked by it, jumped up unbearably, and raised his hands to fish it back and forth, and the pod quickly hid aside.

The little sparrow nimbly avoided the attack, took the opportunity to peck again, and then flapped its wings and flew away from the balcony with a victorious attitude, and turned to the front of the house.

"Sparrow, wait for me! If I don't give you some color today, I will write my name upside down!" Heimdall rushed into the bedroom angrily, and then rushed downstairs.

Victor shook his head helplessly, and followed in with the pods.

When the master came to the house, he found that Beria was talking to Heimdall, with a board-shaped object on his back.

"Hello." Beria waved when he saw Victor.

"What's going on?" Victor asked as he approached.

As soon as Beria saw Dopo, his eyes started to glow green. Dopo hid behind Victor in fear, but Beria approached step by step, looking like he was about to pounce.

[What is he going to do? !What is he going to do? ! ] The pods scream.

"That's it? It should be it..." Beria muttered non-stop.

"What's wrong with my cat?" Heimdall blocked Beria, his eyes were indeed horrifying.

Beria gently placed the plate-shaped object behind him on the ground, removed the white cloth covering it, and asked impatiently, "Is that what you're talking about?"

The eyebrows and eyes of the person in the painting are somewhat similar to those of Beria, and he frowned uncomfortably when he broke free from the white cloth. Heimdall thought amusedly that this portrait was too human.The person in the portrait is not in a hurry to answer Beria's questions, but stares at Victor intently.

【...Not like, not at all. 】

Victor said calmly, "I'm Victor Krum, it's an honor."

The portrait suddenly raised its voice as if it had discovered something new, 【The tone of speech is very similar! ] After a while, he frowned again, 【It doesn't look like it at all. ] seemed quite disappointed, then turned to Heimdall in a blink of an eye, 【You look alike!Just a few words, I've always wondered what it's like for Jolf to open his eyes. ] "You may be disappointed, I am Heimdall Strulusson."

But he couldn't listen to the portrait he had held on to, and was immersed in Heimdall's voice.

[It turns out that you are like this when you are normal. 】

"Sorry, I'm normal every day." Heimdall emphasized loudly.

The portraits still logically blocked what he didn't like to hear.

Beria, who was ignored, tried to draw back the ancestor's attention, "Look at that black cat, isn't it the one that represents the highest masterpiece of alchemy that you've been talking about all day?"

[As an alchemist, can't you see it yourself?Don't tell others that you are a descendant of Vladimir in the future, I can't afford to lose this person! ] Beria is accustomed to the way of expressing "love" from his ancestors, "Hold it for me for a while, thank you." Putting the portrait in Seheimdal's hand, he turned around and rushed towards the pod, saying "Kitten meow, don't be afraid, I don't have any malice, let my uncle hug me."Pod was nearly collapsed by the words and deeds of this strange uncle, and scratched Victor's shoe vigorously, seeking protection.

Victor picked it up, and Pod heaved a sigh of relief, got into Victor's arms and curled up into a ball, ignoring Beria's sweet words, and firmly believed that they were all sugar-coated cannonballs.

"I thought the headmaster made the pods alone." Heimdall tried to get close to the portrait.

The resemblance to Yolf seems to be a kind of emotional maintenance, which virtually shortens the distance between him and the great alchemist 400 years ago.

[I admit that Ivan is an amazing wizard, but there are some things that even a genius cannot do independently. 】Heimdall murmured, "Alchemy is amazing."

[Simply put, the highest state of alchemy is 'creating life', or 'reviving the dead'. 】Heimdall nodded, "Mr. Beria's masterpieces are really great, those things are like living things."

Vladimir said contemptuously, 【If I used to do something like that, I wouldn't have the face to go out. 】The pride in his expression is self-evident.

【I am friends with Ivan, I know his plan. ] said Vladimir. 【He didn’t stop after he made the black cat. According to him, the cat is the basis of our cooperation, and his ultimate goal is to be a living person. ] "He wants to 'bring Yolf back to life'?"

[It has become an obsession to bring Jolf Sturlusson back to life. He is completely caught up in it and cannot extricate himself. He believes that he can do it. Day after day of research and practice, Arsha—that is, your After the pod was completed, his belief in bringing Jolf back to life became more and more firm and confident, until one day, he came back from the outside and announced that the plan had been terminated.We were surprised and even wondered if he had been impersonated. ] "You? There are others?"

[Including Ivan, there are six people in total. We can't find a way to persuade him to give up, so we can only help him as much as we can. 】"Fortunately, the headmaster has a group of good friends like you. When Yolf is away, you can accompany him, so that he won't be alone."

【Yeah?I hope so. ] Afterwards, Vladimir stopped talking, and from time to time, Dopod's screams of embarrassment and Uncle Beria's flattering laughter could be heard in his ears.

"You just said that the highest state of alchemy is 'creating life'?" Heimdall asked.

【You are interested in? 】

"To tell you the truth, yes."

[Alchemy used to be a family business, and it was very mysterious to outsiders. Every alchemy family has magic and spells that are not passed on from generation to generation. I cannot teach you the alchemy of the Beria family.Ivan has a set of alchemy materials that he summed up by himself, I believe he will be willing to see you inherit it.Before Ivan died, everything was arranged, everything was in order, and we friends did not interfere, so unfortunately, I don't know where he put those things. ] Heimdall smiled, he thought he knew.

In the evening, they left Wildberry Village by stepping on the first starlight.After walking for a long time, the house by the lake seemed to be still close in front of us.

"Belia promised us to help take care of the house." Victor thought he was reluctant.

Heimdall couldn't tell what his mood was right now, so he shook his head.

Ten minutes later, they were walking the streets of Oslo, and the pod poked its head out of Victor's arms and looked around.

[The scary guy is finally out of sight. ] The words are quite bleak.

The two were amused by its vivid bitterness.

"Have you found the key to the 067 vault?" Heimdall didn't know how the principal arranged it, but Victor seemed to have a plan in mind. (PS: Friends who don’t remember the plot of the 067 vault can look back at the fourth grade, introduced by Katenin, a gift from a wizard named Xiehu Shagari.)

Victor smiled and took out a small box from his pocket.

Heimdall nodded.

The pod suddenly screamed, [How is it here? ! ]

Heimdall followed Pod's gaze and saw Brother Cockroach, who was lying on his sleeve, picked up Brother Cockroach's tentacles in surprise, and Brother Cockroach rolled his belly extremely nimbly.

Doudou was about to faint, and shivering all over, he turned back into Victor's arms, remorsefully counting all the misfortunes that happened today.

"Belia gave you a gift." Victor said calmly.

"Why don't I know?" Heimdarch asked.

"He said he would give you a surprise. Let me not tell you. I don't know what he gave."

"Surprise?" Heimdall, who was pinching the cockroach, stroked his chin. "It's a surprise for the pods. Whoever gives gifts will give cockroaches."

"He said it was one of his favorite works."

Heimdall grinned, "No wonder Vladimir is so entangled in those inventions of his. He wanted to praise him but refused to admit it out of face. It seems that Mr. Beria likes to make some weird things."

Victor looked at his smiling side face and said, "Are you happy today?"

Heimdall threw Brother Cockroach into his pocket and held the master's hand, "Very happy."

Dopod showed half of his small face and looked at him, Li Xiaoge Hei in his heart fluttered his little wings, Heimdall caught Dopod unexpectedly, and took it out and held it in his arms.

The pod rolled like a cramp, roaring at the top of its lungs, [Don't touch me with your hand that caught the cockroach, it's disgusting, don't touch me...]

Heimdall turned a deaf ear to it, clasped it firmly, pouted and kissed again and again.

"Good girl, come, daddy kiss..."

Doudou was about to faint now, just as he escaped from Wei Shushu, he fell into Wei Baba's palm in a blink of an eye.

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