HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 655 Birthday

Anna sat on the low stool by the full-length mirror, looked at Heimdall, "Rommel disagrees?"

"Understandable." Heimdall buttoned his shirt and lowered his head to adjust the cuff buttons. "I haven't graduated yet, I haven't officially joined the work, and I haven't had my birthday when I said that. Maybe I should try again in two days."

Seeing that he couldn't buckle it up after struggling for a long time, Anna asked him to pass his hand over. Heimdall said while she was fixing her cufflinks, "Looking at it from another angle, when Victor and I are together, he takes care of me, and he takes care of me. Buy me clothes; cook for me; be educated; have manners; the dizzying art of elegance is as easy to understand with him as drinking water and eating; the most comforting thing is that he never underestimates me Taste...Compared to it, I am like a useless person, I feel that I am going to marry a generous, decent and understanding daughter-in-law to come in."

"You won't get your father's nod for saying that. No father wants to elevate another person by belittling his own flesh and blood. It may be counterproductive."

Heimdall shrugged.

Anna laughed, "Don't try to speak well for your father. I don't think he is being unreasonable. Besides, there is already a 'lesson from the past' in the family. In any case, I don't hope that one day I will become that kind of person."

This was the only thing Heimdall said that could be called a complaint since she knew Anna.

Heimdall put on his sweater and turned around, "How is it?"

"You want me to praise my work?" Anna said.

The new sweater on Heimdall was made by Anna. He already has a lot of them. Anna’s knitting skills are top-notch, and she saved Director Sturlusson a lot of money on clothes. , the head of the room looked adoring.

"Who told you to look at the clothes? I asked you to compliment me." Heimdall said.

Anna smiled and nodded, "It's very beautiful, then no French Mister Magic can compare to you!"

Director Sturluson has come full circle.

Anna added: "I once worried that Victor didn't know what passion is, but it seems that there is no need to worry at all."

Heimdall knew that she saw the discordant bruise on the back of his neck, and said a little embarrassedly: "He's not like this usually, he was too excited the night before. To be honest, it hurts. To get revenge, I also bit him hard." Speaking of this, his expression was a bit bitter. "Maybe I didn't choose the right location, and I almost broke my teeth."

Anna couldn't help laughing.

The two left the dressing room and walked out of the suite.From time to time there was noise from downstairs, accompanied by the short and thin chatter of the house elves, which added a bit of life and vitality to the deserted and lonely ancestral house.

They headed for the stairs.

"I never doubted that the two of you would make it to this day. I didn't expect you to be the one who proposed." When passing a portrait in the forest, the protagonists sitting on a picnic on the grass took off their hats and saluted, and Anna smiled. "I've always thought of my son as a real man of action."

"Don't doubt it, in order to surprise me, he must have made all the preparations, but, just like you, he didn't expect that I would come out halfway and destroy his plan." Heimdall said. "Does that make me appear thick-skinned?"

"Your face has always been strong." Anna smiled slightly.

If he hadn't known her, Heimdall would have thought it was a mockery of him.

"It seems so." Heimdall laughed, seemingly triumphant.

【Happy birthday, kid! 】【In a blink of an eye, I'm an adult! 】【We are very happy for you! 】The portraits sent blessings in turn, and Heimdall accepted them with a smile, and returned words of gratitude one by one.In fact, he can only understand a small part of the blessings, most of which are ancient and obscure, but this will not weaken the sincere enthusiasm of the ancestors, nor will it hinder Heimdall's surging mood.

"I want to thank you, Rigg." Anna took his arm. "Thank you for loving me Victor."

Heimdall said: "I can't have children for him, and I can't form a family with him that is impeccable under secular standards and widely recognized by people. All I can do is love him."

"This is the most important thing. A 'perfect' family without love has nothing to do with it. Children are the crystallization of feelings, and should not be a life-saving straw to relieve loneliness and place emotions, especially for most women."

Heimdall knew that she was comforting himself. There might be some truth in what she said, but he didn't fully believe it.

"Are you implying to me that you prefer Victor to be a girl?" Heimdall looked terrified. "It's kind of bad for me, no, it's too bad!"

Anna laughed.

After reaching the first floor, Anna quickly moved out of the way, leaving the place to Elder Lange.

Lange nodded slightly to Anna, and Heimdall stepped forward to hold Lange's arm. Under the smiling gazes of Rommel, Snow, Victor, Anna and others, he slowly stepped into the The hallway of the family’s past—the rough reliefs and murals tell the little-known past, and they walk together to the main hall connected to some areas on the second floor.

"From now on, I will be an adult, my child." Lange patted his hand.

Heimdall said: "But the tuition fee for the next school year still has to trouble Dad, as well as books, school supplies and pocket money."

Lange raised his lips, "For a father, a child will always be a child, no matter how old he is, the father is happy with it."

"I am very grateful to him," Heimdall said solemnly. "When I have the ability, I will be filial to him, and Snow, including you, everyone, as long as I can do it. I thank the Stulusson family for accepting me."

Lange smiled and held his hand, "Rommel's father, that is, your grandfather, told me before he died that he didn't expect Rommel to find a decent girl to start a family, nor did he expect him to carry on the family line. The family found a suitable child to transfer to Rommel's name as an adopted son, and worried that Rommel would not accept it, so he was still unable to make up his mind."

Langer still remembers the words of the old man. He lay on the bed with his lamp exhausted, his face ashen ashes: "Others may think that I never have to worry about Rommel. Meticulous planning prevents problems before they happen, and when he becomes sensible, he becomes more hard-hearted, decisive, and never turns back when he makes up his mind. Does such a child really need to worry about him?"

"That sounds solid," Long said.

"It is for others. Where is my eldest son? Whom to rely on? Whom to rely on?"

Lange comforted him, "Rommel is still young, maybe he will marry a girl next week. You know, young people today don't do things like we did back then. Play as usual."

Old Sturlusson was amused by Lange's words, a few lines of laughter crept up on his ashen face, and then he became sad again.

"If there is such a day, I won't see it."

Lange didn't refute him with white lies like other visiting people, "Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to you. Don't tell me that all the good girls in this world are married?"

"No, I appreciate your kindness, let it take its course." Old Sturlusson raised his hand tremblingly, and Lange hurriedly held it.

"What are you worried about? Just say it."

"If, I mean if, there are the right kids..."

"I understand, I understand everything, don't worry." Lange promised without thinking.

Thinking of this, Lange came back to his senses.

"When your grandfather passed away, your father was the most worrying thing. He had foreseen your father's life now. Although Rommel himself felt that there was nothing wrong with it, in the eyes of our older generation, it was really pitiful that we couldn't find him. to marry a woman."

Realizing that his father was not far behind him, Heimdall could only suppress his laughter.

"But for your father, if you don't want to make do with it, you'd rather lack it." Lange shook his head, then changed his tone. "Fortunately, you showed up, maybe this is what was destined in the dark."

Now Heimdall understood why it was so logical to adopt him back then, and almost no one jumped out to object, excluding Rommel's initial small calculations, conspiracy theories, and selfishness, as if all the Strulussons had no grudges overnight. It was accepted that Rommel had a son, and Lange contributed to the flames.

"Thank you." Heimdall said softly. "Snow gave my family care, my father gave me a home, and you gave me my family."

Lange accepted his thanks with peace of mind, and said after a while, "Are you really planning to marry that eldest grandson of the Krum family?"

"Victor has already put on my engagement ring. You have no objection?" Heimdall was very calm.

"To tell you the truth, if you were Rommel's biological son, I would object, but you are not. Since your father has no heirs, why should I embarrass you with this kind of thing, maybe your father will take this matter As an excuse to be strangers to us old fellows from now on. No, Sturluson must unite."

In other words, this is a decision that has been weighed and reconsidered, not based on understanding, tolerance, etc. Of course, there are aspects of this, but not all of them.Heimdall was not surprised. If Langer said something touching and tender to him today, he would be terrified.

"The old woman will definitely not agree. I can already imagine that she screamed angrily the moment she heard the news." Lange gloated a little.

"I can only hope that she accepts it slowly." Heimdall said lightly.

The Malfoys were the first to arrive, and it was nearly an hour before the birthday party began.

Lucius and Narcissa sent their blessings respectively, and the uncle said with a sigh: "Time flies so fast, I will be 17 in a blink of an eye." In the eyes, and then think of Draco, who is also almost an adult, the expression on his face is unpredictable, whether it is relief, melancholy, or both.

Narcissa hastily pulled her husband away from the bewildered nephew to prevent his sudden sentimentality from blocking the footsteps of the next group of guests.

Draco hugged Heimdall and gently pushed Heimdall's shoulder with his fist to show his intimacy.

"Congratulations on your adulthood, it will be my turn in a few months." I don't know whether Master Malfoy's bright smile is happy for his cousin or for himself.

"Even in a few months, your father will still not allow you to drink strong alcohol in front of him."

Heimdall's words pierced Draco's careful thinking. Ever since Master Malfoy drank some brandy at Heimdall's that time, he kept talking about how wonderful the wine was, making people have to worry about his future. Worrying, Heimdall was afraid that he would become an alcoholic if he lost the "gate".

Draco can think about it, "I can always drink today, right?"

"Perhaps you can discuss it with your father," Heimdall suggested.

He watched his uncle's family enter the foyer, where Victor would take over Heimdall's work and entertain the guests.Heimdall turned his head, and the next group of guests arrived.

Rommel said to Heimdall during the reception: "It's better to be mentally prepared, my dear. Dodoma said that the carriages waiting to land have already been lined up in the sky."

"...How many guests did you invite?" Heimdall couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, I seem to have sent invitations to all the wizards I can think of, plus you invited yourself, there may be many, if they all come here." Rommel replied calmly.

Director Strulusson couldn't help feeling a little haggard when he heard this, but he resigned himself to his fate and turned to another group of excited visitors with a smile on his face.

After finally welcoming everyone into the main hall, before Heimdall could breathe a sigh of relief, Carlo and the others quickly surrounded them.

"Congratulations!" Friends raised their glasses to him one after another.

Heimdall picked up a slim champagne flute from a floating tray and motioned to his friends, "Thanks, glad you all came."

"I spent a lot of money on your birthday present, so I have to eat some of it anyway." Carlo hurriedly stuffed the delicate pastry into his mouth.

"I've heard about it." Jeanna smiled mysteriously.

"It's not surprising, women are always well-informed." Heimdall said calmly. "You must have stared at Victor somewhere for a long time when you entered the door."

"Don't make me sound like those horny female fans." Jeanna muttered dissatisfiedly, and then said, "But you are right, I got the exact answer. Congratulations!"

"Thank you."

"What are you talking about?" Rian asked blankly, not only him, but other male friends present all looked blank.

"Just the day before yesterday, I proposed to Victor." Heimdall said calmly.

Draco, who was happily drinking his hard-earned brandy, suddenly started coughing violently, as if he was choking.Carlo was stuck in the throat with a piece of snack, looking like he was dying.The rest of the people were all taken aback.Only Jeanne remained calm.

After finally getting along, Carlo grabbed Heimdall, "Proposal, marriage proposal?"

"Yes, Victor has already put on my engagement ring."

Everyone is in a trance.

Leon said: "It's not surprising, I would be surprised if you broke up one day."

"...Why are you getting married all of a sudden?" What many people couldn't figure out was this, it was so sudden, they didn't prepare at all, but they didn't think about preparing anything either.

"Like Leon said, it's time," Heimdall said.

"But you just turned seventeen..." Draco said.

The male friends nodded in unison.

"It's not like I'm asking you to come to the wedding tomorrow." Heimdall couldn't help but laugh. Why do these guys feel like they're facing an enemy?

Sure enough, they settled down and quickly returned to normal.

On the other side of Victor was another scene, surrounded by eyes of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"I've just made a girlfriend, if Professor Harlan is willing to admit that I'm her boyfriend," Little Lacarini couldn't laugh or cry. "Are you actually going to get married? And brazenly showing off your shabby engagement ring?! That's right, shabby, too shabby!"

"Calm down, Professor Lacarini." Lange said amusedly. "A successful proposal doesn't mean you'll get married tomorrow."

"That's right, even if you're engaged, you can break it off, let alone just propose." These words come from Adam Krauss.

"When are you going to get married?" Victor said, looking at him. "Your fiancée expressed her eagerness for the wedding in the media not long ago."

"How can the media believe everything?" Adam smiled slightly.

"I didn't expect Rigg to propose," Lange said.

Victor smiled leisurely, and the indescribably high-spirited and high-spirited men around him gritted their back molars in unison.

During the banquet break, Heimdall found a reason to hide in the tea room connected to the main hall to rest and eat something.

In the past two hours, apart from spending 15 minutes with friends at the beginning, he was led around the venue by Rommel and Lange, playing "Rommel's caring son" in front of a bunch of strangers. , "The mainstay of the next generation that Lange is optimistic about", said witty words that are neither harsh nor boring, and the smile on his face seemed to be measured with a ruler. Everything must be properly measured, and you cannot do whatever you want.The process was really tiring, but he didn't regret it, and gained a lot. Learning to use hypocrisy and delusion proficiently, and disagreement is one of the stages of growth.

"Master, here is the gift list." Hina put the list on the coffee table.

Heimdall ate the hot soup brought by Hina with a grunt. Seeing Shan Zi's eyes lit up, he felt that the soup in his mouth was even more fragrant.

"Where are the presents?" Heimdall asked.

"It has been moved to the library."

"Is it alright if I go and see it now?"

"What are you going to see?" Victor walked in and approached, ate the soup in Heimdall's spoon, and let Heimdall feed him again.

Heimdall said: "I want to go and see the present for me."

"Can't wait?" Victor grinned.

Heimdall said smugly: "When everyone is here, I dismantle the things. If there is someone who pretends to be fake, I will have the opportunity to proudly throw the things at the other party's feet, and let him lose face in public."

Victor laughed loudly, then nodded, "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up."

The gifts are stacked by the door, which can be seen as soon as you enter the door, about half the height of a person, covered with an embroidered blanket, like a raised hill.

"It's quite a lot." Heimdall smiled happily.

Victor said nothing.

Hina pulled out the blanket silently, the half-person-high gift suddenly swelled, and then collapsed like a landslide, part of the gift rolled down to Heimdall's feet, the colorful wrapping paper replaced the color of the floor, and the room was in a mess.Those gifts with relatively large individuals were put aside and were not mixed into the "mountain".

"So much..." Heimdall was dumbfounded.

Hina handed over the gift list again, and Director Strulusson paid more attention this time, took a few glances in his hand, and was immediately dazzled, more than half of the people did not know each other.

"Do you still want to throw it at someone's feet?" Victor said with a smile.

Stulu Song's head is haggard, this will be inspected until the year of the monkey?

"Then let's just look at a few." Random checks are also one of the inspection methods.

Director Sturlusson felt that it was too embarrassing to go out without accomplishing anything.

"Master, there are still some gifts that haven't been signed." Hina pointed to a stall in front of the bookcase, and then took out the letters that came with those gifts.

Heimdall took it curiously. The top envelope was dark purple. He walked to the bookcase and found a package of the same color. It was as flat as a board, and it weighed heavily in his hand.Heimdall shook it, and listened to it again, but couldn't guess what it was.

Hina tried to prevent him from unpacking, thinking it would be dangerous.Dodoma said to it that those who are uneasy and well-meaning are often famous but not famous.

"It's okay." Heimdall reassured the house-elf.

"I know who it is, I read his handwriting." Heimdall turned to his boyfriend, who nodded.

Feeling guilty, Heimdall opened the dark purple wrapping paper, and unexpectedly found a picture book inside.He turned over the turquoise title page sprinkled with gold powder, and then exclaimed a little. He hurriedly turned to look at his boyfriend, who was also surprised.

The first page is a portrait of several people, with Jolf sitting in the center, and behind him stands Principal Vasilyevich, surrounded by vigorous young people in Durmstrang school uniforms.At that time, Yolf was still dressed as a student, and his facial features were somewhat childish.

This old dish...

Heimdall had mixed feelings in his heart, and Lao Caipi was always cautious. He did not write the letter himself, but it was always this type of font that communicated with Heimdall, and it might have been written by a faithful believer.

The second page of the book showed a group of new faces. Heimdall turned back and saw the young father, the younger Snow, and the old Lacarini and others... He closed the book with a swipe.

"Let's take it back and take a look at it slowly," Heimdall said.

Victor suddenly said, "Can I ask who gave the gift?"

Heimdall held back for a long time.

"If you don't want to say..." Victor patted his head, turned around, and was pulled back by Heimdall.

"I told you not to be angry." Heimdall looked at him cautiously.

Victor just looked at him calmly.

Heimdall took a deep breath, "Grindelwald sent it."

Victor didn't move for a while, and Heimdall hurriedly grabbed his hand.

"I didn't hide it from you on purpose, I just don't know how to explain it to you..."

"You're not kidding, are you?" Victor said.

Heimdall turned pale, "No..."

"Gellert Grindelwald?"

Heimdall nodded.

Wickdo let out a heavy breath, preventing Heimdall from speaking.

"Don't talk yet, I'm trying to make myself understand this." Then Victor said, "Where is he?"


Victor cursed in a language Heimdall couldn't understand.

Heimdall was even more at a loss.

"How did you meet him?"

"That was the time when Draco wasn't there, he showed up and stopped me."

"He attacked you?" Victor's face changed drastically, and he grabbed Heimdall up and down to check.

Taking advantage of the situation, Heimdall threw away the notebook and hugged him tightly.

"Victor, don't be angry, I won't be with him anymore, don't rush to England to find him desperately, I still want to marry you, I don't want to become a widower without getting married!"

Master Krum, who was still furious at first, almost laughed when he heard this, "Okay, let me go first."

"Don't let it go, you have to make sure you don't go to England." Director Sturlusson played a rogue.

"If you don't go to England, you can still find him desperately." Victor said angrily.

Heimdall was shocked, and hugged him even tighter, "Today is my birthday, and I'm 17 years old, you can't scare me, I'm a birthday boy!"

Victor sighed deeply, and put his arms around his shoulders, "Okay, I got it, I won't go to him desperately."

Director Sturlusson immediately said in a good manner: "I will tell you what he does in the future, and I will tell you as soon as possible."

Victor raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you say you would never associate with him again?"

Director Sturlusson quickly expressed his attitude, "I will have sex if you ask me to, and I will not have sex if you tell me not to."

"Forget it, today is your birthday, we'll talk about it later." Victor looked like he was waiting for the aftermath.

Heimdall nodded vigorously, then turned to look at the hardcover book that was thrown on the ground, "...that book."

"Since it's given to you, it's yours. Take it."

Heimdall just picked it up and smiled at the master, but the master was still a little angry and pretended not to notice it.

Director Sturlusson was very depressed, and at the same time complained why he took time off to see the gift of God.

In order to liven up the gloomy atmosphere, Heimdall began to look around, and his eyes swept to the other side of the bookcase, which was wrapped in white cloth, about the height of Victor, and he circled around the pillar-like thing curiously.

"Xina, who sent this?"

"Mr. Palme."

Heimdall regained his spirits when he heard this, "What did you send?"

"Mr. Palme didn't say, the card that came with the gift only said it was a good thing, and the owner would like it."

With a sense of curiosity, he opened the white cloth, and what suddenly appeared in front of him was a handsome, burly statue. Both the hair and the texture of the muscles were lifelike, as if they were flesh and blood.Heimdall took a step back in surprise, so as to look at the whole picture of the statue.Victor's face darkened when he saw the cool clothes of the macho statue.

"Who is this?" Heimdall asked enthusiastically.

Xina held a booklet that was said to be an "instruction manual". "This statue is called Mr. Lucky. It is very popular in the United States. It is a product that female wizards rush to buy. This model is especially popular."


"That's what it said above." Hina was also puzzled.

"For what?"

Hina turned a few more pages, then let out a red-faced scream.

"What's wrong?" Heimdall asked hastily.

"No, it's fine..."

"Really okay?"

"It's okay...Master, this statue is very useful." Xina said hesitantly.

"What's the use?"

"It can make you happy... It is very useful... As long as you use the relevant spells in the manual correctly, the statue will be able to move. It says that it will be like a real person. In short, it is very effective and it is guaranteed to be very comfortable..." Hina quickly said The instruction manual was crushed, and the sound became smaller and smaller.

Master Krum's face was already turning into coal. Unlike Heimdall, who still had only a half-knowledge, the master fully understood the purpose of the statue, so he couldn't help but secretly gritted his teeth, cursing Palme for at least half a year for a certain part to fail.

Heimdall blinked his eyes a few times, and suddenly had an epiphany.

"Oh, it's a massage stick that's as tall as a person!"

"Massage stick?" The master gritted his teeth, and was particularly dissatisfied with Heimdall's understanding, so he stopped him and turned around to leave. "You can't leave the guests alone in the main hall, and you have to cut the cake later."

Chief Stulusson, who was holding the notebook, couldn't help turning his head back. The master grabbed his chin and gagged his mouth until his eyes were full of stars, and then floated out with vain steps.

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