HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 635 Happy Witness

The Heideggerach auditorium was still full of people and bustling, and the troubles seemed to always stay outside the door. The students were joking with each other, tasting a variety of food, reading books and doing homework, lively and following the rules.

Yael looked around for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "Have you gone for screening?"

Heimdall looked at the expressions of the other friends, there was no sense of urgency, and he didn't seem to take it seriously.

After returning from the hospital that day, he disclosed the screening to his friends, and wrote to Carlo and the others, reminding them to go to the nearest wizarding hospital that provided screening for examination.He also wrote letters to his father, uncle and others.However, judging from the feedback from relatives and friends, it seems that he is the only one making a fuss.

In his reply, Dad first praised his filial piety, and then hinted that he needn't be wary.

Rommel wrote in the letter: [From the information I have received, Chambly has not confirmed a single case of onychomycosis so far. Indeed, there have been a lot of news before, but none of them has contributed to the current uncertain situation. As a result, the wizards staying in Chambly did not spread any inappropriate information about infection.

[There are many kinds of mycitis in the wizarding world. Except for the scabbard, other fungi can kill people if they are not taken seriously.

[Taking a step back, even if it is really diagnosed as scabies fungus, it is not the end of the world that awaits us. The wizard treatment system has experienced several severe challenges in history, and they will not sit still.The last outbreak of onychomycosis was mainly due to lack of due attention. Delay was the main way it spread. At that time, there was no specific medicine for the disease. But now, we must learn to trust our therapists and give them at least once opportunity for performance. 】Later, Victor heard about the team members. The Seeker had been diagnosed. He had lymphomycosis, not scabies. On the third day after the diagnosis, he left Chambly and was transferred to the general wizarding hospital. .Everyone who heard the news was relieved. It is said that the Seeker's wife was so excited that tears filled her eyes. It can be seen how "shocking" the name of Chambly Hospital is. The wizards seem to have regarded it as a direct link to the cemetery. shortcut.

"What are you talking about?" Heimdall felt that Yell's thief-like demeanor was a little bit of fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"Didn't you say don't worry too much?" Yael said naturally. "I'm afraid that speaking too loudly will cause adverse reactions."

Draco rolled his eyes, "You take yourself too seriously, please be the Minister of Magic first."

Yael pouted.

"I went for a screening," Todor said as he wiped away a piece of herbed potato cake. "The nurse who told me the result said that my health is not a problem, and I don't have the prerequisites for fungal inflammation, although I still don't understand what the so-called prerequisites are. She also gave me an advertisement for bone growth, saying that according to The above course of treatment can allow me to reach a height of 20 before the age of 180, and the course includes small classes such as body shaping."

Everyone laughed.

Jean Na also came to complain: "I also went for a screening last weekend. The therapist's professional proficiency is extremely poor, and I have to wait in line for half an hour."

"The result?" Heimdall asked.

"It's all right," Jeanne said.Judging by the angry expression on the girl's face, she seemed to be complaining about the queue, but the inspection itself was ignored.

"I haven't checked yet." Draco shrugged. "My dad said that I have no chance to get in touch with those. In case there is anything, the school is the best shelter. If unfortunately a terrible wizarding epidemic really breaks out, Heideggrac is definitely safer than outside."

"That makes sense." Todor nodded. "Heideggerak is surrounded by the sea, as long as the professors and students are not infected, this is the pure land of bliss under Moses' bronze serpent pillar."

Heimdall said: "My father wrote to tell me that onychomycosis can be cured, as long as it is discovered early, so there is no need to burden yourself."

"Does that mean we can sit back and relax?" Draco joked. "In order to avoid causing panic as much as possible, those therapists who were eager to perform were summoned and started 24-hour surveillance, while we, sitting in the hall of the Pure Land of Bliss," he picked up the glass of orange juice, "drinking The fine nectar flowing out of the rocks knocked open by Moses' walking stick," pointed to the herbal science workbook in front of him, "discussing the indescribable wonders of plants and life."

The friends laughed when they heard this.

When Yael turned his head, his eyes glanced at the open book in front of Heimdall and the newspaper beside the book, so he moved closer.

"You've been watching the content of aquatic plants and animals recently, why are you suddenly interested in these?"

"I thought I was hiding it well, but I didn't expect you to be very observant." Heimdall didn't face his question directly.

Yael is not a fuel-efficient lamp, "Why cover up?"

"Did I say 'cover up'?" Heimdall said lightly.

Yell decided to change his approach. "The deep-sea merman stimulated your new thirst for knowledge?"

"Perhaps." Heimdall replied ambiguously.

At 09:30 p.m., Heimdall swung his wand at the handle on the bedroom door and locked the door.

He walked to the desk, picked up the notepad, checked the news copied from the newspaper again, then walked to the world map hanging by the window, picked up the magnifying glass to search on it, and finally picked up the colored crayons on the desk , draw an orange circle according to the content on the notepad.

It was here, he dropped the crayon and nodded at the map.

The leg of the trousers was pulled, and Heimdall looked down and saw the big eyes wrapped in a wet towel hugging his thigh, so he bent down and picked up the little thing.The big eyes hugged his neck very affectionately, and Heimdall pressed against its cheek, not caring that the cold scales stained the skirt of his clothes.

"Look," Heimdall pointed out the newly drawn circle on the map to Big Eyes. "This is the place I'm going to. The newspaper said that wizards saw strange aquatic magical animals there. Their scales are similar in color to yours, and their size is very close to that of wizards. Maybe we can get something unexpected tonight. .”

The big eyes looked at the circle quietly, without any special emotion.

Heimdall smiled, carried it into the bathroom, and put it back in the bathtub.

Big Eyes picked up the rubber duck floating on the water and shrank into the water.

Heimdall walked out of the bathroom, and gently closed the door to block the heat from the room from being sent into the bathroom.

[Don't you think your motivation is too high? ] Pod squatted on the desk, looking at the map covered by colorful circles, except for the newly drawn one tonight, the other circles were confirmed and disappointing false information.

"When you find its kind and help it return to the embrace of nature, then you will find that the current hard work is worth it." Heimdall said.

[You know, I don't mean that. ]

Heimdall sighed, "I understand, I understand everything, but I can't take it away. It is a wild Lusalka, a completely magical animal, and chooses to learn and become a human being at the expense of instinct, After a long period of time, the ancestors of the Struluson family that finally 'evolved' into a human form are different, it cannot adapt to life on land, that will become its talisman, and it cannot become a human being either."

[It wants to live with you, it doesn't mind...]

"I mind." Heimdall's attitude was very tough. "It's still young, and it has never experienced those things. After all, the human beings it comes into contact with are limited. I can't say that the world is full of kind people. It doesn't know what it means to survive in the human world. But I understand, I know what it means Press a water tank at home, put it in the living room or other places like raising ornamental fish, allow it to leave the water tank for one hour a day to move freely, and warn it not to run around at will, so as not to To scare guests or neighbors. What's the point of living like this? Save it from being hunted or accidentally killed in its lifetime?"

The pods are silent.

"I hope to settle this matter before leaving Heideggerak. Even if I can't find its kind, I have to give it a proper arrangement. Living on Sea Monster Island is not a long-term solution."

Heimdall once tried to communicate with Big Eyes about its parents, but he didn’t know what to ask. He had almost no concept of “parents”, just like a crocodile, he was born to support himself.Heimdall thought to himself that this baby can only live up to now thanks to Merlin's cross-boundary protection.

[It's good that you understand what you're doing. ] Pod has to admit that being "naive" in this matter is definitely not a good strategy, and it looks at the circled colorful map. [By the way, there is something I have been wondering about. ]

Heimdall who opened the window looked back.

[Is it because of the reason you said that you don't like magical animals like mermaids? ]

"How did you know that I don't like mermaids?"

[Do you really like that mermaid named Sigma?I didn't see it. ]

"do not like."

[……so what? ]

"Sigma is Luce's 'son', and I don't like other people's sons casually."

[Just because of this? ! ]

"I can't love everywhere anytime."

[Oh, I agree with this point, in fact, your mind is not very good. ]

Heimdall glanced at it.

Doudou said again: [Still refusing to admit it. ]

Heimdall picked up the teacup on the table and drank it down in one gulp.He moved the cup to the desk lamp in a serious manner, and used the light to illuminate the shape of the pile of tea dregs at the bottom of the cup.

"Hmm..." Heimdall pondered. "I saw a silhouette, which seemed to be dense clouds and meteors, everything was expected, past, present, and future, this silhouette told me—"

Doudou couldn't help listening.

"...Tell me what?" Director Sturluson muttered, looking down at the books on divination.

Pod really wanted to scratch his paw hard in the face.

"I found it, I found it, here," Heimdall held up the book in one hand and the cup in the other. "Miyun represents multiple meanings. Getting what you want or being narrow-minded and blindly focusing on yourself are more likely to be treacherous and changeable people and things... Meteors also have multiple meanings. High-level and sacred animals? Life that passes away in a flash? The twists and turns are bleak But bright future?"

Chief Sturluson raised his head from the book and looked at Pod, "What do you mean?"

Doudou complained, [If I can go to class, I must be better than you, so good that you will feel ashamed.At least, I mean at least, you have to be clear about why you are divining, and you don’t even have the most basic goal. It’s a fantasy to be able to see the name! ]

Heimdall dropped the book, and the avatar rose into the air, circled the room, flapped its wings on top of the pod deliberately, and then rushed out the window.

A sharp meow came from the night.

Leaving the Heidegrack Islands and flying north, there is a miniature island floating on the sea about 9 nautical miles away from the islands. It is not a natural island, and its location cannot be found on the maps of Muggles or wizards.

People who know it named it "Adrad", the name comes from the name of the famous master alchemist in the 11th century and also a master of astrology.So this island has an individual name called Astrology Island.However, its function has nothing to do with astrology, alchemy, etc. It is an artificially cast observatory that can receive and transmit information on the survival of various magical animals, including marine magical animals, within its capabilities.

The owner of Aladera is a magical animal research organization called "Happy Witnesses". This organization is not a government-organized, non-profit, unknown, has not been published in any newspapers and magazines, and has many famous names in the world. The animal research institutes are even more incompatible with each other.Two-thirds of the members of this animal research organization are non-professionals. To put it bluntly, it is an amateur interest group with members from all over the world and from all walks of life.

By chance, Heimdall came across the invitation posted in the lower right corner of the biscuit post by Happy Witness.It was in the biscuit ad because the Happy Witnesses had no money to pay for serious advertising and could do nothing but poke around and look for opportunities.This biscuit ad was brought up by a member of the Happy Witnesses taking advantage of his position. Otherwise, given their poor financial situation, even if the ad was made to resemble a movie poster, there would be no place to post it.

Don't look at the happy witnesses, but people are poor and ambitious, and the threshold for recruiting people is not low, and there are a lot of rules and regulations.Heimdall contacted the person in charge of Happy Witnesses through the address on the biscuit advertisement that was not much bigger than the eye of a needle, and successfully broke into their interior on the third day.

Some people may be surprised, isn't it that the threshold is not low?Could it be that Director Sturlusson's grades in the Protection of Magical Creatures class have improved by leaps and bounds without everyone knowing, and he has reached the expert level by leaps and bounds?

No, even if Director Sturluson gets full marks in every exam, the chance of joining the happy witnesses cannot be greater than 50.00%.It is far from enough for those taught by the school to mix in society. Two-thirds of the happy witnesses are non-professionals, but they are all experts.

So, how did Chief Sturluson get in?

Money can turn the devil around.

Director Sturluson is willing to pay for various studies of Happy Witnesses if he is included.The founders of Happy Witness spent a whole night together, struggled for another day, and after a night of weighing, finally opened the door for him on the third morning with a smile on his face.

Ever since, Mr. Stulusson became the biggest benefactor since the establishment of Happy Witness.

The first thing he did after he joined the Happy Witnesses was to ask them to gather information about Lusalka. Most members blushed with excitement.

It is said that they have been studying salamanders before, because the person in charge of finance told them that the cost of this kind of animal research is the least. After dealing with a small animal for many years, the inertia of the members is getting bigger and bigger, and the aesthetic fatigue is getting stronger and stronger.Lusalka is a shot in the arm, injecting new vitality into an increasingly weak state.

Aladera is the biggest reliance of the Happy Witness Interest Group. It is the precious wealth left by one of the founders' ancestors, and it is also their only advantage. With money, the Astrology Island, which has been vacant for a long time, finally has a place to play.

Heimdall landed on the hardwood steps extending from Aladra, disarming the change.

The main body of this artificial island is a conical stone building shaped like a lighthouse. A raging flame is burning on the top of the tower all year round. A big clock about 1.5 meters high is hung on the top of the tower. No matter how hard the bell shakes, the flame will not go out, and the bell tongue of the big clock will not hit the clock face to make a sound. This is the magic of magic.

Thunder blasted overhead, and Heimdall sprinted across the treads and up the concrete steps, and when there was a second thunder, the door closed behind him and the rain poured down.

He walked to the door, in front of a common board that looked like a punch card machine on the wall, picked out the round wooden block with his portrait painted on it from the net bag, and pasted it on the board on the column "Entering the Island".The quill pen placed on the left side of the punching machine stood up, and wrote down this sum in the notepad.

Heimdall glanced at the notepad, then turned and walked up the spiral staircase.

In the process of climbing the stairs, you can see the maps posted on the wall, and the content of each map is completely different.Each map represents an animal observed by Aladera, as large as a fire-breathing dragon, a phoenix and other rare magical animals-the observation results marked on the old map have been outdated for many years, and such animals are of folk interest Groups can't be bothered, they are all the subjects of large research institutions; small ones such as salamanders, mice, and insects are all studied—the poor also have the attitude of the poor.

This is also the reason why Heimdall chose the private interest group. Large institutions have already formed a set of research systems that satisfy themselves. They follow the rules and never act rashly.Non-governmental organizations are different, like Happy Witnesses, they do whatever they want in their research, they don’t require project approval, there is no pressure from the Ministry of Magic, and they don’t have research indicators. Happy Witnesses allow their members to have unrealistic ideas.

If Heimdall had walked into an official magical animal research institution last time, the map hanging in the dormitory would never have been painted red and green like it is today, maybe even the map would not exist.

When he climbed to the highest floor, his eyes were immediately attracted by the map that occupied most of the wall. The bright emerald circles representing Lusalka were scattered all over Europe, and their positions were the same as those marked on Heimdall's map. same.

"It's raining outside?" A bearded man turned around, holding a cup of hot chocolate in his hands, his hair was messed up, no, his whole body was messed up.

Surrounded by piles of parchment and notepads, he sat among strange-looking magical instruments that ordinary wizards could not understand. The front of the low cabinet for the typewriter was clustered like a bird's nest.The whole space reverberated with strange noises from instruments and unknown utensils, and the violent wind and rain staged a vivid pantomime behind the glass.

The sloppy man is Derek, Aldera's first on-site observer after it reopened.

"Don't tell me you haven't been out since we last met." Heimdall walked to the fireplace and poured himself a cup of hot chocolate.

"The person in charge told me not to let down our vigilance. If you come but you can't see anyone, it may cause your displeasure, thus reducing the investment in happy witnesses." Derek said with a blank expression. People gave him instructions, and the tone was as flat as when they talked about the weather just now.

"I'm glad you are so frank, although this is not the case for your person in charge." Heimdall took a sip of the drink in the glass, and his expression became strange.

Derek's expression changed only when he tasted the hot chocolate, which was almost intoxicated.

Heimdall couldn't help asking, "What did you add to the chocolate?"

"Nightmare brandy from 1793, six hundred Galleons a glass."

This is the name of the horse? !

Heimdall put down his cup calmly, "One cup of six hundred Galleons?"

"Of course it's impossible," Derek raised the bottle from his feet and shook it. "It's just a decanter with six Galleons and ten bottles of whiskey in it, but you have to admit, it's really delicious, isn't it?"

"...If I could choose, I would prefer to eat liqueur chocolate."

Derek let out an "oh", and seemed to be accustomed to his "ignorance".

"Want to read a newspaper?" He threw a stack of newspapers at Heimdall's feet.

"I'm not here to read the newspapers," Heimdall reminded him.

"I refuse to work and refuse to provide you with any information before tasting the hot chocolate." I don't remember the series of conversations about "reducing capital investment" just now.

Heimdall squeezed out a smile and picked up the newspaper. The place was so dirty that there was nowhere to put his feet, and the other party didn't intend to invite him to sit down, so he stood against the wall.After turning a few pages, I saw news about new medicines from various countries published on the medical page.The International Association of Pharmacists seems to have accelerated the testing of various new drugs, hoping to find new research results that are indeed effective, not just bragging, but also hope to have a certain auxiliary effect on improving terrible diseases.The news did not specify what kind of disease the "terrible disease" was, but the acceleration of testing is a good thing for Di Rupo, who has always been unable to get in.

Derek recovered from the intoxication, and put down the cup with unfinished thoughts, as if what he put down was not a broken porcelain cup, but a priceless crystal vase.

His gaze was cast on Heimdall, who was still studying the content published in the newspaper, and did not notice that he had entered the state.

"Mr. Sturluson, let me remind you that my time is very precious, and I cannot waste my time with you," Derek pointed out confidently. "I am very busy!"

Heimdall rolled his eyes at the activity photos of several famous therapists in the newspaper. Of course, the object of his dislike is definitely not these masters of mechanical repetitive movements.

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