HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 631 Rescue Big Eyes

The time of landing on Sea Monster Island this time was earlier than the last time. Although the sun had already set below the sea surface, Afterglow still reluctantly stayed on the water to resist the approaching night.The sky is blue and black, but the place close to the sea is covered with a layer of gauze. The azure blue looks a little muddy, making the stars hanging on the other half of the rich sky shine like a cleansing spell.

These beautiful scenery did not relieve Heimdall's mood. Under the starlight, the sea monster island's bulging lines were like a crouching monster, which made his heart feel a little heavier.He had hovered over the big-eyed cave for a while, and tried to send information through screams, but it didn't work at all. The outside of the cave was wet and slippery washed by sea water, and the uneven dark rock formations were still empty and deserted. A halo as ruthless as steel.

The big eyes are always missing.

Feeling more and more that the situation was not good, Heimdall released his transformation, and pulled out his wand at the same moment as he landed on the ground. The moment the fluorescent light flickered on, he had already walked quickly into the cave.

In the meantime, don't forget to be vigilant.

He is just an ordinary wizard who has undergone some phased training, and his sensitivity to the environment is far inferior to that of creatures in nature. If an ambush has been set in the cave, it is likely that he will not escape the disaster.So the moment he entered the cave, he threw out several light sources one after another. The light spots were like flares rampaging in the narrow and long cave, the darkness became fragmented, and the light spots rushed forward rapidly under his control.

The cave flickered with his footsteps, just like lighting fireworks in a pipe, after layers of brilliance, there was still endless darkness.

He saw the water pool he saw last time, and Heimdall found that there were several football-sized rocks in the water pool, and some rock fragments were scattered on the ground.He knew these rocks, they were the return gift from the rock worms that Toffee brought back last time.

But the big eyes he most wanted to see were not here.

Heimdall didn't want to delay any longer, put away his wand, and rushed out with the help of the last ray of light before the magic disappeared. The reflection of the smooth rock outside the cave became the best lighting at night.

He turned in the air and searched carefully along the periphery of the island, hoping to find clues.At night, the sound of the waves hitting the shore became more and more roaring, which made his five sense organs seem to be dull. He had no choice but to lower his altitude and fly almost close to the sea surface.If a magical horse monster emerged from the sea at this moment, it would definitely be able to swallow him in one bite.

Heimdall speeded up his flight, like a white arrow, cutting through the waves and passing through the water, his eyes kept staring down, for fear of missing something.As a result, after flying for a while, he still didn't see the big-eyed figure. Just as he was about to go back and search again, something different happened on the coast full of jagged reefs.

He found Big Eye, which was struggling on the shore, and seemed to be trying to swim to the shore, but the pursuers behind him did not intend to let it go.The big eyes screamed, and the whole body froze suddenly, appearing in extreme pain, and the pursuers dragged it back into the sea with lightning speed.

During the struggle, the big eyes seemed to see the white falcon in the sky, and a glimmer of hope appeared in its heart. It stretched out its hand to reach the sky to prevent it from being submerged in the sea.

This process ended in an instant, and Heimdall didn't even have time to react. He turned his head hastily, but was almost pierced by a steel fork that broke through the water, and the white falcon let out a piercing scream towards the attacker.Immediately afterwards, the steel forks rushed out of the water one after another, forcing Bai Falcon to flip in embarrassment in the air. If he hadn't used his wings to gain air superiority, he might have been skewered into a Bai Falcon lollipop.

The attackers in the water were carefully concealed below the surface, did not show their heads, and did not seem to be planning to pursue him, probably just wanting to drive him away.Heimdall is no stranger to the steel fork, the weapon used by the merfolk at Hogwarts.

He didn't expect that the deep-sea mermaid had arrived.

Could it be that the big eyes angered the deep-sea mermaid, so they had to release the paper bird and ask for help?Heimdall thought that this inference was tenable, so after dodging another ground-to-air steel fork, he found a gap and rushed towards the sea surface where the mermaid guards might gather.

At the same time, the mermaids continued to maintain their attack frequency. One mermaid emerged from the water and was about to throw the steel fork in his hand. With a strong grab, the mermaid wailed and retreated into the sea at an extremely fast speed.

Heimdall dispelled the transformation and landed on a relatively stable and smooth reef, quickly cast a bubble head curse on himself, and then jumped into the sea.

Bai Falcon's momentum like a tiger just now may have frightened the mermaid guards. When he got into the water, he thought he was about to face a group of attacks, but the attack did not appear. The tail flicked.Heimdall was amazed, when did the mermaid become so "aware of current affairs"?Based on his knowledge of mermaids—this refers to freshwater mermaids—they are brave and good at fighting in the water, and they are not afraid of powerful enemies. It is impossible for them to run away after being caught by a bird. As I said before, deep-sea mermaids are not easy to mess with.

Puzzled and puzzled, he didn't hesitate in his actions. Now is not the time to analyze the mermaid's personality, so he paddled his limbs and chased after him.

He's not interested in mermaids, he just wants to find Big Eyes.

Or the mermaids didn't expect that there would be enemies following them. After all, no matter how strong the foresight ability is, those mermaids would not have the wild imagination or reasoning ability of "a bird flying in the sky, with its wings retracted, goes into the sea".

Heimdall really had to swim for a while before catching up with them. If they set up an ambush along the road and surrounded them with a fishing net, no matter how powerful Mr. Sturluson was, he would only have one magic wand.Heimdall is deeply grateful for the fairness of the Creator, and the capacity of a fish's brain is always limited.

Then, he saw the big eyes from a distance. It was bound by a very strong-looking mermaid with something that looked like seaweed, covering it from head to toe, leaving a small face, just like wrapping a mummy, of course Not so strict.If it wasn't for repeated confirmations, Heimdall would most likely have missed it.Later, he noticed that it was not just the big-eyed one who was bound, but also other animals. From the outlines, there were ordinary sea creatures such as sharks and octopuses, as well as some small magical sea animals, but Heimdall was the most frightened. The strange thing is that these guys actually use the same method to deal with their own kind.

There are still mermaids on the floating seaweed, some with only a skeleton left, and some with rotten meat floating incompletely. What made him shocked to the apex was that the strong mermaid with the big eyes tied turned around and opened it with a steel fork. Cut open the seaweed outside one of the "mummy", and inside is a mermaid that has been soaked in sea water for an unknown amount of time, and the strong mermaid bent down to bite the mermaid's corpse, chewing and swallowing .

Its behavior irritated the other guards, and everyone rushed forward, and the mermaid became a shelf in a short while.

At this moment, the burly mermaid, who had always turned his back to him, turned around, Heimdall narrowed his eyes, and then opened his mouth.

These guys aren't merfolk, and despite their resemblance, they're not.

Heimdall said to himself, well, it’s fine if it’s not a mermaid, and I still have some friendship with the mermaid, although I’m in the sea right now, so I’m a little bit scrupulous.

The outlines of the knockoff mermaids are very similar to those of the mermaids, but their scales are darker than those of the mermaids, and they look dirty like a layer of soot, and they don't have the unique luster of mermaid scales.The shape of the fins on the tail of the fish was also different, with irregular spots of khaki. The difference between them and mermaids was not limited to these, their facial features were extremely ugly.Heimdall thought that the freshwater mermaids were already ugly, and these unnamed monsters were even uglier than the freshwater mermaids.

At first glance, the hair is similar to that of human beings, but the hairline is very far back, just like the shaved hair of the Qing Dynasty, and there is no grass on the bald forehead.Sunken eye sockets, protruding eyeballs, small and round pupils, lifeless like dead fish eyes, flat nose bridge, two nostrils as big as the mouth of a wine glass, and a bulging mouth.You can borrow a line from "Journey to the West" describing a certain part of Sun Dasheng - Lei Gong's mouth, with two thin skins turned outwards in one mouth, and a mouthful of fangs can't be hidden.All in all, this is the ugliest face Heimdall has seen so far, so ugly that he can't wait to eradicate demons for Tianxingdao.

It's unreasonable for these damn ugly monsters to look like someone else's mouth, but to imitate the Monkey King!Director Stuluson felt that his childhood idol had been insulted and expressed strong indignation.

In fact, in all fairness, the faces of monsters are ugly, but you can’t put human aesthetic standards on animals, maybe from their point of view, everyone is handsome, and Heimdall is ugly. the one.However, whoever made these monsters look like humans except for a fish tail, even if you don't want to judge people by their appearance, it is difficult to convince yourself to change their appearance, not to mention that they are so ferocious.

Although I don’t know why they chased Big Eyes, just because the monsters starved the mermaids to death before eating them, Heimdall’s balance was completely tilted towards Big Eyes. Eating carrion corpses is easy to make people feel uncomfortable. Besides, there are so many monsters, and the big eyes are weak. Could it be that it overestimated its ability to sneak attack them? !

It was determined that the monsters did not have the habit of eating living things, and the big eyes were not in danger of falling into the pot for the time being, but the muddy and red sea water lingering around it reminded Heimdall that it was not as good as it looked on the surface, and it was injured.The injury is unknown, judging from its coma state, it may not be optimistic.

The monsters lingered for a while, and gradually dispersed. Heimdall had no time to guess where they were going. After waiting for a while, seeing that there was no sign of them returning, he slowly swam towards the altar-like seaweeds, trying to put his big eyes down.

At first he thought the operation was going well, but just as he raised his wand, his leg hurt, and the surrounding sea water was instantly stained red with blood.The monsters went back and forth. Heimdall is now just a mortal, lacking the vigilance of being in the natural world. He just saw the monsters leave, and didn't think that those monsters would cheat. His mistake was to underestimate the intelligence of animals. The treacherous and changeable nature has created the ability of animals to adapt to changes, which is difficult for humans to match.

Heimdall quickly pulled out the steel fork on his leg and turned around reluctantly. Monsters were swimming towards him in all directions. He waved his wand and cast magic on those monsters continuously.

The action speed of the spell in the water is not as fast as that on land. The stun spell, which was originally triggered immediately, takes a certain amount of time to walk in the water.This time was used by the monster, and it became the best chance to dodge. After hitting one or two at first, his stun spell completely lost its effect.

Heimdall decided to use the petrification spell, but the swimming speed of the monsters was even more unexpected than the little monsters in the black lake of Hogwarts. After another arm was cut by a steel fork, he only managed to petrify one monster.The situation is becoming more and more unfavorable for him. If the monsters still have reinforcements, he will probably have to confess here today.

While Heimdall used the seaweed to evade the attack of the monster, he reached into his pocket and pinched the mermaid balls that had been poured out beforehand on his fingertips.Heimdall is still hesitant, and his hesitation is multi-faceted, but the current urgency does not allow him to look forward and backward.

He plunged into the depths of the seaweed, and the monsters roared and rushed forward, and handed out the steel fork in their hands at the same time.The wailing that might have sounded, or the spewing of a large area of ​​blood, and the stagnant feeling transmitted back from the steel fork piercing into the flesh, all did not appear.

A sharp cry sounded from the outermost periphery, and all the monsters turned their heads, only to see one of their companions sinking slowly, stiff and stiff, like a drowning man who fell from the bow of a ship after listening to their singing, with a ferocious face and eyes full of blood. Fearless, helpless in the water, unable to even struggle.

The leading burly monster looked around vigilantly, and when another companion was petrified, it finally captured the appearance of the attacker.To its bewilderment, the raider, who appeared out of nowhere, was wearing a wizard's robe, but possessed the features of an Aqua tribe.

It comes and goes in the water like the wind, silently, and when you think you see it, you only see a shadow.

The monsters were brought down one after another. Seeing that the situation was getting more and more critical, the companions became more and more panicked.The leader of this monster, who possessed a bit of human cunning factor, made a decision. It suddenly pushed away its companions who were blocking the way, and quickly swam to the side of Big Eyes. The steel fork in its hand stabbed Big Eyes hard, and the blood burst instantly. After the seaweed surged out.

The green shadow that came and went without a trace stopped.

Heimdall didn't expect it to be so despicable and shameless.

The burly monster sent a sharp signal to its companions, and those monsters who came back to their senses surrounded them with steel forks, each with fierce eyes, eager to try.

Just in time, come on, it’s best to gather around, let you try Lao Tzu’s big move, and clean you up together!Heimdall, who was wearing an atavistic face, did not forget to put on a terrified look. There was no way, this kid had just been stimulated, and treated these shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were obviously not as intelligent as the leader as bosses.

Heimdall's well-prepared big move was useless after all.

At the very moment, when the steel fork and the other claw in the hand of the monster closest to Heimdall greeted him almost at the same time, the monster brother was shocked, and the withered and slender claws did not reach Heimdall. After grabbing it a few times, it hangs down limply.I saw a spear protruding from its stomach, piercing a big hole in front and back, and the white mucus scattered into the sea water.

With bursts of low conch horns sounding, a group of fully armed aquariums approached in an instant.

The real deep sea mermaid is here.

The monsters had long since lost their ferocity and fierceness, and one after another picked up their monsters and turned around to meet the enemy.At the same time, the monster leader realized that the situation was out of control, and he was also a little confused like his companions.

The vanguard of this deep-sea mermaid tribe was like a ruthless steel knife sharpened by the cold air. It killed those monsters one by one. Within half a minute, the monsters were killed by the mermaid one after another, and the screams were endless.

The monster leader had long since lost the willpower to stand firm, and slipped away at the same time as he fell into the melee. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the remaining monsters threw away their helmets and armor and fled for their lives.

Heimdall doesn't care about animal fights. He still remembers the promise to Toffee that if those monsters make a comeback, Toffee won't mind entertaining them himself.He hurriedly swam to the big eyes, when he used the spell to cut the seaweed, a spear fork was handed to him, and the sharp spear pointed directly at the center of his eyebrows, Heimdall squinted at the mermaid who did not know when to approach the front, and in his heart Thinking about the big eyes, he relaxed his vigilance.

The mermaid was a little surprised when he saw his face. He thought it was a human just now. The deep-sea mermaid has never had a good impression of humans, but if the other party and himself are both aquariums, it would be a different matter.

The mermaid withdrew her spear and fork, and looked at the wizard robe on his body and the wand in his hand with a tangled expression. Heimdall didn't have time to pay attention to its twists and turns, and continued to cut seaweed. Then, he and the mermaid beside him stared for a long time don't move.

The deep-sea mermaid thought, this is the aquarium demeanor, and squinted at the green chief Strulusson, who was wearing the clothes of a god horse, really!

Heimdall was in a trance for a while, he rubbed his eyes, Li Xiaoge in his heart cupped his cheeks and screamed: Lusalka? !

But now is not the time to ask this question, he carefully hugged the big eyes that lost the support of seaweed and suddenly went limp.Although it was useless, Heimdall took off his wizard robe in a very human way, covered the big eyes, and held it in his arms.Only at this moment did he realize that this baby was incredibly thin.

The monsters have been driven away by the vanguard of the deep-sea mermaids. Of course, they have also seen the "masterpiece" of the monsters, and their sadness and indignation are obvious.The deep-sea mermaids cut off all the seaweeds and leveled the altar. They gently held the bones of their own kind in their arms, and prepared to find a time to bury their brothers and sisters in the way of mermaids.

The mermaids around Heimdall have not left. One is because Heimdall doesn’t seem to be threatening, although his clothes are extremely inappropriate; the other is to keep an eye on him. Their mission is to escort the mermaid mothers behind. .

Heimdall was not in the mood to greet it, nor did he think that the mermaid needed greetings.He carefully checked the wounds on Big Eye's body, there was a deep one, and there were a few scratches that didn't bother him.

He took out a mermaid ball for healing and put it into the mouth of the big eyes, the big eyes that fell into a coma refused to eat anything.Heimdall failed to feed it a few times, so he pinched the big-eyed chin, opened its mouth a crack, and then put the mermaid balls into his own mouth, and then fed them mouth to mouth.

The mermaid brother next to him was dumbfounded the moment Heimdall took out the mermaid balls.

The healing pills were very effective. After a while, the big eyes opened their eyes in a daze, but they were not fully awake. They just looked at Heimdall with blank eyes, and they didn't seem to recognize who the other party was.

"You're safe, go to sleep." Heimdall said softly to it.

Big Eyes closed his eyes obediently, and arched into his arms with attachment. Heimdall tightened his arms tightly, and Big Eyes fell asleep contentedly.

Heimdall swam towards the surface of the sea, and when he passed a mermaid who was accidentally pierced by a monster's steel fork, he gave him a mermaid ball.This ball is not as effective as the one fed to the big eyes, and it is enough to treat ordinary skin injuries.If it wasn't for the surprise of these deep-sea mermaids, the battle would not have ended so quickly. Even though the opponent was not for him, Heimdall still felt that he should repay them, and the blood of this mermaid was really appalling.

The deep-sea merfolk watched him leave, and a few merfolk wanted to catch up, but were stopped by their leader, the brother merfolk who secretly monitored Heimdall's every move.They have more important things to do, the first is to search around the island, so as not to leave future troubles and affect future generations.

Heimdall is not going to leave Big Eyes alone on the Sea Monster Island. The deep-sea mermaids have already arrived. It can be seen that they have a strong sense of rejection, not to mention the fact that the family is involved. The mermaids must not want Big Eyes to be with them be a neighbor.

Perhaps from the bottom of his heart, he was willing to get close to Lusalka. Chief Strulusson did not reject, even welcomed, the temporary shelter of Big Eyes.

With big eyes, he couldn't fly or Apparate, so he decided to swim back before the effects of the drug wore off.

He kept his eyes open and observed the shore of Gray Shell Island for a long time, until he could no longer see the students, and then slowly walked ashore.

I touched the student square like a thief, and found that there were still many students in the square. For the first time, Mr. Stuluson felt a little bit of resentment towards Leon's pharmaceutical skills. What are you doing for so long? !

That's right, Chief Sturluson is still covered in scales, but he knows that he can't last long on the shore, if the effects of the medicine last.Fortunately it is night.

Just as he was thinking about what to do next, Toffee ran out from the door of the dormitory, and was greeted by many students along the way. Toffee didn't pay much attention to them, and those students didn't mind, and watched it go away with a smile.Toffee came to the student square, and then turned around. Heimdall, who wanted to wave his hand to attract its attention, watched helplessly as it turned its butt towards itself.

Toffee stood for a while, then ran back, and after a while, came back and stood at the old position for a while, and then went back, tossing back and forth a few times, Heimdall finally understood, and he was probably waiting for himself. height.

Director Stuluson burst into tears with excitement, it would have been better if Toffee didn't keep pointing his ass at him.


Heimdall was startled, turned his head abruptly, and found that it was Xiaoba, who was hanging on the road sign and stared at him with several pairs of eyes open. Heimdall seemed to be able to see the question marks in its eyes, and after a moment of stupefaction, he couldn't help but smile.

"You're just my rain, Hachi," Heimdall said to it. "Can I trouble you with something?"


Toffee was a little dazed at first, but then realized what was happening and turned around hastily. When he saw Heimdall walking towards it, he immediately jumped on it.

"Are you waiting for me?" Heimdall picked it up.

Toffee had a keen sense of smell, and was a little disgusted with the "sea smell" on him. Heimdall used a spell to dry the clothes, but the smell didn't go away, so he had to go back to take a bath anyway.Seeing the small sample of toffee, he laughed badly and rubbed its head against his body vigorously.Toffee uncomfortably twisted back and forth.

"I asked Xiaoba to send your friend back to the dormitory, let's go back now." Heimdall said.

The toffee stopped moving at once.

"I'll analyze the enemy for you." Adhering to the central idea that all reactionaries are paper tigers, Heimdall muttered bad things about him while walking towards the door of the dormitory building.

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