HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 629 Lost and Found

In fact, Chief Sturlusson has always felt that his appearance is worthy of the party and the people, and his appearance now is worse than that of his previous life. Of course, he picked up the skin cheaply, so he will never admit that he is not as good as others.In other words, the Party and the people should be happier, but unfortunately the laws that apply to humans obviously fail when it comes to animals.

The docile and kind sea spiders bared their teeth and claws at him, refusing to approach him. Mr. Sturlusson insisted that the textbooks misleading his students, because it said that these animals were docile and kind, and almost non-aggressive.

"Don't do this to me, I just want to help you clean up the nest."

Heimdall forced a smile on his face and tried to get closer again. He even tried to catch some small fish and shrimp from the sea to honor these animal friends who were said to be very friendly, but it didn't work.Merlin, the book doesn't mention how to please these animals at all, because they don't need to please them specially, all the wizards have to do is approach slowly, and don't do anything to scare them.

The sea spider, which was originally like a ball of wool soaked in water, bristled its hairs, and the hairs instantly became as hard as steel needles, making it impossible to attack.More than a dozen steel needle balls gathered together to warn him, and the screams made the scalp tingle.Even though there are only fluorescent lights glowing and glowing in the cave, those steel needles that seem to be fighting for their lives make people dare not look directly at them. Heimdall feels that he has violated the territory of sea spiders and wants to kidnap a certain beautiful steel needle. Charizard.

"It's okay, I'll come back later. Maybe you can go out for a walk, after all, it's easy to be nervous if you stay in a claustrophobic space. The weather is fine today, and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore is very strong. But I want to know when you are going to Check out..." Mr. Stulusson murmured, backing back and back again until he exited the cave.

He sighed deeply facing the sea, turned around and headed for the next cave.

The residents in the next cave were still unfriendly, and the next one was the same, until Heimdall ran out of the third cave in a hurry. He burst into tears facing the raging tide, and Li Xiaoge in his heart clenched his hands tightly. Fist in the shape of a lion's roar.

"Okay, let's try again. Don't they all say that things are only three things?" Director Strulusson, who was close to a state of disorder, began to split unconsciously, trying to calm his manic emotions by talking to himself. "You can't guarantee that everyone is friendly to you. Of course, they are not human beings, so you must not discriminate against them, let alone have the same knowledge as them. Did you hear clearly, Mr. Strulusson?"

Heimdall put on a deep expression, and said in a different tone: "I understand what you are saying. I am a very patient person. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Strulusson."

"Well," he changed his tone to the previous one. "Let's take a look at the map and choose a cave that might be friendly to us. You should understand Mr. Strulusson. A good start means choosing the right direction for success."

"Oh, I completely agree with you, Mr. Strulusson." Heimdall looked deeply convinced, and then he was relieved. "I'm glad to have someone who understands me fighting by my side, Mr. Sturluson. I have gained strength from you, and we will never be defeated!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Sturluson. I'm also very honored."

After that, he held up the stick figure map and looked around his contracted land.

"Oh, did you notice, Mr. Sturluson?"

"Yes, I think I see it. Here." His finger moved to the right side of the stick figure, where there was a small, almost inconspicuous cave. "Maybe we can try our luck there."

"That's right, the first step to success doesn't have to be eye-catching, details are often the key to success or failure."

"well said!!!"


Heimdall turned his head abruptly and saw Draco looking at him strangely.

"Who are you talking to?" Draco walked up to him.

"No one but myself." Heimdall cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Oh oh, I can understand, some people are stressed all the time," Draco said. "I've often seen house-elves working in the Hogwarts kitchens do that, as if someone was talking to them, maybe to relieve the momentary loneliness, the inner loneliness is hard to guard against, or something. You and Krum Okay?" As he spoke, he gave Heimdall another sideways look, as if his cousin was not talking to himself just now, but went crazy with disheveled hair, such as hitting his head on a rock, or stripping naked and running naked.

"I'm not lonely!" Heimdall folded the stick figure and put it in his pocket. "You have something to do with me?"

"I just finished a cave, and it's over there." Draco pointed, and Heimdall quickly found it, very close to here.Draco said again, "I saw you standing here when I came out of the cave, so I came over—"

"You thought I was crazy, so I kindly decided to take a look." Heimdall answered.

"No, I thought you were under some sort of madness-looking curse, and I came here out of curiosity."

Heimdall was silent for a moment, "I ask you to solemnly swear that you didn't see anything, we just met now. If you agree, I won't ask you why you're often seen working in the Hogwarts kitchen house-elf'."

Draco glared at him for a moment, "Deal."

"You don't need to accompany me, I can find the way. Also, don't jump around, watch your step." Heimdall wanted to drive away his cousin who had been following him.

"I'm not going with you. The site I'm in charge of is partly connected to the site you're in charge of. I mainly want to see if you'll say anything else, because you repeatedly emphasized that it's not because of loneliness." Draco's smile was hideous.

Heimdall gave him a blank look.

"Are you sure you don't need my help? What if those animals have been unfriendly to you? I can help you after I finish my work. You don't have to thank me too much." Master Malfoy dragged his voice deliberately.

Heimdall threatened, "Do you want me to turn you into stone? I believe your image will be more vivid and interesting than nature."

Draco didn't care, "Don't show off your petrification spell, it's nothing special, I will too."

Heimdall turned around and looked at him blankly, "Does that mean you really want to try?"

Three seconds later, Draco looked away, "There are still so many caves waiting for me, I can't delay any longer, or I won't be able to finish it at dinner." He raised a big, somewhat deliberate smile at his cousin , walk away quickly.

When he climbed up a smooth rock, he suddenly paused, and after taking another step, he staggered, rolled off the rock, fell on a large puddle, splashed a shallow wave, and then came It sounded like a wail of pain.Heimdall ran towards him, but he stood up abruptly, seemingly uninjured, and his robe was inevitably dirty and wet.

"Don't, don't, don't come here, I'm fine, I'm fine." Draco stopped his cousin's movement, and then shook his wet hands vigorously.

Make sure he is not trying to be brave, but just trying to save face.Heimdall felt relieved, and said to Draco who was frowning sharply at the robe, "Be careful where you step, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco glanced up at him.

Nearly 7 o'clock, the sixth graders returned to Golden Shell Island. Everyone was not very enthusiastic about eating. I believe that everyone faced animal excrement, vomit or secretions, as well as the ever-changing smells and home decoration styles for more than three hours. After an hour, the gastrointestinal function will be more or less affected.

Mrs. Malka was very considerate, and even though the meal time was about to pass, the house-elf who received the order made another meal for the tired-looking sixth graders.

Jeanna pinched the spoon like a tabby cat grinding its paws, and the soup on the plate had already cooled down.She has no appetite and spends an afternoon battling birds who love to spray vomit on uninvited guests.Her hair, she said, looked like it had been scrubbed with bird droppings shampoo, and her gown was smothered in the same perfume.

The other people in the study group were not as enthusiastic about eating as usual, except Mr. Strulusson, who was chewing the beans in the soup and trying to distinguish the types of beans. When he tried to order more soup and continued his efforts, the other three looked stared at him accusingly.

"Don't look at me like that, even if you see me through a hole, you won't get your appetite back." Heimdall raised his eyebrows. "At least it won't be found before six o'clock tomorrow."

"It's not fair! It's so unfair!" Jeanne was the first to express her dissatisfaction, and she dropped the spoon. "Why doesn't Mrs. Malka inspect the fruits of our labor?! She said that she would inspect the entire island without missing a single place! But the real situation is that only a few people were randomly inspected, and none of us were selected, plus Points gone!"

"The celery seller will tell you that his celery is very old, so I suggest you not buy it?" Heimdall said leisurely. "Honey, when the professor said that, you should take it with a grain of salt. The island is not as small as she said. If she checked everything, she would sleep on the sea monster island tonight."

"I won't talk to you!" Jeanna looked away arrogantly. "Here you have the biggest advantage, because you have almost no results to speak of. It is just right for you that the professor does not check, so that you will not be deducted points."

"Wrong, dear, I can't get extra points at most, and I won't be deducted. At the beginning, the professor said that points would be added and deducted according to the actual situation, so the deduction was implemented on the basis of the added points."

Jeanna's expression became more bitter, as if she was about to cry, and then she really started to wipe away tears.

The three males were taken aback, especially Heimdall.

"You think that I will be deducted points? Well, I will discuss it with the professor. But can you deduct less? I can bear it within 5 points. You have to think about my total points at the end of the school year." Heimdall hesitated.

Jeanne laughed, took out her handkerchief and blew her nose.

"Please forgive me, I just lost control of my emotions. We ran into Professor Lange when we just came back."

"I saw it. Although there were only a few words, didn't you have a pleasant chat?"

Jeanne shed a few tears again, she covered her mouth and said: "I just suddenly remembered that I was like being fished out of slops, and I let Professor Langer see this ugly appearance just now, the smell on my body can suffocate to death A fire-breathing dragon..."

"Bless Merlin, it's a good thing our sense of smell isn't as sensitive as a Charizard's," said Heimdall.

Draco and Todor pursed their lips together hard to keep from laughing.

"Just laugh at me, I never expect men to be slender." Jeanna wiped her nose vigorously.

"Since you understand everything, why worry that Professor Lange will notice your 'ugliness' and indecent smell? Or do you want him to be a frivolous person who only cares about appearance?"

Jeanna stopped crying, and stared at Heimdall blankly, her heart suddenly brightened.

The latter said: "Good girl, don't cry, you will get hungry if you use your brain too much, hurry up and eat something, and you will go to hell if you waste food."

"Oh, Rigg, you are so kind, what would I do without you." Jeanne threw herself on Heimdall and hugged his neck. Fortunately, she didn't get too excited and get carried away, but just kissed his cheek.

"It's not my concern, and you can live without me...I smell your 'perfume', stay away from me, go and go." Heimdall pulled her arm, making Na laugh , I have to kiss the other face too.

"...I really don't understand women." Draco expressed his bewilderment at her crying and laughing in such a short period of time.

Heimdall finally broke away from Jeanne, and seemed to be talking to himself, but in a rather low voice, he muttered, "May Merlin bless you, no, what do you say, yes, may Salazar bless Miss Parkinson .”

Draco rolled his eyes.

At 08:30 in the evening, Heimdall was sitting at the desk reviewing the formulas of Potions. It might be difficult for him to devote much enthusiasm to this course, and he glanced at the wooden desk calendar holder next to the inkwell almost every 10 minutes. November 11nd is circled in red.In fact, Heimdall couldn't see the November calendar, and the calendar stand displayed the current month's calendar, but he still couldn't help looking and looking, as if his eyes could penetrate the layer of paper to reach the 2nd of the next month.

November 11 was the date when the International Wizengamot announced the shortlist. As the date approached, Heimdall couldn't help but feel anxious, especially in the dead of night, when wild thoughts would come to his door.

An abrupt knock on the door sounded in the room, and the toffee and buns in front of the fireplace were disturbed, and turned over at the same time, the flame in the stove jumped lively twice.

Heimdall patted the pod curled up on his lap, and when the black cat stretched dissatisfiedly and jumped off his lap, he stood up and opened the door.During this period, there was another knock on the door, and the caller seemed a little anxious.

"Draco?" Heimdall opened the door and found that it was his cousin, but his face didn't look very good.

"Sorry, I didn't bother you, did I?" Draco tried his best to maintain his politeness. Seeing that his cousin hadn't changed out of his clothes, he said again, "It seems that he hasn't."

"What's the matter?" Heimdall asked.

Several boys walked past Draco with a smile, and greeted them. Draco waited for the boys to walk away before saying, "Did you see my pocket watch?"

"The time you showed me doesn't count, then it doesn't." Heimdall shook his head.

Draco sighed, "Salazar, I lost it."

"If calling Salazar works, you won't lose anything," Heimdall said. "Do you have any clues? Where do you think it might have been lost? When did you find out that the pocket watch was missing? When was the last time you saw it?"

"I feel lost on Sea Monster Island, and that's what I'm anxious about. When we left in the afternoon, the professor hinted that we would never have the chance to set foot on that island again."

"Surely you left it there?"

Draco hesitated, "Do you remember me sliding off a rock?"

"deep impression."

"...The reason why I slipped and fell was because I was looking at the time on my pocket watch and didn't pay attention to my feet."

"A pocket watch? On a rock?"

"I know it might be a little funny, but I just couldn't help it, and when I climbed up, I suddenly thought of the watch in my pocket, so I took it out and looked, and when I slid down, I remembered that I should put it back in my pocket, but wait. The next time I thought about it, it was gone. I thought about it for a long time, and thought that was the most likely time."

"I understand. I just checked the calendar every 10 minutes. IW will announce the shortlist on the 2nd of next month."

"The 2th of next month?"

"I didn't say it?"

"No." Draco shook his head.

Heimdall smiled, "I'll go and have a look."

"where to?"

"Sea Monster Island, there is no one there. If it really falls there, it will be like a mine and will not detonate until someone gets close."

"No, it's so late, no, I can't let you take risks." Draco disagreed, and then asked confusedly, "What is a mine?"

"A tool in the Muggle world. I believe you won't want to know its specific use. There is no adventure. This is Heidegrack, not England... sorry."

"It's okay, I didn't hear." Draco still didn't want to let him go. "It's too late, and the bridge starts to sink after 10 o'clock, and the boats leading to Sea Monster Island will only appear at a certain time."

"Don't worry, I'll take my form and go to the place you mentioned. I won't go anywhere else, and I'll be back soon."

Draco still held his cousin's arm hesitantly.

"If you can't find me, come back and accompany you to Mrs. Malka tomorrow, and tell her about this." Heimdall raised his hands. "I won't mess around on a dark island, don't you feel relieved now?"

"you promise?"


In order to avoid delays caused by being clever, Bai Falcon repeated the direction of the students in the afternoon, that is, to spend some energy to go around to Kirishima, and then fly from Kirishima to Sea Monster Island.The hard work paid off, and he didn't get lost before helping his cousin find his pocket watch.

The temperature on Kraken Island at night is very low, the roar of the waves is hoarse, and the wind is wrapped in unfriendly whimpers. Any normal person will not abandon the warm bedroom and come here for a walk.

Heimdall decided to make a quick decision, flapped his wings, and flew towards the contracted place in the afternoon.

The moonlight makes the reefs bare their hideous outlines in the dark, and the water puddles under the reefs reflect their reflections, as if only black and white are left in the world.

The white falcon landed on a towering rock, the commanding height of this area.Ahead was where he had talked to Draco in the afternoon, and it had circled over there just now, unfortunately finding nothing.

Maybe the angle is wrong, Heimdall thought, the pocket watch should reflect a little light, unless it fell right into the shadow of the gap.

Heimdall was going to go around again, and if it didn't work, he went down to have a look.

A black shadow flashed away not far away.

Heimdall was stunned for a moment, then followed.

The speed of the black shadow was very fast, but fortunately, Bai Falcon's eyes were still good at night, and he lost sight of the target without a blink.The black shadow ran all the way to a cave, and then quickly flashed into one of the caves.

Heimdall knew there, and things were only the fourth good start of the three.After breaking up with the wrestling Draco in the afternoon, he went to the small, nondescript cave.After entering, I realized that it was very deep inside, and there was a pool at the end of the cave, and the water in it was very clean.He tasted it at the time, and it was sea water.

And his good start is here, with nothing in it, no animals, not even worms.

Bai Falcon stopped at the entrance of the cave, staring hesitantly at the dark cave, if his good luck was because the owner was not at home, then now that it is back, will it scare people if he visits rashly?After the observation just now, the black shadow is obviously not big, it seems to be about the same size as a house elf.

Thinking of this, Heimdall released his transformation and wandered around the entrance of the cave.

The sound of stomping startled the black shadow who had just reached half the depth of the cave, and the black shadow came out quietly, hiding in the darkness and looking out.When it saw the wizard standing at the entrance of the cave, it was frightened, and it turned around and rushed deep into the cave.After a while, it sneaked back again, the panic in its big eyes faded a lot, and it looked at the "monster" at the door in a little confusion.

Heimdall simply sat down on the ground and kept organizing words in his mind, hoping not to scare the other party. He didn't know that the cave owner had already experienced a wave of fear.

"I saw you." Heimdall's voice was still shockingly abrupt on the unquiet Sea Monster Island.

The big eyes flinched, turned around and ran for a short distance, and then moved back.Still clinging to the rock wall, looking at the wizard outside the cave in panic, he found that the other party had no intention of attacking or advancing, and slowly let go of the heart hanging in his throat.

"I don't know if you can understand what I said, but I want to tell you that I have no malice and I will not go any further." Heimdall tried to speak softly. "We went to this island in the afternoon to clean up, because the professor told us that the mermaids were about to spawn on Kraken Island, oh, Kraken Island is the name of this island. My cousin lost a pocket watch, it was a silver A round metal object with a snake head attached to it. I came to look for that watch, I wonder if you have seen it."

Heimdall waited for a while, not even a scream.

Of course, of course, he said to himself.Did you expect Fantastic Beasts to answer you?Even if he is lucky enough to meet a human-speaking animal like Xiaoba, he still needs to be willing to talk to you.What's more, this chance may not be one in a hundred thousand.

Heimdall thought for a while, then took out his pocket watch, held it up high, and let the moonlight illuminate the items in his hand.The silver brilliance shines brightly under the night sky, as if a shooting star has circled the dial and returned to the sky.

"This is a pocket watch. Have you seen something similar? The one my cousin lost is not as big as this one." Heimdall lowered his arm and stretched it forward again. "Would you like to compare it? If you've seen anything like that."

Still no response.

For some reason, Heimdall felt that it didn't leave, but remained motionless out of caution.That's right, creatures that live in nature must have a sensitive and prudent brain.At the same time, Li Xiaoge in my heart is wearing sunglasses and twisting yangko: This unknown creature has good eyesight and knows how to appreciate our inner beauty, which is much better than those animals that scream when they see us.

Director Sturluson waved his hand domineeringly, and the pocket watch fell to the ground in front of him with a thud. Director Sturluson thought hard, don't let him smash it, and then waited with bated breath.

After waiting for a while, a group of different colors flashed in the darkness at the entrance of the cave, although it was hidden in the darkness, there was some difference after all.

Heimdall's patience was not in vain, the black shadow left the cave little by little, picked up the pocket watch at an extremely fast speed under the cover of the shadow of the cave entrance, and retreated into the darkness.

Heimdall, who was sitting quietly at the entrance of the cave, narrowed his eyes slightly.

After that, there was no movement for a long time.

Director Sturlusson suddenly realized a possibility. Now not only his cousin's pocket watch is gone, but his pocket watch is also gone?

Just as he was thinking wildly, the black shadow sprang out again, and in the blink of an eye, Heimdall's pocket watch returned to its original position, and it was placed with Draco's ancestral object.

Heimdall breathed a sigh of relief.

Knowing that Soi Ying was still looking at him, he raised a big smile, "Thank you, thank you very much. These two pocket watches mean a lot to me and my cousin. Thank you very much."

"I got up to get my pocket watch." Heimdall stood up.

The black shadow couldn't help but hide in, and when Heimdall picked up the two watches, it couldn't help poking out again.

"Then I'm leaving. I'm sure you won't be happy if I stay here." Heimdall took two steps back, and then turned around.He caught a glimpse of the small half of the shadow's body sticking out of the hole, and found that he turned back and shrank back.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I saw the paper bird hanging around your neck, and I thought it looked familiar. If that paper bird is the one I remember, then we have the same friends." Heimdall turned towards the entrance of the cave. Fang Xiang smiled. "Glad you want to be friends with Toffee, and thank you for your shells, pearls and corals, they are beautiful."

After saying this, Heimdall rose into the air in form, flapped his wings, and flew away from Sea Monster Island and into the night.

The big eyes froze for a moment, then ran out of the cave, looking up, only to see the sky full of stars.

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