The human-faced lizard climbing on the door let out two strange laughs, and sang loudly in Old Norse, "Someone is looking for it, and I have let him in because he gave the right password. Don't worry, I asked for his name, and he It's called Heimdall Strulusson, doesn't the name sound familiar and reassuring?!"

The noisy lizard, together with the heavy latch fastened in the middle of the door, moved into the neat wall gap with the sound of the door slowly opening.Even so, the lizard's groans could still be heard clearly and fluently.

"Oh, so I hate passwords, and I hate visits, because they always keep me stuck in the wall. I'm a lizard, not a maggot. I'd rather stick to the wall."

Heimdall walked into the principal's office with a suppressed smile. Principal Järwe sat behind the desk and looked at him with a smile. After hearing the lizard's complaint, she said flatly, "You want me to remind you a few times, You're never on the wall, you're always on the door."

Maybe the headmaster's words helped, or maybe the door blocked the sound, and the lizard's nagging disappeared from his ears.

"Please sit down." The headmaster said gently.

After Heimdall sat down, the principal said again, "I have received your application to leave school, and I invited you here today to have a personal talk with you."

"Of course, I understand." Heimdall said quickly.

Since he received the letter from President Newland, he has been preparing to go out for a trip. Some things and some people need to witness with their own eyes.In Heideggerach, leaving the school requires the approval of the principal, and no one can replace it. It is like a professor leading students to carry out extracurricular classes, and must obtain approval.This school is surrounded by the sea, and the handling of certain things cannot be compared with schools on the mainland. Things that may seem insignificant may become decisive factors here, or they will become crucial.

"Your application states that you plan to go to Reykjavik after lunch on Thursday, and then go to Turkey?" the principal asked.

"Yes, that's the plan so far, but the specific itinerary will only be known on that day."

"You are right. The plan means that you are ready. Whether the road under your feet will accept such an arrangement can never be foreseen. How long are you going to go and when will you return to school, Mr. Strulusson?"

"I try to come back before dinner. If the schedule changes, it may delay some time. But I can guarantee that I will not spend the night outside, and I must arrive at the school before 10 pm."

"It sounds like a lot of variables." The principal hesitated.

Heimdall wondered if it was because of someone that she was more cautious than usual in handling this matter.

"I have written to my father and he has no objection," Heimdall said.

The headmaster nodded calmly, and Heimdall still felt that her expression was much more relaxed than before.

"I'll just say his last name is familiar and reassuring."

The sudden high-pitched voice startled Heimdall, and he turned his head quickly. The frightening human-faced lizard was lying on the side of the door facing the room. The color of its body scales changed from withered yellow similar to the door panel to A rose red similar to the carpet.

"Don't stare at me, you don't need a password to leave, and I'll be shy." Its high-pitched voice didn't reflect that last point.

"How did you get in?" Heimdall couldn't help asking.

"This is really funny. I am the door latch, and the door is my territory. Don't you know? All animals have a strong sense of territory. They fight to protect their territory. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. "He actually spoke in a leisurely and fascinated tone.

"I'm glad you still remember that you are the latch, I thought you hypnotized yourself into a fire-breathing dragon." The principal came to complain about it again.

"Ahhh! You are so annoying! What's wrong with the door bolt, the door bolt also has the right to fantasize about fire-breathing dragons, you can't deprive a door bolt of the joy of life, and even make fun of its pursuit!"

Heimdall thought that Principal Järwe's daily office life must be quite colorful.

After arriving in Reykjavik, I found the bar on the note by virtue of my memory and the address obtained through the Wizarding Inquiry Agency.Heimdall stood at the door of the bar, checked the name of the bar provided by the inquiry agency and the pattern of the signboard hanging by the door, and after confirming that it was correct, he opened the door and walked in.

The inside of the door is very lively, men and women in wizard robes are talking to each other enthusiastically, and laughter is endless.Heimdall declined the drink recommended by the bartender, took out a Nat with the number of Gringotts Bank in Iceland printed on it, and placed it on the table.Then, he stood on the spot and looked around for a while, and after confirming the direction, he passed through the noisy crowd and walked into the narrow passage leading to the rear guest room.At the end of the narrow passage is a mirror, and to the left is the staircase leading to the second floor.

Heimdall was silent for a moment in front of the mirror, and the person in the mirror was also silent.

He stepped forward, bent down, stepped into the mirror, and when his feet landed on the ground, what appeared in front of him was Shem Street, the most prosperous wizarding commercial street in Northern Europe.At the same time, the copper Knut that should have been lying on the counter top returned to his hand.

The name of Jiaoshan Street comes from a mineral called "hornblende". This mineral is black and belongs to metal-containing minerals. It looks shiny. In fact, the metal contained in the mineral is not as shiny as it is. So precious.The value is actually very mediocre, so the name of the horn flash has another meaning: the deceiver.

For a long time, Jiaoshan Street was indeed a gathering place for scammers. The merchants here pursued tricking Muggles in their lives. Almost every day, Muggles were hurt to varying degrees because they bought goods from Jiaoshan Street. Physical injuries and mental injuries emerge in endlessly, making innocent and ignorant people miserable.This phenomenon was not effectively curbed until the International Federation of Wizards officially passed the law prohibiting wizards from harming Muggles in various ways, and mandated that the Ministry of Magic of each country must implement it with the strongest attitude.

The corner flash street was banned, the shops on the street closed down one by one, and the scammers escaped or went to jail.At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Icelandic Ministry of Magic went through long-term debates and evaluations one after another, and the corner that had been closed for centuries was finally revived.The notorious Deceiver's Street was now a well-known wizarding commercial street in the Nordic magic world.Although its qualifications cannot be compared with the historic and well-known British Diagon Alley, perhaps in a few hundred years, Jiaoshan Street will become the next Diagon Alley.

Heimdall walked into an owl rental shop, and the owner was waving a wand and directing a bag of owl biscuits to be poured into the owl cage.The shopkeeper turned his back to the door and didn't notice the guests coming.Heimdall quietly kept an eye on the owls' feedings and the types of biscuits these adorable birds ate.

When the bag fell to the ground, the shopkeeper turned around, his eyes widened in surprise.

"...Welcome, what can I do for you?"

To his relief, after staring for three seconds, he repeated it in broken English.

Heimdall smiled kindly, "I want to send a letter."

"Oh, of course." The shopkeeper greeted him graciously. "My shop offers you a variety of owls that are smart enough to take care of all emergencies."

"All the rental shops say this before the letter is sent out. Once the letter is not delivered, the owls will suddenly not be so smart in the mouth of the shopkeeper."

"It can be seen that your experience is very valuable, and you will find that my owl will not help you accumulate experience." The owner is very talkative.

Heimdall smiled and took out the letter.

"I need you to choose a lovely courier to send my letter to Hogsmeade village in England."

The shopkeeper took the letter and said with a smile on his face: "Every one of my owls is smart and cute."

After paying the fee and leaving the owl rental shop, Heimdall walked for a while on the bustling street and saw a shop with a telephone sign.This kind of shop is very rare in the wizarding world. The "monsters" developed in recent years were controversial when they were first promoted in the wizarding world. Politicians who always love to worry about the sky think that this is a signal for Muggles to enter the wizarding world, so Their development has stalled.Now only a relatively large-scale wizard commercial street may appear. After all, not every wizard can welcome them into their lives without any grudges.

He leaned against the glass outside the door and looked around, but it was empty inside.After a little hesitation, he opened the door and entered.The furnishings inside the door are very simple, with bare walls and a few metal shelves nailed to the walls. On the shelves are black old-fashioned dial telephones. The bulky and bulky figures must have been eliminated in the Muggle world.

A witch was sitting on a sofa in the corner, with a ripped blanket covering her legs, and a black radio was squatting on the ground at her feet.The radio rustled and sang wizard songs, and the horn was distorted so badly that it sounded like an opera actor hanging his voice, but the witch was oblivious to it and hummed along.

Heimdall vaguely remembered this song - "You Stole My Heart With Magic", the famous work of the famous British witch singer, and Draco bought every album of hers.

Finding that the witch was indifferent to his attention, Heimdall touched his nose and walked towards the first shelf.After picking up the phone, the other side was quickly connected, and the Icelandic babble came from the microphone. Director Strulusson burst into tears, and seemed to understand only one or two words.

"Can you speak English, please? Or German or Russian."

The fluent English sounded very quickly, and Director Strulusson got mad again.

"Yes, I can understand... That's it. I want to make a call to the UK. What should I do? Yes, I have the phone number of the other party at hand. Okay, thank you very much. By the way!" Director Stulusson suddenly Aware of a problem that should be made clear immediately, otherwise he is very likely to regret it for the rest of his life.He paused, "This call will be paid by the other party."

Heimdall waited for a while, and a prompt came from the microphone, telling him that the Icelandic wizard operator connected him to the British wizarding communication network, and reminded him that after the beeping, he was asked to dial the dial according to the phone number .

Heimdall followed his words, and after waiting for a while, there was movement on the other side.


He clearly heard the sound of breathing, but he couldn't hear the other party's voice.So he called out a few more times, but still got no response.

Heimdall said angrily: "If you don't want to talk on the phone, why do you need to provide a phone number?" If the other party hadn't repeatedly emphasized in the letter that their call had nothing to do with the content of the letter, he would never have let himself take the trouble.

"Don't talk to me now, I'm trying to get used to this shit." Grindelwald's voice was reluctant.

"...I'll call later." She was about to put down the phone.

Grindelwald's rant ensues, "I refuse to take this shit a second time!"

Heimdall picked up the microphone again, "I'm not like you, the only task left in my life is to hide myself properly. I'm very busy, so don't waste my time."

"Going to Chacarel Di Rupo next?"

Heimdall did not deny, "If you can provide his detailed personal information, I can avoid this link."

"You must think he is my subordinate, or follower."

"Yes, I also imagined that he might be a saint whose name we didn't know. Speaking of this, I remembered it. It would be really great if you could provide a list of saints by the way."

Grindelwald was silent for a moment, "Every time you want to make yourself annoying, you do it very successfully."

"Thanks, that's always an inspiration to come out of your mouth." Heimdall switched the microphone to the other side. "Don't change the subject, who is Karel Di Rupo?"

"The enemy."


"Of course it's mine."

Heimdall laughed three times, "Grindelwald's enemy can still live to this day?"

"How is it impossible? I am also a human being."

"Glad you remember you're human again."

"If the time is moved forward by a few years, you will definitely pay the price for the remarks just now."

"So I sincerely thank Muggles for inventing the telephone, and even more so for your prudent decision to reject the fireplace and keep up with the times."

"...We can live in peace for 10 minutes, no, 5 minutes is enough, can you quietly listen to me?"

Heimdall cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, please continue." He took out his pocket watch and glanced at it.

"Carel Di Rupo is indeed my enemy. We have the same pursuit, that is, we are always committed to killing each other. Of course, I am talking about 50 years ago."

"You are still alive, and according to you, the other party is also alive."

"Yes, that means we all failed in this matter. He is one of the two people in my life who tried to kill but failed."

"Forgive me for asking, who is the other person?"

Grindelwald remained silent.

"If you don't want to say..."

"There's nothing I can't say. Another wizard who managed to escape my clutches. He is in England and is now the headmaster of Hogwarts. Do I need to say his name in detail?"

Heimdall couldn't help but straightened his back.Could it be an illusion? !Why did he feel that what Lao Caipi said was very ambiguous?

"Thank you, you can keep silent. It is a wrong decision to inquire about this with you."

"But you've heard it."

"Merlin, I don't want to share your innocent little secret."

Grindelwald laughed, and Director Sturluson noticed that he didn't deny it.

Heimdall said: "I am interested in Karel Di Rupo. Based on the limited information you have provided, can I see Di Rupo as a freedom fighter against evil rule?"

"Against me are the freedom fighters?"

"It's a fighter to be able to persevere in making killing you the goal of your struggle." Heim Dalton nodded. "Could it be that he has no choice but to submit to the evil power of the big demon king, and is actually always ready to replace him, the unwilling little demon king?"

"You can explore this by yourself, I have nothing to say."

"What is your ambiguity trying to imply to me?"

"I'm sure I'm not implying anything."

"It's the tone of every murderer who swears in court that he was framed and falsely accused by incompetent wizard police."

"You really never forget to remind me that I am a murderer."

"Disappointing you? Sorry, this may be an underlying professional habit. If you turn yourself in now, I will intercede for you."

"Really?" Grindelwald obviously didn't believe it. "If I'm imprisoned, will I still have a bright future?"

"Probably not in this lifetime."

"Actually, I have considered for a long time whether I should turn myself in... I don't think I will."

"I believe you won't, just like I won't intercede for you at all." Heimdall hung up the phone after speaking, took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, and the five minutes of peaceful coexistence just came to an end.

Heimdall arrived in Istanbul at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and before he had time to appreciate the Golden Horn bathed in the dusk, he plunged into the traffic.He soon found the imposing wizarding banks, each of which played a memorable role in the local wizarding street.

President Nullen greeted him in the foyer and said, before Heimdall could speak, "We are flattered that you have condescended to come."

To be honest, Heimdall didn't see it at all. Behind the counter where the business was handled, the goblins performed their duties in an orderly manner. Each of them was as unsmiling as other goblins in Gringotts Bank, as if they were owed billions of Galleons.In the brightly lit hall, there was only the sound of metal rubbing when coins were stacked.

Heimdall smiled, "I thought goblins were never surprised."

"We just never do that in front of wizards." Newlon led him back to his office. "What do you want to drink?"

"Tea is fine."

"Tea to Mr. Sturluson."

The teapot and teacups fell on the tea table, and the half full cup floated up from the tray and landed in front of Heimdall.

Heimdall blinked and picked up the teacup.

"You look surprised." Nulun poured himself a drink that goblins prefer. Heimdall wasn't sure what it was, smelled it...not sure.

"I just didn't expect goblins to allow house-elves to haunt Gringotts."

"...I'm glad to hear you say that, and it's not out of accusation." Nulun's indifferent expression didn't become kind because of his tone. "I've had a few clients who got along well, um, I mean I thought I got along well, and when they saw that we hired house elves to serve Gringotts... how should I put it, they were a bit shocked and didn't seem to understand .”

"Cutting off the head of an old house-elf and hanging it on the wall is not the only end for house-elves. If that's the case, why can't goblins enjoy the same service for a few bucks?"

Nulun seems to be in a good mood. In the values ​​​​of goblins, money is omnipotent. The services bought with money make them feel very safe, which is much safer than being restrained by a bunch of rules and regulations.

"Let's talk about Karel Di Rupo." Heimdall put down his glass.

"That's exactly what it means. We've investigated, and there's nothing wrong with this wizard. On the contrary, he's outstanding."

"What does he do?"

"He's a therapist, an award-winning, acclaimed therapist."

Heimdall picked up his cup and took another sip. "It's really unexpected. I thought he was a master spellbreaker. At least his job is related to spellbreaking."

"Mr. Stulusson, means of earning a living and expertise cannot be directly equated."

"You're right." Heimdall nodded. "I don't know much about the profession of healers, and I don't know what kind of wizards are the outstanding talents in this field."

"I like your caution." Newlon didn't mind his hesitation. "In my opinion, awards and accolades are not everything."

"I also have a deep understanding of this." Heimdall naturally thought of Andrew Ansip, and said, "Maybe we should try to find out from other sources, I can write him a letter first, what do you think? "

"You just make sure you get our belongings and that filthy thief out of the grave, and we don't care how it goes," Newlen said.

"It's hard to say now," Heimdall thought for a while, "Can you take me to see that tomb? Although it may not be effective in breaking spells at my level."

"Of course." Nulun readily agreed.

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