"Diary October [-], [-]"

Pregnancy made me irritable and crying, and I would always hide at that point, and I couldn't stimulate Sirius any more.I want to wait a while before I have a proper talk with Sirius.But my bad mood still affected him. He thought my instability was caused by my nervousness, a kind of natural obsessive-compulsive disorder.

At this time, I would feel frustrated. The love potion made him accept me, but it couldn't let me really enter his heart.

I tried to buy a Muggle parenting magazine, the pictures in it were so cute, I couldn't help but start fantasizing about the baby.

When I'm in a happy mood, I'm extra soft-hearted, maybe I can give birth to him or her, and the thought keeps coming back and forth until I start to compromise.


This morning, Heimdall woke up before the alarm clock rang. He turned off the alarm button on the alarm clock and got up.Hina didn't appear immediately as usual, maybe she's also used to the convenience brought by the alarm mode.Heimdall was very impressed by the way the house-elf scurried around the room when he was first startled by the alarm clock.

He threw off the quilt and got down to the ground, then took off his pajamas and began to get dressed.

Too many things happened in the past two days, and they all revolved around his life experience. Maybe he subconsciously divided himself and the real Rigg into different people, so he always looked at things from the perspective of a third party.Not keen enough, hard enough, not enough...to satisfy the grown-ups.But every time he thinks that he may have to show warm affection to a strange man, he gets chills all over his body.

Heimdall asked himself: Can you address Sirius Black as Papa without hesitation?

Can't do it, he feels powerless.

"Oh, or Mr. Sirius Black doesn't want to be this father at all..." He pursed his mouth nonchalantly.As soon as he turned around, he saw the door of the room slowly opened, and Hina stood awkwardly at the door.To Heimdall's surprise, the graceful Mrs. Malfoy was standing at the door, looking at him expressionlessly.

When Heimdall's eyes met hers, she turned her face slightly uncomfortably.

"Good morning, Mrs Malfoy."

When Narcissa heard the words, she immediately looked back at him, with a bit of sharpness in her eyes.

Heimdall was unmoved, and calmly made a gesture of invitation. "The room is a bit messy, if you don't mind, please come in."

Narcissa lowered her eyelids, walked into the room, and sat down on the wooden chair in front of the desk under Hina's arrangement. "It's nothing, I always think of Draco when I see you, his room is not so spotless all the time, boys are like this." She said, looking at Xina sternly, the elf was in her Under the gaze, he shrunk his neck, and his hands and feet became more agile.Narcissa still held her high profile, but the aura she presented was not so unkind.

Sheena took over the job of dressing, and Heimdall just stood there stretching his arms and legs.Mrs. Malfoy seemed to have lost her interest in talking. She stared at Heimdall for a long while, the emotion in her eyes was incomprehensible, with a hint of mist.

Heimdall didn't disturb her, he just went about his own business and packed things with Hina's help.

Narcissa's attention was quickly attracted by the diary on the desk, and she stared at the lackluster cover for a while. "Has Ivy mentioned her family?" She said word by word, as if it was difficult to speak.

"No positive mention."

Narcissa nodded, as if not surprised. "What did she say?"

"She feels that she is similar to a store of goods that must be cleared when the time comes."

Narcissa quickly evoked a smile, and then straightened her face immediately. "What she did was so stupid!"

Heimdall turned his eyes to Mrs. Malfoy when he heard the words. The latter pursed his lips, raised his chin, and said with extreme displeasure: "We don't live in a utopian fairy tale. With her status, she can give herself Finding a more decent husband and objectively recognizing the reality is the sober understanding that a woman in the upper class must have. Her actions will only make her relatives despise her and stay away from her, and they will not sympathize with her. Because her behavior will Leading to the decline of a family's social prestige, this is what anyone with a little brain should have foreseen. Love is nothing in her social class, although her impulsiveness is a manifestation of courage..." (I don't know about wizard knowledge I don’t know the word utopia, let’s use it like this)

Heimdall blinked, surprised that Narcissa would make such an evaluation.

"...But it's stupid, it's not worth it, it's not worth it." Narcissa murmured, a trace of sentimentality and confusion crossed her face.

Heimdall wondered what she thought of her sister-in-law.You shouldn't hate it, right? !Heimdall guessed.

Narcissa seemed to have made up her mind to "advance and retreat" with him, she not only went to his room when he got up, but even watched him while eating.Hina's nerves have withstood a huge test, and her culinary skills have also improved, showing an extraordinary level. This change naturally made several senior brothers cheaper, and they all ate like hungry people.Heimdall admired his brothers for being able to go their own way under the attention of Narcissa with a sense of presence. He is indeed a member of the Quidditch school team who has seen the international world.

"Wait a minute." Before entering the team competition venue, Narcissa suddenly stopped Heimdall, then bent down to smooth the slightly messy hair at the temples for him, and straightened the front of the robe.Perhaps out of a subconscious move, she confused him with someone, because she was suddenly stunned after doing this.

Although the four brothers who accompanied her thought her behavior was weird, they realized that she was not malicious, so they wisely kept their mouths shut, as if they hadn't seen anything.

In order not to embarrass her, Heimdall quickly thanked her, waved to her, and turned to leave.

After walking a certain distance, he looked back, and Narcissa was still standing there, surrounded by noisy crowds, but she turned a blind eye uncharacteristically, looking intently through the space.

What a good mother.Heimdall looked back and sighed.


"You're finally here." This sentence should be a statement, although it doesn't sound like the tone that a statement should have.

Heimdall walked to Adam Klaus, looked at the tools all over the floor, and asked curiously, "Did you move all your studios here?"

"You especially like talking about him."

In the face of Adam's accusation, Heimdall remained unchanged. "Where's Shabby? Why didn't you see him?"

Adam put down the half-rolled dragon skin, raised his eyes and said, "Why don't you greet me first? Only by greeting people you can see can you show your good upbringing, isn't it?"

Heimdall looked at his slightly gloomy face, and wondered that he was not so afraid at first, even though the person in front of him had bad eyesight, his face was darkened, and he stood up like an iron tower.In fact, his physique is nothing, Heimdall thought so, anyone picked out from the school team would be as tall as him.

"Generally speaking, greeting someone who is not there is a better indication of the person's empathy."

"Hypocrisy!" Adam criticized mercilessly.

Well, easy to blame.Heimdall nodded, he had tasted this, and the most effective way was to shut up.

In view of Adam Krause's ferocious quarrel appearance, during the preparation period before the game, no player came up to greet him smartly. Everyone stood outside the circle and watched cautiously, guessing by the way whether this team would become the main team because of this. The first team to crash before the tournament.

"Are you admitting that you are hypocritical?" Adam's thick eyebrows frowned, and he glanced around by the way, his eyes full of warning.When he looked at someone, that person looked away immediately, but when he looked away, this person would definitely look at Heimdall again, with sympathy in his eyes.

"Well, what you say is what you say, you are our leader, and we listen to you." Heimdall replied evasively.At this time, his eyes were suddenly attracted by someone who was standing not far away and waving at him. It was the curly-haired boy in purple robe.At this moment, he was grimacing at Heimdall with a shameless smile.

Heimdall raised an eyebrow and grunted.

"Heimdall dear," Adam said, dissatisfied with his attention being taken away by something else, he demanded a high degree of attention. "It's best to stop your behavior, this is the scene of the game, don't just smirk at others!"

giggle? !Heimdall was speechless, of course he didn't smirk, in fact he didn't even smile since he entered the venue.

"I'm not smirking, Mr. Claus." Heimdall said firmly.

"You're very self-righteous."

Quite the contrary, the self righteous one is you.Heimdall thought for a while, and then said, "Usually, smiles have a certain purpose, and sometimes it works."

Adam crossed his arms, relentlessly. "Achieved by flirting?"

coquettish? !Heimdall's face darkened.Is this man crazy? !Smiling is coquettish?

"I don't smirk casually, let alone coquettish!"

Adam Cross sneered, disapprovingly.

"Because it's just as effective if you don't laugh. I usually do that." Heimdall looked at a random place, where a young player happened to be quietly paying attention to their movements. When Heimdall's gaze collided with him, this The first contestant flinched, and immediately looked away, but after a while he turned his eyes back again. Heimdall looked at him impartially, stared at him without blinking, until he lowered his head flushed. , and finally walked toward Heimdall involuntarily...and was caught by his companion in time.

Heimdall let go of the involuntary player and brought his gaze back.

Sure enough, Adam Krause's face darkened even more. "I'm not some fool who gets carried away easily!" he said.

"I didn't say you were." Heimdall told him cheerfully, "I just wanted to tell you the difference."

"I... I'm back." Xiabi's voice came over. In fact, he had been back a long time ago, but he couldn't find a chance to intervene.

"Welcome back," Heimdall said. "What did you do?"

"Get the design drawings." Xiabi raised the parchment in his hand.

Adam Krause has always been able to distinguish priorities. He immediately put aside his chaotic thoughts and quickly plunged into the game.He took a look at the blueprint, and frowned after a while: "Although I thought that the champion's blueprint would only be a show, I didn't expect it to be so unsightly." Then, he handed the blueprint to the Heimdall.

Heimdall took it and took a closer look. This champion may be ahead of the curve in terms of design, but he is definitely a layman in terms of manufacturing.In addition to the relatively perfect concept, the manufacturing details are completely out of date, and the construction blueprints he draws are basically like an alternative toy design drawing, which is useless at all.

Looking up at the reactions of the other teams, everyone was shaking their heads.

Adam Krauss grabbed the blueprints, rubbed them into balls of paper and threw them into the toolbox: "You can't count on the championship, otherwise you wouldn't need to set up this team competition."

Only then did Heimdall let his eyes look at the wood stacks on the edge of the venue, where there were display samples of various wood materials. "How do you plan to choose materials?"

Adam replied, "I heard that the British generally recommend holly first."

Xiabi rolled his eyes: "Please don't get angry at this time."

Adam sneered, "Actually, I want to praise this. Holly trees are very suitable for broomsticks."

"I think Ironwood is better." Heimdall expressed a different opinion. "It's just a little sinking."

Adam nodded, then go and have a look.

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