HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 601 Birthday Party

After dinner, and talking for a while, Heimdall reached out and took out his pocket watch. Generally speaking, when a wizard makes this gesture, it is a hint to the master that he is ready to leave.

Draco reluctantly said, "Just stay at our house for one night."

Lucius said, "I'll send you in my family's carriage early tomorrow morning."

Malfoy Manor, including its surroundings - the exact size is not clear - cannot Apparate and Apparate unless they leave the forbidden area.A wise wizard will not personally verify the size of the range, especially if you know the owner, then you should not do so.From the point of view of the wizards, groping for the prohibited range of phantom magic in other people's homes is equivalent to invading the privacy of the other party.

In terms of the economic conditions of the Malfoy family, it is not a problem to support a Pegasus.There is a stable in the manor. In addition to the four-storey house specially built for the Pegasus - to satisfy the occasional whim of the Pegasus what it feels like to hang under the roof - the other houses also raise ordinary horses.Everyone in the Malfoy family can ride horses, and they like to ride horses. The Muggle aristocrats seem to be obsessed with this animal.

Heimdall once stood outside the racecourse admiring Draco's unrestrained demeanor on the horse from a distance, and he had no choice but to envy and hate.Don't look at Mr. Stulusson's appearance as an aristocrat, but his core is a poor and lower-middle peasant. When it comes to more tasteful activities such as horse riding, his comprehension is naturally below the average.Draco, who couldn't hold back and was eager to try, tried it once. Since then, he wanted to detour when he saw Pegasus.

Draco happily described his Quidditch collection. He also got a set of Puddlemere United uniforms and was about to take Heimdall to see them. Lucius, who had just left the living room, turned back , the expression is a little strange.

"Rig, come with me to the study," Lucius said.

Draco was a little disappointed, "Dad, can't you wait a while?"

Lucius raised his eyebrows expressionlessly, and Draco shut up.

"Don't follow." Lucius stopped Draco who was following Heimdall, and walked out of the living room with his nephew.

Draco was tongue-tied, and turned to complain to his mother, "Dad won't let me follow? I'm his own son!"

Narcissa held up a knitting textbook and counted the stitches, but was interrupted by her son, and forgot where she was counting. She raised her eyes and rolled her eyes at Draco, then lowered her head and started counting from the beginning.

Master Malfoy, who was left by the side, looked bitter.

Sitting in Lucius' study room was a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a rough face, and a thick mustache. hint.

The man stood up immediately when he saw them, and he still had a sense of presence in the well-furnished large study room. He was dressed in a black robe, and his stature was not low, at least [-] or more by visual inspection.

The man's gaze quickly swept across Heimdall's face, Heimdall's back stiffened, and an indescribable strange feeling came to his heart, which was fleeting.He watched the man without a trace, until he sat on the sofa opposite the man under the guidance of Lucius, he still couldn't figure out where he saw this man.

Could it be that you are overthinking yourself?Mr. Stuluson was puzzled.

"The bodyguards of our family asked me just now that this gentleman wanted to visit Malfoy Manor, so I let them let him in." Lucius shifted his gaze from his nephew to the strange man, thinking that they might not be the same Yes, at least my nephew was a little dazed.

Heimdall thought for a while and asked the strange man, "Are you here to find me?"

"Yes," the man looked very polite, with a very gentle expression. "I am an employee of Purongrong Wizard Company. You have applied for debt collection business in our company. From today onwards, I will cooperate with you to complete a series of debt collection work."

Lucius looked at his nephew in surprise.debt collection? !Mr. Malfoy plucked his ears in an inelegant manner.

Seeing the man handing over one business form after another, and looking at himself expectantly, Heimdall took it unceremoniously and scanned it word by word. The man was not in a hurry and waited calmly.

During the period, Lucius asked the house elf to refill the tea.

"I see, can I put this list here?" Heimdall finally raised his head.

"This one is for you."

"I'm just a middleman in this matter. I will discuss the specific situation after I contact the other end. I believe your company has already informed you. I don't need your help to find someone."

"Yes, I have heard."

Heimdall smiled, "I'll contact you when I'm notified that everything is ready."

The man nodded, and then found that Heimdall had been staring at him, and he was a little confused for a while.

"What should I call you?" Heimdall waited for a long time, but he didn't see him introduce himself.

The man suddenly realized that he unnaturally took out a business card and handed it over.

Heimdall took it with both hands and saw that there was only one name on it—Carl Reschut, and on the back was the address of the Purongrong Company in the ancient town of Kapok.

"Mr. Reshute."

"Just call me Reshute."

Heimdall nodded kindly.

Reschute stood up to say goodbye, but Heimdall looked at his back and couldn't help asking, "Did we meet somewhere?"

Lucius, who had been quietly serving as the backdrop, took a sip of tea, muttering to himself, strike up a conversation?Although Rieger has taken a fancy to Krum's tough style, the gentlemen who usually make him feel pleasing to the eye are actually polite and polite. The man in front of him has tried his best to make himself look less aggressive, but his temperament This kind of feeling thing is tried to change by another means, the effect is limited after all.

Uncle Lucius could see that this Mr. Reshute was not the type Rigg would appreciate.

Lei Shute paused and turned around.

Heimdall watched his expression, then grinned.

"You did, didn't you?"

Lei Shute was silent, but did not deny it.

"Have you admitted that it is bad for you?" Heimdall asked cautiously.

Reshte shook his head.

"Then can you tell me where we met before?"

"...you once asked me about Apparating."


"That time you thought I was using Apparation, and you asked me how to use this magic without making a sound."

Heimdall opened his mouth wide, the wizard hat at that time? ! (PS: The one who appeared in the second school year, Rommel was afraid that the great elder would be unfavorable to Lige, so he asked Katenin to send bodyguards. The plot that Lei Shute said is in Chapter 281)

Lei Shute smiled slightly, his mustache trembling.

Under the hint of IW, the Police Corps added a Hulk coordination course to Heimdall, and the teaching time was chosen on Saturday morning.Since Heimdall was on summer vacation, he brought the king home every weekend, and sent it back around [-] pm on Sunday, in the name of enhancing mutual communication and feelings. Heimdall feels that the relationship between it and toffee is indeed growing day by day .

After today's class ended, Heimdall discussed with the instructor, "Send the king back on Monday morning, do you think it's okay?"

The instructor didn't rush to reply, "What's up tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is my friend's birthday, so I don't know how late I will stay."

"If it's early, you'll send the king back. If it's too late, you're allowed to wait until Monday."

Heimdall thought this was a test of our self-consciousness.

"I see, I will take the king with me tomorrow."

The instructor didn't say anything, and didn't seem to object to him doing it.The king and Heimdall have developed a basic tacit understanding. What is lacking now is coordination. Let Hulk be familiar with his smell and actions, which will be more helpful for the difficult training in the future.

When I got home, I turned around and couldn’t find Rommel, thinking he had gone out. Later, I found that the door leading to the wine cellar had been lifted, and Heimdall went down the wooden stairs, in front of the second row of shelves. found the father.

"Back?" Rommel turned to him and smiled.

Heimdall looked at the bottle of wine curiously. His father couldn't wait to show him his various collections. He didn't remember the exquisiteness of wine, but he had some idea of ​​the market value of the bottles on this row of shelves.The bottle of wine that Rommel was holding in his hand was worth something that would surely allow him to spend days in a chili swan.

"Is there anything happy today?" Heimdall thought that his father would open a bottle of good wine to celebrate, which was always played on TV.

"No," Rommel carefully put the bottle back and picked up another bottle. "This is for you to take to your birthday party tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Rommel made a decision, and left the wine cellar holding the gracefully curved slender bottle, followed by Heimdall with a surprised expression.

"For Harry?"

"To be precise, it's for Mr. Black." Rommel walked into the tea room and put the bottle on the cast iron countertop with stained glass.He didn't believe that Black would leave Potter alone, there must have been wizards patrolling the vicinity of the reception for safety.Dumbledore is a wise and cautious man.Maybe Black will receive visitors as Potter's elder.

"Meeting ceremony?"

Rommel turned his head and smiled helplessly at his son.

"You don't really intend to go empty-handed, do you?"

"I sent a gift." Heimdall thought it necessary to emphasize.

"It's two different things. It's your first time as a guest, and it's a birthday party. It's not good to be empty-handed." Rommel patted his head. "It's okay, Dad will help you prepare."

Heimdall could only nod obediently, his eyes slanted and landed on the bottle of wine.

This wine is not cheap...

Rommel said with a smile, "I'm waiting for you to buy me a better one."

"Definitely!" Heimdall assured with his eyes sparkling and his chest clapped.

At ten o'clock the next morning, he went to England in the Malfoy family's sky-drawn horse-drawn carriage. When the carriage landed, he had no time to stand up, and the door was pulled open from the outside.Draco poked his face in, Master Malfoy was as excited as a schoolboy in a spring outing today.

In the end, what greeted him was a big hairy face.

Draco turned his head in a daze, and his cousin sat with a big hairy face and smiled at him.

"This is..." Draco glared at the gigantic beast, and must admit, he was stunned for a moment.

"I told you before, the partner sent to me from above." Heimdall said ambiguously.

Fortunately Draco knew what to ask and what to play dumb.After a short period of daze, he turned his attention to his cousin, but he would still squint at the big guy dozing on the stool from time to time.

"You brought a present?!"

Draco blinked his eyes as he looked at the slender object in his hand. The blue-gray soft packaging had a brocade-like luster, and the multi-layered bows tied with gold ribbons of different shades lightly sprinkled gold powder down with his movements. , in the blink of an eye.

All in all, not in cousin's taste.

"My father prepared it for me." Heimdall held the bottle carefully all the way, and he couldn't hit the bottle even if he fell down.

Draco laughed, "My dad prepared it for you too." He took out a round box, which was also packed in a shiny way.

Heimdall was a little surprised.

Draco said again: "You told me that the other day, I thought you wouldn't bring a present, and Dad prepared one for you after hearing about it." He stuffed the gift into his arms.

Director Strulusong was so excited that his heart was so warm that he could cover a truckload of bean sprouts in an instant.He thought to himself, he must work hard in the future, earn more money, and buy a better job for his uncle...

"What did your father prepare for me?" Heimdall asked his cousin.

Draco actually sold out.

Until their gift was delivered to Sirius, Heimdall still couldn't figure out what was in the round box.

As father Rommel guessed, Mr. Black, as Harry's elder, stood with Harry at the door of Mrs. Puddiffe's teahouse in Hogsmeade village to welcome the guests.Mr. Black is rich and powerful, and has booked the whole Mrs. Puddiffe teahouse.Perhaps Hogsmeade is closer to Hogwarts, so British wizards would consider it safer than Diagon Alley.

Today, this teahouse has received, and will also receive countless young couples from Hogwarts in the future.The words "Happy Birthday Harry" were put together with colorful balloons at the door, and the golden flying cherubs that would be displayed on Valentine's Day danced among the balloons.

Their carriage stopped in the open space beside the station, and the king stayed in the carriage and continued to doze.

After Heimdall and Draco left the station, they went straight to the teahouse. The two stopped at the door. Harry and a few friends hurriedly finished their greetings and turned to greet them.Sirius saw this scene, put down the snack in his hand, and walked quickly.

Heimdall gave the present to the future Sirius, and Harry froze when he reached out his hand.

Heimdall hurriedly apologized, "My father prepared this for me, so I subconsciously gave it to Mr. Black."

In other words he put Rommel and Sirius on the same scale, although not on the same pallet.

Harry shook his hands humorously, with a very relaxed smile on his face.


Heimdall laughed too.

Draco grimaced, snorted, and tossed the contents to Harry.Harry adjusted his movements several times before he caught the gift box securely in a thrilling manner.Harry gave Draco a very unhappy look, and Draco also looked unhappy.The two turned their heads childishly at the same time.

"Happy birthday, Harry." Heimdall hurriedly smoothed things over.After all, did you force your cousin to say the same thing?

"Thank you, please come in."

Heimdall once visited Mrs. Puddiffe’s teahouse before, and the inside was as foggy as a bathhouse. The teahouse still does not change its true colors today. The girly atmosphere has faded a lot for Harry’s birthday party, and it has become more playful. Cute, more suitable for children's decoration.

"Let's sit in the corner." Draco took Heimdall to a table and sat down with ease.

"Have you come here before?" After sitting down, Heimdall teased.

"...a few times." Draco stammered.

"Draco!" With a shout of joy, a young girl jumped out of the thick fog, wearing a daylily-colored skirt, lively yet delicate and beautiful.

"Pansy?! Why are you here?" Draco was taken aback.

"You can come, but I can't?" Pansy opened the chair and sat down.

Although Draco was unhappy, he didn't say anything, he picked up his teacup and drank it sullenly.

Pansy gave a smug smile.

Heimdall found that Miss Parkinson was moderately tougher than before. If she continued to accommodate Draco and grind with him until she graduated, she could only watch her cousin leave and sigh.

"Hi, Rigg, nice to meet you." Pansy greeted Heimdall.

When Draco heard her calling so enthusiastically, he raised his head and stared, but Miss Parkinson didn't look at him at all.

"Hello, Parkinson." Heimdall shook hands with her.

"You can call me Pansy."

This girl is really interesting, she probably wants to say "Draco's cousin is my cousin".

"Okay, Pansy."

Pan Xi smiled slightly, her round face was very cute.

Draco continued to drink tea with a bitter face, and someone patted him on the shoulder.

Hermione emerged from the fog, accompanied by a reluctant Ron.

"Hi." Draco nodded to Hermione, completely ignoring Ron's presence.

Ron saw Heimdall in a blink of an eye, and immediately moved over with excitement.

"Harry said you'd come, but I still don't believe it."

"Why don't you believe it?"

Ron curled his lips and muttered, "...because you prefer to be with Malfoy."

In fact, Ron was right, but Heimdall couldn't be so honest.

"So you don't think Draco will come?"

Ron shrugged, "But I was wrong."

Heimdall smiled and patted his shoulder, "Nice to meet you, old man."

"Me too." Ron grinned and thumped back.

"Draco, let's go get something to eat." Pansy didn't want to see Draco chatting with Hermione, and grabbed Draco's arm before his temper exploded.

Draco glared at her impatiently, and Pansy bravely met her.

Three seconds later, Draco gave in and was dragged up helplessly by her.

Pansy raised her chin at Hermione when Draco wasn't looking.

Hermione curled her lips and decided not to be as knowledgeable as this narrow-minded woman.

They accidentally bumped into Ron when they left, and Draco didn't see it. Pansy made an "ah" and quickly apologized to Ron, even though she wasn't the one who stepped on Ron's foot.

Ron shook his head helplessly, "Forget it."

Pansy was a little surprised by his good words, so she let go of Draco's puzzled gaze, touched Ron's arm, and looked at him intently.

"I realize I'm getting to know you again, Ron Weasley."

Ron looked at the little hand on his arm, and at Pansy's smiling face, dazed.

Heimdall noticed that Hermione Granger's complexion became very subtle, even ugly.

In the kitchen behind the teahouse, Harry searched around the teahouse but didn't see Sirius, only to find him here, holding a wine bottle in his hand, reading the label and other instructions on the bottle against the light.

Harry's eyes flicked over the packages that Sirius had torn to shreds.

"It's like a gift from me." Harry said with a smile.

"No, this is for me, you are not old enough to drink." Sirius was very decisive.

"This is the bottle that Rigg brought? What's the matter?" Harry leaned over to take a look, but didn't see any tricks.

Then, he thought of what Rieg said about the bottle of wine before, which seemed to be prepared by his father.

Suddenly something dawned on Harry, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Is this bottle of wine good?"

Sirius turned to stare at him abruptly.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Harry looked innocent.

Sirius' expression instantly relaxed, and he muttered, "You're right, this wine is great, damn it."

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