HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 588 Anna

Durmstrang officially entered the countdown to the final exam, and everyone started to go crazy by coincidence, including Director Sturluson.No matter where you go on campus, you can see students who are racing against the clock with their books in their hands. Affected by this wave of atmosphere, children who usually don't like reading very much also open their textbooks to pretend.

In addition to intense review, the longing for summer life has become the most thirst-quenching plum that makes everyone try to ignore the hard life in front of them.

"What are your plans?" Carlo said vaguely with a piece of snack in his mouth, writing in his hands without stopping. "I'm probably going to spend this summer vacation in France. My stepfather told me not to go there because it's getting rough in England."

Carlo's stepfather treated him pretty well, at least he got along very well on the surface, which is already very rare.Anyway, Carlo never expected that the new half of his biological parents would treat him as his own, and if he was bullied, his parents would not agree.Caro's parents were separated by agreement, and it is said that the reason they gave during the marriage mediation was personality incompatibility.Judging from the few meetings between Heimdall and them that can be counted on five fingers, the two of them started shouting at the first three words. I don't know how they met in the first place.

"Go work at the broom workshop," Ryan said.

Heimdall looked up after hearing this, "The broomstick studio opened by Adam Krause?"

"Yes." Rian smiled, but he didn't expect Heimdall to remember.

"I want to go home and learn how to do business." Master Blueleg had the consciousness of becoming a profiteer a long time ago.

The three of them looked at the silent Heimdall, who finished writing the last paragraph slowly, and then dropped the quill and looked at the three friends, looking a bit like an official.

"Me, as usual, IW internship." Heimdall has never looked forward to the summer internship career as much as this year.

This person has even found a future job, and he is familiar with all the superiors. It is impossible to say that Carlo and the others are not envious, jealous, and hate, but let them immediately plan their life for the next 50 years. Come out, they can't do it, they can only squint their eyes to show their old unhappy mood.

Back at the Goblin Hotel on the weekend, Anna was not at home, and Heimdall had already learned not to make a fuss. I remember the first time I met Anna returning late, and he was so anxious that he was dying. Victor also came back late that day, and there was no one to discuss with him. He comforted himself with Kreacher following him, and was circling in the kitchen thinking about it, when Anna came back.

Seeing his anxious expression, Anna also knew that today's behavior was inappropriate, so she apologized repeatedly.Heimdall saw that her face was rosy, her expression was relaxed, and she seemed to be in a good mood. Naturally, Heimdall hoped that she could get rid of her depression, so he didn't think much about it.Then he found that Anna's behavior of going out for a walk from time to time continued unabated, but she always came back before Victor. Heimdall vaguely realized that it seemed that she didn't want her son to know about it.

In fact, Heimdall could ask Kreacher to ask him. He believed that Kreacher would know everything about him, but he didn't do it.That was Anna's privacy, let alone such a grown-up person, how could she lose herself.

He was sitting in the kitchen doing his homework, and Anna came back not long after.

"It's early today."

Anna smiled and nodded, "Nothing to do today."

This wasn't the first time this kind of conversation had happened. Heimdall didn't really understand what she meant, but he didn't ask any questions as usual, just smiled slightly, and watched Anna's figure disappear by the kitchen door.

After a while, footsteps were heard, and Anna came back, this time she chose to walk into the kitchen and stand by the table.

Heimdall raised his head in bewilderment, then blinked his eyes in a daze.

Anna touched the moon-white wizard robe nervously, "How is it? I shouldn't look ugly in it, right?" Then she touched her face again, "I'm not young anymore."

Heimdall shook his head vigorously, "This robe has nothing to do with age, no matter who it is, as long as it is on the job, it is beautiful."

Anna laughed, "You can really talk."

"I'm telling the truth." Heimdall stood up, "I heard from Victor that you used to work as a nurse in a wizard hospital in Bulgaria. I thought it was a nurse. I asked Victor, and he said no. Clear, I didn't expect you to have a nurse license."

Anna smiled mysteriously, "Woman, who doesn't have a little secret."

Nurses and nurses may sound similar, but their jobs are actually very different.Nurses are generally responsible for sorting out all kinds of magic products in wizarding hospitals, and occasionally cooperate with doctors to help people or run errands, and provide some help when patients recover.Nurses are different. Nurses have a nurse's license and a wizard's robe issued by a specialized agency with the license, which is the one Anna is wearing.The work of the nurse is very important. It can be said that in the whole hospital, besides the doctor, the nurse is the second most important. The job of the nurse is to deal with the aftermath of the doctor, and is responsible for monitoring the recovery of the patient after treatment, and giving timely treatment. Necessary advice.

In the wizarding world, a good nurse is more valuable than a doctor, because nurses master a lot of things, both medicine and medicine are involved, and a top-notch nurse cannot be trained in three to five years.

Heimdall found that there was a blank piece on the chest badge and armband of Anna's nurse wizard robe, which should be marked with the nurse's rank.Nurses are divided into special grade, first grade, second grade and third grade from high to low. Based on the current overall strength of the nurse team in the wizarding world, the second and third grade teams are relatively large, and the special grade is rare in the world, which is equivalent to Gold Star Referee Qualification.

Anna noticed his gaze, "My job application was approved today. I haven't worked for 20 years, and I have passed the assessment of returning to work. I am now waiting for the International Magic Injury Treatment Center to issue my grade mark, and then You can start working now.”

If the nurse is determined to leave the post for more than five years, he must hand in the grade mark—even if he does not take the initiative to handle it, there will be a monitoring record at the center, and the grade mark will be automatically blocked when the five-year period expires—at the same time, The International Magic Injury Treatment Center will freeze the license.If you want to come back to work after five years, you must pass the examination to activate the license.

Every licensed nurse must sign a document before performing a new task, similar to a company clocking in at work, if you have not clocked in within five years—the so-called private work, whether you are still working or not, the center Both grade marks and licenses will be frozen.

Although the original intention of creating this set of procedures is to prevent the passing of time, the loopholes cannot be ignored. As for whether it has played a key role, I am afraid that only the upper echelons of the center understand it in their hearts.Not to mention far away, near, during the war, Grindelwald had many top magic nurses under his command.

Anna's face glowed unprecedentedly. From those radiant eyes, Heimdall saw a woman who has been accustomed to being content with the status quo and focusing on her family for more than 20 years, yearning for the upcoming new life from the bottom of her heart. .

"I wore this dress before I got married. I didn't expect to be able to wear it more than 20 years later."

Heimdall immediately gave a thumbs up, "Very good, you look very docile, don't worry, you look as slim as a seventeen or eighteen girl now."

Anna was amused by his exaggerated tone, and at the same time was dumbfounded by his verbal advantage.

"So I didn't realize it at all. You are not as honest as you look, Rieger." Anna pretended to be annoyed.

"Who said, is there anyone more honest than me?" Heimdall emphasized seriously. "I don't even look at body art. Your son Victor did, as Duncan can attest."

Anna smiled, "It's not surprising, a boy."

Heimdall pouted, "...I'm not a boy anymore?"

Anna raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure you haven't seen it?"

Chief Sturluson didn't say anything at first, "...not surprising, boy."

Anna carefully smoothed the wrinkles on the sleeves, her face glowing.

Heimdall couldn't help guessing that she must have struggled, but the double disappointment brought to her by her husband and mother-in-law made her firm in her belief in getting out of the prison and changing her way of life.For her determination to be self-reliant and to step on another life path, Heimdall supports her with both hands and feet, except for one thing...

"Is your body okay?"

The first and strongest impression Anna left on him was that she was not healthy, and he always felt that way.But since they lived together, I haven't seen her feel any discomfort. Sometimes even the master sneezes a few times. She is fine, except for the depression caused by those unpleasant experiences. The ruddy one is no different from Chief Strulusson.It is one thing to see it with your own eyes, but Heimdall is still a little worried.

"I don't think there is anything better than now." Anna said calmly. "Before entering the nursing profession, you have to pass a physical fitness test. I passed it at the beginning, and there is no problem now."

Anna's family disease has been controlled by drugs, and she is usually similar to ordinary people. As long as she is not stimulated by magic, she will not get sick under normal circumstances.Unlike Victor, she began to receive targeted treatment from birth, so she was able to recover.Regarding this point, Anna is sincerely grateful to Mrs. Krum, but in terms of facts, she should be grateful.

Was she implying that she would be healthier without the Krums?People are indeed affected by the environment. If you are in a bad mood or lack of energy, of course your body will feel uncomfortable. In the past, her discomfort seemed to be some minor ailments, not really ailments...

Heimdall didn't answer and changed the subject.

"You didn't tell Victor, did you?"

Anna hesitated, "Should I tell him?"

Heimdall was surprised, "This is a good thing, why didn't you tell him?"

"You said... will he support me?"

"Of course, why not?!"

Heimdall somewhat understands her contradictions. After being a housewife for more than twenty years, she suddenly decides to embrace the society. Her own mentality needs to be readjusted. Maybe someone in the Krum family can't figure it out, but that person is definitely not Wei Wei. Kedo.

"You should tell him, tell him your expectations for the future, he is your son, he will understand you." Heimdall raised her thumbs up to encourage her. "I like you, Anna."

Anna couldn't help laughing.

At night, Heimdall leaned against the head of the bed with a book in his hands and was drowsy. The master woke him up with the chicken pecking rice. When he fully woke up, the pajamas had been taken off.

He smiled and went up to kiss Victor. At first they both decided to be gentle, but in the end it turned into tireless entanglement of tongues, and the intense kiss seemed to have no end.Victor quickly pinned him down, wrapping his arms around his wrists tightly.

Victor looked down at Heimdall's face, his blue eyes were no longer as clear as usual, as if the shadow cast by his body fell into the opponent's eyes, Heimdall's eyes became darker, The pupils are also dilated.

"I have something to say..." Victor said in a low voice.

Heimdall licked his lips.

"Let's talk about it later!" The master quickly adjusted his policy.

After a while, Victor fell back on the bed, and Heimdall was lying next to him. He was temporarily incapacitated by the overload of exercise and satisfaction, and he couldn't move at this time.

"You just said something to say..." Heimdall gasped.

Victor took a few deep breaths, then smiled and kissed his lips. Heimdall silently enjoyed the indescribable intimacy brought by the kiss. He didn't turn around to hug him until Victor backed away, leaning against the stack. On the pillow at the head of the bed, I chose a posture that would not make the other party strenuous, and was also convenient for conversation.

Victor lay comfortably on the bed, his eyes filled with tenderness that seemed to never be erased, watching Heimdall leaning against him, and then resting his head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, And smiled at the sudden happiness that came out of this small gesture.

Victor's hand moved back and forth on his back, and Heimdall closed his eyes to savor this relaxing tenderness.

"I've heard what my mother said."

Heimdall did not open his eyes, hummed.

"Thank you."

Heimdall opened his eyes, "What's none of my business? That's Anna's own choice."

Later he learned that when Anna was still a girl, she had obtained a first-level nurse license through her perseverance. Now she has signed up for the latest training class and is preparing to sprint to the super class.It shows that people are pursuing before they get married.

Victor didn't answer, and didn't say anything for a long time, and the stroking didn't stop.

"I'm glad," Victor said.

"Well, it shows that you have a strong psychological quality and reverse thinking that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve. As far as I know, no matter how strong a child's endurance is, you will never be happy when you encounter such a thing."

Victor couldn't help laughing, and with a swipe of his palm, he pinched Heimdall's buttocks, which made Chief Sturluson scream.

"You know I don't mean that." The master seemed annoyed.

"Then you should know I didn't mean that either."

The master had no choice but to pinch him a couple more times, and then stretched out his arms, his hands began to feel restless.

"That means you understand what I mean?" Victor's eyes shone with lust.

Heimdall looked down slowly and found that he was already half-hard.

"You are really vigilant at all times, and you don't waste time at all times."

Victor squinted his eyes, with indescribable eroticism in his eyes, stretched his arms, and took out the familiar-looking roll of thread from the drawer of the bedside table.

"Let's take your words as a compliment, it's called efficiency."

This guy is addicted to tying his hands.

After the last exam, the students scrambled out of the room. Everyone couldn't restrain their excitement, and their bright smiles repeatedly stimulated the rebellious psychology of the professors.

Ever since, a thing called summer homework came into being, and it was out of control.

Summer vacation is like a typhoon and flood, which is force majeure. Even if the professors arrange homework as high as Mount Everest, they can't hold back the pace of the vacation and the whims of the students, which is disgusting at best.

Heimdall met Mr. Hernando on campus, and this group of well-known researchers still persisted in fighting in the vast mountainous area of ​​Durmstrang.It is said that several small animals that seem to be suitable for relocation have been found one after another. Unfortunately, they have not been able to find larger animal communities and new species. However, this group of old experts has nothing else, and their patience is inexhaustible. , otherwise it would be impossible to deal with various animals.

"I hope we can set up the most basic ecological environment before the dragon egg breaks." Mr. Hernando now hopes that the baby dragon will be born later.

"Is the egg still not moving?" Heimdall asked.

Hernando shook his head.They left in a hurry without saying a few words, and looked full of ambition when they left. Although this matter has not made much progress, it can be seen that this unheard of challenge has brought them great motivation.

Before the final exam came, Heimdall had reached an agreement with his father through letters that he would live with Rommel and let Rommel teach him some Nordic languages ​​along the way.Against the background of the master's resentment, Rommel reluctantly allowed him to visit the house, and promised that the house elf would never beat him out with a broom.

After the afternoon tea time, under the influence of Director Stulusson, the three friends who did not forget to have a full meal left the school one after another.Zug, a member of the experimental research laboratory, walked very lightly when he walked, and the head of the laboratory, who always loves to ask questions, showed mercy and did not deprive him of his vacation time.It's not that Heimdall is merciful. The whole school was most tragic when the first grade was attacked by the professors this time. It's only because they were young and energetic and didn't know how to restrain themselves. The typical joy begets sorrow, so he was embarrassed to add insult to injury.

Hina had finished packing his luggage, and Heimdall decided to hurry up and spend a little more time with his boyfriend. He left school and rushed to the International Federation of Wizards.Signing his name and registering his wand at the security guard at the gate, he walked briskly into the hall.

When going upstairs, I took a turn and found the International Magic Injury Treatment Center familiarly, but Anna didn't see it, and ran into her immediate boss, Judge Hollingworth, first.

They stare at the gate.

"Why are you here?" In the end, Heimdall was the first to break the silence. One level of official rank crushed everyone, and Hollingworth was more than one level higher than him, and he was almost like a compressed biscuit.

"Something." The young judge still maintained his succinct personal style.

"What about you, Strulusson, what are you here for, for injury treatment?"

Heimdall really wanted to spit at him, but he didn't dare, didn't he see him trying to be alive and kicking.Under normal circumstances, one foot has been stepped into the coffin after being sent to the rescue center for treatment.

"No, I came to see a friend," Heimdall quickly added, "She is the nurse here, a very good nurse."

Hollingworth sneered, seemingly laughing at his unnecessary actions.

Heimdall clenched his fists tightly to prevent himself from opening his mouth, fearing that if he made a mistake, he would be hated forever.

Hollingworth didn't even say hello, turned around and left. Heimdall just wanted to give him a middle finger on the back, but when he turned around abruptly, Heimdall squeezed his right hand with his left hand in a hurry.

Hollingworth knew it clearly, and smiled leisurely, and the hairs all over the head of Sturlusson stood up.By the way, it's a holiday, and he will report to IW soon, there is no time for this guy to forget himself, Director Strulusson is sad.

"Your friend is a nurse? What level of license?"

Heimdall heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly replied, "Level [-], I'm currently studying for a special grade."

"Not bad." The tone seemed to be saying that I didn't expect you to have such a friend.

Heimdall pretended not to understand.

"Exactly, we need the treatment center to send a few nurses to cooperate with us. Let your friend try it. If she passes the test, it will be very helpful for her future level improvement."

In other words, it will be an enviable job performance.

Heimdall nodded happily, "I will definitely convey it, thank you."

"I won't give special care to your friends, don't be delusional."

Heimdall bit his lip and almost spat out at that moment.

He met up with his boyfriend on the floor of the referee council, and the two went to the floor of the treatment center together.

"I didn't meet Anna when I came here just now, and I'm probably still in class." Heimdall told Victor about Hollingworth's proposal, and his boyfriend looked hesitant.

"Examination for the judges of the IW?" asked the master.

"No." Although Hollingworth didn't say it clearly, Heimdall knew more or less. "In order to ensure the health of both the plaintiff and the defendant, IW will find a group of doctors and nurses who have passed the strict review to conduct physical examinations for them before the official trial to ensure that they will not die suddenly and inexplicably before the trial. Similar emergencies have caused great shackles to the progress of the case, I think it may be this..."

"You asked my mother to examine the prisoner?"

Heimdall fell silent after hearing this.

"...and there are men inside." The master's expression was a bit bitter.

Heimdall couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect this guy to be quite feudal, and the feudalism was very targeted.

"There is no gender distinction in the eyes of doctors. What about the female doctors who examine you? Don't want Anna to go?"

"No, it's just a little..." Victor smiled helplessly. "Well, as long as mother is willing to go, I have no problem."

Heimdall knew he needed time to digest.

"Don't worry, Anna was an excellent nurse before she got married."

Victor smiled gently, "I just want her to be happy."

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