HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 580 Inquiry

Heideggerk School of Magic joined the exchange student program for the first time this year. As a new "kindergarten-level" school that has been in operation for less than ten years, they attach great importance to this exchange student program.Durmstrang is the third magic school visited by the interviewer team sent by the school. Although it did not occupy the first place to visit, despite Durmstrang's notorious reputation-it has improved slightly in recent years, but anyway, As long as the school adheres to the teaching philosophy of black magic education, it will not be bleached in another 100 years-Heidegger dare not be negligent.What's more, this is the alma mater of the honorary principal.

The interviewer team arrived at the school at [-]:[-] in the morning, and was flattered by the warm hospitality of the German school.We can’t blame them for making a fuss, it’s because the first two schools are too indifferent, they don’t pay much attention to the interviewer’s visit from Heideggerack, and the total number of students enrolled in the first two schools is only three, neither the students nor the teachers can see it. Heideggerach with zero background.

I happily accepted the assignment and set off with great enthusiasm. After two rounds of blows, the mentality of the interviewers has undergone a qualitative change.

Even if they had a certain amount of mental preparation before leaving school, they couldn't stand the two abuses before and after.So when Durmstrang, who has thousands of years of teaching background, greeted them with a smile and a pleasant face, served good tea and hot meals, and listened to them repeating the news they had already known through letters, Feeling the warmth of spring, the Heidegger interviewers burst into tears, and the feeling of being respected is old Harpy's.

Look, this is truly one of the top three in Europe, the temperament that a millennium institution should have.

After lunch, Heimdall and four other students who signed up entered the temporary interview site stepping on the surging mental activity of the interviewer, and what greeted them was the affectionate greeting from Heideggerach.

The five students of the German School spontaneously lined up outside the interview room based on age, and Heimdall ranked third.

When he was called, he thought carefully about the facial expressions of the two senior brothers in front of him. He seemed calm, but later he was amused by his indiscriminate behavior. The interview cannot be used as the final selection criteria, because they still need to go through a round of questions presented by Heideggerach. The exam, only after passing the exam can he be qualified to be a powerful and unconstrained style.

Thinking of this, he squeezed the application form in his hand, knocked on the door, turned the handle and pushed the door in.

"Mr. Heimdall Strulusson?" The leader of the interviewer pushed the small glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, sir."

The team leader pointed forward, "Please sit down."

He handed the application form to the interviewer's desk, took a few steps back, and sat down.

The interviewers were very kind, no matter if they were sincere or not, the corners of everyone's mouths were upturned, and their eyes were very gentle.

"We've seen your transcripts for the first four years, and they're pretty good."

"Thank you."

"But you have a partial problem."

This is the truth that almost every educator who has seen his report card will conclude.

He also touched his head in the same way and smirked.

"May I ask why you chose Heideggerac? Be it Beauxbaton or Hogwarts, they are far more famous than our school. What prompted you to make such a choice?"

Heimdall noticed that he said "far superior in reputation", rather than more practical deficiencies, such as the strength of teachers, such as hardware conditions, such as the school's establishment time, etc. Confident.

"I'm already studying in a magic school that is far more famous than your school, so why choose another one?"

The interviewers didn't expect him to be so direct, and couldn't help flirting with each other.

Heimdall said, "I heard that our children are all studying in your school."

The team leader's expression was a little subtle, "Just because of this?"

"Of course not. If I minded this, I would have applied for transfer." Heimdall said. "I hope that by studying in your school, I can learn a foreign language, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish... whatever."

The interviewers were speechless. Could it be that Heideggerach is a language training school in his mind?

"But these are not the main reasons that attract me," Heimdall gasped again, and the interviewers felt cheated. "I'm very interested in the courses offered by your school, and the direct and targeted training with employers makes me feel safe. I can't wait to find out."

The interviewers were finally in the mood to smile.

"Then I wish you a smooth pass in the assessment," said the team leader. "Trust that our courses will satisfy you."

"Thank you."

After chatting with the interviewers about the situation of the German school and Heideggerak for a while, he exited the room, and smiled apologetically at the student who was ranked fourth, stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation, and the other party replied With a friendly smile.

Walking into the cafeteria, I found Carlo and Leon, who were studying their books.

After sitting down, Heimdall said to Carlo in surprise: "I actually saw you take the initiative to review your homework in my lifetime, instead of correcting your gossip!"

"It's like I'm always not doing my job properly."

"That's what I thought."

Carlo gave him an angry look.

Neither Carlo nor Leon signed up for the exchange student program. Carlo does not want to leave the school for the time being. He plans to go out for gold plating in the seventh grade depending on the specific situation; Leon is actually better than Heimdall in some respects. Home, Mr. Sturlusson is too lazy to move, but he does not resist going out to gain knowledge. Student Leon is the type who doesn't want to move when he stays in one place. Going to Hogwarts in the fourth grade was just a bit of a follower. Besides, all his friends would go there at that time, and now he was asked to choose a place to stay for a school year, and he had no enthusiasm at all.

After a while, Lian came back, his little face was reddish, and he looked happy, as if the interview went well.In fact, if it is just an interview, everyone will go well, unless you deliberately discredit yourself, generally there will be no extra problems.

After sitting down, Ryan winked at them happily, "I'm sorry, I'm going to kiss France next school year."

"I didn't even know that you had advanced by leaps and bounds in divination, and you could already foresee the future." Carlo said unceremoniously.

Li An is in a good mood and doesn't have the same knowledge as him.

"With a spring face, I'm going to meet my sweetheart." Heimdall laughed.

Ryan countered, "It's far worse than you."

Heimdall is also like Carlo, not as knowledgeable as he is.Ever since the exchange student plan was finalized and he handed over his application form to the other school, Rian has become more and more sharp, and several friends have shouted that he can't bear it.

Shuttle around the campus the next morning, he saw several strange wizards hurried towards the clock tower led by the student union, as if they were going to visit Principal Karkaroff.Heimdall stood at this end of the path, his eyes moved slowly following the actions of those people until he disappeared at the entrance of the clock tower.

He withdrew his gaze and walked quickly to the castle. He hesitated for a moment on the way, wondering if he should go to Chicha Beast to see if there was a dragon who didn't know the exact date of birth but seemed to be born around them. This feeling was quite Strange, and even more wondrous, except for a few, the whole school remains in the dark.But when he recalled the fire-breathing dragon he saw in the Triwizard Tournament, the wonder became subtle, and he didn't know what consequences the school's choice and persistence would bring.

Let's hope he doesn't get roasted into jerky by dragons.

After finishing the morning class, Heimdall packed up his books and prepared to go to the laboratory to have a look. There was no class this morning.

Katenen stood at the door and waved to him, and Heimdall picked up the cloth bag and went out.

They walked to Katenen's office.

Katenen said: "The Hazardous Creatures Treatment Committee came this morning. They have inspected the chirping beast and dragon eggs and their living environment. They entered with the help of Mr. Hernando."

Hernando planned to stay permanently in the Durmstrang Mountains during this period, and paid a sum of money to a family hotel in the ancient town of Kapok. The specific time of staying depends on how long it will take him to consume his interest.Hernando was very excited, thinking that his group of friends were still wandering around the deep-sea mermaid. He had found a new research topic, and it was a rare non-dragon lair species of fire-breathing dragon that was rare in a hundred years. In the eyes of experts, the dragons in the Romanian dragon dens are no longer wild dragons in the true sense.

Hernando is very good at dealing with wild magical creatures. In just half a day, the chirping beasts accepted his approach, and even allowed him to freely enter and exit in the valley. In terms of how to maximize his personality and charm to hook up with wild animals , Professor Ladiri is lacking in morality, and the Zhacha beasts are still not very enthusiastic about her.

Heimdall is a bit lonely, even without himself, the Chicha Beasts can accept other wizards, and treat others as friendly as they treat him. gutted.

The two entered Katenen's office, and Karkarov was already waiting here. When he saw Katenen, he couldn't help standing up and taking a rest.

"What did the Hazardous Organisms Treatment Committee say?" After sitting down, Heimdall asked what he was most concerned about.

Katenen pushed a cup of steaming tea in front of him, "Because we sued the Magical Creatures Management Committee for negligence of duty and power for personal gain, the Dangerous Creatures Management Committee replaced the Magical Creatures Management Committee to prove our report," he said with a smile With a strange smile, "We just received a complaint from the Romanian Ministry of Magic. They accused us of illegally entering the dragon's lair without permission and taking away their dragon eggs."

Heimdall stopped holding the cup, and after a few seconds, he lifted the cup to his mouth and took a sip.

"Why am I not too surprised by their counter-suit?"

Katenin chuckled.

Karkaroff looked bitter, he was not as determined as the young man in front of him, even though he could swear to anyone that we were innocent, it was the other party who deceived others too much, and we were "justifiable self-defense", but people The feeling of pointing at the nose and yelling at guilt is really not happy, besides, Principal Karkaroff is a person with a criminal record and experience.

"If they just argued for the facts and defended themselves without exaggeration, I would think that the Romanian Ministry of Magic is a tough nut to crack. Now that they are jumping out anxiously and preparing to fight an eye for an eye, I am worried that I will not be able to pinch them." Heimdall. explain. "Ever since I found the dragon egg, I have been wondering if all this was a deliberate arrangement by the Romanian Ministry of Magic. I wanted to be a 'bitter master', turned my back and played the robber again, and directed and acted this play myself. It's just that They never expected that we didn't plan to ask them for an explanation about the dragon egg from the beginning, and didn't give them time to finish the trick, but went directly to the dragon's lair to retrieve the egg and the chirping beast. However, their plot arrangement It provides us with convenience, and this is probably the place that makes them most angry and difficult to calm down."

Katenen nodded. In fact, the unprecedented smoothness in the Dragon's Lair that day gave him an imagination in this regard.

"If the guess is correct, the Romanian Ministry of Magic originally planned to make a superficial show when we went to ask for dragon eggs, and then 'stolen' the eggs in the name of wandering wizards, and made a big move. Naturally, we will not catch them again. If they don't let them go, they may feel sorry for the Romanian Ministry of Magic, which also suffered heavy losses due to theft, and then turn around to find the wandering wizard who doesn't exist at all."

Heimdall nodded, and Kattenen's thoughts basically coincided with his.

Heimdall said: "It means that the three experts have colluded with the Romanian Ministry of Magic for a long time, at least not for the first time, otherwise they would not have cooperated so tacitly in such a short period of time."

The old and the young looked at each other, all with deep expressions, only Karkaroff looked around in a very absent state.

"Anyway, we've sued both the Romanian Ministry of Magic and the Council of Magical Creatures to the international court," Karkaroff said loudly.

The old and the young were taken aback for a moment, wanting to laugh at the same time.

Perhaps in Karkaroff's mind, any complaint would result in the result he wanted to see.

"It's not that simple," Katenin told him.

Karkaroff frowned, "It's not our fault!" Mr. Principal was extraordinarily confident. It can be said that he had never been so decisive. The plaintiff felt very good, and he didn't even think that the German school was also the defendant.

Heimdall thought for a while and said, "According to the procedure, our school will definitely be questioned by the relevant departments of the International Federation of Wizards. You can think about the rhetoric at that time, how to exaggerate our passive weakness, and at the same time highlight The ugly face of the Romanian Ministry of Magic and the Council of Magical Creatures."

Karkaroff smiled, he loves to do this thing the most, as long as his own safety and interests are not involved, he is duty-bound.

As Heimdall expected, the inquiry notice was quickly sent to the Durmstrang College. At the same time, the media workers outside the mountains detected the matter with their keen senses.The Romanian Ministry of Magic has not had a fight with anyone over the issue of the Dragon's Lair for over a hundred years, and the media workers who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic are elated.

Newspapers and magazines began to report this matter overwhelmingly. The first few newspapers who found out the news did not even know the plaintiff and defendant and the specific reasons, so they hurriedly printed and sold it, intending to seize the opportunity, but they offended many people.

Regardless of the ups and downs outside the mountains, the students of the German School were shocked. They stared at the magazines and newspapers with their mouths open.

"How is it possible? There are dragons in our school?!"

The quick-thinking Carlo quickly thought of the inexplicable disappearance of Heimdall a few days ago and the scars on his head. Friends held newspapers and searched for Heimdall who seemed to have disappeared again in the school. He has been summoned to the principal's office because the relevant department of the International Federation of Wizards asked him to participate.

Led by relevant people, they took the elevator to the basement floor. Heimdall once again stepped into this floor where he could hear his breath clearly. A voice in his heart told him that this should not be the last time.

The basement floor of the headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards does not have a clear distinction in layout, but there are always relatively fixed rooms for which departments hold certain meetings. Generally, different departments will not be mixed, and international-level conferences are held. The room is usually closed.

For example, the last time Heimdall was questioned about the Estonian Ministry of Magic, the indoor arena-type conference room used at that time would not be used today, because the relevant department in charge of the inquiry today does not have that level.

As soon as they walked into the inquiry waiting room, the wizards who were sitting in the room turned their heads abruptly. After looking at them carefully for a few times, their expressions became a little fierce. If it weren't for the wizards and the police standing guard, they would definitely be in the first place. Time rushed over.

Most of those people are wizards from the Romanian Ministry of Magic or the Magical Beasts Management Committee. The arrangement of the inquiry department is really wonderful. The defendant and the plaintiff gathered together, obviously wanting to see them fight.

Heimdall and Katenin glanced at each other, led Karkaroff, and sat down on a chair calmly, almost across the entire room from those people, sitting at the other end far away.Of course it's not that they are timid and fearful, they are also plaintiffs, and the "roaring court" that screams for killing and beating has a bad influence, and the plaintiffs should be low-key and hardworking to be convincing.

Heimdall has gradually figured out some tricks for opening courts in the wizarding world—of course, this is purely crooked and has no substance—arousing the sympathy of judges and judges plays a pivotal role in the trial process, and the influence of public opinion Orientation is also very important, but there is no such condition now, let alone this is not a murder case.

It is actually a disadvantage to put a high stance from the beginning. It can be seen that so many of the Romanian Ministry of Magic have been used to talking about dragon affairs, and they have begun to confuse right and wrong. Don’t they know that their righteous theft was in the first place? Is it wrong when the mind begins to form?

Looking at those glaring wizards, Heimdall put on a dull look, and curled up in the corner with aggrieved face, thinking that he might have had a conflict with XXNia recently, and the grapefruit leaves last time seemed not enough.

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