Mr. Hernando and the investigators from the Hazardous Organisms Treatment Committee arrived at almost the same time. Katenen was still in his nightgown when he was informed of the arrival of the guests, and he scratched his hair like a bird's nest.

The two who were arranged into Katenen's office by the house elf stared at each other, but the investigator recognized Hernando at a glance. This master of magical animal studies who loves to wear an astronomer's vest has no one in the professional field. I don't know.Hernando guessed the identity of the woman in front of him until he saw the initials of the Council for the Treatment of Hazardous Organisms embroidered on the robe she was wearing.

"Why did you come here at this time?" Hernando counted the time, and the response of the Dangerous Creatures Treatment Committee was much slower than usual.

"We only received the news last night." The female investigator said calmly.

The house elf brought refreshments, and Katenin walked into the office. Just as he left the doorknob, the door was pushed open, and the person rushing in almost hit him on the back.

"I'm sorry, Professor." Heimdall panted.

"Sturlusson?! What's wrong with you?" Katenen looked at Heimdall whose face was covered in blood in surprise.

Hernando stood up involuntarily, and the female investigator watched cautiously and coldly.

Heimdall frowned, "The dragon egg and the chirping beast were stolen."


It was Hernando who screamed, fidgeting.

"What's going on? How could the animals be stolen? This is Durmstrang!"

Katenen understood. "The three animal experts from the Fantastic Beasts Management Committee?"

"Yes..." Heimdall gritted his teeth.

"Can they call experts? Shit!" Hernando was furious. "The Fantastic Beasts Management Committee is a bunch of shameless thieves! Self-righteous idiots! They love to steal the newly discovered magical animals, and record their achievements on their own heads, trying to arrange those lives indiscriminately like the creator, holding a hypocritical Face, think of yourself as an omnipotent god! What rights do they have! Bastards!"

Hernando was very angry, and seemed to have a lot of resentment towards the robbers in his mouth.

Hernando's snarl made the elders and children of the German school shudder.

"What will they do with the dragon eggs? And the chirps? We should hunt them back immediately, the animals belong to the school." Heimdall was burning with anxiety.

Hernan was still angry and still panting heavily.

The female investigator of the Hazardous Creatures Treatment Committee said calmly: "They have no right to dispose of any animals. That is our job. If they dispose of any animals without authorization, it is an abuse of power and you can file a complaint."

"I don't want to see them abuse their power. My idea is very simple. Get back the dragon eggs and the chirping beasts, and give the thieves the punishment they deserve." Heimdall said dejectedly. "it's all my fault……"

"Your fault? What did you do?" The female investigator was the calmest in the room from beginning to end.

Heimdall hesitated, "I disclosed the dragon egg and the chirping beast..."

"Animals belong to the school. You found them on the school's land and reported them to the school. What's wrong? If you take the dragon eggs as your own, it's wrong, just like those scumbags."

The three men were relieved to hear her last sharp definition.

"I led the way for the experts and let them enter the habitat of the chirping beast."

"You're cooperating with the Fantastic Beasts Management Committee, what's wrong?"

Heimdall bowed his head.

"Any organization or individual who raises dragons without permission will be subject to a lawsuit. The school is right to report this matter. The school is not a shelter for dangerous creatures. The school has an obligation to protect the safety of teachers and students in the school. A dragon is not a cat or a dog."

Perhaps realizing that the young man in front of him was not yet an adult, and seeing his bloody face, but she didn't care about it, and focused on the animal, the female investigator's tone eased a lot.

"If this matter is to be investigated, apart from the theft of those three scumbags, the school should bear most of the responsibility." The female investigator looked at Katenen. "The school didn't play its due supervisory role. Those guys stole animals on the German school's land without anyone noticing, and you didn't even know it."

Katenin nodded awkwardly, "At that time, I thought that this matter should not be announced before the dust settled, and I was worried about the sharp handling of the Dangerous Creatures Committee, so I notified the Fantastic Beasts Management Committee in advance, so that the three people could take advantage of it." machine."

The female investigator twitched her mouth, "Wizards all regard us as executioners. In fact, our work is completely in accordance with the legal procedures approved by the International Federation of Wizards."

At this moment, Katenen's old face was a little red.Illegal things were done a lot back then, and it is inevitable to look at these legal institutions with a bit of a rebellious mentality. Now that I am determined to correct the evil and return to the right, this problem must be corrected.

"Stop criticizing, and think of a solution!" Hernando couldn't help but shouted.

"I'll figure out a way from the Fantastic Beasts Management Committee," the female investigator said swiftly. "We have collided with them more than once on various things, and I know how to deal with them better than you."

That is to go to the Fantastic Beasts Management Committee to disclose this matter first, so as not to give them time to make excuses.The three men looked at the shrewd and capable female investigator and felt very safe.

Katenen smiled gratefully at her, "I'll go after those animals and find someone by the way."

"I'll go with you!" Heimdall said hastily.

Katenin frowned.

"Please agree."


"What about me?" Hernando was always unhappy when he found himself excluded.

Heimdall took him to the habitat of the chirping beast. Before that, he simply treated the wounds of the injured chirping beast. Hernando was an expert in this field and knew more than him.Perhaps Heimdall's attitude of not being able to fight back touched the frightened and angry Chicha beast, and the Chicha beast that threw stones at him calmed down. After Hernando's skillful treatment, it was sure that it was fine, and it crawled nimbly. Get up and grab Heimdall's arm.

"...You want to act with me?" Heimdall asked in surprise.

The chirping beast nodded.

It's not a little bandit, Heimdall hesitated, but Chacha insisted.

"This is a young lady, show your gentlemanly demeanor, Sturluson." Hernando smiled slightly, and turned to look after the other chirping beasts that had "nearly escaped".

An exclamation sounded at the mouth of the valley, and Ladiri, the professor of the Protection of Magical Creatures class at the German School, watched all this with bright eyes, his face flushed with excitement.With the help of Professor Ladiri, Heimdall felt relieved, let the toffee move freely, said goodbye to the pods, and left the valley with Miss Chacha Beast.

They went into a side street café and sat down at a round table against the wall, in the shadows cast by the building's jagged facade.

Heimdall stared at a sycamore tree not far away, and two fashionable girls were chatting happily on the coffee seat under the tree, with the bustling background full of tourists behind them.Unintelligible French echoed in his ears, and laughter came from time to time. Heimdall took a sip of the coffee that Professor Kattenen ordered for him. He did not expect that he would enter France in such a form.

When he moved his eyes to the round table in front of him and guessed what the bright letters on it meant, a person sat down on the chair opposite him.Even wearing a Muggle costume can't change the essence of the peacock.Heimdall was dazzled by his dazzling attire.

The cloth bag on his lap shook unsteadily, and Heimdall picked up a piece of snack and stuffed it into the cloth bag quietly.

"Wait, let me take a break." Someone waved to stop Katenen and asked for a drink.

While the drinks were served, he smiled at Heimdall.

"You don't look very well, Mr. Sturluson."

Heimdall applied some ointment on his head casually, and the wound became a bit hideous. Although the hair on the forehead was slightly covered, the effect was not ideal, and it was a bit scary hanging on the forehead.

"I believe you don't judge people by their appearance." Heimdall frowned.

Junker chuckled, and his drink was served.

When the waiter left, Katenin said, "Have you had enough rest?"

Junker put down his glass and took out a perfumed handkerchief to wipe his mouth.

"I can help you find animals, but wizards can't. Animals and wizards go through different channels."

Katenen said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, your efficiency is far worse than before. We have been sitting here for a long time, so let's talk about animals first."

"You have to give me time to investigate!" Junker rolled his eyes. "Dragon eggs are hard to find. Although they are treasured magical animals, they are not unique. Fortunately, there are chirping beasts. These animals are now more precious than dragons."

Katenin automatically ignored the nonsense, "How did it turn out?"

"Two of them have been found on the list, and they seem to be ready to sell. The conditions for opening are not outrageous, and they are a bit far from the large group of chirping beasts you described. It cannot be ruled out that the three experts just want to take the opportunity to make a fortune. If this assumption is true, It means that they have done this more than once, judging from the news passed to me by my people, several wandering wizards who specialize in selling precious creatures are no strangers to the contact person."

Junker slowly folded the handkerchief, "I have asked them to freeze the transaction, and the animals have also been detained. These two chirping beasts will not be released for the time being, and we will determine whether they belong to Durmstrang after the truth is revealed. "

"Thank you." Heimdall looked grateful.

Junker smiled.

"Don't thank him too much. Didn't you realize that this guy is a complete profiteer? If those two chirping beasts were not from our school, they would be sold at an unfathomably high price and become the plaything of the rich, comparing each other's wealth means." Katenen urged Heimdall to recognize the situation and see the true face of the opponent.

Junker's well-groomed face collapsed.

Heimdall looked around and asked, "Where are the three experts? Where are they now?"

"Don't tell me I didn't find it," said Katenin.

"It's been said that finding people is not my specialty. You should tell the old smoker about this."

"I really didn't find it?"

Junker glanced at him, and said triumphantly, "Is there anyone else that I, Luc Junker, can't find?"

What he said was inconsistent, but Heimdall didn't dare to say anything.

"Where are they?"

"Romania. My men have found their footing."

"Where are the dragon eggs and the chirping beast?"

"Romanian Dragon's Den."

As the largest and only country in Europe that is allowed to breed dragons, Romania enjoys a high reputation in the field of magical animal research.Romania's dragon's lair is large in scale and has a long history. There are several ethnic groups living among the forested rocks, forming a fixed range of activities. From time to time, bloody conflicts occur due to territory competition. All in all, Romania's dragon's lair is a relatively mature habitat for fire-breathing dragons , The unique small environment in the dragon's lair is more suitable for the reproduction of dragons.

Today's dragon's lair is largely artificially established by wizards. Through day-to-day efforts and years of expansion, the historical dragon's lair is completely incomparable with the current scale.Like the Chimeras of Greece, dragons are vital to the Romanian Ministry of Magic.

"There were no dragons in Romania," Junker said. "Among the types of dragons that exist in the world, none of them are native to Romania. Even Muggle legends say that there are vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and monsters in this country, but there are no dragons."

"Did the dragon in the den move in later?" Heimdall asked.

Junker nodded, "The vast majority of dragons were transported in by researchers from other places for protection purposes. The original size of the dragon group was spontaneously formed by fire-breathing dragons, and their original habitats were destroyed or no longer suitable. multiplied, and after a period of migration, eventually settled in Romania."

Heimdall suddenly understood, "Is there such a possibility? Those three experts did it for what they thought was 'protection'. So far, Romania's dragon's lair is the only one in Europe that has been recognized and protected by law. Charizard habitat, so they transported the dragons, and the Romanian Ministry of Magic will pay for it. Maybe they will be rewarded for their contribution to the prosperity of the dragon's lair."

"Are you making excuses for them?" Junker was incredulous.

"No, taking dragon eggs and chirping beasts from Durmstrang without permission is theft. Even if there is a seemingly glamorous cover, it is a cover after all, and it cannot cover up the essence of theft."

To take without warning is called a thief, and to take someone by force is called a thief.

"You mean..." Junker was puzzled.

Heimdall said: "I'm thinking about how to proceed once and for all if I file charges on this matter."

Junker became as silent as Kattenen, and once they had anything to do with the law, they immediately stepped aside.

"I'm going to call the police, and I'll call the local wizard police in Romania," Heimdall said. "Before I left the school, I asked Mr. Hernando to report this matter to the international police force in his name. I believe that the police force should have received the news by now, and the international police force will be able to contain the actions of the Romanian wizard police. "

"Why is it so troublesome? I can ask people to find out those three, let them immediately find a way to return the dragon egg and the chirping beast, and teach them a painful lesson that they will never forget in their next life. What about the Romanian Ministry of Magic, No need to go past them at all!"

Junker is not as thorough as Katenen, and occasionally he will "involuntarily" do some illegal and disciplined things. People like them always follow a set of behavior patterns they believe in, and obey the rules. Law-abiding only token compliance when required.

"We live in a society ruled by law, how can we just keep shouting and beating?" Heimdall said earnestly.

Junker felt that he was old and boring, so he turned his head and flirted with Katenin without saying a word-this kid was so stupid by IW, why is he so stupid and full of justice?

Katenin ignored him.

Heimdall pretended to be oblivious to the interaction between the two of them.

"As long as the dragon egg and the chirping beast are safe and sound, legal means must be used to attack them. Your method is a bit drastic. Those experts are relatively weak at first glance. If something goes wrong, it will be too evil." Stu Director Lu Song shook his head.

Junker couldn't help laughing.

If something happens to Dragon Egg and Chick Beast, it's not up to Junker to do anything, and Heimdall will be the first to rush up and beat the shit out of the three so-called pious experts.

Heimdall pulled the placket, walked towards the Romanian Ministry of Magic with a deep expression, and was stopped by the security guard at the door.

"What did he say?" Heimdall turned around and asked the two old men who were following him.

"He asked what you do."


Junker told the security guard this statement, and the security guard looked at Heimdall in surprise.

After hearing what the security guard said, Junker turned around and said, "He asked you what's going on, because you reported it."

Heimdall looked at Katenen, and Katenen shook his hand, as if letting him see what to do. Like Junker, the honorary headmaster felt uncomfortable when talking about the police.

"The dragon from the Durmstrang Academy was smuggled to the dragon's lair in Romania. Along with the dragon eggs, there were also a group of chirping beasts native to the Durmstrang mountains. I hope that the Romanian wizard police will take action Take action, solve the case as soon as possible, and help our school recover the losses."

The security guard listened to Junker's translation for a while and was speechless. He took a closer look at Heimdall and the two old men to make sure that the three of them were thinking normally.Under Heimdall's urging, he stood up in a daze, exchanged glances with his colleague who also looked dull, and then turned and walked into the Ministry of Magic building.

Heimdall whispered to Junker and Katenen, "If the Romanian police forces shut us out, it means they know about it and decided to cover it up. I want to see their attitude."

Katenen said: "This possibility is not small. To put it bluntly, this is a world-recognized breeding base for fire-breathing dragons. Dragons from all over the world are sent here. They may have taken all dragons in Europe for granted, including those that are still in Europe. Those who were not born, those who are about to be born—all as Romanian."

Junker said: "I heard that in order to better maintain the development of the dragon population in the last century, the group of researchers demolished many dragon dens, destroyed dragon nests everywhere, and sent all the collected dragons and dragon eggs to Romania. Today's Dragon's Den was established against that background."

In other words, without forced demolition, there would be no modern dragon?

The three complained for a while, and finally the security guard came back, took out a report form with embarrassment, asked Heimdall to fill it out, and let them in without saying a word.

Junker smiled coldly, Katenin took the form and glanced at it without changing his expression, Heimdall picked up the quill from the security desk and filled it out quickly, the form was written densely by him.

He handed in the form and left the gate of the Ministry of Magic with the two old men.

"What next?" Junker said.

"Let your people take care of those three experts, and don't let them run away," Heimdall said. "Go to the dragon's lair, find dragon eggs and chirping beasts, Professor Katenin and I will take them home."

Cha Cha!

Miss Chacha Beast, who had been hiding in Heimdall's cloth bag, got her head out.

Junker twitched his cheeks excitedly.

The dragon lair is located in a valley. For humans, the environment where dragons live is not only not beautiful, but also dangerous.There is no luxuriant vegetation here, nor fertile soil, the whole valley is full of strange shapes and sizes of stones.In order to feed these dragons, the Romanian Ministry of Magic hired a large number of dragon trainers to graze cattle and sheep and other harmless livestock in the valley on a regular basis. This is a very large expense, and the source of the expense mainly comes from funding and donations from various research institutions, Romania The Ministry of Magic spends next to nothing.

The dragon's lair has created unprecedented economic benefits for the Ministry of Magic. For dead dragons, dead eggs or eggshells, etc., the Romanian Ministry of Magic has used its brains and tasted a lot of benefits from dragons.If one day the Wizarding Union ordered Romania to give up the ownership of Dragon's Lair, their Minister of Magic would definitely bite his tongue on the spot.

Therefore, Heimdall understands that if he went to the dragon's lair to retrieve the school's dragon eggs this time, the Romanian wizards would never welcome them with flowers.

Juncker has repeatedly expressed his willingness to help him.

Heimdall said cheerfully: "It's better for you and your followers not to make it public. It's easy to be used by the enemy. I don't want to cause trouble."

Juncker's identity is a bit sensitive, and if not done well, it will become an elbow.

The flower peacock looked lonely.

"The dragon's lair is very large, and the terrain inside is relatively complicated, plus there are at least a hundred alive and kicking dragons, it is very dangerous." Katenen said. "We need a guide who understands us and who knows how to keep his mouth shut."

Heimdall took out the booklet from his pocket, and found an address that he had hardly contacted.

He found Charlie Weasley in the dragon trainer's stronghold outside the dragon's lair.

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