HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 572 Unstable Converter

"……who are you?"

Now Heimdall was shocked, he actually understood what the two sages said? !No, it should be said that Mr. Sage has changed to a language he can understand.It's not really surprising, since he hooked up with portraits back in the twentieth century.The other split personality even went to peep in his bedroom bathroom... So that's it.

Thinking of this, Heimdall looked at the two sages with complicated emotions, that is to say, they had met before, and it felt really fucking amazing.

"I'm a student of Durmstrang." Heimdall puffed out his chest proudly, and the metal button on the robe flickered.

The eyes of the two sages became even more strange, "Durmstrang?"

This Mr. Sage has been very calm since he caught Heimdall, with a calm look. This is a kind of calmness with a well-thought-out plan, and Director Strulusson is getting more and more uneasy.

"Yes, Durmstrang, you can see that I am wearing a school uniform." Heimdall straightened his back again for fear that people might not see clearly.

The two sages looked at him for a while, staring at him till the hairs stood on end, until the two sages glanced at the magic mirror hanging on his chest, Heimdall was just like the little robber back then, grasping the mirror, with a serious look on his face alert.

The two sages raised their eyebrows, "Then, student of Durmstrang, how did you get in?"

"Accidentally strayed in."


"Yes." Heimdall smiled, and the trouser legs tightened, and the little robber pulled up.

The two sages glanced lightly, and Heimdall felt that the little bandit was holding him even harder.

"Lie." The two sages didn't even blink their eyes when they said this.

Did Heimdall cry because he looked particularly harmless?The big changes are happening right in front of your eyes, how can you be so calm and embarrassing to us, a living person who appeared out of thin air?

"Yes, I lied, but Durmstrang's students are absolutely true, and this uniform is real."

Heimdall sighed and looked at him quietly.

After a while, the two sages said, "When will another Durmstrang appear?"

"What do you mean? There is only one Durmstrang in the world."

"I thought so at first, but you told me you were a student of Durmstrang."

Heimdall said with a serious face, "If I talk nonsense, I will be hit with a thunderbolt."

"Come with me." The two sages seemed to be really not afraid of his tricks at all, they turned around and left, their backs were easily in front of Heimdall's eyes. If they made a surprise attack, this was a perfect timing.

Chief Sturlusson was still a long way from being insane, he hesitated between going and not going, and followed behind the two sages, looking around inadvertently turned his head and raised his eyes, and saw clearly the huge After the outline of the skeleton, he couldn't help but gasp.


The climate of the Durmstrang Mountains more than 1000 years ago is no different from that of more than 1000 years later. Heimdall took a few more glances when passing by the water pools.These pools are obviously larger and deeper than in 1996, and there is still running water bubbling out. There is light or heavy white smoke floating on each pool, and it seems that the water temperature is not low.

Although the little robber was afraid of the two sages, he still couldn't hold back the instinct of chasing warm water. He put his hand into one of the pools that was emitting thick white smoke, screeching hotly, and jumped back to Heimdall. Holding his leg with an aggrieved expression.Heimdall rolled his eyes, and finally held back his rant. It deserves it.Pat it on the head.It grabbed Heimdall's hand and was led by Heimdall.

Heimdall found him stopping at the edge of a pine forest, and held out his arms to himself, an invitation to Apparate together.

"Can the school apparate?" Heimdall asked in surprise.

The two sages looked at him again with that weird look, but still said nothing, and did not retract their outstretched arms.

Heimdall shook his head, "No, I'm an Animagus, let alone carry it, I can't leave it here alone."

The little robber chirped, as if agreeing.

"Go." The two sages turned around calmly and walked towards the pine forest.

"Let's split up, you can Apparate, and I'll take it with me in shape."

He was decisively killed by the two sages.

"I'm afraid I'll run away if I let you go." In other words, the two sages were going to keep staring at him.

Heimdall looked bitter, "I'm not lying to you, I'm really a student of Durmstrang."

The two sages ignored him, Heimdall touched his nose, and the two of them began to wade through the woods.

After finally walking out of the pine forest, Heimdall took a deep breath happily under the natural light, and then passed out.

"So, is that Durmstrang Castle?"

"Didn't you say you are a student of Durmstrang? Don't you know?" The two sages asked lightly.

"Victor, look, this is Durmstrang." Heimdall held up the magic mirror like a camera.

The master on the other side of the mirror hasn't spoken for a long time, so he probably was quite shocked.

Heimdall ignored the sarcasm of the two sages, he just wanted to expose his disguise, he understood.

Staring at the house in the distance that could only be called a villa rather than a castle, Heimdall turned his head and smiled at the two sages.

"I'm not lying."

"We haven't officially started recruiting students yet."

"No, Durmstrang has enrolled, and I'm not talking about the present, but the end of the twentieth century."

The two sages narrowed their eyes.

Heimdall knew that this sounded absurd, but he had to convince the two sages, don't treat him as an intruder or madman Avada, he didn't think that only one person could deal with the six sages, He really wants to go home now.

"My name is Heimdall Strulusson, I'm currently in fifth grade in Durmstrang, I activated that weird time-turner in the stone chamber to come here in 1996, if you will allow me to use that switch again , I will study hard in the future and make progress every day, and pray to God every night before going to bed, praying for your health and longevity."

The magic mirror on his chest flickered for a moment, and the master who finally came to his senses couldn't laugh or cry at the other end of the mirror. At the end of the twentieth century, the two sages still need to live a long and healthy life?

At Heimdall's insistence, the Two Sages gave him a hooded cloak that concealed his face, and led him into Durmstrang House.The layout of the villa has a certain degree of similarity with the castles of later generations. It can be seen that after expansions again and again, the main decoration style of Durmstrang is always the same.

There was a rattling sound of metal rubbing, and Heimdall stopped at a fork in the road. The little robber also heard the sound, and leaned against the wall to look at the other road.That line of light was dim, and they couldn't tell anything after looking at it for a long time. Just as they were about to give up, a group of shining silver armored warriors jumped out from the black background. The little robber screamed and opened Heimdall's door. cloak, and ducked back to his legs.

To Heimdall's surprise, the armored warriors did not change course, but stood at attention about ten meters away from him, and then lined up neatly. Then, with a bang, they all drew out their heavy broadswords. The leader at the front of the team With a wave of his hand, the whole team of warriors rushed towards him aggressively.

Facing the sharp cold weapons stabbing at him, Heimdall was dumbfounded.

He pulled out his wand, and as a ray of light slid by, a spell hit the leader. The leader paused, and then continued to sprint.Heimdall continued to work hard, and the magic fell on the leader one after another. Under the baptism of colorful magic, the leader twitched frequently during the running process, as if getting an electric shock.Under the interference of the magic, the warriors behind the leader bumped into the warriors in front continuously, until the leader was finally subdued by Heimdall's magic. He suddenly turned around and swung his weapon to attack other warriors.

The other warriors didn't respond to the leader's betrayal, they just rushed forward before reaching the attack range, and the leader easily killed the entire line of armored warriors.A piece of armor fell to the ground lifelessly, becoming a cold decoration.

At this time, the two sages who left temporarily for business came back. With a light wave of his hand, the armor lying on the ground quickly integrated into a new team, and under the command of the two sages, they turned around collectively and aligned in another direction. line to go.Only the original leader stood there, waiting for Heimdall to give orders.

Heimdall glanced at the two sages, and found that the other party didn't mean to blame him.

"I'm sorry, they rushed over so I..."

The little robber poked his head out from under his cloak and chirped.

"Those armors are just patrolling soldiers here, they are dead things, it's okay." The two sages waved at him. "Come with me, go to my room and talk."

Heimdall noticed that the two sages seemed to be more lively than before they left just now...

The leader of the armor clang followed behind them, but the two sages didn't stop him, so Heimdall let him go. The unfamiliar place was just used to stand guard.

As soon as they entered the room, the two sages couldn't wait to close the door.

"It will automatically guard the door, don't worry." One sentence blocked what Heimdall was about to say.

Heimdall nodded, took off his cloak, and the little robber appeared, looking around cautiously. He was cautious now, and did not run away.

The room of the two sages is very spacious. The multicolored glass on the three pointed large glass windows rotates strange symbols. There are candle chandeliers made of wood hanging on the ceiling. Each candle has small wings, with the chandeliers as the center. Flying back and forth.There are many oil paintings hanging on the walls, most of which are gorgeous landscapes with few characters. Heimdall also saw a few "acquaintances".

"So you are so old..." He saw the deer hunter, the forester, and the guide with the lantern.

The deer hunter was as bad-tempered as he was after more than 1000 years. Heimdall murmured coldly.

The guide raised up the lamp that was never lit during the day, and the light leaked out from the canvas. Heimdall couldn't bear the stimulation, so he squinted his eyes. The light was fleeting, and Heimdall blinked in discomfort. The guide turned back to the previous look of indifference to everything.

"Sturlusson, come, come!" The two sages waved to him cheerfully as they sat behind a desk that would definitely sell for a good price in later generations.

Heimdall stared at the smiling face, and finally decided, um, split.

He sat down across from the two sages.

"I want to introduce you to other people." The two sages said enthusiastically.

"Do you believe it?"

"Are you lying?" The eyes of the two sages suddenly became very unfriendly.


His eyes suddenly softened, "That's fine. If you dare to lie to me, you will die a terrible death." The two sages spoke harshly in the tone of today's fine weather, and the back of Heimdall's neck stiffened.

The wizard 1000 years ago was so scary, he clenched the mirror on his chest.Victor on the other side of the mirror did not dare to speak in a hurry, because he was afraid that his remarks would be detrimental to Heimdall, and now he is really beyond his reach.

The two sages, who didn't feel what they had done at all, poured Heimdall a drink that could not be seen with the naked eye. Heimdall, who was indeed a little thirsty along the way, picked it up and tasted it, which was a bit like honey water.The little robber tugged at his trouser legs, and Heimdall poured some into its open mouth.

"What will happen in 1000 years?"

"What do you mean?"


"Very good, big and famous."

The two sages were very dissatisfied with his dry description, and insisted on elaborating in detail, which made Director Sturluson very embarrassed.

"I don't think I can tell you."


"I'm afraid that this will change history, and I'm even more afraid that everything will change when I go back." Heimdall shook his head. "Don't introduce me to other sages, I hope to go back immediately." The reason why I came back with him was because the other sage was the second sage in the school, and he still expected to have a good relationship with him.

"Did anyone say you're boring?" The two sages acted cutely with their chins propped up like Professor Katenen introduced him to a lawyer that time.

"No, in fact someone thinks I'm funny." Director Sturluson picked up the mirror, "Right, Victor?"

"That's it?" The eyes of the two sages lit up, and they reached out to grab it, but Heimdall dodged it.

"You have been talking to this mirror, what kind of magic is that? Or is there a living person on the other side of the mirror?" The two sages actually jumped on the table and rushed towards him, the few remaining sages disappeared.

The sharpness of the two sages made Heimdall sweat profusely.

Of course the mirror cannot be given to him. In fact, not only himself, but nothing on him can be left behind.

Heimdall turned around and ran away. They circled the house a few times. Director Strulusson persisted in the early exercise for a while, and his physical fitness improved. He ran quite quickly, but the two sages A little exhausted, he chased after him and yelled.

"You leave things behind, or I'll be rude to you!"

"You have been rude to me." Heimdall picked up the little robber, held it in one hand, and twisted the doorknob with the other to escape.

"Don't run!" The two sages looked anxious. "If you dare to run, I will tell you to die!"

No matter what, he will die badly, so why should he stay and wait for death?

"Stop him!" Before leaving, Heimdall gave the last order to the armor leader.

Fortunately, Durmstrang was still a villa, and he quickly ran to the door and bumped into someone head-on.

It is a great sage!

Roaring like thunder roared out behind him, accompanied by earth-shattering magic. This was a small trap Heimdall left for the two sages on the way to escape, although it was not painful for a wizard like the two sages. Itchy, but disgusting to him.Heimdall is now very fortunate that the two sages are ancients. If he were a professor at the school, Heimdall would have the heart to bump into the pillar.

"You are..." The great sage didn't even finish his sentence, Heimdall hastily transformed into shape, the little bandit jumped up cleverly and grabbed Bai Falcon's claws, Bai Falcon flapped its wings vigorously, and flew to the ground out.

"...Zhacha Beast?" The great sage muttered to himself looking at the shadow that was gradually flying away.

"Damn it!" The two sages ran out panting in a mess. It could be seen that they were seriously lacking in exercise.When he saw the great sage standing at the door stupidly, he immediately became furious.

"Why didn't you stop him?" It's a pity that the two sages didn't care about Xingshi to ask the crime at this moment, so they dropped this sentence and rushed into the ice and snow.

The great sage stroked his beard calmly, and only then did he regain his strength, thinking blankly, what happened?what happened?

Heimdall rushed to the stone room impatiently, and set up some barriers at the door in order to block the two sages. He flew over the high platform, and finally saw clearly that the prototype of the beach of white bones he saw in 1996 was indeed a keel. The skeleton is estimated to be an adult fire-breathing dragon in eight or nine out of ten.

Quick, quick, quick... Heimdall seemed to be able to hear the approaching footsteps of the two sages.

He took out his notepad, eager to wake up these steles according to the unintentional actions in his memory. He held up his magic wand and waved it in front of the steles. Colorful lines jumped in the air. In the flickering light cluster, Heimdall's face appeared Solemn and solemn, like a stone sculpture, with a suffocating sense of urgency.

The little robber didn't bother him, and stood outside the circle surrounded by the stone tablet and kept looking back, until the sound of cursing came and rippled in the space, it screamed sharply, and the two sages were getting closer.

Beads of sweat slid from his forehead to the bridge of his nose, and Heimdall's hands trembled slightly.

"I want you to die!" The two sages went around the stone platform and rushed into the room. When they saw Heimdall in the stele formation, their eyes flashed fiercely. He couldn't help smiling triumphantly, but Heimdall, who was pale one second, threw a spell at him the next second, and the two sages slipped indecently, fell into the mud, and almost fell into the mud. Knock out a front tooth.

The two sages quickly got up while cursing, and rushed towards the stone tablet.

Heimdall picked up the little robber, and one man and one animal all waved to him.

This was the first and last time the two sages had come face to face with Heimdall while they were alive.

When the other sages came after them, they saw the two sages sitting sloppily on the ground. The brothers could tell which one was in charge of the personality at a glance. If it was the other one, it would be impossible to sit on the ground.

"What's going on?" The sages said in unison.

The two sages pointed to the stele, "The stele array we built that can switch time was used by a Durmstrang student from more than 1000 years later. I failed to retain the spokesperson, and he ran away."

The other sages were shocked and ran over to check. After a while, they sat beside the two sages without saying a word.

The six sages stared at those stone tablets, one, two, and three wooden figures.

"In other words, the Durmstrang we will build will still exist after more than 1000 years." The Four Sages were cheerful, and immediately shifted their minds to the sunny side.

"Then what about my dragon?" The Six Sages were very unhappy. "We built this place in the first place to save the poor dragon behind us and confirm the name of the Land of Dragon's Breath. This is a powerful publicity for our school."

Dragons in the 1000th century were protected animals. Most people would not dare to provoke them unless they couldn’t think about it. 1000 years ago, they wanted a fire-breathing dragon to attract students. Or maybe the brain structure of wizards more than [-] years ago was different from today’s wizards? .

The three or five sages who had studied the magic of time were indifferent to their conversation, and their attention was always on the steles.

"This stele array is not perfect," said the five sages. "I haven't been able to find a more precise way to set the time point."

When the other sages heard this, they frowned. Although they were not as proficient as the two of them, they were still wizards among the sages, and they dabbled in this kind of magic to some extent.

"What will happen to the child?" The two sages were a little anxious.

"I don't know what the steles will look like more than 1000 years later. I guess he activated them unintentionally. He doesn't know how to control the specific time." Speaking of which, the three sages touched their noses in embarrassment. . "Actually the two of us haven't had time to set this up yet."

Several sages were speechless.

"Which era will he be transferred to next?" the two sages asked again.

"If you're lucky, you'll go back to the era he was in. If you're unlucky," the five sages hesitated, "it's hard to say..."

"I saw him with a chirping beast," said the great sage to the six sages. "Does this mean that our plan to breed Zhacha beasts has succeeded in the end? I think you should not give up in a hurry." Usually, in the wild, there must be dragons wherever Zhacha beasts inhabit.

"Really?!" The six sages' eyes lit up, and they turned to stare at the two sages. "Why don't you leave people behind?"

The two sages looked bitter.

The same dizzying changes as before, light and shadow wandering back and forth around the body, as if the eternal rocks are quietly changing, they are old, old, and mottled.

When everything was over, Heimdall raised the corner of his mouth in the dark environment, the indoor light... He raised his head again, without any lighting equipment.

Director Sturluson is very happy, we are back!

The little robber suddenly let out a scream. The insight ability of animals is always better than that of humans, and Heimdall immediately lit up with fluorescent lights.

A black shadow flitted in front of his eyes and landed in the darkness on the other side.

Heimdall raised his wand, there was a rustle of cloth rubbing, and a hand stretched out from the darkness behind him, and fixed his shoulders.

[Mother! ]

This call fixed Heimdall, who was about to hit the person behind him, in place. He stared at the black group squatting in front of his feet for a while, speechless.

"... Sien?" The owner of both hands came to him, and the hoarse voice full of suspicion was full of lingering excitement.

Heimdall raised his head and looked at the owner of the hand. In the next second, the flames that had just ignited faded from those eyes, leaving only emptiness and coldness.The hand resting on the shoulder also left.

Heimdall put the little robber on the ground and let him stare at the black cat.

"Oh, failed..." Heimdall sighed at the stele.

The man's eyes quickly moved away from him, and he sat down beside a stone tablet.

Heimdall touched those steles, and his stomach growled in disbelief.

Thinking of going out in the morning, except for the unfinished cup of honey water from more than 1000 years ago, I haven’t eaten anything until now. Mr. Stulusson clutched his stomach and frowned. We have been hungry for 10 centuries.

He turned his eyes to the silent man, "Do you have anything to eat?"

The man said nothing.

He tried to get closer, "If there is something to eat, can you give me some?"

The man remained silent.

"Because I'm a student of Durmstrang, you have pity on me, Professor Vasilyevich."

There was finally movement on the other side. After all, he used to teach and educate people, and this aspect will be touched.

"You know me? I'm no longer the principal, and I haven't been to school for many years." The voice with no ups and downs seemed ethereal and empty in the empty and dark stone room.

"I don't know you, I know your portrait."

"I have no portraits."

"Why not, it's hanging in the principal's gallery."

"... When did you come here?"

You are too old.

Heimdal bowed down and smiled, "1996."

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