HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 567 Lenovo

Driven by the smile on his face, Heimdall raised the corners of his mouth, and then realized that his smile became much brighter in an instant.Heimdall quickly closed the door, strode over, and sat down opposite him.

The two looked at each other, and neither of them spoke.

After a while, Lange said helplessly, "I don't know you anymore? What are you looking at?"

"I don't know him anymore." Heimdall said honestly. "You haven't washed your face for 20 years, so you didn't recognize it just now."

Lange smiled.

Heimdall silently looked at his pen pal. Today, Lange is more human than ever before. Counting his age, he should be in his fifties or sixties. Yes, a person's spirit is more important than anything else, if the heart dies, then everything is over.It seemed he wasn't as disheartened as he had been acting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you outside the prison." Heimdall laughed. "You look great!"

"To be honest, I also feel good. Leaving the high-end hotel in Hercules, any place is heaven." Lange was in high spirits. Although his expression and tone were not much different from those in prison, his eyes were particularly bright.He looked down at the cheap wizard robe he was wearing, "It's hard to believe that one day, I will be indifferent to wearing such clothes."

Heimdall found him lost in thought for a moment, and the corners of his eyes were wrinkled, which added a different sense of vicissitudes to him.Lange is not a good-looking man. He is far from being handsome. His appearance is very ordinary, but he has an outstanding temperament. When Heimdall saw him for the first time, he was shocked by his temperament. He was still in prison at that time. The shape of the opponent is like a mobile trash can.

Temperament is not something that can be piled up just by dressing up. Lange gives him the feeling that he has received a good education. When facing him, others will involuntarily want to be more refined and behave.

"It's inconvenient to write to you recently. I got the second place in the whole grade in my primary exam." Heimdall said deliberately triumphantly.

Lange suddenly pulled out from the past, waved away a moment of confusion, and then smiled at Heimdall.

"I remember you mentioned in your letter that you wanted to win the best alumni medal and graduate with No.1 grades."

Heimdall was silent for a moment, "I think that without astronomy, I would have a great chance of getting the first place, but our astronomy professor told me that if I don't take this course next school year, I won't even get a diploma..."


Someone laughed!Heimdall was sure that someone laughed, and he was sure that it wasn't Lange who laughed. Lange did have a smile on his face, but he definitely didn't make that breathless laugh.

Is that one of the two policemen who have been installing sculptures? !

Chief Sturlusson pretended to be calm.

"Are you and your boyfriend doing well?"

"Very good, why do you ask this suddenly?"

"The newspaper said that he bought a house outside to house his lover and the child born to him by his lover."

"Which lover? Which child?" Heimdall looked deep. "He has too many lovers, and his illegitimate child can go around Bulgaria."

"It's good that you have no problem. Reading too much gossip will lower people's IQ." Lange might want to raise his hand to do something, but there was a crash, like metal rubbing.

Heimdall bent down and looked across the table. Lange's wrists were bound by a thick chain, and the other end of the chain was tied to the chair under his buttocks.

"How do my shoes look?"

Heimdall heard this question just as he straightened up, so he bent down again and looked at the pair of shoes opposite him.

"It's okay." Heimdall told the other party frankly that it was not a style he liked at all.

"It's my wife, oh, my ex-wife, she gave it to me for my birthday."

Heimdall admired him for being able to say such words without changing his face.

"I thought that even if there were no conditions, you would try to destroy these shoes instead of letting them stay on your feet for 20 years."

"Why? An ex-wife is an ex-wife, and shoes are shoes. I like these shoes and have nothing to do with her."

"That's what I admire about you." Heimdall sighed. "It would be nice if I could do what you did, but I don't think it's possible. I'm a relatively emotional person."

"There was a process. I used to be emotional, but no matter how emotional I was, it didn't help the things I encountered at that time. Instead of spending extra effort and thinking, I might as well leave the shoes on my feet. I haven't washed them for 20 years. It's over."

Heimdall couldn't help laughing. He heard something else. Lange didn't have no resentment towards his ex-wife. The never-ending prison life has weakened this resentment. They have been covered up and eroded by time, but they have not disappeared.

The door of the room was opened by someone who was also wearing the robes of the Police Corps. He opened the door and looked at Heimdall.

"Mr. Sturluson, please go to the waiting room."

"I'm leaving." Heimdall stood up and said with some reluctance.

"Don't do this, you will make me have the urge to escape from prison." Lange smiled slightly.

Heimdall laughed loudly, "Thank you, you are an attractive man."

"But you have Victor Krum."

"In my eyes, he is unique." Heimdall said firmly.

Lange raised the corner of his mouth and urged, "Let's go quickly."

"Goodbye, pen pal." Heimdall turned and walked towards the door.

"You can call me Andrew."

"No, I insist on calling you Lange."

Lange raised one eyebrow and asked with his eyes.

"Andrew Ansip is also Andrew." They both had the same name.

Lange nodded helplessly, "Okay then, goodbye, Rigg."

The door closed gently under Lange's gaze.

Under the leadership of the police officer, Heimdall walked towards one end of the promenade. After a few steps, they passed by another police officer, who was followed by a woman wearing a beaded veil. The facial features were hidden behind the black veil, and they were covered up with handkerchiefs from time to time, looking a little sneaky, as if they were shady.It is intriguing that such a lady appears on the first basement floor of the headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards. Generally, the International Wizengamot on the top floor appears the most.

Heimdall deliberately slowed down and looked back. The woman was led by the police into the room where Lange had just met.

As soon as the woman walked into the room, the expression on her face was extremely excited. When she saw clearly the people sitting behind the table, she couldn't help but take a big step forward. Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly realized that there were two people standing on each side of the table. police officer.The woman hurriedly calmed down, but fortunately the black veil on her face saved her face during that moment of gaffe.

The woman's fingers couldn't help pinching the expensive sheepskin handbag, and the smooth surface of the handbag was slightly distorted.

The woman walked up to sit down quickly, she endured it, and finally shouted with a hoarse voice and unsteady breath, "Andrew..."

Lange hadn't changed his mood since she entered the door. After hearing the woman's seemingly passionate call, he cracked his lips and sneered.

"Don't call me so affectionate. I don't remember any relationship between us, Mrs. Minister."

The woman's face froze.

He didn't stay in the waiting room for long, and the policeman who brought Heimdall just now came out and told him to get ready to go out.

A small police officer stood guard in front of a small door. The moment the door opened, bright lights rushed in, accompanied by unusually loud voices. Heimdall quickly calmed down.

The rotating presidency of the International Federation of Wizards this year is the Netherlands. Dumbledore, the nominal chairman of the International Federation of Wizards, did not attend today's meeting. The meeting was held by the Minister of Magic of the Netherlands.A total of six or seven wizards sat on a long rostrum. Except for the Dutch Minister of Magic and his assistant, everyone else was a regular official of the International Federation of Wizards.

The rostrum was nearly three meters above the ground, and Director Strulusson jumped out from under the rostrum like a strong man.Officials attending the meeting have a special channel for officials, and outsiders usually use the door...

As soon as he walked out of the door, Heimdall saw a small stand-alone podium not far from the exit. He quickly looked around, thinking that it should be where he was going. He looked back at the police officer who opened the door for him. The officer nodded to him, and then Director Strulusson took a bold step forward.

He stepped up a step and came to the small podium. Instead of rushing to scan the entire venue with his eyes, he turned around and bowed towards the rostrum to express his respect for the rotating presidency. When the Minister of Magic of the Netherlands responded with a smile , he turned around and faced the entire venue.In other words, at this moment, he is facing the whole world.

These small actions of participating in the meeting were figured out by himself. Don't look at the seemingly heartless Chief Strulusson. Anyway, he has participated in several general meetings of the International Wizengamot. At the meeting, the judges are more gentlemanly than each other. Demeanor, after seeing a lot, he will write it down, which is the so-called subtlety.With his father's water-tight temperament, but he didn't tell him what he should pay attention to when participating in the international conference, Heimdall thought that Rommel sometimes had a kind of blind trust in him, just like he always felt that his father was actually wearing a vest Ultraman.

"Mr. Heimdall Strulusson." Mr. Chairman called his name, and he immediately turned to look.

"You can use a wand."

Heimdall took out his wand. The wand had to go through a registration process when entering the headquarters building of the Wizarding Union, and the guards could only let it go after verifying the wand registration record of the place of household registration.Heimdall was very fortunate to live with his father during Christmas. One day, Rommel suddenly considered the problem of refreshing the wand record, so he took him to the Finnish Ministry of Magic to register, and then transferred the information to Iceland. .

Originally, Rommel planned to take Heimdall's wand to the Ministry of Magic directly, but the result can be imagined.In desperation, he had to take his son with him. If he hadn't made this extra trip, he would have had problems entering the Wizards Union today.

Heimdall couldn't help sighing when he thought of the wizard who had registered himself and stared in horror at the man who kept spraying electric light with a crazy wand. The current wand was far less worry-free than the applewood wand back then.

The chairman said to him again: "This is just a routine interview for the purpose of filing an investigation. You don't need to be nervous." I don't know where the Minister of Magic can see that Heimdall is nervous, maybe this is also part of the routine interview one?

"Thank you sir, I know." Heimdall nodded.

Looking around, the fan-shaped seats that radiate out from the rostrum are full of grandpas and aunts. The younger ones are at least non-senior grandpas and grandmas. To be able to represent a country at a meeting, their personal qualifications are definitely not low.Under the normal process, qualifications are piled up with age.

"Then, let's begin."

As soon as the Minister of Magic of the Netherlands finished speaking, the huge light bulbs floating above the heads of the representatives of various countries lit up sporadically. Everyone seemed not very interested in Heimdall, a passer-by in this routine, and he was a minor , completely unable to arouse their fighting spirit, the minister of the Netherlands elected the first Lithuanian representative to light up the lights.

Except for Lithuania, the other bulbs dimmed immediately.

"Mr. Sturluson, do you know anything about the case of Andrew Ansip?" The Lithuanian representative looked very excited.

"well known by all people."

"..." The representative was silent for a moment, then regrouped. "Just knowing, not understanding?" He didn't wait for Heimdall's answer, and said directly, "Mr. Chairman, this kid doesn't know anything, maybe he doesn't even know why he is standing here today, and who Ansip is, I see no need to waste time on this questioning."

This representative subverted Chief Sturluson's definition of self-righteousness. Compared with him, Bonasera was really weak.

The gray-haired Dutch minister glanced at the Lithuanian representative slowly, then turned his gaze to Heimdall.

"What do you have to say, Herr Struluson?"

"Yes, sir."

The minister made a gesture of invitation to him, and the Lithuanian representative, who couldn't help jumping up to emphasize his tone, sat back and sat back.

"I know who Mr. Andrew Ansip is, and I know his case. Isn't today's interview held just for this case," Heimdall said calmly. "As for why I'm standing here, on the surface I'm cooperating with the Wizards Union's investigation. In fact, I plan to use this opportunity to file a complaint." Having said that, he looked at the seat of the Lithuanian representative corresponding to the big light bulb. "You can't deprive me of the chance I had so hard to get."

The Lithuanian representative's expression was a little ugly. I didn't expect the child to be so "shameless", so he said what he thought on the spot.In fact, almost all the country representatives who are dear to Shania’s Minister of Magic believe that Heimdall is [-]% charged today. When they heard that he himself confirmed his guess, they all despise him to death, but they all admit it However, they are not good at setting up obstacles and digging traps, and they are all a little bit up and down.

These representatives never dreamed that Director Stulusson had never thought of being mean and shameless before. He has been considering legal means to ask the Estonian Ministry of Magic for some mental damage compensation, reimbursement of his own medical expenses, and so on. To put it bluntly, it is aimed at material compensation. I went there, and I didn't intend to go along with the flow and say bad things about others. Director Strulusson thinks that's not what a gentleman does. It's not that Heimdall pays attention to the so-called gentleman's demeanor. Building a good positive image will help you to be successful in the future when you run for a judge , he was caught from a young age, and he planned for a rainy day.

But people just like to treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. Chief Situ Lusong doesn't care about being a villain at all.

Immediately there was a buzz from the delegates' seats, and the Dutch minister indulged for a moment, and five minutes later he took out his pocket watch and announced at the same time, "Second question."

The light bulb on the British seat was the first to flicker, and the representatives of other countries, dear Shania's Minister of Magic, had to put their hands down regretfully.

Heimdall looked around the light bulb and was immediately amused. The representative of the British Ministry of Magic to the International Federation of Wizards was his uncle Lucius Malfoy.

Since the vomitgate incident, my uncle has been keeping silent. He had a premonition that he would definitely see him at today's interrogation meeting of the International Federation of Wizards. Sure enough, Lucius has been serving as the international contact officer in the British Ministry of Magic. It turned out that the job of the Wizengamot was the British representative attending the international conference.Being able to replace Dumbledore to participate in the International Conference, in other words, he has been promoted.

"I heard that you just experienced a terrible thing not long ago. It is said that some criminals used veritaserum on a minor, that is, you, without any permission. Is that true?" Uncle The slick tone of the pose is particularly persuasive, and Heimdall has learned it a long time ago.

After hearing his words, I felt even happier. Lucius was asking him the whole story. Heimdall described in detail the terrible incident he experienced as his uncle and as a representative of a country. , not only to vomit bitterness to his uncle, but also to complete his previous statement of "complaining and complaining", which really kills two birds with one stone.

After Heimdall vomited his bitterness, he looked at the British seat with a smile, and the feeling of complaining in public was really ecstasy.

The representative of Estonia had a gloomy face. In this routine meeting, in order to avoid suspicion, he kept silent like the vest Bumpman who had always remained silent.The Estonian Minister of Magic has recruited a group of thugs with malicious intentions, and there are also hidden dragons and crouching tigers around Bumpman, and Mr. Lucius Malfoy is one of them.

Not everyone here has cared about the situation of Heimdall specifically. As I said earlier, he is a passer-by incidental to the Ansip incident. Besides, even if he did, he would not know that the Estonian Wizengamot did not hesitate to use the truth. The real reason for the agent - they were targeting a certain judge in the IW, not directly related to Ansip.Today, I listened to the person's description on the spot. Although the person's description was a bit dry, all the key points were highlighted. Some representatives of the countries who watched with cold eyes and were not involved in the recent farce were in an uproar. They looked at each other and whispered. As for Well, isn't the other party just a child, and actually dispatched a group of people to lock him in a small dark room and pour veritaserum? !

The impulsive move of the Estonian Wizengamot pushed the Ansip matter directly into the direction they least wanted to see.

These representatives couldn't help but think, how serious is Ansip's matter, they have abused minors like a dog jumping over the wall, so Lenovo is the most hateful and lovely thought activity of human beings.

The Minister of Magic of the Netherlands squinted his eyes and looked at the hands of the dial. After a while, he raised his eyes and said, "Gentlemen and ladies, one last question."

In order to prevent the meeting from protracting too long, the routine meeting before filing the case usually sets the number of questions. For a passer-by A-level like Heimdall, representatives only have three chances to ask questions.

The last question seemed to be a quick-answer competition, and all the representatives were unwilling to let others go, and all stretched out their paws and rushed towards the answering machine.The light bulbs floating overhead are colorful like neon lights.

In the end, the Mexican representative answered successfully.

The representative of Estonia complained viciously in his heart, does this matter have anything to do with you? !Why are you a Yankee joining in the fun!

The Mexican representative said calmly: "I heard that you were unconscious for a long time after taking the veritaserum, and even stopped breathing for a long time. Could it be that there is something wrong with the veritaserum? Is it adulterated?" What else?"

Heimdall just passed on the matter of stopping breathing. He thought it was a physical problem, and it was embarrassing to say it. An old man actually lost his breath after taking medicine, and he also caused so many relatives and friends to worry about him. Haimdall Mudar subconsciously didn't want to mention this matter again, but he didn't expect that the Mexican representative was better informed than the native wizards in Europe.

"Yes." Heimdall said. "Actually I don't feel anything myself but my friends and family are worried and my bf got sick from it. I don't know if there's a problem with the veritaserum. I've taken the potion and hopefully it's gone completely My body is gone."

His words evoked the memories of those who knew, touched the emotions of those who did not know, and stirred the nerves of those who were uneasy and well-intentioned.

All in all, most of the representatives at the scene expressed sympathy for him and his relatives and friends. It would be a terrible thing to suddenly lose his breath.

The Estonian representative gradually felt that something was wrong. The timing of the Mexican representative’s appearance was too coincidental, and he asked such a few questions. In the eyes of the Estonian representative, pushing forward with the previous fatal question was all about helping the tyrant, and the last two questions were real. with ulterior motives.Suddenly realizing something, he turned his head and looked at the Finnish seat. In the bright light, Rommel Strulusson, who had not said a word from beginning to end, was so calm and composed.

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