HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 563 Awake

Heimdall lingered a few times in front of the stone wall, then stretched out his hand to touch it, feeling cool, feeling that the dream was really real.So far, Director Strulusson still firmly believes that he is dreaming.

He turned around and looked into the distance, his vision did not gradually recover as his eyes had adapted to the darkness, and it was even more blurred than before.

Something flashed by not far away, Heimdall hesitated for a moment, and slowly approached the place with a blurry outline that looked like a protruding rock. Unfortunately, he could only move three or four steps under his feet, and he would be caught by something if he passed by. Intangible things stop you from moving.

The thing jumped a few times and landed at his feet. Heimdall finally saw clearly and couldn't help but be speechless.

Little robber? !

After careful identification, it seems that it is not the little robber, but one of its kind.

The fellow groped on the ground for a while, seemed to be struggling to move something, and moved straight towards the stone wall without squinting at Heimdall, as if he hadn't seen him.

Heimdall leaned over and beckoned, and it passed through his palm.

Heimdall was speechless, it turned out that he had become a ghost...

Followed behind it all the way back to the stone wall, the same kind threw things under the stone wall, only heard a bang, and Heimdall was surprised to find that the front of the stone wall was full of all kinds of shiny things.These precious stones, gold, silverware and other items are piled up in front of the stone wall to form a magnificent hill.

Heimdall patted his head in puzzlement. There was nothing in front of the stone wall just now, but later he realized that it was a dream.

Why are they piling these things up here?Suddenly remembering that his classmates lost their things, and his own ring was also lost for a while, Heimdall walked over suspiciously. His body passed through the jewel mountain and stopped in front of the stone wall.Heimdall hesitantly stretched out his hand again, and stabbed his whole arm in from the stone wall. Heimdall was startled, and just about to stop, a huge force pulled him forward, and he passed through the stone wall.

Heimdall hurriedly looked back, the thick stone wall remained motionless, but he had indeed entered inside.

It seemed to be a towering and wide space inside, but unfortunately the light was dim, coupled with blurred vision, he still couldn't see the scenery a little further away, and he could only roughly judge the outline.

Heimdall looked around, but couldn't move, as if some kind of force was restricting his actions.

After a while, he seemed to be able to clearly see a one-story-high stone platform in front of him, with many dry branches emerging from the edge of the platform. On the branch, there was a seemingly large white thing with fuzzy lines, but he couldn't see what it was.

Just thinking about it, his feet could move, but they didn't move by themselves, but were dragged forward by that force.He stepped forward, walked slowly forward, bypassed the high stone platform, and came to the rear.The distance in the middle surprised him. This high platform does not seem to be narrow, and it will take a certain amount of time to walk to the back.

There seems to be a relatively small space behind the stone platform. Some smooth stone tablets that have been artificially flattened can be seen everywhere. The reason why they are called stone tablets is that they are similar in shape. As for the purpose and function, Heimdall has no idea .

"Meow~~" A black shadow ran past him.

"Pods?!" Heimdall yelled.

Pod ran straight ahead, paying no heed to his yelling.

The pod ran out of his vision and into a blurry area. The one-square-meter area centered on the pod was exceptionally clear, but the rest of the area was still covered with a layer of gauze, making it hard to see clearly.

Heimdall followed it closely, hoping to find out through him, as for what to find out...he didn't know.I saw the pod jumped forward and caught it with both hands.The owner of the hand was sitting in front of a stone tablet, wearing a black cloak, and the cloak hat covered his face. He gently stroked the pod, and the pod lay docilely on his lap, peacefully as if he had fallen asleep.

An idea spontaneously popped up in Heimdall's mind, could it be that this is actually not his own dream, but this cat's? !

[Rig —————]

The call came down from the sky, like a revelation, and Heimdall was suddenly sober.

"Where am I? I want to go back!" He turned anxiously, looking around blankly.


Heimdall turned around in surprise, and the black cloak appeared behind him, standing in front of a strange pillar.There seemed to be something engraved on that pillar, but it was only clear for a moment, and it fell into the mist again.


Heimdall was now certain that the black cloak was calling him.

"Who are you?" Heimdall opened his mouth.

"Let's go back."

As soon as he finished speaking, the black cat at the feet of the black cloak jumped up and rushed towards him.Heimdall was pushed out forcefully, his body quickly retreated, turned out of the stele room, circled back to the front of the high platform, continued to retreat without pausing, quickly drilled out of the stone wall, and returned to the air.Just like when he came here, he went backwards along the original road without interruption, passed the pine forest, the toffees had disappeared, and the pine lake flashed by him. He went straight back to Durmstrang Castle. Heimdall, unable to control himself as he was about to hit the thick outer wall, yelled and swung his arms vigorously to cover his head.

He crashed into a cloud of darkness and lost consciousness.

On the afternoon of the second day when Heimdall "had lost his breath", the Nordic wizards discovered that the two largest newspapers in Northern Europe, "Snowplow" and "Nordic Wizards Unite", had some news other than the unchanging gossip about the Ministry of Magic of Estonia. other content.

These too ordinary contents are unlikely to attract attention in normal times, but recently the wizards in Scandinavia have been annoyed by the disharmony of Eastern European wizards thousands of miles away. Another topic is to get rid of the day-to-day clichés about the deep digging of the Estonian god horse. Therefore, the new news does not require the newspaper to do anything special, and it immediately attracted the attention of the Nordic wizarding world.

After one night, at noon the next day, after paying attention to yesterday's evening paper and today's morning paper, the Nordic wizards suddenly discovered that these small news can actually be connected in series, and it seems that the content is interlinked.As a result, the residents of the Scandinavian Peninsula immediately gave up on the so-called latest developments of the Estonian Ministry of Magic, which they reported to each other, and devoted themselves enthusiastically to the continuous reading of the new news.

The Nordic wizards were angry.

This matter started with an inconspicuous piece of news in the evening paper the night before. "Snow Sweeping News" is recognized as the newspaper that is closest to the common people in Northern Europe. In addition to publishing mainstream current affairs news, most of the pages are about people's livelihood. Among them, the second most concerned section is about magic injury self-healing and medicine. By the way, the first attention section is store discount promotion and white spirits advertisement; the third attention is about politicians, sports Gossip about celebrities, singers, etc.——This evening, there was news that occupied one-third of the page. Six experts in the treatment of magic injuries with high reputation in the Nordic wizarding world collectively "disappeared".

The disappearance is that the newspaper deliberately exaggerated in order to attract people's attention and attract people to buy it. After buying it, you will know what happened after reading the content.

This report is actually poorly written. The whole article is about how superb these experts are. By publishing the interviews with the patients of the six experts, it will be used to illustrate how the experts rejuvenated.

All in all, after reading this report, apart from making the healthy Nordic wizards feel a little more secure about seeing a doctor in the future, and at the same time arousing the determination of the unhealthy wizards to seek out experts, I did not leave any other impressions.

Only wizards who like to pay attention to everything seem to see what the newspaper seems to be vaguely pointing at. Otherwise, this report will definitely not be handed in for the time being, for fear of opening the skylight and finding a random article to replace it.If this is the case, these wizards who think they are talented and good at thinking will definitely run to the newspaper to spit.

The next day, "Snow Sweeping" and "Unity" both published an article about the latest developments of the investigation team of the Ministry of Magic in Estonia. What is surprising is that the protagonist of this report is not a certain politician in Estonia, or a certain It is not a family member of a politician, but a young man who attended a famous magic school. The name of the young man and the name of the magic school he attended are omitted here.

At the same time, the report also mentioned the whereabouts of the six "missing" experts, who were all treating the boy.

Then why did you go to see him? Of course, when asking this question, quite a few wizards were secretly dumbfounded. Being able to invite six top experts to consult together at the same time is not something everyone can enjoy.Holding all kinds of suspicions, everyone continued to look down, and then, the truth came out.

According to the newspaper, according to the reporter's investigation, the news has been confirmed. The teenager is likely to be persecuted by the investigation team of the Estonian Ministry of Magic. The wizard splashed dirty water, and the young man resisted angrily, but the opponent was outnumbered, and finally he was murdered.The experts are doing their best to treat him.

Anyway, the newspapers are always ambiguous, and they don't give a definite positive news. The whole article is "very likely", but the initial "has been confirmed" makes the credibility of this news seem to increase a lot.No comments were added, and the tone was not biased. It was just a straightforward statement. Only in this way, the purpose of the newspaper has been achieved.

The Nordic wizards were excited, especially the Icelandic wizards, who were furious.

Well, you Estonian Eastern European guy, how dare you bully us Icelanders? !Want to face or not? !The other party is still a child!

The Finnish "Sky Sky" published a further explanation of the situation in the evening paper of the same day. The persecuted child is the only son of our dear Chairman Rommel Strulusson. The reporter of this newspaper has passed our magic. The minister personally confirmed that Mr. Chairman has been in the Durmstrang College for several days now. It is said that the conclusion reached by the experts after consultation is not ideal. The child fell into a coma two days ago and has not recovered until today. wake.

The news was quickly spread artificially, and it didn't take long for the entire Nordic wizarding community to know about it.

Compared with the efficiency of the Estonian media that does not refresh the page for ten days and updates every half a month, the speed of news media workers in Northern Europe is outrageous.

"The Minister of Magic of Finland left for Estonia..." "The Minister of Magic of Iceland turned a blind eye to the Minister of Magic of Estonia in public, and even rolled the eyes of the other party..." and other news emerged endlessly among the people. The vivid content is just It's like seeing it with your own eyes, it's the same.

Rommel Sturluson has never been involved in this matter, not a word, a photo, not even a shadow, and the reporters wanted to interview him, but he was isolated in Dem Strong, outsiders can't enter that school unless they get permission from the headmaster.Chairman Sturluson seemed to have disappeared.

The masses expressed their understanding. The only child is in a critical situation. As a father, how can he still have the heart to gossip about outsiders?He didn't even have a word to complain about the Estonian investigation team, which made the Nordic wizards feel more and more sympathy for him.

All in all, the Nordic people are very angry. In Estonia, the general public is relatively low-key in dealing with this matter, and they have nothing to say. However, the officials of the Estonian Ministry of Magic are dumbfounded, and those officials who have nothing to do with this matter are even more bitter. To die, why did everyone shout and beat them in Northern Europe overnight?

The news reports in Estonia also all turned in the same direction, and doubts from all sides came and went, and the investigation team suddenly became overwhelming.

When Heimdall's coma lasted until the third day and the school hospital was gloomy, the Estonian side suddenly emerged after experiencing the vicissitudes.Estonia didn't know how to restrain itself because of its own scandal, but instead mobilized the whole world to watch, and even implicated wizards from other countries, causing ups and downs all over the world.Ever since, some wizards suggested that we should not investigate this matter. People who investigate other people have gone to foreign countries. It is really shameful. Anyway, Ansip’s case has already involved the period of the Great War, and it also involves some foreign wizards. The trial is more or less an international issue, so let’s sort it out, put forward a specific proposal, and then report it to the International Federation of Wizards and hand it over to the “United Nations General Assembly” for consideration and resolution.

The officials headed by the Minister of Magic were quite resistant to this proposal and firmly opposed it; although the opposition was not very happy, they also knew that this matter could not go on, and if it continued like this, both sides would suffer, but they did not express their position in a hurry, and It is with reservations, which means reconsider.

Two days later, Heimdall opened his eyes at noon on the fifth day. In the afternoon of the same day, all members of the Estonian Ministry of Magic ignored the strong protest of the Minister of Magic and passed a secret ballot.At [-]:[-] p.m. on the same day, the spokesperson of the Estonian Ministry of Magic announced in public at the press conference that the Estonian Ministry of Magic has decided to submit all the cases related to Andrew Ansip and him to the International Federation of Wizards, which is governed by the Federation of Wizards. Consider how to proceed.

In fact, before the press conference, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, the assistant minister had already left for Belgium with all the documents. Before the press conference was over, the assistant had already walked into the gate of the headquarters of the International Federation of Wizards.

Rommel and Snow scrambled to the second floor, when they saw the person who was lying motionless on the bed was standing beside the bed, cooperating with the school doctor Mr. The wand poked around, answering Mr. Follett's continual questions -- the brothers were in a daze.

Did he really wake up?

"Father! Snow!" Heimdall looked up and saw the two men's eyes widen as if they didn't know him, and couldn't help touching his face. Did he change his appearance?

"Please don't move." Mr. Follett looked very authoritative, and Heimdall shut his mouth obediently.

The two men were finally relieved, and the expressions on their faces relaxed in unison.

Mr. Follett finished the inspection quickly, left the space for them wisely, and took care of Heimdall before leaving.

"Don't run around, the experts will come to check you later, lie down well."

"I'm fine, nothing, don't believe me." Heimdall jumped twice as he said, frightening his father and uncle, and forced him back on the bed.

"Just be honest!" Rommel's expression was stern.

Snow also stared at him unkindly, and Director Strulusson had no choice but to lie flat like a critically ill patient.

Mr. Follett pursed his lips and turned away.

The two big men looked at him intently, and Heimdall felt uncomfortable being looked at.

"I've heard from Mr. Follett that I'm giving you trouble."

"I don't have any requirements now. You just need to give me a smooth graduation and I will be thankful." Rommel turned around and sat on the sofa chair beside the bed.

Snow nodded. This child seems to be in quite a lot of situations. For the sake of everyone's heart, it's better to be safe.

Heimdall felt a little aggrieved, and he didn't take the Veritaserum on his own initiative, and he didn't know that he was in the Veritaserum vomiting mechanism... The hand under the quilt moved, and Heimdall touched his deflated Stomach, so hungry.

"How's the situation in Estonia? By the way, where is Victor? I've been sleeping for so many days, he must be very worried? Did you tell him? And my parent-teacher meeting, is it too late? A series of questions popped out of Heimdall's mouth. Director Strulusson really worked hard. He just started to think about this and that after returning to the world from the state of not breathing.

"Shut up!" Rommel said firmly.

Heimdall fell silent, but still looked at the two men eagerly.

The two men couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't worry, those are not problems."


Rommel stared.

Chief Sturluson shrank under the quilt.

"He's coming right away, there's a game today."

Heimdall thought it was better for Snow, so he asked again, "He has been in school these days?" Heimdall subconsciously believed that his father would not hide it from the master.

Snow nodded.

Rommel snorted coldly, "He still has the mind to compete!"

As a father, Lommel selfishly believed that Victor should not "leave" his son to run out to chase fame and fortune, and greet the cheers of the fans. He should be by his son's side at all times until his son sober.

Snow shook his head, this Rommel likes to talk ironically.

"It should be," Heimdall said. "I'm lying on the bed and it doesn't conflict with his work. Without me, wouldn't he be alive? What's more, there are so many fans from all over the world spontaneously running to support him. It's too embarrassing People are chilling."

Rommel originally just took the opportunity to complain, and didn't really think so, but he was very unhappy when his son praised him so much.

"Rig!" A scream suddenly sounded, and Carlo and the others rushed over excitedly.

"Hi~~" Heimdall waved to them.

Hi sister!As soon as the students saw his ruddy face, they had the urge to beat him up.

"You...you..." The articulate Mr. Jones actually stuttered.

"Great! Great!" Leon and Ryan repeated these words over and over again.

"Sorry for worrying you." Heimdall sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, and shook hands with every friend and classmate who came to visit him with a smile on his face.

Zug held his hand and wept loudly. The previous situation of Heimdall seemed to touch a certain string in the child's heart.Heimdall was so moved by him, he said a lot of words to stop the tears.There are obviously many ways for Director Stuluson to let him put his tears in, but in the end he used the cruelest one, and arranged a lot of questions specially for Zug. When Zug left the school hospital, his tears stopped flowing. But it floated out in circles in the air.

After everyone has repeatedly confirmed that he is indeed safe, and talked with him for a while, they each leave.

Under Heimdall's inquiry, Ryan made another trip and brought him the Quidditch publications of the last few days.

As soon as Heimdall opened the first book, he saw a big headline, which said in large colorful fonts that Krum was not in good condition these days. Too flat and dull, as if under some kind of repetitive motion spell, his ball wasn't exciting anymore.Afterwards, Krum's boyfriend lying unconscious on the bed was also confirmed by Quidditch publications one by one.Although a small number of fans expressed indignation, saying that Krum's will was not firm enough, and his endurance needs to be improved, etc., most fans still expressed understanding and sympathy.

There was also a group of hardcore VK cheerleaders who spontaneously formed a group and went to a prayer place that was said to be very effective to pray for Klum's boyfriend.Seeing this, Heimdall couldn't help but smile, these fans are very cute.

It's a pity that his newspaper reading time was soon interrupted, and a team of experts appeared on the stage, and surrounded him in a herd, seemingly more excited than the group of students.

Director Sturlusson was moved. Could it be that my personality is so charming?Even people I don't know... Director Sturluson ejaculated in embarrassment.

It turned out that the experts were only interested in his vomiting mechanism, and each of them looked at a white mouse with their eyes shining. If Rommel and Snow were not watching, the experts decided to snatch him away immediately. , Hurry back and do in-depth research.

"Backlash resistance?" Heimdall looked blank.

Expert A said: "That is to say, your body has a very outstanding ability to repair itself."

"By sleeping? And still holding your breath?" Heimdall's expression was a little numb.

"Why such a state occurs remains to be studied." Expert B's small bright eyes swept over him.

"It seems that cats recover themselves by sleeping, so everyone says cats have nine lives."

The experts ignored his rant, stabbed him with their wands deftly, and whispered to each other.

These experts are much sharper than Mr. Follett. His body was stabbed by their wands, and his body was painful and numb for a while. In short, the process was extremely ecstasy, but he felt refreshed after being tossed. Decided not to get acquainted with them.

After confirming that Heimdall was fine, Dad was a little eager to give it a try. The International Federation of Wizards will make its first statement on Estonia's submission this afternoon.Rommel stood up and exchanged glances with Snow. The two brothers seemed to have thought about this issue.

Snow made the calculations, Krum should be back soon, and staying here would be in the way, so he explained a few words and left the school hospital with his elder brother.

This time, everyone did not expect to notify the master in advance, probably to let him experience the moment of ecstasy when he learned the good news, so when all the insiders cheered up, the master's little heart Still lifeless.

Just like a few days ago, he left the field in a hurry, not even having time to change into the competition uniform.Although he knew that even if he rushed back, he would not be able to help him, he still wanted to stay there for the first time.When the all-pervasive reporters rushed to the other passageway prepared by the team for Victor, they could only watch Krum disappear in the apparition burst.

The depressed mood made Victor ignore the cheerful greetings from around, and ignored the previous dull and relaxed atmosphere.He walked into the school hospital with a dull head, but he didn't see Mr. Follett who was drinking tea with six experts; he didn't notice that the sneaky figure of Bonasera was missing from the stairs leading from the first floor to the second floor; I also didn't notice that the portraits disappeared collectively again - I went to find other portraits to actively participate in "social activities" as usual.Even the noisy first school doctor who popped up from time to time was silent.

The master didn't notice anything until he heard someone calling his name, he raised his head and saw the heartbreakingly quiet person looking at him with a smile at the moment.

Victor was just like Rommel and Snow before, standing still, his eyes staring straight.

Heimdall said nothing, just held out his hand.

Victor took three steps forward in a daze, then ran up abruptly, came to the bedside, and held Heimdall's hands.

At this time, he realized that the gloves for the competition had not been taken off. In order to increase the coefficient of friction, the touch of the gloves used for the competition on the skin was not comfortable at all.Victor hurriedly withdrew his hand, but was held tightly by Heimdall.

"Sit," said Heimdall.

The master hesitated, and sat down beside his bed.

Heimdall straightened up, fell towards him, and hugged him.

"I'm covered in sweat..." Victor pushed him lightly, but the next movement was to hug him even tighter.

"I haven't showered for many days, and those experts didn't let me walk around, saying that I'm still under observation." Heimdall forced his little face bitterly. "If you want to stink, let's stink together. Look, is there eye gum in the corner of my eye?"

Victor acted as if he hadn't heard it, and he didn't say a word for a long time. After a long time, he seemed a little uncertain and said, "Are you awake?"

Heimdall didn't laugh at him, but tightened his arms so that he could clearly feel his presence.

"Wake up, I think I'm going to lose sleep tonight."

Victor's breathing became more and more gentle, as if he was really relieved at this time.

"I'm sorry." Heimdall said softly, resting his head on his shoulder.

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