HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 561 Drugged

Immediately after Leon came out of the room, he was surrounded by his classmates. Everyone asked about the situation inside, and Leon's answers were the same.

"You'll know when you go in."

The dispirited classmates complained that he didn't fit in a few words, and they quickly dispersed after knowing that they couldn't find anything.

Heimdall's attention has always been on the newspaper in his hand, and he doesn't care about the changes around him. Besides, Leon will be the second in his grade after that.

"Mr. Sturlusson." Professor Katenin stood by the open door and looked in his direction.

Heimdall quickly put away the newspaper and walked into the room under the gaze of his classmates.

This is a small episode before the parents participate in the conversation, in order to let the school know the students' own thinking before the parents may intervene.The professors will ask the students some questions, confess to them some of their deficiencies, and give the students some suggestions.And students can take this opportunity to clearly tell the school what they think about the future. This idea may not be recognized by their families, but this is what the school needs to fully grasp the students' ideas, not the parents'.

After Heimdall entered the room, he saw the professors from the eight gates of the German school gathered together. They sat in a row behind a long table, and there was a lonely chair about three steps away from the table.

Heimdall wondered if the professors hadn't reserved a seat for him behind the desk, and this little broken chair probably did.He didn't have a sense of distance like interrogating a prisoner when he was questioned by the Estonian Ministry of Magic, but he didn't expect his alma mater to be so intriguing.

"Sit down." When Professor Katenen took a seat behind the table, Professor Laurent pointed to the small broken chair.

Heimdall followed his word.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you, Mr. Sturlusson. This time, the total score of the primary qualification examination is second in the whole year." Professor Laurent smiled slightly, and other professors also looked amiable, even Professor Mansour of astronomy They all looked amiable, and for the first time, they gave him a few rolls of eyes when they didn't meet each other.

Mr. Stulusson is always unhappy, the professors are really realistic.

"We have seen the employment intention survey form you submitted, and your goal is the International Wizengamot."

"Yes." Heimdall nodded. "I have been working at IW during the summer vacation."

"So far you haven't changed your mind, have you?" Professor Katenen asked.

"No, I plan to apply for regularization when I'm old, but I heard that a letter of recommendation and a graduation certificate from a magic school are required for regularization." Heimdall's eyes swept over these professors.Especially Professor Katenen, who has been swept away by him no less than five times.

The professors were dumbfounded.

It was only the fifth grade, and he had already started to think about the quality of the recommendation letter.Generally speaking, the recommendation letter of a magic school is written by the principal of the school. To put it bluntly, it is to speak well of the student. This is the most common kind; The professor came to icing on the cake.The difference is that several professors come to wear hibiscus for you.

All the professors who majored in electives wrote good words, that is the kind of flowery recommendation letter that Director Sturlusson dreamed of.

This is also one of the ultimate goals pursued by Director Strulusson. He hopes that every professor can write a few good sentences for him when he graduates.Anyway, he has confessed his feelings to the professors of major courses here, and the professors of elective courses still need to think about it in the long run. There are various elective courses in German school, and he doesn't take all of them. Fortunately, he still has two years to think about it. .

"Now is the elementary qualification exam. If you can still get such a score in the senior qualification exam in the seventh grade, I can write whatever you want me to write." Professor Mansour patted the table and put YY in Heimdall snapped back to God.

Heimdall was surprised and smiled, but soon his smile faded. Professor Mansur felt strange, but he still put on a persuasive look.

"What's wrong? You don't like my compliment?"

"No..." Heimdall said hesitantly. "I can skip astronomy from next school year."

"How dare you!" Professor Mansour glared.

"I dare not," Heimdall shook his head vigorously, looking eager to get rid of it. "But it's useless to take it. You don't need to provide astronomy grades before taking the International Wizengamot Exam." Other institutions don't value this course, which is one of the reasons why Director Strulusson has a good impression of IW Bel. .

The International Wizengamot has made further adjustments to the exam since last year, focusing more on the history of magic, charms, transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and ancient runes. Time is not needed.Astronomy was never listed, not even in the incidental column.Anyway, what judges focus on is to act according to the law, pay attention to reason and evidence, and have little chance to look up to the sky.

Professor Mansour laughed angrily, "If you don't take astronomy after September this year, you won't even think about graduating in this lifetime!"

Heimdall turned pale with fright, and looked at Professor Katenen eagerly, hoping that he would give him justice, but unfortunately the wizards in the school were all the same.As the principal, how could he help the students speak, of course he pretended not to see anything.

Professor Mansour sneered, the other professors only maintained spiritual sympathy, and everyone's eyes revealed such a sentence: Come on, dear.

When they walked out of the room, the students kept a wait-and-see attitude. No one was as impatient as they were with Leon before. It was really the lifeless look on the face of Chief Strulusson that scared everyone.

The three friends were taken aback, Carlo hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"I thought I would be freed from astronomy after September. The professor told me that if I wanted to be freed, he would release me with my graduation certificate. I have been counting on this day since last year, and it turned out..." Heimdall burst into tears.

The three friends looked at each other and had no choice but to pat him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"You call extreme joy begets sorrow." Carlo couldn't stop his mouth no matter what. "Let you get carried away, look, retribution is coming."

During dinner, the head of Mr. Stulusson was overcast, and a big cloud of grievances thundered and flashed on it.The three friends decided to let him fend for himself for the time being. Anyway, his emotions come and go quickly, and his self-adjustment ability is so perfect that he seems a little careless sometimes.

Heimdall finished his meal sullenly, took the newspaper and continued to read. The Estonian incident has caused a lot of noise recently, and foreign newspapers also provided a lot of pages to gossip about other people's scandals, but the things published in each country are always the same.

Ansip's life is getting more and more difficult, and even the Minister of Magic who was single-handedly promoted by him is a little bit on pins and needles.Under pressure from the opposition, the Minister for Magic had to adopt their advice and involve other officials.On the second day of the joint cooperation, the latest progress of the investigation team broke out. According to the investigation team, they collected some information from the families of the victims of the war. Ansip was suspected of indiscriminately killing innocent people during the war. Innocent people were sent to prison, those innocent people were persecuted to death in prison.All of this was led by Ansip, in order to accumulate reputation for himself and pave the way for future promotion.

If there is such a thing, is there any questionable point in Ansip's previous judgments and needs to be retried?

From this point, Heimdall saw the possibility of overturning the pen pal's case. Lange's case was a sensation at the time. If the Estonian Ministry of Magic really planned to retry it, it would definitely start with a representative and major case.The protracted battle that was originally predicted seems to be able to start ahead of schedule.

The original investigation team did not even fart for ten days and a half months, which made people feel that they were doing nothing. As soon as the opposition joined in, they let out a loud fart, which showed that the opposition had already grasped the information. Just waiting for a justifiable opportunity to poke things out.

Comrade Ansip, who was paralyzed on the bed, was miserable. The matter of abusing his power had not yet been settled, and now he was killing innocent people and persecuting good people.Mr. Minister usually pays attention to maintenance. There is not a single crease on his face when he is five or sixty years old, but this time his little face has been haggarded by the noise, and the skin on his cheeks has hung down.

The investigators who were in charge of Heimdall came here several times, and although the questions they asked became sharper each time, they did not dare to go too far. As long as Heimdall put on a frightened look, those people There is no way to take him.

First of all, he is a minor, and he is likely to face a lawsuit if he uses those methods against adults without the presence of a guardian; secondly, they are standing on the territory of Durmstrang, and German schools have the right and obligation to protect their students. He acted rashly; again, the red-faced gentleman with big hair felt that the child really didn't know anything, and they checked the letters one by one, and they basically couldn't find any mistakes.

The investigators asked to take the letter back for study, but Heimdall refused. What they showed was an investigation permit, not a search permit, and they could not just take away other people's things.Besides, Heimdall thought to himself, if you take it back, who knows if it will be used or not, making trouble out of nothing.

The next morning, Heimdall took the animals out for morning exercise according to the old rules, and they came to the edge of the pine forest again. After all the animals had run away, Heimdall sat on the bench, seemingly defenseless , was actually paying attention to the movement around him all the time, when he heard the sound of falling snow coming from the other side of the bench, he jerked his wand out and aimed it there.


A sharp scream sounded from the other side, and Heimdall looked there speechlessly. The shameless little robber held up the glass alloy tie clip and screamed triumphantly. The teeth made Director Sturlusson feel a little nervous, I don't know if they are poisonous...

Since the little robber "successfully" obtained the tie clip from him, he has come here every day to show off his power, and once he even put on a negotiation posture. Through Xiaobayan's translation, it seems that he wants to exchange the tie clip for him. ring.

"Beautiful idea!" That's the answer from Chief Strulusson at the time.

After understanding what he meant, the little robber started to harass him. Even if he doesn't cause trouble to him, it's okay to be disgusting and disgusting every day.Heimdall felt that this little thing must have a common language with Bonasera, and they were very different.

"I'm not fussing with you today, hehe," Chief Sturlusson said with a tolerant expression. "We got the second place in the whole grade in the exam, and got the approval last night. In the afternoon, we went to Kapok Ancient Town for a few laps with our classmates to eat good food. We just won't take you to play." After finishing speaking, he looked away arrogantly.

The little robber didn't know why, seeing him ignoring him, he yelled a few times, but Heimdall just turned a deaf ear.

Then, he didn't hear the little robber's voice for a long time. The head of Stulu, who was beaming with joy, was a little puzzled. When he turned his head, he saw the little robber standing beside him. After drooling, he frantically pulled on his ring again.

Heimdall screamed and jumped up.

In the afternoon, they were discussing which store to go to for tea and snacks at a beverage store on Zhongxia Avenue. Carlo's suggestions were very constructive, and everyone decided to recommend him as a guide.

Heimdall thought he was here anyway, so he decided to visit Mrs. Pepper.

They parted at the gate of the post office.

Heimdall walked briskly forward, and the translucent window reflected his happy little appearance with shining eyes.Director Sturlusson coquettishly cast a wink at the window, and the boss in the window squinted at him, Heimdall turned his face away abruptly, and walked away quickly with his head buried.

Until the familiar storefront was within easy reach, Heimdall broke free from the embarrassment, quickly grabbed the handle, and pushed the door open.After a sudden and inexplicable whirl, akin to traveling through a portkey, Heimdall found himself in a small, windowless room. Looking back, he saw only a dirty white wall.


There was a sound in the room, and several wizards came in from the door on the opposite wall. One of them, Heimdall, knew him. He was the red-faced wizard from the investigation team, but this time he entered behind others. Like a boss like before.

This room should be enchanted to prevent apparition. Heimdall decided not to act rashly for the time being. These people don't look like the remnants of the saints last time. They are much more upright than the saints. At least Heimdall can see The faces of each of them, and the wizard robes on their bodies, and, besides, they did not point their wands at themselves.

"I advise you not to be reckless and impulsive. We know that you have a license to apparate. This is just a short conversation. We don't want to hurt you." The wizard who took the lead pulled a smile without a smile, and the muscles of his right cheek were tensed when he spoke. Always twitching like a spasm.

Heimdall was silent.

"Please sit down." The wizard pointed to the only table in the room, and the only chair beside the table. Heimdall knew that this set of furniture was prepared for himself.

Without protest, he sat down.

"Can I sue you for this?" Heimdall looked directly at the leading wizard. "Everyone has violated my privacy, and you are also suspected of kidnapping. Obviously, this is not out of my will."

"We'll make you volunteer," one wizard said with a sneer.

The leader gave him a sideways glance, and didn't make another sound.

However, Heimdall had a bad premonition because of the sneering wizard's words. He quickly looked at the leading wizard. The leading wizard was surprised by Heimdall's sensitivity and decided to give up acting as a kind and good person. He took out a small glass bottle from his pocket, And put it on the table in front of Heimdall.

Heimdall stared at the bottle containing the transparent liquid, what the fuck, Veritaserum? !

"That is to say, you finally can't stand the dog jumping over the wall?" Heimdall raised an eyebrow. "This is in line with those new allegations. How should I evaluate it? It's very personal?"

"It's only a matter of time before we find something about you!" the sneering wizard roared.

"Just kidding!" Heimdall glanced at him. "Find something? That means nothing has been found now, and I'm still innocent, so what are you going to do to an innocent person?" Then he turned to the leading wizard. "This colleague of yours really can't speak, don't you understand the truth that disaster comes from his mouth?"

The leading wizard turned his head, but it wasn't aimed at the sneering wizard, but the red-faced wizard.Obviously, Heimdall's various performances did not match the situation he reported, and it can be said that there is a world of difference.

"We don't need to report to you about our actions." The leading wizard didn't change his face, and Heimdall hated his eyes as if he was staring at a condemned prisoner. "Okay, we won't waste your time, you see," he pushed the glass bottle forward. "Are you going to drink it yourself, or will we do it?"

"I reject!"

The leading wizard raised his wand at once, and then winked at the two colleagues, who walked up aggressively, and Heimdall immediately made a "stop" gesture and picked up the bottle.

The leading wizard smiled, ridiculing endlessly.

One of them was afraid of cheating, so he brought the bottle over, uncorked the cork, and watched Heimdall swallow the veritaserum. He didn't leave his side until he was sure he had swallowed it, and stood behind the leader wizard again.

"That's great, let's cooperate with each other." The leading wizard smiled maliciously.

Ever since Heimdall took the legendary Veritaserum Potion, Heimdall has been silent and concentrated, trying to control his mouth with his brain, and he will know the effect immediately.

"Your name." The lead wizard began his cross-examination.

"Heimdall Strulusson." Heimdall was frustrated for a while, he couldn't control his mouth, and the words seemed to come out by himself.

"Do you know Andrews Lange?"


"How did you meet?"

"...by writing letters."

"Who told you to communicate?"

"...International Wizengamot." Huh? !Gradually, Heimdall discovered that he could actually control it, not that he could control his speech, there was no way to do this, Veritaserum was very domineering.He can control the range of answers, that is to say, when the answer is not a clear question of 1+1=how much, he can choose one of the options by himself.

No wonder the book says that Veritaserum is not a panacea. International courts do not recognize news obtained through Veritaserum, which means that his words cannot be used as evidence in court.

So what are these guys going to know from him?

"Who is your immediate supervisor at the International Wizengamot?"

When he heard this question, Heimdall suddenly realized, and then glanced at the robe worn by the leading wizard. No wonder the badge on the robe is so familiar, the Estonian Wizengamot.The Estonian Wizengamo is the one with the furthest similarity to the IW badge among all the national Wizengamos, which can somewhat show the relationship between the Estonian Wizengamo and IW.

"Answer me, Mr. Sturluson, who is your immediate supervisor at the International Wizengamot?"

At that moment, all the wizards, including the lead wizard, looked eager to try, as if the "truth" they were waiting for was about to come out.

"Malanthe Gironde."

Those wizards were stunned, "Marantha Gironde?"

"IW rotating chairman and supreme justice, don't you know him?" Heimdall said patiently. "Would you like to spell it for everyone?"

"No need!" The leading wizard suddenly became irritable.

Heimdall can now be sure that these guys want to catch Hollingworth, or that they have found out some things about Hollingworth, whether it is true or false, they want to use these things to add fuel to the flames.

"Do you know Hollingworth?" The leading wizard obviously didn't give up.


"What is your relationship in IW?"

"He's one of my superiors." Heimdall paused. "He's the judge."

In fact, Heimdall forced himself to follow the logic of the answer that all the employees in IW are his superiors, because he is not a regular employee.

The leading wizard fell silent again, and Heimdall thought that he was probably regretting this action, and it was a wrong and stupid decision to find a breakthrough from him.

"Shall I spell Judge?" Heimdall asked.

Someone snickered, although it was very short, like a cough, but Heimdall still recognized that it was the red-faced Mr.

The leading wizard shot Heimdall a look.

"Why did the International Wizengamo want you to correspond with Lange?"

Heimdall hesitated, this question involves the secret part of IW, about his future work, and he is being trained and so on.

Because of his delay in answering, the other party seemed to see some kind of hope again, and forced him to answer with a louder voice.

"Honestly, I don't know," Heimdall seemed hesitant. "Mr. Lange has been trying to restore communication with the outside world, but the International Wizengamot has never agreed to him. Everyone should know that the reason why Mr. Lange was imprisoned in Hercules was because of some credit he had made during his lifetime. The International Wizengamot Considering Lange's contribution to the wizarding world, he decided to let me correspond with him like an ordinary person. You have also seen those letters."

Heimdall has always been wary of saying Hollingworth's name, once he said it, there would be no peace.

Yes, their correspondence is impeccable, very generic, and somewhat patriarchal.

The leading wizard thumped the table unwillingly.

Heimdall bit his lip suddenly, and he let out a light breath when the sudden upheaval in his stomach gradually subsided.Immediately, her breathing became short of breath, accompanied by bouts of dizziness.

what happened?Heimdall began to feel anxious. He couldn't faint here, especially not in front of these guys. He tried to take a deep breath, and the dizziness seemed to be better.

"Is it okay?" Heimdall said impatiently. "May I ask if you have any other questions, please ask them together. If my companion can't find me, he may take some action."

Perhaps this remark touched the wizards, who, despite their frustration at the impulsiveness of the operation and the futility of it, decided not to continue embarrassing others.

"Just walk out from there." The leading wizard pointed to the door.

Heimdall stood up quickly, desperately holding back the vomiting and dizziness, forced himself to walk over steadily, and grabbed the doorknob.

He took a deep breath, turned around, and said slowly: "Estonia Wizengamot will receive a letter from my lawyer."

"What?" The wizard's voice was dry. "Your lawyer?"

Heimdall imitated him and smirked, "Good luck to everyone."

After leaving the room, you will find that he is still in the ancient town of Kapok, but Heimdall has no time to care about these things. He leaned on the wall and quickly left the remote alley and came to the main road. He didn't feel relieved until he saw the people on the street. Run under a pillar and open your mouth to vomit.

I don't know how long it took, when he tried to straighten up while leaning on the pillar, he held his shoulders with both hands to prevent him from collapsing to the ground.

It was the red-faced wizard, who was looking at him worriedly at the moment.

"Please, send me back to school. I need to see the school doctor." Heimdall tried his best to finish what he wanted to say. "And my classmates, they are in Pink Kapok, please inform them."

After saying this, he passed out.

When the red-faced wizard rushed to Durmstrang as quickly as possible and sent Heimdall to the school doctor Mr. Follett, the school doctor hurriedly pointed to a bed, and the red-faced wizard put him on the bed, followed by Wen Katenin and Karkarov arrived.

The school doctor quickly checked Heimdall, and when his hand touched Heimdall's face, he froze, then paused in disbelief, and after a while, he let out a hoarse cry.

"Sturluson is not breathing!"

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