Bernick exaggeratedly looked up to the sky and sighed: "I really want to rush to England and ask my sister and Snow Sturluson how they raised you, fortunately Snow is still the director of the Quidditch Union Command! "

"You don't have to go to England, I can answer you now."

Seeing Heimdall's sudden surprise, the people present shouted "Snow" and rushed over impatiently like a suckling swallow thrown into the forest.At the other end, the man stretched out his arms and opened his arms without any hesitation, and firmly caught the boy who was flying towards him.

Heimdall leaned into Snow Strulusson's arms, wrapped his arms around his neck and leaned forward, leaving a loud and intimate kiss on the other's cheek, taking care of both sides.

Snow asked softly, "Miss me?"

Heimdall nodded.

Snow raised the corners of his mouth silently, his eyes sparkling with pleasure.

The well-dressed man standing on their right all the time raised his thick eyebrows, turning a blind eye to the heartwarming and heartwarming moment in front of him, and complained very disruptively: "Son, I think I should remind you that you got the order of priorities wrong, Such a once-in-a-lifetime reunion moment, when you bid farewell to your relatives and friends and left home alone for a long time, you didn’t come to hug your father first, but kissed other irrelevant men first, it really disappointed me—your father.”

"Other irrelevant men" let go of Heimdall in a fit of ridicule.

Heimdall slid up to a certain father, lowered his eyebrows and said obediently, "I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you?"

A certain father looked away casually: "If you can hug me and kiss me, I think I will be better."

Heimdall immediately went down the slope and jumped on the donkey.

While hugging Heimdall to enjoy the "family happiness", Rommel squinted at his younger brother, his eyes full of provocation.Snowdang didn't see anything and just disappeared.

Even Rommel Sturluson, who is a hardliner, cannot avoid childish moments of IQ degradation.

Heimdall was immersed in the excitement and joy of seeing his relatives for the first time, and the smile on his face could not be calmed down: "I thought you would arrive at the beginning of next month."

Rommel let go of him, and there was no change of emotion on his face anymore. He put on the mask again: "There is something called [Christmas Holiday] in the world."

"That means you can't stay until the end of the game." Heimdall said slightly disappointed.

Snow smiled and said, "I will do it again before the end."

Rommel raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, but he didn't express anything.He looked at the group of young people who had been paying attention to the movement here all the time, his eyes swept around, and finally stopped on someone: "Little Mr. Claus?" Rommel's question seemed hesitant.

Adam raised the corners of his mouth and took a step forward, with a reserved smile on his face, "It's an honor to meet you again. The last time we met was three years ago."

Rommel immediately held the right hand he offered, frowned and whispered: "Mr. Claus..."

Adam showed a helpless expression: "It's still the same, neither getting better nor getting better. According to my father's own words, even if he hangs up and down, he won't die for a while."

Bernick curled his lips in anger and did not dare to speak. There was nothing he could do about his cousin. After all, they were all relatives, and they would choke or choke when they said "Hello", and they actually greeted outsiders first.

At this time, Heimdall's voice came: "'s okay, I've been doing well these past few months, and the brothers have taken good care of me."

Rigg is still caring, knowing that he is thinking of us... At this moment, Mr. Bernick Krum felt that he did not love this kid in vain.

Snow pulled Heimdall over, he patted Bernick on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Long time no see, you look pretty good, last month I received a letter from Aunt Daisy complaining about your rebellion The number of words that are not obedient takes up half of the page.”

Bernicka had a bitter face, and said with a sense of sympathy: "In her heart, there is not a day when I am not rebellious." After that, he took the initiative to introduce others.

When Victor was introduced, Snow suddenly narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became sharp and sharp.

The sudden change baffled Bernick and the others.Heimdall shook his hand at Victor calmly, signaling that he doesn't need to mind.Victor smiled, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Snow restrained his aggressive gaze: "It seems that in the next Quidditch World Cup, the whole world will welcome Bulgaria, a strong enemy."

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid I will disappoint you." Victor replied, "I don't plan to engage in any position related to Quidditch after graduation. Of course, if conditions permit, I think I will go to the World Cup site to experience the atmosphere there. , as a spectator."

A trace of astonishment flashed in Snow's eyes.As the director of the Quidditch Union Headquarters of the British Ministry of Magic, he was relieved to lose a possible strong enemy. At the same time, as an advocate of the Quidditch movement, he was relieved to lose a talented Disappointed by talent.

"That's such a pity." Snow sighed softly.


Although during the holidays, the two Mr. Sturlusson came here wearing business hats, which is the so-called public funds to eat and drink. The food, clothing, housing and transportation issues have been handed over to the Sugar Mouse Organizing Committee through the Ministry of Magic of the two countries, and there is no need to do it yourself Pay attention.

Therefore, there is no need to add more people to the tent in Durmstrang.

Tomorrow is the first round of the team competition. Adam and Xiabi bid farewell to everyone and returned to their tents.

The senior brothers decided not to bother the three Stulussons who had reunited after a long absence, and went looking for other names to pass the time.Heimdall led "Father" and "Uncle" back to the residence.

As soon as he entered the tent, Rommel picked up a pleasing chair and sat down, not polite at all.Leaning on the back of the chair and looking at it for a while, then said in a critical tone that was not very pleasing to the ears: "It's okay."

Heimdall followed Snow's example and ignored it.

Tea was served quickly.

"Xina." Heimdall called out.

The house elf soon appeared in front of the three of them, and it bowed habitually: "What are your orders, master."

"Come and meet my family. This is my father, Mr. Rommel Sturluson, the current head of the Sturluson family."

The elf lowered his head in fear: "Mr. Patriarch."

Rommel hummed noncommittally, with no expression of joy or anger.

"This is my uncle," Heimdall continued, "Mr. Snow Sturluson."

Hina kept her head down: "Mr. Strulusson."

Snow behaved more friendly than Rommel, he said hello.

Hina twitched her ears as if frightened, and whispered nervously: "The Stulusson family is so kind to Hina, Hina is very grateful, and Hina is willing to do what a dog can do." After being hired by the Song family, it changed its usual pattern of being cautious and subservient, acting very restless, as if it lacked a sense of security all the time.

Heimdall speculates that this is most likely due to the salary. After it gets used to it, it will understand that as long as it is dedicated to its duties, the employer does not have the right to dismiss it casually.

"Master," Hina asked in a low voice, "Xina has already collected all the things you want, when will you need them?"

Snow immediately asked, "What do you want it to collect?"

Heimdall touched his nose. In fact, he didn't want the second person to know about it now, but these two men were not others. One was his father in name, and the other was the one who actually adopted him.There is only one name revealed in Ivy Malfoy's diary, which does not explain anything. It is still unknown whether this person is the one who finally provided the sperm, everything is unknown.

Heimdall's reticence and hesitation stimulated Snow at the same time, and he felt blocked for no reason. After only a few months of separation, this child is already unwilling to share his little secret with him?In the eyes of Snow Sturlusson, Heimdall is just a child, how much a child can worry about, and the earth-shattering things in the eyes of a child are not worth paying attention to in the eyes of an adult.

Rommel has never said a word. It is more effective to not speak than to speak at such a time. As a successful politician, he knows how to do it.

After a moment of silence, Heimdall finally chose to be honest. "Bring your things here," he ordered.

After a while, a stack of neatly stacked yellowed newspapers appeared in front of Heimdall, and he reached out to take them.

Snow frowned, of course he saw the stack of back issues.

"What are you looking for?"

Heimdall looked at him, then at Rommel who did not say a word. "I'm looking for news about Sirius Black," he replied.

Now, even Rommel frowned. "For what?" Rommel asked.

"Ivy, um, it's my mother, her crush is on this Blake, so I want to confirm the identity of this person."

Snow and Rommel glanced at each other, surprised by the news.

"Can you tell me how you know?" Snow asked with narrowed eyes.

Heimdall cleared his throat, and then said, "Ivy Malfoy, um, is my mother, she left a diary."

Rommel raised his eyebrows knowingly: "That means the diary told you that Ivy likes this Blake?"

Heimdall nodded: "Love at first sight."

"It didn't say anything about your biological father? Is it this Black?" Snow said quickly.

"I haven't seen it yet..." Heimdall replied hesitantly.

"What do you mean?"

"...I only look at the amount of one day at a time."

Rommel suddenly laughed, "Did you take reading a diary as writing a diary?"

Heimdall thought he should smile more, it would make him look younger.

"Ivy likes Sirius Black?!" Snow didn't think this discovery was so good.He was born and raised in England, and worked in the British Ministry of Magic. He didn't like the Black family at all, and the manners of this family had exceeded his aesthetic sense.

"Maybe he is Rieg's real father."

Snow glared at his brother, he couldn't say why, he just didn't like this assumption.

Rommel was unmoved: "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"What about you? What do you think of this?" Rommel turned his gaze to Heimdall.In fact, he could have asked Heimdall to take out the diary, so that they could get the answer immediately, but he didn't.The diary is a relic left by Ivy Malfoy to Rigg, and others have no room to comment.Therefore, he can only sit here and make some baseless guesses. On weekdays, what he disdains the most is guessing about something, which seems stupid and inefficient.

Heimdall looked down at a large stack of old things. There were not only English newspapers, but also other languages. Hina collected all the newspapers that published the deeds of the Black family that he could find.

So, Heimdall replied without raising his head, "I'm watching."

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