HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 551 The in-laws are here

After getting out of the warm carriage, the oppressive cold made the pores of Heimdall's body shrink. The dragon leather boots that he had been reluctant to change stepped into the ankle-deep snow without a sound, and the sound of footsteps seemed to be eaten by the soles of the shoes.He pulled his feet out of the snow, resisted the urge to brush off the snow particles on his shoes, and walked to the side of the pegasus pulling the cart with one deep foot and one shallow foot.He took out a pack of Tianma candy that he bought at the station when he arrived from his pocket, and poured some out on the palm of his hand.The colorful hard candies like small gravels seem ordinary, but the pegasus can smell their favorite smell from it. The little raindrop pegasus that took them over the mountains neighed cheerfully, and took a big mouthful of Heimdall's palm. chew.

Rommel and Victor got out of the car one after another. Rommel talked to the wizard who got out of the post station. Victor walked up to Heimdall and took out some candy to feed the little Pegasus.The Pegasus horse that Heimdall took a fancy to was small in size and young in age, with a bit of a childish temper, easily excited, worked hard, and flew very steadily along the way.When the people from the post station came to ask for their opinions, Heimdall happily praised it as good and promising.

After leaving the inn, Rommel, the leader, turned back to Heimdall and said, "Just stay with me for the next two days."

Heimdall, who was wondering where to live, nodded obediently.

Master Krum fell into silence, and his two days of tender expectations with Heimdall were instantly shattered by Rommel's words.

"Can Victor live with us?" Unexpectedly, Heimdall would also be reluctant to part with him, so he suggested to his father quite logically, "He lives alone in the goblin hotel, it's so lonely."

What else can Rommel say?Doesn't it make you look stingy if you don't let people live in? !

In a blink of an eye, he saw the smiles on the corners of their mouths, and their eyes were very affectionate. Rommel turned his eyes away and strode towards the rented house.

Dodoma was ready, and the house was warm by the fireplace.

What surprised Heimdall and Victor was that it was not only Dodoma who stood at the door to greet them, but also Victor's parents, with expectant expressions on their faces, looking at them with a smile.

"Father? Mom?" Victor stepped forward in surprise and hugged them.

Victor's parents are here, in other words, Rommel has long planned to let Victor be with them?Heimdall turned his head to look at Rommel who had already taken off his cloak, took the wine glass from Dodoma, and sat down beside the sofa.

Heimdall took off his cloak with a smile, walked quickly behind his father, and pinched his shoulders like a dog.

This deliberate act of flattery made Rommel dumbfounded.

"Rig." Victor stretched out his hand to him, and Heimdall immediately jumped up and ran over.

Dad was upset again.

Anna, who was already in a good mood, smiled when she saw Heimdall wearing the sweater she knitted. She grabbed him and looked back and forth for a long time. She found that the shoulders and sleeves were slightly uncomfortable. Anna, who was pursuing excellence in knitting, couldn't help but muttered. .Heimdall seemed to want to take it apart and start over after hearing that, so he couldn't help shaking his hands.

"No, no, no, I think it's very good. Where is the disobedience? I didn't see it!" While speaking, she wiped her shoulders with her hands, and refused to turn around again without saying anything. Anna couldn't help laughing.

"Are you all here to see Victor?" Heimdall said.

"Why, I can't come and see my son?" Prodi said very bluntly.

Heimdall didn't care. "I didn't say that. There are no other scenic spots in the Durmstrang Mountains except the German School, and the environment is harsh. Almost no wizards will come here for vacation."

Anna glanced at her husband to make sure that he didn't mean to make trouble with Heimdall, so she turned to look at her son and found that his son was staring at Prodi and Heimdall intently. There was no difference in his expression, but Anna knew that he cared very much. .

Heimdall has already told Prodi about the holiday experience.

"You and Anna can go and have a look, the scenery is very nice."

Prodi was intrigued by his dry description, "On the hill?"

"Yes, climbing the mountain is quite a pain. If you really go up, you will feel that the pain you have suffered before is worth it."

Prodi nodded, then thought about something and looked Heimdall up and down.

"I heard that you are not in good health?"

"I just don't like sports, and I don't have enough physical strength!" Heimdall longed for a healthy body when he was dying in his previous life. Now he finally got his wish, and he was afraid that others would say that he was not in good health.

"I can attest to that," Victor said. "As long as he can sit and never stand, letting him run a few steps is like killing him."

Prodi laughed loudly at once.

Heimdall pursed his mouth in disbelief.

"Victor was in poor health when he was a child, but now he is so healthy. In addition to regular treatment, he insisted on exercising and also laid a solid foundation for him." Anna has always spoken in a leisurely manner, and she is kind to everyone. gas.The strange thing is that Heimdall is not afraid of dealing with Prodi, nor is he afraid of his face, but he is afraid of this gentle and gentle wife and mother.

When Anna said this, Heimdall nodded submissively.

Anna smiled slightly, and Heimdall couldn't help but smirk when she laughed.

Heimdall knocked on the door and pushed it in. Rommel, who was sitting by the window, said without raising his head, "Aren't you going to join in the fun?"

"It's over," Heimdall sat down beside him. "They're here to see Victor, and I'm a foil, so I won't disturb the reunion of their family of three."

Rommel gave him a sideways look with a smile in his eyes.

"Where did you go to play the other day?" Rommel said.

Heimdall repeated what he had said to Prody, and described the incredible ball box with great effort, with an unconcealable yearning on his face.

After recovering, he found that Rommel was looking at him with a half-smile, and Heimdall cleared his throat.

"How did you spend New Years?"

"How else can I live?" Rommel put down the book in his hand, and Heimdall hurriedly handed him the teacup. "I originally planned to take you around Northern Europe and go out to have fun, but unfortunately your father and I are not as charming as Krum."

"If your birthday is also on January [-]st, I will definitely grab the corner of your robe without hesitation."

Rommel was annoyed, "How come I have never seen you so positive on my birthday?"

Heimdall lowered his eyebrows, but muttered in his mouth, "I'm going to school on your birthday..."

"Well, I didn't choose a good day to be born, and Mr. Sturluson embarrassed you." Rommel said angrily.

Heimdall pursed his lips, carefully peeking at Rommel.

Rommel smiled slightly, "Okay, what are you doing pretending like that, as long as you know what you are doing."

Heimdall's heart skipped a beat, wondering if those words had some deep meaning, and thinking about it carefully, it wasn't a big deal, and since he wasn't a little girl himself, he nodded calmly.

Rommel asked Dodoma to bring a clean cup and fill Heimdall with tea. When he handed the cup to Heimdall, he asked, "Any plans for the second half of the school year?"

"Yes." Heimdall nodded. "Read Yolf's manuscript, and spend time preparing for a new round of testing by the magic agency."

In response to the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Great War, the magic organization closed down for reorganization in the second half of last year. According to informed sources, the person in charge of the organization plans to adjust the operation mode. There is a saying that the organization wants to lower the threshold of a certain level.

Heimdall has been waiting for the notice from the institution, but he is not like some wizards who start to panic after hearing such news. They are all selected and left behind. What's there to fear from people who have yet to be further screened?Will institutions suddenly not recognize them?

Of course, Rommel is not a worrying person. He heard his son say it so calmly, and he didn't say too much about it.

"Do you remember the exchange program?" Rommel asked.

"Remember, is Durmstrang going to join the scheme again?"

After two years of development of the exchange student program, the number of magic schools participating in the program has increased to [-], of which there are two outside Europe, which can be regarded as spread all over the world. If you can stay outside for one or two years, not only your studies, but also your own Knowledge will also be improved once.

Thinking of this, Heimdall was eager to try.

"There is such a plan. At the welcome meeting of the International Education Committee, your principal Karkaroff showed great enthusiasm for some wizards' proposals. It is said that he also asked about the specific situation of the current plan in detail. If Dems Trump decides to send exchange students, so there will be eight schools signing up for this program next year."

Seventeen schools are the total number of participation over the years, and it does not mean that this number is the same every year.

"Are all the three major European schools in it?" Heimdall asked.

"Hogwarts has no intention of participating, it's quite busy there; Beauxbatons is still hesitating, I heard that Mrs. Maxim is very concerned about the situation in England, maybe she will finally think that one more thing is worse than one less thing, so she declined Invitation for this session of the Board of Education."

"Why, are you interested?" Rommel noticed that his eyes were particularly bright.

"Where's your school? I mean Heideggrak, are you going to join?"

"……You want to go?"

"Yeah!" Heimdall nodded. "I've wanted to go and see it for a long time." Then something came to mind, "Students who pass the review are eligible to go out to exchange and study on behalf of the school, right?"

"Yes," Rommel patted his hand. "The specifics will be revealed tomorrow." Even so, there is still a certainty about the direction of the final result.

Hearing his son's answer without thinking, Rommel was overjoyed, but the words he had prepared before had nowhere to go. If he knew that his son was thinking about Heideggerach in this way, he didn't need to take great pains to coerce and lure him, so he was still thinking about something.

Not long after dinner, Anna and Prodi returned to the guest room that Dodoma had packed for them, while Rommel went to the study.

Heimdall tried to drink some of the old spirit that Rommel had been tasting. It tasted unexpectedly good. Although it was a bit choking, the moment it flowed down the esophagus into the stomach, all the pores on his body opened. It seems warm and comfortable.

Heimdall licked his lips eagerly, looked left and right to make sure there was no one around, and then took down the bottle on the fireplace and poured it a little. Mr. Matsu was startled.

Heimdall's face was flushed with alcohol, but his eyes were bright. Victor waited hesitantly for a while to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him. When he saw the wine bottle hidden behind Heimdall, he couldn't help but He raised his eyebrows.

Heimdall turned around and quickly put the bottle back, as if eager to destroy the evidence, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After that, Chief Sturlusson had a long belch, and his eyes began to wander.

"Did you finish?" Victor walked up to him and carefully removed his glass.

Heimdall resisted at first, but quickly handed over the cup.

"Let's go back to sleep." He pulled Heimdall out of the living room like a child, and slid a hand on Heimdall's stomach.

Heimdall suddenly bit his lips, and Victor caressed his neck and earlobes with the tip of his nose.

"Victor..." Heimdall muttered, as Victor's hand pulled away the hem of his clothes and touched his skin, the words in his mouth were transformed into inaudible by this simple stroking action groans.

"Don't yell, Rommel is here too." Victor deliberately said these words in his ear, but the movements of his hands suddenly became restless.

As if catering to Victor's words, Heimdall froze when footsteps came, but the footsteps quickly disappeared into the corridor at the other end of the study.

Once at the door of his own room, Heimdall pushed open the door, pulled out Victor's hand, and pulled him into the room.

Victor grinned, with a little triumphant arrogance, and Heimdall closed the door as their lips intertwined.

After breakfast the next day, Heimdall suggested that Victor take his parents out for a walk. The husband and wife looked at each other, but did not respond immediately. Heimdall felt that their expressions were a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"I want to talk to you for a while, if it doesn't bother you." Anna said with a smile.

"Of course not."

Heimdall and Anna came to the tea room, and after a while Victor also came.

While Heimdall was pouring tea for Anna, Dodoma brought over the sweater that Heimdall had replaced yesterday, and brought the same color of wool and knitting needles. Anna quickly and skillfully removed a sleeve.

Heimdall touched her nose, she is really a perfectionist.

Heimdall pushed the teacup in front of her. Anna thanked him with a smile, and chatted a few gossips with Heimdall. After that, she looked up at her son, as if hesitating to speak.The movement of knitting in his hands slowed down and then stopped, as if he was worrying about one thing, and at the same time he hesitated in expressing it.

"Should I leave?" Heimdall thought she actually wanted to talk to Victor.

"No, no," Anna stopped him, turned to Victor as if she had firmed up her conviction, and said word for word, "Can you restrain yourself a little at night?"

Heimdall gaped, then blushed.

As calm as a master, he couldn't help but stiffen his face in embarrassment.

"No, no, dear, I didn't blame you." Anna quickly comforted Heimdall when she saw Heimdall was ashamed and wanted to hit the wall immediately. "Prodi and I are both light sleepers, and it's hard to fall asleep if there is a little movement. In fact, your voice is not very loud, but our situation is a bit special."

It's okay if you don't explain it, but the more you explain it, the more restless Heimdall becomes.

"I'm sorry..." Heimdall murmured with his head down.

"Why do you apologize?" Anna looked at him calmly.

"Because...well, you know..."

"No, I don't know, so I want to ask you why you are apologizing. If you want to say sorry for disturbing our rest, I accept this apology." Anna smiled and patted Heimdall's red cheek. "It's just normal sex, why are you acting like you've done something heinous?"

Heimdall didn't know how to respond, he could only smile gratefully, with a lingering stiffness in the smile.

"I know my son, he's a considerate person." Anna glanced at Victor, who stared blankly at the table. "And it's a big idea. Once you make up your mind, it's hard to change. It's as stubborn as his father."

Heimdall wanted to laugh, but felt he shouldn't.

Anna's eyes turned back to Heimdall's face, "Well, there is something I want to ask, if you think it's convenient..."

"Excuse me." Heimdall said hastily.

"Have you ever received education in this area? Or a similar conversation, generally speaking, is done by the elders in the family, which can avoid misunderstandings and avoid hurting others or yourself."

When Anna saw Heimdall shaking his head hesitantly, her face became a little ugly.

"Nobody ever told you?"


"Are you almost sixteen? What is Rommel doing!" Anna yelled in disbelief.

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