HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 544 Clues

When Rommel arrived home, Heimdall was arranging the second Christmas tree in the side hall. The tree was the center of the side hall, and the house-elves gathered closely around Mr. Sturlusson, looking at him and him with wistful eyes. His animal friends ruined other people's Christmas trees, and Mr. Sturlusson spoke in front of him, and he wanted to do it himself.

Xiao Ba was hanging from the ceiling with spider threads, and hung red and green on the Christmas tree up and down. Heimdall was passing things under the tree while making suggestions with a high air.

Rommel thought to himself that the guests would not go to the wrong hall anyway, so he was allowed to make troubles. The second Christmas tree was decorated before dinner, and Chairman Stulusson was willing to show [-]% tolerance. But I didn't have the courage to see my son's decoration results with my own eyes.

Heimdall, who didn't know anything about this, walked into the dining room contentedly, and when he stuffed the cake decorated with Christmas red cream balls into his mouth, he thought of the oil painting he saw in the ancestral house today. Elder Jorn's conversation and what he saw and heard in the third room on the third floor told his father.

"Does the portrait always say that he is not there?" Rommel smiled.

Heimdall nodded, "Who is that?"

"Sorron Sturluson."

That Yolf control?

"He is Thorrong?!" Heimdall was a little surprised. After thinking about it carefully, he felt that there was nothing to make a fuss about. From the time when Jolf contacted Bjorn, and then the information revealed by Bjorn, it seemed that Thorrong's appearance seemed So logical.

"Did you see him today?" Rommel asked knowingly.

"I saw it."

"It's a good luck, there is only such a portrait of Solrong in the ancestral house, and I often go out to visit, eight or nine times out of ten, I don't see anyone," Rommel leaned slightly in the direction of Heimdall. "Your Uncle Snow once did a stupid thing. He stood in front of the fireplace every day, hoping to catch Suo Errong by surprise. As a result, Suo Errong never let him go."

Heimdall laughed.

"What about you? From your tone, you have met Suorong."

"I've seen it." The expression on Rommel's face was meaningful, and without waiting for Heimdall to think about it, he said again, "I have a secret weapon."

Heimdall's appetite was whetted for a while, but his father changed the subject as if nothing had happened, so Heimdall had to stop there regretfully, determined to go chat with Thorrong again.

After dinner, the two came to the tea room. After talking happily for half an hour, Heimdall planned to go back to the room. Rommel suggested that he stay and fill up his teacup. By the way, let the house elves serve Christmas specials dessert.A beautiful glass snack shelf appeared in front of him, without too eye-catching colors, and Heimdall suddenly realized that his surroundings had become extremely calm since this morning.

Although I couldn't see how the house-elves fought openly and secretly in private, all of Hina's actions today returned to the previous state, and she no longer desperately seized the opportunity.It seemed that Kreacher had gone back to England, Heimdall picked up a piece of snack and put it in his mouth.

At this time, Dodoma brought what Rommel needed, and Heimdall didn't even hear Rommel order it.Rommel put a roll of black parchment on the table.

"What's that?" Heimdall looked at the roll of parchment with furry corners.

"Guidelines for preventing getting lost."

Heimdall showed a puzzled expression.

"You'll know when you open it." Rommel was not in a hurry to announce the answer.

Heimdall gently picked up the parchment, the ancient appearance of this paper made him have to be careful.The workmanship of this piece of paper is extremely exquisite, and there are thin ropes on both sides. If he hadn't worried about avoiding his hands and feet, he would definitely ignore the old hidden buttons that are almost the same color as the paper.

Open the parchment slowly, and the whole picture of the guide is displayed in front of your eyes. It is a floor plan of a house, and each of the three floors has detailed drawings and descriptions.Small red characters flash in each room, reminding the viewer what the place is for.

"This picture..." Heimdall was speechless.

"I drew it secretly when I was young." Rommel said nonchalantly. "Don't be so surprised. Everyone has a time when they are young. At that time, I was very interested in the ancestral house. I felt that the house had an unknown side, and I was unwavering in this idea." Rommel calmly vomited , as if the person he was talking about was not him, but someone else who didn't matter even if Heimdall laughed unscrupulously.

Heimdall quickly figured out how valuable the thing in his hand was, and put it back on the table.

"No, I can't take it."

"It's pretty self-righteous to be young," Rommel said with a deliberately impatient tone, casting a sidelong glance at him. "Lend it to you for the time being, and return it to me when you run out."

Heimdall smiled sarcastically and put away the guide when his father's words poked his mind.

"Am I not mistaken, is it working?" Fred held on to the door frame with exaggerated shock on his face.

"I think I'm willing to try to believe some of the legends about Christmas." George also looked weak on the verge of fainting.

"You!" Mrs. Weasley jumped out from behind them, pinched their ears, and her two sons cried out in pain. "Have you forgotten what I just said? Clean up that table!" Mrs. Weasley let go of her hand, and pointed vigorously to the long table not far away, which was piled up with all kinds of clutter you can imagine , the ground under the table was covered with thick dust and brown slime of unknown origin.

George raised his toes and scraped the ground with his hard heels, and the dust of more than ten years was piled up around his heels.

The two looked at the ground and made a bitter look at each other.

Mrs. Weasley turned around and found Sirius standing at the door, looking at Kreacher who was muttering about packing a Christmas tree in the corner of the room without saying a word.That tree Molly saw before, in a room with blue wall coverings, that time she sprayed potions everywhere to drive away foxes, when she opened the door of the room Kreacher suddenly appeared, screaming He blocked the door and did not let anyone approach that room.

Today, however, Kreacher moved the Christmas tree out of that room and placed it where everyone could see it, and carefully repaired the damage and filled up the decorations.Molly came back to her senses, and Sirius had already walked away from where he was just now.

"Hermione must be very happy." Ron pouted, and he also saw the change in Kreacher.

They didn't know what happened to it, but all of them saw that Kreacher was no longer doing nothing like he used to be, just babbling and spouting indiscriminate vicious words.Although the problem of talking to myself is still there, the volume is obviously much lower, and sometimes I can't even hear clearly.

"What did Sirius do?" Ron asked Harry.

Harry shook his head.

No matter what, everyone welcomes Kreacher like this even more.

During dinner, everyone sat around in the brand-new kitchen. The dark and heavy pot had been removed from the lanyard above the head. Molly had cleaned the cavity thoroughly, and there was no longer dusty smoke floating in the air. Everyone sat at the table with festive joy on their faces.

"We should leave a place for Kreacher. It has worked hard and it deserves it." Hermione's smile was very touching.

"No, you don't understand it, and I don't think it's a good idea." A faint smile flitted across Sirius' face, a little mockingly.

Hermione frowned in disapproval. She put down the napkin, stood up, and left the kitchen with her head held high.

The time to test the truth is at hand.

There was a sharp roar, and even though it was some distance away from the kitchen, it still made people want to cover their ears.

Kreacher took down the Gabe on the portrait of Mrs. Black again, just like a pilgrimage, every once in a while it will uncover the Gabe while everyone is not paying attention, and try to hide the Gabe.

The image of an old lady waving her exhausted fingers and screaming hoarsely flashed across everyone's minds. Coupled with the continuous stream of vicious curses echoing in their ears, the figure of the old lady suddenly became three-dimensional and clear.

The next second, Hermione ran back to the kitchen out of breath, her paleness had not faded from her face in time, and everyone cast sympathetic looks, fully imagining what she had just experienced.

Hermione sat back in silence, depressed and looking very depressed.

Sirius absently took out a small piece of dried fish from the pouch and waved it in front of Hermione's pet cat, Crookshanks. Crookshanks fiddled with its bowed legs and turned over to reach for the dried fish. The piece of dried fish went up and down, Crookshanks missed it several times, and with a last strong swing, the small dried fish fell down, and Sirius had a few claw marks on his hand.

At the same time, Kreacher, who finished worship and pretended to forget to cover Geb back, sneaked into the room where the Christmas tree was placed. Looking at the piles of presents under the tree, Kreacher couldn't help muttering again, forcing Resisting the urge to throw away all these things, he rummaged through the pile of gifts to find those signed by Heimdall, and put them on top.

Kreacher stepped back, as if testing the overall effect.It ran back when it was fast back to the door, decisively rejected other gifts, and let them be stacked randomly behind the tree trunk that was difficult to see at first sight, and then carefully built a pyramid with the gifts sent by Heimdall, repeatedly adjusting the final The direction of the sharp corner of the tip.

After doing all this well, it was like losing a goal in life, and Kreacher returned to a lifeless look again, drooping his head, arching his back, and slowly left in a murmur.

Snape gritted his molars, "What is it trying to say?"

Dumbledore straightened up, "It wants to ask what kind of packaging style is popular on the shore recently." Speaking of which, Dumbledore turned back to look at the mermaid leader in the water, "Rainbow mint hard candy is pretty good, but there is a circle The kind with gradient stripes... no, not spot slugs... well, well, sort of like that..."

Professor Snape, who suddenly became a foil, glared at them with his usual cold and grim expression. If he was facing a student at this time, the other party would have been silent and pale, but it was a pity that everyone turned a blind eye.


"It'll be fine right now."

"Since it can understand me and speak our language, why didn't it just tell me?" Snape growled in a low voice.

After a while, Dumbledore said, "Merfolk are very shy."

Damn shy, the last time I gave them something, I was almost poked into a scarecrow by a harpoon that fell from the sky.

Snape rubbed the center of his brows wearily, "Please hurry up and make a plan, otherwise you will miss the best time to send the gift."

"...Yes, he is a meticulous person," Dumbledore nodded to the mermaid leader. "It's just that sometimes I will bear some pressure that I don't need to pay attention to... Yes, that's right, I should learn to relax, he is still so young..."

Snape stared at the back of Dumbledore's head, and couldn't help but want to cast a curse on his boss for talking about him in front of his face, and what was even more hateful was in the third person.

Half an hour later, Professor Snape resolutely refused the headmaster's continued company and went straight to the Forbidden Forest.

Animals on land obviously understand the value of time better than those in water. Snape saw Bane the centaur at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. There was a bag lying on the bare hard mud in front of him. The bag was slightly raised and looked stuffed. A lot of things.

"Is it all in there?" Snape omitted the steps of greeting.

Bain nodded and said with a stiff face, "Thank him for us." His expression was unwilling.

Snape didn't even know that the hard-hearted centaur was so shy.

Heimdall looked at the anti-lost guide in his hand in surprise. He just tentatively tapped a line on the map that suddenly flickered for some unknown reason. Then the line flipped upwards, changing from flat to In addition to the facade, the wall represented by that line is clearly displayed in the blank space of the guide, including all the decorations and portraits on the wall.

He looked at it stupidly for a while, and suddenly realized the importance of this guide. Could this be what his father called the "secret weapon"?

He tried to click other lines, and found that only the facade of the floor he was on could be opened, so he quickly climbed to the third floor, and at the same time as his feet stepped on the ground of the third floor, the wall of this floor It's no longer just a rigid line like before, it's lit up like a layer of light.

Heimdall clicked on the wall where Thorrong's portrait was located, and the portrait in the elevation picture slowly outlined the outlines of the characters. Does this mean that the characters in the portrait didn't run out to visit?

Heimdall pushed open the door, and the figure in the painting squinted at him arrogantly.

【What are you holding in your hand? 】

Heimdall shrugged, "Parchment."

[What are you doing with the parchment? 】

"Well, because it happened to be in my hand."

Suo Errong showed an annoyed expression, 【You are obviously insincere. 】

"I'm just reciprocating."

[...Did anyone tell you that you are an annoying kid? 】

Heimdall shrugged nonchalantly, "It is said that some people quite like me."

For quite a long time after that, they maintained this kind of non-nutritive dialogue where you came and talked to each other.Thorrong still refused to disclose the whereabouts of the ancient manuscripts that Heimdall wanted to know, and Heimdall also avoided talking about it as if he had lost his memory.Until Thorrong mentioned Durmstrang in a rant, Heimdall seized this hard-won opportunity and tried to naturally break free from the worthless dialogue in the following conversation.

Heimdall took the opportunity to talk a lot about Durmstrang's current situation as a bait, while Thorrong lamented that things were wrong, while adding what happened when he was in school.The atmosphere of the conversation took a revolutionary turn.

The conversation continued for another hour. After this hour of conversation, Heimdall roughly understood why Thorrong's awkward mood came from.In short, he felt that he was neglected by future generations, so he often went to visit his portraits in other places, which he said were far less deserted than his place.

However, as far as Heimdall knew from Rommel, this portrait made it clear that uninvited guests were not welcome at the beginning of its hanging, emphasizing that he was not a hospitable person, so don’t come to him if you have nothing to do, he is not responsible for the work. People are funny.

Living people generally have to find portraits to solve their problems. In order to show themselves obedient and obedient, for so many years, except for the regular visits of the patriarchs and elders, only mischievous children will come here as an adventure game. In recent years, the elders have rarely set foot in this room.

The stone that he smashed his foot many years ago is still firm on his instep. In other words, Thorrong is lonely.

The former patriarch managed to catch a descendant who was willing to listen to his grievances, but he kept gossiping with Heimdall, counting down all the patriarchs and elders since him, and when he talked about Rommel's At that time, his tone improved slightly, and he didn't scold very harshly.

Heimdall found it very funny, especially when he heard him go through the elder's old account. The trivial matters before the age of ten were exposed one by one. Now Heimdall can be sure that the former patriarch is not big-hearted, and Elder Bjorn is definitely inherited. Influence.

Heimdall just needs to say some turning points for him to connect the past and the future. Thorrong's desire to complain is very strong, and he doesn't know how to criticize himself by the way.

In the third hour of the rant, when Heimdall was thinking about how to get out of the current situation, Thorrong suddenly said that there was a room in the ancestral house that could disguise itself.

[It has not been used for a long time. 】Sorrong said. [I don't know if the current clansmen know about this room, but it does exist and has always been in this house. 】Heimdall felt that these words sounded a bit familiar, and Bjorn also emphasized similarly when reminding him of the whereabouts of the manuscripts.

"What kind of room is this?"

[I can't tell, if you find it, it may appear different from what I saw before your eyes.This room does not accept magical decorations, and sometimes even refuses wizards to use wands in the room, it will dress itself up. ] "Where does it usually appear?"

【I can only tell you that you can go to the first floor to look for clues. That's where I found it. 】Sorrong said again,【It's good at disguising, it doesn't accept summons, it can't use magic to locate, try to doubt everything you see, it might be there. 】 "Jorph's manuscript is in that room, isn't it?"

[...That's right. 】Sorrong finally responded. [That used to be Yolf's mother's room. 】

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