HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 538 Breakthrough Award

"He is the host?" Napoli couldn't help squinting like other audiences.

Little Lacarlini calmed down and nodded silently.

"It's not the same as what you described." People who like to dress themselves up are more ostentatious.

"...he's just a little different aesthetically."

Napoli carefully observed the demeanor of the people on stage. He was in good spirits, with a bright smile but not artificial. Except for the appearance of the so-called unknown appearance, he never challenged the bottom line of the audience. He is a child who knows how to measure.Napoli surmises that nine out of ten hilarious appearances are for attention.

Napoli nodded, with some appreciation in his eyes.

"It's just a little younger."

Little La Carlini looked numb.

His grandfather said again, "Why didn't he give birth a few years earlier..." Muttering complaints started, it seemed that in the old man's eyes, talented men gathered together after he chose a son-in-law and were born one after another, clearly against him!In other words, if Lacarlini is a good son-in-law who loves his wife, children, and family, all the children born after that will be unsupportable.

Little La Carlini is going to collapse, dare his grandfather wants others to be as good as his father!

Heimdall on the stage has gathered all the stars that are free from the background and swayed freely in front of him—the colorful stars form a cylindrical spiral and rotate slowly clockwise—the flying spirit and smile on his face when he was on the stage can no longer be seen. It became meaningful, and he said to the group of children with puckered pink mouths: "Only obedient children are rewarded, are you obedient?"

Under his command, a star fell crookedly on top of the children, twirling and dancing health exercises, the children no longer scrambled to grab it as before, and looked up stupidly, with a silent look, as if Overwhelmed by Heimdall.

A little girl broke free from the group of children, and stared at the star longingly. The star twisted and moved forward, and the little girl followed closely.The children's eyes widened, surprised by her boldness.

Xingzi guided the girl to an empty seat. The girl lifted her short legs to climb onto the chair and sat down securely. Xingzi landed in front of her eyes, and she held it with a smile on her face.

The children suddenly realized, and rushed towards the empty seat. When they sat down one by one, the people on the stage laughed with satisfaction, and stares overflowed from the spiral nebula like meteors, dragging their long tails Fly to the children.Crisp and melodious laughter echoed on the roof.

"You are all good boys." The host waved his cane again, and the nebula exploded with a bang, and the dizzying rays of light drew chaotic arcs in the air and shot around.The rays of light seem to be given life, jumping irregularly above people's heads, and then suddenly falling on someone's side, smashing colorful waves, rolling up layers of ripples, splashing in all directions, fleeting, attracting the audience Frequent exclamation, the children's ecstatic screams came and went.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the party. On behalf of all the staff of the Kosol Foundation, I would like to extend my highest respect to you and welcome your arrival." The host bowed deeply.

There was warm applause, whistles and shouts.

"It doesn't seem to be that busy. I heard that today is Sunday." After bowing, the host pretended to adjust the pin on his chest, and muttered disapprovingly in a voice that could be heard by the audience.

The audience in the audience laughed.

"Did I just say it?" The host's eyes widened, and the terrified look managed to amuse everyone, and the whole space was filled with a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

"You didn't take off your hat."

The childish voice suddenly sounded, it was the little girl who took the lead and sat on the chair.A bright beam of light hit her, and everyone's eyes focused there, and she became the focus of everyone's attention at that moment.

It was only at this time that people could see clearly that the little girl seemed to be only four or five years old, with a round face, bright eyes, and a thin blush on her cheeks, making her look full of vigor; the little girl was wearing a pair of white lace dresses. A one-piece skirt; a pair of red leather shoes on her feet; a big red bow tie of the same color as the shoes on her head.The bow was actually bigger than her face, on top of a head of chestnut curly hair, the shiny little roll hung down on her shoulders, the two wings of the bow did not droop down but raised upwards, trembling slightly with her movements, showing a sense of humor. It looks cute, with a bit of playfulness in the exaggeration.

The audience couldn't turn their eyes away, and pink hearts appeared in the eyes of many female guests in the venue.

The misty starry sky swayed for a while, moss replaced the swaying stars and spread under the feet, vines climbed up the back of the chair, the deep blue was dyed into rich green, light and shadow changed, and everyone was in the vast forest.

"What did you just say?" The host on the stage was condescending, and his body was also wrapped in a beam of light. Under the effect of the spotlight, his facial features were hidden in the shadow cast by the brim of his hat, and the mischievous atmosphere disappeared.When everyone couldn't help but study where the light came from, the little girl made a new move.

She walked to the stage unceremoniously, climbed up with difficulty, raised her head and said to the host confidently: "My sister said that you have to take off your hat when you bow, but you didn't take off your hat."

The host squatted down and met the little girl's gaze, "Your sister said that?"

"Yes!" The little girl nodded vigorously. "So you should take off your hat and bow again." Pretending to be an adult, she taught others, her childish voice made people laugh.

Unexpectedly, the host's expression changed, he lowered his head and pulled the pocket watch chain on his body, and a few small plush fleeces were pulled out from his pocket. The little girl exclaimed again and again. The unique chemical reaction, the funny scenes emerged one after another, and the laughter from the audience never stopped.The host worked hard for a long time, pulling this and that, and finally found the pocket watch.

He exaggeratedly wiped his forehead, raised his pocket watch to look at it, and suddenly turned pale with shock, "I'm going to be late!"

"Where are you going? You haven't taken off your hat yet." The little girl was very obsessed with that hat.

"Alice!" A distant voice sounded from nowhere.

The little girl on the stage was as shocked as the host, "Sister is here!"

"I'm leaving." The host said that he was about to stand up, but the little girl with a frightened face knocked off his hat with a wave of his hand. The hat fell to the ground and bounced dramatically a few times before rolling to the side.Another beam of light descended, covering the hat, faintly revealing the importance of the hat.

"Ear?! Rabbit!" The little girl narrowed her eyes in surprise.

The audience also saw a pair of fluffy long white ears hidden under the host's hat.Even though his hat was knocked off, the host jumped up unknowingly, turning a blind eye to everything around him, holding a pocket watch in his hand, and kept muttering, "I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late..." He hurriedly ran in one direction.

At this time, the little girl called Alice picked up the host's hat and shouted anxiously at his back, "Mr. Rabbit, your hat!"

Mr. Rabbit paid no attention.

"Mr. Rabbit!" Alice chased after holding the hat.

The two rushed off the stage one after the other, out of the spotlight and into the deep darkness.

The scenery changed again, the whole world rose rapidly, and then faster and faster, everything in sight rushed upwards, and with a scream, Alice fell from the sky and landed in the center of the stage with a bang.

The children in the audience were startled by this sudden change, their faces were stiff, their eyes were round, and they held their breath.

There was a groan, and Alice got up in a panic. After this series of inexplicable but ups and downs, the guests were completely immersed in it and couldn't extricate themselves.They slowly expanded their vision, and found that the stage was no longer as empty as before, but looked like a cave full of various ores, shining with crystal clear light.Mutters of admiration echoed from the audience.

A beam of light shone on Alice, and people saw all kinds of messy things floating above the stage, ranging from candies, toys, quills, gloves, shoes, to writing desks and four-poster beds, like the dust bin of a vacuum cleaner. There's something wonderful about isolating and containing what's real.

Alice was still holding the top hat left by Mr. Rabbit, and after a moment of sluggishness, she looked around blankly.

Her exquisite performance infected everyone, and the children in the audience were reluctant to turn their eyes away.

"I, I fell into a hole... where is this?" It explained exactly what happened to the scene change just now.

"It's too late, it's too late..." Mr. Rabbit muttered in his ears, a figure flashed by the side of the stage, and the little girl immediately forgot to chase after it.

Mr. Rabbit playing soy sauce quietly retreated to the back of the auditorium, and Alice's one-man show will follow.

The staff responsible for scene transitions need to stand by and be on standby at all times. When they saw Heimdall stepping back, they couldn’t help but gossip, “This girl was born to do this job.” Although it was not the first time to watch a performance, everyone cooperated in rehearsals. Once, whenever I saw her skillfully "talking to herself" on stage, I still couldn't help feeling emotional.

Heimdall nodded, the little girl's ever-changing field control ability convinced everyone.Heimdall doesn't think he has much talent in acting. If he didn't take advantage of his age to better understand the script and act as a role, coupled with the cooperation of props, he doubts how much attention he can still attract, and maybe he will be snatched away by the girl.Heimdall knew that given time, she would definitely be able to do it with ease.

This is the form of the gala finalized by the Kosol Foundation after many discussions and screenings, through several performances to showcase the products of donor manufacturers.For example, the outfit of the little girl, the various decorations on the host, and even the cute rainbow-colored mini puffers are all props donated by a pudding breeding organization for free.

As the performance progressed, the products appeared on the stage one by one according to the plan, and the manufacturer representatives in the audience couldn't sit still, and they were turbulent and turbulent. Seeing the dazzling and unique appearance of their own products, only they were secretly happy, and others They may not know or understand their mood at the moment, and the representatives are fidgeting and unable to speak, so they have to inadvertently disclose it to the unknowing neighbors, and then wait for them to ask questions in turn.

The performance of each performance is not long, and with the help of magic, the scene changes quickly and timely. The whole room including the auditorium becomes a part of the scene—the audience becomes extras—continuously following the progress of the plot. Changes have taken place, and the magical kingdom in Alice in Wonderland is more full, real and vivid.

No adult wizard participated in the whole performance, and all animals and characters such as the Dodo, the lizard Bill, Chai Jun the cat, and the Mad Hatter were all completed by minors, including the domineering and violent Queen of Hearts.

The oldest actor in this group is Heimdall who plays the white rabbit, and the rest are all under 13 years old. It is a veritable interpretation of children's literature by children.

At the beginning, the foundation was hesitant between the two diametrically opposed forms of the gala, rehashing the old tune and creating something new, and Heimdall recommended this work to the foundation.In order to let everyone better understand the spirit of this children's book, he moved the original book by Lewis Carroll from his store in Kapok Town.The rich and absurd imagination, the dazzling plot, the thick and colorful characters, and a little madness in the fantasy, conquered the first wave of wizards who came into contact with this book, and the balance of choice began to tilt.After being polished by wizard playwrights, the unique world view of wizards was added to make the script more acceptable to wizards. As a result, it won unanimous praise from the staff who organized the party, and the repertoire was established.

In the last scene, Alice woke up with a cry of "ah", the absurdity was quickly drawn away, the light on the stage dimmed, and silence fell.Alice slumped alone in what now seems to be an empty and desolate scene. The performance of suddenly panicking after being stunned was amazing. She stood up in a trance until the familiar cry sounded again.

"Alice! Where are you?"

"It's my sister!" Alice was full of ecstasy, and ran towards the source of the sound.

Alice froze as the black top hat rolled off her body and fell to the ground.

"I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late..." The man with a pair of rabbit ears walked from far to near, passing by, engulfed by darkness.


Alice wakes up like a dream, and looking back, the man has long since disappeared, leaving only the hat alone in the center of the stage.


"Coming!" Alice withdrew her gaze from staring at the hat, and ran away without looking back.

The spotlight that illuminated the top hat gradually dimmed until it was pitch black.

The silence in the audience lasted for a long time, until they were awakened by the bluffing screams of a group of Irish leprechauns flying onto the stage. They held colorful chandeliers to form "the end of the show", and people suddenly came back to their senses.Applause resounded through the room, and there was a string of whistles.

Heimdall led all the actors to take the stage to call a curtain call, in exchange for another wave of louder applause.

Leprechauns form a continuous cast in the air as they unleash brilliant miniature fireworks.Manufacturer representatives were pleasantly surprised to see that Leprechaun also introduced various daily necessities and magic products that appeared with the actors on stage during the subtitles. Seeing the detailed introduction of their own products shining on the stage In an instant, all the representatives who were seated on the right number were consummated.

After the curtain call, the young actors all left. Heimdall took back his top hat and put it on his head, and his two long ears disappeared instantly.The scene changed back to the original gorgeous starry sky again.The guest host of Mr. Rabbit stood in the center of the dark stage, and a ray of light fell on him from the sky.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Heimdall leaned on his cane and bowed deeply.

"They played really well, didn't they?" the host straightened up and said. "I almost lost sleep last night. I was so nervous that I was afraid of being compared to a group of children..." He stroked his funny mustache and blinked his eyes. "Actually, my acting is not bad, right? Very professional, right? You must think so, right?"

The audience laughed but didn't answer, as if they didn't want to make him happy.

The host curled his lips, muttering in his mouth that he didn't know what he was talking about, with an unhappy expression on his face.

The audience was happier, and found it amusing to contradict him.

The host took out a licorice lollipop from his pocket, came to the children's seats, seduced them with the candy in his hand, and asked them to praise him, boos immediately erupted from the audience.

The children held their ground, but they were not fooled. The host retreated back to the stage amidst bursts of boos.

"No candy? You don't want any?" He raised his arms high, and the lollipop burst into bright light in his hand.

Some of the audience laughed and answered no, while others shouted different opinions.

When the untidy "yes" sounded, Heimdall waved his hand, and a certain auditorium suddenly lit up.The guests in that seat looked at each other facing the eyes from all directions.

"Now present tonight's first thank you award—Golden Shoes: Breakthrough Award." The host changed his glib tone before, and his words became passionate and infectious. "The winner stood up without fear of words when the foundation was at a loss, took over the mess of black magic education, and worked hard for it. I believe wizards who are familiar with the Kosol Foundation have already guessed who he is."

The audience stared blankly at the host, and turned away for a while.

"The winner is Mr. Nikolai Yezhov."

There was an uproar.

Ye Ruofu in the seat did not move for a long time, until the neighbors leaned over and patted him on the shoulder to congratulate him, Ye Ruofu stood up instinctively, left the seat in confusion and astonishment, and walked onto the stage.

The candy in the host's hand turned into a glittering golden trophy when no one noticed.The winged shoes are radiant on the curved conical base of the same color, and the two wings are as thin as cicada wings and tremble slowly.The dense English covers the entire base, which is the uniqueness of the foundation trophy. It remembers the contributions of the winners in plain language, so that everyone who appreciates the trophy can immediately Know the contributions the winners have made to the foundation and to children all over the world.

Except for the shape of the shoes, the entire trophy can't see any patterns except the handwriting. Any gorgeous decorations and compliments can't be compared with actual actions.The foundation tries to convey this idea to the world through this design.

Ye Ruofu took the trophy from Heimdall under the bright lights and the attention of the audience. The old man who was nearly seventy years old and had survived half his life had a blank mind at this moment.He was not as eloquent as Peacock Junker, and the trophy in his hand weighed a thousand pounds, oppressing his thoughts. The words that the host revealed the answer still echoed in his ears, and Ye Ruofu found himself at a loss for words.

"I..." Ye Ruofu hesitated for a long time, even though he held the trophy in his hand, he still didn't feel the slightest sense of reality.

Heimdall and the audience looked at him tolerantly, waiting for him.

"One day I was able to receive praise and affirmation, and to win an award under the kind eyes of others, instead of a subpoena from the Wizengamot or an arrest warrant from the police force," Ye Ruofu said blankly. "It's just incredible."


Ye Ruofu stared at the trophy silently for a while, and then said, "It's the most incredible that I can actually get my name on the shortlist and let the Foundation have a chance to choose me."

The audience was smiling, and it can be seen from his speech that the old man on the stage was confused by this.

As the host, Heimdall must control the progress of the party and guide the winners into the state without any trace. He held Ye Ruofu's shoulders and found that the muscles under the clothes were tense. He knew that his emotions had not calmed down yet. So he whispered, "Congratulations."

Ye Ruofu turned to look at him, and slowly regained his calm from his calm and calm demeanor.

"Thank you," Ye Ruofu turned to face everyone in the audience, and the expression on his face became relaxed. "Thanks to the foundation, thank you for choosing me and giving me this opportunity to perform. I, Ye Ruofu, promise with my old life that as long as I have one breath, I will stick to this 'breakthrough'." He didn't feel like he was wearing a gangster tone, but no one would care at this time.

Heimdall's timely interface seized the time to enhance the atmosphere, "Let us remember this moment, this name: Nikolai Yezhov." Smiling, he watched Yezhov walk off the stage confidently with long-lasting applause. "Congratulations, Mr. Yezhov!"

In the audience, Rommel said with a smile to Snow, "The foundation is doing a good job. These old guys have never seen anything in their life. On the surface, they keep themselves safe and guard their gold and silver mountains to enjoy their old age. That's just to deal with it." The police force has always scoffed at the so-called justice. The easiest way to move them is to let them be affirmed in front of people. I want to hear people who have been yelling at me like a street mouse all my life. One day, a group of people turned a blind eye to his 'great achievements' - or avoided talking about them - and stood up and praised his personality in a high-profile manner. If I were Ye Ruofu, I think I would be moved and cry."

"The Foundation's move entailed certain risks and pressures," Snow said. "Ms. Kosor isn't afraid... to trouble her?"

"Why are you afraid?" Rommel said lightly. "It is a fact that Ye Ruofu accepted the foundation's commission to teach children free of charge. Whoever doubts and criticizes this is an idiot! The premise of the Kosol Foundation is very clear. The breakthrough award at the thank you party is not the peace award."

Snow didn't pay much attention to these things. He looked at Heimdall who was controlling the whole party with ease, and his heart was full of pride.

"Don't you think Rigg is doing great?"

Rommel glanced at his younger brother, does this need to be said specifically?

At the same time, in a corner invisible to the wizards, Kreacher looked up at the people on the stage obsessively, more honestly than ever.

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