HP's Foreign Land

Chapter 534 Kreacher Wants to See Master Rigg

"I will come again." He said solemnly.

The great sage in the portrait shook his beard, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he didn't express any opinion.Heimdall was grateful for his silence, and all speech at this time was in vain.

Still the same sentence, if you are not good at learning, you can't blame others.

He bowed to the portrait, turned and left the great sage's room.

When Mrs. Vitrenko saw him coming out, she rushed to meet him, and her eyes couldn't help but look forward to it. After getting along these days, she has a closeness to Mr. Strulusson that she didn't have when she was facing other students.

It is also because of this that Heimdall's deepness naturally changed, and he shook his head with a sad face, making no secret of his depression at the moment.

Madame Vitrenko breathed out quietly and patted him on the shoulder.

Heimdall likes her attitude, she doesn't squander her sympathy, and sometimes her compassion can become a sharp weapon to pierce the dignity that the other party is trying to maintain.

"Nothing, I still have time, I have a chance," he said to Madame Vitrenko, and to himself.

Taking back the application and saying goodbye to Mrs. Vitrenko, he left the library.

This is the third time he has been "beaten" back. What makes Heimdall most depressed is not the numbers, but this time he didn't even pass the first room.

Walking on the road leading to the castle, Chief Sturlusson raised his eyes in melancholy. The campus in the eternal winter was covered in silver, and there was a bit of silence in the solemnity. It seemed that he was standing alone in the biting cold wind in the world. It's coming...

"Director, are you back so soon?" Chu Ge came running from the other side of the road, looking heartless.

The miserable atmosphere that had been created with great difficulty disappeared.

Heimdall gave him an angry look. Didn't you see that I was sad? He didn't care about posing and walked towards the castle at a faster pace.

Chu Ge chuckled, and hurriedly covered his mouth again. After confirming that the sharp-eyed room chief in front hadn't heard him, he let go of his hand and followed.

Blowing into the cafeteria like a gust of wind, I found Carlo as quickly as possible.

"I'm going back to the research room first. If you need anything, find me there." After Heimdall finished speaking, another gust of wind blew out.

Carlo could only nod at his back, watched him disappear at the door, then picked up the pocket watch at hand to check the time, it was earlier than the last time he came back, the result can be imagined.

Mr. Jones shook his head, looked down, and returned his attention to the parchment.

After a while, Zug, the assistant in the experimental research room, walked in slowly, walked to the position opposite Carlo, and neatly cleaned up the things on the table.

When Heimdall pushed the door of his research room, he paused slightly, not because the door became heavy, but he was not used to the black carvings on the door suddenly becoming shiny, and even the door handle was changed to a brand new one. The face hangs over the door.

Heimdall pushed open the door that hadn't been cleaned since he entered the school, but was shining brightly overnight.Bypassing the piles of products waiting to be inspected on the ground like a stall, sitting behind a large desk, the few thoughts that can't go away in my mind are stopped because of the unpredictable new atmosphere on the table. If I can see through, You'll see the cogs in Chief Sturlusson's brain get stuck.

All the small and useless bits and pieces that had been scattered on the table were gone now; the parchment was packed in a purple wooden box with a gold border that had never been seen before; A crystal stand with a pen holder; the No. [-] quill with some frayed tail feathers that he used to use was replaced by a brand new maroon No. [-] quill; the corner where the books were originally stacked is now empty, and Heimdall looked up at the bookshelf , found one of them on the first shelf, and he turned his gaze back, which meant that those books had all been put back.

At the same moment when Heimdall was muttering in his heart, a teacup filled with tea appeared on the table. Heimdall was just about to grab it when a three-tiered high-carved dessert stand appeared right behind the teacup. The snacks on it The variety made him lose his appetite.

"Xina." Heimdall felt the need to ask.

"Master." After Hina appeared, she looked at Heimdall with shining eyes, as if she was waiting for his call.

Heimdall is a bit inexplicable, how should I describe it, Hina is not serving him for the first time, knows his preferences well, and takes care of him stubbornly within the scope of its ability to exercise its authority - if it is not for his decisive refusal, This little elf would even take care of dressing and bathing—he didn't think that Hina didn't think of asking him for praise until today, but its overly diligent performance these days made him have to think about it.

Heimdall hesitated, what should he say to it?Ask it why it wiped the door and mopped the floor, tidied up the house, and prepared a luxurious afternoon tea set for him?

"How have you been recently?" Heimdall wanted to slap his mouth as soon as he said the words.

Hina didn't feel that he asked the question knowingly, but she was moved to tears and clenched her fingers in ecstasy.

"Xina is very good, Hina is very happy every day, it is a great honor to serve her master, Hina, a personal house elf who can be the master... Hina..." Every word is accompanied by a sound that makes people can't help thinking Covering his ears and screaming softly, the water in his eyes couldn't help but burst out.

Sheena is usually very good, so good that Heimdall will ignore certain characteristics and think she is different, but once her emotions get out of control, she will be as hysterical as all the house elves in the world.

Heimdall changed the subject decisively, "How is Dodoma?"

"...Dodoma...Mr. Dodoma is very good..." Heimdall got his wish and turned Hina's thoughts to another path. Although she was still choked up, at least she no longer screamed in tune.

At this time, Heimdall thought of the "personal house elf" it just mentioned, and this statement caught his attention.Xina, who has always served him with a low profile, has never dared to position herself so high-end. Xina is not a young and ignorant elf. Over the years, she has always remembered her identity. When facing the other house-elves of the Struluson family, I couldn't lift my head up. It wasn't until I got to know Dodoma that this situation improved. Recently, I have fully demonstrated the calmness I learned from Dodoma. Heimdall guessed that Dodoma was responsible for positioning himself so dignifiedly.

"If you need anything, just mention it, as long as I can do it." Haidar's words were superfluous. In his opinion, Dodoma is more capable than ordinary wizards.

Hina let out a shriek and disappeared, then reappeared in front of her eyes in a blink of an eye. She fell to the ground covering her face, then disappeared again, and reappeared in the next second...

Until Heimdall called its name dumbfounded, it stood still with a cheerful face, and ran around like no more magic tricks.

"'If there's anything you need to mention, as long as I can do it'?" It repeated Heimdall's words, and the ecstasy in its eyes was indescribable.

Heimdall nodded patiently, over and over again until it was completely digested and rolled on the ground.

The doubts in my heart still haven't been answered, that is, Hina's sudden desire to express these days.However, this question and answer got mixed up, and he lost his mind to get to the bottom of it. Personally, he guessed that the problem might still be with Dodoma, and maybe Hina's boyfriend seized the time to spur it again.

Heimdall quickly put aside this idea and devoted himself to the work in the experimental research laboratory.From the previous description, it can be found that the number of test items submitted to the experimental laboratory has doubled recently, and the culprit for the current situation is himself. He just let the directors be big pumpkins a few times, and they brazenly took He sent new works to him every day, and threatened to use the discounted price agreed at the beginning as the basis of billing. Director Stulusong couldn't help but burst into tears every time he looked at the account book.

Zug, who became an errand boy, sent the books that Heimdall left in the cafeteria back to the research room, but was caught by Heimdall as a coolie. For Zug, he welcomed such oppression with both hands and feet.

They picked out a bunch of rags from the old baskets, such as broken watches, broken boots, broken quills, broken umbrellas, broken hats, etc. These were collected from the students and used as experimental props.

According to Heimdall's request, Zug stacked up the rags on the ground one by one, and then took over the newly developed anti-spell varnish from Heimdall's broom research laboratory, and painted each rag.Paint was originally one of the raw materials that needed to be purchased. The Broomstick Research Office has invested heavily in the development of new raw materials this school year under the slogan of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, in order to save money on purchasing raw materials in the future.

For their move, Director Stulusson, like his assistant, raised his hands and feet in favor, so he put the varnish experiment first.

Applying varnish is a delicate task. Although the head of the department, Sturlusson, let his assistant free to use it freely, it does not mean that he is allowed to apply it casually. The old stingy in the broomstick research room only gave a small can, and the method of painting is not appropriate. There was no way to bring out the full effect of the varnish. After listening to the precautions for applying varnish, Zug wanted to change the brush in his hand into a children's toothbrush, and wiped it carefully with a broken pocket watch, more carefully than embroidery.

Heimdall is quite at ease about his comprehension ability. This kid is willing to work hard and is obedient. Sometimes the homework assigned to him seems unreliable, even Heimdall himself couldn't help raising doubts back then. Zug was stunned. He didn't say a word, and carried it out meticulously.All in all, Zug made Heimdall feel very fulfilled.

After observing the assistant's smearing work without any trace for a while, except for the clumsy technique, there is basically no problem. Director Sturlusson simply handed over the painting work to him, and turned to check a batch of medicinal materials stored in glass jars. It was Heimdall who took over the private work from Leon to help spot check the semi-finished medicinal materials in the potion laboratory, and Leon paid him mermaid balls that were as effective as the potion "White Fresh" in healing skin and flesh.Not long ago, Leon successfully deciphered the mystery of one of the mermaid meatballs, and found a rare medicinal material that can replace the water that is difficult to find on land, and successfully produced wizard meatballs. Heimdall was the first batch of free takers.

Although he worked hard, it would still be boring after a long time. Holding a brush, Zug looked around and found that the director was staring at a glass jar with unkind eyes. After a period of training, he recognized that the jar contained two ears. Grass.

"What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

Heimdall turned around and sighed regretfully, "The preservation method is not in place, it is broken."

"If it breaks, throw it away." Zug said naturally. "Amphora is not a precious thing, you can just look for it in the woods... Chief?" Why did Mao suddenly feel a chill coming out of the back of his neck?

"Prodigal! Prodigal! Prodigal!"

The prodigal three times in a row stunned Chu Ge's words, and then pouted his mouth aggrieved.

"The first thing to do when you find that the medicine is broken is to assess the extent of the damage, and then try to remedy it. Maybe there is still some usable in it? Just throw it away without opening the can for inspection? Is it a prodigal or something?" Heimdall said coldly. "Take back that pitiful look of yours, I won't take your tricks!"

As soon as Zuge's face was straightened, he knew that he couldn't fool the room chief, so he couldn't help but want to try.

"I see..." Chu Ge smiled embarrassingly.

"Don't take it seriously," Heimdall's tone softened slightly. "If," he stared at Zug, "let me find out that you handle the medicinal materials in our laboratory like this, I will break your leg!"

Chu Ge burst into tears, he can now be sure that the room chief is just venting his anger, can you blame me for failing to pass the first room today?

Chuge lowered his head like a little daughter-in-law, and brushed the paint aggrievedly.

Kreacher was lying on the cold wall, holding his breath and looking at the other side of the street, letting the wind howl in his ears, turning a blind eye to the heavy snow falling from the sky, and indifferent to the freezing temperature, as if he had become numb and didn't know the heat or cold.

Also indifferent to the changes around it is Dodoma standing behind it.

The two little elves were a few steps away, one behind the other, hiding on the corner of the street, so that Kreacher could see with his own eyes the Master Rig whom he had been thinking about day and night.This was Rommel's reward for its fair performance for a period of time, and he mercifully allowed it to take a look at it from a distance.Kreacher, who was full of bitter words, was relieved a little because of this complaint against Rommel, it was so insignificant that it was not worth mentioning, and it was quickly forgotten by it.

Just as it does not believe and respect Rommel from the heart, Rommel always has a skeptical attitude towards it-to be honest, Rommel doesn't care whether it can persist at all, Kreacher's choice is for him It doesn't matter - Dodoma has become the supervisor of the whole process without hesitation, and Rommel is still very assured of his house elf's ability to handle affairs.

A nervous, high-pitched gasp burst from Kreacher's mouth as it froze into a statue.

"Quiet." Dodoma reminded.

Kreacher's conditioned reflex was triggered, and his gasping stopped abruptly. After getting along with him during this period, Kreacher has fully understood how difficult Dodoma is.

"Damn house elf... as vicious as its master... Old Kreacher is too poor..." This is something he has rarely encountered for many years, no matter whether he searches from bloodlines, temperament, or family inheritance There is no pure-blooded family that can accuse and throw dirty water with peace of mind-it doesn't know enough about this family is also the key-Sturluson is terrible, and every time it thinks of Rommel, it has lingering fears.

Difficult to find the most terrifying reference in its limited knowledge.That vicious yellow-haired wizard is more terrifying than the Dark Lord!It draws decisive conclusions.

Dodoma quietly recorded the number of times Kreacher whispered, and reviewed his work again. Although the number of whispers decreased, there was still no way to completely curb them.Dodoma shook his head to himself, looking more sternly at the back of Kreacher's bald head.

While Kreacher was aggrieved and yelling curses in his heart, Dodoma allowed himself to be distracted and think about his girlfriend, and also planned the location of the next date by the way.Dodoma greatly appreciates his girlfriend's recent work attitude. Dodoma decides that if the good momentum can continue to develop and improve his work, he has every reason to say good things for his girlfriend in front of his master. A stubborn Dodoma cannot lie to its master.

The result of every slip away was almost the same as before, and Dodoma came back to his senses before Kreacher.

"Little master Lige is here."

Kreacher was startled, and after regaining consciousness, he hurriedly looked towards the other end of the road, and sure enough, he saw two wizards, one tall and one short, walking in this direction together.

That is Master Rigg?Kreacher greedily watched the two's every move, looked at them, and turned around hesitantly...

"Which one is Master Rigg?"

"The blond one."

"They're wearing cloaks!" The implication is that the face can't be seen clearly, let alone the hair.

Dodoma said nothing.

Kreacher, who had waited for a long time for no answer, was very annoyed. He watched the two wizards turn to another road and gradually drifted away. It didn't even know which one was Master Rigg.

Kreacher yelled in grief and anger, and an abandoned flower pot under the window sill facing the street flew into the air and shot towards Dodoma.

Dodoma disappeared from the spot with a crackling sound, and the flower pot fell to the ground, falling to pieces on the hard ground where the snow had been removed.

Kreacher, who was out of control, lost his usual flexibility, and couldn't help being startled when he saw that the flowerpot attack failed.

And Dodoma is here to prevent it from erupting.

A huge force struck from behind, and Kreacher was caught off guard by being thrown towards the wall, feeling his eyes go dark. Before he fainted, he persistently said to himself: Kreacher wants to see Master Rigg!

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